The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 15, 1956, Image 7

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Start Your
Santa Will Arrive
Nov. 24 at 2 p. m.

Two Floors Full of Toy
See Our Large Display of Toys in Our Annex Store
Shop Early While Selection Is Best
See Our Special Prices on Trains and Train Accessories
Large Selection of Hi Fi Phonographs
Wr introduced a lot of new Buicks to
the local scene—but never before one

as new as this. :
Inside and outside, top to toe, end to end—this
is the newest Buick yet.

And it’s not just new for newness itself —but
new in ways that make driving more comfort-
able, safer and more fun.
You'll see what we mean when you study these
gorgeous new Buicks close up.
They're inches lower and stunningly styled
from stem to stern — yet each is wondrously
roomy inside.
They bring a wide-eyed new visibility of the
road ahead with a rakish windshield that adds
hundreds more square inches of glass area.
Special Prices on G.E. Refrigerators-Ranges

| They’re new in ride, with a new contour frame
chassis that “nests” your going—giving new

If you did not receive a Toy Catalogue, please call, as Our Store |
will be open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., starting Nov. 23rd
roadability with a lower center of gravity
yet road clearance is unchanged.
They're new in handling with a new Buick-
developed ball-joint suspension that makes
steering and cornering easier whi’ it levelizes


Phone 2

Where You Get Factory Trained Service 3622
505 North Market St.

S. F. ULRICH, Inc.

Newest Buick Yet
But above and beyond all else —these 1957
Buicks are brand new in performance:
—with a V8 engine that’s new from the crank-
shaft up, to give you the highest power and
compression in all Buick annals.
—with an advanced new Variable Pitch
Dynaflow* that brings you such instant
response, such smoothness, such a full range
of fluid motion in “Drive” that the need for
“Low” is all but eliminated.
All this covers only the big advances in the
1957 Buick. :
There are other wonderful new things—the
new safety instrument panel—the new color-
mate interiors — the new counterbalanced
brake pedals—well over a hundred and fifty
new features in all.
As your Buick dealer, we're ready to show you
these newest Buicks yet—and how easy you'll
find it to call one your own. Stop in and see
us this week.
*New Advanced Variable Pitch Dymoflow is the owly
Dynaflosw Buick builds soday. I is stemdard om Rosdmeaster,
Super and Century—spsiomal at modest extra cost on tbe
ilton, STUDENTS ATTEND B | Ne C ] I: 1 { 195 7 h
~ FLORIN Mr. John Kissinger and nie CW entury ar lop or J LargesiC ristmas
Mr. Dick Gerlitzki visited the TEA IN LANCASTER go Cl b | Hi
mp latter’s sister and brother-in- Two Donegal High students, + u n i1story
thi law, Mr. and Mrs. William attended a tea in Lancaster be Ss al ay
The Youth Fellowship of : ¥ LE qT Peace and Prosperity Pay
he United Brethren Church Dewels, who lives in Capton, this afternoon which Was Of" said Edward F. Dorset,
sponsoring a Thanksgiving Ne ow Sunday sponsored by the Delta Kap president of Chr 'simas Club
8 Breakfast on Nov. 22 at 7:30 Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. pa Gamma, dn honorary or- la Corporation, who. has an.
»m George Mumper on Saturday ganization for teachers. Miss nounced that 12,800,000 Am-
The young prople of the Nore. Me ny re A en Thome J ericans had saved one billion,
Brethren Church w'th Rev oul Mr Charles and daugh- academic students ab the one hundred and eighty-sev-
Henry Backor ae the ter of Carlisle, Mrs Orpha school attended the tea an miltion dollars in the 1956
rendered a program at the Frev Boiling Springs Cum The rE zation chapter Christmas Club _ This record
Shamokin Brethren Chur beriand Co Their visitors on sponsored the tea for all breaking sum was aceumula-
Sunday afternoon and cven- Sand: ere. Mr 6 i M a « dn ‘be cout hig) ted in some 6,800 banks and
Te Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. students in the county vigh isaving institutions through-
ing Ben Frey and two daughters echools who are planning to A tout the nation
RE A group of th FF A Millersburg Adams Co., enter the teaching profession. § re ee : ~
members. of which Fred pr. and Mrs. Landis Hes, It was held at Harbough “The huge Christmas Club
Bernhard is a member atten- Nps. Ada Eichler, and Mr. Hall of the First Reformed i his year 1s a natural result
ded the Eastern National Clarence Hess from Perry Church, East Orange Street a Of the high degree of em-
Livestock expostion ot Tim- county "Lancaster. “a ployme nt and the over-all
nium. Md., Fred's Hereford Mrs. James Mumper, New ai prosperiy of our people.
won 2nd heavyweaoight. Be : . ryn is spending several weeks ae J ® While a part of the funds
The FHA. club wer» giv- ville, Cumberland Co. called’, in Florin. He visited Mrs the racy lines of Buick's dream car stying tor Isai lend tnemseives to the grace will be spent for Christmas
on their initiation on Tues- on her grandmother Mumper Miller at Hellers Rest Home, and beauty of the new Century. Long recognized as one of the outstanding bring joy to the hearts
Of I ’ . day, at the Donrgal School Tk LY Rol H formerly of Penryn, and Mr on the highway, the nimble Suny has beey) given Bey Tn Xue Horm 3 S00: of gh ei
lev. anc rs. Robert Hess gq; 1 Shelly : Mr. Abe horsepower engine with 0-1 compression ratio amic wadshields, (pir ’ . ior ac
1 course, wouldn t repeat this Tae x sou see Jovee Dunia and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sane] Shelly sod A on rear windows, new front on rear design and competely new chagsis are Jind va be put Ick
H because it doesn't need repeating. For 28 Becker Sha ieir school Victor Hawthorne and daugh Mr. J. H. Stehman, Mr, featured on the new shoulder high Century. : cans are still thrifty” said
$ yond o. R Enver has been Providing this Lorman books in buckets, w=ll it'ster, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hess, Clayton Breneman and Mr : Ak EE SRN Mr. Dorset
1Ily with ependable rotection — 1 Sur ¢ guests i 0 Cr oorge Sti ww atte sR ig » lar
i Right and airy | mn Justly. ping ng nes pag of J LY ont the one pe Saree Saullo He Im portant Rules T 0 Follow I My F avorite oa i a Rayo Je te dare
better insurance somewhere else — go ahead. Saturday at Harrisburg visit- hard. ham Linceln hotel in Read I T: ki y Medi . : Prayer Club and represents an in-
H 0 K S d 0 K S d J ing her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hollin-jing on Monday evening. n a ng Mec icine az 3 meee. lorease over 1955 of 57 mil-
H . ny er — . ny er, Jr. C. K. Lefever was taken ger, Lebanon, visited in the Mrs. Ben Staley, member : : ow [lion dollars (5%) with three
H “ ” to the Lancaster General hos- home of Mr. and Mrs. S. T.of the Florin Homemakers) Never take medicine in others weaker, if container is Submitted to Ihe Laymen’'s bundred. thousand: dn of ©
| $ Insure With O. K. All Ways pital Friday. Becker, and Mr. and Mrs. group attended the extension {he the dark. left open. Never interchange National Committee members. The average check
$ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Amand Rov Lehman Sunday Christmas meeting in the {ops or covers on pill or pow by this year amounts to $92.73
ASIII ests esses from Gap, visited Mary Ham- Mr. Cyrus G. Dohner, Pen- Lafayette Fire Hall Tuesday Always read the girections der boxes if they bear direc- HARRY A. BRENNAN for each member.
2 . Ae : i carefully before taking a tons regarding use. Danger: President, Howell ‘Mig. Co. 1 Of . the 6,800 institutions
dose of medicine, ous results may occur. Paoli, Penna. 148 had clubs in excess of
Never increase the dose or Never pour medicine back y Jesus! Who art the be- $1,000,000 Sh. Bk i Test
take it more frequently Wan inte the bottle as I hay ginning and end of all things, 2.615 833 members and $252-
directed without asking your contaminate the preparation Life’ and remember 107.081, followed by Penn-
physician. —e (hat for our sakes Thou was. (SYIVania wih 2,001,623 mem-
Pour from the bottle with SANK TO INSTALL a i bers and $181,539,855 and
the label upward. This keeps ADDITIONAL LLOCK BOXE 1g Plunged in an abyss of suffer- then New Jersey with 1,144-
the label clean and easy to The Officers of the Union Dg from the soles of Thy feet 106 members and $137,989-
read. National Mount Joy Bank to the crown of Thy head. In 946 With the rapid growin
. ii we ‘have announced the purchase .gnsideration of the enormi ty of the ( lub on the Pacific
Shake liquid medicines, if ;f 86 uddit onal lock . om Coast, California reached
{ so directed. which will be installed about of Thy wounds, teach me tw four. h place with 936,423
Never take medicines or-'the middle of January 1957. Keep, though pure Jove. Thy members and $101, 128,002
iginally prescribed and in- In addit'onal to the several Commandments, whose way emp -
tended for others. [size boxes currently in use. is wide and easy for those LOSES LICENSES
as ; there will be available a who love Thee. (Tenth Pray Merle A. Group, Florin,
Keep med'cine out of the number. of larger size ones er in The Secret of Happiness'had his drivers license sus-
reach of children. ® as revealed by our Lord topended for operating a motor
Close container at once Nellie Bly was the pet St. Bridget in the Church of vehicle while under the in-
Some medicines get stronger, name of Elizabeth Seaman. St. Paul at Rome) uence of intoxicants