The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 22, 1956, Image 2

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*he Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pe’ . per in Monday. 1h
i Thursday, November 22 2 Muscular Distrophy Mrs. Demmy and Mrs Kiddies To Hold Donegal Plans T
- Kauffman of Maytown called + . —
THE MOUNT JOY D * U d on Mr. and Mrs. Mumper on Annual Sale Special Service ;
Publ = LEE I rive n erway Tuesday For the third year, a Christ-! A special “openhouse” is 48 (
ublished every Thursday Mr. John Frey, Florin, and mas cookie and ie sale is being planned for the Done- |
. 1, . ray \ More than 200,000 heople 1 scles. shoulders ar i upper r. Jonn rey, orin, anc as { p § & i
Bg I a, I a in the United States Peper Ie a NPP Dan Mumper were on a being planned by the Mount gal high school Thursday, gn i
Richard A Rain Bdito | , sunning trip Saturday in Per- Joy Elementary School and Dec. 6. The event is being * '
Richard A. Rainbolt Editor from muscular dystrophy Muscular dystrophy is not® ’ : hy . . > Voi ’ ; :
and Publisher . ; tagious but ome forms’ County. Home Association. The salesponsored jointly by the |
—— ind at least 50 percent Be uw Tr i ease of Mr. and Mrs. David Myers will be held Friday, Dec. and the PTA group. .
Subscription Rate $2.50 per children between 3 and 13 a A a a. of Lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Pen-in the Roberts Electrical Following a spot-check in “+ A
: Dp wd TR yf these. few WwW ne site 5 \rapic a : venton and daughter, Harris-|Store, East Main Street, be-/several classes, the result ga
year by Mail Of thes2, few will reach their known. Two years ago, SIX , bp mi A
Advertising rates upon re- eens and all will die before mothers of doomed children burg, were guests of Mr. and ginning at 4 p.m. proved that in some classes
quest. ii | re fom : The child dug No ; York to sar 2 Mrs. Al Kike. All the parents of schooljas high as 50° of the stu-
Entered at the post CL mitra . Re X H a Foe n A . s J : | Mr. and Mrs. William Vog-|/children will be asked to do-/dents’ parents have never 4
at Mount Joy, Pa., as second- Jor orm of | 1s the most forma £3 1] and daughter visited in the nate cookies and pies to the/seen the school. S 5
class mail under the Act of P™ valent type and a second ment rough their e Ors, home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd|sale. The cookies and pies, The committee is urging :
March 3, 1879. form which starts in adsoles- the Muscular Dystrophy As- Vogel asked to be taken to thelthe parents to come to the a
Member, Pennsylvania News Re Et Shus more Slow. Soc a ns 1 > Ine. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin|store at 3 pm. the day of school that evening to in- ;
paper Publishers’ Association any hn pau PIS hay ve Ware Sun SC ¢ go > aie Jr. moved into one of the/the sale. Mrs. Arthur Schnei-ispect the building and note sl
on 0 THe d e age 4 thirc form tus ne are gst x new Ford homes in the new der is chairman of the event. the progress being made in N
Nr h PI nee $0 early Suppo! - scien A le projects Martin development. She announced that if per-the various departments. R
Wins P Pp & L adulthood affects the facial discover a cure. ! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur are unable to have their This openhouse is scheduled
' : : SS of Palmyra visited in donations at the store by 3/for 7 to 8:30 p.m. Following
: - with his branch Reading of- tht Hamilton home. p.m. they are to call her inthis period, a band concert
Ag. Scholarshio ~ fice group to New York and Miss Mary G. morning at 3-6383. will be held in the auditori- ha
Warren C. Heinly, Lancas I [LORIN toured the Albany plant of and Miss Ruth Wittle spent ——————————— um plus a business meeting! 5
ter, is among the winners of * the Fuller Brush Co. Saturday with Miss Anna E. (of the PTA. i
Pennsylvania Power & Light = = day and Monday. Miles and Miss Janie Weister|to be given in the Manheim ® - id "
Company agricultural schol- Rev. Robert Hess, a mis- A group of Juniors and the at E-town. Twp. school at Neffsville on| Food rationing began on‘ .
arships for the 1956-57 school sionary to Nigeria, now on Sunday School teachers at-| Visitors in the home of Mr. Saturday night. : [March 1, 1943. A A
term at Pennsylvania State furlough will be the speaker tended a Junior High fellow- and Mrs. Dick Gerlitzski and Rev. Roy Forney 1s holding t
University, according to an at the annual Thankoffering ship supper at the Ephrata family for Thanksgiving were 21 evangelistic wg In 3
Service next Sunday morn- Brethren Church Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Kissinger {he Chiquis Orach his is U Y .
ing, Nov. 25 in the Florin E evening. and family and Mr. Dick/the conclu ding week. FE C K E R 2
U. B. Church, sponsored by| Mrs. Eli Bradley was taken Mummau We want fo meet Ur oil burner!
the W.S.W.S he S iank’e Mrs. Emma Eshelman visit- President Warren G. Hard- | a
Rev. William Walters of I the 31. Josephs Rosie ed in the home of Mr. anding was Honorary President E T T E R '
Mansfield Ohio will ve D a . Gi ; . ey Mrs. Clarence Douple on Sun-of the National Horseshoe a bbs ; : :
spoaker at the Thanksgiving ; Ne yer Main bs wa day. Pitchers’ Association. We want to take full responsibility tor its operation . . . to give your
services on Thursday morn- a: oe oy ph a and} Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ear-r— : home safe, cheap, dependable heat with Atlantic’s famous triple-refined
ing with the young people Mrs. George Mumper is bert A Personalized heating oil . . . now with a new additive that helps prevent sediment
ari ¢t phar p oy . : e MY, © S. Oc > ————— . » x
having charge of on service confined to her bed at home. packer and children Sunday Christmas Greetings Pa from forming in your tank.
in the rethre ‘hurcl Mrs. George fives ds 2 i boty : ah 3 7 . . . %
Tr Woof Herel ys Sore Robin: a also! Miss Carol Ginder is one We promise prompt deliveries, routine and emergency service—
- a patie X & ome. 3 . sci} x ret $ at
ren Church will have their! Mr. Clayton Lefever has in oH i ig be or day and night. Please call now and make arrangements for complete .
annual Christmas Get - 10 - returned to his home from the 4.0) oiub play orm oil burner service. wi
gether and will pack stock- {he hospital. - de sn a
ings for the unfortunate chil- Mrs. Musser Heisey had pr
dren, with articles, like been a patient in the hospital Donegal
tooth brushes, tootn paste, several days / 20 AS :
pocket combs, powder, small, Mr and Mrs. David Ber- il H Zn H li Oil S 1
1 S « r °
toys, candies rier of Harrisburg visited Mobi e omes ORIGINALS Se 0 1 ervice
Mrs. Margaret Brown of friends in Florin on Sunday. ED ATE : : 5 naar
i 3 Donegal igh school accom-, Miss Mary Keck of Mount Aldus (Red) Hannan LIVE OR DRESSED FLORIN, PA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-3483
¥ : jpanied the Junior group of Joy called on her aunt and E. William (Bill) Pontz, t '
WARREN C. HEINLY the school to a meat cutting uncle Sunday. Proprietors NOW ON DISPLAY Delivered To Your Door LEHIGH AVENUE LANCASTER, PA. |
ARR demonstration by Geo. Stauf- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Funk, of T Phone Lanc 3-3401
far nls 2 ae oid me ¥ 3 lS SE EL |
by. Chat E for at Jake Stehman’s store. Neffsville, called on friends SALES and SERVICE ADAM H. GREER Norman Becker
Oakes, PP&L president. The Was assisted by a repre-on Sunday. ROUTE 230 JEWELRY & GIFT SHOP a
Penn State junior has re- sentative from the Swift Co Rev. Weist of Maytown DIAL 3-5639 MOUNT JOY
ceived his award Sawrday, Mr. Jake Klugh went along called on Mr. and Mrs. Mum- MOUNT JOY 3-4516 MOUNT JOY. PENNA. 44tfc
November 3, on the campus nm en sere ti ER - ” = —
A total of 12 agricultural
scholarships—three in each
of the undergraduate classes
__are awarded each year by
students enrolled in
the university's college of ag-
riculture who are residents
of the utility's service area
The PP&L awards are made
on the basis of character,
scholarship and promise of
usefulness in the field of ag-
riculture. Each scholarship
winner seceives $200 toward .
his year's tuition costs
Mr. Oakes pointed out that >
the PP&L agricultural schol- h 1d b b ht ~ « t t
arship program is built a- S ou c ou as an inv es men
round a recognition of the
of agriculture (to
the economy of the state
These scholarships also are .
offered, he added, with the d d t hi h 3 .
knowledge that the continued esigne 0 accomp 1S Some e mite ® 9
sound development of the
area agricultural potential in oy ew
will be greatly enhanced
with the advancement of A
knowledge in all of agricul- h h ° ° ® ®
ro’ wr] > TO S ~
re’ relied fields purpose, whether it be used to stim- includin th 5
ince 1€ program was 1n-
stituted, 21 recipients of P. : e 1eW
P. & L. agricultural scholar-
ships have been graduated h "5m B S
from the university. in eac 3
way Unione nee {ulate sales or enhance prestige. Its Wks SPECIAL. CENTURY, SUTCR.
eral agriculture at Penn i P Ss °
State. He is a 1954 graduate
of Lancaster high school. E DONT MEAN ust new IC OF 7 »
DON'T MEA} w this > : ole ous =
RINE W 7 oF 38 J he or new that. But there's even more to the newness of every
Women Rename . . . ean new everything. 57 Buick.
| a 3 WON y ? SAD : m ne’ 3
All Offi value to you lies not In w hat 1t cost, We fio everything you can’t sce, as well as There's a completely new chassis that gives
every OV ve car > res 1 1 1
icers erything you can. the car the lowest center of gravity in Buick
re Women's Assocation And even the “seeing” is new—for the new, history—for a steadier, safer ride. And a new
oO the Mount Joy an Jone- | n - 1 . : lw
y amd I wider, rakishly : 0d panoramic windehis Ae :
Sd. Prosbterian Churches . . lo angled panoramic windshield kind of ball-joint suspension for surer handling,
met 2t the Joe of Mrs J but in what 1t accomplishes. i its 2 more square inches of glass area safer cornering, and a wonderful new levelized
. Heisey. Rheems, on Tues- widens the forward view of RT WR
diy Naverber 18. forward view of all passengers. braking,
The program theme “A mT There's a nb AiG
ake Nr AYE ls new saftetv vi 5 xy
Pattern for Pouce” was, led Lake other examples, + : on safety instrument panel, new
; Mrs. . isey, ¢ ; dip-center satety steeri > GAY.
by Mrs. J. W. Heisey, and Mes din is new, Never helora Fave vou wb atety steering wheel—even an
called attention to some of 3 5 od I' belrore nave vou seen ince ; J . ie
tides ial 2 2. Buick Tike dhl ) genious new Safety-Minder* that lets you
the causes of social and in- a Buick like this one —sleek and stunning and k 7 i
ternational tensions which & low as : . ? now when you reach the miles-per-hour you've
SGOT al tiation ow as a cat-crouch. rt ]
and su sgosted w ys in which | It i preset for yourself,
suggesie ays Cc | Ss engine is > Tames 7. ota
Women cah con I ne g new. Never has any Buick boasted Or
ribute toward peace in the | so big, so powerful, so obedient an engine as the course, the only way to get the whole, new
wor today ther partici- | 11 r VK eo nme ¥ : > py 7 pr : vv ie §
tS vo a Da = I t | purring V8 engine that gingers every "57 Buick. in story is to take the wheel and let
Karnes, Mrs. Oliver W. C ° ° » ° | this big new car do its own talking
Holmes. Miss Mary Strickler, Its performance is new—and right here we sod that i
an Is. aro illow . ye aur Kix . ; ANC 1at's § thi a) + Tae 5
service ont the | mean mew like nothing else you ever experi- ats something we Il be most happy to
sane there was lod by Mrs. | enced before. arrange first chance vou get. Come in today.
John Risser. rr 5 > AT
ines session. at For now, there's a new advanced Variable Pitch New Ardonuced Vayu Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow
hice Yelle sta . . A Buick builds 1 It is a
which : Mrs. R. Pe lenbaum Dynaflou so wnstant in action, so smooth and Century— : i Aa. 1619 Sandor] on Roadmaster, Super and
presided. the present officers flexible: thy ] ly ry—optional at modest extra cost on the Special. Safety-
exible throughout the entire “Drive range — Minder standard on Roadmaster, optional other Series Ss
s. !
were unanimously re-elected
to a second term. They are: the need for “Low” is virtually eliminated
President, Mrs. R. Fellen- D. ® ®
baum, First Vice President, O Your Printing
Mrs. John Leaman; Second
Vice President, Mrs. Richard «
Schwartz; Secretary, Mrs. ‘ ® :
Douglas Karnes; Asst. Secre- ewe St 108 (6
tary; Mrs. Harold Fellen- 2
baum; Treasurer, Mount Joy, :
Dr } Phone 3-9661 Mount Joy ee A «
S. F. ULRICH, Inc. N
The December Meeting will
505 North Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA.

be held at the Mount Joy
Church Monday evening, De-
cember 10 instead of Tues-|
day, Dec. 11 as previously
planned. This will be the an-
#+ nual Christmas program.