The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 22, 1956, Image 1

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Community Christmas

Mount Joy's Community decorations will exte
Wrestling has been added to the sports program at the Donegal high school this .
8 p progra 8 £1 sev Christmas decorations will be Jacob Street to the
vear. Grant Miller, vocational agricultural teacher, will be the coach of the new sport.



Decorations Completed

nd from



i i Q : 1 i reek Tork siding ¢ v M ry Pa. :
Mr. Miller was formerly the wrestling coach at the B. M. O. Joint School in McVeys- lighted next week. Work on siding at the Mount Joy Pa William Benedick was el-
a : vr B factory
town. the erection of the units has Per Box factory ccted to teach industrial arts
Mr. Miller announced that thirty-eight candidates responded to the first call. Ny var- already begun. The decora- Christmas of 1956 will in the Donegal high school it
sy i be played the first year with other schools but scveral serimages tions will include candle un- mark the fifth year that the was announced at the regular
e played. its, candy cane boards, and a community d¢corations will meeting of ar
A : . apie. a - a trois ps y c aras, ¢ ‘ HL fe ng of the board last
In the above photograph, Ronald Rafferty. sophomore; Ernest Wolgemuth, freshman: community Christmas be used. A committee was Thursday evening. Mr. Bene-
Gene Daveler, freshman; Grant Miller, coach; and Kenneth Newcomer, senior; are Hi np An hil : . : am .
: : ~ : : tree on the corner of Mariet- formed early in 1952 to in- dick, who is completin his
shown. Wolgemuth is demonstrating a take down hold on Daveler. Coach Miller is x a . i : te p g
ib : : ta Avenue and East Main St. vestigate the yossibility of ‘actice teaching at the local
pointing out the proper grips to the other boys. -Photo by Marshall Dussinger Bl ie = ide a pos: Jax practice teaching a 1e loca
Letters have been issued community decorations. Dur- school this semester, will
to the businessmen and or- ing the summer of that year, graduate from Millersville
. ganizations of the borough samples were erected on the State Teachers College at
seeking funds to pay for the Poles for public insp:ction. the end of the semester. His
OWL LAFFS it pe 's They i of i
new additions to this year’s They caused quite a bit of pos tion is not a replacement;
ox C br : array. Five new candle units comment since they were er- he is being hired to fill a va-
om ete ormation and additions to the tree are ected during one of the hot- cancy that existed from the
MAIN STREET P . being added this year. The test periods of July. From the beginning of the school term.
Girl Scouting in the Mt. ed by Ray N. Wiley. samples seen at that time, John Buch, building prin-
2 Joy-Florin Neighborhood has Junior Rotarians present the committee went to work c‘pal and teacher of the Mar-
¥ Remember last summer the NOW hit an all high of over Were Leroy Kaylor and Ar- El and made eleven of the el- ietta Elementary School, re-
‘ story reported here about 200 girls. Enrolled in the lene Heisey. m Tree PTA Is ectrical canule and wreath signed to accept a position in
how Dr. Michael Gratch of Movement is a Brownie troop In the local set-up the fol- units and thirty-five wooden : 3 i h : the Department of Public
Maytown and a friend groun- in Mt. Joy for eleven-year lowing sulle ne TE Attended By 165 candy cane unils : I'wenty new Brownies of troop 280 are beng invested in t spec al coremony this Instruction, Harrisburg. His
ded a boat and were forced °lds, the first time a troop on oflices for the year. Mrs. The next year ten addition- afternoon in the Presbyterian Church. Miss Joanne Brown, leader, and Myrs. Mark resignation is effective Nov.
rail. : ; , was available for seven-year M. Thome is the district Qpe hundred sixty-five al candle units were added; Mumma, assistant, will present the beanies to the girls following the ceremony. Dur- 30. Mrs. Emily Wilkinson
to wait six hours until the yA Miss ace. Mock \ I | g ) g 3 ur y
t:de came in and floated them ©14S. There are four Brownie chairman; . Miss Grace WVIeCK- persons attended the Monday the third year, time clocks ing the ceremony. the girls will repeat the Brownie promise The program will in- fourth grade teacher in the
free troops, Six Intermediate lem, Lancaster, the district night meeting of the Elm were attached to the units in clude a play entitled “The Brownie Story”. The Brownies in charge of the play are Marietta school. resigned
> ov» troops and two Senior troops. director; Mrs. Warren Foley, Tree Elementary School PTA. order that the units would Zimmerman, Diaps Rice, Bossy O'Connor, Doris Baer and Jodie Shupp. Fol with an effective date of Jan.
Ty . . airme . Q . . 7 > ~ Ye refres » 3 7 oe serve > trio > Sap . {ae ss
A fow d tl d There are 23 neighborhoods Neighborhood chairman; Mrs. A Thanksgiving program was all be I'ghted at approximate- ne wilh ments J TH served sey Styie lo the I w | 13, to accept a position in the
i Pb wv. 1€ 800d ij) Lancaster County. The Clyde Eshleman, vice chair- presented by the students of ly the same time. Last year oa Does with Mrs eo i By nope nig Presny Manheim Central School Dis-
i » Ss SCI 3 surg- . 1 i WOOT O- ve hg . c S. d NS as Che © > { 3 ittee. yr 4
i ar Subserne 0 2 SUrE- form is used to describe the man: Mrs. Martin Ney, secre- the school. Miss Jena Witmer, fifteen | more candle units committee consists of Mrs. James Schatz, Mrs. Robert Detwiler Bre Jay Meckl oy trict,
i ig magazine me was given smallest geographic subdivis- tary; Miss Elsie Lefever, 5 student, was the moderator. wert erected. With this year's and Mrs, Raver Miller, Sp 1, AUS. ay Bt Bénjamin Weaver, a mem-
5 gg es 1at yas fhe ion of the Girl Scout Coun- treasurer; Mrs. James Rob- Elsie Hosler, first grade five more candle units there The girls are: Back row — Barbara An Meckley, Yolan Piaquadio, Rita J. May. ber of the Donegal high
i til I cil of the county. The local €rts, troop organizer; Mrs. teacher, directed group sing- are now forty-one of the el- Mary Elizabeth Detwiler, Janet Nissley} and Mary McCowin: second row-—Diane Rice, school faculty has been nam
8 to a ye : . oi x x . . . . r >: ~ : “ ¥ wo -
avigalion. neighborhood is a member of Eric Olson, troop consultant jg ectrical units. Only seventeen Kathlene Kimmerman, ' Kitty J. Etsell. Doris Bair, Barbara Roberts. Anna San- ed building principal and
9 the Northwest District of the On Brownie work; Mrs. Har- During the business meet- board units will be used this tana; front row Renee Flowers, Marjean Renee Cook, Betsy O'Connor, Valeria fourth grade teacher in the
: . illHow ap S CSS ' Rte Tape % Ere Vorive Re Sv 3 3 : aie STC rp cache Nn
| You can’t tell the seasons county group. It is compris- old Billow, Intermediate; |, conducted by John Her- Year with this year’s addi Schatz, Brenda Harple and Carol Fellenbaum Photo by Marshall Dussinger Marietta school. Prior to his
just by looking. Saturday af- ed of all adults in the Mount Mrs. James Spangler, SENIOTS; oy, president, the group tions being used to replace teaching in the local high
i ternoon, when it was snow- Joy-Florin area who are reg- Miss Anna Mae Eby, program , progress report by ome of the board units. Dur- - ’ school, Mr. Weaver formerly
0 ing — or very near it — istered members of the Girl eps on {op the committee chairman Mr. ing the five years, Arthur Santa 1 0 Story Of Donegal Ss Adopted taught in the Marietta high
what was Jim Shaeffer do- Scout movement. ee a A or Peet on the proposed ball- Sprecher has been chairman school and Marietta element-
ing? Mowing the lawn, of . =~ OS eT alte Ti diamond backstop. The plans 0f the committee, . Student Is Released ary school. He was also an
eourse. William cookie are nearing completion and ded 9 GH rrive elementary teacher in West
eo oo Rotary Hears : ser, the work will begi npfield for 14 ye:
: irra. Thee gin in the The Grs! roiect { the the Mf a former Hempfield for 14 years be-
Our who and candy chairman; Mrs. neal Jack Misses vor Four Hurt In Auto Ye first project of the the generosity of a former THRE 3
aw, ro . . JE S¢ Feta Ate ia » coming to Marietta.
came by plane to Harris- Eric Olson, Julete Lowe potted on the of er atur ay school year for the swdem Foster Patent, who 15 to A or re f
s. Fe se sedlewor i ae * 2 i i longer able to help. aid was A change in custodians o
burg a couple of weeks ago World Traveler Mrs. Earl Koser, Needlework ecting signs fear the school. A d S d ; council of the Donegal High 0 So
overheard a woman passeng- Joy Rotarians Tue Guild; Mrs. George Alberts, Mr Ss is working on the cc ent un ay Santa Claus arrives in Mt. School was to sponsor a child eXtended to Choe Chong. i yas announced.
- y yt AQ . 0 S$ 5 Y r oe “iy 3 ”" ae oy » < Us Pr
er saying to the pilot just be- quay neon, at a Sey Piblicity;, Mrs Warren Foley possibility of erecting signs Three persons were hos- Joy Saturday afternoon! Al- overseas through the Foster Your timely adoption me yg Pesan of
: ’ PKI iss c ae irs EAL Neu : A arene’ , . lew Vork sures continuance 0 arr) ihn, janitor o ne
fore takeoff at meeting at Hostet- Miss Bono Mas ais near the school for the pro- pitalized and a fourth one though his route from the Parents plan, Inc., New yo! k ri a elementary school Charles
i ; “Now don’t start going 0st ters. were given another Brandt Mrs a) a wi tection of the school children. injured when their car struck non Pole to "Mount Jov is ity. le Ty Na { i i or > : bright. Pennell was named to replace
than sound. My friend and I... shee Pt seam ' vo > © r aut ving hin ai +. a bank, careened across the “council will senda $10.00 each hoe Ng 1S a right, as : y
= want to talk.” oh he lt of Wier- Mm. Ronert Rewihorns, The Manan wie oe road ‘and into a tree on a Secret, local adults learned month toward the support of cheerful boy who is a student Mr Kuhn. = Ciinton G. Eby
on 0 hatlonal relations troop camping licenses; Mis presented tot 1¢ Second Brafe road two and a half this week he will arrive back a child. In an all-school as- in the second year of junior Was nam d to replacz Mr
Henry Carpenter is away A week ago they heard Elsie Lefever, day camp site Refreshments were Served + miles east of Mount Joy at 8 of the Union National Bank Sembly, the entire student high school. He does very Pennell a the High school
on a trip which reminds us Jesse Lane of Elizabethtown chairman; and Mrs. Arthur the third grade Inothers Phe p.m : Sunday : = sha body voted to support this well in his lessons and has and George Engle, Marietta
of one Of his stories. Not £ive an American's view. Sprecher, day camp business next meeting will be held on Tous at 1:45 and parade up Main project by having each stu- shown some ability as a R1, was named to janitorial
long ago he had gone to the Tuesday they heard John manager. Monday, January 21, 1957, State Police said Moy street to Way's Toyland. dent donate lc. per week. l2ader both in school and at work in both the
d < 3s 3 3 wofroc > x arnle Man- 4 dha hi ey > vg rh
city and was killing a little Williams Hughes, a nat ve of Troop Leaders with refreshments in charge mond L. Harple, Fla Man He will be escorted by the The following is a letter re- the orphanage. He says that School and the high school.
fre § , The Wales, who set out some of Leaders in the neighborhood °f the fourth grade mothers. heim R2, driver of the car, Mouz TR atary school ceived by the school from he would make the navy his The last position is a new
me in the hotel lobby. The Eis : was admitted to St. Joseph's Mount Joy Elementary school C€! ne created through the ad
ain ativach Te . the current trends in British are Miss Joanne Brown, lea- § rr gs Dt. ® : 37 liv the Foster Parents’ Plan career when he grows up. one create irough the ad-
main attraction was the com- 0 Hospital following the crash Pand and will climb the lad- he be ye 5 : D- divi f another elementary
ihe Evie vel ne Policies. der: Mrs. Mark Mumma, as- Spiva He . ye Ce A mv 13% ois v Thanks to PLAN help, his dition of another elementary
ings and goings of the many . : . 3 ie Ty N . for treatment of a possib'e der into the second fioor toy The child's name is Choe TVR +434 p, building in Maytown
delognies fo a lsbor conven To Rowrions, whose taps Suan iy Brawn C por : > Executive Group skull fracture rib injuries land at 2 p.m. Chong; Birth date: February health has improved greatly :
tion being held in the same avenue of service concerns 280; Mrs Geo Ni cCue, lead wd itcemal Witries: Following his arrival. he 7. 1943; Nationality: Korean BY extending a help'ng he nd An openhouse w 1 be he 1d
hotel. The Carpenters and world service, the two talks er, Mrs. Thomas O'Connor, Hears Report : : : will meet <I] his friends The story of Choe Chong js 10 this impoverished young- In the high school Thursday,
Joiners were holding a big Were completely complemen- assistant, Brownie troop; Mrs Marie D fiondoprer, toyland Ho will ale » the tragic history of many ster, you are providing him Dec. The openhouse is be-
liad i ey ny . ‘harles Shoemaker dans were ci ‘te at five, 234 N. Lime St., a pas ie 2c als 2 20-3 oH : YW AES vind of fing anned i ; , \
affair and were having a top tary. Charles Shoemaker, leader, Plans were ( mpleted at ave Fad ms pe "cated in the store Wednesday Korean's children, touched with vital material aid. Of ing pl nned jointly by the
notch speaker Line talked of the middle Mrs. Aldus Hannan and Mrs. the executive meeting of the Senge was admitted to the and’ Friday nights’ t talk irrevocably by a war they qu: | importance is the op- school and the PTA group.
Ba gi fires; Samuel Nissley, Brownie Donegal high school PFA on same hospital for treatment © i vee 0 2 : es : v.41. DOT it are affording Kenneth Depoe was named
®e oO o eastern situation: Hughes Sa el Yi Yr oie Dex “i : 1a I a hr with his friends from 7 to 9 could not understand. Both P ) you r i rding on 3% a vas mm
It occured to the Mt. Joy told of the problem from a NO. i oF Dr : n alae { head injuries p.m. beginn ng November 28. he and his ten year old s's- him of looking ty a brighter, Ch ay TAS lacyly com.
man that maybe he could British subject's viewpoint Johnson, leader of Brownie openhouse to be held Thurs- and head injuries i ter live in a Kunsan orphan- More secure future. In the mittee and will be as-isted
“crash” the “meeting on a To the latter a man who troop 121; Mrs. William Un- day, Dec. 6. John Hart re Clarenre Roth, thirty-one, This is the fifth year that age i ensuing months, vou will be- by Mrs. Joseph Llewellyn, H.
more or less legitimate basis travels and talks in America Ser» leader; Mrs. Phillip ported that each parent will 147 N. Markt St., Mt. Joy, Santa will make his appear Before il threak of the CMe acqua nted through cor- Morrell Shields, John Day,
and enjoy the activities as six months oh year and Sears, assistant, intermediate reccive notification of the was admitted to the same ance in Mount Joy. The an- ” Jelor 1c ou i of t ie | spondence. We feel certain Mrs. Jchn Day, Hubert Pe-
the rest of the people seemed then does the same in other F0OP No. 8; Miss Joyce Ba- openhouse through the mail. hospital for treatment of fa- pal a Is made possible Pe ; > a on a fives OH will enjoy fr endship ters, Mrs. Almoda GriTiths,
; 8 406) ter, leader; Mrs. Janet Peifer George Bowers s. cal lacorations, a broken BY John Way. TOU. oh? Mhop TOMMY oY with your foster son a Eugene Tritch, Mrs. Charles
to be doing. parts of the world the other Ker, leader; Mrs. janet Pei George Bowers and Mrs. Ca acerations, a bro ol Ei ‘ with your foster con as much 2 -harles
ascites > diate : Yaot © - peacefully in Kunsan Choo : a 22
| oe © o six months, “the British and a3sistant, Intermediate troop wy jjjam Fackler reported on nose and a chest injury. fa Pudko wher: the father 25 1° will benefit by your Becki and Mss Thelma
| Thus, he went to the guard French act vities in the cri-is Re, 82; JY George Weber the Lancaster Coun'y PTA The fourth occupant, M=rle JOYCEES HELD was employed as a police. Tylor
! > . 5 an ie Srila : eader of intermediate troop soti held at the Burrow vr 70 N Chore Lan- - : He of 4 ® P ans wore made for board
i at the door of the convention were justified but badly tim- x meeting held at the Burrows Herr, 70 N. Church St., Lan man. The country was thrown an e made for boar
| hall, struck up a conversation ed. , believed that they No. 170; Mrs. Harold Fellen- quo] in Lancaster. It was disvil'e, was treated for fac- DEMONSTRATION . a he members to attend the first
Pp e belie Y baum. leader: Mrs Myrtle ¢ ! : into utter pan'c when North R ~~ A I ny Set eR ash
and finally maneuvered the could have been delayed at m, bos lor) is. ren suggested that the bock ial lacerations by a Landis A garment demonstraton Korean Communist troons Le ric fo SZ m2et'ng of the Temple school
{ guard into saying that “If least 10 days to have avoid- ornho , ass'stant, of inte ‘Where Children Come From’ ville physician, State Police was held at the regular advanced across the 38th board institute for December
you were a carpenter I could ed the Amtrican elections Dede oop No: HY ; os be placed in the school lib- said. meeting of the JoyCees on Parallel and the Kunsan pr FOF Saturday 5
: : . ar er 2 > 3 1 a y Np Whois ts eit rR puny . i De vy of CR i cs :
let you inside. and the connection they had es rT er rary plus the two PTA mag- State Police sad the crash Tuesday evening at Hostet- lice unit was immediately Wilbur Beahm., supervising
i ys with the situation. oe 2 : 4 fer dor: Mrs. azines. The local group has occurred when Harple failed tor’s. During the demonstra- mobilized. Tho father wos iuracy 24 s the principal, announced a 97%
| That was all our hero need- He predicted that the next aly a A TS. had the magazines in the li- to negotiate a curve, struck tion. Mrs. Georgianne McCue, sent into the front lines and.da’e fo i r of the p 'p- enrollment for the month of
} ed. “I am a Carpenter,” he elections in his home country DPonaid Miller, assistan 10" brary and decided to place the west bank and the car Mrs. Jacob Brown and Mrs. fought valiantly ‘n the de. tl r record hops. The tims Oeclober. There are 1457 stu-
termediate troo No 212; : ow : g
chuckled as he walked away, will swing from the present po ods . 2p: y i = the book in the 1 brary. The bounced back on the road in- Charles Johnson were award- fense of his country. He was 8 to 11 at the Mt. Joy dents in the area’s element-
disinterested in the meeting, administration. “The social- “IS. Woo ateer, leader; group also decided to donate to a tree on the east side. ed prizes finally allowed It turn Fire Hous ary schools and 839 in the
wien hav! is Ded To 4 1” he enid Mrs. Stoey Barrick, assistant, gm Cok the TP ie bu oe Inaly 0 £5 re Dy Sor
Hier a Yon py pom. 1 how nes Worked: he sid senior HR No. 75; Mrs Fu 30 ann : MEE During the business meet- home to his family. A short W naers of special dances high school making a total of
He praised British leaders as : ta > Funda. FARM WOMEN T inz. four we ne .. time later. Communist guer- at the last danc> were A sport 2296 in the area
nieve de #3 Toi cate nd Baxter Wells, leader; Mrs. : : Lo ing, four were named to as- 'me later, guer- at the last dunce were A Spo Te .
We came eras His bi of individuals but :saiq that tn Warren Foley, assistant; sen- Carl Krall, treasurer, re- ; sist the Jaycees in their illas raided the village and, danc-, Dav.d Smith and Mur- Bills amounting to $24,142-
; information a few days ago der Eden's government, peo ior troop No. '96. : ported in his treasurer's re- AT RHEEMS HOME Christmas children’s shopping in the ensuing butt e, Mr. cie Portner An elimination -80 were ordered paid.
coneerning comme new med- ple feel, business has been : OWT too POTt @ balance of $386.30. Priyr @acietv No tour: They will help with the Choe was k’lled donee, Joe McKain and Kit- I'he board decided to have
Ve . achinery. Lead- an Ae Troop committee chairmen ~~ Farm Women's Society No. :
els in farm machinery. Lead- the worst in 50 years. : George Bowers reported a to- CITA x idle m ps : nD, walt Aw / sal all the buildings in the area
ing the parade of improve- TY speaker was introduce for the various groups are : b 0° 2 8 met Saturday at the home Wrapping of the gifts. The Laft as the sole support of t) Buckwalter; A balloon 3 . :
: ts oo be more practical 30 was Mrs. Charles Chunko, Mrs. (41 membership of 192. mem. wir and Mrs. Scott Heisey four are Mrs. Thomas O‘Con her son and daughter, Mrs. dance, Joe Hostetter and Pat a praised for the preblem
ments wil 2 : bra 3 James Spangler, Mrs. Roy bers. Tht hospitality commit- Mrs. Ralph Shenk. Or. Mrs. Eugene Choe struggled to earn a Hamby: A spot dance, Mike of adequate insurance. Fol-
. « S 8 ’ o. J . . y ‘ € i 5. he = By Me 3 v “ ing he ree ati
applications 0 ydraulic Packer, Mrs. Elmer Forwood €€ reported that 400 adult her daughter Linda. and Mrs Eicherly, Mrs. M chael Pricio living in the chaos of the Mumma and Jean Coller, lowing the recommendations
OWer. ’ y S. : che AR © aughter Linda, ¢ Mrs ° rd : : = a Edward Charles wi le
Pe e oo o Sad others? Miss Helen Schroll, Mrs, Mar- SYPPETs and 55 children sup Severling, all of Palmyra and Mrs. John Landi: war-torn country. No matter and Kay Bauserman nd Of Rava 4 C Saris s who made
rs sre’ served at the \ 1g, © ra, ie Sb sn . Ton “Pink” sale another a study of exis g coverage
ab dens: a ®e oo o tin Ney. Mrs. Bruce Greiner, Pers were’ st ved at th PTA presented a musical program ® how hard she worked, her Rick Marshall, another tudy of exist'ng coverage,
Tentatively, at least, 1e . Dentisvl meatloaf supper last Satur- 5 . 3 . a a Tos SUM ‘danes the group decided to hire a
annual meeting of the Mount TWO Southeastern Pennsyl- pp; Clyde Tripple, Mis. i ght. Th Spa for the group The annual Chr'stmas par- PY was no more than a few Spot dan :
¢ SG P interes are x. day n’'ght. The > rofit was ; DP PAR Lg ony i : A yrofecsion: ‘ompany ) re-
Joy Chamber of Commerce Vania places of interest are Staley, Mrs. Doris SIT ory pny OHL Was p.votions were in charge 'y of the faculty of Doncgal Pennies a day, not even en- These dances are very pep: | A No : ny. : a
has been set for the second described in the December grown, Mrs. Clyde Mumper ®4<Y./3 from he san of Mrs. Arthur Mayer. The high school will be held next ough to buy adequate food ular wth the They hr, ro es ig
Tuesday in January. ii of Ford ‘Times, popular and Mrs. Clyde Eshleman. © next meeting will be held the Wednesday evening. The for the family. Day by day, are one of the most beneficial Jigen iy: Mr po 1 9
Tree e little magazine publi hed ppe twelve groups are There will be a crab cake s cond Saturday in Decem- dinner-party to be attended she watched the two children recreat onal act'vities and findin FT Ra
: : 1 : ings
The chamber is at work monthly by the Ford Motor sponsored by the Presbyter- sale at St. Mary's Church in ber instead of the regular 3rd by the members, husbands grow thinner as their clothes are very much appreciated 8
for the good of the commun- company. ian Church. Ep’'scopal Church Mount Joy on November 30. Saturday. The meeting will and wives, will be held in fc Into rags The mothe r ne
ity but’ matters of the kind Titled. “Gathering Laurel The Church of God, Luther- Orders should be in by Nov. be held at the home of Mrs. the Ephrata American Legion sécrificed everything for the paya AR PLANS NEAR BIRTH
with which it is involved of- for St. Luke's,” is an interes- an Church, Business and 28. Call 33-6771. Jno. Warfel, Donegal Springs Home ch Idren with the end result CCMPLETION FOR DEC 1 1. a
ten move slowly. ting story about St. Luke's Professional Women’s Club, »f her health becoming very Bt
; eo o oo Evangelical and Reformed Florin Lions Club, Amer can weak. When, in July 1952, a Plans are nearing comple- Airman First Class and
At a meeting of the board church, in Lancaster. It says, Legion Auxiliary, JoyCees small-pox epidemic swept the tion for the second annual Mrs. John Brown announce
of directors this week, held in part, “The activity begins and Mount Joy Lions Club. - . area, Mrs. Choe fell ill and bazaar to be sponsored by the birth of a daughter Nov.
at th> -home of Presdent When children and their par- r—— was dead in less than athe Women’s Society of the 6 in Chaumont. France. Air-
vey vii . - . vi Za bie py FOr :
Sam Balsbaugh, thers was ents trek into the snow-cov- AUTHORITY TO MEET month. Since the children local Presbyterian Church for man Brown is the son of Mr.
discussion of tome of the ertd woods in search of clus- had no relatices, they joined Saturday, Dec. 1. Committee and Mrs. Jacob Brown, East
things which are and huve ters of the large green leaves A special meet ng of the the hordes of orphaned boys members suggest that the Main Street, and is stationed
been going on which ail add of Pennsylvania's state flow- local borough authority will and girls beggng for their residents come to the bazaar in Chaumont.
0 ~ 2 J Je 3 =) i or ie] 1 » x rool Q ir 0) "ne
up to make a better commu- er. Twenty-five burlap bags be held Tuesday, November existence in the streets of to do some of their Chr'stmas Mr. and Mrs. James Mem-
nity Included, of course of leaves are needed for the 27, 7:30 p.m. in the office of towns all over Korea. Eating shopping. A supper will be inger, Mt. Joy Rl, a daugh-
were the sewer and disposal decorations.” the Gerber.ich Payne Shoe scraps ot bread and an occas- held from’ 5 to 7 p.m. in con- ter, Friday, at Lancaster
plant, the new water tower, Another story, called “Car- Company. ‘onal bit of rice, they s'ept junction with the bazaar. General Hosp tal.
\ ; 3 . y ace PO te hev ‘ Irs
the school jointure, payment ols by Candlelight,” tells of _ ee in any place of shelter they Mr. and Mrs. Emery E.
for a new ambulance, annex- the annual ceremony in i, could find x . bomb ruins, Miller, Rheems, a son, Tues-
ations of additional territory Wrightstown, in Bucks coun- Physician On Call Ligh be Rn Rh Feiltond sions eaves : and To Report New day, at St. Jostph's hospital.
into the borough, talk of ty at which some 200 candles Pictured above is the new education building dedicated Sunday, Nov. 18, by the Mmakesh wuts. social Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hef-
Sunday First Church of God at Landisville.
Dr. John Gates
some kind of connections be- are 1'ghted by the Quaker
tween Mount Joy and Florin. congregation while they sing
These are a few. Can you 25 of the best-loved carols.

kitchen, toilet rooms, janitor’s storage and basemen

Bina a A i A SE nm. -
The building is
cludes four rooms for departments, a pastor's off.ce

worker noticed Choe Chong
and his sister and brought
them to the orphanage. Thru
design, and in-
assembly room,
of contemporary
and workshop,
t boiler room.
Families Call
MJ 3-3083
fley, Manhe‘'m R4, a son, on
Monday, at Good Samaritan
hospital, Lebanon.

§ . § 3 vii Li
WRI am i I A no i asa A SNR ma