The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 15, 1956, Image 6

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THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. | 3 1 2 (for the twelve months ended
ount Joy, Pa ic For Old Tables Prudential Office Lt. Joseph P. Perlow for the A

Thursday. March 15 6
ursday. March 1! Ton Of Elizabethtown Takes Part In | both periods are consolidated Th Followin List of People
HARRISBURG TT a ‘Receives Honor Maneuvers for the Company and its former e g
i ig ee | - | | subsidiary, The Scranton Elect- :
: The Elizabethtown sales officer BANKOK, ' THAILAND — pic Company (merged January Were Awarded Door Prizes
By Pennsylvania News Service
of the Prudential Insurance Co. First Lt. Joseph P. Perlow,|31, 1956), and include earnings
itd at but. | Whose wife, Louise, lives at 310 of the former Pennsylvania’ AT THE
way Sie Peay for Sonn |S, Market St., Mount Joy, re-| Water & Power Company prior
ing to the outstanding SUCCESS cently jumped in Bangkok, to merger on June 1, 1955 re- ’ H G Hi Sho
(#4 | scored during the past year by|Thailand, with units of the 508| stated on the merged basis. Grand Opening 0 am . [eer |
{its parents organization, the Airborne Regimental Combat| Consolidated revenues for the
East York Distdict. The organiz.| Team as part of a joint SEATO| twelve months ended January
| 31, 1956, including restated rev-|

Pennsylvania Sceretary of
Agriculture William L.. Han
ning this week underscored the
point that on the farm pro-



ducts point Pennsylvania | exercise,
farms do not produce adequate | ation has been named one of] Thailand. = the Philippines | enues of the former Pennsyl- 2 S. H. B. GUTSHALL
suppli s to fully meet Keystone | the top Prudential District In Auctralia and Britain joined 7,.| vania Water & Power Company MRS. H. B.
State needs, asserting at the | the United States and Canada. 1000 U. ‘S. participants in the| prior to June 1, 1955, were 3—MRS. ROBERT SCHATZ J
same time that the proximity of In recognition of this achieve-| i | $123,337,196 an increase of “*
| te, at land, sea and air manuver, the| , , 196, ase (« <
large metropolitan consumers { ment, a ‘‘Presidental’s Citation” | 0 4 held: bv . South East Asia 8.1% over comparablé revenues 4—-MRS. H. J. DARRENKAMP \ :
Areas makes “the possibilities — onc of Prudential's Organization forces. | for the previous year. | 5—MR. C. 8. BRANDT b
of agricultural development in | honors—will be awarded the Li Peflow. is rTegalarly — s AA - a. ‘
Pennsylvania tremendous’ | District at a dinner to be atten- ” ge in y an as on Bucks County has the splen- 6—MISS EUNICE HERR S
gl | ded by company officials and) 8 ORC WL 5 gid home of William Penn | -
A census of farm animals in | the entire District Staff, includ- es Eon rey ree 320th, founder of Pennsylvania. | 7—MR. HOWARD SIPLING
Pennsylvania has revealed that | ing those associated with the Airborne Field Artillery Battal-| 8—MR. JOHN KEMRER \
during the past year the num- Elizabethtown office. lion. He entered the Army in| {
ber of cattle and calves declin- Presidential recognition : drt 9—MISS JANE STARR
: . La A . 11948 and was stationed at Fort] $a ia i
ed, dropping from 1,935,000 conferred on 50 company Dis- Campbell, Ky., before arriving ! 2
head a year ago to a current| | tricts which rank highest in all-| = oe os ly. oes 10—MRS. FAY LEITNER 2
1,890,000 head On the other round achievement during the i : | 11—-E A EBERSOLE A
hand hogs are running about! year. To earn its top standing The lieutenant was. gradual-
ten per cent ahead of last year | the East York Organization ed from the U, 3. Military Aca. C
with a current count of 642.000 | outpointed more than 450 com- demy in 1953. His parents, Lt. ® £
head. Horse and mule numbers | pany Distdicts, : Soh Sed Mes pay Derlow BZ, ks oN 3
followed the declining trend of | J. Herbert Tyndall supervis-|1V¢ 2 va 0 > mo
the past several years dropping es the District's operations in Lauderdale, Fla. ADAM H. GREER
from 63.000 head of ok Elizabethiown. The local office Ty 7 l JEWELER i
Stock lo 63,000 hotel | is located at 14-18 South Mar-| PP&L: EARNINGS OO late! AGE x ri ARIE 3d dnd
- (i iwbic inai’s being discarded might turn out to bg the | ket Street, Elizabethtown, Pa. SHOW INCREASE | 87 EAST MAIN STREET PHONY $4104 4
=~ : iene Bc hor mila of Ros TOO: ith just a little effort | ie alee Earnings Be a the
The Pennsylvania Heart As center of attraction in you living room. Wit asl & ol rnings accruing to the Loa ee 1 :
sociation this week had several gd hy fw od life. 1t's a eT | PHYSICIANS AND PHONIES. | common stock of Pennsylvania Cui TR _ ee
: > ip veliness : ife. It’s 8 . Irs B 8 I? : Gt : re tent creasing his fire
important suggestions regard- Woah wa ‘wand table, Then apply wood stain, Beachwood, birch, The American Cancer Society Power & Light Company for the BL ih SiR | :
ing heart disease, pointing out pale ocak. or any other attractive finish will further enhance and says cancer cannot be cured by| twelve months ended January| sug ;
to those afflicted or that may cach the beauty of the naturel wood gisin, Te fof os | pills, powders, ointments or(31, 1956 were $18,521,817, replacement Sha ut before |
9 ortar step is a re ! clear var er | 33 : + gets aro res: 8
become afflicted, that it is en- HY Tent Sie De one that will add a pius factor | Other phony nostrums used by! equivalent to $3.13 per share of he get a to " jie 3 A
tirely possible today for heart te the budget and to your home, | a doctor can diag-| common stock outstanding at{ !re and hes be re |
ailment sufferers to keep right | Dosh and treat cancer, advises such date, as compared with] You ne sags hos, call a al : SO
i i 4 the ACS. ! or { about having your house anc ERA RED Ment
on working, w od | . . { 5 $17,268,361 or $2.93 per share 8) p
and that Bank ee Turkey Production Trailer Company ER i i i erm eee mast eter em sree furnishings adequately covered ' u | g 3 . A538
Re : ref 2 forms, { |... with low-cost PTF Fire Deal | 8 Ad 4
of heart disease that can be! To Increase To Open Branch : | In a : | MORE CISA RN he
prevented entirely and s ; . os : | surance. :
main x Harrisburg -PNS- 1 urkey A pew house trailer sales & ' When the current is off and you cannot cook, | . R A : CAB I N E T S i IN K
Early treatment the De 3 production in Pennsylvania aul orice unit specializing in new 3 Wiley & utt: gency Ea pitta gia
Barly treatment, associa-| i the year is scheduled to in-| > ) i go next door with Lydia Zook: ; :
tion said, is of the utmost im-| Tense bout two per. cent. over and used trailers will be add-| | 85 E. Main St. Gana a :
: : crease : 3 i | 3 0 BD
portance last vesr. ed to Lancaster Trailer Sales] She is cooking the cheaper, faster dependable way. | MOUNT JOY [ 2)
ee ro Saris ois , Qtate and placed in operation on Rt.| : : : 3-6
Flying ant time is just A spokesman for the Stat > : b She is using Ward Bottle Gas today. | PHONE 3-6911
/ Found 1 : jus a Department of Agriculture said 230 three miles east of the bor-| :
ay "TOY a0 3 i 1 |
the State Do es to this week that growers are now, ough. |
State partment o gri-| _ Go pa ii : : | {
culture which pointed out that Io Ne 7 4 inrget dale oF ApH A ihe) Wend Bottle Gos, Epluaia i »
: Te hl 7% of around ,616, neavy os sn ls ad. : | L
3» many i the ants are| | aed birds this year, which been. set by which time a bend i asting
similar to damage-gnawing ter-| - Lu as oe ing 40x100 feet is expecte 0 A RE TSA Em °
Hos compares with 1,525,000 pro- Yi Tr
Tits The department® urged| 4. cad in 1955. be completed on a lot ‘with al | teres SETI ttt | convenience
ositive identification. . | $1 4 tt
eo et Ei Si ye Indications are. loo, said. the 400 foot frontage on Route 280. | $ We Have the Latest | oe through the years
harmless, termites are not. The| department, that the trend will The firm is located on the Lin- I$ H
first warm day should bring OPtinue away from light coln Highway five miles east |} yu i
ut the winged ants in droves. breeds - with production inten- of Lancaster. '} In Nutrition i |
ae mn tions in this category scheduled New and used- trailers will | . °
Stite’ Civil Detonse | is to arop ten per cent to 498,000 pe displayed at this added lo- | 8 f —In Service i |
ae had. : ciense head: prom the 553,000 raised last cation. Used trailers and furn- | i |
a Rw vo of auton year. iture traded in on trdilers will |H 1 NF180 :
0 Aone : A Te po et ol The overall production plan be thoroughly reconditioned $ $
2h an hj h i B nay including heavy and light and displayed. A complete |§ We Have 2 7 PAN VITA i |
me be n Rs 4 hap breads, calls for raising close trailer parts department will | 3; NFZ i
é » expected, » bes : : : | .
2 { irds is vear. also be installed in the build- |} 3 |
course to follow ' is ruck and“ Tipo a his ye 4 int Da ging spi | 3 4 - NICARBAZIN I
Seeks, cover. Do not try fo leave P dA on ini BE one Lancaste r Trailer Sales is ik: :
ATO ta ate Svs ii; ennsylvania increase c¢ ares ancaste aile ales : 83 |
Th Pepiiated al with reported intentions of tur-' owned by Paul Robinson, of 8 RED COMB POULTRY FEEDS vy 1
te i : x 9 Rw 1 hy Es kev growers of the United Lancaster and Columbus, Ohio,| | § | 1
ries S 7 S wvitable. : [|
Thos> in the country Son i of States to raise 67 million birds, and is managed by Addus Han-! |§ PIONEER DAIRY & HOG FEEDS |
the state ir “stay an advance of six per cent over nah. The added location and I: MA , }
best protection. : Ly | or 1935. building will be leased , from | YER'S POULTRY FEEDS Nhot a beauty! Youngstown Kitchens 54” cabinet sink... handsomely J
; Pe Re, Jal Keystone State turkey grow- Rosser Construction Co., South | 8 SOLD BY styled for new kitchen beauty .
FA ANBAR Nia 3 ; 11H 3Y i y.
Beef Cattl kl gf Increase of decrees Market St., Mery : 3 | What a value! Sturdy steel construction . . . loaded with timesaving
A | their 1956 intentions as hey TE — ork-saving features :
| ; 5 : : Bi sir] | # A M A Y work-saving features. \
ON Feed Show | learn results of state and na- CAR IN HIT-RUN ACCIDENT | 1} ° C. ER $ Wht a bargain!- Sec this amazing value at a new low price. Hurry
| tional surveys of intentions la- State Police are investigating $ > PHONE MT. JOY 3-9821 { while this offer still lasts.
Slight Decrease . | ter, the department said. a hit-run accident in Florin at) i striata | (
Iarrisburz -DPNS- Beef. Ct | During the past week Penn- 2:15 am. Saturday. The car of] ra PY ISA Te od bin SA St MA PEA : Feature-packed for value!
ao Haring 9» Da oe Peo] sylvania hatcherymen set 12,- Lloyd E. Vogel, Florin, was! | | Sy sage] steel top « Giant, twin drainboards « Deep, t
A ‘alves oe ann-| oF | 20% 5 piss , NO- . 1 ate: . es5e( ish e Swing
the past month) 000 light breed turkey eggs, as damaged. : | { Reps i ing mixing-faucet provides rar ro angie: + hE BA &
oe Das | compared with 11,000 durin Police said the unidentified] | What's the secret of this lasting con: refuse, half-turn converts bowl to dishpan « Wipe-clean, Hi-Bake enamel finish” e Easy. 9
Pp g | p p enamel finish” Ea
were down about two per cent,| ~~ "LC iver. rently drivi 4 | venience? It's the STAINLESS STEEL to-clean, rounded contours « Rubber bumpers cushion door closings: posit {
: Se | the previous week. driver, apparently riving to-| | tch Recess : gs; p
with the herd totaling around| ina a tes J | on which the glass and screen panels catches «- Recessed toe and knee space makes standing easier Right height (37 for easy
82.000 head | ° ward Lancaster, swerved ac | | . glide. Self-storing free-sliding pan- standing « STEEL construction throughout « Plus many more
H v ver in iewing the | RESEARCH ON THE MARCH | ross the highway. Vogel's car| | i dre evsily arranged for “ony Youngstown Kitchens Food Waste Disposer easily installed b
ers vy a in ne oud { Since 1945, the American was parkéd in front. of his] | season. .. from inside the hose, : b
nh: Sn per I os do Cancer Society has spent $41 home on the north side. | Get this lasting convenience with | ® ® SENSENIG ¢
1 2 e oy d > 21 a : | Ar
LCE ara. | million on cancer research in rare { | Orange Triple-Slide Storm Windows. : a mail Sn
Ly | the U. 8S. This amount included 1467 ADMITTED | | 20R : SALES AND SERVICE v1 id
re ad Sopa men: o Agra the awarding of 2,439 grants-in-' TO HOSPITAL IN MONTH | Phone today for tres home demonsiationt | 206 E. Main Street, MOUNT JOY * Phone 3-8651 | bv
ure sa at o 1e : bre 3 : ’
: a 7) aid, 501 fellowships & scholar- 1467 persons were admitted) i |
head, = Signs ships, 352 institutional and fo the Lancaster General Hos- | i KELLY | CARL B. DROHAN 00 Zo 2 yr. dyes A i
age were MW Ihe Seavier Wogight special purpose grants and 13 pital during the month of Feb-| 2 BUILDING SUPPLIES gs Fe 20 C58
EO pared With 4 YOU Jing cancer grants in the step- ruary, it was announced today| Sap SUPER FLEX [8-D-'2 Mi, Joy toons 36001 |
ago, wv 53 per cont weighing ped-up search for a cancer cure | by Dr. Donald C. Smelzer, Exe-| IT ae DI = ” i S
less ian 900 pounds compared re rrr | cutive Director;of the hospital,
with 2 Per ont Sst year. | When in need of Printing. (any. | at a meeting of the Board of SIZE 6.70-15 1 y
a HE esgers have indicated poo kindly remember the Bulletin ' Directors on Monday, Mar. 12. 3
they intend to market 50 per; ~~ ~~ er ret et ete et miter f |
cent of their fed cattle by Ap-| [sts ne etter | S
ril 1 of this year, which com-! 11 » 17 | | a
pares with 42 per cent indicat-| a ir H a Vv e n I}
ed a year ago. tt | T
Of the 82,000 head, 57 per {| CONVALESCENT HOME hi" | Ww
cent were on feed less than 3 ¢ ih
months, while a year ago at/{ AMBULATORY OR CHRONIC PATIENTS } Her tas {| »
the same time it was around 63} 2 | PRICE EACH WHEN BOUGHT | B
per cent. Hl Excellent Care, Quiet, Pleasant Atmosphere | IN PAIRS OR SETS Tj
“The time is ripe for Penn-|) oe it ew p oto 0 ocked
sylvania to increase it's beef {| REASONABLE RATES MH . i.J. 1 Ri
cattle production,” Secretary of | MILLERSVILLE RI . PHONE 4321 | © DEPENDABLE HIGH : he
Agriculture William L. Henning | is : iH QUALITY This new De Soto Adventurer was clectronically
commented. aor ug. © SAFE MILEAGE clocked at 137.293 miles per hour. That’s
He pointed out that — Joo 8 5 pa 3% faster than any speed ever officially recorded
ness of the greatest consumer }| | i ; ; [= for a stock car in De Soto’s displacement |
markets in the United States! | Y or Ww W ; 9 He if class. And it’s the kind of outstanding i Sc
should offer adequate incentive || | ; performance you can expect behind the wheel Cl
for increased production of | E I E RARE TTI iT IN De Soi. Ble gmopt Hower HORSEPOWER Se
beef cattle on Pennsylvania }! : i Ta ——— ar in medium price field. ; S
farms. 1 J. M. ENGLE |. 0 Ghd ha anit You oughta drive one soon. : B
“Unquestionably it has a] 411 E. HIGH ST., ELIZABETHTOWN — Pp. 74721 || © | se
great future, he said, , Adding Machines, Cash Registers, Check Writers, Dictating | GE( * Ww. LEAMAN BEFORE YOu DECIDE I ! Fe
ines, Inter-Commumicators, Calculators, Recorders, ||
Ouly and second [| Sockines, Lior Communion ry rea Il RE MAN Sr ELI AMENT |
growth remain of the once] PUP 14 ie Feo. 1 . MOUNT JOY =
great timber supply that cover- |} Worth the MOUNT JOY : i 0
ed Lycoming County. - PNS : — 2 2 PENNA. . i Se
: 1
i {
\ i

on A A 7 5 2 oh A A A A At A at I rm in th nm a LR es