\ \ The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa, pro Margaret A. Krauss, Coates- ble Apply .ME-NOT. In Just! Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Bail- Flower girl was Sharon pom-poms and rosebuds. 15 nutes, if you have t« back at any drug store. Use in vivir gh stant-drying ITCH-ME.NOT day announce the marriage or night for eczema, ringworm, insect bites, foot ith, other sur the ir daughter, Mary R. 0 was best man for his brother.| Vink flowers. Attired in navy macy. on ae S8t. Lee H. Hess, son of Mr. were Paul Givier. of blue, the bridegroom’s moth- eee | ay Mrs. Roy Hess, 560 Man-| and Vernon Ob- er choose pink accessories SKIN ITCH or Street, Lancaster, erholtzer. brother of the and flowers, HOW TO RELIEVE IT em bride Daniel After a reception at the IN JUST 15 MINUTES Messersmith—Rosewall nephew of the bride, Lititz, home of the bridegroom's If not pleased your 40c back at h : tof any drug store. Instant.drying The marriag of Isabe lle was ring bearer Escorted parents, the couple left for a ITCH-ME-NOT deadens itch and hosewall, Salunga daughter to the altar and given in trip to Niagara Falls. burning; kills ery ON CON BUNA ‘harles Ar- PA TY wr father . TACT, Use HM HI a of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ar- marriage by her father, the I'he bride graduated from Zema, insect bites, foot itch, oth. kett, Philadelphia, to Steven pride wore a gown of Chan- wit, Joy High School and the er surface hes NY Ba ith lori 3( of til o ror rerend Thomas Tillett, Churc hn of] PLUS Ss H Marietta on the grounds of indignities. «t's No Trouble 19th | Sun-| 5 8S. Shop Acme and Get - - - =» the Best Foods - = the Best Values and the Best Stamps Tender Lancaster U. S. Choice CHUCK ROAST 33° Boneless Beef Roast Ib 65¢ Beef Pot Roast Ib 55¢ SMALL LEAN SMOKED PICNICS v3 Freshly Ground Beef 2 lbs 69¢ Farmdale Zu Chicken Pies § for 99¢ © 39" Goetze's Pork Steaks 3s 99e | Fresh Assorted Salads pr 29€ Depend cn Acme for Daily Fresh Produce! (Extra Large, Red Ripe) ¥ Cultivated Blueberries pt box 29¢ Calif. Bartlett Pears 2 lbs 29¢ Large Elberta Peaches 3 lbs 29¢ Callf. Valencia Summer Rambo : Aas] ORANGES | APPLES 3B | 320 Yellow or White Squash 2 lbs 15¢ Large Green Peppers 3 for 14e¢ i Local Egg Plants 2 lbs 15¢ Ideal Frozen Ideal Frozen Orange Juice Lemonade eS I 6: SX a a 49 | Offer Repeated by Popular Request | 1 VIRGINIA LEE FINEST QUALITY ; POUND CAKE 331 Reg. 79c Ge 9 Reg. 19¢ Bridge Rye Bread Re again Wedn: Mar swimr ‘First been rock over | of the Mon The Joy St At tf meetir last M resides appear jection being Street. In ti erty o fact th were | weeks repairs the ob that nr velope objecti ment the are nothin comple sult of cil me that tl ing wif membe The meetin day ni; meeting annour or will the str the str is com Hit Jame Mr. an Mount to th Hospite was str a car | ter of | ta road High S arm. W was st; when & Brown, Plo Eni Mour pion na Commu entered contest Lincoln town R at the f to be h last ye: The hibit A Mr. Ke which State membe: will ac contest. Also day nig Te