The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 22, 1956, Image 8

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy. Pa. vices in the Landisville Men
Thursday, November 22 8nonite Church Interment
will be in
the adjoining cem

ENOS W. KULP mos. CG Rohrer. 59. Sa
Enos W. Kulp, sixty-one, lunga, died at 5 a.m. Friday,
18 West Main St.,, Mount Joy at his hom f cardiac fail
died unexpectedly at hisure. He had been under he
home at 2:10 p.m. Saturday. care of a physiciar
Dr. John F. Gates, of town He was self employed 1
deputy coroner attributed masonry « tractor for )
death to a heart attack VOATS
Kulp operated a news a Born in Penn Twp., | \
ency, luncheonette and gif a son of the late P 1 d
store at h's home address for parry al Ro}
the past 20 years. Prior to
. He is survved bp h
that he was associated with Vi R |
. 4 Pa Viusser tohrer !
the H. K. Dorsheimer Store, Ny
. follov 1 ons daugh
in Elizabethtown, and operat ow n be
. ‘ ter Lois R., wifi f George
ed a confectionery n Eliza "
W. Stotz, Guy M., Mary Lou
bethtowa j ||
i W of Shuman
Born in Bachmanvill he I ; I t , | Cla ’
a ) Jancecaster y la
was a son of the late John H v : nd Dal I
and Fianna Wolf Kulp and yt ih
. home. Also irviving are 2
was the husband of Estelle
Risser Kulp grandchildren and the fol
lowing brothers and s ster
He was a member of the Hi CG. Rol Sah
v . Harr ' ohrer Salunga;
Mount Joy Chamber of Com- ry ‘ith
. Paris G. Rohrer, John G
merce and the Friendship . 1
Dima (4 . Rohrer. Mi Simon Hertzler,
Fire Co., No. 1, of town R y
. Vrs. Filmer Wenger, and Miss
In addition to his wife, he E. Rohrer Il f
* * y M one « )
is survived by three sons, Jay I
ron ancaster
O., Lebanon; Arthur \ Ta ces 2 :
koma Park, Md. and Harold Funeral services were held
E., Elizabethtown; a daugh- in the Zion Lutheran church
ter, Sara Eulene. wfe Landisville, with interment
Leonard L. Safko Mount Joy 'n the Salunga Mennonite
and five grandchildren emetery
Also surviving are two — SE
brothers, Harry W., Lancast- NEED EXTRA
er, and John W., Bachman- _
ville, and three s'sters, Myra,

W. Kulp, Palmyra: Mrs. Fan-
nie Gingrich, Chicago, and SHOPPING RUSH
Mary, wife of ElRoy Baker, W th the Christmas spirit
Hummelstown already in evidence to a
Funeral services were held mark~d degree on every Main
Tuesday afternoon from the Street and in every midtown
Heilig Funeral Home with in- gi{t-shooping ct nter. increas
terment in the Green Tree od vigilance and caution by
Cemetery all motorists and pedestrians
MRS. HOWARD SINGER | 10 prevent ant
. - ‘ pits surge of accidents among the
Mrs. Bessie Ebersole Sing- crowds of shoppers
er, 49. wife of Howard Sing That warning is vo'cad by
er, Maytown, died at 8 p. m.. Edward P. Curran, Safety Di-
Thursday at her home after rector of Keystone Automo
a year's illness bil» Club. in an appeal for
She was the daughter of more safety consciousness
the late Alvin and Lizzie Eb- during a season when early
ersole. She was a member of darkness, personal preoccupa
the Maytown Church of God tion with many mental'y di
and Ladies’ Bible Class of verting thing inadvertent
the Sunday School. ‘thoughilessness, ete, add to
She is survived by her the other obvious dangers
husband sons and, “Pedestrians and vehicular
daughters: Bertha, wife of traffic is particularly heavy
Robert Hollinger, Maytown; right now he said, “and it
Betty, wife of Richard Gallo, behooves all of us drivers to
Marietta R1; Staff Sgt. How- be extremely careful in pass
ard Singer, Jr. a member 0ing through shopping dis
the U. S. Air Force, Sioux tricts. Care should be exercis-
City, Iowa: Ronald E. ancel at all intersections, because
Donna, hoth at home. There bundle-laden shoppers have a
are also five grandchildren habit of doing the unexpect
The fellowing brothers and ed. Jav-Walkors, too, may be m
sisters are survivin: John K./found in abundance, appear- |
Ebersole, Porryville, Md.:ing from between parked ry
Samuel Bainbridge; ears and ambling across busy! |
Albert Ebersole, Sun Valley. strests preoccupied with their |
Calif.: William Eb-rsole. of ‘houghts [l
Towson, Md.; and Mary. wife] “It is a known but
of Stanley Grant, Port Depos- appreciated fact that many
it, Md f those who annually are |
Funeral services were heldlincluded in Christma shop
in the Maytown Church throngs are unused to)
God on Monday with inter- heavy shoppng chores to
ment in the East Donegall ‘hor members of the family.)
Cemetery is only natural for them to
become confused
red. Special pains should be
taken to insure their safety
Miss Ruth Frank, 19, daugh-

ter of the Rev. and Mrs “The annual pre-Christmas
Christian W. Frank, 30 Main accident toll can be matorial
Street, Salunga, a studently lessened through co-opera
nurse at Lancaster Generaliton of walkers and drivers
hospital, died Tuesday in the!'Saving’ a few seconds or
hospital at 7:30 am. follow- minutes shou'd not be per
ing an illness of 5 days n tied tH outweigh concider
Accord ng to Mrs. Edythe aions of Safety.’
G. Kistler, directress of nur —
ses at the hospital, d2ath re- PATROLS DISCUSS BADGE
sulted from an infection of gGinca there were no nomi
the sinuses. ations for the gold badge
The girl had been a pa‘ient 1's week Mary Max, last
at the hospital since Fr'day. week's winner, was named
Born in Landisvill2, a, wear it for another week.
daughter of Christian andthe wook'y inspection was
Mae Rohrer Frank, the complaints were heard
a member of the Landisvil'e 34 Charles He: ps. prin~inal
Mennonite Church. She at- that the patrolmen
tended Landisv lle schools|would be tested in the near
and was graduated from the|fyture on the folding of the
Lancaster Mennonite School haji
in 1954.
In addition to her parents
she is survived by twin bro-
thers, Carl R. and Clair R
and a sister, Elizabeth A., all
a’ hom~; and her materna!
grandmo‘her, Mrs. Noah
Rohrer, East Petersburg.
Funeral servces will be
held Friday afternoon from
the Koser Funeral Home, In
Landisville, with further ser-
Fresh, Rozsted
Hassinger's Grocery
16 N. Market St Mt. Joy
For Your Coins

Elvis Pressley

and bewild-/
To Show Movie
Of "John Wesley"
Women To Hold
Thank Offering
Fhe Women's Society of The film, John Wesley",
the Reich's KE. C Church, will be shown this coming
Marietta RD. will conduct the Sunday evening, Nov. 25, at
nnual Thank-Offering Ser
in Texas’
Vahlsing, Inc
Rio Grande
saged in Child
service for a number of years
Evangelism F. H
The Rev. John E. Eckhart can load a carload of packag-
is the pastor of the Reich's'ed vegetables every 12 min-
Church. utes

To enjoy winter
this year...

Perfect protection
in perfect comfort

Cold weather health and com-
fore demand protection next to
vour skin Get into light-but
warm Duofold—all the warm
wool 1s in the outer layer where
it can't itch—nothing but soft
cotton touches you. We have
it in union suits of two-piece
models + easy
to launder. Get yours today...

Heep All The Fun

25¢ Each week for 50 weeks $ 12.50
50c¢ Each week for 50 weeks $ 25.00
$ 1.00 Exch week for 50 weeks $ 5000
$ 200 Each week for 50 weeks $100.00
$ 3.00 Each week for 5) weeks $150.00
$ 5.00 Each week for 50 weeks $250.00
$10.00 Each week for 50 weeks £500.00


STILL— 20 gold 8
Lavern Baker) «19 gq $16.50 ||
£5 gold $ 8.75
PRISCILLA | die Costey) $290 gold $300
Yl $3 gold $20.00
JUST WALKING IN THE | $1 gold 6.00
RAIN NG ot Joa aul ted accepien
Johnny Ray | Remittance immediately
i} Complete coll ction: pu chased
Reference: Keysto~e Trust Cs.
BLUEBERRY HILL— | Harrisburn, Pa.
Fats Dominoll Coin Dea ers Since 1935
28 S. 4h Street
48 W. Main St, Mount Joy
P 3 3622 | Phone CEdar 4.3400


7:30, in the Fellowship Hall
vice in the church on Sunday, of the Church of the Breth
Nov. 25 with Mr. and Mrs. ren in Elizabethtown
James Keefer, Elizabethtown, This motion picture, in
1 ue peakers color and running 77 minutes,
A Sunday School session tells the story of Wesley's
will be conducted at 9:30 a. struggle to find a satisfying
with Mr. Keefer speaking experience of God and the
in the Adult Department, and extension of a ministry
Mi Keefer assisting in the which came with his deeper
Primary Department Both faith. The episodes were sel
Vit ind Mrs. Keefer w.1l ected to help today’s Christ
» bring messages at the 10:40 tans find their hearts ‘“‘strang
am. worship service. The Ju- ly warmed” and their Chris
nior Choir of the church will tian faith made more vital.
sing, and a mixed quartet At the morning worship
will furnish a selection. Mrs. hour al 10:30, Mr. A. C
Lester Roland will be the |Baugher, President of E-town
{ guest p.anist for the worship College, will conduct the ser
hou vice and preach the sermon
Mr. and Mrs. Keefer have Sis
recently returned from Ger From the 25,000 acres of
many, where they were en-|vegetable land which it owns
Nj frre i pret J Ypres I reset Jiro J» soniye,
[ee wp [prem pret J rena t J pret J pos po fpr Np =p Si Yrs Sip et fl

Boys and girls entered in
the 4-H capon raising project
were honored Tuesday noon
at the weekly luncheon meet-
ing of the Mount Joy Rotary
club, held at Hostetters
An annual event with the
Rotarians, Capon Day is he'd
for judging of dressed birds
and for awarding prizes
The birds then are bought
by the Rotarians
During the noo meeting
Paul M. Hess announced win-|
ners of the judging and gave
cash prizes. First award for
best par of birds went to
Jean Miller, second to Willis
Hackman and Virginia Wiv
Highest final scores were
as follows: Jean Miller, 99.7;
Christ Miller, 98.6; Susie
Martin, 98.5; Willis Hackman
98.3; Virginia Wivell, 98.0;
Ronald Wagner, Thomas
Shoemaker, Betty Hess, Mir-
iam Roland and Helen Webb.
Henry Webb, who had ser-
ved as judge, talked briefly
and explained to the Rotar-
ians and the boys and girls
some of the reasons for plac
First National
of the
represented the county bank-|Gerald Grove, Quinten Ams-
ers assojciation and presented
each child who entered
Nea ]
the ton
SAT. NOY. 24—2 De. m.

The Committee on Rein-, Mervin Brandt, Maytown,
project with a gift. He point- SEEK TO END
ed out that the gifts were a| forced Concrete Research of was the guest speaker at the
gesture of approval of the HIGHWAY BUMPS American Iron and Steel In- Tuesday night meeting of the
work that youth is doing stitute — to sponsor research local Lions Club. He discus-
as it seeks to take steps a- “Bump Free” rides on con- on the Pennsylvania high- sed world affairs. Dennis Au-
bove mediocrity.” tinuously - reinforced which is near York. The ment played several piano
mmm (won meee crete pavement are available tests are being conducted by|solos. Lewis Bixler, presi-
PROF. GREENE TO now in at least five parts of Lehigh University. dent, was in charge.

the United States, according
ADDRESS SCHOOL & to American Iron and Steel
Institute. Many other high-
HOME ASSOCIATION ways may be similarly im-
Prof. A. Paul Greene of proved in the future. Re-
Elizabethtown College willlsearch is now going forward
be the guest speaker at thelto place the design of such
local School and Home Asso-|roads on a sound engineering
ciation meeting next Tuesday basic.
evening, Profescor Green| mpe “bump-bump-bump"’
will conduct a talk on ‘re is caused by the joints
porting”, the second in this jj, yh highways. These roads
year's theme of reporting. were built in segments, to al-
low for expansion and con-
due to

Following classroom visita-
Check It
tion from 7 to 7:30 p.m., theitraction temperature
‘meeting will be held in the changes.
auditorium at 7:30 pm. In| now believe that f Si
addition to the guest speaker, (he joints may be unneces- or ize
a business meeting will be gary. They say that contin-
conducted by Charles Wolge- ously reinforced concrete
muth, president, and refresh-
ments will be served by the apr maintenance costs, in addi-
kindergarten mothers. tion to providinz smoother
" rides.
AWARDED TURKEYS Indiana, Illinois, New Jer-
|sey, California and Texas are|
pavement may result in low- Is your present fire insurance coverage
geared to the current value of your prop-
erty? If not, better take steps now to cor-
rect a situation which could result in serious
The Mt. Joy Sportsman/among the states that have loss. Let us check it with you.
Club awarded turkeys to the stretches of continuously re-
following: Clinton Eby, Jr, inforced concree pavement.
Wilbur Hess, William Bartch, The Indiana road was built WILEY & RUTT AGENCY
85 EAST MAIN ST. PHONE 3-6911 i
For Safety’s Sake, See Us Now!
in 1938, followed by Illinois
and New Jersey in 1947, Cal-
ifornia in 1949 and Texas in
1951. A new stretch is being
constructed in Per.nsplvania.
Myrtle Bates,
Roy Hess, Dewey
Harry Derr,
Hornafius, |
packer and C. Man, Washing-

= SNe J %
WN ntl ted nt fed Nt Nf 30a Uf 4 nit Nf ri [art RUN} Att freee | fart fst rnd frm Po ne Uf rtd Urns rr lf rrr 5

Phone 3-3622
Open 9 to 9 Every Day Except Sunday

Sola, ob 5)

range now
Frey, Abr

With Th
seems ent
proper to t
thusast call;

Until aft
turkey hav
the last kin
eating, it a
a bit unsee
pletely and
we say, ‘Le
And, the;
ginning to
Christmas «
and lighted
store wind
special at
shortly the
full swing.
Going ba
and good tl
might be a
comer to th
ment that t
more wond
dishes in
than we ev
fore. Just tc
-— — 8
For inst:
pretzels in
sold in box
the giants
world. The
course, but
from the
brands. In tl
grocer woul
can of pretz
were horrib
they must b
Potato chi
the same pa
chips here
more tasty.
Last week
of Henry Ci
ence at the
Joiners conv
tempted to t
a guard inte
The part
been interes
we did om
speaker was
A peek af
1957 — you
even bigger
number of
available in
will be ‘rai
the industry
Main stree
the other d:
stamp trend
ed the
cently <1 tl
a Jo;
whega the si
a nics yieat
“We Give (
We have
en to unde:
is a fine, ec
ence, leading
ciation of 1
of wider ho
But, consi
Joy family
visit to Cub
ed in such tl
er purchase
measure. C
inches. The
cated Spani
It was a ne
new owner’
a conversati