The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 08, 1956, Image 1

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    es th ne i i a i i me a]

1he Mount
Rotary Triplets Mark
30th Year Tuesday
Local Club To Be
Host To Lititz,
The Rotary

Girl Scout |
Week Begins
Sunday Re
Girl Scouts and Brownies of}
Mount Joy and Florin will ob-!
Girl Scout Week March,
clubs of Lititz,
Elizabethtown Mount Joy
will celebrate the thirtieth an-
of the “Triplets Meet-
Mount Joy the
ing” with host
club. The name wes
given to these clubs, serve

flea beetle when setting in field.
: . | DDT afte ‘dav: ior flow
a ary. y Back Pro. | crafts day for flower bulbs
ing Rotary Club and Past Presi Charles Bennett. Sr. were nani S ) ulb
dent .of the Reading Chamber . ly . :
of Commerce. He oy Wwf 8. Ro hot Jet get oy: 7 OF 1 ost Mi: 4 | P
: | erripe ¢ arvest time. | ty ¢ ittee wil Mrs,
manag rr of the Reading Eagle- See Sioa, 7h you with! McKain, Mrs. Aaron Buckwal-| IC ae ricio
Times. . | this program, we have arrang- ter, Mrs. Roy Kopp, Miss Grace
2 Special music will be furn-| 4 four demonstration meeting Henderson and Lester Zuck Elected As New
ished by William jassman, | at which we will clean and George Bowers was named
soloist accompanied at the pi- treat tobacco seed as follows: [chairman of the ' membership R tar President
ang by Jay Barnhart Jr. There March 14—9:00 A. M.—Farm and publicity cH mmittee with 0 y
will be group singing and the of Clarence Keener, Manheim | Victor Brooks. Ragner Hall- Board of directors of the Mt.
Weather Teport given by Sem R3. located '= mile East of geen, Mrs. LeRoy Appley and | Joy Rotary Club Tuesday noon
hse only np wen Manheim. (Mrs. Edward Brown; Samuel | elected Michael J. Pricio as
Tier , prognosticaton, in Rotary rv ch 14--3:00 P. M.—Farm| Harnish, chairman of the pro | president for the mew year
Ww ho gives a weekly report. of Eugene Wissler, New Hol-! gram committee with Mrs. Paul whic h will begin July 1.
. The Elizabethtown Rotary land RI1, located Eastern edge: Weien, Mrs. Robert Eshleman, Other officers elected are:
Club Yas organized n Novem-/ of Voganville. Miss Lily Martin and John Wit-| Ray Wiley, vice president,|
ber of 1025. The first officers March 15—8:30 AM.—Farm le; Mrs. Jay Barnhart, chrm. Charles Ruhl, secretary, and,
Were: Jesse w. Atkins, Presi- of Robert R. Shaupach, Para- of the PTA magazine and con- Joseph Shaeffer, treasurer.
dent, Frank ; Croman, Vice dise R1. located 1 mile East of gressional publicity committee Speaker for the day was Mrs. |
President, Levi Hershey, Secre- Strasburg. with Mrs. Bernard MeDivit,| George Broske who addressed
tary; Galen B. Horner, Treas- March 16—8:30 A.M.—Farm, Mrs. Kimber Lippiatt, Mrs. the club-on the recently organ-
rer and the following direct- of John M. Warfel, Mt. Joy Rl, John Eshleman and Mrs Jos-| ized Business and Professional
jors Wiltiem GS. located 's mile West of Done- sph Llewellyn. Women’s Club, of which she is
a | gal Springs. : : |. Dr. A, Breidetistine, Dean and d Professional
ed as sponsorers and organized| Dr. R. S. Kirby, will treat) of Instruction of the Millers-| Neh ad Des ssi i
the Manheim, Hershey, Bain- seed with silver nitrate solution| ville State Teachers College, | Women's Shab, ered i 2 4
pridge-Maytown and 'Middle-| and explain disease control spoke to the group on the edu-| Louis Io 1919, SS iC arges |
Crone Clune Belth W. Schigese | practices. Seed will be cleaned! cational conference at Washing-| women's organiza lon in hs}
5: 000 - DCHIOSSET| hq treated while you wait. ton held last fall and also on category In the world. It is
a member of the club and still We will give it one washing the need for teachers. The next non-profit, non-sectarian, self,
active served as District Gov-
ernor in 1947-48. This club is
very active in community work.
meeting will be held April 5. | supporting and self governing. |
Its purpose is the elevation
of the standards for women in|
with distilled or rain water.
You can give it a second 10- ee GY
minute washing at home and: + Local Firemen
Every year this club con-| 4 on spread it out to dry business and professions pro-
ducts a Christmas party for the, oq) = will be made a Called To Grass motion of the interests of wom-|
crippled children at the Eliza-| cover cost of material used in! en in business and professions,
cg rippled. Culley treating seed This is the fourth Fire Blaze f de velopment of a spirit of co-|
Rov Scout Work and spoisordd time we have attempted this] Mx: mbers of the Mount Joy operation among women in
the first: Parent-Teacher bore. and your cooperation| Friendship Fire Company res-| business and professions, pro-
% 5 as in washing and ‘drying seed ponded to a call Monday, 1:30) the extension of opportunities
zation in Elizabethtown. The
(Turn to page 8)
The Physician On Call
essential p.m. to extinguish a grass fire to women in business and pro-|
lon the north side of West Main] fessions.
Firemen were able to Mrs Broske declared that its
the blaze, which| membership of 175,000 includes!
strong northwest] women from every business and
soon after treating is
for the success of it. If you can
not be present at one of the Street.
| demonstrations or would like| extinguish
to treat your own seed, we through a

Sunday have mimeographed sheets giv-| wind would have spread to| profession. The organization
ing directions on how to do it. the house and barn located be-| has been declared by Congress
Dr. Newton E. Kendig | Only one quart of cleaned seed tween the Mount Joy Diner as the United States’ second
Vill be treated for one grower! and Forry's Esso Station. (Turn to page 7) .
made to complete the
of the
| tinued east on the highway and
was not stopved
approaching the Little Chiques
Creek bridge. At the time he
the accompanying
wheel was about to come off
the axle. Michael Good, police
| officer, investigated,
was stopped,
at the
McCoys a
Prima: y are
hold today
Schaol for the
fields’ parties in
with the Youth Day
was announced for the
and hall. . Plans
lower hall,
generator for
lighting system
but the
truck driver, not
had happened,
Your Home Newspaper—Serving The Heart Of The Garden Spot
Donegal High Students
Vote Today In Primaries
being Gish,
Donegal High
1d Hat-
in Govern-| maine Garman,
the stairway
| and the new room this summer.
The new
Fach of the homerooms has a
designated spot within
school to report. The auditor-
two parked cars, the wheel was)
stopped by a center pole in the
show window
plus the items on display in th
window were ruined.
until he was
| strip in the
| included a twelve (12)
Dedicated To A Better Community

Charles O. Groff and
Halbleib, representatives
state Miriam Ro-
Charles Bye Ro-
to the
land, and
I2; promote youth centers and
rear of the school
and support legislation to make
improvements on the roads in
this area.
Borough Come Passes Budget,
Will Accept Old Grade School Plot
discussed but no date could be
given when the work wil be
Charles Heaps, principal, an-!|
nounced a 947. attendance for]
the past month. He also an-|
nounced that & fire drill was
held and that all the children|
had vacated the building with-
in 1's minutes. He also announ-
| ced that the school is set up
for a Civilian Defense drill.
Mount Joy Borough Council
accepted the 1956 Budget which
mill tax
ium and two halls will be used On real estate and an eight
for this project. | ($8) dollar per capita tax. The
ee | estimated receipts are $63 209.-
{ 25 and the estimated expendi-
Wheel Hits Window | tures are $62,870.00. The bud-
The right rear wheel of ajget resolution and ordinance
Paul W. Snyder Association! were unanimously accepted
Dodge Carrier truck of Carlisle! through a call vote.
left the vehicle and crashed An eight-cylinder Chevrolet
into the show window of the! police car will be purchased |
Sentz’s Children’s Shop Wed-| from Newcomer Motors. As the
nesday morning. Having passed low bidder, the cost will be]
$1222.70. The other bidder was|
Eli Ament whose bid was $1,-
495. Both companies also sub- |
mitted bids for a six cylinder |
auto, The Newcomer bid was]
$1,121.80 and the Ament bid,|
$1,442. The new police car will]
be black, two-door sedan, equip |
ped with heater, defroster, turn
signals, backup lights, seat cov-|
ers, 12-volt battery, heavy duty|
front seat, interior trim of Vy-
nil trim, Lease Newville Alter- |
nator 50 AMP system, heavy |
duty battery. i
tion tp the
Be gr perf Sa
RAT 0 ye PI a -
w FLAN wr

Mount Joy Project Near
Certainty; Site 3 Chosen
Virtual assurance of a sewer system for Mount
Joy came Tuesday night at a joint meeting of the!
Borough Authority and Borough Council.
although ciel) club Was chatter | 11 through March 17. Sunday,| pong project. Registration Was Ronald E. Hawthorne, Emily| While many details yet remain before contracts
ed into Rotary International at March 11, the trooos will attend completed at the school Mon-! Nisslev. assessors. and. Yulia .
different times these clubs re-| the morning worship service at 4... with 490 students register-! Loswen tax collector. can be awarded and construction actually started,
ceived their charges on the | the local Presbyterian Church, jn, and 270, Hatfield. | her Hatfield candidates Oly the unforeseen can prevent the borough from
same evening, February 18th, A 1 10:30 am. The week will bel yyijjam Arnold, Jr, Jack|,.. petty McKain and Gary realizing the long-needed sewers
1926 at Lancaster. Since that JOSEPH A. ABEY DAVID PERRY | climaxed by an and Gerald Becker are| poy Carol Cin- : :
time this event has been cele- Be | day at the Little Chiques Park) ., for mayor on the I Fackl oN Yeo Site 3 (located on the Amos Nolt farm about
1 Bie . cf 4 er, Lynn Fackler an elson|
brated once cach year with the from 10 to 4 Saturday, Mar. 17. party and Sue Fellen-| polo three quarters of a mile down Longenecker road
» s alternati as st club. | The -of-Doors ay > :
clubs alternating as host oh, | I'he Out of-Doors day will| baum and James Staley for the .. ii. Gloria Leakway, Esth- from the V.F.W. property) was selected. Decision
The Mount Joy and Lititz clubs our 100acco reatmen | open with a flag ceremony. Un-| Hatfields. Other McCoy candi-| er NM. Wolzemuth Thomas . th
were sponsored by the Lancast- its of lashing, fire building,| gates are Fay Buckwalter, DE EE A bon sw ety, | WO reached on the basis of: a. bids submitted for
er and the Elizabethtown | : First Aid and trail blazing will] Richard Mark, Peggy Wolge-| school. directors; Hare. Frey location at the site, and, b. careful consideration of
> 7 » Columbia Rotary be set up for the girls during >
club by the. Colum pemonstrations Ychedule e set up for the girls during myth, Edith Raber and George wijjjiam Earhart and Patricia, cost differentials as related to all of the proposed
club. There were six members the morning. In the afternoon! councilmen; Scott Car-| | Funk, tax collector; Raymond | i
> 8 sorings C / rmediate Sc o i re oh | sites.
of the Sa roo The last two years, tobacco at a time. The control of tobac- He py vr be! panter, Jack Beaston, Arthur] Langan and Owen Haines, as-| | i Cc
rere str nie ( 3 of ali i : : 5 re y fi : 3
were instrumental in orming | of quality was, picked up ‘rst co diseases lies in clean sced BEE BUC | sessor | | RM. Luff Construction Ca,
the three hen clubs a Do | at better prices, than the poor and clean plants, rather than ro > spy Rs Sy - | S h | B d i ‘+ The McCoy Party Platform | Willow Grove, and Vanguard
se Sid » member, Dr. At Ha mw dae fix |p . ave : av period. a ay | j
Se DN "i i re quality. To grow better quality, field spraying. Rabe / p yr ri Se oe a | C 00 oar | includes such points as working T S i | Construction Co. New York
war itmer, as strict] ee : : w close with a Scout's Own|
owa : ; you need a good supply of ne for longer lunch period, striv- 0 S em | City. low bidders at last week’s
Governor and a member of the| a . 3 program City, w
(ee D0 YC) strong vigorous, healthy plants ° ing for more school activities in 5 ore. asked tact
Lancaster Club is still active in| 5 set in the field at planting omm tees Girls are asked to bring 0 4 te: Dott hool meeting, were asked to proj
otary. Dr. Witmer will be aj .. TIAA Tee 4 their soln. Iinehes. er 40 promore be er schoo wis? olives Site 3
wotar) time. Wildfire is one of the their nosebag lunches, a knife, spirit; constructing a more var their figures to cover ite .
guest at this affair. | cat nike lahore | sticks, 12-inch piece of rope, | 2 LN he = ; - 3 oO
The speaker for the occasion | To Hoan “ Named For PTA and any old broom or i ew assroom fled and professional. asse mbiy| With. the completion of the Lug Ca. came oo
2 Stier ; a tacking tobacco both in the! I " program schedule; striving for’ {welve-inch water line across With a low bid of $319,401, and
ri > avi ITY, an Attor- sds: i fie | 1andles. | . itiong lass ) it v Anas fs : “ .
a ol iy Mr Per beds 50d 11 the fed, | Kitty's Dress Shop will fea ly A HA ona a more field trips for educational the Lumber Street Railroad Vanguard Construction Co. bid
ney-at-Law. Among vw is diconso. ot > itv vol- y ’S§ x *a- pe used for the 1956-07 s "DOSES: rorking for > in. Sees TA op :
rv’s notable achievements to id Bh gi | At Donegal ture a display for the week.| year of the Mount Joy De Forking Jor His ~ bridge Mend, the major nr was $338.680.
i ; ) ( : € ls : , | | Ste ‘ § + water system x
o » ras represe | The show window of the store! apy Se i ras cided at i a provement to the Ww . | the $319401 figure were
the public was representing! seed bed management and good, Officers were installed at the Be VI 4 Dr om eft Lary School it was decided a halls and cafeteria; striving for| ape finished. Repairs and im-| To the 0 Bure
Blair County in the House of} 1p) practices. Are you in- March meeting of the Donegal eature | ie S| the March meeting of the bore ng preference to Safety Patrol provements to the water system added extra costs for going to
‘ Ry te op ii terested in growing a clean PT. A. last! Thursday evening y ne a, Girly ough school board. The room mampers in the cafeteria lines: were (he original purpose in| Site 3. and then were subtract
rne nr : ou bis cout a and a background > rer ~ whic ras! « Se oie
a Oy am y el crop of quality tobacco this in the school. The Rev. Howard w a g | in the owes Boot w High a support any measures that will! forming: the Borough Authority.| ed savings that would be reals
eral, inet secretary to >| coming var? The f ri a Mori ne 4pb! | formerly used as 1e irlS| paduce wastef eo tam : Car al gin
famine, dimes . Dutt coming year The following Bernhard, Florin, was installed Since special activities were] a room will be. changed| reduce a al hse of tax During the water improve-| jzed by going to Site 3, To this
. yractic2s are suggested: | as eside , . : at » “| Aressing ! wile { money in the school; encourag nts » ' S \
and a member of the Liquor ans . Sa | i Sag % iy ol set up for each day of the spec-| jnto a classroom for an addi- 4. purchase # os WE msnty; the plans of | figure then were added bids for
Control Board until 1955 when I Clean and Tred tobaces BL Je , ke: oy 9 1 an ial week, some of the troops of| tional fifth grade. This year| that overcrowdlie will BE is begun laying sewer lines.
he returned to private practice. seed before planting Dine, 5 presley 'l the neighborhood are following thére is one fifth, one sixth and ni ated ¢ i om ste a student The major improvements 10 Grand totals as projected on
Mr. Perry is a very forceful 2. Treat puuglin and svedbed, Mrs, Elaine East Dox the celebration ideas. Monday, gone fifth and sixth grade com 1 has Rp 2 Student 41,0 borough water system in- this basis are: Site 1 (VFW
ER nite boards with formaldehyde solu-| egal Twp. secretary; and Carl ov IR Terao | day in the school on which the 4.4 the placement of a property 1 ST
and humerous sneaker and he| . : fia . : PTE Homemaking Day, girls are, pination. odors would have complete : I property) $1,219,741,21;
has as his topic, “Gov tion before planting. Krall, Mount Joy treasure Le making portions of dinner in With tl ddition of the ath | i fo on a pie inch water main which runs Site 3, $1,233,501.61. It was
¢ 1'S . con se | ) Laws were a's accepte isn : are ith the aaditio ne | oper the sc . AL 1 . . . wav :
ernment, Politics and You” 2 Steriliee seedbeds 4 By firs Wg ed ip their homes: Tuesday, Citizen- grade, there will be two home-| i is oe 0 from the former Jamesway then pointed out that this $186,-
Also attending this event T Use bk desu spray or Bl the, Meeting he A In 1 ship Day, girls are secking the bom for each grade in the lo- Tucluded In’ the Hatfield Par. building to the Donegal High 900 differential in all probabil
will be. Mr. Joseph Abev, Di- drench on bed after seeding By Laws were plans to ee number of new citizens in the ; yy Sortie wel y Platform are such pointers gchool to the standpipe on itv would be wiped out in satis
x MI. JOE y, hafore coveri | four times ing » year > . ca sc £ § ‘ as having 4 site ily i Hee. 2
rector of Rotary International. 9 Tore Jovering : : | tou Supine hg community; Wednesday, Health being received for the position as Sng Students Sis, ssed Lumber and David Streets. EX-| fying damage claims that might
Mr. Abey a Director of Rotary 5. Water plants. in moming; fies Thursday OL “| and Safety Day; Thursday, In-| .“ffth grade teacher for the at 2 p. m.; have special park-| tra eight-inch mains were plac- pe expected in the selection of
ee Sewn a mY! on sunny days | cember, February and April ational Noite hiv Tyas of on fifth grade teacher fo ©! ing spaces for car drivers; im-' oq in the borough with a ma- Gite
Internationzl for 1954-56 is al- The En : Se ternational Friendship =" Dayvii ww yn M- ed in the b gh Site 1
so a member of the Executive 6. Use a regular seedbed| The group also decided ihat the Friday, Arts and Crafts Day; TT) oe i apreed-on the us prove the service in the cafe- jor line laid on North Barbara Engineer Joseph Michaels re-
80 a n C 4) YAY. OF : A SOT licers S Serve 1 + board agreed o e i. a etal Co Se ie ie b
Committee of R.:1. for 1055-56 spray or dust program to con- present officers _should and Sardi, Out. ot. Doors 0 Le i a teria; allow th ne wspaper staff Street: a new standpipe was ported that options already
and a member of the Districting trol disease and insects while until april of 1957 Badr Day. One Florin troop is mak- of VO to be ased this sum- one hour daily for a better and built on the corner of Lumber pays been secured on the Nolt
Committee tor. 1933-58 Mr | plants are growing. Comitien fro 5 ijrhen ing special containers in con- mer for supervised play The all around different school’ and David Streets; and new prop-rty Mr. Michels stated
Abey is a member of the Read-| 7. Spray or dust plants with were named by Fres ernhar junction with the arts ,and it ton of 2 Celotos ceiling newspaper: establish a student pumps and motors were instal- a1s0 that all possible objectors
; pulling to control Charles Bauserman and Mrs completic i 3 >| court to help students in troub-| led at the water plant. In addi- to location of the plant at Site
“circle” 12-inch 3 had been canvassed and that
recreation within the school. main, a 12-inch pipe was plac- no opposition had been given.
The party sets up a three-point ed to the New Standard Corp Among the advantages cited
| program for the area. The on Pinkerton Road from the phy the engineer for the Nolt
| members would promote recre- standpipe. | proper ty are absolute freedom
ation within the various com- With the exception of a few| from any danger of flooding,
munities: construct a drag-' minor changes and repairs, thei more room for expansion
borough water system improve-| (there is available five to sev-
ments have been completed it]
| en acres), the fact that options
was announced by S., H. Miller, | already have been secured, the
| Authority President, | possibility of serving a far
greater area to the south.
Exact procedure for amortiz-
ing costs of the project will be
determined after conferences
with the fiscal agents. Authori-
Council members, how-
discussed at length the
arriving at the most
ass ssment,
wselvos to go
just as far as the fiscal agents
will permit in easing the load
{ to the property owner.
: ever
A. D. Seiler,
president of the
to the
means for
school board, men
plot of
eavitable basis of
about the ground on and nledeed th
which the original elementary
school stood. Since the school
was removed. the ground has
R. M. Luff stressed the ims-
been unused. Mr. Seiler asked :
BPR HHUA portance of acting as quickly as
Council if they would accept possible so that critical mate
the ground from the school! Te
board upon completion of the] Jobs Wii be
transactions. Council agreed to| treatment plant. by the end of
accept the grounds which will | this year if the contracts ca
be used for a public function. tbe swarded soon. Mr. Laff hos
Benjamin Chase of the Buch-| suporvised the construction of
ar: Engineering Corporation] 37 sewage and water plants in
explained governmental loans Pernsylvania. in. the st
ennsylvani: 2 ast sey-
for preliminary and regular p sey
: : / eral years.
planning of public projects
In other business the Author-
which are free of interest. He .
itv went on record as not per-
said that the national govern- mitting the: installat ¢
. s . £ ne 3 ation o
ment will have forty-eight mil- Water: Pains Inder is
. 4 vater ains unde S13
lion dollars sot aside for this X Inches
Ee . in diameter
fund within the next few years. _
A deed was accepted for land,
on which an extension of
Springville Read will be built. 10 Report New Families
Wilbur H. Hornafius presented, Who Are to be Visited
the deed to borough council.|
Call MJ-3-9763
The extension to the borough!

(Turn to page 8) !