The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 13, 1956, Image 2

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orts of line stringing crews/presented in the school audi-/the public.
and Les Michener and his or-announced a new plan to send correspondance courses to
Avoid the Spring Rush. Make Arrangements Now.
y > working as far apart as three oi ¥ B wsday
Subscription Rate $2.50 per _. = 1 iy next Wednesda) 1 : ; x
vear by Mail miles. ne of the main uses/Thyrsday, Dec. 19 and 20. chestra from Geltysburg will it’s men to cellege, according “keep his hand in”.
. - ¢
The Mor. D Maubi “ls Pd ind in erecting the towers. D M I SEMI-FORMAL DANCE ! course leading to a degree in|for a commission as an offic- . RRR
urs. ay. ecember urther savings will be made onega usica Winter Wonderland” is the Navy Offers lengineering (electrical, me-ler in the navy and put his } i
— — by assembling large sections) title of the Christmas dance I ) raini ience to ATTEN i
THE MOUNT Joy of the towers on the ground ls Next Wed. sponsored by the senior stu-| einen) oc. I hi ; A Ny ’ i
and hoisting them inio place dent council of Donegal high N WwW C I | John completes his first 2 WOTK x Brit i Done Now and :
Published every Thursday| Short-wave company radio And Thurs. school to be held in the school e o ege in Purdue Universily Have Your Repair Jobs i
at 11 East Main Street, Mu facilities will play an impor- gvmnasium Saturday, Dec, then returns to the fleet for " Get 10% OFF fl
HL Jancaster fatty, I P @.tant role when the time | Donegal high school’'s|22, 8 to 11 p.m. The dance is areer ah lan additional four years, dur- THE TRADITIONAL TREAT FOR i
Ric A ts tL BAOF to coordinate the ef- Christmas program will be semi-formal and is open to| Be aaah | id , YOUR CHRISTMAS DINING ON ALL JOBS AMOUNTING TO $35.00 OR OVER 8
and Publisher. The U. S. Navy recently ing which time he can take WHEN PAID CASH hi
. £4

of radio will be to adjust the The program will begin at 8 supply the music for dancing. 14 word reeccived from C hief| Upon completion of the
Adveriusing rates upon re- li to ti ropet g LeR Kavi tent ¢
mes to proper sag ¢ i eRoy wylor, presiden 0 . b
quest. 15-vaaF p.m. both evenings and is in ¥ Lloyd J. Stevens, local Navy four years with the fleet, the
Entered at the post office In the 15-year posiwaricharge of Eugene Tritch, vo- student council, heads the . ; : in
» end of 1960 4 harm of Recruiter. Under the plan, man reenlists for six more ¥
at Mount Joy, Pa., as second- period, until the end of 1960/04] music instructor committees in charge of the the Navy is financing a de-|years and is returned fi yers on ¥
class mail under the Act of PP&L will have invested $347 The first part will include affair. Joanne Reynolds is in ox Navy 8 HE me Po Eg I re Sire. to An ° i
War a 1a7 ; ’ rar J § : gree in engineering or itsiish his college and gel his
March 3, 1879. million in new power plants, arge 5 8 A
v ? I D the Nativity with LeRoy Kay- charge of decorations; Joe carcor enlisted men. degree. FARM SERVICE i
\g Grable and James She ik, tic %
Member, Pennsylvania New s. transmission and distribution | r as narrator: the singil
y > and other facilifies 10. . co Nii? RHEEMS, PENNA
paper Publishers’ Association lines an of “Silent Night”, “Away the fleet, he will probably hho, :
adequately rovide for cus- > "tt ; Fletcher, refreshments and|With the plan, although he 30: Neel, 18. WI Prooab’y
1 Y op a Manger”, -‘Hark The Her- have about 16 years service
/ 3.T IN 7-3593
tomers’ ever-groin uses of . 9. Ul Gary Zeller, terte t/stressed that it is not a pro- DIAL E-TOWN 7-¢ :
: ele ic poe ald Angels Sing Glos ia In and Ya ; [gram a man can apply forand his enlistment is up. He PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH FOOD
Big New Power ° iste Deo and Allely- a ens {feo before enlisting as he now now has three choices; 1, he| FROM LANCASTER COUNTY Rp
jah” by the senior chorus er ‘ Sd can reenlist for six’ more ; rt
Joanne Stehman will be the/FIREMEN CALLED does for the High School . Early soy
(From page 1) . A : a
m yas ot Toca ETA Graduate program. It is a years with intentions of re- GIFT IDEA: fey os ahs
y Chri st as soloist for Holy Night” 5 SATURDAY plan whereby Career enlisted tiring with his Navy pension el Christthas, CT is anon Patronize BULLE ! IN Alerter
r Na ip i a , . . os REAL IE sid
In kets and publicity; Dorothy The Chief was enthused After four more years with


substation two huge trans- 4
formers, each more than 20 (F om page 1) which will be sung_bY the Les cal firemen were called men will be given the oppor- With 20 years Naval service: Si tl TI y
feet high, weighing 190 tons Donegalassies. Part 2 will in-/Saturday morning at 6:55 a. tunity to qualify for entrance 2, he can leave the Navy and A A LA Circle.
and costing "ab ut $150,000 Year term on the board ofjclude selections by the brassm. to an automobile fire ati to : an engineering college. put his degree and experience ere i
will receive 220.000-volt adjustments. fe OR South Barbera The plan is designed for to work; or 3, he can apply oul 12 Day $ Before Your Big J
¢ > | i . is Wi ii i as Streets. e a
power from the new line, The deed to the land on| The junior chorus will sing 28 3 i Ee Tiel men, as Oppos- y y i
step it down to 66,000 volts which the former elementary “Santa Claus Is Coming To le = OB A) ed to the former GI bill edu- F R { i
Te ~ rae » vv ar | rex 7? ““ - r © 1 > . A
and feed it into the existing school stood was turned over Town’, “It Came Upon The bv J Hooker I cation. oO SALE Christmas Dinner hh %
distribution svstem for to the borough. This land|Midnight Clear”, “We PY James ockenberry be- As on example, 4 young
> wih .'was given to the borough by|Kings”, “O Holy Night, ‘“Je- came overheated. There was] ° ¢ pi PS CORN-FED i
shipping to customers in the . Err tt . no dama e. man is graduated from high
surrounding area. the Mt. Joy Borough Schools, Joy of Man's Desiring” g ii seen dnd enlists for a Navy DOUBLE BREASTED
PP&L’s iransmission line land “White Christmas Robe Douglas Fish WE “Richard Trade School. In order to
construction forces already Road To Be Graded lert Raber, Clair Snook and Brass sextette mem- qualify for the college pro-| | U RK EYS
I Road, w Lapp will be soloists. paps are Sally Wolf, Samuel gram he must have three
are working on the tower Lelever , Which is I on ort :
500 cated north of East Main/Following another brass seX- Barry Barnhart, years service and be under
Plan Early and . . . i
ations. More than :
footings will be Street, will be graded and tette selection, an offering pernell Heisey, Robert Buch-'25 years of age at the time
needed, each up to 5-': feet rolled with a ten-ton roller|(will be taken. __|enauer, Barry Brandt, and of appointment to college :
in diameter and 12 feet * deep. within the next two weeks.! The boys’ quartette will Harold Etsell. Upon completion of his re- )
These will require 8,000 tons This work will be done “Winter Wonderland’'| Donegalassies are Joanne quired three years, he should EE TR S71
of concrete with 50 tons of Heisey Brothers land “The First Noel”; theStehman, Kay Kauffman, Au-be Third Class Petty Officer Florida Extra Large i
steel for reinforcing purposes. Walnut Street, located be- girls’ trio will sing ‘“Donaldrey Musser, Paula Weien, and is eligible to take the 9 i
Excavations for most of the tween Columbia Avenue and] Nobis Pacem” and “Jingle Mary Smith, Barbara Becker, competitive examinations for
tower foundations are being New Street will be straight-| Bells” and the senior chorus|Patricia Mihalik, Marjorie the program. He makes ap-
dug with a specially-adapted ened and the extension of the will complete the program Hartman, Kitty Buckwalter, plication and is accepted. He ¥
machine. one of the few in/street will be thirty-three feet with “Deck The Halls", “The Patricia Hamby, Annie Win- immediately reenlists for long
use in the country that digs'wide to conform with theTwelve Days of Christmas”|ters, Carolotta Sager, Bar-encugh to give his six years
’ and “We Wish You A Merry bara Thome, Patricia Mump- obligated service, and is
350968 | |

street where il now exists.

huge circular holes. | : i A 4
iy footin oT upport Since the standpipe will be Christmas’. er, Judy Naugle, Dorothy transferred to Purdue Uni- %
e footings w S ort! : Cw : baler oS her : be hk
: removed fr om Donegall Barbara Thome, Dorothy Fletcher, Rose Raber and versity. - Florid
37 stee er : He . : : orida Easy to / Hi
allt 10 Road by the borough Fletcher, Judy Naugle, Ar- Betsy Krall. . Upon arrival at Purdue, he Dressed or live weight. Large Tangerine: Pe aes dozen 25¢ A i
Blcs. Ranging in height from authority, the authority Heisey and Donald Eby| Jerrry Buchenauer is ins just like any other college PRICE REASONABLE 3 - ib. 4
Pr . advised borough council that will accompany on the piano. charge of lighting assisted by student, except that the Navy AM 2 k p i i 1 49:
80 t 120 feet, the towers g : ad £ any ! 4 g assis y stl ,» excep € € Navy i
will © made NG > as on oF council will have a chance to The girls’ trio is composed Thomas Roth. Alva Bender, pays the tuition, books, DUCKS FOR SALE aie a ing 0 a 0€s bag % PHC
as 600 components. Fach of use this land to widen thelby Joanne Stehman, Kay faculty member, is in charge scholastic fees, and pays his & F 9.0 :
the three steel and aluminam existing alley which connects Kauffman and Carlotta Sager. of ushers and program typists Navy pay as well. Including Harvey K. Shoemaker A Pp French Fries yosen oe 41c : Baca pa os
cables to be used will be Donegal Springs Road and W. The boys’ quartette is Fred were Caryl Williams and allowances he should be ma- phone 3-9862 FLORIN, PA otatoes pkgs. 2
riore than one inch in Donegal Street. Bernhard, Ronal Gotwalt,/Bernita Baughman. king $191.90. He must take a 42-11¢ i Frozen 10-o0z. Cc 5
0 * Faulty repair work on E. — - en A — . — =~ : ima eas Fordhook pgs. : aan
ter, consist of 61 individual Main Street near the Church
sires and will be suspended!
Wires and | Susp f God was ordered repaired
from nine-foot-long porcelain.
Ty A*P Spinach "TF 2 5 25
insulators immediately. [ :
insu a ors. : A request was received by > N Ib Nb, <
plc” wo continue for ante Sirs Th Sunnyfield Butter =. 69° nih 198

be placed two continudus/for an increase in salary. The
copper-covered ~~ wires that matter will be discussed at
will shield the power lines the budget meeting for next|
from lightning and divert it year's borough budget.
harmlessly into the ground. ems {ff Seems
The towers, of a design de-, The Mount Joy Cubs will]

Granulated Sugar obs 2-00
XXXX Confectioners, Brown, 1-lb. 25¢<
Package Sugar Yellow or Powdered boxes
veloped recently by PP&L, hold a pack meeting next] 16-012. Cc
require 20 per cent fewer Wednesday, Dec. 19, instead] Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce cans 37 ji
steel pieces than older type of the fourth Wednesday of] 9
towers but are fully asthe month. The meeting will ALP 2 ki Our Finest Quality 29-01. 25¢ §:
strong. The new design pro- be a Christmas party and will ; ump in cans 2
vides substantial savings in be held in the auditorium of} 17-02. #
fabric: iting the heavy pi ces the school. Green oa int Peas aoe 35¢ Bh -
er” re | on gor. 3
BULLER'S BEAUTY SALON Pillsbury or Ballard Biscuits So he iB.
Main Street Florin, Penna. |
Fs | Vi et Warwick Chocolates Vict. a Lo 5277 i
Coit ave: oon sa :
Maude Sime Eerste ] ? bs El 3-8851 Simple Simon Mince Meat Yeon 49- Sirs
RE ER RR RT FR VR RUA RT RR RE TS SARA RE 9 ® ) Hallowi Pitt d B i lb. c i
PR TNT RA os FFARR =~ i t (G t if a a es 29 ;
Ch ° S fy a by 1 O Mixed Nuts or Walnuts Lb Bge i i
ristmas pecla Fruit Cake i Vile $1.35 3. $9.65 Sb. $9.95 : Apri
. that Everyone’s After? | um:



i Regularly Sells for $509.95 i Effective Through - i Red

i :
\n i 4 >
3% . . = Saturday, Dec. 15th 3
© $3 59:95 i i : y: 7
fi Christmas Special al WwW: figured folks would go for the 57 Bitch But even more important, this rakish sweep of Krispy Crackers by Chow Mein Noodle hi Sh
4 SAVE $1 50.00 ! and big. automobile has a new kind of instant response— Su nshine 7Ys-or. 19¢ La Cho 3-07. 15¢ | a Ce
i But we sure didn’t figure this—the most rousing and that's the biggest reason for the soaring CORT — — |W y oan i VALLE
: THIS WEER ONLY WITH TRADE i reception we've ever seen in all our years of of the newest vot Klee by Table #) pkg Cheese Links by ~~ 7 © Yt
i i selling new Buicks. For here is performance—smooth as spun silk— ss EENEX Napiin 3m 49 Krafts i 53 a ut
t Al 2, i cach ye . rrpur VR Tas CHR : dC. TTT] iam 7
i i We're getting more enthusiastic talk — along unle ashed by a totally new V8 engine 364 cubic Salad Oil Bluing Flakes pkg. 23¢ % RR
3 ¥ with the signed orders—than ever before. And. inches big, and with the highest compression. Mazola Goon 2 29 Bi Wh oF § Nori
I neighbor, if you want to know why — listen: torque and horsepower in Buick annals, Pog Toa Gy _————— fd Blu-White pkgs. 25 OFTHIS
4 J} © 3s T= "T=" %
3 nl itchen Charm }
4 is. amy . HR . . | lb. 2
ji 4 This "57 Buick has that sleek low-sweep styling And here, to deliver that might, is the power- Red Heart i cans 83 Wax Pa 2 100.44. 39¢ i {
0 that today’s moderns want — and it’s here in pitch action of an advanced new Variable Een Uncle i Tie bo per rolls 4
i extra-long measure, in the lowest Buick vet. Pitch Dynaflow.* A Dynaflow of such instan- Oakite 5 . vor Gc Liquid Starch ~~~ 2
2 : taneous obedience, such smooth and versatile kgs. : quart 1/-gal. i
a i Tt Rus Si a Le 51 a 3 y | cl smooth and versati'e |} 4 pkgs. c i
i Rha oo they as for bi Sew control in “Drive” = the need for “Low” is RE a a Thrifty bot. 20 bot. 39° VELV
e-Irame chassis permits a sports-car siihou- paola iad aa Tn RR SS J gD... BS mE. Caan, Te
3 3 virtually ended. | Granulated
J 4 ette with more interior roominess than even last ? Ivory Soap 4 cakes 25¢ D Soap & gion
i vear’s spacious Buicks. In all truth, you've never bossed a car so keenly Medum See... Tp UZ vio 32 13° 0
% @ live. so s hi RTI TA Det. em
% & It fis newness everywhere. and newness alive, so smooth in motion, so solid in feel, It’s etergent i
i ss everywhere, and newness that’s vy ey . c BW
5 wanted... ahead of its time, ahead of the industry—even Ivory Soap 4 cakes 35 Oxydo lore 33¢ giant 79 bi MR
i | A smart new panoramic windshield The surety ahead of your great expectations, large Se... >. - ~ ey 3. WM pg. -— i Ml ETAL
2 W ET « ao ho : 2h ‘ Deter I ep cl be R(
i REFRIGERATOR i of a new “nested” ride. A brilliant new handling ~~ Come check up on all this. Come drive this Ivory Soap 2? cakes 29¢ Tide large c giant . Bi
gq and levelized braking that come of an ingenious ~~ shoulder-high sweetheart—today. Sos Tk a A ae oy 32 Hy 15 Koch
a ww terete: ears: akes | mmm me 4
% FREEZER # Tg wv ball-joint suspe nsion. It even has a new *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow ! large c Sk c Detergent 0 ee
| that watches your miles-per- Jick Bulls tuduy. 3. 1s selon a Buyer io Vory pkg. 33 2 19 Cheer orgs 32¢ ol 15° i Suns
2 | wur for vou. ; Ty tra cost or e. rectal. SAO» |B 7 erm ————im— tom mm mamma | $3
COME IN TO SEE THIS 5 | you Minder standard on Roadmaster, optional other Series. Large Size Ige. pka. 33¢ | Detergent mm em mn : N.B.(
% GREAT NEW COMBINATION TODAY! gl lvory Snow Dash ole 39¢ © lig 392% % .
2 | ® Pkg 3
YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR MAY [3 De 7 SE be va sn vn er sw 0 TS wt gt er Wo a er st in sit St ie ‘ :
Emenee ewest Buick Yet | Ems rd
AYMENT! | + iif < arge igot 5
: WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WI . Camay Soap 4... 39 Dreft Phy. 32° 5 > 19° i
A I ID BUD THEM emma Bi Em om wit te sre ym “| ase i ser sat se ts me st se ‘ bi
; WAY’S APPLIANCES 4 | Ca Size Liquid Detergent %
“Where You Get Factory Trained Servie ¢ large MWe giant PRe i
ere You Get Factory Trained Serviee’ | S. F. ULRICH, Inc. | Camay Soap 3 ies 30° | JOy “0 37 “a 65
PHONE 3630 i BE RCE i.
} : : I arge Size . pkg. A
. W. MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. jl 505 North Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. | L S 3 39 S & J . Bre i
SER SSK ER EE re psp | ava o0ap cakes pic S an; = 85