The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 28, 1956, Image 1

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Activities Are [Four Local Girls
Announced For [Leave Today For
Playgrounds Scout Roundup
| Special activities havel po, jocal Senior Girl] up. The Lancaster group left
been announced for the two|3couts left Lancaster rail-| Lancaster at 5:52 and will
playgrounds by directors | road station this afternoon] arrive in Detroit tomorrow
John | to join more than 5,000 girls morning. From the city, 104
clos ind adults in the first inter-| busses will transport the
Day, Mrs. Marshall Gember-| isha) Girl Scout round- campers to the site at High-
ing and Miss Joanne Dun- —— land State Recreation Area


" The Mount Joy
| Marshall Gemberling,

near Pontiac, Mich. Girls
nick. The first swimming S
ummer | from Scotland, England, Ire-
|party will be held Friday af
Mount Joy JuniorChamber New Families BPW Club Donegal Reunion Day Camp selnoon when the clildren of Program lane, Norway hed already
both playgrounds will be Monday, it was announced.
f A Plans Community Picnic Are Visited | l Features Reports : DE Cr = Swi |
\/ Y | Two new families were vis- | Installs | Metal markers in the ... Projects ie an oe Underway Berar. Wits Nancy Diller,
Au 8 At Ro k S |ited by the “Welcome to Offi letery at Donegal Presbyter- | d \ : : :
| : . | y. 8i Sb) | Ne ree wi , Miss Jackie Mz
g. C Y prings Mount Joy” committee of the icers [ian church have been wine. Complete Next week there will be One huridred 19 persons rin packs earner nd
local Joycees Monday even- le i eo o 2 no special evening activities | .
| a) ed with cement, reported the | |already have registered for| pleted their final preparation

Officers were installed in

For the second year, the | i i
: li rcees Sg : ~ 1] 8 3 d Brownies ls is vae:
In Ney Foie ing. Joycees Mrs. John Lan- : Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, pas- Girl Scouts an |because the week is vaca-| : thi 2 ;
Motmt Joy Florin Newton [1 ions Install dis and Mrs. Charles John-|the local Business and Pro- {op at the 43rd annual reun- (of the Mount Joy - Florin ime {or the 3 stries | the summer instrumental| last week in Buckmiller Park
Community Picnic will be . : : , : 8) display tion time for the industries] Ti . | after working for the event
mp held at the Rocky Springs son visited Mr anl Mrs. Rob. [fessional Women's Club on ion of the Donegal Society | Scout Ne) gts ood Vd ay- and many of the people in | Program This program is for over a year. The preview
ra i | ( ) 1 lert Zook, Birchland Avenue. Monday night at Hostetter's. at the church last week. For- €d crafts comp eted and pre- Be free to anyone, students and. Nuns AK
ull pete Wedneslay: . Aug. = New fficers (The Zooks and their three © 3 De uw D3 = Be tv-four of the early families sented skits at the Parents the borough. Although there ye | Program at the Lancaster
i as een set as the date for Clarence Hollinger was in- |daughters moved to the bor- Mrs. Mary Chronister, Eliza- IE ya Night held last week will be no special evening |adults. park included the events that
. Ihe plronic as planed) by we stalled as the new president | ough last week from Lancas-|Pethtown, assistant director Each vear floral tributes are at the close of the local day activities, the two play-| Lessons are being given by the girls will present at the
ou focal amber the Florin Lions Club at/ter. Mr. Zook is employed of District 7, installed the placed on three of the camp. The program was held grounds will be in operation [{. Morrell Shields. instru- Sound, bis rr
: mmerce. . tes : : s . . > 5 OF 2 i » daily XCe ssdav out a theme 0 ennsylvania
he Monday night meeting of by Hollinger’s Meats, Lan- new officers in a candlelight graves at the camp site, the Little daily except Wednesday, lo 441 instructor at Donegal :
As announced last year, “Ye er. past |caster : : : is ght graves, Chiques School Playground. July 4. hy 5% Dutch and will portray the
the park will offer advan- ok Ry po He ceremony, Mrs, George Another the pro, Eo wnies fro ig pr © The following week, the High School, Monday morn-| Slumbering Lodge for
t y as - he as O' 2 : . . ry os ST rownies from e- | : i. : : 4 : oh :
n tages for the annual officer. Irvin K. Cer: Laps rs: Thay 30 Connar and ke was installed as president; gram Was the Yediciion Of canted two dances and dis- frst special event will be a ing afternoon and evening Groundhogs and Dutch skits.
Any child or adult may pur-lher was installed a8 nee oo Sed Mrs. Lester Roberts. firstimemorial trees by the Rev.| their orafts leaf dance Tuesday, July 10. The and Tuesday morning at the| An exhibit of the Ephrata
ber was stalled as fi St/Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Train- By i HSE Durfee as living memor- played for their crafts, leaf Cloister will also be set up.
prints and wild flower book dance will be held at the high school. He will instruct
prints. Brownie Unit 2 sang school playground, in case; Marietta Wednesday 3
a song and showed the lan- of rain it will be held in-| he five patrols from the
chase one ticket for $1 which | fee president; Reuben Good- |r who oved into one of vice president; Mrs. Eugene; 1s
entitles him to ride any of; i i y © Move 9. ohe : : ! Pr ials to Mrs. William H.
S ling, second vice president; {ho Eshleman apartments ‘ : :
the rides in the park for|s3j ; ; ; 2 - 13h eman ape ents on Eicherly, second vice presi- Bradly, past member of the
tears re ps : Sidney Smith, third vice pela Street. The Trainors, | : executive committee, Clar- morning, afternoon and ev-
three hours. The dollar tiek-|gresident; C. Arthur Wolge- | who have two sons, moved dent: Mrs. Robert Stotz, cor-| Schock. past president Yards made, and Brownie doors. Wednesday, the two yank county named the Wagon-
els will be in use from 3:30 | secretary; Robert John-|pere from York. Mr. Trainor secretary; Mrs. A a past HH Unit 3 (the Fairyland unit) groups will take a trip to ening. Mr. Shields is still re | eeres, Pretzalettes, Distelfinks,
lo 5 pm and from 7 t0 Ison, assistant secretary; Jay jg employed by the Superior Marlin _ Sinegar, recording ginia Clark : Dag! of sang the Brownie smiling Governor Dick, near Mount ceiving applica ions for the|Sheoflies and Dutchettes. All
8:30 p. m. and as many rides (Snyder, treasurer; Norman Sign Company, Elizabeth secretary; Mrs. Charles Gra- | 5° * any pag the girls are taking “swap”
The four are included in
song, gave the Brownie prom- Gretna, and Thursday, July gaa program. Interest

i as the holder wishes to take Spickler, lion tamer; Benja- town. ham, treasurer. Mrs. Chron- ve executive gommitiee, ise. and showed a lashed bul- 12, will be Mother and wi persons may contact is items characteristic of Penn-
in that period of time is min Staley, tail twister; : ister also inducted 12 new | Principal speaker at thei, ii" poard made by the Daughter night. [ec persons may cont | sylvania Dutch.
privilege. Ralph Oberholtzer and Drill, Sonuninee Presenied members who had been sc.jafternoon Session. was Dr. | girls. | The directors announced| Those already scheduled in| pong up dates are June
The rides in the park in-|Hugh Coleman, directors for Yoel d ha S from the cepted into the club from Paul Sam Houers, presi- Intermediate Unit 1 dis-|a registration of 157 at the the program are Sandra|29 to July 11. The encamp-
: clude a ferris wheel, roller [one year; Elmer Ginder and| el ———— January until June. Jo or Ison Salles. Pav: played the projects complet- borough park playground |gghleman, Linda Kleiner, ment will cover about 1,500
coaster, fun house, cuddle-|Earl Rhoades, directors for | Eight Elizabethtown club Riri ; Rn. yo te ed for their weather badge. and 112 at the school play- | Jackie Rohm, James Harnish | acres of rolling country, part
J up, merry-go-round, whip ‘wo years. B d t | members presented the ‘Em-| chairman the hn ©¢ | They explained the five wea- ground. : SR of it woodland. Near the en-
miniature ~~ Failroad, auto| During the business meet- u ge S blem Pageant.” During the |" ny on Sroune ga flags which they made | series write mess Roger Packer, Darryl will be adminis rative
scooters, and airplanes. All|‘ng the group discussed the business meeting Mrs. Broske a ad be, ant hi and put on a pole in camp | ment, Ronald Kear, Kenneth| offices, information booths,
facilities of the park will be|trip to a night baseball A CcC@ pted anfiounced her committee hig abbot some of the daily: explained the use of Playg round Funk, Roger Bates, Larry|reception exhibit, swap tents,
turned over to the local pic- {game in Philadelphia, spon- | chairmen for the year. Mrs der TE showing he the barometer and told about | Williams. Terrv Stark. David| trading post and headquar-
nickers for the day. sored by the group July 6. Eicherly was named mem [9 of El i es 0% the different clouds. They al- | ae #0 Se (ters. Here the United States
Arrangements have also|They also discussed he wa. BY Board bership chairman; Mrs. Rob- Cars Oo Thyme ae |so made lanyards. Intermedi- ponsors Smith, Barbara Becker, Kit |g, {he 48 state flags, the
been made with park officials |termellon sale for Saturday, | erts program coordinator, ate Unit 2 worked on their | v Buckwalter, Carole West | flag of the World Association
in case of rain. Both the ball. | July 14. The next meeting] A revised budget calling Miss Mary Strickler, educa- |intermediate badge and pre- : Harold Etsell, Joann Stch lof Girl Guides and Girl
- skati wi > i for a visi i i tion and vocational; Mrs. Jo-| ions Ist sented a fashion show of ame i t nan, Richard Becker, Ray-| Scouts and the flags of its
room and the roller skating|will be in the form of a visi (for estimated expenditures of ol i br | sente a fas 3 gi 4 Bl Ta i d _ Hag:
rink will be open to the pub- to Camp Chiquetan July 9. Tenor a i ; sepn rermer, ealin anc | Scout fashions or erent | Voie st tle bs non ( TS, LAW member countries will e
i Sole oper oY op b etn au was adopted at the Mrs. George Keener Year's | | A J = shey, Juergen Buettner, Bar | mised and lowered daily.
a last week's meeting of the international relations; Mrs. | ! Ynit 3 ¢ leted~ tin canons attended the hrst even-|., John Dick, Rob {Bach secti sod of
effect at the pool for (the z lations; Mrs. | ! nit 3 complete in can no vent Taos] n ach section compos: 0
day. Tickets for the pool are | Donegal High School board. Robert Brown. public affairs; | rid feraft work. Their exhibit in-1 08 Playground ven on rt Eshleman, Sally Wolfe | three camns will accommo-
to be purchased at the park | u S an [The revision was necessary Mrs. Simon Nissley. legisla- Activities cluded tin can ash trays,| sored Bl. he NN ade Marcia Engle, Mar Sore date 960 girls.
8 es : i tei] “tion: Mrs. Samuel Balsbaugh cups with handles, dishes. |’ IVS her. Marie Ebersole, Judy Evite Rramte i;
office. Adults will be admit- | |due to the new state teacher =" wp. “a0 Tar A summary of the year's, D Pe ane T «made groups. In the magic peanut | in jor Marlene Sinegar Special events of the af
ted on a 35c¢ ticket and the § me | salary ling. Certain items Sy rah Ev activities ‘Tas: beer ann {and hyrricane amps =m | game Linda Copenheaver|~y, 1: fair will include a campfire
for 15c { um r [9 ary ruling. é S co-chairmen of finance com- [activities las been announc- 4p, detergent cans. They al-|3° = =" he 8 10 3 age ynthia Tripple, Cons ineef yo first Saturday night when
: planned to be purchased mittee; Mrs. Michael Pricio,|ed by the Mount Joy Lions|g, made hot dish mats and Von prize m Wie 2 10 age White, Joyce Berrier, Janice oll the ti
The club roo located | .. 3 . : . : leroup: Robert Pennell, 9-10 : : ill the girls will be together
m, ated | |were postponed for one year news service; Mrs. James Club. During the year, the || askets. Unit 4, the Pioneer 0. 3 3errier, Sally Ann Hollin |. : :
ngar the entrance of the park | C ivities : : ; . ; i group: Douglas Rehrer, 11 3 i in the big arena. Mrs. Roy F.
e entrance of the park | to make the revision. Shaeffer, radio and televi- club raised funds thru five| it. made a raft. As a cli-|>FOUpP: a! ’ ger, Bernell Heisey, Lind: Lavi ational id
: and 12; and James Musser, (Shields. Patty Nornhold, Jer | “2y'on, nationa presi ent,
and Miss Dorothy C. Strat-
ton, national executive direc-
tor, will be the speakers.
will be for the use of mo- rs ; maior protects -—— rating Seca:
. thers with small children.| Awards were made during] A library survey taken zon; Vs. Frank cy ia PHOJe cts , max to the Syenjagls pro-
"iii : AE bast iy OTe y Bs ; Evite Le security: ss Elsie |the Zerphey SicC oe °€ | gram, the girls floa‘ed can- | | :
f Boh television and cots will| he Indign getemony 5 he among the students at the Lefeaver, Girl Scouts: Mrs. |3iation, for one day; down the creek. from | Winners in the balloon ley, Norma Eichler, Patrici:
be ‘avaliable. I DI hen ate Chi. | close of the school term was|Ear] Koser, hospitality; Miss [electric light bulbs; supervis- their raft, as girls and par- | Preaking contest were Thom-| Aston, Patricia Eiliott, Gar :
A game. period will be! oy neh 8 Eo nA The survey had! Esther Walters, mus‘c and so- [ing the farm show conces-| ants Jooked on from the | 2S Tripple, first in the 5-8 Maxwell, Gary Stark. Alice a A special Fou of July
sponscred by the JayCees for] JUeS I aye +3) been conducted to check the cial: Mrs. John Booth, tele |sions; sponsoring a minstrel and sang “Peace, 1 Ask [28¢ Broup. Second was Har- | Sechrist, Joan Shaeffer, Ar [celebration will be held n
{ p old Smith; third, Doris Bair;|dis Wolgemuth, Joanne Dar }the arena also. One Girl
13 and over. ~y Buchenauer, Kenneth Ap

i 4 .., | proximately 60 ersons at- . : : Ov : :
| the children. The time 7 the yas affair. | advisability of opening the iphone team: and Miss Thel- show and sponsoring a pan- gf Thee, O River.” Senior 11 h B Funk. .G Scout. Jo. Anne. Werre £
i be announcd at a later date. |p 1ph Rice, Cubmaster, pre [school library one day per ma Taylor, historian. |cake breakfast. girls assisted the units Jur. AR y a Uh Cor |renkamp, Ronald Vogle Lubbock. Tex the ro
. . | y ds - . . . x : : > Tr as 5 > ‘ Q iNling , arti 4 DOCK, 2X., o
i Continuing the same feature sented Daul Stehman with an | week during the summer Miss Mildred Way and Miss| Through their projects the ing the two-week camping ol § host or aus ipa: 1 ¥ [James Phillips, Tony Martin f the national essay or
| » « d sec i < 1S je "wr Co » ( 3 c ssay © ’
} as in other years, a golf tour- ly, dian feather for having months. Since there was not Helen Schroll are leaving club was able to assist the period. Sos bo Ne do | Sylvia Mumper, Kionned will read her winning writ-
nament will be held. This | J cced his Bear badge: Rob. enough response for the Mount Joy this weekend to following from the proceeds: rims (fre —— yo 5 oa Dore on ee r | Young, Berry ‘Stoner ing “What America Means
SS S St c i . A . er § & reas cKe Yar ~ 7 rt £. & 3) 8
year one new tournament|. .. wolsemuth. his bear fea-|Summer project, it was drop- attend the bi-annual national purchased glasses for two . and 38 | Carol Cupper, Rober Me.” An old-fashioned dis
Al be dA bowl ge , his bear fea- him RT ili RGR LA Ea fourth. David Brandt was|Reisch. Gary Zeller, Darlz| © Me.” An old-fashioned dis-
will be sponsored. OWl- [por and Richard Nornhold. Pd: The library report re- convention of the club in Mi- children and one adult; gave edqica roup first int the {Rind oe. 2rouD. Io olay of fireworks will be the
ing tournament will be con-|, ._ Webl : badge. The We ‘vealed that an average of ami, Fla. [donations to the Girl Scouts, {Ist an the age group, Kulp, Jean Bucher, Jackic| 7 Fe
ed og {his Weblos badge. e Web| Y=2 = - chi oy . with Kenneth Pfiefer, sec- | Mariner. Jeffrey Mariner | losing feature of the cele-
ducted in the new 32-alley pad is tl highest | 1,317.88 books were checked Summer acivities for the|American Cancer Society, Names rievance : : : TV wat
pA {los badge is the highest . pan Akh : ond; Barry Coover, third: William Ensinger, Jen Bend bration.
buiding. A baseball game |... rd that can be earned in| ©ut of the library per month club include a picnic for community ambulance fund, abd William Lennell. fourth Ri 1 rd B Sone K 1 New { tl d in
with the local Midgets will |~ * with 12.55 books per student July: a play at the Allenber- Heart Haven, Donegal High C 1 ! Le L el), fo - ler, Richard Bowers, Kenne News of the round-up wi
8 | Scouts. I ALY, 8 pla g ommittee Terry Schofield was winner Wittle, Douglas rich, Rober | be featured via newspapers
for the year. The total num- ry Playhouse for August School Band Club, Mount Fe
ans - ; : » : : ; , has !in the oldest age group, with “henauer v wr slevis
| + Plans Wore. Pade i ber of books taken out during when “The Land Is Bright” Joy community decorations A’ grievance committee has 1 4 Eg bi Ee Buel Di Jaco : Zoller nd television,
ternoon of fishing this Sat- . ne =4¢ . tries Tres ; : : ganized i 5s the ale Y *, second; Clayton ell, Patricia Hart -
rear was 10,543. 7 » playing: and the first committee and Lions Club been organize among th . )
the year we will be playing; 3 m 5 ge ‘her Rice and Ken Funk tied

also be included on the pro-|
gram of the day. |

“"Bus transportation will be : 3 ;
1 ay are as Sli. : 4 winter Cv io ’ : Orv . av
provided to the park for per- iil Cats hak ne i Three resignations were ac-|regular autumn meeting in Flood Relief. Lancaster City and Couns for third place; and Ronald Nissl ra i Yoh Dadi St d t
[meet & e grade s g ; a iot ety . » ben- 5k ssley, Linde ty, Jo e
sons from the three commun- | 4 . £ : ivi cepted. John Shaeffer resign- September. The club paid for the safe- Medical Society for the ben Pennell, f 1 2 Y: Sandy So oat) u nts
p. m. Fathers are invited { efit of patients Persons who | Pennell, fourth. Bikler, Sandra Collings, Ger
fellowship at The announcement was ty sign on the billboard eas
of Chicago made that any reserve mon-|,f town in connection with 4T¢ !
Week. The received or fees charged an
e not pleased with the care In the barnyard candy race ald McDowell. Raymont Awarded Letters
ed to accept a
4 the team captained by Roger Sumpman, Stephen Stoner
ities. Tickets may be purchas [to
the University
i arious | ; :
ed in advance from Various | ang assist with the transpor-
also attend the fishing trip

Stores In the Hoa. | ation. The group will fish where he will work on is 44 ge rea atonal Sassy who receive no satisfaction | Packer won. His '‘roosters’’ pJames Baker, Linda Huck Thirteen seniors of Done-
Gene Eicherly is general in the Big Chiques near Masters degree. The other 8 i fics on ve. eh distributed baskets toi, / = physician may con- Winning team members were Nancy Coller, Edward Lamp sal High School who com-
chairman of the picnic; his| Manheim. two resignations were Mrs. |e placea 1n a Sa oY needy families at Easter. tact. this committee James Hockenberry, Carl ing, David Pi tenturf. Will leted four years as mewrbers
Muir, Frank Street, ject fund to be used for fu-{They sponsored the Hallo- 4 5 : Hostt'er. William Pennell jam Elslager, Gene Portner | ’f @ hith school band re-
committee includes Charles] Two dates were set for gohn : : vi g » made
Johnson, John Miller and camp-outs for July and Au- fd Miss Beverly Hays of ture community projects. ween parade, furnished the | Qliwancs a De. male
Gerald Hostetter. Mr. Hostet- gust. The first is the week Lancaster. One new faculty Te — prizes and paid all fhe ex- ho Xe De M.D. 301 er. James Heisey, Jeffrey Jeanette Appley. Sharon Ba
ter will have charge of the end of July 21. Both Cubs member was named. Fredrik Lamcaster County venses. They presented a de- A 2, ey: Eohrata. Kyle. Terry Gemberling, ker, Samuel Williams, Wil)
golf tournament and Michael land their fathers will camp I. Malmborg, Landisville, was "1 fense bond to a member of os, fem Bosh ““" Donna Eltz. James Musser, iam Young, Karen Bake’
Pricio will have charge of out from Saturday morning named to teach in the junior Milk Income the graduating class of Don- Douglas Brown, Douglas Robert Ween, Barry Brand | 0 the music field.
th bowli t ament. i ay high school. Mr. Malmborg 11 {egal High School for the \iberei : {a- svt Shane hae } he ARBORS WW
Drives OT — fll oo araduated from Hempfield Tops $23 Million [highest scholarship in Indus- Lancaster County Leib Tod, Clavion BL Re yoy Bh crn Ne
S |S Ce nT A bie er oe . i {tay olan, ) » |auer, Sally Z ' Ye li S é ark-
the two tournaments and also will be held in August. In High Scohol and Elizabeth-| Harrisburg — Lancaster’s|trial Arts. The club also C. D. Fire Police |Dennis Mateer The other ber, Christine Keener, Nance | ‘ey. Jane Barninger, Joanne
Douglas Rehrer. Brent Keen- David Byers, Carol Gratch | ‘¢ived green and whie che-
1ille schnol le ters. The “D's”
Mave a lyre enclosed to sig-
nily they have been earned


for the children’s games. |September the regular den town College. cow population steeped for Sponsored the joes) Canes A new unit was set up in team captains were Esher | Lippold. Beverly Frye, Jan 2 my, Jack Gilbert, Roger
m———— ll ee : d agai uri 55 as ¢ } LE S ice ks: K » 7 . 4
{meetings will be scheduled. | Contracts for general sup-| ward again during 1955 as a ior 9) DG ai as {he Lancaster County Civil Rice, ducks: Kenneth Funk |os Clark. Leslie Van Dins | “fumper, Faye Buckwalter,
€ mmunity arm . cats; Terry Stark, pigs; Ter- Debra Weatherwax., Susa | Ronald Hawthorne, Asher
There is still an urgent plies, art, and paper were major wage-earner. Lancast-
Contests Planned need for Den awarded to L. B. Herr and er County’s income from! Club members state
that | Defense organization which
indus- ‘milk was $23.069,347 during “through doing something for will be known as the Fire Pennell. dogs: Frank Kyle | James Zuch. Kathleen Good
ry Schofield, cows; Ronald Hedricks, David B-ke: | Halbleib, Dixie Bair, Robert
Swartz, Gerald Becker, Ber-


4 |ested ersons ay t in Compan Lancaster;
t shleman’s | este: pers may get in npany, ancaster; 4 d $1 Ed ank
. Itouch with Cubmaster Rice. tral and agriculture shop the year according to figures others it is great to be Lions. Police Division. |sheep. Terry Schofie'd’s tean all. Jean Breneman. Audre: |'y McKain and Joanne Lan-
Saturday, a Wolverine/ rem |supplies to Fulton-Mehring- released by the Pennsylvania TY This division will be head- was second. Appley. Phyll‘s Keener | dis. The letters had not been
Shoe contest will be held at er, York; John Matlack, of June Dairy Month Committee | MIDGETS IN TOURNEY ed by Luke B. Och, Presi- Orange juice and chips|Mary Ellen Smith, Kenneti | received in time for presen-

tation at the close of the
school term.
Eshleman Brothers ven's Homes Needed For Camden, N. J.: Brodhead- and Pennsylvania Bureau of| Mount Joy Midgets will dent of the Lancaster Fire were served to all the child |Kauffman, Patsy Johnstin
Furnishings. One shoe Will Fresh Air Children Garrett, Cleveland, O., and Crop Reporting & Research. ‘play their first game in the Police Association, assisted ren following the games |Judy FE ce, Patricia Sechrist
be encased in a block of |Sears, Roebuck Company, of, N. E. Sampson, chairman New Era tournament against by Marvin Foltz, the Lancas- Many parents wa'ched the |Patty Mihalik, Aglaia Ste
id ice and will be on display | Philadelphia; medical and |for the Pennsylvania JDM Columba A’s. Date and field {or County Fire Police Com- €Vening’s activities. |phanis, Paula Weien, Kay

— - - —
Homes are still needed for

“Fresh Air” children, it :
in front of the store. Per- ’ was ; iv Folaast : : —— ie SE
| SPA dental su ies fro the Al-|Committee, in releasing the have not ve. been decided. Fact i Kauffman, Samue uch ame Zlinadine
sons are invited to come to|announced today. Interested | ppl f ™m the! FR {haye NOL Yeu. DEC decid missioner. These appoint- Bau nan, . Sam el Zuch James DM. Klinedinst, 28,
‘are asked to coli{led Surgical Company, Said, “Because Our ments were made on June 1 Carnival Planned (Rose Raber, Edward Ivy] 225 South Market Street
: {John Martin, Kimbert Lippi-| was treated for a fractured
state is so industrial’zed
le 1056, for a period of one Sturday night will AT ¢
Di. ‘he date for the first Mount | itt Larry Henderson anc|ngee at the Lanchster Gen-
Joy Friendship Fire Con] Judy Hollinger. oral Hospital last Friday. Mr.
pany-sponsored carnival. The | rr Klinedinst was visiting his
June 30 carnival will be | Ambulance Called | son. Dennis, who had just
had an operation, when he
inhaled anesthesia fumes. He
broke his nose when he fell
the store and guess how long : >
we rile. ET a Mount Joy 3-4833 or 3-6195 Caster.
it will take for the ice to]; : : : | : : with steel and other indus
Yo ize will|t® receive information about| A new policy of pupil ac- "1 = UE “0 Wh
melt completely. A prize wi Vos : tries gaining much more b-
| ‘he children. cident insurance was set up| eS gaining mn more pub
be awarded to the person] 2 : lic recogniti few Peunsvl
fh Children will arrive in|by the board. The Sterling lic recognition, ew Fennsy
who has the closest guess. | : anions realize the C
The s d wst will b [Mount Joy for two-week Accident Insurance Company van'ans realize ithe Lommon-
le ern contest wi , P€| periods. The first will be from With local agent, Franklin wealth ranks in the top
10 guess the num oS! x piec-| July 6 to July 20. The sec-|Zink. was named. The price three 0s a milk consuming
es of lumber contained In is from August 3 to 17. of the policy which eovers state and among the top five

year, by Abram Snyder,
rector of the Lancaster
County Fire Police Associa-
tion. held on the street in front of Sunday, June 17, Jaco}
The purpose of the New the firehouse. Chicken corr |Eshleman, Mount Joy R2
division is to coordinate the soup will be served from 4|was taken to the St Josepl


box on display at the store. | . 4 rs ARP ei : i bate 3 . : A
A Re on COUPLES C pr J 258 pi producing state in Lancaster County Fire P.lice p. m. until 2277; : [Hospital in the community Inholing the fumes.
the Wolverine shoes also will | $1 24 Dor dh 4 : pointed out that Disaster Program with the| Curly Lane and his musi |ambulance by drivers Johr| _ 7 -_—
be given. "SPLASH PARTY [770 let yet Oi ; 1 aston Coahty: alone Civil Defense program and cians from Danville will pro |Myers and Marlyn Myers STATE AID OFFERED
ans The Couples -Club of the | i Lares omy Bon will not change the presett vide the entertainment for | Vionday, Mrs. Hettie Auker | State aid is being offered
ROAD TO BE PAVED Londisville Zion Lutheran /Dlgng Bre Made [or 5 0 cows re te set up of the Fire Police Em-| the evening. Included in the| Florin, was transported tof for road building and main-
: five Church is holding a “Splash od daily during 1955, produ- } Re Dicest program will be free prizes|'he Keemer Rest Home, Lan-| tenance by the State High-
ergency Lasaster .program aS 4. "1p, children. Games of disville, by drivers Christ] Way Department, Second
Route 649 from Mount Joy ip, at the Media Heights | EF OF Veterans Day ing a record 405040000




to Marietta. a distance of 3.8 Country Club Friday July 6, Tentative plans were com- pounds of quality milk. An. it has been operating for the all kinds also will be featur- |Charles and Ray Myers class townships in Lancaster
* miles, is included in four 7, “All couples are in- [pleted for another tree me- other estimated $4.923,547 | |past 8 years. ed. Mr . Mabe)| COunty have been allocated
projects for repaving by the| iteq {0 at'end the function.|morial service fo be held in| vas paid to dairy employees | —_ 0 ermine —— Em land Aver | 8302777. Of this amount lo-
insylvania State Depart- popcons planning to attend [conjunction with Veterans The milk production provid- ATTENDING LIONS CI.UB COUNCIL MEETING vas “taken to the St. Joseph| ¢al townships are East Don-
nt of Highways. Accord are requested to notify Mrs. Day by the local V.F.W.|ed Lancaster dairy farmers INTERNATIONAL MEET | NIGHT IS CHANGED Hospital by drivers John| °€al $8,037: East Hempfield,
to Arthur Futer, WOrk'pgaorman Ries. The group will [Post 5752 at their Monday with a $18,145.800 farm cash One member of the Landis The regular meeting of the Myers and. Marlyn Myers. | 39-814; Mount Joy, $9,351;
begin this week. {meet at the church at 7 p.m. | night meeting. The group also |income, more than any other |ville Linns Clhib has left for Mount Joy Borough Council |Mrs. Robert Hoffmaster was| $13,499.
Md The Rev. Ernest P. Leer received one new member single farm crop. |LOTS OF SUBS — James | Miami, Fla, to attend the an- will not be held the regular |the Fires hid os :
“" |announces that there will be |Charles Eshleman, Florin,| During 1955 over 45,000] Simpson, Marlin Longeneck- nual international conven- night for July, but will be three returned Andrew Felk. |
blo Report New only one Sunday service dur- and four reinstated members. dairy farmers in Pennsyl- er, Robert Longenecker and tion of Lions Club Interna-|held Monday, July 9, at 8|er from St ‘Joseph Hospital | Physician On Cali ~
the months of July, August|A thank you letter was read vania milked an average Mrs. Robert Longenecker re- tional. io. m. in the council ’ cham- to his home on North Bar-|
amilies Call and the first Sunday in Sep- | from James Pennell, who re- [940,000 cows for a total milk |cently turned out 400 sub-| The delegate and his wife bers. The change was made bara Street Saturday. driv-| Sunday
’ tember. Each Sunday service [ceived the V.F.W. citizenship production in excess of 6,- marine sandwiches at Topi are Mr. and Mrs. Russell P| becaiise of the MALY Vaca Jers Kavior kd Sa
J 3.9763 for those dates will begin at|award at Donegal High 364,000,000 pounds, and val- cal Treat for a picnic at i Fo Mr. Getz is a director [tions in the borough during | Myers returned Mrs Young| Dr. John Gates
8:30 a. m. School. lued at $287,000,000. | Elizabethtown College. of the Landisville club. the first week. to. her home 5 8

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