The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 18, 1956, Image 1

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[. JOY



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| Trophies Awarded As Banquet
Ends Farm Show Activities
Mount Joy's thirty-fifth
community exhibit drew to a
close last night when the an
nual public banquet was held
at Hostetter's Pavillion
Three trophy cups were a-

warded at the Wednesday
night banquet. Keller Broth
ers, Mount Joy, presented

School, Home Group
Plans Special Meetin
Next Tuesday, the first fall .
meeting of the Mount Joy FLORIN BOY
School and Home Association

will be held in the school HAS BROKEN LEG
The teachers will be in their
respective homerooms for Ronald Hoffman, son of
consultation from 7 to 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hofi-
p.m. man, Wood St., Florin, is
The first meeting will fea-
ture a special activity. Fol- :
lowing the parent-teacher Hospital following
visitation period in the home an injury Sunday. Ronald
rooms, parents will have a phroke a leg and is expected
brief meeting with their chil-
hospitalized in the Lancaster
to remain in the hospital for
drens’ teachers in their res- i
ive rooms. For example, approximately one month.
parents having children in (Ed. note—A card to the 5-
the first grade will meet with year-old would cheer him.)
the first grade teachers. Dur- ° -
ing this period the teachers
will inform the parents of
their plans for the year, or
perhaps a specific phase of
their teaching program. The
general meeting will convene
in the auitorium after these S | Sh
individual room sessions. ty e ow
The School and Home As- Approximately 250 persons
sociation is making a special attended third
effort during this school year :
to help parents become bet- style show sponsored by the
Complete Third

Melvin Longenecker, Elizabethtown R1; David Shaftner,
Mount Joy R1 and Jay Mumma, Mount Joy R2 were the
first, second and third prize winners in the annual tractor
Iriving contest.
lke Bandwagon UNITED DRIVE
the annual
: : zion by the auxiliary at the yy
z into i local JoyCees last nigh in . gion 1) . Ye Avenue to West Donegal St. own planning, and as a re- : es . ’ :
ter acquainted with their es ght | oO Vv it i h AT $358,011 special dinner held last ae gal 8 4 Pp 2 ea : Miss Elaine Showalter, Mount Joy's 1956 Corn Queen is
shorally aking. the school auditori Tw Isl oroug : to New Haven Street to Mar- sult, youth will accomplish
school. Generally speaking, the school auditorium. Twen- With returns from the sec- Thursday at the osthome. ; of ifo's receiving her royal attire fr le ar’ Miss Car-
gow) : f e pos “jetta Avenue to Poplar Street something and when life's receiving her royal attire from last year's queen, ss
Bors nts are A o pos ty-seven models showed the The Eisenhower bandwag- ond county report last Friday, The post entertained the aux- to the grade school over, you will leave some- ©! Ginder
what is expecte ( thelr i.e fr ; i a shes 7 ot ; » United C itv. Com- ilaitv 5: dinhe : . eh yoo. oe ; > 4 Cotman
¥ latest fall and winter fash- on, complete with beauty the United Community Cam- ilairy to a dinner prior to the Paradérs will form in four thing. William Gassman was - - —

children—the an icipated de-
gree of progress, how they
can most effectively assist the skits and walks.
child and have a better un-
queens, an old-fashioned paign has
torch-light parade, and in- which is 42.6 per cent of the
terested persons will roll in- campaign goal of $840,431.
During intermission special to the county next Wednes- The United Drive is raising
ions to the audtorium in
of ihe AR prizes were awarded to Miss day, Oct. 24, according to funds for the 22 Red Feather
system, 1e eachers are .. nA: Jilliz SOT and- Services J > ancaster
RE ah Kk j, Dianna Walker, Miss Jean- William Musser, local band Se Fvices of the Lane aster
equally anxious to work with 8 q mM wagon chairman. The band- County Community Chest
the parents. e'te reneman an I'S. wagon, one of six such units and the Red Cross. All efforts
Laura Hoffmaster. touring the country, will ar- are being made to reach the
Theme ‘Chosen ;
The JoyCees express their i Mount Joy at 2:05 p. goal by the final report date
“Reporting” was chosen

for the theme of the year. appreciation to the Kitty my and will remain in the of October 26
Special emphasis will be Dress Shop, Greer's Jewelry borough for a half hour. El zabethtown is the first
placed upon this medium be- S ore, Koser's Jewelry Store, Wednesday evening in Lan- of the eight boroughs in the
tween the teacher and the Sloan's Pharmacy, Snavely . io will be a bandwagon campaign Town Chest Divis
parents. Speakers at the Lumber Company, Ruhl’s rade night, with a torch- ion to go over its quota. It
year’s theetings will discuss Flowers, Keener’s Furniiure light parade reminiscent of raised $5,530, 100.5 per cent
Store, Jack Horner's Shoe 5 century ago, sponsor- of its goal.
d'fferent systems of reporting :
P Store, Eicherly Dry Cleaners,
and their - effectiveness in $ ed local'y. Dr. E. 1. Robert- The entire Town Chest Di-
the lives of those involved. William Batzel, Harold Zim- parade chairman, sa’'d vision has reached 41.1 per
Miss Edith R. Rapp, teach- Merman, Mrs. Geo. Broske, we've a1] heard stories of the cent of its goal. Reports from
er at the Millersville State and the JayCees for assisting torchlight parades that high- other boroughs in the divis-
in } I ry . ied . rq , y P
Teachers College, will be the in their show. lighter political campaigns of ion showed that Ephrata Bor
guest speaker for the first 5 rr fifty years ago; they gave the ough and Township raised
session Tuesday n‘ght. Miss people a chance to really $10,043, 55.5 percent of its
director Mrs. Know'es show their enthusiasm for a local goal; Mt. Joy, $3,175,
Rapp was formerly
of elementary education in candidate and what he stood 47.9 per cent; Mountville,
the Lebanon Schools. He T Add for. The local bandwagon $679, 26.6 per cent; Marietta,
topic will be “Reporting to Oo ress committee has determined to $400, 22.2 per cent; Lititz
Parents”. The program wi.l » bring just that kind of event $593, 8.5 per cent; and New
be held in the auditorium Ingat ering to the county.” Holland $142, 4.3 per cent.
following the special home- The parade will travel °
room meet'ngs. Refreshments Mrs. Na haniel Knowles of on Chesinut, Duke, Vine and
To Celebrate
will be served by the sixth Littlestown, Pa., will be the South Queen Streets and will
grade mothers. guest speaker at next Tues- feature marching bands, the
Memberships Urged day’s ingathering of the M:. eight. Ike girl contestan s, the Sixtieth
All paren’'s are urged to Joy branch of the Needle- Elks drill team. At the con-
attend this first meeting. work Guild of America. Mrs. clusion of the parade,
he Anniversary
Membership in the associa- Knowles is a member of the Miss Ike Girl of Lancaster
tion is not a prequisite for national board of Needlework County will be chosen. Scat- Mr. and Mrs. Clinton H.
a tending the meetings. How- Guilds and will speak on the tered throughout the line of Eby, 318 North Barbara St.,
ever, this organization which work of the guild. march will be s'xty-five will celebrate their sixtieth
in past years has been func- The ingathering will be young beauty queens riding wedding anniversary Monday
tioning for the direct benefit held in’ the local Methodist in convertibles, a part of the October 22. The Eby’s were
of parent, pupil and teacher, church. Directors are asked You h for Ike movement. All married in Lancaster by the
should be worthy, of the paid to bring ther garments to through the field of the pa- Rev. D. R. Gerhart, October
membership of every parent the church between 9 and 11 rade, torchbearers will light 22, 1896
whose child is a pupil in the a. m. The directors’ meeling the way with firebrands, The couple has three chil-
Mount Joy Elementary will be held at 2 p.m. in the much as they did for similar dren, Benjamin. at home;
School. church. parades in “grandfather’s Clinton and Raymond, both
Membership dues are fifty All members are invited time”. State Senator Edward of Mount Joy. They also
cents per year and will be ac- to see the garments and at- Kessler will be the master of have three grandchildren and
cep'ed at each of the five tend a tea at 2:30 p.m. Per- ceremonies for the judging two grea grandchildren.
meetings throughout the sons in the area who con-
school term. The support of tribute two garments to the
all parents wil enable the group are considered mem-
School and Home Associ.ticn bers of the branch. The di-
to be more progressive. and rec ors and officers urge the
more effectively fulfill its members to see the garment
purpose through the years a- display and attend the tea.
head. The underlying incen- * —
tive is the welfare of the
boys and girls who are de- LIONS CLU HEARS
veloping mentally and grow- TALK ON SEEING
ing up physically to be fu
fure Mount Joy — and fu- EYE DOGS
'e America. i t
ture ca Donald King, Lancas'er,

reached $358,011, business meeting.
Halloween Parade Plans
Near Completion
Halloween parade plans fc

pletion as ‘the local Lior
Club prepares for its annus:
will not announce the rout
of the parade until
The speaker's subject was

‘Laugh and . :
Punctuating his remarks with Will be checking the condi
numerous humorous anec- ton of the streets
dotes, Mr. Passmore emphas- the progress of the sewag
ized the need for spreading P'P€ laying. :
a bit of sunshine and decried Mme, the members announc- ing,
the growing tendency away ©d thatgthey tentatively ex
gE from neighborliness. © pect to route the parade a
soins ei ff res way from Main Sireet.
Therefore, the as:istance
Auxiliary of all the residence of
named side streets will be to
needed to light the way o
Presents Gift
To Post 185
A gift of $50 was present-
ed to the local American Le-
place lights in the« front o
Mrs. Ruth
Allen, membersh'p chairman,
announced that the member-
ship drive is now in progress.
divisions a 6:30 p.m.
p.m. James Spangler, Jr.
chairman of this year’s event. Numerous new champions man. Lumber Street Southdowns; Henry Greiner,
Members may pay their dues Mr. Spangler also announced were named for the events Ca tle Results 3rd in Hampshires; Samuel
to Mrs. Allen. that a 1956 Halloween king of the four days and awards Aperdecn po steers Long, Manheim R4, 2nd in
The next meeting will be and a Halloween queen will were presented to contest and stole the spotlight as a pair Shropshires; and Dorotny
held the first Tuesday of No- be elecied to lead off the an- exhibit winners. of beefy bincks bred in Ches- Stehman, Lancaster R3, 3rd
vember. Plans have already nual event. There will also : Corn Queen ter County won both grand in Shropshires.
been completed for the be four bands to lead off the Miss Elaine Showalter." ,q reserve champ.onchips The swine show honors
Christmas party meeting. Ar- divisions.
oe ts I adie al) ! of th» baby beef show fea- went to Joanne Bixler, Mari-
Pans me ne Re en ha €. Cash prizes will be award- High School student from {a of second day events. etta R1, whose Yorkshire pig
2, SHOW. Ne © ClePhoNe oq in the various divisions to Mariet'a R1, was crowned 1, iper competiion, 10 was awarded grand echam-
film of Christmas at the De-
cember affair. A contribution
for the use of hospital equip-
ment was received by
women’s group. Mrs.
Rineer, president,
masked marchers.
These prizes in the
divisions will
the and $2 for the
was. In most comical;
for the
charge of the meeting. tl us vie +h . in Showalter, Marietta R1, and
1e same for the fanciest in ’ . ’ Yighte ear- srber wt S x i
SHRED SU lle the single entries. A $10 and Presented a humorous read- ap Deen y anol bet Best Spoued Poland China
a S130 prize will be offered NE in compe ition in the tal Prey son I a ; y ed, yah shows: i Sonn Matin
a i.e 4 at tee aro Frey, ancaster , dviarie ta kl. Jay ewls ”
School Names for the best float entries and €Nt por lon of the program showed a small but fat and ler, Marietta R1, was second
. two prices Of $15 and Slo The girls were judged for, ola, oC Le CP med and Floyd Riss H
08 $15 slocky gus steer named : sse r=
Assemblies will be offered for non-paid their talent, personality and Bir he Sand ik RZ ia Try: Bot
musical groups beau'y. The Corn Queen con- ><" Fa EY
£ pionship of tho show In Future Farmers of Am-
A special assembly ‘“‘Up’'N-
Atom” will be presented in
the Donegal High School Fri-
day, Nov. 2. The program is
Two prizes of $10 and $5
will be given for the fanciest
or most original groups of
three or more For couples,
a product of two brothers, gn 50 and $5.00 will be given
Robin and Carlile Stevens g,. the most comical and
and is presen‘ed by their as- $7.50 and $5.00 for the fan-
sociate, Carroll Rice.
The program is a demon-
stration of various scientific
wonders that have been made Church Group To
possible through numerous j
Receive Charter
discoveries in the fields of
light, sound and elecironics. :
This week's regular assem- In a special Sunday nite
bly will feature a panel on service, the local Trinity Lu
the United Nations. The chos- theran Church Brotherhood
en members of the panel will receive its charter from
were winners in the Un.ted the National Brotherhood As-
Nations con'est. Following sociation. At this 7 p.m. ser-
the discussion, two grand vice, Clarence Hollinger,
winners wi® be named who president of the local group,
will be given free trips to will be in charge with the
the United Nations through local pastor, The Rev. W. L.
the Mount Joy Rotary Club. Koder, assisting in the ser-
A special film assembly vice.
w Il be held today at the The town group
school called “The Quarter- on a level for the past five
buck” which is being presen- years and in conjunction with
ted by the National Associa- National Brotherhood Week
tion of Manufacturers on ci- they will receive their char-
tizenship. ter Sunday. The church male
® - chorus consisting of twenty-
ciest couple.
five voices will provide the
special music for the service.
THREE TRIPS corns rion
Kenneth Nauman was a-
The local community am- garded the
gold badge for
bulance answered three calis ho week by
his fellow pa-
was the guest speaker at the last week. October 8, Mrs. 2OW.
i i HS > ’ olmen. Kenneth was nam-
Local Man To Take Tuesday night meeting of the Shank of Stauffertown was oq to the award because he
Port In- Managemen: 1003 Lions Club. Hosier. taken to the Columbia Hos- prought a small girl to
ter’'s. Mr. King spoke on see-
Training Conference ing-eye dogs.
pital by drivers Christ Char- school. Fol owing the weekly
les and Ray Myers. Wednes- Charles Heaps, prin-
Hans Helms of the Mt. During the business Med day. October 10, Mrs. An- cipal, discussed * the patrol:
Joy Mutual Insurance Com- ing, the group made p ans Or drew Hackman, New Haven and their jobs.
pany will participate on the the annual Halloween parade Street, was taken to the re ee rm ern
planning and steering com- and announced that the com- Lancaster General Hospital
annual Mttee is working on a route
Off c= Management Trzining for the paraders because of
Conference at the University the condition of the seets.
of Marvland, Nov. 8-10, 1956. The club also expresses its
mittee of the eighth
Undrr the general chair- appreciation for making the
man hin of Dr. Arthur §S. chicken barbeque stand at
Pa‘'rick, the conference is the community exhibit a suc
sponsored by the university's cess. Lewis Bixler, president,
College of Business and was in charge.

Public Administration in Eee erm fl = ont s'udent councils are in charge
cooperation with the Area SENIOR PLAY PACK MEETING PLANNED of the event.
Three Chapters of the Nation- The regular monthly Pack Following the processing
al Off.ce Management Asso- CHOSEN meeting of the local Cubs of the first month’s donation,
ciation. a : 11s” ill be New Era Photos
do Wang Bp ne Herbert Frey, Lancaster R1, prize inion of the grand tober 24. Puppets have been mation on the child who they and Gary Zeller,
Physician On Call senior play production for hibit is shown giving a portion of his winn‘ngs to
this year. The dates for the po. young, Jr., a member of the Citizens for Eisenhow-
Sunday play bash set for Friday or committee. . Mr. Frey said that although
and Saturday,
Dr. Thomas O'Connor 17- Martin Shank will direct to the Republican finance committee.
the production.
he is only!
His angus
by drivers John Myers
Christ Charles.
la Erb
was taken to the St. Joseph's to
Hospital by
Hoffmaster and John Myers, the students of Donegal High
companying nurse.
champion baby beef contest at last week’s community ex- the
Nov. 16 and gj > < | gh t , h> wants to contribute mM :
Sigiiech and) Jot old enough i) Yai ow steer present skits at next month’s Later, the child will write to
Blackie is in the background. meeting.
The first month's donation
the Foster Parents Plan,
Robert Inc. was sent this week by
Thursday, the late Miss El-
Donegal Springs Rd.,
the ac- School. Adopted as a school
project, the senior and junior
Hoffmaster was
will be held Wednesday, Oc- the council will receive infor- Robert Reisch, East Main St. was Janet Gibble, who was
theme of the month. are sponsiring. The
the school members.
Mount Joy are nearing com- being first in showmanship.
; Mount Jor Rotary club event. This year's parade eee ris pe allowing:
Tuesday noon heard a talk .,. shes i sam It ang showmanship
by Charles Passmore, assis - will Be he Id on. Halloween baby beef, Herbert Frey;
ant secretary of the Penna- night, Oct. 31. Kenneth Miller, Manheim R.
Retail Farm Equipment As- Members of the committee D. 2; Janet Frey, Lancaster
next ville R1; Janet Gibble. Eliza-
Grow Old.” Week. In the meantime, they bethtown
through Martin, Marietta R1; Richard
At the present Marietta R1; live stock judg-
the Elizabethtown College, spoke
the paraders. A plea is issued cess. His points were person
by the club for residents to ality, service,
the homes to help make the point of view, morality, faith,
parade a success. A tentative cheerful, teamplay, self mas- *
route may be from Columbia tery, never give up, do your
and soloist
will begin the march at 7:00 accompanied by
is hart.
include $5, $3 Crown
most original
entry. the same three prizes
and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
local Road, tied
Mrs. Three dens will present pup- school chose only one qualifi- drum
pet shows at the pack meet- cation; that the child be be- Morrell Shields was
g this month and three will tween the ages of 12 and 16 of ceremonies for the event.

cups to the owner of the
grand champion baby beef,
Herbert Frey, Lancaster Rl;
and reserve champion, Henry
Greiner, Manheim R4. Wol-
gemuth Brothers, Florin, pre
T sented a cup to Mr. Frey for
1s Twelve medals were
11 sented by the
Chamber of
e R1; lambs; David Lapp, Bare-
R3; Nancy Gibble,
- Elizabethtown R3. pg; John
e Heagy, Florin; Joanne Bixler,
Samuel Longenecker,
- Manheim R3; Wayne Miller,
- Mount Joy R1; and Joanne
Bixler, Marietta R1;
Elmer Hoover, teacher at
the group, especially to
f the youth on achieving suc-
get out what §
f you put into something; right

music exhibition of Linneaus Lon- selected to exhibit at the
Jay Barn- genecker was a group of Farm Show. Others are Mary
paintings by William Laugh- Keene, Christiana R1, 3rd in
for the special
seventeen-year old Donegal
Corn Queen at the Thursday pens of 4 H Club lambs were pionship. Susie Martin, Mari-
night show. She receive d her selected to compete at the etta R1, had the reserve
\ from Miss Carol Gin- 1957 ate Farm Show and champ on in the second place
der, Florin, the 1955 queen. i, of ‘meaty Yorkshires Yorkshire. John Risser, Her-
M'ss Showal'er is the daugh- dual honors in the swine shey R2, placed third in the
show Yorkshire class.
test was sponsored by Farm
Women Society No. 8 It was the youth's first ma- erica judging, R.chard Heagy
Plowing Champ jor triumph in e'ght years of of Florin, and Glenn Alding-
Martin Witman, 25, 4-H Club work and topped er, Elizabethtown, shared the
heim R2, was named his twin broth- prizes.
plowing champion of Lancas- er, Hereford
the he record of
whose Heagy's Berkshire .gilt was
ed County at the Friday ev- was second in the heavy adjudged best of the show
ent. Mr. Witman will repre- weight class at the Farm gpg Aldinger’s entry was sec-
sent Lancaster County in the Show last year ond. They reversed positions
¢ ate-wide contest at Penn All but his first steer, in competition with Berk-
sylvania State University which was a Hereford, have shire sows, with Aldinger
next year. been Angus. The champion placing first and Heagy sec-
Ray Miller, Mount Joy R2, was bred by Morris D. Hitt, ond. Larry Hossler, Elizar
was second; Robert Kauff- Landenkurg, Chester County, bethtown R1 was awarded a
man, Manheim R1; third; and from 350 pounds third place ribbon for his
Warren Miller, Mount Joy to the prime weight of 875 Hampshire entry.
R2, fourth; Henry Stoltzfus, pounds by h's young owner Steer Placings
Mount doy Rl, Anh; : Eph The reserve champion was Placiags he steer show
raim Hernly, Llizabsh "WI also an Angus, bred in the inc uded: Angus—-. Herbert
Rl; and C. J. Mumma, Col- gina hard, and ¢xhibi ed by Frcy; 2, Henry Greiner; 3,
. gixt 3: > ~
umbia Rl, tied for s'xth Henry Greiner, Manheim R4. Dorothy Stehman; 4, Robert
place. The two blacks were chos- Becker, Mount Joy 'R2: 5,
Tractor Driving
en over Herefords shown by (Turn to page 5)
Melvin Longenecker, E'iza Fred Bernhard. Mount Jov 0
bethtown Rl, won firs' place 7, A
in the tractor-driving con es! R2. who topped h's class, and
= ¥ ta revald Bra t, ther
He scorad 91 per cent in al i Brandt, h dis up, Local Girl
ficld of 30 entries. Mr. Lon- 200 ine caambion red Hho
worn fat ened by Kenneth -
genecker had Tap Man Bo : Is H ! h
compe ed in tractor-drivin: Pannen, Re, ening
contests around the county PI’ Vue 5» bi i 2) i
s sster, Mary Louse I

but this marked his first firs!
place winner. David Schaff
ner, Mount Joy R1, placed Frey al o was named top Wendy Olson, daughter of
second, with 90 per cent and showman of the contest, the Mr. and Mrs. Eric Olson, S.
Jay Mumma, Mount Joy R2 second year he has won this Market Street, was named
hird honor. placing ahead of Ken- the high salesman in the
Quo't Pitching neth Miller and Janet Frey, magazine campaign recently
Earl Eshleman, South Bar Lancaster R1, his sister, who completed at the Donegal
bara Stree', was named the Was hrd High School. Wendy, a sev-
quoit pitching champon of Nancy Gibble, 15. daughter enth grader, sold $132.00
the fair Friday night. Prelim- of Mr
inary games were held both ®

Q “
and Mrs. John Gibble, wor h of subscriptions and
3, won
| the for being the high salesman,
Wednesday and Thursday grand champion the she was awarded an automat-
evenings with the finals Fri- sheep show wth * record player. :
day nigh. Raymond Blessing Southdowns bred by
of Marietta R1, came in sec- = Crest
ond and John Sliver, N. Bar A
1ship of >
a pén of K
Washing on County.
Patricia Charles, a junior,
wus the second highest sales-
pen of Hambshires rais- man with $114.72 worth of
bara Street, third ed by Clyde Brubaker, Eph- Subscriptions to her credit.
This year, the contest was rata Rl. tcok reserve cham- She was presented with a
the pion honors table radio. James Hecht, a
fair grounds for the event, The Shropshire class was Sophomore, sold $104.25
Talen' Show by Bruce Boyd, Eph- worth and received a wallet
Miss Judy Frv. daughter of rata R1, while Dav'd Witmer, and $10 cash. Fourth place
held in a tent erected at
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fry, Co- Lancaster R5. had the best Was Sarah Shuman, an eighth ¥
lumb'a Avenue, was award- pen of Cheviots, and Dorset &rader, who sold $97.50
ed first prize in the Saturday honors went to Donald Wig- worth of magazines. Sarah
night talent contest and re- gins, Millersville RI received 50 credits for her
ceived a cash award. Douglas David Lapp, Bareville R1, choice in the gift book. Dav-/
Fish, South Market Street, who placed second with his id Greer was fifth with sales
placed second with his clari- Southdowns. was named amounting to $85.76. Dav-
net and saxaphone select'ons; champion showman. Second id received a flash camera.
The two homerooms with
the Hampshire the highest sales record
a class, and Nancy, her sister, the 8-1 section with sales
H. was third. $384.95 and the 7-4
master Both Nancy and Janet Gib- with sales amounting to
ble as well as Clyde Brubak- The campaign marked
er. Bruce Boyd, David Wit- $719.90 increase over
painting mer and David Lapp were year's total.
Pinkerton second in
for third in
and piano dues.
Painting Shown
Included in the