The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 15, 1956, Image 9

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Thursday, March 15
| Landisville Church of God
E. Thomas Tillett, Pastor
Paul S. Baker, Gen. Supt.

| start
(tc 9 p.m.

{ot - 9:15 am. Church School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
6:30 p.m. Youth Groups
| = | 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Ser-
= | vice,
- | Wednesday
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting.
- Ras
88 Columbia Congregation of
Jehoviah’s witnesses
Perry and “Union Sts.
| Columbia, Pa.
| Saturday
9:30 am. House to house
‘ | witnessing. |
{2:00 p.m. Street witnessing |
lin Columbia.
; 7:30 p.m. Street witnessing
in Ehzapethtown.
os | Sunday
{Thursday “ [9:30 am, House to house
urc ews 6:30 p.m. Youth Night at the witnessing.
church. . 3:00 p.m. Watchtower Study,
“Cautious as Serpents among
ch WS PERTAINING TO ALL Glossbrenner Evangelical | Wolves”
our iE CHURCIIES IN MT. JOY United Brethren Church | Tuesday
: AND THE ENTIRE SUR- Rev. Charles Wolf, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Ministry School,
ed ROUNDING COMMUNITY Friday Instruction talk, “Sense stress”.
0 G ITY. | 7:00 p.m. Pastor's Adult In-|Student talks, “The Universal |
of * ESE [struction Class. War of Armageddon Breaks
"8 Church of the Brethren Saturday ait out.” . ®
ww. Vi 3 Falmouth Pike 10:30 a.m. Pastor’s Youth In- 8:30 pm. Service Meeting,
an Mev. James Daughty, Pastor |struction Class. Discourse, “Presenting the
by ¥ | Sunday Good news.” Demonstrations
oh 89 00 2.m. Bible School ‘ $130 a.m. Sunday School showing how to grow to matur-
: 0:00 a.m. Morning Worship. [lor all ags. ; ity.”
he nesday : = sap | 10:30 am. Divine Worship. | Wednesday
Si Week Prayer Meeting. | 6:30 p.m. Junior Mission 8:00 p.m, Public Bible study, |
a i Band. . |The chief executioner takes a
y 2 { 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship. | Wife.”
ell ¥ Newtown E. U. B. Church 7:15 p.m. Evening Bible Thursday
Rev. John Ferich, Pastor Study { 8:00 pm. Public Bible Ad-
d day : | Monday {dress by Charles Williams, Cir-
n :00 am. Sunday School | 7:30 p.m. Women's Society of cuit Servant of Penna. Circuit
0:00 am. Morning Worship, | World Service Meeting. | No. 4.
dnesday a i | Wednesday Friday
‘3 :00 p.m. Christian Endeavor | 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. 8:00 p.m. Public Bible Ad-
2:30 p.m. Prayermeetng. { Thursday 3 dress, ‘Attaining Victory in|
3 rem 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir Re- |Christian Warfare.”
3 Trinity Evangelical hegesal. Senior Choir RR | msm
30 Congregational Church al p.m. wenlor Lhoir | gf Luke's Episcopal Church
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor Pe Chorus BR Mount Joy, Pa.
————— day heaseal p-m. en's Lhorus he- The Rev. Emmert M. Moyer
‘15 am. Sunday School iy 4 5 Rector
0:20 2. m. Worship - Theme is y | Fifth Sunday in Lent
Sh. on Sorrows,” Trinity Lutheran Church 8:00 am. Holy Communion.
8 vom, Waship service. Rev, W. L. Koder, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Church School,
“The Whrd of Greatest Sunday | Classes for all ages.
N My story.” 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 am. Holy Communion
= p.m. Jutior Christian 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. land Sermon. Sermon Topic:
Endeavor (At Ainex) 2:30 p.m. Baptismal Service | “How to Pray for yourself and
Wednesday for children. : | others”. |
897.30 pm. Priver Meeting. 5:00 p.m. Junior Catechetical| 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer,
£ 8:30 p.m. Serior Choir Re- Brioni? ; {and Sermon. Sermon by the
hearsal. Seles {Rev. Ralph T. Wolfgang, Col-
ursday | 7:30 p.m. Br therhood meet- | ymbia.
re 7:00 p.m. Junbr Choir Re- [Ing in the Parish House. | 8:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour
hearsal. Tuesday is and motion picture,
INGA 7:45 p.m. Women’s Mission- | Motion picture title: “Trial be-
! Donegal Presbyterian Church ay in the Parish House. fore Pilats.”
Moat Joy BD. 1 | Week Le | Wednesday
‘Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor Servi gia Mid-Week Lenten | 6:30, 7:30, 9 am. Holy Com-
. Sndoy Service. I munion celebrations.
» 9:30 am. Church School. | Thursday : 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer &
7:30 pm. Evening worship |. 7:00 p.m. Catechetical Class | Sermon by the Pastor. {
“One Great Hour of in the Parish House.
2, Offering: | -Mt. Pleasant
—- The Church of God | Brethren In Christ Church
First Presbyterlan Church Rev. C.F Helwig, Pastor | Pastors: Graybill Wolgemuth, |
: 3 Pernt Revival Services each night C. H. Moyer
i. Mount Cov, enna. will continue through Sunday, | Sunday
ev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor March 18. A Special feature 9:00 a. m. Sunday School
nday Saturday night will be the Chi- 10:00 am. Worship Service.
:30 a.m. Church School. ques Male Chorus. Rev. Wil-| Revival Services at Master
10:45 a.n. Morning Worship liam Longenecker will preach |sonville.
Al a th Jeriche each night and Sunday morn- | ern
Along the Jericho; 1S :
Annual “One Great hi iso. West Green Tree
aring” Offering Sunday : Church of the Brethren
9:30 a.m. Sunday School Abram N. Eshelman, Elder
n. Westminster Fel- John Weidman, Supt. Bunday
10:30 a.m, Evangelistic Ser- 8:45 a.m. Sunday School at
mm vices. Rev. Longenecker will Rheems and Green Tree
Church of the Brethren preach. Morning at Green Tree
Florin, Pa. 7:30 p.m. Closing Evangelis- 2 Soke
ev. Howard Bernhard, Elder [tic Services. NATTY Sv Rr |
Samuel T. Becker, Supt. Wednesday WCTU MEETING
9:00 a.m. Bible School. 7:30 p.m.- Monthly Mission- Mount Joy W.C.T.U. will
10:00 a.m Worship Service. ary Meeting. | hold their March meeting in
ge 20 pi Worship Service a Woo = Street the home of Prof. and Mrs
V sday | 1e Washington Stree mrv. Bucher 27
7:30 p.m. Prayer Scrvice. Church Of nal! Brethren Henry Bucher, 350 Donegal
: Elizabethtown, Pa. | Springs Road on Monday eve-
Crossroads Dreiven in Christ ls Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor | ning March 19 at 7:30 o'clock
Say a Wis dein RELAY { Pictures of a California tri
Paul Z. Hess, Harry L. Brubaker | 9:30 a.m. Church School | will eo i BE ih i {s ty
Pastors {Adult study theme, “Jesus In- | e shown. m-
Sunday a ; {stitutes The Lord's Supper.” | vited to attend.
"Chi stian College Sunday [10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, | rem
9:13 am. Sunday School | Sermon: “What In The World| FOOD SALE MARCH 17
alenn Hostetler, supt. Is Sin?”. by Pastor Zuck. adios paiva
10:30 a.m. Worship. Message| 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship; Ladies Bible Class of Trinity
by Bishop Titus Books, Mem- Message: “The Young Church | E. B. Church will hold a food
id of Board for Schools and in Action”, by the Pastor. sale at the annex, corner of
oiieges. 8:45 p.m. College Stude wal ¢ lew Have Sts
pm. The Messiah Col- Pelosi 8 Donegal and New Haven Sts,
lege: Academy Chorus will ren- | = i on Saturday, March 17 at 9:00
der a program of sacred music. Mount Joy Mennonite Church A. M. Bring own containers for
Wednesday : 3 Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, | chicken corn soup
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Henry Garber, Henry Frank | =~ °
treet Pastors n AP a
St. Mark’s Evangelical United [Sunday I . HL. A. 1 OOD SALE
Brethren Church [ 9:00 am. Sunday School. The, 'F. H. A. "of ‘Donega
C. E. Ulrich, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Young People’s High School is having a food
Saturdays | Meeting. sale on Saturday Marc |
10:30 a.m. Children’s Instruc- | Wednesday oe fr 0h = i I rel oy
tion class. | 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Iron £0 oh Last
sunday Prayer Meeting. Main Street between 9 a. m.
9:00 a.m. Church School. { and 12 Noon
10:15 a.m. Worship service. Zion Lutheran Church —@ ae
and Passion Cantata by the Sunday Landisville, Pa. Everybody in this locality reads
Choir - “Olivet to Calvary” { aay letin—that’s ita oy
7:30 p.m. Revival service at 8:15 & 10:45 Morning Wor- The why is adver
The Church of God. | ship, until after Easter. tisers get such excellent results.
7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir
Rehearsal. 2
7:30 p.m. Prayer service and Gh Wi 9 PP dl }
Bible Study. ] wg ‘ 5
Thursday 5 : t
Dm, Children's Chol Or will you eventually lose the most valuable F A
8:00 “p.m. Senior Choir Re- possession — your soul? Jesus Christ came to
hearsal. | redeem your soul from sin and to give you eter-
Ey — | # nal life. Come and hear about Him at our
Calvary Bible ig : : church this Sunday. —
Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor |# a
Sunday’ “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the ZTE 3
pis a.m. Sunday Bible whole world and lose his own soul.” Mark 8:36 3
School. Te 4 : : ge
3 Classes for all ages. 9:15 Sunda; Bible Schooi 3
A 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship ( $ 10:30 Morning Worship - “Rejoice In The Lord”
perma by the Pastor, {# 7:00 Pre-Service Prayer Fellowship
2130 p In Tn Lo Home # 7:30 Evening Service - “Sowing And Reaping”
Service - Meet at the churcs. |§ Wednesday - 7:30 Midweek Prayer Service.
| 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer | I Bil i $
8, Fellowship. $ alvar He 3 |
i 7:30 p.m. Evening Service - Ca vary ible Church i |
The Pastor will be speaking on | $ NEW HAVEN STREET AT HENRY i |
“Sowing And Reaping” th Rev. W. L. Wilson, Jr., Pastor $
WY Midweek Paiva “Holding forth the word of life”
Service Ali 7


THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pe Lenten Services
At St. Luke's Church
The Rev. Ralph T. Wolfgang,
rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church, Columbia, will be the
guest preacher at the Lenten
service on Sunday evening,
March 18, at 7:00 p. m. The
motion picture “Trial before
Pilate” will be shown during
the Fellowship Hour folowing
the evening service, The picture
over to the mob who cry “Cru-
cify Him.” The picture
shows how forces of evil can
a chain of events leading
to terrible circumstances
The public is invited to these
— ——— ® ————
The W.S.C.S. of the Meth-
odist Church will hold a rum-
mage sale April 13 from 9 a.m.
in the social room of
the church.
A ham card party will
held at the Mount Joy Ameri-
can Legion . Post Home . next
Monday night, March 19, by
the auxiliary of the post. Hams
as prizes
will be awarded
both the bridge
| players.

Nylonized or
ite ph , Was

Cotton Bra
31 D0


St. Mark's Choir
' Will Present Cantata
The Senior Choir of Saint
Mark's E. U. B. Church will
present Maunder'’s cantata,
“Olivet to Calvary” in the
Morning Worship Service on
Sunday, March 18 at 10:15 am.
The cantata recalls the scenes
which marked the last few days
of the Savior's life on earth,
portrays the incidents of Jesus’ peginning with the rejoicing of
| trial Before Pilate, how Pilate the multitude as He entered
| finds no fault in him and wash- Jerusalem on Palm Sunday,’
es his hands as he turns Jesus and ending with the tragedy
and triumph of Calvary.
Solo parts will be sung by
Mrs. Clifford Schmid, soprano;
Glenn Forney, tenor; Warren
Bentzel, Baritone; Lester Mu-
mma, Baritone. A mixed quar-
tet will sing “O Thou Whose
| Sweet Compassion”. The quar-
tet is composed of Mrs. Warren
Bentzel, soprano; --Luella Wit-
mer, alto; Joseph Buchenauer,
tenor; Warren Bentzel, bass.
The choir is directed by Clif-
| ford M. Schmid, and the organ-
ist is Jay S. Barnhart, Jr. Rev.
C. E. Ulrich, pastor, will be in
charge of the devotional period
preceding the rendition of the
— ree fg
The Guild of St. Luke's Epis-'
copal Church will hold a card
party in the Parish room, April
27th at 8:00 o'clock.

Family Fashions t= Easter
Entertained At
Farewell Party
A farewell surprise party was
held Sunday evening for Rich-
ard Hess, Marietta R1, at the
home of Miss Jeanette Brene-
man, Mount Joy R2. Mr. Hess,
a graduate of Bast Donegal
High School, class of '54, will
leave’ next Monday from New
York for two years in Menno-
nite work in Germany.
Guests at the party were Jo-
anne Peifer, David Sweigart,
Ann Wenger, Park Miller, Jean
Roland, James Drescher, Vera
Dinlinger, James Grosh, Mild
red Good, Harry Hershey, Dor-
othy Dinlinger, John Hershey,
Gladys Sangrey, James Martin,
Mary Ann Thomas, William
Landis, Dorothy Peifer, Nelson
Brenner, Mary Lou Buchwalt-
er, Mervin Sauder, Wilbur M.
Ebersole, Nancy Thomas,
| Hess and Miss Breneman.
ree ()
The Ladies Bible Class of
the Lutheran Church will hold
a rummage sale in the Parish
house, Friday and Saturday
| April 27th and 28th. Will open
| on 27th at 1 o'clock and on the
28th at 10 o'clock. '

When in need of Printing. (any-

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To arrange for service that you can count on—
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