Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowry Plan Mail Campaign ar Se risited { » p [ ea ind m, visited at the home of A total of $29.500 has been wif gy, —_— 00 RS Td | TTR PHE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Pa.! | ¢ M AYTOWN Thursday, April § 10 : ‘ Lancaster Hospital - -— Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fryberger during the Easter holidays, Mrs, raised in Lancaster General Lowry is their daughter Hospital's 1956 Charity and Re- . to date, -W EE CALL ¥ The Boy Scout Troop No. 53 Placement Campaign i will hold a food sale on Satur- according to the drive co chair- |] ] day morning at the Firehouse. men I. G. Weidman and Harry INTAGRILLE Miss Margaret R. Trout and B, Coyle. This represents over mother called on Miss Grace A. 0 quarter of the campaign Henderson on Friday afternoon. goal of $107,440. Rev. and Mrs. Vern Baum, General Campaign Co-chair and children, Easton, Pa., visit- men Weidman and Coyle point ed Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. ed out that this report was en- Haines over the weekend. Mrs. tirely of “Advance gifts” and Baum is their daughter. that the General Campaign, Mrs. Abram Shaffer has re- which is a mail campaign this turned from the hospital and is year, gets under way Monday, convalescing at her home. April 9th and continues through 10” WERE $12.95 31 354 WERE $16.95 The new Post Office opened APril 30th. *] 594 for business on April 2 at the The mail campaign is being Four 3 new location, 1 West High St. Prepared by many volunteer men re WERE $19.95 on the Square. It is much more workers and is in lieu of a at the spacious and at a more conven. house to house solicitation. Breakfa h y ete acme: ee Be — y - ati YF CVI —" - - J SPONSOT 5] 8 34 lent location. All New - equlp-| ent at Kutztown State Teachers Club. P dps 3 & L | me nt an be installed in the College visied her parents, Mr. Rk 3 109 05 PRR 3 iH ro : : VERE $22.95 Ej i near future. and Mrs. Mervin Brandt during local bi & CR po Miss Cynthia Br: Wn 1 ro. td oca Pe : ju 3 | Miss Cynthia Brandt, a stud- the Easter holidays told the 52 1 4 4 Ee 4 Je : MN) : ‘Sai 8g 2 | guests WERE $26.95 i | 3 | fast the SEAR NOW pr Eh firehall. Inclu 3) 3 YOU CAN HAVE : Ep "88" HOLIDAY COUPE Ke Casto. « CRE $29.95 Sr WERE $29.95 z= wa, Cai TWO FRONT BUMPERS IN ONE... ho Ing 5 second SUITS MOTORIST COVER A GE FOR PROTECTION HIGH AND LOW! RE 1 o 5 Ontario flere’s what's out in front when you're behind the wheel lized at six points—resists road roam, takes away side x address 20 50 Governor Leader has asked the insurance industry to pro- of a new Oldsmobile! It’s the exclusive “Intagrille”, a sway on curves and corners. i Dumba vide for Pennsyluaniz rists this new ile in- : i r : to 0 Sie ore moioristy Mis NeW in full-depth bumper of sturdy steel, locked to the frame pLys THE ONE-AND-ONLY ROCKET! Under the hbod Madge Suri ag as ma available rists in : ; : . : : ] New York State last year. for your protection . .. double protection! there's the high-compression, high-torque Rocket-—with = Road, OFF As your Town & Village Agent, I believe I am among the {| You not only ge! bet humps ” protetion ® 92% 30.1 compression ate, sud Jemuring Seolan i first to be able to offer you this coverage.® high and low— but “Intagrille” instantly indicates all big-bore, short-stroke design ...a double winner in the 3 Manor A These wonderful bargains are waiting for you simply be- It is estimated that as many as 1 out of 5 Pennsylvania the Oldsmobile beauty 1 follow, 1936 Mobilgas Run! Miss & cause unsegsonable weather has caught us with more than automobile-owners do not carry automobile liability insur: | NEW IDEAS EVERYWHERE! Behind the “Intagrille” is ALL TOLD... IT'S THE CAR OF THE YEAR with the new Mississt ur normal inventory . . . Spring-fresh styles, fine anee; beauty that’s yours only with Oldsmobile. And for features of the year—good reasons for you to get oul 4 C redit, i - In general, this new coverage will-protect you against the smooth comfort the Oldsmobile chassis—solidly stabi- of the ordinary, into an Olds now! 3 four w i y ~ Sanger of being ified in an automobile accident and hicle n i il i 5 4. : Oi... inding you can’t collect for your irfury because the driver fast bu : Chi aréns Coats 20 7/0 OFF who caused the accident didn’t carry liability insurance. ROCKET to talk & i g ~~ Let me tell you more about this protection. | ENGINE and otl $ 5 55 i | 10 35 : Two were § JAY M. HELLER » EAST MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 3-5564 QUALITY DEALER! cakes ¢ Mount Joy, Pa. | noon, WERE $6.95 TO $12.95 79? | MT. JOY DEPT. STORE — NT — membe M. 8 SENSI = 206 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA a THURSDAY, 5 DON’T MISS THI ANN HAGY Will be With Us April 12th to Frigidaire Representing Town & Village Insurance Service, Inc. “Over 28 Years of Professional Insurance Service” Sponsor Sn gues E MUSICAL « SAT., APRIL 14 « ON NBC-TV! ] The AIR — man tes donated cake M posters, * written through Peerless Insurance Co., Keene, N. H. pops fc Rose D the Pe Light ( griddle Main S cost of appreci house PTA Talk “Wh next y a Pane recent P.T.A. arts, a To ( joined Althou meetin end of and still bi by pa; end ol ures on Dues gren Edwar Street. The presid ALL LADIES re A pastor thern -devoti Frigidaire Has Many New Surprises For You in 1956 ne Rl, w And We Would Like to Tell You About Them caster merce and Mr. E FREE —~ FREE —~ ELECTRIC RANGE —~ FREE ~ FREE : AAA With Each Imperial Refrigerator Purchased During This Event Whe FREE DOOR PRIZES—Afternoon - Evening 3 . — —_— APN 4 : 7 - ——— I i 3 ” | 5 | 2 \ ; - i > \ 4 bm SR vo i rr i + . = 3) i