The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 26, 1956, Image 3

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» A
French Creek Park Interestina Week-end Tri Voters To Old Fiddlers :
y. July
! : indis Picnic At Lenape =
Weekend trips call for rea- indispensable outside the and all of the charcoal for R 3 oda ow sme Accident aby wen m po
sonable mileage, with all cities: Someone had to make Hopewell Furnace, It has Veteran Actor egistei noe Accaen On ur a Eu h, a «On July ay jo
possible varie'y and proper all these things. Thus, the been developed as a recrea % ui : here will be held at Lenape = nday gust 1 Dolaware river bo
emphasis upon scenery, his- early furnaces and forges tion area He public use. Six Returns To Greina i A St ate Is High Park on the historic Brandy- 3 ta on. Aol > . ot a
tory and novelty. flourished where the iron ty-two acre Hopewell Lake Jon Laughlin returns to n ugus Harrisburg -PNS If you wine, the 28th Annual Pic- 8 nay, Aun : youl Park. & Doel Ni Bi
This jaunt takes up to ore existed and men had the is a popular boating, swim- Gretna Playhouse to play an po of the area will hu ye lo luke a tumble or a nie of the Lenape Oud Fid ce and hear Billy Graham, Yas
Hopewell Furnace at Hope- vison, courage and capital ming and fishing spot. Good important role in “The First Les given a ohh Cr ™ register spill around the house fadl dlers Assoc ation. his park | FOR INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE.
well Village and surround- to launch them. Hopewell roads and ample parking Year,” successful Broadway Ne ent wv president carefully and gently, might is near West Chester, Pa Ta
ing French Creek State Park has retained a sizable frac- space, hiking trails and bri- comedy by stage and screen o A ie a : : BO well be the gist of a warning fing some 4 miles above m MRS. MAE ROTH ew
some of the loveliest of the tion of its origina] installa- dle paths add to the park's actor Frank Craven. Produc- Canc Sone i Wa ne offered this week by the Chadds Ford a MAIN ST, FLORIN PHONE MT. JOY 3-6042
gently rolling country in tion, including the huge old attractiveness. There are ed by Charles F. Coghlan tle I. an. Pennsylvania Department of hig old fashion frolic that ® : Re
: or heir nm . ; 4 . 4 rie hay . Nee > 7 tion Commission has sel up Healih fo y a na LANCASTER 7-5660 .
rolling country in South- charcoal house, the ironmas- group camps with excellent and Gene P. Otto, the show 72 special registration sites ‘ last year drew a large = nan semen
eastern Pennsylvania, which ter's great home, several ten- cabin accommodations, trail- opens Thursday for a week's the county The Underscoring the point, a crowd from some seven dun 5 anne EE sero se =
also boasts such intriguingly ant houses and other items er sites and tenting facilities. run campaign will begn Monday. | spokesman told ates, lasts from ten in the th EE
named hamlets as Monacacy of interest. A comprehensive The Park boasts a tremen- | August 13 and co ire rd Penna. News Service that morning until midnight. All § E A
Station, Scarlets Mill and res‘oration program is un- dous variety of beau iful FN Sept 8 The deadline for during the past year of some are welcome | Wile BY Rutt gency
Birdsboro. derway and someday Hope- trees, shrubs and wild flow & registering is Sept. 17 1900 deaths resulting from All musicians, singers, and
Most motorists probably well Village will be a full- ers and is a sanctuary for The Tehri All Af a1 accidents in the home in|dancers are asked to take || HAS ANNOUNCED THE APPOINTMENT
regard as mere heaps of scale model of a little re- deer, fox, rabbit, raccoon | 4 a fae yi S11 a4 Pennsylvania last year part I! . x
stone and brick the old fur- membered aspect of Colonial and other small animals ee from Joa more than 50 per cent were Jehile Kirkhafi the fa I OF
naces which dot Eastern life. Great flocks of migratory m, unin . or "om 1 caused by falls tres 3 nt Nth ng VEY T°
Pennsylvania's landscape. French Creek State Park, birds seek shelter in the io ig pam. to Pech ve new The department said that TS ua fig er Bf Bo Tr i WALT ER H. GINDER
Hopewell Furnace proves immediately adjoining, is a Park. All in all, a delightful and changes of ome 1300 such home deaths present 2 a ; i BAINBRIDGE, PA
otherwise. Now a historic heavily forested 5240 acres, spot for the whole family to address: The Top Sion 'S were during the All communications as to th vs : :
site, Hopewell guarantees an whence came most of the ore visit and enjoy. Bl Nets i. vear with about 80 per sht wo be fit toll FIRECASUALTY AGENT
absorbing backtrack 200 LL Ci SE Y TARE ET A rx rive Ls cent caused by falls in the |ihe secre v of the y ssocia- | rT WAS STAT.
years of American history, MIDGETS GAIN Li ol All Noversbap, Anyone da this Tas PEI A Ae hel a § 1 Ass ( a ll FOR MAYTOWN-BAINBRIDGE AREA
with buildings. products and VJORAL VICTORY ncoin eys ra or { : Hn ore bracket of 65 and over 132 Charles Street, Coa es- | Insure To Be Sure
working models to illus'rate Wednesday evening on the Reopens Monday Novernber 8. : Accidental poisoning, ac-|ville. Pa. Ben Kellv of that |
it. local field the Midgets sur- : The. hagiz. COTAINE to the department, ci'y will have charge of the WILEY & RUTT AGENCY
Anything of iron or steel prised the Columbia Pioneers The completely remodeled | ; satan piss on as accounts for less than 6 per-|Square Dancing while Chris I
was a luxury in the first and the New Era Sports wri- Lincoln Bowling Alleys op ed tha Togiswaiion at 1 1¢ cont of all accidental home| jan Sanderson of Chadds .
century of American Colon. ters by shutting out for sev- ened Monday. Included in ig special sites is not limited deaths. Here are some sig-|Ford will b> in charge of i 1 ine of Insurance Including Life
jzation: nails were hand- en full innings the team that Fenovation was the resurface ol the of the poli'- nificant figures: he progr: "TS : I 81 FEAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.
wrought and used sparingly: was picked to win the New Ing of all the alleys; installa- lca) sion In which the pifty per cent of such| - nets sis { J
metal stoves, pois. and. kev | Era Tournament. tion of a semi-automatic pin : De nary are Sing. | poisonings are caused by Bail Be: ut Sa | SF
tles were the mark of moder- Robert Sprout pitched mas- setter system; installation of or : i Yosident of the ay and utility or illuminating gas; er 's eau y on 3 Hmmm ams A —————
ate affluence and were dis-|terful bal] the whole way dif conditioning. Laughlin first appeared at fugly san enroll at any of Eighteen out of 20 such| MAIN ST. FLORIN, PA SHOWS MATINEE
played proudly. Guns were and struck out nine men in Bowling is open -to indi Mt. Gretna in 1948 and play the special registration cen- qeaths oceurring under 25 Closed - July 23rd thru EVENINGS SATURDAYS
doing so while his mates duals Mondays and Wednes- ed in a series of shows with '¢TS: J vears of age are found in Y aw AND AND
backed him up by playing days until the season begins. Charlton Heston who was the Area sites set up for the the one-to-four age group, July 28th SATURDAYS | THEATRE HOLIDAYS
Donegal real heads up ball that would There are openings for indi- leading man of the company special purpose are H 3 wi h a 1 childhood Mt. Joy 3-8351 Maude Buller and 9:00 .P. Mm! nade 2:00 P.M.
HC make any Mount Joy team viduals for the league bowl- that year. Subsequent ap- No Hardware Flore. ings being caused by a solid - LL. {i MOUNT JOY. PA.
envious. ing. Friday nights will be pearances were in 1950, 1951 friday ug : ender’s or liquid substance. —_. < 5
Airport Sprout in his past 3 tourna open for league bowling, and 1955. Laughlin was last Garage, Milton Grove, for “Actually home accidents| CANE) FRIDAY — SATURDAY. JULY 27 - 28
Cc ment games has established a churches and civic organiza- seen in “Mary's. Other Hus- the Milton Grove district of today rank ninth among the SN 7A BURT LANCASTER & TONY CURTIS -in-
record of 2g tions. band” last season. He has Mount Joy Twp., August 15; leading causes of death | Ld lal on
News strike outs and only giving Reservations may be secur- acted in many Broadway Flavin Fire Hal for lower throughout he sate during “Trapeze
| up 8 hits in 17 innings while ed by calling Le Holtzman | Days, notably “Three Men district of Mount Joy Town- the year the fa
aus ‘ e WH y . meeps ne Fry if sl August : avtown snokeesma i \ i ! as
Cc Clyde Faus, Manheim Rl. pic, aioe have performed poprietor of the alleys. "on a Horse,” Once in a Life- hip August 24: Maytown spokesman intoned. AL In Cinemascope Ca
is up 5 kent equally as well by only com- = i tithe” nd Comselor ai-law' Tre a, yo Halt Donel] va | ee - Ty — TUESDAY, JULY 30 - 31
an anaings, stee "MS, 9 errors behi i 9] on Nar e en- 'P., B. 3] Aandisville
mi ting 2 errors behind him Jon Fire Hall for East Homie Gr etna {i Timbers y AR MAMIE VAN DOREY SY
of Star In The Dust"
stalls, slips, and spirals. and then eliminating them be- Saving League tertained the in Eur-
Clyde will be taking his ova any harm was done. The ope with the famous comedy, [Two Sept. 1.
Executive Group
— ® RE
Winfield Hendrix, E. Ma'n §

flight test for private pilot li- java of this game wil “Arsenic and Old Lace.”
open daily frem 4 P. M. on
tense in a week or so, played on the Mount Joyl In “The Pirst Year,” a
hra August 1

vided we get a little more of field at 6:15 Friday of this Oo ee J | 2 co 7 { als ¢ 2]
5 11 a f his i M 6 medy about the trials and Gi Dini 5 Fra
i 3: Tr ede ; : : : Stree is in Re rain P ining Roo" open from 6 to y ? I " ; a os
the kind of weather needed .ok. A win will put the t u Y tribulations of the first year Street, is recuperating i in I M ya 2 le 5 ME CHUM GENEVIEVE PAGE -in
the St. Joseph's Hospital fol- § Chuckle along with . very Wednesday & Friday

for student flying. J. New locals in the semi-finals if he execuiive committee of marriage, Laughlin por-
tomer, Elizabe htown, has ta they defeat the Columbians. of the Mount Joy Commer- trays the father of the bride.
ken his first ‘ground school Let's see if we can get cial Jowling League will Charles S. Pursell and Mar-
“Foreign Intrigue”
lowing an injury at the Ma--
. . . 2 v ic bv
ietta Air Force Station Wed- 4 lusie by

plane to deliver many of the PC
orders and has carried two NINEs.
30 gallon drums of refinish-


Ma O%Y Shc to 81.25
ing materials at a time. Rath- ALL TIED UP
mo lesson from instructor Leon ore than seventeen (17) meet Thursday, July 26 at jorie Millard will play the nesday. CLOSED SUNDAYS COMING — AUGUST 23-24-25
e Alleman. This lesson CON- gnectators to root the boys 7:30 p.m. at the Lincoln Res- young married couple. The ie ng Hy 3 mh a hy ’
) sistes of an explanation of the home in the playoff. Let the taurant. All officers and bride's mother will be Ann Pennsylvania 8 founder, Married Life For Reservations call The Grea at Chase
c proper use of the controls, whole town got behind the prospective captains are re- Sullivan. Jackson Young William Penn, d ed in Eng- Foam Rubber Reserved Seats Mt. Gretna 4-511 mig
| throttle, and boys and we know the boys quested to be present. At will take the part of a rival land at the age of 74. -PNS Mt. Gretna 4-6402 I 23th A
routine pre-flight inspection. con make the town proud of this time teams will be pick-|/for Miss Millard’s affections —- ye ugh pelle i hs oi oli A A +
3 i El id si ¥ >. SEED PE Ny Sy -
Is The proper starting and run- them. ed and business for the com- Others in the cast will be - Gon alba on. al. alls an i Bn an... ln ll A ll A. ll. lls
ning of id heleting Columbia 000 0 0 0 0—0 ing season discussed. Gene Galvin, the bride's 9 - > !
on’ local air traffic rules, al- ni: Jovy 000 000 0—0, Any person interested in bachelor uncle; Jim Bernard S | Fl M il I ) ( CC
toc 2 4 Mt. Jo) ) 0 ( teres le; ¢ - ; Pe ml i
) So is included in the first les- Called due to darkness. bowling in the Commercial a successful business man; & pang er S our In ? nc ! LEA RA NC - SA i i
son. Sigmund Sameth and oA League please contact Mr. Anne Herr, his ex-show girl|g = i |
c Donald Schwanda of Hackett MIDGET ALL.STAR GAME Bruce Brown, secretary, or wife, and Barbara Angle, a ¥ Of Mount Joy »
ettstown, N. J. stopped in for * M il i ALLSTAR Sane Mr. Lee Holtzman. comic maid = A B .
ace lac ok i gr Tav | av evening der 3 { ee \
c gas:Jost week in their Taylor-| evening under tne ror ff rr The play will be directedd (FORMERLY RED TOP GRAIN & FEED CO.) |
craft. Freddie Ferruci is the lights on Quarryville’s field . yr , a - 3 aud Cll | (8B
sal He ive Cor R. Sprout, R. Kear and G JAYCEE LEAGUE by Coghlan. The settings will|g = i a -
Cc sales representative for en > 3 SOFTBALL SCHEDULE |be designed by Robert De-/® 2 |
tral Aero Supply and uses a Newcomer will represent Mt. ve Mo
Cessna 170 to make his Joy in the Lanco League All Aug. 1 E-town, away MOTH, Santana . . { AX. He PR RIC ii) |
Cc rounds, and operates out of Star game. Game time is 8 Aug. 8 - Ephrata, away un Top Prices Paid For Good u { 454300 ae |
the North East Philadelphia p.m. and scheduled to go nine Aug. 15 — Columbia, away Open Daily ; NM |
c Airport. Freddie uses the full innings so all boys re- cope sos a li Wh . { A : bh
porting must play 2 {ull in- Qua ity i eat u { as . fo } .
= =
" » {
a »
u Bhd
a Ef
a 8 by
2 =

ET i A A A R=


er cumbersome to handle in-| Monday evening the Mid- Phone Mount Joy 3=0791
¢ to and out of a small plane, gets behind T. Stark held |
but this fast delivery service Mountville to a 3-3 tie on the 8 »
| : : : ¥ gon : x 2 ENE EEE NEC EEN IEA NEN ENS y i 1 “
is much appreciated by his Mountville diamond in a reg Lake-beach, Miniature golf, R A SKETS — GIFTS — WALLETS ETC
Customers Carl Th ix ar a. ji . a AIEEE CENCE NEE SEDER ARR EEE ERY ~ jo y ’ :
wil stomers. Car w is an-'ular Lanca League game. The golf driving range mi
other salesman who flies a hove displaved real fightine a Our Wi
company airplane. Mr. Eby spirit in gaining the t'e and FREE PICNIC AREA » » Display ed In Our W indow |
Lp : 5 9 ¥ - HM
frequently visits Donegal air- point for another victory in § Joi nnouncing 9 H » PRICE MH
port, and on his latest stop the plavofT which is still un- LL ai RES EALF aa 18
here was flying a new Cessna dec'ded and will be postpon- ey Thee =
c 172, the tricycle landing gear- ed at least a week. . C M THE OPENING n
ed version of the well known ys i is a A I : t |
170 model. This new 172 PRN Y | an A ‘AIM H Gy '€ er ewelry 2 Gif Shop
\ model is already very popul- : Co THURSDAY — FRIDAY 1 incoin Bowlin Alle S » { eb > tJ
ar because of the ease of op-| Fark E. Neiss, chief of po- SATURDAY Sn a E. Main St Phone 3-4124 Mount J Pp |
eration, the tricycle landing lice; and Lancaster ci'y po- 79 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY = > an 5 hgh nial hdl 5. oy. a. |
* gear making landings almost lice commissioner Fred G. LC » ; 2 - :
automatic. So easily done the McCartney are among the Trapeze 0 BS a i
Si Company calls it the gq |. Jurt Lancaster - Tony Curtis 8 PE
‘Land-O-Matic’ Cessna. 173. a > - Gina Lollobrigida = | TIRE RR SE a RR
oe Harold Rineer. Ancaster. tives at ending the third an- fH PLUS Monday, gully 23, 195% = hi
who earned his pilot ‘ticket’ nual convent'on of the Penn- eh nl
a Donegal has enlisted in sylvania Chief of Police As- CARTOONS AND SHORT: gi K)
the U. S. Air Force and will| : Site rer] :
sociation in Pittsburgh this A — itis Bd
go to a Texas base early in i [ IWR dele .
. August. week, oS suxpay _ monoay emodeled i
15 | We have given a good deal i. TUESDAY = 1
| i ag aly i ie
| of consideration to a ‘sample’ 3 6 ¢ . @ All Alleys Resurfaced bf
flight course but have never Annie Get
done much about it, but now § 9 . 52 S
are giving the idea further ount oy 10nS u Your Gun ® Semi-Automatic Pin Setters
i study. Have just received §§ :
Aeronautics Bulletin No. 19 Betty Hutton - Howard Keel
from the University of Illi- 23 ALSO
75¢ iki a BR Will Take Over CBIR
, ence Course for Teachers and Murs Stevens
Businessmen’, which deserib- ~ H Ce
course developed there. The - 5 Soa
tourse consists of about eight MOUNT JOY STREET WEDNESDAY ONLY
hours of instruc ions in basic FAMILY NIGHT
flight mane Me
65° Ev in ONE DAY ONLY $1.00 For @ Whole Casload
flights around the local traffic $
6 ”
pe rn, all done in a small § S TURD Y JULY 28 The Black Sleep
andem seated trainer. Fol- A A i i i
: A 3as at Tami-
lowing the solo flight transi- ’ Bagh Bemis. ig Wl
tion is made z i :
gen 1s made to a four place radine, Bela Lugosi.
usiness type plane, and a
© Air-Conditioning
® Bowling Mon. & Wed. Eve’gs
® Openings For Individuals
® Friday Nights Open For



Bowl In Comfort
Bring your date, your family for A funfilled

Cc Cross country trip is made P . . . ot .
) : during which a landing is OR CHANGED — AND FILLED WITH GAS Lus evening of bowling at our air-conditioned clleys.
made at a Jarge airport, i} Joseph Cotten, Rhonda Flem-|w You'll like the clean, wholesome atmosphere and
where visit s nude io : Jn 4 ing, Wendell Corey. hs ie .
) control Sat Mise Dn a All Profits Will Go Toward Community “Th C the tip-top condition of our alleys.
ine terminal. The course is © OPEN MONTAY & WEDNESDAY EVENING
intended to demonstrate to
| prospective s of i .
¢ | airplanes. the actual © coo; § THE LIONS CLUB WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT
tions involved and to enligh'-
Lincoln Bowling Alleys ©



| bi Recher soncerning such § Holtzman, Prop
usage so that they may pass § ~ 5 MILES WEST OF LANC. 2 tzman,
one to "the know- § PICK UP AND SERVICE ON BY-PASS RT. 230 : EAST MAIN STREET PH. 3-9161 MOUNT JOY | .
edge gained by taking the § » i
course. : a a A |
a ai AA da ee Lt ~~ o —— i -
Bri ms Brinda fhe A TN AEN IN EL TR ATRL yn AL ALA NO NO ST CN “ Nah A Ti fay eA fn pi
fd Art MOBI dr il