The Brethren held ed The Mt. Joy Presbyterian ciation met Tue Oct. 9th with Rosser, chart wh'ch the workers” Vice President, John Risser, sp ritual life. Wed ~ terial Middle ian Church at retary for men's Work. filmstrip on ‘sion theme. The and 3. | None) 24 Hour Service | Be NEW Model R-160 WEAR YOU PHONE Bulletin, Mount loy, Pa. C, E, CONVENTION » Thursday, October 18 Robert Servic from October 21 line = ' PRESBYTERIAN - WOMEN MEET chairman of World service department, in was presented by depicted whole new concept of foreign or “ecumenical” Missions and Meaning of among Presided and devotions were led by All members who can are urged to attend Fall Presby Oc ober 17 at Octorara which ~the speaker will be Miss Al- “ice McGuire, of “City, who is eastern area sec- : Presbyterian It was decided to obtain a of ; Southeast for the use of the circles who "5 are now studying The November meeting will invited to be at the home of Mrs. J. W. ments will be served. Women's of the Presbyterian church is Sunday afternoon at the cot- holding a rummage sale in tage of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel dy SHEETZ FUNERAL HOME 21 WEST DONEGAL STREET “i Better Let SICO install a genuine Cleaning - Pressing - Tailoring WOOLEN GARMENTS CLEANED BY US ARE MOTHPROOFED Eicherlys ship. Church News 4:00 pan, Newtown E. U. 3. Cnurch News Pertaining To All Rev. Ira Fortna The Churches In Mt Joy Bille Study ° FRIDAY EVENING Annual Conven The Sixty-Seventh Christian Endeavor Sunday ion of the Lancaster County : 9:00 am. Sunday School, # Christian Endeavor Union And The Surrounding Special Program in keep- will be held at the First Community. ing with Men's Day Church of God, Charlotte & Guest Teacher in Main Do- par.ment of School, Mr, Rob- 1. Ches Sts Jncas er, ou ped I AD Crossroads Brethren In ert Jackson, member of the nd Saturday afternoon and Christ Church Faculty Lancaster School of hoi Re 20. The Paul Z. Hess I'he Bible - Special Musc - evening. Oct. 19, and =! Harry L. Brubaker, Pastors Mixed Quartet Lancas er Theme for the Convention gq, day School of the Bible will be “Christ Shall Reign”. 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellow- The Friday evening service, Adin Mumma, Supt. ship : : a which will begin at 7:45 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Worship Message 7:30 p.m Worship Service will be a “Message through by Bishop I. W. Musser Wednesday a - | Scripture and Song’ Judy Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Christian En- Kofroth. of the Grace E. C 7:00 p.m. Youth Choralers deavor. Chorus Practice. 8:00 p.m. Prayermeeting t Turner of church in The Rev ; : I'he Rev : ero Millersville, will 7:30 pm. Prayer Meeting ih, Aly York will open series of €V- paprate the program, and Senn West G Tp angelistic services Sunday a! marl Pickel, of the Bellevue 0s Yleen Tree the Florin Church of the prespyierian Church, Gap, Mt. Pleasant Church of the Brethren Brethren In Christ Church | Abram N. Eshelman, Elder will be will be the song leadder. Mu- Pastors Graybill Wolgemuth Sunday ch evening at 7:30 gical numbers will be pre. and C. H. Moyer 8:45 am. Sunday School to Nov. 4. sented from Churches and Sunday at Rheems & GreenTree 4 Christian Endeavor Societies’ 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 am. Morning Wor- from all over the County. Musser Forry, Supt. ship at Rheems. | The Rev. Thomas Tillett, pas- 10:15 a.m. Preaching Ser- -— | tor of the Mount Joy Church vice Mt. Joy Mennonite Church = erg NY hoch. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Bist Henry Lutz. Amos Wo 3 , nea > Qo Hove pa S °F at the Mastersonville Chureh. Boe ene Garber, Henry men’s Asso- the Installation 0 ler: Program by Christ's Crusad- Frank. Pastors sday evening, - 9 . ers, preach ng following. Sunday Ny, Te Mrs. Rover! GROUP TO PRESENT 9°00 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer meeting. the 10:00 am. Sermon. Wednesday GIFTS TO QUINCY charge of the program. The ; d 7:30 p.m. Bible s‘udy and theme “The Whole Mission” Baskets will be presente Church of The Brethren (prayer meeting. to the aged guests of Quincy Home by the WSWS of St. gey, Howard Bernhard, Elder Mark's E.U.B. church. Mrs. John Hershey and Mrs. Frank Germer are co-chairman for the project. Committee mem- f a the means Florin, Pa. \ Samuel T. Becker, Supt. | Columbia Congregation of 9:00 a.m. Bible School. Jehovah's Witnesses 10:00 a.m. Worship Ser- Perry id nin 8s. fraternal vice : Saturday nations : we are g 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic jo Cl Mrs. Rosser was assisted by be 3S are Mn Jang Boal Mecting. 9:30 a.m. Assembly for Mrs. Richard Schwartz Mrs. Warren Bentzel, Mrs. AT house to house witnessing, Mrs John Leaman, First Charles Eby. Mrs. Joseph St. Mark's Evangelical 2:00 p.m. Street witnessing | in Columbia. Buchenauer and Mrs. Samuel : 7:00 pm. Street witnessing United Brethren Church Mrs. Balsbaugh C. E. Ulrich, Pastor 00 pu Te! secretary for! The gifts and a program gunday in Elizabethtown. : have become an annual pro- 9:00 a.n. Sunday School Sunday n. Assembly for ject of the group. The pack- (Expanded Session) NOISE ro i: WARSI : > ot 4 n 5: Jorshi service. S se S$ ‘ ing of the baskets will be 10-15 am. Worship service 3:00 pm. Watchtower done Friday night. Men's Day. oe ye 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellow- ship. | ais) time LADIES AID TO MEET BR end 8:00 pm. Public Bible | The Ladies Aid Society of 7:30 p.m. Family Night. Studies in the Kingdom Hall | the Florin E.U.B. church will Address and pictures of Afri-land 268 W. Walnut St., Mari-| hold ite regular monthly ca by Mr. A. C. Spangler, of glia, and 1 Hemp St., Mt. Joy seting Tuesday, October 23, Campbelltown. Special music, raat ings pie ig in the social rooms Refreshments 3 50 iy A hageratie Wiis the church. Albert Klein- Thursday . ; {try Schogl, Instrac ton laf 01. aed ; : 7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir 8:30 p.m. Service Meeting, er, Florin will be the guest Rehearsal [Discourse. speaker and will show g.00 pm. Senior Choir Re-| ne, Study. Tuesday Presbyter New York Wo- Asia this Mis- tures taken of his recent trip hearsal. Trinity Lutheran Church to Swi'zerland. Everyone 1s | Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor attend. Evangelical Sunday United Brethren Church 9:30 am. Sunday School. Heisey, Rheems, with the TTS a Rev. Charles Wolf, Pastor 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- Donegal circle as hostess. ATTEND PICNIC Sunday (ship. / | * Forty-five members and 9:30 am. Ra’'ly Day-Com- 7.90 pm. Brotherhood Ser-i RUMMAGE SALE families of the St. Mark's E. bined Service vice. 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellow- ship. 7:15 p.m. Evening Bible B. choir attended a picnic [Monday | 7:30 pm Bible Class Tue=day Association U. : Young Ladies Halloween Party ar “or as ov. 2 Balc