The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 04, 1956, Image 5

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The Bulletin. Mount Joy. Pa. Thursday, October 4 i — - Visitors of Mr. and Mrs; had been a patient in theJohn's Lutheran Church, 18 |EXPRESSES
——————— Wm. Haines were Mrs. Ken- General Hospital has return-/ persons attended the first re-
Over 111th SPECIAL GUERNSEY SALE neth Alexander and children ed home [hearsal. All boys and girls] Walter Sloan, proprietor of

D 1 Wor re 3 Nya é . A
THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11, 195¢ — 12:30 p. M. of ] ori, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Phyllis Dupler had been from the church between the| Sloan's Pharmacy wishes to ™ dao
\ nines ¢ ¥ y J “i | - . » . : 3 —— ——— x
72 READ oes . ert Haines and daughter of 600d to her home for sev- ages of 10 and 16 are invited ts pa . x
e At the Association's Sales Pavilion, 6 1 Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Marietta tom ab 3 : rahearssls TT thank the public for the fine
. n> Route £30. : aviiion, 6 miles East of Lancaster, | Abrom Gambler were Mr os eral days because of an in-/to join rehearsals wi pel : : ° b
Pe NEC 12 Bred & 13 Open Heif ard Mrs. Rav Gand 1. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. | jured foot, held every Wednesday even-|Way in which they supported e pen 1 ng 5
J hd £ i due hi 3 { VATS, ay { MN an ‘ . . - : : . "
12 a pa 3 7. B. & Bangs "thin 30 x il re. Hay Camber Aid Howard Gamber were Mi Mr. Jere Henderson and ing at 7 o'clock with Mr. his reopening sale on Friday '
This sal ires 1e disposal of tw herds p y > nn amily. Ar WA yc " ~, . { . ag Wag d oe 4 ;
GA One of Jeal and Clyde Montaomery, Hopewell Fan! Sac : [4nd Mi alem Gamber and 1) 0p Larry attended Home George Sload, the choir di- and Saturday, Sept. 28 and —
Pa. the other of J. Franklin Coffelt, of Gettysburg vm, Elverson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wit- daughter of Columbia RD Coming Day at Thaddeus ‘rector, in charge. 929
always like to select your tops from dispersale mer hi on i rane A . { { : . 20.
have OA ortunity here to de o: Tre too ’ igper ils and you | Mer and ch ldren and grand Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stevens Trade School Satur-| Holy Communion will be imu: . > 9
nd in addition select from added entries rol by one Jay | children visited Mr. and Mrs Maurice Frysinger, Mrs. Ka- day oberved in the St. John's I am sorry the Soda Foun
guile 1d | ries (a group of about 30 ‘ : viauri rysimger, Ss. i ay y > Bt §
] 111 close to freshening) which will all s I ard Spriggle ¢ ( ‘i T Ni 3 ‘ i rove &
RLS 0 for FeRly milk thiatfall, Two good How i ae nd son of tie Moore and Mrs. Ida Bis- Mrs, Martin Hoffman from Lutheran Church on Sunday | tain had to go, but in this
Sale managed by: io enberger were, Mrs. John npn visited Mr. Wm. at 10:30 am. At the same|era of new products and op-
PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ \SS'N " Visitors of Mr. and Mrs Haines, Mrs. Lizzie Coppen- Hoffman over the weekend time there will be Infant tn display the additional fix- WM eat Market
oT . arry Weaver were Mr " for ] r . iq . y 3
p. O. Box 491, Harrisburg, Perna. | arry We aver were Mr. Ben- hafer Mt. Joy R. D. Mrs Patsy Houseal wlio wis at: Baptism and new members tures and new arrangement
Wm. H. Juzi, Business Manager n iy Jamin Weaver, Marietta, Mr. Ray Myers, Mrs. John Nis- Ds ise: coro (will be received into the|was necessary. 1 feel confi
tending Weaver's Air Line ws iota
church. dent that we will be able to
taymond Wes aver, Columbia,
sley, Mt. Joy, Miss Kathryn Sel l at K City. Mo
1 iSses! Weaver 1 x ral v School a ansas yY. 0., .
1s ry: ' Weaver, Misses Weaver, Misses Wald, Lan Holy Communion will be! serve you better,
ju = er] ot ii © returned home last Saturday. : 3 i
I U B i. | i S$ A E ra ig a a. Mr. Ed 1 1H: iro observed in the Evang. and| Thanks again for your in
Brosey and daughter Linda, Visitors of Mr. and Mrs r. nes rom) peformed Church on Sunday terest anl encouragement.
Jaltimore visited his parents, at 10:30 o.m.

Columbia RD; Mrs. Pearl yesh .
y ’ robert Frank, Jr. and s
OF VALUABLE Brenneman, Mt. Joy RD. 5 re Mr. and Mrs Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haines ® Mr. and Mrs. Mervin A
( Mr. a Ss. E S alert pan rs. nv r-
PERSONAL PROPE Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gelt- Kohler, Red Lion, Mr. and the weeks d, nold visited Mr : Nr v
; RTY macher visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Russell Herr, Mt. Joy; M vise WM en Merle al nile
—— Harvey Ebersole, Mt. Joy. A Mrs R : rank. r. anc rs illiam Holler @ €
Qs Vv rvey yersole oy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fre Ak, baugh and children trom! Mt. Morris, N. Y. over the
Vrs : Fogie visited Sr. and, daughter, Dixie Wk i. M i-
& O Mrs. Martha Fogie visited Ephrata. Mr. and Mrs. Ben-| Week end. erle is atten
Nith Saturday, et. 6, 195 »& Mrs. Alfred Atland, Colum- of town Tr oltz Sr. from Eliza-| ing Colgate University
bia. Brenda and Galen, child- bethtown. Mr. and Mrs. Har- where he is enrolled as a!
x . Mr. and Mrs. Earl of Mr. and Mrs. Lester ,.. Evans and jaughters Divinity Student. He is also
> DE ' ) 25 it} i : : . y vey vans anc daughters i
town to Bellaire, about two miles North of Elizabethtown. macher and family visited Long, Florin are spending a {0m Elizabethtown and San-| the Supply Pastor at the Mt.| |
Cut and to Order

Sawing, Pruning | |
On the premises located along road from Elizabeth-






Be room Seis double bed, spring, and mattress, like | Mrs. Minnie Geltmacher of few days with their grand- 4.. Koser from Florin. Morris Presbyterian Church. & Spraying 9
1 I's Vin - s Spr S a attiresses ) anh » 3 1 . 1 . A [va reat ———— cos
C OW In oes te ngs. and, dressers; 9-piece | Kinderhook parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver = zr North Louchs severed, : Ih - | = roves eat ar et
dining room suite; J-piece living room suite telephone Mrs W Zo Vit WH wr : : : : : i
§stand and chair; 4-picce breakfast set: Gibs n Refrigerat Mrs. Walter Kopp. Mt. Joy Witmer. an ai v ‘in his wrist when A B. B. Ibach |
or. very good; Perfection Oil Stove with built-in. oven RD visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan- Mrs. Irene Snyder return- he was trying to open a| | 'm ROUTE 230 PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-9863
Perfection Oil Heater; cherry Yrs antique settee; iel Geltmacher ed home afier spending a bottle which broke. VALU BE J 139 S. Main St., ( =
coal oil lamps; electric lamps: 2 otorola T.V. Floor Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. few weeks with Mr. and, Mrs. Everett Hoener who ALU Manheim, Pa. | 1 » EEE
| \iodel; Floor Model Radio; Axminster Rug: 2 ooh Merlin Funk and son were Mrs. David Alleman, Mariet- was a surgical patient at St 3 wp . ’ I = PL yr
; \ tha i g: rock gs . 2) 10 | his Mie Brant TE herds yl Fe ay Ar ARADE Phone 5.4616 8
i leum 1 er porch rug; rockers; small tables; end ta- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher {a Joseph's Hospital returned i
bles; linens; 5 qt. oan er; dishes and cooking of Mt. Joy R. D. and LeRoy Virs. Charles Fogie, Jr. home on Sunday. { IN OUR AD
e r jars: Ree ower Mower: fryer I 1657 | Thirds : . “ 1 \
ul ; Ap y Jar 2 0 Se we i awe Roa y Power | Funk, Mt. Joy and children. Bonnie and Mr. Ray Fryberger cele- COLUMNS
1 ver, ang ver, { er Sa , garde 1 Be or i “3 \ ee Nay 1 . hey - id mm i . >
porch I ys 5 metal awn chair £ i. port 8 fo I he wi Mrs. Earl Geltmacher vis- Donnie, Mrs. Mary Thome brated his birthday last Tues- WILL LEAD
ren 8 . ea nairs; # VC a lad; and jted Mrs arvev Bar and 3nd . ; Ja ar : ar posh ay . JH BR
1 lot of other articles too numerous to mention OE Harvey Bard and and children and Mrs. Helen day. He was feted with a YOU TO
Sale to start at 12:30 P. M.. when c ; irs. Harold Stoppard, Iron- Miller and son, spent the birthday dinner in the eve- A
Sale to start at 12:30 P. M., when conditions will be ; . : x : INAS
de known by ville week-end in Potter County, ning. The special guests were SAY INGS
Jack, Jerry and Jean Wit- they also toured part of New his twin brother Claude and] = A

§ Walter Dupes, Bucy ore ir MY rt
! Landis & Garman, ks Clay Foy & Urban Foy ne isited The Plancta rum York State and visited the family from Lancaster.
39.90 | incaster Crand Canyon of Penna., a The Chicken Barbecue at onege
Vi itors of Mr. Geo. Moore most enjoyable trip was had the Legion Home on Satur-
and family were, Misses Elva phy all. day evening was very suc- °
Arlene Marron, Ronks Mrs. Irvin Witmer and cessful. About 450 persons 0 1 e omes
Gi, and 1 Irs. . i
P S A J : Er D, Mrs. Iona Laudenberg- children visited recently with were served.
2 I i M Jilbert Wit- The Ladies Aid Society of Aldus (Red) Hannan
SAT VIATDE and daughters, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
J OF VALUABLE Mrs. Victor Fry, Columbia mer and family of Lancaster. St. John’s Lutheran Church E. William (Bill) Pontz,
EA T E P and Mrs. Laura Sener, Lan Mir. and Mrs. Norman Bro- met at the home of Mrs. Ell- ‘Proprietors
REAL ES TATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY caster. sey and daughter Linda Lee,|sworth Brandt on Thursday : a Plain STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Edith W. Erb visited Mr. yi SALES and SERVICE |
ted Mr. and Mrs. Paul evening. |
7, Columbia A Junior Choir was organ- ROUTE 230 i FRIDAY TILL 2 P. M. ———— SATURDAY TILL a P. M.

i a a 4 4 a and Mrs. William Smith and Smith and family 3 : 1
3 1 3 § 5 i d h anc y,
Saturday, Oct. i 3, i9 S Mrs. Pearl Brenneman, Mt. R. D. ized last Wednesday evening
vy RI - P o
On the premises situate 3 miles northwest of Mount Joy RD eh : Es es sve for the 2 hoys 3 and irls of Bt;
Joy. direcily across irom ihe Mi. Pleasant Brethren In ~~ Add Distinction to your Home or Farm
Christ Church, in Mt. Joy Twp. Lancaster Co., Penna. = B bi; 4 i MA
or less, on which is erected a OF There's nothing like a post and rail fence to add charm and beauty
G - { Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hum- to your home. Post and Rail Fence can be painted, stained or left
iF o nian FY spies mer from Middletown visit- to weather to eye-catching silvery gray.
: i 9 Storv Household Goods ed Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kendig . . :
. = on Saturday. 4 Rails for 10 ft. section—Hand split ........ $1.25 ea.
= e D Mr. James Bold, a student pays on the YOUR CHOICE Line posts, 2-hole type—Chestnut .......... $1.65 ea.
ra wi i ing Cai wf 2 3.20 at F & M Seminary was in OF TWO OR THREE Line posts, 3-hole type—Chestnut 1.7
= Ly € ng Sdi.. el i. charge of the morning wor- RAIL FENCE P ’ yp C UE $1.75 ea.

service at the E & R


party line, too
A a

cffered at 2:00 P. M. ~~
pe Farmall A tractor. cultivators, plow with power lift | J ne X C € Ge i, We
3¢ icCo mic k Deer ract or der, 4 whe 1 trailer, 2 3 = LD ia BA Re Bo £5 ; Boa
spring har
for cows, — OF -
| containing 7 rooms, H-A Heat, electric water pressure sys- | At the home of the late Irvin Church on Sunday. i
tem pie : ae Mrs. Harry Shuster and ;
Fs Also a Vous, 113 Main Birzet. her son from East Greenville pt NOW’S THE TIME TO
; i Mount jov. iti ws. Mav Hiel } oid
| nw. Tg are visiting Mrs. May Hicks tix: 5 td of
| 115 Sto rv Fran Attachment re sy : Without the cooperation of the | MAKE THAT BASEMENT PLAYROOM
i fe Sl 4 i failic hg ae | Edwi in Wa 2 ters this week. a : man holding the ball,@ game win-
| with 4 rooms and electric GT 8 Mr. and hrs. George Mor- ning place kick would be impos.
| IR. AME BARN, with waler and electric. 6 POULTRY EXECUTOR [ris ana. Son, from Ls on cible. And on the panty line, too, Armstrong Ceiling — Full Random Cc per
| HHOUS nd CORN CRIB. Tt Charles Frank, Auct. were visitors in town Satur- ways off. Tt provides TC CUShiONIONE 1 sq. ft.
| ection of propel nay be made on Sat, Sept. 29, [Claude Zeller, Clerk aay. tha winning combination for good
oe | Oc m 1 4P M bi! on day of sale. Real Estate 39-2¢ Mrs. Mervin Brandt who He wining commnauo Bod.
! - party line service. Try it yourself 12x12 and 16x16 white ceiling tile . ...... 13¢ sq. ft.
nd sce. Hang up the receiver care-
ully after each call, keep your
: hI biel 109%, Cash and Carry Discount on above items
Miversations reasonably briel,

1! give up the line immediately

Barrel + gun, or 1d other ar

ale to start at 1500 nditions will be
| I de known by i
; { i ¥ Rm Xi rd £2 a wv
| Ruhl, Auctioneer G. Andrew Heckman saturday, et. &, 1956
| U I =g & A i E A FARM containing 13 acres, 27 perches, of land, more
P B i gC é or less in West Hempfield Township, 2 miles ncrth of
Columbia, Pa., 2 mi. sour of Lancaster to Marietta Rd.
PORTABLE If You Own a Home . , .
by Porter Cable A LADDER
: A power saw for “on | Here's a real special. 16-foot
the spot” use. Shorty Extension L.adder.
rr Constructed of the best in
Model 125% hae vee. .$49.50 | vertical grain lumber.
| Model 115-7" ......... ++ $79.50
Also Sanders, Roto-Jig, and other Quality unNLY $1 1.46
| Porter Cable Power Tools available.

¢ On the premises located aon Route No. 3% lead with 8 voolts. witli now wall in Mediuni Stag LUSTO-WARE
ing from Maviown to Elizabethtown, mile West o 3 ; .
ixylown. SMOKE HOUSE and CHICKEN HOUSE. Good slate roofs. CHOPPI Clothes Basket
50 ACRES, more or less, thereon erected a Gd AS Ev rps 4% BLOCK
0 f a : ! : : PLS Yas an’t mar of
D1 a oR H 4 Household furnishings and a lot of antiques consisting You'll find hun- scratch. Light-
fad /2 LOT of lamps, dishes, chairs, cupboards and sink. Also butcher ‘ma dreds of uses for weight, easy to
~ this sturdy chop- | carry, Available

tools ete
Sale of personal property will begin at 1:00 P. M. Real
Estate at 2:00 P. M. Terms and conditions by
4 legs, all wood. ping block in your in your choice of
kitchen. Saves red, yellow, or
oy SEBS © in

R. E. Miller, Auctioneer
Wm. J. Blank, Attorney Jonas H. Mumma
Executor will John D. Smith, Dec'd.


42 x 2»
weston Fresh, Roaste
containing nine rooms and bath, modern kitchen with ac- |
wstic ceiling; Hardwood flowrs on first floor, natural fin- See a Snavely BETTER-BILT Home and
she d; yellow pine on second floor: Stolser [aries Songs d you'll find a home to suit your needs and
ot air baseboard heat; natural gas hot water heate ne
heating system was used one year. Laundry adjoining Kit- 5 : : budget.
chen. Slate roof on house. Old shade and shrubbery in serene 3 mn i a
ard. i MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. pr N rar 4 ——
BARN NO. 1 — Frame bank barn cquipped for dairy- 4 Gig ii Ra x i
ing, for 14 cows: 1 box stall; Concrete block assin 14] 'S Focer : $C Shavely & Sons, Inc,
Vlilk House. This will pass New York and Washington or I Landisville, Pa,
nspection. Implement shed; corn barn; chicken house, 16 N. Market St. Mt. ner I : :
room for 300 laying hens; 44-tic Ai C Pp WwW le | Please send me more information on
8 1-CAR GARAGE; 300 gal. gas tank and pump. iv ompressor or Rocks | yous PETRA BIL HOMES and the :
y y snl 0 POT iin Re RY | address of the Home nearest me,
BARN NO. 2 — Frame bank barn, stable room for 10 Rock Drilling, Concrete Breakin Etc.
steers, room for 500 laying hens, room to hang Tl QUALIT Y MEATS 9, ag, and See a SNAVELY BETTER-BILT HOME an
of tobacco, dampening cellar and stripping room; pig st | iy i Name ten nne
This is a very desirable farm, all in high state of ct il-| ALSO A FULL LINE OF i i
tivation. Also very desirable for building lots, a lot of] Trees MOUNT JOY PA Address....... Seis » wns Cavan si
frontage along Route No. 340. City Water; Natural Gas GER EYE Fx xcava ti ng and Grading , Wy ! Town (F)
along entire frontage; Fire Protection from fire plug with- | R d MAIL COUPON FOR ADDRESS J TOWN , eed sais
in 200 yards of Main Buildings. - Eo 5 ) emove
Arrangements to view premises can be made by dali. | Cellars, Trenches, Etc.

y | made known by
| David R. Ea orney Marth I. Trostle and ’ PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753
a yA rey Krall Meat Market a BE EE
40-3¢ [west MAIN ST, MT. JOY FAN twits rtm tres voi, go : ie yA 4
| Walter Dupes, L. Trostie
. =
o x 3 Ee 5 Fe
) ! me ome am Ro. M., when conditions will be | Fruits & Vegetables i Cp: VEL : f
ed Cs & Sons, "Inc.
‘ | J J
. i 3 5