ia ot I n sleep . you rk in it ou can nit, dering urn mail. nd low- y abdo- i 1 | INCHES § 1 I $ t on COD's I 1 I | | 4 for ec- im es n't ly! PDC all the s on a mouths bined, Wy everse » » fo supplies of the ) / Sico Company Plans More Storage Tanks School SICO Company officials an- nounced this week that they will increase storage in their various locations. In Mt. Joy, two new tanks will be built near the present tanks along Manheim Street. These two ba increased by one-half mil- lion gallons of fuel oil. In Lancaster, the sworage will be increased by one-half mil- lion. "The plant at Lemoyne and the plant at Carlisle will have half million gallon storage tunks erected. At the present time, SICO| has storage units in eleven lo- cations in Pennsylvania plus a unit in Officials’ the ars. four-million capacity Wilmington, Delaware. that this the past said increase is several y Work will begin May 1. The plant at Carlisle will be the to be Prelimin- gradings are already un- both in Mount Joy and first in Grst derway Lancaster. Board Sets Policy For Donegal High Donegal High School went on record at their meeting last Thursday to limi class trips to one day. The po- the boards states that a two sin board regular licy of class may take day trips. one or gle The also decided to dure of order- board the proc School, Home Asso. also | FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 40 Fourth Dawn Party Is Planned Meeting Changed The regularly scheduled Home association] local elementary and meeting of the school will be postponed one Seniors of the Donegal High week. It will be held Tuesday, School and their guests will be April 3, instead of March 27th. guests of the local JayCzes and the teacher-visitation - : Poll wi EN . JoyCees Dawn Farty Friday, {from 7 to 7:30 p. m, the pro- 3 . ; | gram in the auditorium will in- May 11. Charles Ryman is gen- clude a movie on accident pre- eral chairman of the committee. vention entitled “Closed Book™, Theo party will be called the Mrs. Joseph Detwiler will also «gry Club” and will b> held give a reading; and Mrs. Geo. in the fire house following a 3roske and Mrs. John Hart will olay organ selections. nautical theme. Following the Refreshments will be served annual junior-senior prom at by the third grade mothers. the high school, the senior stu- Arthur Schneider, president, dents are being invited to at- [will be in charge. {end the Dawn Party. - ° —— JoyCee committee members > [ y are Harold Zimmerman, Jr. Legion 0 John Miller, Gerald R. Sheetz, ' Gene Eicherly, George Albert, Y Sponsor James Smith, Jacob Corll and Dr. James Elvin. JoyCees are fgg Hunt Mrs. Paul Sioner, Jr., Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Charles The second annual Easter Drace and Mrs. George Weber. Egg Hunt sponsorsd, by he Special committees are Miss Walter S. Ebersole Post 185 American Legion will be held Joanne Brown, Mrs. John Mil- Saturday afternoon, March 31, ler and Miss Peggy Wealand, on the grounds of the post decorating; Mrs. Weber, photo- | home. grapher; and Mr. Ryman, Mr. All children up to and inclu- Sheetz and Dr. Elvin, enter- ding the age of twelve from tainment. r Mount Joy, Florin, Salunga, al ind Landisviile are invited to attend the hunt. Jurors Named For Prizes will be awarded in the various age groups. Child- Spring Courts ren who need transportation : re asked to meet at the Rich- Local residents have ech field Service Station at 2:00 p. named for the Lancaster Coun- m. The hunt is scheduled for ty jury. Emily Caskey, Landis- elementary Each district will ord- and er individual supplies books. The members also con- gratulated the educational committee on their progress. | The board agreed to a plan] suggested by the committee headed by Paul Portner to set up a special program involving the top 20 percent of the stu- dents. Such students will re- ceive a curriculum stressing and mathematics. The will be initiated with class next year. science program the ninth A pay incre the cafeteria to 90c hour. Shank was named Mrs. Florence Shenk feteria due to the Mrs. Florence Shenk. Another problem was the number of students now in the grade schools. The board noted that in three years the new junior-senior high school will be.too small. The matter was turned over to the maintenance and building com-| mittee for study. Martin Musser presented a gavel to the president and Keener, tombstone ma- Maytown, presented a marble block on which the president may his gift. | Paul Weien, president, in charge. grade ase was voted for workers from 80c¢ Mrs. Gertrude to replace| in the per ca-| illness of discussed new Joseph ker in use was Youth Council Plans Easter Sunrise Service The Mount Joy-Florin Youth Council is planning to sponsor an Easter Sunrise Service. It will be the second annual Sun-| rise Service that the Youth has sponsored. The service will be held at the Mount Joy play- ground bandstand Sunday, Ap-| ril 1 at 7:00 a. m. There will be special music provided by the Girl's Trio of Donegal High | School and a brass quartet. | The speaker will be Mr, Stan| Murphy who is’ the Youth Di- rector for the Florin E. U..B. Church. The Youth Council would like to attend a cordial invitation to everyone to attend this, Easter Sunrise Service. The Physician On Call Sunday Dr. Thomas O'Connor | | children, : i 1 > ras & » PTE 2:30 p.m. Transportation will ville, was named to the grand J 7 term of Quarter he provided by Legionnaires pry. of June 7 iy Aoki Sessions Court. Ruth B. New- from the service station. ; 5 . comer, Maytown, Ethel Moss, Georg: Leibschultz is general Manheim R2, Norman R. Nis- chairman of the event. His sdov. Salungs, Vera 8. Seifert committee includes Irvin Smith, Manheim Ri. Thelma A. Wiley Ward Holder, ge Ries Landisville and Miriam M. En- Schneider, Jac 4 pnt o gle, South Barbara Street, were Brown, : Gerald Bheeiz and’ chosen for petit jurors for the James Shaeffer. Yuna. 7 term — - > ; . Common Pleas Jurors for the : | = . 08S] are /f ‘ Mae New Jersey Rotarian | April 30 session are Anna Mac Landis,” Rheems, Anna Eber- sole, West Main Street, Robert Speaks Here { J. Edwards, Landisville, Mary Mouni Joy Rotarians Tuesday L. Weaver, Landisville, Edna noon heard a message from Ott E. Becker, Manheim Rl, and Kline of Newtown, N. J. Asher W. Beamenderfer, Birch- Long active in Rotary work oad “Avene. Common Pleas | on the local, state and interna-| i. ior a are Leroy H. tional levels. Mr. Klein spoke) jis ase Manheim RI, Jan- on the subject, “What Has Ro- ee: 1 N. King Landi and tary Done for You?” } BAe ing, Landisville, The speaker gave an interest-| ing account of his activities in| Ambulance Toker Rotary’s four lanes of service, club,y vocational, community Qs . | and international. Six Trips eed ree The community ambulance Bundle Week Ends | took six trips during the past week. Sunday, March 11, James Fridav At School | Reheard, Florin, was taken to This week is Bundle Week the St. Joseph's Hospital by | drivers Marlin Myers and Frank Good, Jr. Tuesday, Mrs. Joseph Germer, Delta Street, was tak- en to the St. Joseph’s Hospital by driversJohn Myers and Christ | Charles. Mrs. Robert Hoffmas- ter was the nurse. William to the at Donegal high school. Clothes will be accepted until Friday afternoon for the project which is being sponsored by Student Council. All for are wearable clothing babies and adults being accepted except silks and highheeled slippers. The clothes Laughman Lancaster Tuesday, was taken : ie Geners spite pk or will be distributed among sev- Jeneral Hosplial fol noe; : cast by drivers John Myers eral foreign countries and also Thodias Markley and Earl Z! — | rural areas of the United States. ,. RE) rs od ’1 Ry 48, yy The same afternoon, he was brought back to town by the, LUNG CANCER DEATH CEVA | cme three men. PER 100,000 WHITE PEOPLE Friday, Mrs. Sadie Mateer, | North Market Sireet, was taken| | to the Lancaster General Hos pital by drivers Earl Zink and John Myers. The same day Mr. Laughman had to return to the General Hospital. Drivers were| Marlyn Myers, Elwood Young, and Miller Wolgemuth, soni & oie YOUTH DAY IS NEXT MONDAY IN LANCASTER The county Youth Day in Government originally sched- uled for Tuesday has been post-| {| poned until next Monday, Mar. [| 26. All officials elected in the || general election at Donegal | High School will attend the af- | fair escorted by four Jaycees i{ and two members of the school il faculty. / MEN \ Td \ party at | the county also enlisted. 1he Mount Your Home Newspaper—Serving The Heart Of The ( sarden Spot Joy MOUNT JOY, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1956 and Joy Nell, by left, Mount Miriam honored Miss boing Month Sewer Costs Discussed At rink, Lancaster. Pe BADGE WINNER NAMED Joan Landvater was named the winner for the week by her fellow pa-' | trolmen at the local school. Joan was named because she treated the children to candy who passed her post. ce mcr nt em ENLISTS IN NAVY . Gerald R. McMullen, twenty, Miss Rotary Roland, right, Students of Miriam Club as th Plan ‘Easter Party dish social was month, a hat social will be fea-' ea ffom which to attract tured. Members are IS MARCH 26 The Elm Tree P.T.A. meeting ed to the Franklin and Marsh- cruiting Office has moved from scheduled for last' all chapter of PhiBeta Kappa| the Old City Hall to new quar-! originally are oe Four Families {| 5 | Four new families were wel- : comed to Mount Joy by the | Monday at Hostetter's. He will vices will be held next Friday, cx am : I | speak on “Behind the Iron Cur-i March 30, from 1 to 3 P. M. at JoyCeo Welcome to Mount : i , TO a the Chureli of Cod, Joy Committee” Saturday. tain as Guest of the Soviet : : iC ittee members Mrs John| The Elizabethtown B. P. w.| The pi ia py > ommittee mbers 8. LY TR | orgs relude by Mrs. eorge iy d M Charles Ry-! Club is invited to the meeting organ. prelt Vx : 8 «andis an rs. are ia . : Brosk:>. Messages will be given | man visited Mr. and Mrs. Irvin in honor of the group's first by Pastors George K. Ludwig, | N. Weaver and Mr. and Mrs.| year of organization. This group, H. C. Durfee, Q. A. Deck, W. Lo | Richard Concon and Mrs. Paull the local club | Koder, C. E. Ulrich and C. F. | Stoner, Jr. and Mrs. Thomas, an. ° 2 | Helwig the Rocky Springs, fire company auxiliary meeting, town; last Thursday night. A covered] Post 492, Denver, held. Next of the gold badge bring a hat decorated with de-| charimen said that Pa Bulletin Dedicated To A Better Community 7c PER COPY--$2.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE alts Local Churches Plan Good Friday Services Speaker named For Joint Observance 'B. P. W. Meeting W 1 Be Hel d Visited By | or ne aur, wi he Welcome Group 0.0. wii At Church Of God | and Professional Women's C lub! Community Good Friday ser- | ° ® | Plans were completed for an O'Connor visited Mr. and Mrs.| : | : ne Joint eeting Easter party for the children of pn, Grummeir and Mr. and . | ; 1:00 P. M. { the Messiah Children’s Home at pr... john Heller. (ons an { Organ Prelude— Tentative plans call for a the Tuesday night meeting of, I coniunction with a. fives [ A Lenten Meditation Rogers joint meeting on Friday night, the JoyCazes at the home of Dr.| oi ool Girl Se ot oro P k Mrs. George Droske | Senlo C ig | 3 J of Mt. Joy Borough Authori- and Mrs. Thomas O’ Connor, | POM! thro anca e | Holy, Holy Holy ty and Borough Council with| Mrs. Harold Zimmerman, Jr.| faa the for tic visitations.) Invocation representatives of C. C. Collins chairman of the committee in| cats i Hymn: 247 Co. | rla Kulp, Joanne Hart and Rn] & Co., fiscal agents, to complete! charge of the party, announced Das ny Ee es were the rea as | Scripture lesson, details for tho financing of the the plans for the affair. The | pe ; 8 he) Mount’ Jov. Lions will spon : St. John 18:1-13 Mount Joy sewer project. | party will be held at the local! The Weavers moved W oe hp te . al Pe | Musical Selection The meeting is scheduled for elementary school. The children| Tear of 176 Manheim Strestisor their second annua an Methodist Church hog i jj wi a oh will be entertained and. served, from Lancaster. Mr. Weaver is| cake breakfast Saturday, pméditation “The God-Man :30 p.m. in the council cham-i Ee ; . Pe f { at the local school by | employed at the Posey Iron 7 pollowing a similar proced-] Led in Fetters p bers | 3 ; + | $a oo Long-awaited ‘how much is, the organization. Works; Lancaster, oe Souple wre from last year, the men] Rev. G. K. Ludwig JOng-awalte ow > 8, . ave one son who also resides; : | . it going to cost” question ‘was The group voted a contribu-| Lane ne To on Hellers also will serve the breakfast in the prayer + Bros : : a : Wy. e helers ai mn: 435 answered at a joint meeting of ton to the community ambul- moved into the borough from| fire house from 6:00 a. m. until ym 4 f » c a (3 : 4 ak DN i the two groups on Monday | A fund and eo Je iy Scout] Lancaster. They are living in| 12:00 noon Tickets will be oni P. M. 9 Mic RAG anh! troop sponsore the gr : as Scripture lesson, | night, when Engineer Jose ph. + pi and Ye Be wo the apartment above the Lin-|gle beginming next week but Michels reported that in con-| “V¢ ee | coln Restaurant. They have one i TREY tls oll pag oA ference with C. C. Collings & two troop flags. Mrs. Paul wn a. old ov | they may also be purchased at| Selection Co. a formula had been agreed Stoner, Jr. gave a report on the all dri Sd didi | the door. Presbyterian Church upon | progress of the Dawn Party The Sm gre i. = WE “All the pancakes you can Meditation, ‘The Anointed ; rg | on Marietta Avenue and move ; ee ei This formula calls for: | and Mrs. John Landis reported here . f Philadelphia Both! tat” is again the theme of the] of God Defamed 1. An assessment of between Lior the. “Welcome io Mt. Joy, A So Lab 1 With the pancakes and! Rev. H. C. Durfee tk ASSess > > » - = fn > rn ‘ ro a4 » © ut MS ; $4 and $4.25 per front foot. I committee” that four new fami- are employed. at Wyeth La ra menu RT | Prayer Co o ; o in 20 | lies has been visited. | tories, Marietta. The covple B Syrup, sausage, Fruit and Hymn: 254 2. A $200 connection fee. { Mrs Gene. Eicherly Vrs, | Attending St. Mary's Church.| coffee will be included in the, : vad A 360 por. Year jonnus) Harold Zi iy Mrs, | The Concons moved to 426 Co-| menu for the seventy-five Ho yu k rental charge | el ay $F fing Warren lumbia Avenue from Lancaster.| ticket. | Scripture lesson, i These are the figures for in- ~~ ry ys Mr. Concon is employed at the John Landis is chairman of ‘ St. Luke 23:6-11 iss i Hayman were named to a nom- : . 7 1: The : Musical Selection dividual home’ owners, The inating committee to take their| Aircraft ‘Marine Plant. 8) ithe committee. His committee E Ee L schedule sets up varying rates : couple has two children, ages ;.. LAT Sprecher. 'Al- i. (1. Church Sous report at the April meeting. | includes Arthur Sprecher, Meditati “Jesus Seti for other classifications. 41, years and 10 months. They, ular. Maurice Bailey. and > Jesus et at = { Mrs. Landis was co-hostess with| St Mark's EU Bl Lo Bigler, Maurice Bailey, and pt py Herod” Mr. Michels stated that the pps. O'Connor for the meeting. will attend St. Mark's L. U. B. ganry Zerphey. Rev. Q. A. Deck fiscal agents informed him the Nps. Hayman was in charge. | church. a | Prive a LAT usual assessment for sewer pro- MAAR The four families expressed Hvron: 161 jects today is between $7. and . . { their appreciation to the com- Farm Women Hear : : $9.50" per front foot. Lions Entertain | mittee and to the merchants of 2:00 P. M. Close timing will be requir- the town who donated the gifts Talk On Kentucky Pepa a 1 ; elo. 2 sthile © ! ake > “We rs rel- ae St. John 18:33-—-19:1 ed to complete all details soon At Farmers Night | to make the newcomer we | st. Patrick's Day set the pj... Selection enough to award contracts be- | come. | the for the Saturday meet- gill pS ie hn i Farmers’ Night was observed, Shred { theme for the Saturday) : Lutheran Church fore bid deadlines have expired. . bs f Far WwW en Society : mo Sty aii i : at the Tuesday night meetin ing of arm Om s = Meditation, “The Prince of Che Authority already is work g| M I WE alas of the | { No. 8 at the home of Mrs. Roy Pes nn. Ro ari? ing on 30-day extensions grant- of the loeal Lions Club. Thirty] Armed Forces Day 0 5g a 1 Mrs Peace Scouraged vd by: bidders the of farmers and guests plus five' yreicer, Mount. Joy Hi. = Rev. W. L. Koder 20d yy ng of visiting Lions from Elizabe th-| Parade Committee { Curvin Martin was in charge Praver will Yun out Nar Tn 31 M # Mi. town also attended the meeting | of devotions and Mrs. Charles pun: 88 held stated ; arch o%. Mr. held at Hostetter's. Lancaster — The annual| Shank played Irish piano solos ha chels stated, however, that he, coro : Armed Forces Day parade willl 1niss Ruth Frankhouser, a _ wl ts had been assured by the con- Sylvester Shuman, chairman) Scriptlure lesson, > ps : so : of the committee for the spec | be sponsored this year on May| former missionary to Red Bird Fray I tractors that the bids will stand pec {19 by the Eastern'Judicial Con- ke © St. Matthew 27:27-31 i : aT jal night. introduced Ja Wol. 9 by the Kastern Judicia | Mission, Kentucky, spoke n al an until April 5. ght, Jay ; : | : | Musical Selection ! ° | gemuth of Wolgemuth Brothers. ference, American Legion, De-| the children of Kentucky Dur-| E. U. B. Church Fig - PH ur i : i a ce ative UB. re, Bo Scouts ill g | Florin. Mr. Wolgemuth, in turn,’ partment of Pe i ing the busine SS meeting, the Meditation, “A Mock Y y €€ || iroduced Hoyer Schindler of Was announced today by James group decided to make pajamas Coronation” Pictures Of Camp | the Albers Milling Company, L. in Mn oy. igi for Rossmere Sanitarium ny to Yiev. C. E. Ulrich : Eo : Kansas ‘CHV CRITE a 8 mander of the 1 District of] give : ati ‘ancer > . CE i Slides of Camp Chiquetan, Kansas City, Missouri, a sub- the en Legion | give donation to the ANCE Prayeg ~ and the New Year's Parade in sidiary of Carnation Milk Co.| = ar an, | Sociery. Hymn: 83 Philadelphia will be shown at Mr. Shindler showed a film Shaefter said that the parade, Hostesses for the day were 2:40 P. M. the Monday night meeting of “Research Farming”. | commitsee has been appointed Mrs. Greider, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Scripture lesson, the local Boy Scouts. Harold Other members in charge of as follows: co-chairmen, Lieut.| Shank and Mrs. Clarence Grei- St. John 19:13-22 Etsell. Scoutmaster, will show the evening were Victor Koser, Comdr. Willard C. Hatch, com-| der. The next meeting will be| Musical Selection the pictures. Parents of the Lewis Bixler, Lolyd A. Derr manding officer of the Lancast-| held April 21 at which time the| Church of God Scouts are also invited to at- and Grant Miller. Plans were er Naval Reserve Training Cen-| local group will entertain Farm| yr. 4; tation. “Behold Your tend the Monday night meeting also announced for the second ter; and Benjamin Groff, Amer-{ Women Society No. 2. | King” fo see the pictures at 7:00 p.m.) annual Pancake Breakfast Sat. can Legion Post 185, Mt. Joy. re Rev. C. F. Helwig in the ‘Scout House. | urday, April 7. John Weidman, Committee members are rep-| [ce Causes Accident | prayer The boys will sponsor a food, president, was in charge of the| recentatives of the , =. ..q00t occurred east of Hymn: “Jesus Is Standing in sale Saturday morning in front| meeting. American Legion posts in the the pofodzh Saturday. 12:45 p. Pilate’s Hall” of the Greer Gift Shop. Pro- county: Robert Demmy, Post| =~... "0 "ced by the icy| Benediction ceeds from the sale will go to-| AUXILIARY PLANS HAT 2: Pawan Shovlin| © 0 | heaster State Police in-| Postlude “Gregorian Marche™ ward the camp fund. SOCIAL FOR APRIL ’ anheim; Harold ; : : vestigated the crash which oc- Guilmant Tuesday night, the Explorers’| Sixteen members attended| Horn, Post 409, Paradise; Wal-| =. when a car operated byl The public is invited to | Post went on a roller skating the March meeting of the local] ter Shaffer, Post 329, Elizabeth-| i012 Krebshaw, Shamok- | come when you can and go nd i Ge a Gilbert Gentzler, '| in, spun around on the ice andj when you must. Please leave if | struck an eastbound auto driv-| you must during the singing of Because of the additional ar- | en by Roy Sweigart, Mt. Joy| a hymn. Thank you. pea A R1. Martin Stradley, Mt. Joy| asked to ching units this year, the Rl. a passenger iii the Sweigart| this year’s| car was treated by Dr. John| | Banks To Be Closed corations that do not exceed parade is expected to be the| Gates for forehead and nose la-| 50c. Mrs. George Copenhauver,! largest on record here for Arm-| cerations. On Good Friday president, was in charge. | ed Forces Day. (fl stein Onion National .- Meunt Joy ° | MARINE RECRUITING Jan and its Maytown branch | ELM TREE PTA MEETING NAMED TO HONORARY | OFFICE MOVES (and First National Bank ang Trust Co. and its Florin branch will be closed on Good Friday, March 30. Of the twenty-two men nam-| The U. S. Marine Corps Re- Na-! Mount Jov R1 and Arthur Jay Monday was postponed until] scholastic honorary fraternity | ters in the Pennsylvania Redcay. 17, 190 Broad Street, | Monday, March 26. The meet-| was one local student. William| tional Guard Armory located Salunga. enlisted in the ing will be held in the school| F. Tyndall, son of Mr. and Mrs. at 438 North Queen Street, To Report New Families U. S. Navy at the Naval Re-| at 7:00 p.m. Following visita-| Herbert Tyndall, 302 North Lancaster, Enlistn.ents are Who Are to be Visited cruiting Station, Office. Seven other men Lancaster Post| tion the program will begin at, Barbara Street, was among five from| 7:30. John Hershey is president, juniors welcomed to the frater- { of the newly organized group. now being accepted for Two, Three or Four years in the Call MJ-3-9763 nity. | Marines. { Anal he : \