The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 13, 1956, Image 1

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} In rears
Rt. 222


Bm mit mim or
Percentages Of Work Completed On
Sewage System Are Released
Percentages of completion the lines south of the railroad pany is responsible for liying
of the construction companies tracks. of the lines north of the rail-
working on the borough's The Palumbo Company has road tracks. The Kreider con-
sewage system were released completed 61 per cent. of its cern is 25 per cent. complete
by Joseph Michaels, engineer, work. Most of the remaining This work is the resurfacing
Tuesday. Mr. Michaels re- work to be completed by the of the streefs following the
ported that the C and T Afli- company is Main Street and complet'on of the contractors
liates have completed 93 per the line running east and work in the laying of the
cent. of their work and are west through the borough lines and the filling in of
practically ready to leave the park and the fields north of the ditches.
borough. C and T installed Manheim Street. The com- The Luft Construction Co
has completed 50 of its
work. This figure will be in-
creased readily when the
equipment arrives. Some of
this equipment is scheduled
to arrive this week. Follow-
‘ . ing the arrival of the equip-
0. Richard Heistand, mem- 4 it uy
“es ment, the plant will be com-
ber of the Lititz Rotary Club, pleted
was guest speaker Tuesday Regulations Passed
noon at the weekly luncheon Ti : :
: 1e proposed rules
meeting of the Mount Joy ied ool
! regulations of the
Rotarians, held at Hostetters. ,
: authority were adopted
Talkin on “Romance of ' : "
8 night. These

OWL LAFFS Rotary Hears
ON Lititz Man
week in this column we ask-
ed for several copies of the

passed Tuesday
November 1 Bulletin. Over- py,» pe told many interest- | : : :
the-counter sales that week ing things concerning one of regulations are printed in en-
were unusually heavy and di tirety in the classified section
every last paper was sold, of The Bulletin and include
leaving not one ior the per- the application for
line, permit for connection,
manent. files. In addition,
each week a few extras are service connections, duty of
needed for one purpose and owners and plumbers in con-
then another. struction of drains, ete, loca-
e oo eo tion of the main trap. fresh-
Our plea for help was air inlet, ventilation of traps
heard and we have a half and soil lines, grease traps.
dozen now to fill our needs. other traps, sewage discharge,
First paper came from David inspections, release of liabili-
H. Eby. Others were from ty and any changing of rules
Mrs. Mabel Kaylor, Charles and regulations.
Stand Pipe Emptying
Becker, Michael Wolgemuth,
Wilbur Miller and Harry Borough authority mem-
Kuhns. Thanks. bers agreed to sell the old
oo. 0 standpipe existing on Done-
gal Springs Road at the last
meeting. It was announced
Tuesday night, that the drain-
ing of existing water has be-
gun. Following the removal
of the water, the structure
will be removed.
Florin Discussed
Elsewhere in this issue of
The Bulletin appears a fea-
ture story about Earl Myers
and his wonderful, Seeing-
Eye dog, Bonnie. This Mount
Joy man has a wonderful
outlook on life despite his the world’s oldest businesses.
blindness and his personality Actually, he said, Cinderella

radiates good will and happi- wore a fur slipper rather John Reingein, Lancaster
than a glass slipper and attorney for a group of Flor-
eo oo © pointed out how a spelling in citizens, conducted an in-
Typical of his viewpoint, as error in the French language formal discussion on the pos-
he stepped out of the Bulletin changed the story and the sibility of having portions of
office the other day were his material. Florin come into the borough
and receive sewage benefits
parting words used by many The speaker is connected i
of us. “Well, see you later" with the Animal Trap Com- No action was taken at this
eo pany of Lititz and he explain- time.
The Christmas rush is on oq the business of the firm .
at the Mount Joy postoffice.
: present at the
Heavy mailing began last 3 mouse trap
week. A cloudburst of out- county
each person . .
meeting with Florin Lions
made by the
manufact- Entertain Aft
and presented
going cards and packages yrers,
flooded the office on Monday. During the meeting the re- Holiday Party
Postmaster Elmer Zerphey hy 3
cently-purchased Tel - Bino- : .
Florin Lions entertained at
theorized that because Sun- :
3 cular equipment purchased
day was too cold and blust- by the Rotary club for the lo- a ladies night and Christmas
sry for most pec » to be out- i : . 4
ery for most people to ccal schools was presented party Monday night at the
doors, they stayed home and te oY r.. Stonebarn, Millersville. The
addressed Chrismas cards by Dr. John Stauffer to Mrs. =" 1
a S¢ ‘hrismas cards. oo qin Brooks, school nurse, specia program include
magic by Charlie Maiser, of
Lancaster, and Robert Mum-
ma, Lancaster, organist Mr.
Mumma played dinner music
89 who accepted tt ift
Sha 7 accepte he
Statistics tell us that p git!
"talked briefly concerning the
there are enough tractors In : :
use it will be given.
America to have one
use in : :
on every farm in the coun- High school Rotarians pre- d also acct i
. sent Tuesday included Pat and aiso JRecompantec Ae
'yY ' or 3 5
oe o ¢ © Drace and Arlene Heisey. grou Singing a district
. strict
ABI The program was introduc- rihuy arenes, Ist
Because, as you probably od by Vise President Ray governor, and Arthur Sprech-
J, = = a)
er, zone chairman, were pres-
ent at the meeting. Mr. Grei-
ner spoke on Lionism. Both
Christmas corsages and gifts
were presented to the guests
and ‘spot’ gifts of a humor-
ous nature were given to sev-
already know, chickens can Wiley
not perspire, a naw method ry
of keeping laying hens is be- —— ie
ginning to come into use. To
keep the egg producers com-
fortable and working hard Post Office
for their owners, air condi- Open Saturday
eral members.
tioners are being installed in
hen houses and in some broil- To handle the heavy vol- Reuben Goodling was chair-
er houses. ume of mail now being given man of the committee for the
© 9 it for delivery, the Mt. Joy party and was assisted by
It is said that the new com- postoffice will remain open Earl Rhoades and John Hess,
fort is so much a help to pro- all day on Saturday, Dec. 15. Jr. Clarence Hollinger, pres-
duction that within 5 to 10 The windows will be open ident, was in charge of the
years 85 percent of all lay- and the staff on duty until 6 meeting and announced that
ing hens in Texas will be liv- o'clock Saturday evening. the next regular meeting of
i in air- itioned homes. On Saturday, Dec. 22, how- /i » he on- Sp Tn :
ing in air-condition ay 24 oh the group will be held Mon- pL. hiaf of fire police; es. cltoctive Jaruary'1
® oo o» ever, the post office will be day, Jan. 14. 3 via C 1 Januar; ' beek and Mr. and Mrs STI)
ills To last on its usual schedule, closing James Kirkpatrick, John 1957 Two other re-appoint- >of Jide oth selection “Thou Hast Found neauer. Anna Mae Eby, Nora eligile
Add Deer Kills — To las Bove ’ Ss —— Wagner, Rodney Ney, S. R. pants were also made. Geo ert C. Allen. Mr. Verbeek is : Wi as oun Bho Glonn Chives dren mav receive the vaccine
i . : ite a . y i yY., . . ‘nts rere als & 10. J i 5 : Nevny . ’" "ad $d . Forney. ¢ ir y x «
week's list of local hunters its windows at noon. The December meeting of Swords. Bruce Kline, house La as To ed a assistant vice president and : Sve 1 ih Ou ¢ "This is Por Thi Ron 3 in Maviown or Marietin Baby
—— c as -g : 3 WT Te 7 » re Nir . ] wr, )
who brought home deer, add ee the local Business and Pro- committee; S. R. Swords anc gn Mr. Allen, assistant secretary followed by the chorus, “My 3 Clinic or in the Lancaster
A.°’P Mitzkevi h of W Main . i 1€ loca $ Ss d X SIRE 3 S ¢ a five-year term to the zon- £ the Gir d Trust Corn Ex Soul Doth Magnify the Lord” Joyce McMillan Lester Mu : A 4 $
PV Of WN K Twenty-five per cent of fessional Women’s Club will William Mateer, delegates 10 jo commission and Paul Lit of the Girard Trust Corn x A di . mma. John Row Arlen Hosnital Clinic.
street. He had a 7-point buck yh. population of the South be held next Monday even, firemen’s association. Insta la- 10" was appointed to a three- change Bank of Philadelphia. 2 nd There Went Out a De- gp iq” Jov Sherk. Nelle All persons are urged to
weighing 155 pounds. American requblic is iliter- ing, Dee. 17, instead of the tion of officers will - take Rev. Raymond L. Petter, oe € : a baritone solo. Is ren- Sally West. Faye Wie start the vaccine immediate-
oe o © ate. fourth Monday of the month. place in January (Turn to page 2) pastor of Christ Evangelical dered next, after which 8 8-7 liogella Witmer lv to insure complete immu-
East Lutheran Church, Elizabeth part women’s chorus sint's : nity against polio in the sum-
slides of his “Joseph Went Unto Bethle (Turn to Page 4) mer
Edward Geltmacher,

a a ita hth oni te i

The Mount Joy
Ie per N, -
a \ th =f . yr > >
B U I; 1. EK | N
os IN pC TR A in -~
x 7 1 | a,

MEW Ry Ls thi)?

borough §

Donegal street, claimed a 10-
point animal, weighing 110 . .
pounds. FE. [ M, P. h T b ¢ ser through parts of
Sar aan arl Myers Pays High Tribute umm:
The following were in at-
We like the story about a 6“ i ys
local man who went hunting Sh h d S E D
the first week of the season. ep en eeinyg “Ye 0g,
Before he left, some of his :
An anniversary went un- complishments.
“friends” gave him complete E
oN pay about a “secret” marked in Mount Joy last “Even the sewer construc- there are
x rook! i rork nen’ ar . 3 in Aa cy eh cere YA : Vor : ask Tare x
trick for getting his deer. week! : tion work hasn't bothered and 5 considering round. Barly in 1956 wh Nn gral. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
eS 6 © It was the six-months Bonnie, he said proud'y. stopping to let them pet her he Bulletin announced the S Arnold. Mr. and Mrs
prizes for its subscript on H. Hottenstein, Mr
by im in all :
They told him Mount Joy of Bonnie, beauti- between and
ousness at he should take :
usness, that i ful German shepherd “sering holes and ditches,
and that he was to peel them
iy Seater fem 311 Yet perhaps there should a narrow escape. It has b en have to worry about Bonnie mous “Seeing Eye’ dogs. man H. Sprecher. Mr. and
ais hd, que. eon have been some sort of cele- a real test for her, but she hoing cross with children un With the good help of his John H. Hoffman and
said, would attract th 0 bration, for in these six short has come through with flying Jose thev bother her or inter wife, and the wonderful co- ,hijdren. Mr. and Mrs. Ever-
$04 he would be sure. 10 hone Bonnie has become a colors.” : fere w ith her master in any opera! on of his many friends ott Vcrbeek. Mr. ond Mrs
amiliar sight cn the streets of fr. Myers said that his way. he actually did win one of popert C. Allen. Rev. Ray
® ° ®
Our young man
considered and Th2 46 her master, Mr. Myers.
story teller laughe ii Ac he of hig Tathiul: or
self and enjoyed the "irc ness, trustworthy
our town and has endeared in the dog grow
he was playing on Dasld, in an interview this week, we sometimes have a differ- dom. “She runs for a little school in Morristown, N. J., ple Kraybill, Ruth E. Shenk.
The vst os of the season. yy hang often ron ence of opinion, it turns oul while, exercises, and then ol : period of training with Florence Miller, Martha
our hero carefully scattered o i Cs or 8 that she is always right! comes right back to me a-: OOF 5 ust the ur a Ebersole, Charles E. Rcist
onions all about and waited ,¢ ay als a: a RMR With each day that passes. gain, he boasts. “I think it gol il a Miss Narcv Hanshue. Joan ou
patiently, But — no deer. § Ane spoke any ac- also, Mr. Myers becomes is good for her health to he (Turn to page 4) Yvonne Kiine. Mr. and Mrs. — mw ; i ;
Next doy the young ‘hunter ar more sensitive to Bonnie's able to exercise in that way." : REN Gerald ; Lindemuth, Mary ; ones 5c 0ols will now have the exclusive use of Tel-Binocular eye testing
. : motions. “I can tell mow Most local people are fa- Jane Zimmerman, Ruth E. Squipment a5 9 Tos of a nik mide is eek by the Mount Joy Rotary club. The
ie’'s story pe ‘ i ap ac e, S n above, is to be used by the school i ak’ > i
Boiinle's story To Report New Krall. Florence M. Zimmer the driver education courses to test new dr ne A oh rn
took his spot in the woods—
onions and all.
ee © ©
day who
(Turn to Page 4)
Physician On Call
She begins to take
That shot the
anniversary of the arrival in “She has taken me alongside, or give them a ‘kis’
. of wir
i i ¢ ply of on ons 4
with him a supply « eye” dog, belonging to Earl them very deep. but so far as tion is usually friend y
Myers, 206 North Barbara St. I know, we haven't even had and he does
listened. s Another fairly
herself almost beyond words with each day that passes. as velopment in their
they learn to understand each chip is the fact that now
“Bonnie never Myers can occasional’'y
companion I have found that if Bonnie her
when she is getting ready to miliar with
stop, by her change of pace. In July, 1955, Mr. Myers be-
shorter came totally blind with only
' and shorter steps as we ap- a little warning. Since he was
Dr. Thomas Oo Connor proach a curb or an obstacle. fairly young-——only 58 — he

Big New Power Line To Cut Through Hundreds
Donegal Area South Of Mount Joy Attend
ro CY ro va povie 0c vi Openhouse

power to fulfill constantly in-
, creasing customer needs for Qver six hundred persons
olectricity i aeter ¢ -
electricity in Lancaster coun- the
ity, the Pennsylvania Power &
openhouse at
. VO jo 0 as
Light company has begun a Done gal high i Bo Ja
Fi 'sday eve . ou
315 million dollar steel tower i urs a evening or us
A : > nse was sche
line and substation project. the opennolse was
Ti : mn Youg) to begin at 7 pam, there
e line wi pase { us ! were persons already in the
section, south: o ount geheol at 6 pm. Of these
Joy. visitors, many were visiting
Thomas Pennypacker, dis- the school for the first ime
trict P.P. & L. manager, said irs '
0 Jf t a Following the openhouse
ha He ne Wy i 0 oe TS period, a fifteen-minute or
wi yo erected on a line a- . roils > r i . are i i i
bout a mile south of the gan recital was given by Jan 3oys and girls at Donegal high school bared their arms
R : Flori 3 d 1 will et Wolgemuth followed by a and gritted their teeth Thursday morning as they were giv-
heems-Florin road and will bund concert en Salk vaccine as polio preventat ve. Approximately 450
who had parental consent, received, the shots.

continue southeasiwardly 10 py the school band. The Rev. youngsters,
Dillerville. Howard Bernhart, president Some were having first, some second and some third shots.
From there it will go to of the school's, PTA group Above ye the JIN and tinal in the recommended
Shel Manheim. then to Lititz and conducted a business meet ng series is Martha Rainbolt ith her (left) is Mrs. Sadie
CLNE Brooks, school nurse, and Dr. Michael Gratch, Maytown

The group ;
J A : physician. In the right background may be seen Nurse Mrs.
substation location. announced rheeting pat Richler of i Pai shown is Nurse Mary Hofl-
G. T. Storb, PP. & L. vice- will be Febbuary 7 when the man, Mount Joy, and directly behind, alse assisting, is
at Lancaster said theme of the meeting will be Nurse Mrs. Jeanette Germer, also Mount Joy.
Welfare of Photo by O. K. Snyder, Jr.
GROUNDBREAKING — Pennsylvania Powel: & Light 10 Akron to the site of a new in the audiioriym
Company's “ground gobbler” bites into earth on the Shear-
er farm near Elizabethtown, marking the start of a $3-12
million PP&L project that will provide for increasing elec- president
tric power needs in Lancaster county. The unique machine that the ‘‘vear-long project ‘Promoting the
is digging a circular hole for one of the more than 500 with its 26 miles of new el- the youth in the
concrete foundations needed to support the giant towers ectrical highway plus, the The openhouse program of '
that will hold the power-carrying wires. Vatching the ow power receiving and last Thursday was held in > .
Hy ar’ ol rate ‘ ‘a 21176 f 2&1.’'s : : ty Sr Ha : i
gobbler” being operated by James B. Hauze of PP&L'S 4... center, will conjunction with the theme F Oo 10 Battle Continues
Construction department are Bobby Shearer and his dad : tel
S ' cle alee rls > : » P op .
Robert C. Shearer. R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, on whose farm also make available addition- of the PTA for December,
tor “Promoting the
several of the towers are being placed. Also looking on are al power, when needed, welfare of On Local Health Front
Thomas G. Pennypacker, PP&L’s district manager, far future requirements of PP&L the youth in the school”
right, and Richard F. Silvius, PP&L division general fore- customers as the fast-growing A yoys’ quartette consisting
an rea continues to of Ronal Gotwalt, Douglas I
» NEW > i bn : y
hs : — The new line, extend'ng Richard Bowers and 'N¢
from a point near Elizabeth- proq Bernhard sang during immunization shots to
* town wi ye connected with (4 > meeting.
Christmas Presents Are i the Toa
January 9 has been set asnurse.
date for giving Salk polio These shots will be given
chil free at the Elementary school
Refresh dren in the Mount Joy bor- on What date 10 pupils whose
i doo, parents have indicated they
element- wish their child to receive
th» them. Permission papers will
PP&L’s main 220,000-volt ,,, is were
serve 17 he .
network which in d Ve ugh and ownship
turn, IS Displays were feit :
ary schools, according to
¥ d R h 1 nked with the major £eNeT- pred in all the rooms of the ve distributed tl schools
ran e oroug men ating and Jao school and all the members announcement made Thurs xl } nl re oy
on both the PP&L and adja- of (| : next week, anc rs. norr
vs a . 3 1e faculty were available day J rs J : fg
Christmas presents for the adjacent to the borough in cent interconnected utilities’ gi, 3 bl guy bs ys Dorcas asks that it be indicated by
four borough workmen and East Donegal Township. It is Dn Be norr, clementary school {he parent any previous shots
the two policemen were ap- located along Donegal Springs of the new project and their dates.
A series of three shots will
proved at the borough coun- Road and has been planned 1] pe the new 220.000-volt
cil meeting Monday night. by Paul A. Martin as a new g,pstation to be built arja-
The men will be given one building development. cent to the existing one
week's pay as their gifts Since the sewage system of south of Akron. At the new
19. the firehouse has been caus-
52- acres of land into the considerable trouble
borough was approved pend- cently the group decided to
ing approval of the zoning Sloss the SHO room 8 ue
Mita 1s re S until e oullding . .
commission. This land owned firehouse 3 U N |
connected with the JnIoN Nationa
by Paul A. Martin Inc. lies €an be
town sewage system. A sign
- will be posted on the door to Holds Party
be given, the first in January,
the second in February, and
the third in September, to
those having no previous im-
munization. Those having
Combined Choirs To
Present Cantatas
The combined senior choirs hem" had one or two shots may re-
of Saint Mark's E. U. Breth- The choir then sings “There ceive whatever it takes to
ren Church of Mount Joy and Was No Room For Him”. A complete their series of three
the First Church of God, Eli- contra'to solo, “Sleep Thou, Shots for complete immunize
zabe htown, will present a My Son” will be sung, fol-
Christmas cantata in Saint lowed by the choir number, The cooperation of the par-
An ordinance admitting
(Turn to page 2)

explain the reason, Within “i yp !
ox last month 5 the septic The annual Christmas Par- Mark's Church Sunday even- “And There Were Shepherds ents is asked in this import-
Mateer Elected SCPUC J of the Union National Mt. ing, December 16, 7:30 0’- Abiding”. The angels’ admon- ant program
tank was cleaned and it is " ia. v > Br i ] &
Ain causing trouble Joy Bank was held Thursday clock. ition to “Fear Not” is beauti-
agai aus 3 : a n ; : : nm
evening, December 6, at Hos- The title of the cantata is fully written for a soprano 5
by soloist, after which the choir
Three permits were issued tetters. D. Victor Shank, as- “Sing. Oh Ye Heavens”
by the zoning officer for-rve- "°° Tr : a . 50] t
sistant cashier, arranged the Helen Jun Marth. and deals joins in the angels’ chorus At Maytown
President Of
Florin Com an pairs to existing buildings in
p Y ‘he Awl Park Neiss. po- program and served as toast- with the account of the birth ‘Glory to God in the High
4 a 34 : master. of Christ as recorded in the est”. “Let Us Now Go Unto
William Mateer was elected y; . hike :
: Te . dy ice chief, reported one arrest Ite i iO as Mv Buperk' Savior Ae
president of the Florin Five ¢,. speeding, two for ignor Decorations were in charg Gospel of St. Luke. Bethlehem” is written for a orn Bee ayl p? ne;
y of Misses Florence Miller men’s chorus and four-part pal of the Maytown Element
Company Tuesday night at ; a : > for k
: ing stop signs, one for reck- Ebersole. Group arv school announced that the
Scripture readings in keep
vaccine will be
mixed chorus
the re or cember \o . and Martha . :
the regular December meet- driving, one for operat- i rp I Ka bv tareant ing with the text are inter Salk polio
ing Euge 55 Le ber was elect ing a vehicle without a li- I ey wker. Mrs. Rut spersed throughout the can- The choir sings “Then from given by Dr. Gratch in the
ed vice president; Elmer For- , ca + for drunke W. Longenecker. rs. wh ia These Scr a3 the Hilltops” and “Sing, Oh
G ~ cense, one for drunken driv Coble Kraybill was present tata. These Scriptures will be E, school health room on Dec
A iy . . > as sent- : : 7 XT ” x y
wood, secretary; Omar Groff, ing, one for larceny of a mo- ey a He read by the following choir Y© Heavens”, followed by 1g
* S! members: Warren Bentzel, the closing chorus, which is pils of the Washing
pupils a- g
will be
treasurer; Rodney Ney. fan tor vehicle and two accidents = 00 of
is QE > : : rate ac > ) SL. o
cial secretary: Joseph Wolge- vagtigated. Ray Myers, fire "°° “0 edgment of o © Forney,
J her 25 years service by Vice .
muth, Jr., chaplain; Brady T . ’ ive onlls r Nanev Was
, ’ Y chie ported two fire calls ser, Nancy Longenecker ;
chief, repori 3 44° president, Henry H. Koser W Longenecker ant
. Charles Wolgemuth
Charles Ko- an arrangement of the inspir
.,. ton Se Mari
{ ing carol, “Joy to the Worid on Schcol. Florin,
taken to Ma YW
with a soprano obligato ¥en » Maytown by
bus to rece've tne vaccine.
Hess, trustee; S. R. Swords, during the past farvey Rettew, vice presi-
fire chief; Brady Hess, ass'st- ,onih Harvey Reliol, Vico he The cantata starts with tw Participants in the cantata
v3 ip § an "eo » pavme antata starts i JO art anta rp A peri
ant; Bruce Kline. chief en- john Toppin, South Mar- dent. Bas gH choruses entitled “Hail, Thou from Saint Mark’s Church The vace ne is furnished hy
Gar R Ts ws v of : : i ear-e us to ce ~ Dt. ( >t the » . " 4
gineer; Rodney Ney, chief qq gireet, was appointed to of a year-end bonus to Wie ood" and “Mary Wasare: Frank Aument, Ruth the Stte ind all persons
chemicalman; Carl Kline employees and, algo, intro : te th ,, from 6 months to 19 years
aman, ra five-year term on the bor- : «ts. Troubled’ A baritone and Dora Barrick, El : Pon
‘hief hose director; Victor I J ; duced the out-of-town guests, A Nari and © ; are eligible. Persons having
giles ose rector; Victor L. ough authority. His term be- TT oT rap. SOprano solo follow, wiih Bentzel, Warren Bentzel, 2 € atl Javad
: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ver- : 12s : Voseph Buch first or scecond shots are also
21 JOS 1 > 3 .
chorus accompaniment in the Joann
Rob € Pe 1 th Pre-school age

aT showed
and Mrs. Fetter’'s trip last _ ra La :
To “Bonnie” His German
{ teidance: Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
In Recent Interview in S. Musser. John B. Nis-
<ley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. $id
and Mrs. Harvev
and Mrs. Carl S.
when began to concider ways and Koser. Mr
pearby means of cont'nuing to get a- Retiew. Mr
‘feel’ it
I can also
decided ,, 4 Mrs. S New-
to win omer. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J
and Mrs. D. Vie
and Mrs. Nor
ording to contest, Mr. Myers
disposi- he would like to try
and one of the prizes and use his gaict. Mr
not money to buy one of the fa- tor Shonk. Mr
Fortuncately, ac
Myers. Bonnie's
recent de- the major prizes in the con- 4 L.. Fetter, Mr. and Mrs
relation- test. Immediately he began 1 inaaus Ww. Longenecker.
Mr. negotiations for a dog. Svivia Longenceker. Mr. and
On May 12 of this year he np. {ecter G. Hostetter, Da-
“Seeing Eye” yiq Hostetter. Mrs. Ruth Co- #
free- went to the mm

man, Glenn Ne a sentation was made at the noon meeting of the Rotary club, held at Hostetters. Above
. A is shown, (left to right) Mike Pricio, president of the club; Mrs. Sadie Brooks, school
Wilbur Beahm,
Mrs. Charles
children, Mr. ahd Mrs. Allen nurse; Dr. John Stauffer. chairman of the Rotary sight committee;
Fisher. Donegal supervising principal, and Dr. Michael Gratch.

Families Call
MJ 3-6294