The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 13, 1956, Image 3

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    a Te pull
MZ? | COMMERCIAL LEAGUE | The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. Airline School. She will re- DR. JOHN H. STAUFFER
a ! U Koser's Jewelry—4 Thursday, Seplember 12 3 main there for 6 weeks tak OPTOMETRIST
] J. Gainor 335, Hollinger - MAYTOWN ing the course required for 39 E. Main St, Mt. Joy, Pa OLIVER SAG R N
5 he { 416, E. Greiner 470, Hertz Weddings { an Airline Hostess Telephone 3-8411 >
e beatin, 512, Koser 513. Totals 2245. | | Mon. to Sat-—10 am. to]
) { Sums pes 3 am.
ou can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profit: | Hess Store—~0 Mrs. Ruth Henderson and 4:30 pm, Tues. & Fri. 6 to
urck ’ an ire I'ro itably : | BU ER Mrs. Frank Gorner and Mrs. C. E. Hollenbaugh cele ay W . oly .
Miller 438, BUCKWALTER — GRUBE ; Tues. | Selim: Closed all day pitch Digging ~ Septic Tanks Installed
pten Park Neiss 513, : : » user "
Through the |H. Rice 347. R. Rice 458. Miss Fay Ann Buckwalter, Mrs Rozella Neiman visited Sted their birthdays Tues- nesday a :
y. Field Drainage — Footings — Grading
ith 2 alativos i ne
h | Brosius 405. Totals 2161. duughier of *. ard Mrs relatives in Wyomissing last
g Mr. a 5: week. Mrs. Edgar Mayers return-
Keeners—3 |
ure WA N T AD | Aaron B. Buckwalter, Flor- wl fy ey " . .
Ruhl 402, J. Craul 420. R. | Due to the large enroll- ed from the hospital on Sat é ’ . Haul - AN Light b
| , : : aulin n | Ss
ntz S [Brown 462, Weiser 521, Ed.|in, became the bride of John| ment in kindergarten, there urday. She had an operation A. H. Al Peifer 9 d 4 Jo
| i

— th : ' a
Craul 501. Totals 2308. |Grube, Jr., son of Mr. and will be two sessions instead on her foot. Port. Air Compressor — Concrete Breaking
ure | = a: i Si i
Joy Tile—1 Mrs. John Grube, Lititz R3, of one. Sixty-five persons : :
Top Soil and Fill
ar 3
os FOR SALE | HEL WANTED [Re Neiss 8 Balko 36. Saturday afternoon at three Me rs Robert Low. Pe Svat Ssh social
ener 391, Wells 500, Gar-| ry and son from ittsburgh held a indslow’'s on oye
re H : | MALE [ber 479. Totals 2242. |Z elock in the E.U.B. Church, | at the home of Mr Sunday by the E & R Church. Garber Motor Co. Rock Drilling
» eatrola & White enamel EE sir | Paper Box Co. — 2 |Florin, before the Rev. Char-|and Mrs. Ray Fryberger for Starting Saturday Septem
steel top range. Ph. 3-5473 Dependable man to mow , Gerberich 442, E. Rice 421,/les Wolf. several days. her 22, the siren on the May 39th Year . . Ford-Mercury

Sales Representative
ir. ee



3 Un: mnie S20 BW, sie, nm . Joy. Write | Rehrer 343, Linton 477, and| During the double ring/ Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. town fire house will be soun- ELIZABETHTOWN
Silver dyed coal Be A flo Mi Joy oH rare 2197. Jerry : Elmer, of Haines retrred home after a ded for testing Rl will be PHONE 17-1181 PHONE 7-1256
i original price $600.00. Very | 36-3¢c| Doc a | Ne sville, was soloist, ac- week's vacation in the Poco- blown between 12 and 12:05 10-tfe 11-t
good condition. Sell for $150. lr 3 Inger 449, Lawder 400, companied by Mrs. Norman nos. o'clock.
Phone Mt. Joy 3-6035. 37-1c Man f ARSE . y Taylor 3, B. Brown 406, Will, Florin. | Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mayer
i RR : Lima gg Em Work [Heilig 465. Totals 2123. | Attending the bride were spent last week end at a
te Frigidaire Electric Range, furnished. Ph. Mt. Joy 3-9901 | Hollinger Oil—4 Miss Kitty Lou camp near WilkesBarre |
re {ke new, Used 6 months. 0 | 36-2¢ |G: Wolgemuth 367, Kepple sister of the bride, as maid Mr. and Mrs. Harry New
i Cu FL Full wlth, Breeser (ton 1 help in full | Johnson Sa. posite mut |S honor, and the Misses) comer have retuned to thei
like new. M. S. Sensenig. time wo al hours : Ron rot. a Fanny Snyder, Mt. Joy, and home in Florida.
I Phone Mt. Joy 3-8651. 37-tfc pj “Mt. eT 3 9901. 8 gay. Houmry Kitchen—0 Darlene Gerlitzki, Florin, as! The Brownie Scouts and
be er ——— ree rte: bY: LOY Jel) nad] fo, wed 2, bridesmaids. Flower girl was their leaders had an onting
Estate Heatrola, with pipe, workn raniz - Wolgemuth Donna Young, Mt. Joy. {at Camp May near Safe Har-
’ | nen - Tobe Factory, TLE : x
coal fired. Norge Room Heat-| piopin, Steady Employment. | sou. Holtzman 421. Totals Joseph Grube was best bor over the weekend.
) er, with pipe, oil fired. Rg, isslv 9. man for his brother. Ushers, Mr. Charles Houseal and
: lik Roy Nissly & Co., Inc. | : |
is Le haw. Phone Mount Joy | 36-2¢c| High scorer for week, Wea- were Elvin Snyder, Lititz R3 son attended a baseball game IN GUARANTEED
360 ver 227. and Richard Mummau, Mt. at Philadelphia on Sunday. |
TT . BUDGET — . ————= 15v RY. | Capt d Mrs. Ray Smith
Used G. E. ; 3 SA jJoy | ; apt. an rs. Ray Smith
h years old 3 Young married man to man-! SEALED BIDS 1 Given in marriage by her and daughters have returned,
M Loraw, W. Main St.. Florin. {age pL dget of ci oun Joy Borough Coutl- Hatter, the bride chose alto Michigan where Captain i
th 37-1c Or iE preferred |diator traps and valves and | 80Wn of Chantilly lace and|Smith is an instructor at i
iW Kalamazoo hesrols, but not essential. Good op- an induced draft fan for the [tulle over satin. Her fitted Michigan University. TAKE YOUR PIC l v
T alamazoo white enamel, {nity to learn all phases heating system of the Mount bodice, fashioned with a V- Rev. and Mrs. Robert Hess — Cc 5 ®
EC pe on Steam = of budget business. Salary Joy Fire House. Specifica- type neckline, featured a lace and daughter who were
N at. alllwith chance for commission. tions may be had by contact- [collar trimmed with seed sionaries in Africa are on |
A Mt. Joy 3-6302. i i Boman 8 AM to 6 P. M. ne Slenn Forney 2. the |pearls and sequins. The bouf- furlouech. Thev are staying 1955 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN
P Summer Rambo Apples. Mrs, [€all Mt. Joy 3-9351 or see First Natiohal Ban rust fant skirt was highlighted by at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. ’OWERGLIDE - R. & H. :
id George W. Leaman 208 East Company between 8.00 a.m. !{; ane 5 : 4
: BR —— (home after banking hours at | ped, ace, 3 Mr. and Mrs. LAW POL 1954 6-Cyl. CHEV. 4-DOOR SEDAN
Hoover Upright Cleaner. Call (437 Donegal Springs Road. | Jor small hat held a veil Barnhart attended a welding
C Mt - afte Sealed bids will be receiv- |of illusion, and she carried a in Columbia on Saturday.
2 + Joy 3-5283, after 4 3.1p HELP WANTED led until 7:00 p.m. October | white Bible with a white or-| Dr. John Noss from F & M 1953 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN
1 rrr Pon i 1996. Council reserves chid and lily of the valley. | Seminary was the minister |
I 95 hev. Pick-up, clean, the right to reject any or all] Gowned identically, the : » E & R Church Sunday .
reasonable. George. W. Lea |_ FEMALE [bids theist the & Church Sunday] 1953 CHEVROLET BELAIR
man, 208 E. Main St. Moun Women 18-55. to address and | BOROUGH or. JOY and shrimp-colored dresses W. Dippell.
: y. mail our circulars at home lo, HEX erty [of lace and tulle, fashioned Joanne Landis, daughter of § 1953 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN {
; fon on Write GIFT 37-3¢C Secre tary | : : 2 [
i Prench Horn, used short time [20 commission. Write [with sweetheart necklines. Mr. and Mrs. Phares Landis POWERGLIDE - R. & H AND
Original pice, $247.00, sell LAIR Dept. 8, Springfield | Briel lace jackets were worn, entered Kutztown State
4 or .00. one . JOY Qe aa od {and their bouffant skirts had Teachers’ College.
oi 3-6035. ______3T¢ General housework, 5 days a| WANTED TO BUY |underskirts of ruffles. Match-| John Madara is attending 1954 CHEVROLET PANEL SEWE RS
ROOF COATING SPECIAL |Week. plain lady preferred. heart-shaped hats and|school in Lancaster where
10-year guarantee Ph. Mt Joy. 3-4134. 37-2c [24--inch bicycle for boy.|cascade bouquets of pom- he is learning to be a hair ®
ES ANID $4.95 gal Waitress Wericd 2: Ah iT Mt. Joy 3-6110. poms and glamelias complet- stylist. ®
; Bed ................ $4.95 re tJ fee ro Ved their attive., | Nancy Boltz spent the
a Green ............. $4.95 Sali Restaurant, M Joy The flower girl in white weekend at Elizabethtown N M t I
Black ....... 2 1 gal.| igi yer wore a bonnet, edged in tul-| with her grandparents, Mr. ewcomer 0 ors, nc. Phone 3-9691
For metal or built-up roofs, IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT | le and flowers, and carried a and Mrs. Benj. Boltz, Sr.
). ' Coverage—about 400 sq. ft. Girl wanted as clerk, also | SAWING. PRUNING d basket of assorted flowers. Migs Patsy Houseal left on WEST MAIN STREET PHONE 3-4821
Si SMILEY LING, COLE, end office work: SPRAYING | The bridal pair left for a Sunday for Kansas City, Mo.
“ME. JOY, PA. 1 Tt B. B. IBACH trip to the New England where she will enter Weaver wn ctr
. . - * ' i 0 4 » . <tr N - -
36-tfe , states and Canada after a
Paseo nu Say TE Phone 5-4616 scepti at Hostetter’'s Ban-
SEWIN MA INE \ - - reception at Hostetter’s Ban
: ne i |Part time hein. Claaning Bnd 139 S. Main St. Manheim, Pa [quet hall, Mt. Joy. They will
a loun oy | — — LA rogidle ‘at Lititz R3.
. Slow aly Yay 13-3236. iad 36-tfc | FOR SALE A graduate of Donegal
ewing Machines | Joint High School, the bride|
. WAYS APPLIANCES ELIZABETHTOWN is employed in the cost de-
. Main Stree > partment of Lambert-Hudnut
| ’
Ph. MOUNT JOY 3-3622 | HELP OFFERED STORY MASONRY |Lititz. Her husband gradu-
. ——= Wii] do alterations and drap..3 BR DR LR Kit & Bath | ate a ic ig
: Stewing and Small (Will do alterations and drap Conditioned SE in- | tod from Warwick High
ROASTING CHICKENS lery work. Phone Mount Joy owe oS | School and is employed by
(13-3639. 36-4c | ows 0ors. ; fv Tan :
> 39¢ POUND | siete ¢ Forced Hot Air Heat Oil Roy Stefly, Kissel Hill
FRESH EGGS (Washing & Ironing done in! $11,750.00 | STARR MOHLER
{my home. Phone Mount Joy | Suge
REICH POULTRY FARM |3-9457. 37-3c 1% Sry BRICK RANCHER Saturday afternoon at 3:00
Seon nti vn ese 1 1 ath ‘clock in Lz ster Trinity
RD. 2 ois eR RIETTA [il care for children in|Baseboard Hot Air Heat Oil Chea its ay
Bh home. Ph. Mt. Joy 3-4162. F.H.A. Financing Arranged Te . S SUP. : Si { As
Fic, Range, Like 37-1c¢ $14.900.00 Jane § tarr. daughter o Y
Frigidaire Elect. 1. Rel allt de and Mrs. Oscar L. Starr, 122,
New. used 6 months. =
: : 18 ACRE FARM N. Barbara St., Mount Jov
NLS, Sensenig. Phone Mount | Story BRICK & FRAME became the bride of Donald
| i - LL in!
7 Joy 38651. ante REAL ESTATE | C. Mohler, 33 S. West End
TYPEWRITERS. add. mach., | 7 Room Elec. Well and Bank :
Barn Milk House 2 Poultry Ave, and the late Mr. Moh-
cash reg., che~k inter-coms [FOR RENT: Apartment. four \ ler
safes, files, off. furn.. new & “coms & bath. <econd floor. |Houses. Room for 6 cows and : onl
used. At Roots Sale Tuesday. |Ph. Mt. Joy 3-3531. 37-1c| lorse Stables. $13,000.00, The Rev. Wallace E. Fish-
I ler officiated at the double

Here is the milk package we’re proud to introduce to thousands of our friends.
Look for our new carton. It’s as up-to-date as the freshness of our milk inside.
You like the milk. You’ll like the new package.

J “Worth trio” ENGLE, 411 E. |
I | Hn St., E-town. 37-c [FOR RENT: Pleasant front MAYTOWN ring ceremony. William Gass-|
bE -- —— —==—- -— |room, central location. Em- y man, Mt. Joy, waa soloist ac-
emer} Living Room Suite, apply at ployed adult. 74 E. Main St.,'2 STORY FRAME companied by “Ponnld Nix.|
406 S. Delta Street, Mt. Joy. Mount Joy. 37-tfc [4 Rooms, dort ’ .
37-2c [FOR SALE: Six Room House [Fas & Water $3,500.00 | 9011. , es
|with conveniences and doub- Given in marriage by her
SEWING MACHINES: Au-|le garage. Corner property, in FLORIN father, the bride wore a
thorized dealer for the three |2ood condition. Price reason- ad * | waltz-length gown of Chan-
'c leading Sewing Machines — ible. SPECIAL 2 UNIT FRAME tilly lace over tulle and taf-
) SINGER - PFAFF - DO-| If interested apply at 41 APARTMENT HOUSE feta fashioned with a fitted -
: - MESTIC. Sales and Service. |Detwiler Avenue. The house|4 Rooms & Bath 1st Floor ihodice and short sleeves. The i hi
! Binkley’s Sewing Machine & mentioned is located at the|4 Rooms & Bath 2nd Floor |phateau neckline was formed i a
Ae Remnant Shop, 111 N Mar- |orner of Lumber and David|Hot Water Heat Oil with scalloped lace filled in ; : CA RTON MEA °
ket St., Elizabethtown, Pa. Sts., and the owner will jet|Large Lot 178x200 | wit? tille. The Yace i Si °
; 27-tfc [vou view the property as the [2 Car Garage $12,000.00 jo 1 ped Se wy <n
! —_ rer ————— |1ouse is vacant and the pur- Mit ood an i :
: } chaser will get im ia Ss | finishe Sn S. :
; New pL AND RB ier Be Sete MOUNT JOY A nearl trimmed cloche 1. No Bottles fo Wash
Hess Music Shop, 106 North | 1 Story BRICK RANCHER held her illusion veil and she a
gins Market St. Elizabethtown. | | 3 BR - LR - Kit - Bath [carried a white orchid with : 2 Always Leakproof
Pa. 29tfc |= ER [Storin Windows 3 Doors, showers of stephanotis and, NEW | ;
| [Deep Freezer ef. Finshed ; 5 |
FOR SALE: Used 6 purer] LEGAL NOTICES Basement. 2 Car Garage "The bride's two attendants i 31 A Ti 3. Use Once, Then Throw Away
ROPER, single oven. high = ~UTOR'S N. {Large Lot 105x150 $27,500.00, Fay Mundorf and Mrs i» ofe
(PLASTIC 4. Package Completely Sterilized
Estate of Mabel D. Rohrer, |! STORY Brick RANCHER | Donald Starr of Elizabeth-
TBR - LR - Kit - Tile Bath |town. wore gowns of tanger-
Carport - Oil Heat $14,750.00 |ine-colored tulle over taffeta
i broiler, very good condition.
c Also other used gas stoves &
gas appliances. Ward Bottle dec’d. late of Mount Joy Bor-


A Gas, 25 S. State St. Ephrata. ough, Lanca-ter County, Pa.
at 37-1c| Letters testamentary on [featuring bateau necklneg am Ti
} Eins Ek [said estate having been gran- BAINRRIDGE cummerbunds of satin. vt CART JR
i Individual designed Spencer ited to the undersigned, all "INUSUATL OPPORTUNITY - | Mint green floral hats with 1 ;
Bupportors for Abdomen. persons indebted thereto aref > Wn, 2% face veils and bouguets of ;
i Back and Breasts. requested to make immedi- STORY Sing FRAME 2 TY d the. ; PRT ar
Mrs. Wayne Lehman ate payment and those hav- DD DR Kit 3 BR & Bath je as ay t a yi on a Be :
a R. D. 1. Elizabethtown. Pa. ling claims or demands a- Forced Hot AE Hat Oil (mums completed their -en- erm i ; SEALRIGHT
: Phone 7-6119 33-tfc !sain-t the same will present A Tot Water Hooter sembles i SANITARY SERVICE
— Si l'hem without delay for set- i. on a Patrick H. J. Hall was best ; : for
Lazy Wife Beans for Freez. to the undersigned. |° Car Garage. Lot 60x190 (man. The ushers were Rich- ; i
ing; Phone Wit, Joy 38-8768 4 CARL § KRALL, MLL FURNITURE - T.V. Set), BR. Handel. both of Lan- : : —
35-4fe Mount Joy, Pa. - venelan Shades |caster and Donald H. Starr,
urtains - Elec. Range - Re-

Sai resem pes plist Bever, Attorneys 32-B¢( yf . Dnep Freezer _| brother of the bride.
; TC Tier |Wash Machine - LOCK| After a reception for the
© sis hme marion NOTICE RTOCK & BARRELL. Call|families at the bride's home
oe [Office for Appointment the couple left on a trip thru
MISCELLANEOUS man, dec’d, late of East Don-| $15,750.00 |New York and Canada. They


: jogal Townstip, Lancaster will reside in Mi'waukee, FOR YOUR HEALTH!
! Saws Filed & Set. Knives | Letters testamentary on| Wis.. where the bridegroom :
i Scissors Shears sharpened [said estate having been gran-| OPEN HOUSE will attend the Milwaukee
i Oscar Breneman, 42 Colum [ted to the undersigned, all| BRICK RANCHER School of Engineering.
Pa bia Ave., Mt. Joy. Ph. 3-5313|persons indebted thereto are |; SUNDAY, SEPT. 16, 1956 A graduate of Lancaster

j 15-tfe Fequested 0 make. immedi 1:00 - 6:00 P. M. Hospital School of Nursing,
i % jate payment an ose hav- the bride has been on the TT A
RIN fing cams or demands aC Pa. [Romie nursing salt Her RED ROSE DAIRY

SEPTEMBER 101 22nd |aninst the same will present Elizabemtown, Pa. husband attended DeVry
| them without delay for set-|’ ica : : to?
| 33-6¢ tlement to the undersigned Technical Institute in Chica-
Want a paper hanger or a| UNION NATIONAL Daniel E. Garman zo and ‘has been employed R. D. 1, MOUNT J3Y, PENNA. PHONE 13-6112
| ainter for quick service? | Mount JOY BANK, Real Estate & Insurance |PY Radio Corn of America.
| Elizabethtown 7-3457. ast Main Street, Ha. —
gal Givens, E-town R.D. | Mount Joy, Pa. and Route = ol ite East of gjtfing Bull is buried at
35-tfc [John Hill Byrne, 1zabethiown Standing Rock Agency, Fort
| Attorney 34-6c ELIZABETHTOWN 17-1197 Yates, North Dakota. |