The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 19, 1956, Image 2

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0 WL L A F F Q|The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday. April 19
Olmsted Air
Middletown, and
t W. Orange and Mulberry St

Published every _ Thursday Wed d | n g S
at 11 East Main Street, Mt
Joy, Lancaster County, Pa BRETZ RUHL
Barbara Ruhl, daughter
Editor- Publisher, 1901-1952 604 State St., Columbia,
Entered at the post office
it Mount Joy, Pa., as second .
slags mail under the Act of Farabaugh officiating
Member, Peunsylvania News Market St., Marietta.
uaper Publishers’ Assoc iation The bride is >

Sp on “ When Directing Traffic
have their names mentioned
ttended a public sale Satur- A Fi Wo E -
kr. The one bid on and t ires— mergencies
bought a vinegar cup. — — |

— And when the auctioneer| When called to the scene of cessive speed, breaking all traf-
told her that Sn oS Wester ire or any other emergency ir |fic Jaws and endangering
also went with the mp, she; ; : : LR
quickly replied ‘she didn’t | 1s community, the Fire Polise- | cupants of the ambulance.
need the eye washer, boeause | man should remember that thc| ways treatthe injured person !
her cyes weren't dirty. {important thing is to get the in- with the same care as You
e oo o { ured person to a hospital a | would it de were one. of the
| quickly as possible, without vi- :
{ A { members of your family.
CORRECTION olating any existing traffic laws | ; oh oa
The > s the
Last week we printed an Aphoygh neatness is a goo | he Fire Police job is th
article in this column about |, speed and common sane as the Safety Engineer.
A Fire Policeman has volunteer-
“Fluss” Hery and his bear |sense are the most mnporta
hunting experience” - - - ; i i os ier of
: factors when called on to give | ed as a
“Flus’ said everything was|’
{rue, except the part where]
we mentioned that the bear |
was 7 foot tall, — — — ==
He said it was 8 foot. {best tied square knot and ete | ergeney.
lhe is trying to save a life. A
Hive person with a dirty band-| SAVE uP 70
Saturday. “Cappy” Mumma age is worth more than a dozen,
told me he was on his way dead with nice clear
to Robert's Shop to buy a} {bandages amd all knots tiec
deep {rceze, to be sure he'd perfectly.
have plenty space for this; When a erowd gathers at the
season's trout catch. scene ¢f an accident, the Fire
Policeman should be the boss
0 funtil a doctor, er. some othe | INSTALL A SERIES "
An irate Rapho farmer presponsible person arrives an / ;
was waiting by the gate for | takes over. He should, as quick. | \ \ ] {/
his two hour overdue farm | [ly as possible, assign avery sur-|
hand. and when the helper |; . person, standing on the RS
appeared he askod him why |, side Mnes, a job. Have then| hi ANTS I
he was so late getting home |, form a circle around the victim "QIL BURNER
aaa is oe des ac- | Beh person clamping hands ti
on and gave him a Lift on! welp form the eircle, is one les FEATURING

my way home, 1
then on them mules didn't bot water, towels, etc, whethey| gill FER C04 from less oil.
understand a word I said.” [vou will need them or not. Fach syn.RAY'S AUTOMATIC ELEC-
ers c SPT i. TRIC OIL BRAKE which pro-
Bid going On aj em nd vides instantaneous oil cut-off.
| ne less to worry about and an |g N.RAY'S DUAL CARBURE- |
The same week that hired |noy vou with foolish questions TION which gives cleaner, auiet- |
an od i « “par | €F heat wi uel savings up {
hand received fifty cents too! Cfien the term “EMERGEN- 407, over oonventional oil burn- |
much in his pay is used carelessly. There ers
but he didn’t say a word. | re only three things that are TIC FUEL OIL.
During the week the farm-|sea] emergencies—1. Arterial
er noticed his mistake, and |3leeding. 2. Stoppage of Breath- Arth J Ulri h
on the next pay day deduct- ine. 3. Poison After these three ur 0
ed fifty cents. :auses are taken care of, the AUTOMATIC HEAT
“Excuse me, sir,” said helt no longer exists. Ii SALES AND SERVICE
hired man, “I'm fifty cents i not necessary to rush the pa-| Box 806, Landisville, Pa.
shor# this week. {tient to the hospital at an ex-| Phone 8122
“You complain “last vim — LM tin
week,” said the farmer. !
“No, sir,” said the helper. |
“I figured I'd overkok ome] ouncin
mistake, but when it hap-| ann
pens twice, then it's time to |
say something.’ |
eo o oo |

As a small Donegal Street
boy was watching, his moth-|
er smearing those greases on|
her face. He asked, “What's
that for, Mummy?’ |
“To make myself beatiful,
she replied. Then she took
tissues and wiped off the)
grease. |
“Hmm,” said the boy. “It|
didn’t work, did |

Paul A. Martin Inc.
Mount Joy 3-301!
I understand that “Clayt!’ |
Newcomer is one of the best
‘salesman Clarence Neweony-
er ever had. The story goes as your local
that he sold six milking ma-
chines to a farmer who only
had one cow - - - and then!
took the cow as a down pay-
HiSHI on the. machines. | A FORD house is a HOME! Liveable, handsome,
9 0 quality-built to last a lifetime! And, FORD
HOMES cater to individual tastes . . . with a wide
choice of models... hundreds of interior and
exterior variations of style, finish and color
A tourist driving through!
the Green Hills noticed a
farmer and his little daught- |”

er sitting under a tree. The schemes! Ford Homes are approved for G.I and
tourist pulled up alongside F:H.A. financing and comply with requirements
and admired the little girl. | set up by leading Building Code Authorities.
“What do you call her?” wr nly ls AS, oR,
he asked the farmer. i Mogel 35073 rr boy i=, gi?
“Amalasyinta,” the farmer| af house, to Gr
replied. } or with steeper roof
that a rather long
name?” |
The farmer looked at the]
tourist with contempt. “Lis-|
ten, we're mot city folks — |
we've got time.”
. 55070 RG
3-bedroom house
¢ rancher lines. Low
pitch roof, window
walls for indoor
outdoor living,
larger kitchen and
living room, ample
closet space, With
or without base.
My wife took our car to |
a local garage for a check-up. |
When the mechanic told her
there was a short eircuit in|
the wiring, she said. “Well, | oe :
for goodness’ sake, lengthen | - Cai er eg Me
i.” dl = Mig models to choose from= |

3 o oo |
Did you hear the one a
bout the goose ‘flying north |
the summer who flew
i: a; drive-in = showing al MANUFACTURED BY IVON R. FORD, Inc.
‘movie and was 50|
ed | be gt. people McDonough, N.Y.
room is employed by Mari-
etta Air Force Station,

Larmon D. Smith, Publisher The marriage of Miss Joan IRWIN-—HARNISH of Raymond B. Harnish,
John E. Schroll Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Ruhl, We
S. West End Ave, ar
Russell W. Bretz, Jr, son of S We st End
Subscription Rate $250 per Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bretz, Irwin formerly
prior to moving to Lancaster.
year by Mail Florin, took place last Satur-,;
Advertising rates upon re- gay at 1 p.m. in Holy Trin
quest. ity Catholic Church, Colum-

bia, with the Rev Clinton |}

MADE NOW - Order Now...Pay Later
Complete Awning Service!
Give Free Estimates, Sew and Hang
Awnings of Top Quality Material.
Haldeman’s Upholstering & Awning Co.

Red Top Grain & Feed Co. 3 ANQUET
Top Prices Paid for | . = —
Good Quality Wheat [5 I rio
e was injured and
d in several game
PHONE ™M ODUNT JOY 39791 le is a graduate o
igh school and
EES cademy. He is al
ate of State Coll

March 3, 1879 They will reside on West

Yes, Sir!


Wiley & Rutt Insurance Agency WILL BE
Priday Evenings 6:30 Til 9:00 . .. Closed at Noon
| 4
First Aid at the scene of an ac | protective agency for the resi-
Baty. tury :
sident. The Fire Policeman i |dents of his ‘Community at the |
{not competing for prizes for'the| scene’ of ‘a fire or any dther en


true interest

shown that it has the
foremost in its thinking in its unfaltering opposition
to Governor Leader's wage t
We have won the battle
vy a lemporary victory
but it will be
unless we keep the
give up his fight to impose his wage tax en the
ple of Pennsylvania
r can keep control of the House
of Representatives a
wage tax will become
and from ‘oe cope with. Send others fu| THE PATENTED COMBLSTION | s year’s elections,
HEAD which , produces a hotter
g line in Harris-
the Republican
Keep the winning team on the
burg by renominating and re-electing
fought so hard
for you.
On April 24, put your X after the names of:
Baker Royer
Norman Wood
Edwin D. Eshieman
Thesa are men
the support of eve
'e done for you.

ry loyal Republican for what they

Endorsed by the Regular Republican Primary

ERS os crore ito


Ice Cream

Per, Half Gallon
| | April 9th Thru April 21st |
For Free Delivery of 5 Packs
Or More, Phone
5 Cherry St. - ELIZABETHTOWN ||
Phone 47-1456
call your FORD dealer today! 1 7

Large Oranges |
Fresh Pineapple ...

| 7%
Size i

Fresh Gorn Priced Higher
Washed and
Fresh Spinach "immed
Come Save on Your Favorite Frozen Food at A&P
Snow Crop Orange Juice
A*P Quick Frozen Peas
Grand Duchess Steaks
Birds Eye Strawberries
AP Frit Cocktail Wo 34:
Niblets Corn 31
Kraft Mayonnaise °' 75°
Sunsweet Prune Juice aan 31
Del Monte Peaches 32¢
Macaroni "ile." 2 “A
Jiffy Biscuit Mix To 29
Kellogg's “K” Cereal “i; 21°
20!/5-01. 49° ! Sliced 20-o0z. Bac )
cans { cans 2

og 45° | Chunks
Ap Pineapple Ji Juice 2 “= 4T¢
Orange Juice oom. 25¢
AP Grapefruit Juice ey 19
Aun P dge s hoo Je 23
Chewing Gum +30 99°
el 52k
Holiday Assortment I-lb. 35¢
Cookies box
Cheese Spreads
Vera Sharp, Smokey 5-o1. 45¢
Blue or Cheese 'n Bacon jars
io 3 31.00
i each 20¢
e Priced Higher
Jumbo Size
Rinso White sole 2 pe 45

e TR membe
rub eam, his ve
nd consistent pla:
nd sure tackler, ai
round gainer an
1¢ starting point
rward passes.
‘ry popular amon
with on samp. Pe
Ir. Bennett is a |
“Booty”, as he
own among hi
as born here 18
1d is the giant on
e stands 5.11 ft. a
5 Jbs. Last vearn
the reserves bu
II member of this
He played"
pd his best test
withstood the
¢ heavy artiller
“pe entire St. Jose

29° large c “Battleship”, a
ears heads . bung man acqui
i= #s return from th
20-01. c None Priced Higher years old, weig]
k ‘fd stands 5.6 ft.
pkg: _ Pen playing the
! ix Bars, as full and
resh A i is about the
unger on the te:

6-01. 95¢
cans I “1 REUBEN BEN
10-01. 33¢ omatoes “+ # Rube” Bennett
pkg: W
1-01. Cc lle car 7
thas. 89 CC€l10 carton 1 C
2 ihe 49¢ None Priced Higher



pads aie


fona Peas 2 ov 25¢
V-8 Cocktail “ii “35
Sugar coi: 49° he 97
Salad 2 Ah vi 4h
Pepper rises 2 15° 4 29°
dexola Oil =i. 29° =o B3c
Galvanized Pails "°°. 49

dh LL
Scot Tissue 3%
Waldorf Tissue 30
Vigoro “> 89< 69
White Bread voir, Lb 15°
Jane each c
ae PE
Tea Bags Src 29, 42°
Borden’s vo 2 or 39°
Relish or Olive-Pimento)

Maraschino Cherries with Stems
Lansmith Cherries 29
Regular Size
Sweetheart Soap 4“ 35°
Dog Food
Strongheart Yo Bh
2 Ply Colored
Hudson Tissue 225
Baby Cereals by
Beech-N ut Void 0 10¢
A Big Value Beverage
Hi-C Party Punch “29°
Linit ,
Laundry Starch andy |
Household Cleaner TWIN YE
Spic & Span. 24 83c
Beef, Turkey or Chicken Frozen
Morton Pies ies. 89°
LaRosa rio.
Chopped or Strained
Swift's Baby Meat 4 = 89
Chunk Style Light Meat :
Starkist Tuna 2 ab
Blue Label JCA
Karo Syrup ic 21 2: 89¢
Dreft large 30c giant 12¢
Attached to giant package |
Cheer large 30 giant Tc}
Gloss Starch
Argo Starch Qe 01

Your Mount Joy A&P Store
4 fut preds gi
iL P. M. for him. He
. x of age. is 5.7

(East Maia St.)

i 140 lbs.


«prankie” Fi
nother local
ten 20 summ