The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 17, 1956, Image 7

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Joy. Pa

or Clauss
Fri, Sat.
2-5 P. M,
———— —— ——— —— —
Whi. Ny



I —

. . |The Bullets. Mount Joy, Pa. Renner Jerome | pastor. eran Church in America. Dr |
i bi John Schultz, avi { | : r
P Ie Ig Pisin. Sy May iy ILL ha reverts a Lutheran Pastors and lay delegates Reinartz, ULCA secretary, ;
'Landisville Lions So a H oh : [Hom Tie a anclude will address the Convention Fdid
Second onoc 0 ev. de oder, OV tan : ro awd
I Graduate 63 To Mark 14th Y Ronald Dietz, Alice Erb, SynodMeets and the Rev. Ernest P, Leer Tuesday ang Wedne sday
[10 ar ear Sherry Kennel Jean New lof Landisville forenoons. He will address
isville-Salunga—- Six- Sipe, Saundra Schroll, Ruth! Landisville-Salunza The comer, Dudley Myers, Gor- Next Week They will join the nearly laymen of the church as a
b seniors will receive Ellen Snyder, Sylvia Sellers, landisville Lions Club will don Ober, Wilbur Risser, 700 other representatives of mass meeting Tuesday even-
iplomas of graduation Sarah Jane Springer, How- hold their 14th anniversary David Schlotzhauer, Betty Lutheran pastors and lay Synod's 627 congregations jo The visit of Dr. Reinartz
a : o VO izati p J sine The ‘ DO ne oy
Hempfield High School arl Stehman, Mary Ann of te : Sreanigation = the jane pes Th iia Youn, delegates of this area will and 222,152 confirmed mem- (ij pe of special interest
3 commencement exer. Weaver, Jeane Stillinger, SEP. clu at 8 Sm ; ! hr € $i NR J oun i have part in important ac bers in voting on establish- because of the twentieth bi-
at the Landisville Frank Wile, Nancy Thomas Night dinner-dance at the liam Ziegler, Joan Dussinger, N4V¢ i Micers (Ng the office of full-time di- Convention of he UL
sthool Thursday, June 7th. Carol Young, James Young. Stevens House Lancaster, Brenda Goodman, Janet Hons Romig Po rector of synodical Christian cA {0 be held in Harrisburg
This years graduating class Thelma Young, and William © Monday, May 21 at 6:30 Greider, : Phyllis Mowery when the 2 n voi il " ne education. In recent years October 10-17. 1956.
is the largest in recent years, Ziegler. p.m Audrey Rice, grade 12; yan a Col n this important, work in the L. Logan. of New
i | \ : 2: t race ere .. Logan,
and the second largest in the a Listed on the program for! Charles Denlinger, Judith orien hat w. the Fos Synod has been under the yg, x ULCA
history of the high school. ; the Lions and their ladies Eby, JoAnn Kunkle, Elgie Dr Warren C. Heinlv host Part-time leadership of the will address the
The Rev. Kenneth Weaver Hempfield Students will be dancing to the music Miller, Barbara Nolt, Linda : . ee ~ assistant to the president. s=nodical layen's organiza- %
of the Evangelical Congrega- of Bob Stetler’s orchestra, Roth, Trevena Stehman, ,, ; rile ap. Dr. Dwight F. Putman, of tion later in the evening 2 Sik
tipnal Church, Kinderhook, Honored At Party door prizes and floral favors Jane Young, Gary Mitchell, Rudy, ih ro Harrisburg, Synod president, Delegates will act on set 2 >
will deliver the Baccalaur- Landisville-Salunga -— 112 for the. ladies, grade 11; Gl nda Gehman Sally Kamp will be in charge of the bus- ting the age of retirement ii START LIVING
gale Servon to the class on students ng f the District Governor Joseph Wilbur Amand Elizabeth john MacDonald, Terry Fa iness sessions which open on for its officers, and on de- ; ed
Tuesday, June 5th at the * El Sn 5.5 1® Snook will be present to a- Brubaker, Doris Bushong, Mary Moore Henry Ha. Monday afternoon, May 21. fining the number of terms
Hempfield High School audi- Junior and Senior classes of ward 5 and 10 year perfect Robert Eby, James Fenster- becker, Martra Pettit, “John All pastors and laity will officers may serve.
torium, Rev. Ernest P. Leer, the Hempfield High School attendance emblems and key macher, Barbara Hackman, Stacks, Stanley Keebler, 1011 1n the service of Holy Another important action
of the Landisville Zion Luth-| ang their dates. were guests emblems to qualifying mem- Patricia Geibe, Julie Ann Lois Kreider, Abram Shirk, Communion, Monday fore- will decide the time and the iit
eran Church, will give the of the Lundisville-Sal bers. President Edwin Geary Harnly, Mildred Landis, Lin- Patricia. Smith Erla Mae! NOON. Dr. Heinly, host pastor place of the ordination of Don't sit back and wish you had the good
invoeati z Sets oH SV -Sa nA a X « » ’ aire . Hi > Fb tive fed Ene =e . . . : .
invocation. Ronald Dietz, a ; X ungai in preside. George Shenck da Mumma, Janice Baker, giauffer. Norma Jean Book. will be liturgist. President pastors. At present most or things of life. Do something about it now,
ing Arca Junior Chamber i inati g
member of the graduating Arca Junior hamber of i in charge of arrangements, Dixie Blumenshine, Doris john Hartman, Michael Mil- Putnam will preach the ser- dinations take place at the
class, will sing a tenor solo, Commerce at a Post-Prom — Garber, Carol Hickey, Judy ler Eric Shindler. Evelyn, Mon. annual conventions of Syn START SAVING. MERE: THERE'S NOTHING
*Comfory Ye ’ and the held at the Mount Joy Am- Martin, grade 10; Todd, grade 8; : The Synod will welcome od. A change in the policy it
Hempfield mixed chorus will erican Legion home last Fri- Hem fiold Joan Boose, Janet Cooper,| Shelby Dochterman, Nan- the Rev. Dr. F. Eppling Rein- would provide for more or QUITE LIKE MONEY IN THE BANK!
sing, “O Sing Unto Him”, . P ire tor Sy w i Ad: . artz as the official represen- dinations in local congrega-
day night. May 11. Seventv- Brenda Gochnauer, Brenda cy Wissler, Judith Adams, 3
and “Let Their Celestial Bar SE h . 2 errr Mis JS Near RT rere tative of the United Luth- tional situations.
~ ie. 3 Keener, John Musser Ray Nancy Boose, Patricia Myers
Concerts All Unite five couples attended the onor 0 ber reg it ol MinTie. Saree Ell Hilke .
Chall 7 Junior-Senior. Prom at th ap Barbara Schultz Marie Dy 5 en sent TET ELITE EES
“Challenge o American® -Se a e or 5 . on Fackler, Sidney Kieffer, meier, david Kauffman, Di- m= -
Youth” will be the theme of Hempfield High School gym- Landisville-Salunga -— The Peggy Mundorf, Muriel Rip- ane Miller, June Auker, Ger - MOUNT JOY BANK
the commencement exercises nasium, which was decorat- haa lL for he Sih 4h ley, Shirley Dickel Dale aldine Bagnoli, Margaret - Bottle Gas Stoves m| MOUNT JOY MAYTOWN
5 te High/edq in a spring theme, and Nooo fe Sr. High Bie James Meley, Nancy Pranch Reni Retna, Pat- - a Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
School auditorium . v TH) . Mi. r ser, Sylvia Eshleman, rici: ipley, Jack attisman,
Four rs IN June I at the close of the formal School has béen announced Mz or ga dn Sn Moos iy Doll. Chola S (1 l R > { tion Durin J May : AMPLE FREE PARKING SPACE
uating class will speak. They dance, the group went to the by Leroy M. Nissley, ws Hollinger, Joan Hoover. Ann Emich, Richard Engle, Rich- pecia educt mg . - OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 'TIL EIGHT
are Ruth Coyle, whose ad- l€gion home. {School prineiaal, First” d Po Louise Shelly, Glenda Yeag- ard Manning, Judy Moore, 8 = CLOSED SATURDAY
dress will be on ‘Service’: The Mt. Joy home was de- or roll students have all A's yj, paniel Forry and David Cynthia Rittenhouse, Jovce m WwW a ti
Sarah Jane SHEE, ea corated in a night club style while those on the second Shank re 9: Seachrist, Barbara Wiley, & ARD BOTTLE GAS : py
fg, op Joe topic, ‘Faith’: Win A roll have all A’s and Kenneth Frey, Susan Nolt, Robert Denlinger, Judith B 25 South State Street Ephrata, Pa =
Jilbur Risser, 'Courage’: and @ costumed waiters adding | PS: . Janey Ober. Linda Stehm: Banzhof, Anna Mae Fry, m Es ; . .
David Schlotzhauer. who €0lor to the setting. Don First Honor Roll Haney or, 1 fda Selman. Richard Horvat, Nancy, Louise Open Friday Evenings : Patronize BULLETIN Advertisers
will address the group on Trostle and his Tune Stylists Sally Springer, Ruth Coy- ker Yohin Brubaker Mari 5 Noll, Eugene Schroll, Mar- m -
the topic, ‘Sense of Humor’! Provided the music for danc-|le. grade 12: Fur K Char tte ‘Martin garet Weaver, Barbara Clark % SER
ile ‘ » 1k, harotte . MM: ’ eit = =
ing and the floor show, Joan Cluck, Joseph Col Mease Marilyn Carol Dussinger, Mary Esh-
During the program. Cor Joyce Ann
prof A
r Lee Nissley, Svl- leman and Lester Neff, grade i
Sally Nolt, Fred 7
siti scarior which featured Joe Whit- angelo, grade 11;
ee oi oy acre, JayCee member, as Yang Geta, grade 10; via
os a Master of Ceremonies, and a Fred Hauer, grade 9: :
10. and the Girl's Glee Club go." show ineludi : Carolyn Cochrane, Barbara
will sing, ‘Spring’ Rain’, and = Show including dane. Miller, Jane M ler. Lois
9 My Songs Had Winws es by Judy Scott, an accord- Miller, Janet iller, Lois
) gs ac ings’. ian solo and tap dance by Iaag, Barry Haverstick, Jer-
Members of the Hempfield Richard Conn, a vocal solo, 'Y Springer, Richard Kline
High School, Class of 1956, by Shirley Bradley, the Hen- Jacob Toews. Jackulyn Fish
are: Barth Bailey, Catherine rys - Judy, Jack, and Jill -| er» Paul Garber, Emilie Herr
Blake, Rodney Bates, Ed- an acrobatic team, and Billie Thomas McMahan, Jay Sen-
ward Blechschmidt, Dorothy Lou Wolf doing a novelty Senig, Patsy Ann Gingrich,
Bish, Ralph Bookman, Jan- dance. [James Hendrix, grare 8.
ice Brubaker, Dorothy A luncheon was served at _ Judy Grube, Lynn Abbot,
Chambers, Joanne Brubaker, 2:00 a.m. of .barbecue, pota- James R. Ranck, Norma Sie-
Corinne Charles, Jere Butz- to chips pretzels, and soft gler, Linda Young, Joseph
er, Ruth Coyle, Sam Davis, drinks. JayCee members and Snyder, Carol Anderson, Su
Joan Dussinger Ronald their wives acted as hosts San Hackman, Arlene Miller,
Dietz, Alice Erb. Barry Dis- for the affair. Robert Gil- Edith Reeder, Marlene Sing For your family's vital energy and buoyant health
singer, James Filling, Geral- berg, Landisville, served as ©I» Jacqueline Kirchoff, Far
dine Samson, Brenda Good- general chairman for the ©" Ann Kumler, Amos Mus- . . . . they'll ask for more.
man, Gerald Fusseneggar, party, and reports that it S€r» Steven Harper, Cara
Doris Greenawalt. Yvonne was a great succes. He fur- Saylor, Samuel Conley, Eli
Gochnauer, Janet Greider, ther states that it will be an 22beth Landis, James Mc

For Convenient . . . Courteous Home Delivery

Verlene Harple, Fay Hersh- annual affair for {he stu- Donald, Julie Wieland, Sus- PHONE 89 14
ey, Marlene Herman, Sherry dents of the Hempfield Haus, Corinne Nissley, MILLERSVILLE 2
Kennel, Elwood Hershey, School.
Gladys Kutz, Daniel Landis, Other committee members WEEK - END
John Markert, Rita Landis, were Dean Lowry, reserva- ’
Marvin Maurer, Phyllis Le- tions; Jere Snavely, program
wis Shirley Maurer, Phoebe Sherwood Ritz, icity: PECIALS f ; : ificati i i
Merkey, Phyllis Mowery, Joseph Brown, Aw i S ® Built to rigid Sealy Some in, try it, see
Alicia Metzler, Kenneth Robert Lawrence, Finance: he amazing difference
Murry, Ronald Mowrer, Mi- and Frank Huey, services. © Special innerspring construction! Keeps body su
rian Musser, Dudley Myers, or ® — perbly balanced all night!
Gerald Quinn, Jean New- With a land area of 744 ® Added layers of cotton felt assure greater firmness,

comer, Audrey Rice, Gordon square miles Wayne County
Ober, Wilbur Risser, David boasts approximately 500
[Lol \ . .
Sel Hotrhauer, Betty Jane miles of improved highways
lasting comfort!
Sasi. ol
for relief from marning backache™
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OPEN FRIDAY AND SATRUDAY EVENINGS Closed Mondays — Open Tues. - Wed. - Thurs. - Til 6:00 — Friday & Saturday Til 9:00
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