The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 19, 1956, Image 6

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The Bulletin, Mout Joy, Pa.
Thudsday, April 49,
Answers | |

8 Histo

~ ing—ar
For Veterans sad re
> Questions & Answers Take
Q--1 am the wlaow of a
World War II weteran who come t


died of a service connected
disability, and 1 have never
remarried would I be eli
gible for (d home loan, 4 i
even though my husband
made use of his loan benefit
Tet ee Assure You
vour ushan@i used his
loan benefit would not serve
to prevent you from geting »
a GI loan in your own right a
Q I ym taking farm
training under th Korean

GI Bill. 1 know that I must
train full time, but is ther
rule doing a little
outside work if it doesn’t in

terfere with my training?

oo A-—-You'may work for pay
outside of your training, so
long as you do not put In
fa) more than 180 hours during
any 12-month period, and so
long as the school finds tha
vour oulside work does no
interfere with your studies.
What does VA consider
a GI imsurance premium to
have bgen paid—the date 1
2 ro
put thé check in the mail or
the date the check reaches
the VA?
postmark ‘date on
the envelope is considered as
the date the premium was
Q £ How do 1 go about
changing my program of
traiffing under the Korean
must apply to VA
forfa change on VA Form
7-1995. Included must be a
‘egort of progress and con-
t from vour present
hool. This application form
sito the VA regional of-
sthal has vour records.

no et




bee |
By Stumpy McCulloch
C a ¥
wn the
It sug-
speech Pe mm
a lot of bear
Jina it wo give us an
hs widge to ce tax $ A I or af x iy 1 Pa
sucha Id be impor where. ln addition, many items of include several medels or for
¢ of big trees — the . . o
y grow up in Ore. varying quantities: of stamps. When comparing the Hon book value” of vajious items KNOWLES
he of merchandise, remember that you fill an Collector's book with only 1200 stamps... - 1 3 Books
a. sa cut — prevents 1 Som
nakes it easier to com- a 62 : vos
Seb feline Te a not 1500, 1440 or 1360 stamps. And, these 1200 4. Creen ie are worth $3.00. or mere : 395
be used to tip the tree ; 2

he in distinguished merchandise at any 4A. Merchandise Store or by mail from eny place in U.S.A. iy
st what we need
Just as Acme Super Markets give you more for less money, with GN 'Green Stamps you get
more of the best for the least number of stamps. Therefore, it pays to trade at scores of stores od
2% J Books
3300 Stamps
and service stations which display that appreciative sign: "We give Green Stamps.’



{0 use a weage
ith a saw. It seems
ter than one shaped
The re hened sur-

i Is better.
od to use a wooden
1 chain saw. ce the
AS apt to come in contact
Siang chain on the back,
odes would only damage
+ saw |


al Ek
fin" 4 crew in the woo
seisteel wedges: A crew
p of wooden wed
ou can buy steel
w dealer or you can have ther
ip in a blacksmith shop. I've found
the best metal we s are those that
deft untempered. If you strike a
steel wedge with a temper
sledge, the wedge is apt to spall
ind the flyin’ fragments can be
enough to send you to your







13% J+ Books
16500 Stamps

~— for Man or Weman
10 4» Books
12000 Stamps

” 42 4H Books
EALTH-O-METER 5400 Stamps
1s Ja Books
1500 § ~mns

* kk
Speakin’ of doctors, I knew one
ance who put a prety girl in a
srivate hospital room ’cause she
d a skinned finger. “She was too
sate for wards,” was the doctor's





7 Jo EBocks
8400 Stamps
* x *
Did you know that almost ten
acres of good timber were
ned in 19537 That's enough wood
build houses for every family east
e Rockies. Still; this was the low-
) fire figure since 1946, and
a good sign.
¢ * kx x !
old friend Hank Leavitt, out
n 4) Latif, wrote to tell
his was worried COSCO
aE had taken up 3s J Books
or in ros. But
“There's |
” Henry told | 3900 Stamps
a day.” i

PMI Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest
1 JA Book
1200 Stamps

At pm id rn gp Dn nn ep
2 A aud a GL a. fa. gn a al