Community Exhibit Opens Next Wednesday “nap 0 WE The Mount Joy a pi" SEVEN CENTS Pl SEVEN CENTS PER COPY re FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR, NO. 16 MOUNT JOY, PA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1956 Payments Completed On Meters Borough council made the final payments to the bor- ough's parking meter ac- count with the ter Company. The first ters were installed in of 1952 and since then paid off on a 50% basis; 50% to the company and 50 per- cent. to the borough. me- June In other business a motion was passed to have an ordin- ance prepared providing two hour parking on both sides of East, Main Street from Ja- cob Street to Park Avenue from 8 am. to 6 p.m. daily except Sundays. This was GUARDING Y | Duncan Me- § were gis done to eliminate a parking & problem in this area. Michael Good, was named to the Board of Health for a five year term. The street committee was authorized to study Lefever Road and determine what can be done to improve it. Fire chief Ray Myers ported seven calls answered during the month of Septem- ber. In Park Neiss’ chief of police report, he reported the following arrects: reckless dr.ving. 1; ignoring red traf- fic signal, 1; improper p-ss- ing, 2: unnecessary noise, 1; driving without lights, 1; failure to sign operator’s li- c-nse, 1; drunken driving, 1; and two accidents investigat- ed. Letters were authorized to be sent to several borough residents asking them to clean debris that is both a fire hazard and health hazard to the community. policeman. Monday was the designated date for the opening of bids for new radiator traps in the firehouse. Since no b'ds were received the body turned the matter again over to the property committee for study. ® Sophomore Heads Donegal Majorettes Miss Judy Frey, Columbia Ave., has been named head of the majoretties of the Don- egal High School band. Miss Frey, has charge of the band in parading and football game exhib tions. Other members of the new squad are Patricia Mumper, junior; Patric'a Hamby, Joan Koser, Sandra Wittle, Janet McKain, Karen Way, Sandra Loccks, sophomores; Mary Smith and Carolyn Showalter, banner carriers; Loretta Scholl and Patric.a Phillips, color guard. H. Morrell Sh'elds, band director, also announced that there is a waiting list of 41 to become members of the band. With these 41 students Mr. Shields has formed a ju- nior band. ® NAMED TO COMMITTEE In District 1 of the Lancas- ter County Agr'cultural Stabilization and © Conserva- tion Committee, H. S. Grein- er Manheim R3, was named first alternate and Walter Gish, Mount Joy R2. second alternate by a toss of a coin. Daniel Fo-ry. Columba R1, was chosen vice ch irman and Horold B Endslow. Mar- intta R1. regular member in District 2. The county committee is a policy bhdv with administrat ng federal farm programs in crop ac- reag~ controls, marketing ouota= and prac- tics includ ng the contro- versial fo’l Bank Program at the local level. To Report New Families Call MJ 3-3083 re- : . , Scouts of ER CR ES RE RVR ; ed with : Bible Mr. Myers Entertains Scouts Boy Scouts and Mount treated to a doggie roast last Monday by Earl Myers appreciation for the ance the boys gave him prior attendance at the school to live with a seeing eye dog. The council fire was light- lint and Harold Etsell, Jr. The open- included the Richard Joy were in assist to his to learn steel by ing ceremonies reading by : Becker; pledge of allegiance i by © oath and Pictured above is the Mount Joy Borough Elementary Safety Patrol members. The group helps small children to and from school each day and holds weekly meetings. At these weekly meetings, one patrolman is chosen to wear a gold badge for one week for performing the most outstanding feat of the week Pictured above are Jeffry Meckley, lieutenant; Mimi O’Connor, captain and Charles Heaps, principal. From left to right in the front row are—Mary Ellen M atheses, Fern Wolgemuth. Sandra Wolgemuth. Jean Landvater, Bar bara McGinley Lee row, Foley, left to Mc¢Cowin, Lora Second Hartman, Cora and Kathleen Dolan. Jean right — Lillian Good, Mary Max, Lois Anderson, Randy Grove, Robert Wolgemuth, Helen Rutt, Cleo Brandt, Sharen Copenhauver. Robert Mariner, Georgianne Third row, left to right —— Robert Stark, D ennis Kenneth Nauman, Barbara Olson, Sally Ulrich, and Sharon Goodhart Sandra Schneider. Sherryl Brown, Eshleman, John Gates, Dorcas Becker, Ronald Gamber and Dennis Fzackler, Thomas Meckley, Dean Brenner, Leslie Leakway, Row R chard Nornhold, Robert Photo by Marshall Dussinger Beamenderfer, Fourth row Kretzing Jack William Charles Plans Completed For Ingathering and have the stricken areas to alleviate Plans were completed the annual ingathering of the Mt. Joy branch of the needle- work Guild of America at a recent meeting of the direct- ors. Twenty-two directors at- tended the meeting held at the home of the president, Mrs. Simeon Horton. The ingathering will be held Tuesday, Oct. 23, in the Mount Joy Methodist church. Directors are asked to bring their garments to the church between 9 and 11 am. The directors’ meeting will be held at 2 p.m. in the church. All members are invited to for a see the garments and attend ATTEND BANKERS’ MEETING IN LITITZ Eleven d'rectors and em- ployees of the local banks at- tended the Lancaster County Bankers’ Associat’on meeting last Thursday at the General Sutter Hotel, Lititz. A talk on “The American Way of Life” was given by Prof. Ar- thur H. Reede, professor of ceonomies at Pennsylvania State University. Those who attended from the First National Bank and Trust Company were Warren Bentzel, Robert Klein, James Meminger, Glenn Forney, John Melhorn, Paris Hostet- ter, and Elam Bomberger. From the Union National Bank, directors Clarence Newcomer, Henry H. Koser, Clyd~ Hottenstein and Har- vey Rettew attended. ® - - PLAN SCOUT EVENTS Plans were made to spon- sor a food stand at the local community exhibit at a par- ents’ meeting of the lccal Boy Scout troop No. 39. The group also decided to con- duet a scrap drive sometime in October and to hold an- other parents’ meeting eith- or later this month or in No- vember, WRITES SCHOOL SONG Fugene Tritch, new music instructor at Donegal High School, wrote the words and music to the “fight song” which is being used at school football games this season. \ ) A Am RA cd tea at 2:30 p.m. Persons in the area who contribute two garments to the group are members of the branch. The directors and officers urge the members to see the garments and attend the tea. Three new directors were named, Mrs. Raymond Gil- bert, Mrs. Robert Beamen derfer and Mrs. Franklin Zink. October 1 - 8 has been designated as National Mem- bership Week. The investigating commit- tee reported a special need of garments for boys and girls between the ages of eight and ten years old. It was also announced that sev- ORDERS BEING TAKEN Orders are being taken for the Donegal High School vearbook, the “Emerald”. Contrary to other years, the book will not be issued dur- ing the month of May. Since it will contain graduation ev- ents, the book will be issued in August. A dance will be held in August at which time the yearbooks will be releas- ed to the students. -® COMMUNITY AMBULANCE ANSWERS 2 CALLS Two calls were answered last week by the local com- munity ambulance. Thursday September 21, William Laughman was taken to the Lancaster General Hospital by drivers Robert Williams and John Myers. Saturday. Grace Long, of Florin. was taken to the Lancaster General Hosp tal by drivers Ray Myers and John Myers with Mrs. Rob- ert Hoffmaster as nurse. re ein BAND CLUB MAKES MEMBERSHIP PLANS Plans were completed at the Monday night meeting of the Donegal High School Band Club to contact all-par- ents of band members. The aim of the group is to have all parents of band members to become members of the band club. The next meeting is sched- uled for the first Monday in November. J / eral Girl for the guild *‘Twin” and household collected The Amer'ca. The sets of “Twins” will go together, so that each listing new members. Persons recipient wear, 000.000 collected and distributed thru phone the Needlework Guild fortunate of times when catastrophes visited in parts of our coun- garments a ycar. AWARDED PRIZES awarded sal s bedd'ng in to sewing trv, clothing quantities Scouts are been sent 48 states, of clothing distress linen will be affiliation with the and distributed this such aid be by the 470 Branches of speedily and directly. Needlework Guild of During the week of Oct. 1 6, the local Branch en the articles In 37 of f a long Red Cross extended Because can all is learn about mem from the ranch in Mount Joy, Mrs orton at Mount Joy 3-4094, or the Secre to un Sam Balsbaugh at regardless Mount Joy phone 3-8311 At member, membership re- have quires nothing than 2 ‘one more vash’ : than have to may bership President rr I have to more will and one 1885, garments Since 67, been Simeon tary: Mrs people, race R color, or creed. more SIX CLINICS HELD Joan Schneider 7 DURIN SEPTEMBER the wrist watch warded during the openhouse There 15 at Sloan’s Pharmacy ih Sis last weekend and Mrs. Jacob Shaeffer was awarded a years orthoped’e supply of vitamins. September at the ° Ci ty for Crippled GREIDER LEGHORNS total of 3RD.IN NATIONAL TEST examined. The pen of birds entered bv Greider Leghorn Farms, Mount Joy R1, nner of the Penncylvania Official Laying Test, ranked nationally. The production figures for pen during the 11'2 months of the test were 3 823 eggs and 4.097 points. o ROTARIANS HEAR TALK ON AIR bi ie un REFUELING Ha Thon ~ > Miss were new pa tients the diagnostic clinics during Lancaster Q oi A tients were unty children 87 pa Two operat’'ons performed The ‘nu rse, made child- the shoes Bog and phys cal therapist third 2 to eripnled adults Braces and during month and the . inspected to were carefull that rown or in see they were not cute need of re- pair. as prescribed bv the ytheped ¢ surgeons physicians were to the patients as well Mount Joy as the functional activities of Club at its Tueeday heard an interesting talk “Aerial Refueling” Speaker was John C. How- CALLED TO FIRE ett, who formerly served Joy Friendship Fire with the Strategic Air Com- Company were called Satur- mand in Korea. Mr. Howett a,,, evening to the home of is district manager for the Christ Herr, Mount Joy RI; New England L'fe Insurance ,, the Marietta pike. Mrs. Company. Herr was soaking work Fre clothes in a solvent. When OPENS MEAT MARKET the automatic gas hot water Lester M. Grove has open- heater went on, it sent out a ed the Grove’'s Meat Market spark which ignited the just west of Florin along the clothing in the tub. main highway. Mr. Grove is Assistant Fire Chief John selling h's retail meats with Myers was in charge of the special prices being given on fire. Loss was confined to the quarters and halves of beef. clothes in the tub. meeting daily living on - Yi... Bil tn amen i padges nual Scout Gates; Explorer citizenship p'edge, Robert Buchenauer. A Court of Honor wes held by Scout- master Harold Etsell at which time David Brandt re- ceived his tenderfoot badge; Gerald Alleman, second class badge; Richard Becker and Lewis Hart, swimm'ng merit Harold Etsell, Jr. re- ceived his life saving badge Explorer advisor Charles Buchenauer presented merit to Terry Schofield, Gable and Bernell Juchenauer; John Jerry laws, badges Lewi Heisey Following songs and stunts Mr. Myers gave a talk on the schooling he received to re- crive h's dog. Bonnie, his dog, also made her appear- at the affair which was he'd near the Cove. Follow ing the roast, the evenng was climaxed with taps play- ed by Harold Etsell, Jr. ” o LOCAL CHIROPRACTORS TO ATTEND CONVENTION Two local Doctors of Chir opractic will attend the an Pennsylvania Chiroprac ‘ie SHe'ety convention Oct. 5, in Reading. They Amos W. Leonard, H. Stites, Mt. Joy. 0 Republicans To Choose A "Miss tke Girl” Final plans for the county- wide nrogram to select “M'ss ka Girl” were completed on Monday as e’ght individual contests were planned. “Miss Ike Girl’ of Lancaster will reign ver the “Eisenhower Band Ra'ly” scheduled for Lancaster County Oct. 24. Eight separate ‘Ike Girl” contests were listed by the local comm each to oc comp ny an “lke” rally at one point in the county. Ba- sie analifieations a “Miss [ke Girl” are a winning smile and a desire to ride on the Eisenhower band wagon. En- try blanks for those contests are now ava‘lab'e through the e’'ght county zone chair- through the Lancaster and other rally pnints throughout the area. Th's program is sponsored bv the V Republicans or carization and a committee headed by Miss Peggy Stein m’ anc? and 7 Drs Coleman 6. are: for man POTS ung n The local borough and ar- ea are included in the north- western district. Harold E. Greiner 402 South Market Street. Fl zabethtown. is dis- trict chairman. The local ral lv will be held October 18 in Mount Joy. »- ARRIVES HOME Ross Neiss. son of Mr. and Mrs. Park Neiss. East Main Street arrived home Satur- day following a threes year, five morth enlistment in the 17. S. Armv. Cpl. Neiss was dich2rg~1 from Fort Hamil- toh N.Y. Dur'rg his Army time, he was s‘atianed overseas in Ka~l rhe. Germany. Arriv- ing in the United Stotes with him were his wife, Vera, for- marly of Karlsrhue, and their daughter Marian. They will res. de in Mount Joy. Explorer '= Hal owen Parade To Be October 10, Wednesday 7 p.m. 8 pm Program Dutch Band October 11, Thursday 7 pm.—-Quoit pitc 8 pm 12 Friday-—1 p.m. Harold Endslow 7 p.m. 8 pm 8 pm 13, October 4-H )etober Saturday 8 p.m. 17, Wednesday - Pavilion Jetober He!d In Mt. J Mount Joy wiil again be the scene of a Halloween pa- rade this year despite the conditions of the streets. Al- though the route cannot be Tickets On Sale For Fashion Show Tickets are now on sale for Mount Joy held elementary school Oct. the be used to hold in March for the “oldsters” of the community Although final plans haven't been made, the tentative plans will call for a dinner and evening's program for persons in the community a- round the seventy-five and over age group. Persons who cannot attend the fashion show will be help'ng to sponsor the oldsters event by purchasing tickets. All members of the Cees are selling tickets they may be purchased at the Kitty Dress Shop, Horner Shoe Store, Greer Jewelry Store and Koser's Jewelry Store. The ticket entitles the person to admittance to the affair plus refreshments that will be served from decorat- ed buflet tables at the rear f the auditorium during in- termission. Door prizes will awarded. They will be $10 certificate at Kitty's Dress Shop for first prize; $7 50 certificate, second; and $5.00 certificate for third prize A television show is being planned for Monday, Oct. 15 Six members of the sponsor ing group will appear on the “Today With Kay’ program ot 1:15 p.m. over WGAL-TV. The girls will discuss the project with Kay and will also present a preview of the fashions be shown the night of the show. ® AMENT GARAGE UNDERGOING REMODELING he'ng the third annual fashion show to be in the auditorium 17. All event will an event local Wednesday, proceeds from Joy or also be to Remode’ing is con ducted ot the Fli age, corner of Henry Streets garage has been include the former located Henry been end Ament gir Delta and The former increased to Fitzkee the Street residence east of building on The has with the garage clude two office rooms the remainder of the being used for the parts de partment The showraoms facing Del Street being doubled ‘n size. Tentative plans call for a completion of the work by October 30 ® REPUBLICANS PLAN SOLICITATION DRIVE- East ward Republican com mitteeman, Kenneth Gainor, and west ward Republican committeeman, Fichard Div- et, announce that the 1956 round-up has started. Repub lican voters will be contacted for solic'tation for the Lan- caster County Republican finarcial committee. The campaign committee urges voters to help pay for the kind of government he or she wants. Workers for Eisenhower will call at the home within the next three weeks. All funds received will be used for a more ef- fective campaign in Lancast- er County. jo ned will in wth house house ta are Aaa Main Events For Community Exhibit pite by 10 am hing contest continues Corn Queen contest Quoit pitching finals Donegal High School Band Concert. Pig Sale 12:30 p.m contest at the Mount Joy Talent Show Banquet at Hostetter's | 1 pm. - Judging hing contest begins the Lebanon County Livestock judging (morning and afternoon) Plowing contest on the farm Tractor driving Farmers’ Co-op oy, Oct. 31 until near the the Mt. making announced time for the event, Joy Lions Club plans to again sponsor a par- is ade in the borough. October 31, pa- rade will be held. Cash priz- the marchers in the Music will visiting Wednesday, (Halloween night), the es will be awarded to costumed various divisions provided be by bands. James Spangler, Jr. is chairman of the event. at the Tuesday night meeting of Hostetters president, The plans were made the club at Lewis Bixler, charge of the meeting. Bar-B-Qued chicken will be served every day of the farm show by the Lions Club. Wednesday through Saturday evenings plus Friday and Saturday noon, the members will sell bar-b-qued chicken at their food stand at the fair grounds. was in Area Residents Invited To Enter Talent Show Registrations are now be- ng received for participation in the Mount Joy Communi- ty Exhibit's talent show. The will held the last of the four-day fair, Oct. 13 invitation to show be night Saturday The first extended being interested in the Mount Joy, Marietta, Manheim, Salunga and A dead is DErsons ¥lorn Landisville, El zabethtown line of Oct. 2 has been set by the committee for tration. Interested persons of all ages from the area are urged send in registra tions as soon as possible. If received, the be extended area and the will become area. Ic gis- to enough are will outside not invitation the competition keener to Registrations are to be mailed on post cards to H Morrell Shields, talent show chairman, Mount Joy. On the the participant should include hi name and ad- explain what his tal- and how long deing his par talent The card say whether or accompanist is wll bring his card dress; ent is, his age he has been t cular should not a needed also special or if he own accompanist will be held on an stage at the fair grounds, at the SICO garages near Mount Joy Street. Cash prizes of $20, $10 and $5 will the top three The show erected be awarded to winners TEEN DANCE SATURDAY, OCT. 6 Due which next w scheduled teen dance moved up a week. Winners of the special dan last week were: Denny Gillham. Kay Bauserman, ‘Red” Armold, Janice Hoff- man. “Blackie” Marshall, Pat Hamby, ‘‘Blackie” Mar- shall and Shirley Gutshall. All boys are asked to wear and ties. No one wear- ing dungarees will be admit- ted A reminder You have given your word to help set up and take down after the dances So get on the ball anl show a little co-opera- tion. Don’t forget the Hop Saturday, Oct. €. farm show taking place the regularly will be the he io will ek end coats Record a Mount Joy Plans For 35th Show Mount Joy's thirty-fifth an- nual community exhibit op- ens next Wednesday for four days. Since a parade could not be held the opening nite due to the conditions of the borough streets through the installation of the sewage system, The Lebanon County Dutch band will present a varied program at the fair grounds. This band will pre- sent a program featuring German music, dancing rou- tines and special musical groups. Thursday's highlights will be livestock judging and the crowning of the 1956 Corn Queen. Farm Women No. 8 are in charge of the program and contest. Invitations have been issued to four high schools and four 4-H Clubs to enter contestants in the contest. One of Friday's attractions is of county-wide importance since the plowing contest will determine the plowing cham- pon of the county. This win- ner will represent Lancaster County at the state contest at the Penna. State Universi- ty in 1957. Cash prizes in- clude $30 to the first place winner; $25 to the second; $20, third; $15, fourth; $10, fifth and seven $5.00 prizes. A rain date has been named for Friday, Oct. 19. Applica- tions should be received by William Risser, chairman, by Friday, Oct. 5. Saturd=y's tractor driving contest will begin at 12:30 p. m. at the Mount Joy Farmers Co-op under the chairman- ship of John Weidman. The contest, open to drivers of any age, offers prizes of $10; $7 50; and $5. The first time this year, the quoit pitching contest will be held at the fair grounds in a tent erected for the contest. The entrance fee is 50c per man and must be paid by Wednesday, Oct. 10. Entries will be received by William H. Fackler, Marietta Avenue and Earl Eshleman, S. Bar- bara St. Preliminary games will be played Wednesday and Thursday with the finals scheduled for Friday night. The Wednesday following th~ farm show activities the public banquet will be held at the Hostetter Pavillion on Oct. 17, 6:30 p.m. The public is invied to attend this af- air. Elmer Hoover, professor at Elizabethtown College, will be the guest speaker. Tickets will be on sale dur- ing the fair and ean be pur- chased at the Bulletin or from the committee in charge S. A. Horton and Jos. Shaef- fer. Prizes will also be award- 'd for exh'bits of corn, pota- ‘oes small g-+in and nuts, vegotables eggs, fruit, dried yor] lies. honey, can- ned ‘nods, baked goods, sew- ng flowers, school work, 4- HM Club sewing, baking, 4-H eon club, 4-H club, 4-H pig club, 4-H beef. Officers of the “urvin H. Martin, president; Harold Endslow, vice presi- dent, Joseph Shaeffer, secre- farv: S. A. Horton, treasurer; B. Titus Rutt. superintendent, Frank Weidman, William Risser and Paris Gruber, as- sisto'nt superintendents. H. Morrell Shields. who is in charge of the Saturday night talent show. announces that he is still receiving ap- plicat'ons for the affair. In- terested persons of all ages asked to contact Mr. Shie'ds giving their names, addresses. what the act will be, how long they have been doing the activity, and whet- her or not they will need special accompanying musie. Cash pr'zes will be award- ed to the top winners of the show. The competition is op- en to anyone in the area. —— ® — GOLD BADGE AWARDED Dennis Fackler was award- ed the gold badge for the week by his fellow patrol- men. Dennis was chosen to wear the badge for assisting a small child who had fallen from the playground merry- go-round. and j be bn fair are are Physician On Call Sunday Dr. Newton K