Honor Roll Date Set For Earlier Mail Names 29 School Program Dispatch On "A" List Three students of the Don- Tuesday, Dec. 11, has been named as the date for Christmas musical program for the Mount Joy Element- the Deadline Set Beginn ng Monday, Oct, 29, egal senior high school earn- ary School. Mrs. Geo. Broske, @ new mail schedule went in- ed all ‘A’ for the 1st 6-weeks report period and were nam- ed to the first honor roll at the school. They are Barbara Thome, senior; Darla Kulp and Helen Felty, sophomores. Twenty-six junior high school students were named to the highest honor roll. They are Linda Kleiner, Patricia Phil- 1'ps, David Shireman, David Nissley, Robert Hopple, Em- alou Grable, freshmen; Linda Sumpman, Joanne Martin, Cheryll Brown, Lorraine Fel- ty, Rachel Nolt, Peggy Brill, music instructor, will direct the annual program. The date is announced in advance ins order that organ- izations and church may plan their parties and programs accord- ingly. * Neighborhood Plans Dinner Meeting Christmas ing was discontinued. to effect at the Mount Joy postoff.ce, Postmaster Elmer L. Zerphey has announced. On that date the last mail groups train going west in the even- Now, mail is being taken by truck to Harrisburg, leaving the local postoffice one hour ear- lier than in the pa:-t Local postoffice patrons de- siring to have their mail leave the office here the s me day it is dropp2d should have their mail in the off'ce not later than 4:45 p.m - The Mount Joy 2 20 FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR, NO. MOUNT JOY, BULLETIN PA., THURSDAY, NOVEM 1956 BER 1, SEVEN CENTS PER COPY Award Halloween Prizes To Marchers In Parade Halloween queen and king, second and William Pennell, Miss Jean Mumma and Gary third. the local Zeller, were honor at the celebration last guests holiday In the third division Tom Stohler won first prize for David Johns, Grace Cooksey, The annual dinner meet ng 4:30 o'clock, if poss ble. Barbara Brown, Deanna Wal- of the Mount Joy-Florin Girl [f there is a quantity of ker and Carol Gratch, eighth Scout Neighborhood will be 4:1 it will need to be in grade; Sherron Sears, Patri- held next Monday evening, aarly if it is to be dispatched cia Nornhold, Barbara Steh- Nov. 5, 6:30 pm. in the that same day. Too larg: a man, Judith Nissley, Mary B. Trinity Lutheran Church. yolume of mail or mail drop- Weatherwax, Larry Moyer, Troop committee chairmen pag after 4:45 o'clock will Larry Jones, Joan Staley and are asked to contact Miss not leave Mount Joy until the first division Carol Buchenauer, seventh Elsie Lefever to report the (he following morning. ii i a id : : the customary nine prizes. In the most comical entry § £5 A | : i \ PRN 3 ms In the division, went to John Harnish and ———— fo 1 RS OE RON Jay Kaylor; Mrs. Martin evening presented prizes to the win- 'he most comical entry. Mr. ners for the sponsors, the lo- Stohler win the vy + Club The ¢ ro cal Li ms ( lub. The ciub Pre- most the pa- sented forty three $1.00 bills | h to outstanding cos umes in orse instead of @nd rider entry. Second prize seemed to from his applause rade secona graders. number of members who 1 oe plan to attend the event. Ronal Gotwalt won first prize Leaders are asked to have written reports of troop ac- tivities for the meeting. The group will also discuss the possibility of staging an In- ternational Fair for 1958. Mrs. Warren Foley, neigh- borhood chairman, will be in charge of the meeting. Those who attend are asked to come in their Scout uniforms. rr. (ff) Sixty-three senior high students earned all A's and B’s to be placed on the sec- ond honor roll. They are Au- drey Musser, Shirley Metzler, Mary Ann Felty, Paul Beck- er, Judy Naugle, Betty Baugher, Marlin Kreider, Le- roy Kaylor, Glenn Hess, Ar- lene Heisey, Phyllis Wolge- muth, Thelma Snavely, Betty Mumma, Cynthia Lehman, Lino Iwanowski, seniors; Pa- tricia Seacrist, Jean Mumma, Janice Hoffman Linda Fellen- baum, Florence Deibler, Kay Bauserman, Jon Bender, Ag- laia Stephanis, Pa'r.cia Mum- per, Betsy Krall, Kay Kauff- man, Loretta Hornafius, Dor- othy Fletcher, Patricia Char- les, Louise Brown, Tony Martin, Paula Weien, Jane Sweitzer, Patricia Shetter, Sandra Koser, Rachel Klugh, Joan Gilbert, JoAnn Bruba- ker, Mary Baughman, Jon Grable, Robert Buchenauer, juniors; Donald White, Jo- Ann Thome, Carolyn Showal- ter, Jackie Mariner, Jean Heisey, Joanne Hart, Kitty Buckwalter, Barry Barnhart, Edith Weaver, Barbara Sru- man, Marlene Metzler, Linda Felty, Patricia Brenner, Lar- ry Pardoe, Robert Brandt, Joann Wolgemuth, Jacqueline Rohm, Joyce Berrier, Ronald Sager, Priscilla MecKain, Rhoda Hess and J. Musser Wolgemuth, sophomores. One hundred and three junior high school students were named to the second honor roll. Jane Keck, Peg- gy Sload, Evelyn Scott, Har- riet Hawthorne, Caroline Garline, Caroline Burris, Dol- ly Boyles, Clair Snook, Don- ald Clark, Willis Boyles, Jo- anne Zuch, Jean Wolgemuth, Charlotte Wolgemu'‘h, Joanne Roberts, Jane Brubaker, Bon- nie Bair, Kathleen Goodall, Robert Cunningham, Anna Spangler, Joan Shaeffer, Mary Salerno, Grace Yeagley Mary Sutter, Mary Ellen Smith, Loretta Schroll, Lou- ise Houseal, Jay Lehman, James Zuch, Ardis Wolge- muth, Jeanne Shope, Charles Shaffner, James Reisch, Dor- is Moyer, Patricia Johnstin, Rita Johnson, Samuel Grove, Nancy Fellenbaum, Joanne Darrenkamp, Carol Cupper, James Bennett, Karen Baker, freshmen; Anna Rapp, San- dra Miller, William Pennell, Lorraine Gilbert, Charles Cunningham, John Martin, John Gebhart, Jere Koser, Geoffftrey Mariner, John Mattera, Wilbur Nissley, Kenneth Shearer, William Young, Sandra Barnhart, L'nda Rayden, Sue Mumma, Darlene White, Fred Theo- bold, John Kopp, Martha Rainbolt, Fay Incas, Mary Goodling, Donna Charles, Roberta Marshall, David Hess, Jean Coller, Kenneth Brubaker, Jeanette Appley, Carole West, John Dick, eighth graders; Cynthia Trip- ple, Linda Stehman, Carolun Sloan, Joyce Newcomer, Georgeanna Mumper, Sally Marley, Daryl Wittle, Char- les Suloff, Bruce Smith, Paul Richard, Dean Hess, Joyce Sutter, Sandra Mihal'k, Ei- leen Irvin, Emma Geesey, Avis Cross, Joan Baker, Lon- nis Wolgemuth, David Smi h, Dennis Naugle, David Greer, Jean Staley, Judy Shrum, Linda Shields, Carol Detwil- er, Helen Musser, John Ros- enberryy, Mary Royer, Thel- ma Heisey, Sandra Crowl, Arthur Schneider and James Lapp. RE a Ab ACCIDENT OCCURS Six hunters escaped injury Rotary Honors Football Team Members oi the Donegal football team and the coach- ing staff were honored Tues- day noon at the weekly lun- cheon meeting of the Mount Joy Rotary club, held at Hostetters. Squad members were seat- ed at a special table and the coaches, Hubie Peters and Don Staley, were at the speaker’s table. Both coaches made short talks concerning the season being completed. Of special interest to the gridmen but highly interest- ing to everyone was a talk by Woody Sponougle, the featur- ed speaker of the meeting. Head football and basketball coach of Franklin and Mar- shall college, he told of some of the interesting aspects of the 1956 season, mentioned some sidelights about the varsity personnel and made some pointed admonitions to the Donegal gridmen. The speaker was introduc- ed by Ralph M. Eshelman. During the meeting Glenn Forney of the First National Bank was introduced as a new member and was pre- sented his pin with appro- priate remarks concerning Rotary International by John Booth. Gives Party For Customers Eighty customers of the Dor-Jan Beauty Shop, owned and operated by Mrs. Doris Byle, were guests at a Hal- loween Party Monday night given by Mrs. Byle. Prizes were awarded for outstand- ing costuming to Mrs. Park Neiss, ugliest; Mrs. Hans Helm, prettiest; Miss Gail Shelly, most original. The evening also included games, door prizes, refresh- ments and the telling of for- tunes by Mrs. Harry Walters. Mrs. James Smith took charge of the children’s games in the basement of the shop. - ® PLAN CUPCAKE SALE Friday, Nov.'2, the local players; two portable radios; conducted by Richard Martin branch of the Needlework Guild will sponsor a cupcake sale at Roberts’ Electrical Store. The members will make three kinds of cupcakes in ‘he store during the day and expect to have some ready by 10 a.m. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurtz, Manheim R1, a Saturday, in Lancaster eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Dussinger, Pine Street, a daughter, Saturday, at Lan- caster General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Eichler. 104 S. Barbara St, a daughter, Sunday, at Lan- caster General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. son, Gen- Sico Is Host To Emp'oyees One hundred eighy per- sons attended the annual SICO banquet last Friday at Hostet'er’s pavilion. Reports issued by the employees that the banquet was ‘the best vel”! The twin brothers, the Rev. Paul Gehm and the Rev. Harry Kehm of Fleetwood and Allentown, were the guest speakers. The two gave a humorous dialogue. Thirteen employees were presented with service pins as of the year 1956. Walter Greiner was presented with his 35-year service award; Ray Engle, his 30-year award and Lester Kreiger and Rich- ard Roberts, 20-year awards. David Frey, Raymond Rine- hart, Russell Spahr and Lew- is Stouch were given 15-year awards; Alfred Anderson, Melvin Landis, Robert Mec- Ginley, Robert Stoner and Christian Zeiters were given 10-year awards. The presen- tations were made by Robert Schroll, president of the com- pany and Lester Mumma, vice president of the com- pany. Mr. Mumma presided as toastmaster for the program and David Weirman directed the group singing and also sang two vocal solos. Mr. Weidman was accompanied by Jay Barnhart, Jr., on the piano. Dr. D. L. Biemesder- fer, president of Millersville State Teachers College, of- fered the prayer. Albert D. Seiler, president of the SICO Foundation made comments. A moment of silence was observed by the group for those employees who died during the past year. They are the late Mrs. Evetta Schock, director; the late John Cosgrove, Mount Joy office; the, la'e Raymond Balmer, Ephrata T.W.S.; the late Jacob Renard, Lancaster Plant; and the late Ralph Dill, Wilming on plant man- ager. Robert McGinley supervis- ed the awarding of ten door prizes to the employees. Ten door prizes were a- warded during the program to Jerry Leonard, Lloyd Shank, M'ss Marie Wolge- muth, all of Mount Joy; Wil- bur Dietz, Lemoyne; Merle Herr, Landisville; Harold Trout. Oxford; Peter Henley, Ephrata; Franklin Walthan Columbia; John Cheeck, of Oxford and Daniel Putranto- nio, Reading. The prizes in- cluded two portable record two Schick razors; two war bonds; two cert ficates for 100 gallon of gasoline or 150 gal- lons of fuel oil. — - ®- OFFICERS ELECTED Mrs. Glenn Forney was elected president of the St. Mark’s E. U. B. choir at the rehearsal meeting last Thurs- day evening. Miss Joyce Mec- Millan, Maytown, was elect- ed vice president; Miss Luel- la Witmer, screlary; Mrs. Warren Bentzel, treasurer; Mrs. Lloyd Vogel, look-out ~hairman; Mrs, Samuel Ba's- baugh, soc al committe” cha rman; and Mrs. Clifford Schmidt. librarian. -@ CARDS BEING SOLD Identification cards are be- ing sold at Donegal High when two cars in which they Lowe, Manheim R1, a daugh- School by the student coun- were riding township road between the borough and Manheim at 10 a. m, Saturday. The s ate po- lice estimated damage to the have announced the birth of may be used for two cars at $700. The hunters a son, Oct. 23. Mrs. Taylor tion and was formerly Marie Clement Proceeds from were from Harrisburg Bainbridge. collided on a ter, Sunday, at the Lancas er cil organization. General Hosp tal. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Taylor of Rockland, Mass, )f Mount Joy. These iden- tification cards include a pic- ture of the student, name, and name of high school and identifica- school affairs. the sale will be used in council activities. for all = = Shown above is an example of the Girl Scout movement in the Mount Joy-Florin Neighborhood. A newly organized troop of Brown'es Church. Mrs and Mrs George McCue and Mrs. James Hostetter, Mrs. Charles terian new troop Campaign Hits 90¢ Heaps, and Mrs. Hostetter served as hostesses during the rec lowing an investiture ceremony Monday at the troop meeting place, the lccal Presby Thomas O'Connor Anna Mae Eby and Mrs. James Phillip are the troop committee members i refreshment ceremony which was attended by the fam lies of the new Brownies a'ved Brownie beanies fol the Miss leaders for Spangler, Mrs. Heaps period following the Miss Elsie Lefever are James Mrs. who represented the sponsoring group, the Mount Joy Business and Professional Wom- en’s Club, was also present. The girls are: Front Row—L to R. Peggy Waltz. Rose Taylor, Joan Aument, Sandy Harple, Barbara Hartman, Peggy Williams, Donna Eberly. Mumper, Donna Hostetter; Forry, Cindy Susan Linda Zerphey, Yvonne Sharon Stoner, Rice, Bonnie Jones, Second Row cene Wilson, Halter, Karen Leaders To'al contributions to the United Community Campaign hit $758,522 with the final offical report last Friday. This figure represents 90.3 per cent of the campaign goal of $840,431. Martin C. Dellinger, eral campaign chairman, sta- ted he was very encouraged over the great increase in to- tal contribu‘ions last week. “I want to urge all volunteer workers to complete their solicitations as rapidly as possible sa we can look for- ward to another successful United Community Cam paign,” he declared. The progress of the paign compares very ably with that of the first UCC last year. On the final report da‘e in 1955, the Unit- ed Drive had reached 87.21 may per cent of its goal. The goal tact Mrs. Daniel’ Will, Mount in late Decem- Joy R2, for information con- cerning the trips. Mrs. John Musser, Mt. Joy R1, was elected president of HOLD PARTY the group and Mrs. Maude Prizes were awarded for Mohler, Rohrerstown, vice gutstanding cos'umes at the president. Due to the illness local JayCee-JoyCee Hallo- of Mrs. Mylin Good, Lititz ween party held Saturday Pike, Mrs. Hiestand served night. Mrs. William Unser as hostess to the 28 members. was awarded a prize for the Mrs. Martin Greider and ugliest costume; Mrs. John Street, co-chairman of the Mrs. Jane Nolt were named Landis, prettiest; John Land- local campaign. delegates to the state con- is and Charles Johnson, most ; — vention with Mrs. Lloyd Not, original; George Albert, fun- alterna e. Mrs. Shellenberger Mrs. Charles Johnson led th» group singing and George McCue, best Mrs. Nolt conducted devo- tions. Miss Dorothy S'ehman playcd trumpet solos and Mrs. Mary Lyers, Pennsyl vania Power and Light Com- pany, home economist, d's- cussed ideas for deepfreezing Christmas dinner. PL, STEWARD NAMED John Liput was named steward of the local Ameri- can Legion Posthome and took over the stewardship last Sundav, October 21. Mr. and Mrs. Liput have resided for the past five years at 341 Donegal Springs Road. Becky MOUNT JOY DINER PURCHASED BY TWO William Strickler and John Strickler have purchased the Mount Joy Diner located on West Main The part- ners announced that the din- be closed from Nov. 1 until Nov. 5 for renova- tions. Mrs. Lee Ellis, Sr. has been named in charge of the kitchen. The S.ricklers announced that the diner will be open from 3 am. until 11 p.m seven days a week Watch the Bullet'n for the opening day adver.isement! JAYCEES, JOYCEES Earm Women Plan Two Bus Trips Two bus trips were ned by the Farm Women So- their Saturday meeting held in the Bureau rooms. The group has planned trips to Philadelphia Cinerama for both and 8 Mrs. Richard King, Mountville, is in charge of the trips. For convenience, persons living the lccal area, may con- gen- plan- ciety #4 at . . er will Farm 10 see cam- December 6 favor- was attained ber. Mount Joy, a part of the Town Chest D'vision, report- ed contributions of $5,054 to its local campaign as of 5 p. m. last Friday. This is 76.2 per cent of its goal of $6,630. Warren L. Hayman, North Barbara St., is chairman and Charles Ryman, East Main niest; and couple. When the guests arrived, they had to walk through a darkened maze of obs'acles arriving in the fparty room. The evening also included games and refreshments. os CUBS HOLD PARTY Florin Cub Scouts were treated to a Halloween Party Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, Wood St., Florin. The mask- ed affair was attended by ap- proximately 40 Cubs and adults. Games were played and refreshments served. COUPLES CLASS ATTENDS PARTY The Christian Couples Class of St. Mark’s E. U. B. Church held a Halloween party Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hostetter. Prizes were given the for the most original costume to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn For- ney; funniest, George McCue and Mrs. Charlies Johnson; and last one guessed, Mrs. Earl Stahl. The business NEW meeting was president. The group decided to hold the next meeting on Nov. 24 when Mr. and Mrs. Forney and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson will be co- hos's and hostesses. Co-hosts and Hostesces for the Friday night event were Mr. and Mrs. George McCue and Mr. and Mrs. John M] er. The evening also includ- ed games and refreshments. ® AWARDED GOLD BADGE Randy Grove was awarded the gold badge by the safe'y patrol of the local element- ary school. Randy was chos- en to wear the badge for one week because he assisted a small boy across a mud pud- dle on the street where he is patrolman. Richard Nornhold wore the go'd badge last week as the outstanding pa- trolman. Physician On Call Sunday Dr. John Gates 65th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Sentz celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary Thursday, November 1st, at their home. Mrs. Sen z is 87 and Mr. Sentz is 89. The Sentz’s have ten children, seventeen grandchil- dren and sixteen great grandchildren. Aument, Third Row Charlene Heaps, Mar Connie Dussinger, Sandy Schneider, Judy Charles; Ambulance Answers Eight Calls the ty ambulance Again local communi- was used more than an average of once per the Sunday, October 21, Frymyer, East Main to the St. Joseph Hospital by week. Mrs Street, day for was taken drivers John Myers and Irvin Kaylor. Mrs. Joseph Germer was the accompanying nurse Mrs brought Tuesday, October 23, Samuel Shaeffer was from the Lancaster General Hospital to her home on West Donegal Street John Myers and Mrs. Stauffer panying nurse. The same day Mrs. Sarah Espenshade, Pine Street, was taken to the Lan by by drivers Ray Myers was the accom cas er General Hospital the same arivers. Wednesday, October 24th, the late Abram Eisenberger, West Donegal Street, was fa ken to the Lancaster General Hosp 'tal ky: drivers Christ Charles and John Myers. The same day M. S. Po ter, East Main Street, was taken to the Lancaster General by the same two dr.vers. Drivers Earl Zink and Ray Myers took Mr Heckman from the Lancaster General Hospital to his New Haven Street home Thursday, Cel. 25. Saturday, Mrs. Caroline Ney, Mount Joy, was taken to Lancaster General Hospital by drivers Robert Hoffmaster and Samuel Dock with Mrs Hoffmast r as accompany:ng nurse. The same day, Mrs. Ame ia Warren was transfer- red from the Kemer Rest Home, Landisv'lle, to the St. Anne's Home on the Colum- b a Pike by the same drivers and the same nurse. TAKE MERRITT TESTS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Twenty seniors of Donegal High School took the Merritt Scholarship tet last Wednes- day. This test is offered na- tionwide to interested stu- dents with many scholarships to be given to the highes! winners. Many businesses and organizations have pooled their to be giv- en to the highest winners in the test. Tentatively, in De- cember the leeal school will b> notified if any students placed high enough to be in- cluded as a finalist in the state test. According to reports issued there were approximate’y 100 seniors in the county who took the test. for the most comical; Ralph Bowman Ronald Shatz, third. Mrs. George Al- lice, second; and Fennell, third: Jacob Brown, bert won the prize for most Most John Baugher, first for and Mrs. James the orig'nal; Kenneth Peif- original: Larry Jones, second; and Gl nn Peifer, fanciest Woods third; prize and Donald for Fred Woods, won first Schoo! To Offer GM. Test Plan Donegal Area High School and are being senior students Karen and John Eby for fanciest. the ciest,, Mary Lou Goodling, _ ser were named the most or- Hartman, second In the fourth division, Bon- nie Brinser and Clyde Brin- iginal couple; Betty Overly and Mary Chard, second; Donna Kaylor and Carol Got- shall, third. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coover won first for the fanciest couple; Richard Becker and Jerry Alleman, second; Mrs. Bernard Kear Miichael Kear, third. of- Boy Scout troop #53 of May- fered an opportunity to com- tOWn won a prize for the best General Scholarship to R pete in the National according Jr., Guidance provides for 100 four scholarships, at least one Mrs. George McCue, Mrs. Thomas O'Connor. —Photo by Marshall Dussinger every state and 50 at large, at S¢ cond prize. any college or university contestant’s field study he may select. The 200 were years James Heisey, Michael Brad- the successful choice and in any in the first 2 enrolled universities. winners are now leges and objectives include ing, medicine, law, journalism, and ences, mus. c deavor. They will by the the third year of the registration for which is now jamin Charles are leman, Michael Wagner, Tom both Tripple, ald Woods, United States ci- Richard take rick Board M'ley, to Flowers. r Gene under way. Eligible high young men en, who are tizens, and the Col'ege Entrance examinotion for a college of their who arrange to take am nation in the competition school seniors, and young who order to for Selection in the G will be eneral the re Motors appearing group with Plan, and Mrs. Bruce Brown, sec- F. Hallgren, ond. The Mount Joy Brownie Counselor The plan, initiated in in 69 col- ley, George Their Smith, engineer the teaching, Sandra Gephart, religion - almost non, every field of worthwhile en- Funk, be joined «ld Allaman, Suzanne Rider, 100 winners from this Karleen plan; shey, Bonnie Alleman, to partic'pate plan to odmiss on choice the enter Ann Brown, Kathlene Brown, a Gener al Motors scholarship award. Sprecher, f award winners Cheryl Haines, plan Frances of Buch, Paul Smith and Mitch- Motors ponsibility Mr. troop #322 won the prize for 1955 the best appearing float and Donegal High School for Christ Club won the You h First Division Winners Children in the first divis- of ion who were awarded prizes Charles Zimmerman, Broske, Harold Larry Hostetter, Wil- liam Roberts, Rodney Rice, Joanne Sears, Linda Mumma, Sally Han- Aument, Barry Hetrick, Don- Donna Bonnie Kauffman, Tad Her- Ben- Patricia Horst, Patricia Al- Horst, Brown, Gray Greiner, Ron- Ronald Alleman, yeorge Het- Aument, Robert Miley, Jacob Linda Zerphey, Troutman, Judy Char- Nadine B.ilcy, Melissa Brown, Joan Jack les, William Ebersole, Rice, Sandra Pennell, Johnson Karen Gerberich, Robert 1 group of leading educators ell Alberts. representing the country. Full details about the including (or plan, dates eral Motors registration mination are terested students Hallgren's cffice TO VISIT COURTHOUSE for Beg mning iors of will County junction Donegal visit the Hg with their of Democracy c! 5. Holl nger nounc>d that the courthouse n group asses they group will spend from 8:40 until Lancaster The bers visit the house November 9 a TO ATTEND CONFERENCE L'brary assistants High wi'l annual high sponsored will egal school Student Library Acs vf Pennsvlvan a, ern District. which held at Mil'ersville Teachers College Librarians Mrs wellyvn and Mrs Herr will accompany cal students to the affair. form w’'ll be the guest Kyra Shirk. sian actress speaker and lecturer. - tna -® PICTURES TAKEN Yearbook pictures are be- minutes to ing taken of the students at Tuesday. Nov. 6. School Emerald” Donegal week. High ‘The various parts of available to from Fridav, the 1 Lancaster courthouse in Prob'ems mstructor, an- will November 2, the f the 2:40 p.m other and attend library Arthur the ment sociation Church Saturday. Sou‘h will be tuming. State named 92. Zerphey, the fenniest; Lle- Brown and Mitchell A'bert, Marilyn most original and James Mus- lo- ser, Nov Joseph James Spangler was gener- al chairman for the event. John Weidman was Marshall the first d vision with his aides. Clyde Mumper, Free- man Naugle, George Brown and Svlvester Shuman. Wil- liam Batzel was cecond 'di- v'sion marshall with aides, Biglor Mumma, Maurice 3a ley, Jay Barnhart, Lloyd yers and Lewis Bixler. Third division marshall was Ar hur Sprecher with aides Victor Koser, Arthur Zer- phey, Robert Schroll and Robert McGinley. Fourth division marshall was Joseph Taylor with a‘des Alvin Big- ler, Charles Ashenfelter and Lloyd Derr Four bands the marchers. High Scheol Band, the Bain- bridge town band. Mt. Joy Flementarv Schrol Band and Elizabethtown High School Band. accompanied the Donegal ATTFND HALLOWEEN PARTY Th'riv children attended the the Halloween Party of Mrs. Sprecher’'s depart- Mark's E. U. B. Five were nrizes for the cos- Shirley Kipp was the prettiest; Linda Chas. of St awarded ugliest The party also included games and refresh- ments. ®— ct cents ¥irl Scout Troop No. 212 will baby sit for your chl- dren while you take a few go. to vota on They will this be on call between the hours will of 6 p. m. and 8 pm. Tele- carry a gay 90's theme this phone 3-4591 Mount Joy. year. Be sure you vote.