TE TTR TG TET TTT ES For All We Hold Sacred . : TN GT TR SRT OR RN wa me The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa.| Methodist Church HOMEMAKERS MEET - Thursday. ‘December 6 7 George K. Ludwig, Past Mrs. Mary Minnich, Organist AT BARNHARTS Sunday Tour To Russia urc ews 9:00 a.m. Worship Service The Mount Joy Homemak-| i 10 rs 3 ‘ers met at the home of Mr. | Two Mennonite churchmen 'i 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. / News Pertaining To All (Classes for all ages. land Mrs. Jay Barnhart, Det-/gave a report of their good- Report Goodwill | kn " ms foun : you ath OR Monday |wiler Avenue, Tuesday alter-|will visit to Russia at a pub- RA | The Churches In Mt Joy Y | : John Hershey and lic meeting Thursday, Dec. 6, {Youth Fellowship at the F Mennonite IM. Planetarium. 7:30 p.m. Sub-District noon. Mrs. & Mrs. Barnhart discussed the Mt. Joy en‘ertaining at/Church on Donegal Rd., of And The Surrounding x i Community. tertaining — | y [Wednesday W.S.C.S. Meeting teas and buffet lunches. They which Rev. Henry Lutz, is | T Mass Pm. A also made refreshments for a pastor a a a : i Calvary Bible Church 7:30 p.m. Methodist Men's tea. I Speakers were Dr. HS.) Rev, W. L. Wilson Jr, Pastor) (Meeting | Clothing construction meet- Bander of Goshen, Ind., chair | Sunday ings will begin in January. man of the World Mennonite 9:15 am Sunday Bible ISt. Luke's Episcopal Church, Anvone interested man con-| J p St. [4 §t ny Conference and dean of Gos-| School - Classes for all ages, Mount Joy, Pa. tact Mrs. John Horshey Mt. fren College Biblical Semin 10:30 a.m Torning Wor- The Rev. Emmert M. Moyer Joy 3-5113 jary, and Rev David B. Wiens! ship. setor c,d To The Pastor on: Re . of Saskatoon, Sask “Forsaken Bv All Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion MEETING C HANG FD 7:00 Pre-Service Prayer 10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer| The Women's Assccl ship: Evening Servi land Sermon. 1. of the Presbyterion :30 p.m. Evening Service | a.m. «ch School. H rose ij : The Pastor will sneak on $9.2 pig > we con- Ne 2 oy Ne iting Mennonites and Baptists “Tht Triumphal Entry.” firmation class. ni tht Dec 10. tead of In Russia Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer. Es J Bec 1 45 : i An estimated 30,000 Men- | 7:30 pm. Women’s Work| 7:30 p.m. Fellowship hour Uesday, Dec at 7:45 at live in Russia and for Group af the home of Mrs. 3nd motion picture the church. mem eee. (the Most part they worship] Robert Hoffman. Thursday in Baptist churches. Menno | They returned from Europe | ation Wednesday, Dec. 5, after! church spending almost a month vis- Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal St. Mark's Evancelica ne ats 5G : { 7:20 p.m. Midweek Prayer Tae on picture ‘‘Heart- Oita Ie iron Bites, Nis: ig in the Service, break of Haiti” portrays the C. E. Ulrich. Dastor i Je tre rlands an Switzerland, [~~ Thursday work of the Episcopal church sunday were invited to Russa from 6:30 pm. Youth Night Haiti. I 9:00 a.m. Sunday school. Germany and Prussia in 1786 the Church. | 10:15 a.m. Universal Bible at the invitation of the Rus-| Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Sunday. sian ruler, Catherine the Great, | | Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos | 7:00 pm. Youth Fellow- Bender and Wiens visited The Washington Street Hess, Henry Garber, Henry hig service and Social Hour Church of The Brethren ices Elizabethtown, Pa, Frank, Pastors | (No 7:30 Service). under the auspices of Menno- | Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor | Sunday Monday + tr... mite Central Committee, a Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Ushers’ League (world-wide relief agency land EUB Men. 7:30 p.m. Sisterhood Bible headquartered in Akron. Pa This was the first officiali 9:30 am. Church School. | 10:00 a.m. Sermon Extended sessions for boys Wednesday : sirls: adult study theme| 7:30 p.m. Bible study and|Class Christmas Party. va rst : I Conquerors, ome prayer De (Covered Dish) at church. [MCC visit to Russia in many | 10:30 am. Morning Wor-| rv Wednesday years. MCC's first relief ac-| ship. dedication of the Christ-| @Glossbrenner Evangelical 7:30 p.m. Midweek service tivity took place in Russia in mas World-Wide Mission Of-| {pited Brethren Church 35g Bible Study. 921. sping: SOT . qd a . a) 1 ® foring; sermon. Around The! poy, Charles Wolf, Pastor 7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir World on $80.00” by Pastor | gunday Zuck. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, 7:30 nm. Evening Worship | sor a1) ages. LUDWIG CHURCH | HONORS MEMBERS | ke Rehearsal. i 8:00 pm. Senior Choir ww r { Rehearsal. . Rev A A Marin will lg LO :30 23 Divine Worship 7:30 p.m. Dorcas Society. Members 57 the | Liniwis) 3: The speed of modern life tempts us to THE CHURCH FOR ALL. Wednesday ile peaker. : — : Methodist Church were hon- | ix.q think of our goals and to forget the im- ALL FOR THE CHURCH CRY ba. ew Dacre :15 p.m. a he} In ored on Sunday morning dur | Li, portance of a single step. But the men to, Birth te the greatest lac. Sellosser. (Si Study hl ober «i. A Poul Z Hess” ing the regular worship ser-| who scale the highest peaks concentrate charatter ang liad of S . vice for length of affiliation | on one step at a time. 1s a storehouse of spiritual ia | | tt: { Monday Harry L. Brubaker, Pastors : : Without Baud Reine oe os . y Ter NV » congregation. a strong Ch Mt. Pleasant | 7:30 p.m. Shining Stars [sunday foi a i Thay There seem to be plenty of folks with dorm ong neithet . . : | LA Y Jas Ne ) . . 8 an pines 'W Laurel aa Neti | 9:15 am. Sundav School 1 the Bev. C. Bd. | noble aspirations who rarely go to Church. oA Wig Re Sr Sound Tay] oigeynuth and [Wednesday | Adin Mumma, Supt aril: : od Gia iv aoalk attend s Svery Person shoul H. Moyer. Pastors | "7:00 pm. Youth Fellow- | jh Wanna JUDY. ve pF rank’e. who bres nted | pt Some of them may reach their goalss but port the. and sup. ge Sunday { ship. Rev. John 1 i 7 the ladies with yellow car-| SH legion are the others whose “one false step” For his own sqke 2) 1 he ( i : Q av Se { ra srvice a S 3 orsage : : 3% hildren‘s g oF us 9:00 am f unday chool. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service [Wednesday nati mn corsage and the men | J starts an avalanche of broken hopes. Shik fens sake. (3) For the sake Mrsger Forrev. Sunt | Thursday ‘ with carnation boutonieres. | : * community and naten. (4 7:00 p.m. Youth Choraleers The steady, sincere, every-Sunday For the sake of the Church itself “1K Draachi ¥ ap! id ir > 10:15 a.m. Preaching Ser-| 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir re Length of church member which needs his morc] s ral and ma . o¥ vive iy soit | . . Wed 1 | nearsal. Youth Choir ve 7:30 pa. Prayer meeting ship included: Mrs. Fred! church-goer usually has noble aspirations terial support Plan to go : idnesdav : ) - meena Sedna oi pi i ! A . 0 to cid y 0 il Praver Meeting | la) Pm. Youth Tie C3 (ton Smith, 74 years; Miss Emma | and a far better chance of achieving them! Fre wo ond reod your 8 30 ting arsal. : : 1e yitren 0 0 wrehelr 3 Fave "TR i and Bible Studv. 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir re hoe aren of God Foren roth 8) Jd Nem i He has learned to study each step by faith Day a Nova Yhearsnl. rev. + (William . Mundor anc : Send; ook Chapter Verse West Green Tree | friday a.m. Sunday School William Breneman, 50 years: ! and prayer .. . to test the ground on which Monday : Proverbs 10-27 Church of the Brethren | 7:00 p.m. Junior Mission 10:30 am. Morning Wor. Mrs. Grace Bachman and Tg he treads . . . to climb with others in a com- a Amos : 3 2 oF a. g - PY, ars Sr ras py : ee . ge Ss > Abram N. Eshelman, Elder 'Band. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. MIs Sorte Colin were un Codi mon quest of the summits of life. A Psalms a Ie Sunday f ix 1 (Tuesday able to attend. Destin epen n the next siep! Sat ga, 19 1.10 Trinity Lutheran Church Junior C.G.| A Church-Debt Note was! y depends on t Pp aturday... Galatians 5 13-26 de )¢ )c ei ae 4:00 p.m. The Rev. W. L. Koder. Pastor Y.A. will meet in the Sunday burned with the Sunday School r “har : : re os School ~choo room. charge and thin at Rheems. 9:30 a.m, a: Wednesday (were William Mundorft, pres- 7:30 pm. Final Service of] 10:45 a.m. Morning 7:30 p.m. Prayer and vangelistic Meetings at/ ship. [Praise Service. Rheems. Rev. Carl Ziegler of Monday Ww ¢ 6:30 p.m. Ladies Bible Lebonon is the evangelist. | {Class Christmas Party at Hos- 8:45 am. Sundav School at Rheems & GreenTree 10:00 ».m. Morning Wor- pastor in ithe church, who lit the match for the burning, and Messrs. Isaac Heller and Vincent O’ Columbia Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses — tetters Banquet Hall. Try and U 6 |Connor. George Rhoads was jwe Ber od Lain Bis. {unable to attend. 7:30 p.m. Young Ladies ‘ 2% | Bible Class Meeting in the 9:30 a.m. House to house PLAN LOVE FEAST for | Parish House. Insure |} witnessing. | Thursday 2:00 p.m. Street witnessing | FOR SATURDAY safety’s sake { 7:30 p.m. Catechetical class; Columbia. in the Parish House. 7:30 p.m. Street witne sing] The United Zion — iin Elizabethtown. Newtown E. U. B. Church Sunday i Rev. Ira Fortna | 9:30 a.m. House to house Sunday witnessing in the rurals. {Dec 8. | 9:00 am. Sunday 3:00 p.m. Public Bible Ad-|y clock, 10:00 a.m. Worship Service dress by M. S. McCorkel. Church on Saturday evening, beginning at 6:30 Also, on Sunday evening, Studies in the Kingdom Hall|Weidman will be the and 268 W. Walnut St.. Mari list. Meetings begin at :30 | Ln ang 1 Hemp St., Mt. Joy[o’'clock week d: wy nights and wrsday {7:00 o'clock Sunday night | 7:30 p.m. Theocratic Minis- [8 "We 0 ong Us try School, Instruction talk. eg 8:30 p.m. Service Meeting, | , Nes RE at os PY ROWING, [CHORUS TO SING I'he Codorus Male {Wednesday Mt. Joy Methodist Church {from York, Pa, will present | 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. | George K. Ludwig, Pastor la musical program in the | 8:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal \fjss Esther Walters, Organist|East Fairview Church of the Do Weigh Insurance by Today's Values! Be sure your insurance is adequate to cover in- creased property values Consult us soon. Trinity Evangellcal | Congregational Church | Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor | Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School. 10:20 a.m. Worship, theme, “The Bible Speaks.” 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship i See us for farm insurance needs. 9:00 a.m. Bible School. 10:45 am. Worship Ser-| A male quartette and a 7:30 p.m. Sub-District | : Youth Fellowship at the F. & FARM WOMEN TO MEET SHEETZ “FUNERAL HOME M. Planetarium. ud “The Farm Women No. 8 21 WEST DONEGAL STREET MOUNT JOY = | a. Education Meeting. oh lof Mrs. John Warfel in Don- GERALD R. SHEETZ Torey mw. Choir rehearsal. legal Springs township at 2 Funeral Director ‘Wednesday Te A p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8. Roll | 7:30 p.m. Methodist Men's call will be answered with | Meeting. Christmas verses. Co-hostess- Friday les will be Mrs. Harold End- | Christmas Party. [Mrs. Clyde Wivvel. NAMED TO EVALUATING CORN-FED WEAR CLEAN CLOTHING Fast and Efficient Service egal named to evaluating teams 5 . . for next spring Miss Catha- Cleaning - Pressing - Tailoring rine G. Zeller will 8 School in | Morrell Shields will evaluate Bat West Reading Junior and Senior High School; and Jno. WOOLEN GARMENTS CLEANED BY US ARE MOTHPROOFED Eicherlys ior High School. | ~® HIGH SALESMEN TREATED assisting him | ident of the official board of | Church | (will hold a Love Feast at the | Sporting Hill United Science | | Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Watchtower foe 7:00 p.m. * Christian En-| Study. ja series of Revival meetings deavor. Tuesday (will be held for two weeks at 7:30 p.m. Prayermeeting. 8:00 p.m. Public Bible the same place. Rev. Amos | Chorus ol i Sunday (Brethren, three miles west of Wiley&Rutt Agency | Church of The Brethren 9:00 a.m. Boys’ and Girls’ Manheim, on Sunday evening, Florin, Pa. Choir rehearsals. Dec. 9 at 7:30 pm., to be 85 EAST MAIN ST. Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. {sponsored by the Young Ad. | PHONE 3-6911 Samuel T. Becker, Supt. Classes for all ages. halts MOUNT JOY, PA. . shi ar- vice. foi Wg a.m. Worship Se 7:15 p.m. Bible Study. mixed quartette also will be] — | Monday : [featured on the program 7:30 psm. Commission on meet at the farm home | 7:30 p.m. Family Night slow, Mrs. Lloyd Derr and! TEAMS AT HIGH SCHOOLS I U RK | Three members of the Don- gal high faculty have been evaluate | at William Penn Senior High! Harrisburg: H.| Day. Cumberland Valley Se n-| Next Wednesday, the high | salesmen in the recent maga-| | | C. W. Herr Ford Sales & Service Gulf Gas & Oil Products {WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9701 | Adam H. Greer | JEWELRY & GIFT SHOP : Artcarved Diamonds 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-4124 TheF irst National Bank & Trust Co. of Mount Joy | Open Friday FLORIN "Til Eight - Closed Saturday M. S. Sensening Frigidaire — Youngstown Kitchens 206 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-8651 I J. B. Hostetter & Son Hardware — Appliances { WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-3721 | ’ Staley’s Garage NEW & USED CARS | GENERAL AUTO & TRUCK REPAIRING [SOUTH MARKET STREET FLORIN Phone Mt. Joy 3-5951 | Ralph L. Walters Sinclair Service Station Goodyear Tires [EAST MAIN STREET Phone 3-3181 MOUNT JOY Day & Berrier Motorola & Zenith Sales and Service Dressed or li ight (zine campaign at Donegal YOU | Drgssed GR wid (high school, will be taken to] PHONE Cc E L > see an ice hockey game at| | Hershey as part of their] MOUNT JOY 3-4071 Eugene S. Kreider prize. Also the homeroom 5-2 MOUNT JOY, PA. teachers of rooms that met their quotas will be included 40-tfc in the group of forty. tions 3-9036 29 WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-8421 Arthur J. Ulrich Plumbing & Heating 24-Hour Service on all types Automatic Heating Equipment LANDISVILLE BOX 306 PHONE 8122 Hess’ Food Stores “Complete One Stop Food Service” MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE Heilig Funeral Home 23 WEST MAIN ST.. MOUNT JOY JAMES B. HEILIG Funeral Director ’ is Copyright 1956, Keister Adv. Service, Strashu SIMON P. NISSLEY — MARY G. NISSLE?Y Funeral Direclors EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9251 Brook’s Dry Cleaning FLORIN, PA Phone MT. JOY 3-445 Union National Mount Joy Banl MOUNT JOY OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL EIGHT CLOSED SATURDAYS Sloan Pharmacy Prescriptions Rexall Drug Products 65 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-3001 Becker's Bread Service Manbeck Bread FLORIN PA. Phone Mt. Joy 3 4449 Kitty Dress Shop Ladies and Children Wearing Apparel EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Booth Dept. Store Complete Line Of Material EAST MAIN & MARIETTA STS., MT. JOY hone 3-3741 Kountry Kitchen We Cater To Banquets ROUTE 230 PHONE E-TOWN 7-3494 Wolgemuth Inc. “Graceful and Sincerely Yours” 14 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9681 Keener’s Furniture Carpet — Bedding 15-31 MARIETTA AVE MOUNT JOY Phone 3-5601 0. K. Snyder-0. K. Snyder Jr. Insure With O. K. All Ways MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-3331 A. H. Mumma Hardware SOUTH MARKET ETREET FLORIN, PA Sentz’s Children’s Shop SAVE YOUR CENTS AT SENTZ'S EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY ’ Koser’s Jewelry COLUMBIA DIAMONDS MOUNT JOY MAIN ST. PH. 3-5404 H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc. R.C.A. WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 3-3361