The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 15, 1956, Image 8

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. family of Lanaster RD. [COMPLETES COURSE ia. ting the materials in the fea- The
The Small Town A Must Thursday. November 15 8 Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. fiarold Musser Mount Jo Feature Editor wre columns of the newspa- I bi T V S —
: p— - | YY 11) aines were r. anc . or
‘ . . |Mrs. Giles Urban and son, D. 1,, of 13 nen Of College Paper” Bender registered as a Re 1d € ® ° Cl Vice
in Our American Way Of Life NEW T OWN Billie, Lancaster and Mrs, Who has completed the Dairy Gerald Bender, son of Mr. senior in the Bachelor of ' |
wr Lloyd Nentwig, Florin, Herd Improvement Ass Clatand Mrs Alva G. Bender of Arts curriculum, and is ma
Charleroi (Pa.) M: il “(Re Pp.) are not so small they ee ee Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gam- tion training short course of- Mount Joy who is enrolled joring in Sociology. He is al- ALL WORK GUARANTEED BY
say r, Co bia, R. D. fered at The Pennsylvania gs a student at Men active i the Secriblerus
says ‘a : of a at rr Nis Lowrie oer, Colum 50 active in 1 !
Of course ' true that are a part of the big nation i rg ies Otway wit Visitors f Mr. and Mrs. State University nonite College, Harrisonburg Society, which is the extra EXPERT TECHNICIAN
f course it's ru Wl and they may lie adjacent to mer anc hug he Shire) Abram Gamber were Mr Virginia, has been appointed curricular society for those
some communities are larger yy. pigger places where the rh Harald Visi a. and Mrs. Mark Winters, of Mrs. Emma Givens and Mr. Feature Editor of “The Wea |‘nterested in creative writing
than others in population and. Mrs. Aaron Landis antl, hig wg (William Givens, Middletown. ther Vane.” Bender's parents are mem-
ople go to sk and work : Mrs Sherwoo itz Manheim and Mr. and Mrs. am Gly ) ¢ 1 ender’s parents are me
That's the way of the world Bo To 30D Wp and Mrs. Sherwood Deitz Havard Johnston Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. The Weather Vane is the bers of the Alumni Associa- M t J Phone 3-4245
One town may be very small Bul living in the smaller of Lititz cy \liss Darl Nintwig. Florin, Howard Gamber were Mr. bi-weekly college newspaper tion of Eastern Mennonite yioun oy
due to the fact that nothing Places makes the people Visitors of Mr. and Mrs Da a ye A ‘and Mrs. Ralph Gingrich and which has b2en expanded. A: |College, both of them having |
ue io HE. Lun! A ave Witmer and family|spént the weekend with her, - y = A Sawin :
nm rot hi ned to draw Stand out in many ways from Irvin and ami : - AM. ie . [family and Mrs. Ada Blough, Feature Editor, Bender is re [graduated with the class of
has ever happenec 2 rere Mr. Charles Kauffman.|3randparents, Mr. and Mrs : : [one
. I larger cities were Mr aries Kauliman, | 2 Lebanon Co sponsible for writing and edi {1928.
more people to that commu Silver Spring, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Haines { —
nity like a new mill, fac There are many small 5. Kauffman Sr., of Iron Visitors of Mr. and Mrs
tory, or business of some na- homes in the small communi- i, Maurice Frysingsr, Mrs. Ka-
ture ties, but it will be noted they Betty, Linda and John|te Moore and Mrs. Ida Eis-
But the small communities have pretty gardens that are Geltmacher, visited Mr. and were Mrs. Henry
masin’t be overlooked—from well attended, towns where Mrs. Harold Newcomer, Mt Hess and daughter Arlene, of
om come many of the bus-/the people are friendly, Joy RD. Mt. Joy RD., Mr. and Mrs
a oles al and polit- Where the children wave at Mrs. Martha Fogie visited Jay Sherk, Stauffertown,
i pros SHUI 2 J those who pass by and run Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Atland, Mrs. Ann Hower, Perry Co., —
ical leaders of the nation i i ry Jlay Columbia Mrs. Jay Stehman of town,
they had the opportunity to om Ow io i 9 a Edith Erb and Pearl Bren- ” "
show their leadership when With other caren neman visited Mr. and Mrs. 8
it was needed and when There are still many Garner and son. of L ng NO OTHER CORN (d\ pu
the chance presented itself Owns and they are very peyel, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin VALLE E13 0] SRE
they were chosen for larger much needed, in them the Garner, Wrightsville RD.
responsibilities people will continue to think Visitors of Mr. Geo. Moore
: and worked out their own and family were, Mr. and|
And the small towns hire problems and the town and Mrs. Elwood Rutter, Mr. and §
friendly : fiot only to the the nation will be much bet- Mrs I'ed Sener, Lancaster i
people Who may come io the ter off for it. The small Misses Elva and Arlene Mar- FANCY
community but those who : he : ron, Ronks, Mrs. Iona Lau-
reside in them know one an- Owns are neede they help denberger and children, Co- DRIED
other und people: feel af to make up the nation lumbia, Betty Brosey and SWEET
gi once upon a time they were gdith Erb, Columbia RD.
me withi i I se, ' ¥
hi ne . h Do oy Aion 1 all probably very small Mrs. Irene Snyder spent a CORN
where 1 3% re i ro Se of course with modern trans- fow days with Rev. and Mrs.
come and the latchstring 18 : Sur Mi eer)
portation and communica- R. H. Arndt, Millersville
out. People are courteous tion systems {hey are not for Mrs. Abram Gamber spent PENNSYLVANIA Foo
and Kind irom the hetrt of things in y ow Says a her FROM LANCASTE Fe
Mrs. Minnie Hahn of Lancas- . FT
Maybe the communities the world tor 1 TRADITIONAL 13] {i
> Visitors of ‘Mr. and Mrs. SEI ETE] Te 1 eR
Pennsylvania Opens Additional Rohert Frank Jr. Were,! Mes : Ar
wober Arnat, orn, IIT
) and Mrs. Ernest Kohler, Mr. COPE BROS. 7
Lands For State Parks ;
€ ud \ 0 x and Mrs. John Kohler and M. ANHET MR : 12
Harrisburg, Maurice K. family, Red Lion. ‘hone
Goodard, Secretary, Pennsyl- MARRIAGE LICENSES Mrs. Irvin Witmer and Landisville TWinoaks 8-6721
vania Department of Forests Wilbur No Erb, Mount Joy sass i
: R1 and Amelia Brossman, of 8
and Waters, today announced Ephrata = f D . U b =
oe : TE =] \
the opening of 48,851 acres, Mervin S. Miller, Mt. Joy m 1957 45 t. etroiter rean = 5 5 »
of undeveloped land in 11 R2, and Doris Weaver, Man : . . a ‘ ;
Wed 23
Sn Lig En = 2-Bedroom Mobile Homes = iS a your !
- = y
hunting season - =
2 w 5 B
This is an increas2 of 3660 FOR SALE a 53 9 4 by 00
BE aro norenys CORN-FED : 7 8 You might have waited three more years for the thrills that Flight-Sweep Styling, the dramatic new shape of motion
Sos co ii Ph p ese DOUBLE BREASTED H COMPLETE PRICE w can be yours today in the amazing 1960-new Plymouth! super-safe Total Contact Brakes...magical Push
State arks are: Big Pocono = n J : rn iid wh ; nll : 5 : a atte Wig . . i Sh
in Monroe County; Blue TU RK EYSE WITH SHAWNEE FRONT & REAR STONE STEPS 3 Imagine all this in one car, and right now... revolutionary Button Driving. And in a car that’s right in the low prige
Knob in Bedford County: - B new Torsion-Aire ride to “float” you over the road... tremen- three! See and drive the car that’s three full years ahead: at
Cook Forest in EE Jef a . = Fury “301” V-8 7 » Ply th dealer’s tod He's { ting vy !
owel afety from the fabulous Fury “301” V-8 your Plymouth dealer’s today. He's expecting you!
ferson and Forest Counties; B= Donegal Mobile Homes x dous new power for safety f a 1 ry “3
French Creek in Berks and! SALES AND SERVICE » engine, super-powered up to 235 hp... exhilarating sports-car SUDDENLY ITS 1960 — PLYMOUTH i
. SALES Al x AV ICL 3s yy
Chester Counties: Hickory 3 sil a THI Ey Twit A handling (no sway on turns, no ‘nose ive’ on StOPS) ..a 3» Z .
Run in Carbon County: Lau- Aldus (Red) Hannan E. William (Biil) Pontz 3 oa: ; aoa
rel Hill in Somerset County: 2 ROUTE 230, MOUNP'IO¥ 3-4516 a miss Plymouth’s two great new TV programs: Lawrence Welk's “Top Tunes and New Talent” and “The Ray Anthony Show.” See TV section for time and station. —
Raccoon in Jeaver County: A IEE CERNE)
Ricketts Glenn in Sullivan
and Luzerne Counties; Toby-
hanna in Monroe County;
Chapman Dam in Warren
County; and Shawnee in
Bedford County SY ~
The different areas will be. Dressed of live weight.
posted with signs to clearly PRICE REASONABLE 3
indicate where hunting is aie?
permissible DUCKS FOR SALE : EE 3 i
i ;
Alaska’s easternmost point Harvey K. Shoemaker ~
is 600 miles west of San phone 35-6862 FLORIN, PA
Francisco. 42-tf¢ 3
i - - 24 ’ : 3 ’ >
Pennsylvania Power & Light Company's Program of Educational 130 REF
INDEPENDENT Assistance? under’ which Six scholarships are awarded yearly,
TELEPHONES could . help answer. that ‘question. for’ your. son or. daughter. , or
ro $3
ms . .
HELP YOU REACH : Perhaps you have a son or daughter, program for - educational - assistance, ny
ALL AMERIC FOOD a high school senior, who will be eligible under which six scholarships are avail-
& for college in 1957. Or, perhaps you ble each year to area young people
0) ¥
know of some other deserving young whose parents are PP&L customers.
man or woman who will soon be ready H K tele Hist sahil
: tae, : ave them ask at their high schoo
3 to enroll in an institution of higher 1 5 Comp
i learning or nearest PP&L office for a copy of the strippi
scholarship brochure.® Have them dis- ering.
a If you do, tell them about Penn- cuss the program with their high schog
oe . - - . .
sylvania. Power & Light Company’s principal or guidance teacher. |
ne “Wn
él Education Is The Apprenticeship Of Ko . 4 \
(Stop ‘in, phone or write your nearest P.P.&L. office today)
Si $ . . .
= Bach RP&L scholarship winner will have $500
paid toward his or her tuition each year. . ‘
Each PP&L scholarship winner may choose to !
attend any one of 15 Central Eastern Pennsylvania
oo colleges, and may select any four-year college
Chuckwagon 1956. A program for DBs fetal Assistance So leer 8 ) ¥ oo s &
The costume hasnt changed but the ET La REEL I course which leads to a baccalaureate degree. >
an is thoroughly up to date. For the lone Hh
orairie has become a wonderland of ?
growth. And expanded telephone ad
service is a big part of # :
this picture of progress. The We iny
: A \ and se
part supplied by more \ ‘ ‘
than 8 million Ingependan " for you
. r ' see the
o thes entire area of the nation. i

Columbia Telephone Co.

Member of United States Independent Telephone Association
(AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK—November 11 to 17—A reminder to become better with your children’s schools) 5

EE AE SICKER mre... -