The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 20, 1956, Image 9

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ST The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. The Church of God St. Mark's Evangelical ROSE SOCIETY HOLDS Tr mime YT A TERT "
Joy, Pa, Thutsday, December 20 7 Rev. William Tillett | United Brethren Church |
411 eee | Sunny | €. E. Ulrich, Pastor _ ANNUAL BANQUET |
am. to 9:30 am. The ‘Sunday Sunday | a} . e ac Q tt ur
Fri. 6 to bh h N school will present a Christ-| 9:00 a.m. Combined Annaul The eighth Sonus, Chest 0 Kr eo © eo o ° n °
lay Wed- urc © W &| nas program in a combined Children’s Christmas Service, Ma% anquet of the Klizabe
iy ervica, Offering for Quincy Orphan- town Rose Society was held SE J Cv

News Pertaining To All 7:30 p.m. The Choir will ose and Home. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
7:30 p.m. “Christmastide” |Henry Becker, Mount Joy on|

Sa ‘he resent a Cantata.
INE The Churches In Mt Joy Vionday : [presented by the Good Cheer Friday evening Dec. 7 at
And The Surrounding 7:30 p.m. Candle Light Class. 6:30 p.m. and was opened by|
I Community. service, Monday, Shas byes ights Prayer by Mr. Becker. ;
ilder cen S———— in. chargs of V “wer | The program included),
arge of the Youth Fel LE wes Dr rare
' 7 Stree Church of The ‘Brethren |lowship. Christmas Caroling, (Broup singing of
NETS Fhe Washington Street Florin, Pa. Wednesday Carols, accompanied by Mrs.
FS Church of The Brethren tev. Howard Bernhard, Elder! 7:30 p.m. Midweek service Phyllis Martin on the piano;|
N ove: Sy : Samuel T. Becker, Supt. [and Bible Study. “Silent Night” on the flute
BIA. PA aly v Tes 9:00 a.m. Bible School. Li} e—— by Sylvia Longenecker, ac-|
fa 9:30 a.m. Church School. | 10:00 a.m. Worship Ser- Calvary Bible Church companied by Dorcas Becker;
Estimates Extended sessions for boys |vice. Rev. W. IL. Wilson Jr,, Pastor!“Joy to the World and “Jin-
LY and girls; adult study theme | Wednesday i | Sunday gle Bells" on the Bells by
Mariett “The Word Became Flesh.” 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service. | 9:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Dorcas Becker and flute by
niga 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor-! pe School - Classes for all ages. Sylvia Longenccker; “The
— ship. Sermon, “It Happened Salunga Methodist Church | 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- [1,cgend of the Christmas
When Herod Was King”, George K. Ludwig, Pastor ship. |Rose by Kathryn Ginder; Re ‘
by Pastor Zuck. . (Mrs. Mary Minnich, Organist The J astor Will spook on: leitations, “At Christmas”, by
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Sunday Qua ifications 0 Elders. Dorcas Backer and “Lift Up
Cantata-Drama, “A Christmas| 9.0 a.m. Worship Service. 7:00 Pre-Service Prayer Your Eves”. by Svivin Low
Gift For Him”, by the 35.99 4 m. Sunday School. [Peliowship, , _ = geneelter: Bending, ‘Thanks:
. jor, Chapel, and Youth choirs for all ages 7:30 p.m. Christmas Pro- gence er; t hig
nit of the Church. ATS Prin wit nae Parte [SLONY, giving”, by L. Mae Brinser;
y — 5:00 Ay Co Car. Monday Poem, “I Give Up”, by Mary
—— : ” oe trea 1 9:00 p.m, Christmas Carol-lw. Shaeffer.
mm Columbia Congregation of oling 3 hie hip 1 our [ing - Meet at the church. | Officers for 1957 in-
Jehovah's Witnesses 10:00 p.m. Fellowship h Wadnesdny
Perry and Union Sts. at the church. Vso on. Midweek Prayer stalled by Raymond Baum as
‘ii == : Columbia, Pa. IService. Presidents ar
: Friday : Thursday pv. = 2 BSigent,
7:00 p.m. House to house Glossbrenner Evangelical 6:30 p.m. Youth night at Dr. C. Stuart Smith: secre- |
35: ministry. United Brethren Church yp. church, tary, Mrs. B. G. MeNelly;|
Sl 8:00 p.m. Bible Study. Sev, Charles Wolf, Pastor | msec treasurer, Mrs. Erdis Mum- |
~ - y PY |
i Saturday mert, and publicity, S. A.|
8:00 a. m. House to house 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, . Es Bb! ny A
witnessing in Columbia. | for all ages. 2 Christmas Eve Shae Her and Samuel Barn) :
pe 1:00 p.m. Return visits on| 10:30 a.m. Divine Worship i jo 1 fol owing are new |
P interested people. ) | 7:15 p.m. Christmas Can- Candle Service me mbers for. the on of
me i 8:00 pm. Public Bible Ad- tata. io t Won”. 4 December: Paul. Sheetz, Mi
SHOP dress by Mr. Milliken. Monday The Light 9 : on’, and Mrs. Jacob Eshleman, |
p Work Sunday | 11:00 p.m. Candle Light |Feast of Lights by Mattie Fred Boreman, Mrs. Le- |
PD ui 9:30 a.m. House to house [gervice. [Shannon will be presented Roy Dale, Mrs. Lizzie W.|
Tae witnessing in the rurals. Wednesday lat St. Mark’s EUB Church Keener, Mrs. Mary Smith, |
Welding 3:00 p.m. Public Bible Ad- 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service on Eve ” 11 0-|Miss L. Mae Brinser and 3 Boyt can hardly oid!
5 ross. | Thursday clock.- More than 50 young iypnior members, Miss Bar- | y ‘ .
gr. : ate Jer | i i i Le xe } I t tocking h by the chimney with
4:05 p.m. Watchtower Gal ” i SEE wri vert riders . > zp RT a ee ‘ ve got my stocking hung by the ney T
Study. BR Bm, Chorus re beopk 1A paris IB pa Jag Reener iss Dor | plenty of care, and Christmas morning it'll be ne Shy POR ALL...
. | arsal. service O 2 y ax $ = cas cker, av i i
Tuesday | 7:00 p.m. Youth Choir for Christmas The 3s hed er ob a >. i} bursting full of all sorts of good things. There'll Tn R THE CHURCH
8:00 p.m. Public Bible { hearsal NS; 2 “Those who atten ed inclu- be a candy cane sticking out of the top... there ye Church is the greatest iq
SR Study at 263 W. Walnut St.|’ “7:30 ‘p.m. Senior Choir re- Children’s Choir will sing ded: Mr. and Mrs. Rayniond | always is . . . and a walnut stuffed way down in She for the building of
JLING Marietta and 1 Hemp St. fine the carols as most of the pyum, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. the tip of the toe. iS @ Storehouse ero citizenship, It
Em Mount Joy. nyt {young people will pantomin? ghaeffer, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- And then... the tree! I don’t think there’s a Without a strong ro rai
Thursday Theocratic Minis-{ Crossroads Brethren In the scenes. lard Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. prettier sight on earth than a Christmas tree. And Jot civilization can
hg 7:30 pm. Jeo i t: ie Christ Church The readers are Donald Reed Alexander, Mr. and all those presents underneath it, wrapped up in reasons why or sound
'5 try CE : 2 Paul Z. Hess Eby and Dennis Schmid Mrs. Samuel Harple, Mr. and .« bright colors and tied with ribbons. attend services FeO enrol :
nue 5 8: 0 Da: ervice Meer 2 Harry L. Brubaker, Pastors |‘Love” will be portrayed Mrs. Paul Sheetz, Mr. and | Then Mom and Dad and my sister Ellen and I fore he Church." They are: (1)
Piscourse, | Senday ! py Jean Kauffman. “Mary” Mrs. P. H. McNelly, Mr. and! ’ will get dressed, and we'll go to Church. That's children rd he 2 For his
A bE i= i tz- (Mrs. Irv vinder. Mr. and f the best parts of Christmas. For Mom and of his comr )) For the sake
gE | . . plaved by Ruth Metz-| Mrs. Irvin Ginder, Mr. and one o Pp . 1 of his community
| 5t. Luke's Episcoval Church] $i 2m. Sunday Scheel gn ep bv Christ- Mrs. Frank Mr. and . Dad always say that Christmas is the celebration For the sake of Te gyration. {4 ;
i Mount Joy, Pa In amma, DL. ; ; . 18 Mrs s Herr, Mr. and Mrs. | of Christ’s birthday. I love the music in our ich needs his morql ang me.’ .
5 ’ a | 10:30 Worship, message bylian Miller, Jr. Angels, Shep- Mrs. Ross Herr, Mr. and I rs. | : « A terial support. Pian 3 ma-
pr § The Rev. Emmert M. Moyer 7. Pe 7Z.. Hess herds, Wise Men and: the 12 Jacob Eshleman Mr. and | Church at Christmas—“Hark the Herald Angels church regular] jo goto
a. :: Rector {Rov Paul Zn Lindi Be alas od be M eB 5 1 Koln Mr : 11 Sing,” and all the other carols. When I hear Bible daily Y and read your
= Sunday w ednesday Saar setting | Apostles will be playec oy Mrs. x BITC Talia] Mr nid them, I feel all filled up with joy, and I know | po i:
8:00 ah. Holy Commision | 7:30 p.m. Prayer mectting the following:. Ronnie Jean Mrs. Henry Becker, 1 Ir. and | ! why our minister says that Christmas is the hap- | Suds Book Caries Verses
[PANY ih "10:00 a.m. Morning imi [Reese, Darla Kulp, Diane Mrs. Henry Becker, Jr , Mr. | piest day of the whole year. Mon fy Matthew "1 19.25
3 Stn = 3 retic nafius. |: Mrg ar PS | . uesc 2 ho
CTS i Prayer and Sermon. Trinity Lutheran Church (Reese, Loretta _Hornafius jand Mrs. Paul Martin, pies | can hardly wait! And I just hope that Wedn'sday 2 1323
Oils B 10 a.m. Church School. Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor Joyce Berrier, Judy Barrick, Norman Riser, Mrs. Ble your Christmas is going to be as merry as ours! Isaiah 3 HH
ils 3 7:00 p.m. Church School | Sunday “heron Sears, Carolyn Brad- man Brosey Mrs. Gertrude] : | i i

: Tubes Christmas program. | 7 9:30 am. Sunday School. ley, Marlene Sinegar, Bonnic |Clauss, Mrs. Ralph |
: 8:00 pm. Farty for the | 10:45 am Morning Wor- |Bair, Jerry Barrick, Jeanmert, Mrs. Lizzie W. Keener, | J Ee

3-9331 ] Church School children. es. Ushio Wolgemuth, Sue Mumma, Mrs. L2 Roy Dale, Mrs. Fred |
11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Monday [Janice Berrier, Pamela LyonsBoreman, Mrs. Jacob Fisher. | Copyright 1956, Keister Adv. Service, Strasburg, Va.
= nt Day 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve |Jean and Joan Staley, Carol Mrs. L. Mae Brinser, : Miss |
3 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion|Candle Light Service. [Kaylor, Carol West, Kathleen|Dorcas DO as ys
1 ul To fe Gruber, Jean - Miller, Jean|Longenecker, Miss Barbara
= Mt. Joy Mennonite Church | oi ost res McMillan, Jim Reisch, Clair Toso Keener, Miss Rory)
8 Bisl Henry Lutz, Amos | wrch o 1e Brethren |Blantz, James Hockenkerry,|Ginder. | SIMON P. NISSLEY — MAR : 5
AKER Hess, Henry Garber, Henry | Abram N. Eshelman, Elder Wagner, 0 Robert] The next meeting will be C. Ww. Herr Arthur J. Ulrich : MARY G. NISSLE?}
intin | Frank, Pastors [Sunday ise ie Gotwalt. Thursday, January 25 3
g Yi Sunday } Bids am. Sch0el Bei Boule Son Ston i 8 p.m. pn the Ford Sales & Service Plumbing & Heating i Funeral Directors
gE 8 0:00 a.m. Sunday School at Rheems & GreenTree. .r. Randy Mateer, of the First National Gulf Gas & Oil Products 24-Hour Service on all types Automatic ) a eres Ea
ubaker B® 7:30 p.m. Young People’s am. Wor- {Lvons. Jack Wolgemuth, Ar-| 3ank. All members are urged Sh i. RN Heating Equipment f EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY
meeting. PD [ hur Schneider, Christ Mil-jto be present. There will be WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY r ana I 7 NT oc Phone 3-9251
ie 7:30 p.m. Program of | ‘hur | BOX 30 LANDISVILLE > IE 8122 c <9
Wednesday Si Phone 3-9701 X 306 LANDISVILLE PHONE 8122
7.30 pr. Bible study and Christmas music will be pre-ller, Glenn and Jay Kaylorja surprise. one 3-
: Prope PR is 4s slay. sented at Green Tree. Every-land Chas. Groff. | aii fl te tee
4 i =" ne is invited. ASE
ee Sl x Adult advisors are assist-|"OUPLES CLASS
= inten ling 3 SY Hor 2 ’
Ea Mt. Joy Methodist Church | Newtown E. U. B. Church jing In the production. [HOLDS PARTY J Hess Food r ’ .
SON George K. Ludwig, Pastor Rev. Ira Fortna mee ff | oi . : : : Adam H. Greer Sto €s Bx ook 3 Dry Cleaning
TING: ff Miss Esther Walters, Organist] Sunday anny IGOOD CHEER CLASS | Twenty-four gitengey Hie JEWELRY & GIFT SHOP “Complete One Stop Food Service” SL iN
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School} | Christian Couples Christmas FLORIN, PA. Phone MT. JOY 3-445}
@ 9:30 am. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship GIVE PROGRAM |oarty of the St. Mark's EUB Aricarved Diamonds MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE :
> registration. { 7:00 p.m. Christmas Pro- — A ~. .. |shurch Saturday night in the A rit EVA Fy
3-5981 10:00 a.m. Combined Ser- Tran { Th= special Christmas . The party (87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY
¥ vice Christmas Program. Wednesday [fram for Sunday evening | eatured COMES refyeshments | Phone 3-4124
6:00 p.m. Youth Fellow- 7:00 p.m. Christian En-|Dec. 23. at 7:30 o'clock i gd the Appearance of Santa | i 0 Union N ti al M t J B k
mre ships. deavor. sponsored by the Goo SEER Ln ail hd 1 1 ation oun 0 f
NS Monday : ; 7:30 p.m. Prayermeeting. [heer Class of St. Mark's F | Claus Los Bh goaver). G fts | Heilig Funeral Home MOUNT Xt u y an
ee 100 a.m. Christmas Car- 7. B. Sunday school. Th [vere op ag BS hs Th Fi N o alB k&T C 23 WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY ou! JOY
—= pling. Presbyterian Church 5 Wd “Christ | Sis af Stessos Jered THRE AR FRYE Poke or
TION i di i J ' yur and Mrs. Richard Hoov-| 1 irst National ban rustLo. JAMES B. HEILIG OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS °'TIL EIGHT
Y, 8. astide. w ; :
Mt. Pleasant Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, enacted. The first will be ari and Mr and Mrs. Joseph of Mount Joy Funeral Director CLOSED SATURDAYS
Brethren in Christ Church 9:30 a.m. Church School. | Id scene rom thi ‘cover. Richard Martin, pres- | 4
a'ion Graybill Wolgemuth and 10:45 a.m. Christmas i moon eos | © ident, was in charge of the MOUNT JOY FLORIN
ries C. H. Moyer, Pastors Morning Worship. Special[ etn century, Je Sex © business meeting | ls wis. me 5
3-9162 Sunday Music by Senior Choir and Christian hom» in which the The next meeting will Bo) Open Friday Til Eight - Closed Saturday Sl 5 Ph .
9:00 a.m. Sunday School. |Sploists. Sermon: “This Is Bethlehem child is lovin~ ly January 12 when the group] oan lermacy Kitty Dress Shop
Musser Forrey, Supt. My Beiovag Sop S : Welcomed. Tes of thr Dp wilt attend an ice hockey | Prescriptions Rexall Drug Preducts
Se 10:15 a.m. Preaching Ser-| 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. jtaking special parts aio. Mrs, relicy ring Ladies and Children Wearing A e
vice. The. speaker will be Christmas Program by the walter Zecher; Mrs. Benja- foo a Viersoy. Rollowing . 65 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY g Apparel
"Bishop Henry Ginder. Fol- Church School and Junior i, Stokervetz. In the gate; oe foun ivi M. S. Sensening Phone 3-3001 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY
lowing the preaching services| Choir. fashioned scence are Mrs. Al-[Tect at ine home of My. ah isis :
res farewell services will be held ere 'vin Yingst, John Kauffmar' MS: John Lange ind the Frigidaire — Youngstown Kitchens
for Walter Heisey, who is Trinity Evangelical 3 we : eo meeting anc yefresh-| in : re
ine ett] Charen find Mary Ann Kaunas ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 206 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY
N f work i; rice . A. Deck, Pastor [j¥r18. Iai an, bar-in.... will pe the other host| Phone 3-8651 ’ hy
OF WOR dy AHL 1 servic) Bt 3 Doth, Past fw vin Eagle, Denne Bat 0, 200, 08 108 wins bo ; Becker's Bread Service Booth Dept. Store
an 2: § ay Se stess.
3-935! for outgoing missionaries tol 9:15 a.m. Childrens Christ zel. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence] wre J Complete Line Of Material
ion. alt i mas Progr: Lyons with their two : J ‘ Manbeck Bread
Africa, at the Messiah home| mas Program. : CHRISTMAS PROGRAM i
mmm at Harrisburg. | 7:00 p.m. Program of Mu-|ren, Barry and Pamela will = ad | J B Hostetter & Son FLORIN PA Biione Mt. Jov 3.4440 | EAST MAIN & MARIETTA STS. MT. JOY
7:00 p.m. Christ Crusaders’ sic and Readings by th modern family. A Christmas program will . . 4 il A. none . JOY 0-249: | Phone 3-3741
a Christmas program. People. Mrs. Arthur Sprecher will he held at the Trinity Luth- : |
a Wednesday * Weanssduy P Meeti preside. Miss Alice Marie rn bros Church got Hardware —— Appliances
7:30 p.m, Prayer Meeting? 7:30 Bn. ot real |Nissley will have the devo- Sunday, Dec. 23 at 7:30 pm. WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY
ITH and Bible Study. | gr x {tions. A special quartet com- There will be recitations and Phone 3-3721 K t Kit h
- posed of Darla Kulp, Joycelmusic by the children of the | oun ry icaen | A. H. Mumma Hardware
sen fiyrenenlpsenyrre lV, [Berrier, Jean Miller, and Sunday School. !
- a Reon il Ta a a) somite We Cater To Banquets | SOUTH MARKET ETREET FLORIN, PA
Barnhart, Jr. will be at the] CORN-FED ’ ROUTE 230 PHONE E-TOWN 7-3494 | ’
WEAR CLEAN CLOTHING lorgan and Miss Darla Kulp’ | Staley S Garage
at the piano. Mrs. C. E. Ul- i
mm hrs . 3 {rich is advisor. T U R K YS | NEW & USED CARS }
Fust and Efficient Service yy boo | GENERAL AUTO & TRUCK REPAIRING Wolgemuth Inc Sentz’s Children’s Shop
= {CHRISTMAS EVE | a m r TRE or r . ! -
nd . . [PLANS ANNOUNCED [SOUTH MARKET STREET ii “Graceful and Sincerely. Yours” ! SAVE YOU TINT Q
! Cl . P . a Tailorin tua Fu citing Phone Mt. Joy 3-5951 A Tt RIAN YT icy i SAVE YOUR CENTS AT SENTZ'S
eaning - Iressing i | Christmas Eve activities 14 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY |
lare announced for the local Phone 3-968 i EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY
Post 185 Legion posthome. |
Bldg : {
WOOLEN GARMENTS CLEANED BY US ARE Free egg nog will be served pf {
Y . D from 7 to 9 p.m. The post { Ralph L. Walters |
will close at 9 p.m. and re- : : ’ . ’
M Oo 3 H P R oO O F E main closed Chpistmas day. { Sinclair Service Station Keener S Furniture | Koser $ Jewelry
| rr : . Goodyear Tires Carpet — Bedding COLUMBIA DIAMONDS
aa : Musica -| hone 3-3181 She 2.38 MAIN ST. OH. 3-5 MOU
Sra a be had bo | the | 8 3 Phone 3-3601 MAIN S PH. 3-5404 MOUNT JOY
= | [ |West Green Tree Church of]
ING the Brethren, Sunday, D-c.| i
NG [23 at 7:30 p.m. Participating] Dressed or live weight | : ‘
work YOU WE groups will be a men’s chor- BROAD-BRESTED | Day & Berrier 0. kK. Snyder - 0. K. Snyder Jr. | H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc.
p.m. PHONE CALL jus, ladies chorus, mixed| . Motorola & Zenith Sales and Service With O. K. All W
: chorus, junior and junior nsure it . K. ays
land ladies trio. The program R. D. 2 MOUNT JOY, PA. | Phone 3-8421 VIOUNT JOY PHONE 3-3331 MOUNT JOY, PA 4
town ; lis sponsored by the young) PHONE 3-9036 ! ad PHONE 3-3361
1 doef rcs Rf pS Uf rely: Sine if irre rie RYN cpl. Everyone is welcome, | 40-tfc i ——