The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 01, 1956, Image 7

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2 miles
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9:00 a.m. Bible School :
Church News! 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship.
Theme: “How did you receive
the Spirit”.
NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL > 2: i pa, Evening Worshib.
THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOy becker Jr, son o
AND THE ENTIRE and Mrs. John Becker, of Bec
SUR- ker Farms, will speak on his

work at Lybrook Indian Mis
Fin Cuba, New Mexico.
i | Wednesday
Trinity Evangelical | Prayer service in the church.
Congregational Church
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor IR. ¥: Daughiy in Charge
id D 1 Presbytertan Church
9:15 am. Sunday School - | onegal tresbyierlan Chu
"0:20 am. Worship - Theme, | Mount Joy R. D. 1, Penna.
Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor
9:30 am, Church School.
“The Prince of Peace”
7:30 p.m. Union Evangelistic
Service at St. Mark's E.U.B. ; ;
Church - Speaker, Rev. K. R. 's 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship.
Maurer, Myerstown, Pa. Sermon: “God's Highway thru
the Sea.”
First Presbyterian Church
Tuesday thru Thursday,
7:30 p.m. Lenten Services. i
Speakers in the following or-|

der: Mount Joy, Penna.
Rev S. D. Thompson, Millers- | Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor
ville, : | Sunday
tony B. 5 Wilson, Myers. . | 9:30 a. 'Churel School
. | .m. .
Moan J. E. Echart, Reich E.C. | lovin p.m. Westminster Fel-
hurch. | Bh .
Rev. K. M. Weaver, Kinder-| 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Hour.
hook, E.C. Church.
Mt. Pleasant
Brethren In Christ Church

Newtown E. U. B. Church |
8 Rev, John Ferich, Pastor | Pastors: Sl Jeigemuh,
9:00 a. m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Worship Service.
49:00 am. Sunday School
Ri :00 am. Morning Worship,
7:30 p.m. We will attend the | Wednesday
' Students Named
‘For County Chorus
‘And Orchestra
Eight students from
Cubs Are Guests CONTEST
At F lorin Lion for any worthy cause
Club Dinner
And, too, this newspaper won|
to the same degree by having |
more fully paid in advance cir-
culation coverage in its field-
the only kind of circulation
advertisers in all matters = per-
taining to civil betterment and] Darlene Gerlitzski
group were the Cubs of Pack!
der led the group singing and
Sally Hollinger accompanied
on the piano. The Rev. Lester
Koder offered the invocation
and also spoke to the group on
“Youth in Our Community”
To these new readers, and
old ones as ‘well whose interest
and patronage made this sub-!
| scription drive the tremendous
success it proved to be, we are
Halbleib and Richard Bowers
bass. James Zwally will be We,
Six students from the school |
will participate in the Western

| committee, Rev. Koder challen-!
| ged the Lions to be thinking of °F More years we shall strive Douglas Fish, first
to merit that trust and serve| Loretta Hornafius,
you to the best of our ability| net; Joanne Bixer second oboe;
on behalf of the newspaper and Jacob Zeller. second trom-
staff we extend our most sin-| hone. Powell Middleton of West
Service March 11-18
Revival services will the youth continually, not just
Mar. 11 and continue through|once a year,
the 18th in the Mount Joy Rev. Koser said,
Church of God. C. F. Helwig is| girls are the finest
“Boys and
assets in

: cere thanks. ‘hester wi \ y con-
| pastor. { America. Neglected youth caus-! Contest judg ho sbi Chester will be the guest con
inn! es tragedy and tragedy strikes THES) i who. (apuial./ :
| Rev. 'Wm. Longenecker will y gedy ed the final votes last Satur-| The students will arrive at
be the Evangelist. David Weid- | when parents neglect the chil-

ednesday Revival Service begins at] ay include srger, | the isville sc :
7:00 p.m. Christian Endeavor |Mastersonville, | man will be song leader. The dren. It is more important to day included Elam Bomberger, | the Landisville school at 8 a.m.
#7:30 p.m. Prayermeetng. a Choir and other: groups will | give emotionally security rath- Samuel Balsbaugh, James B.| and will rehearse the entire
| = | Choir ilies “ ay for the concert i » ave
eo ae | Mount Joy Mennonite Church bring special music. Services| er than financial support. Watch| | ete: Robert C. Hurst and | J for the concert in the eve-
Tus Puen of ood Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, | wij) pe held each night at 7:30| them 24 hours per day and) Wa¥- ig.
Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor Henry Garber, Henry Frank | L 1et them know of the big space| ff ots promt ——
Sunday Pastors The Rev. Mr, ongenec in your heart for'them. Watch, PRESENTS PROGRAM When in need of Printing. (any-
9:30 a.m. Sunday School | Sunday will preach on the following] | Choral Soil
John Weidman, Supt. | 9:00 am. Sunday School. | themes: “So. We Need a Revi- | them all the time.” Messian ollege horal So: thing) kindly remember the Bulletin
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. | 10:00 a.m. Sermon | val” “Behold the Man”. “God’s| - Cubmaster Lioyd Cooke ciety Presents a program of sac-|
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and
| Prayer Meeting.
Revival ‘Services at the E.U.B.|
7:00 p.m. Sunday School
Board Meant
.m. Church Council
West Green Tree
Church of the Brethren
Abram N. Eshelman, Elder

Mtn |S
4 Revival Services Degin Sun-| 8:45 am. Sunday School at
Vin v} 1
A : em 3 an he Rev. Rheems ‘and Green Tree.
Lic 4 18 I as > - S
angelist. The Senior Choir will | Morning at Green Tree.
sing special numbers each nite.
David Weidman will lead the | Calvary Bible Church
Evangelistic Singing. Sey. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor
| 9:15 am. Sunday Bible
Glossbrenner Evangelical | School.
United Brethren Church
Rev. Charles Wolf, Pastor
Friday, Mar. 2
7:00 p.m. Pastor's Adult In-
| Classes for all ages.
10:30 am. Morning Worship
Sermon by the Pastor,
“Lights in a Dark World”.
7:00 pm.
Fe 1lowship,

r’s Youth In- qs: . Evening Service -
Message by the Pastor:
ving Water”
7:30 pm. Women’s Work
Group at Marion & Ruth's.

Sundav School
Rally Day
. Divine Worship.

6:30 p.m. Junior Mission Wednesday
Ba 1d. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer
Youth Fellowship. Service
7:18 Evening Bible Thursday y
Study 6:30 p.m. Youth Night at the
Wednesday church.
7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. {Friday
8:30 p.m. Sunday School | 7:45 p.m. Monthly Board
Council. |[Mesting in the Pastor’s Study.
Thursday —
PIT, Cherub Choir Re- Crossroads Bremen In Christ
7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re- | Paul Z. Hess, Brel, Brubaker
hearsal. Pastors
6:30 p.m. Men's horus Re- |sunday
| 9:15 am. Sunday School
{ Glenn Hostetter, Supt.
10:30 a.m. Worship. Message
by Rev. Paul -Z. Hess.
| Wednesday
7:30 p.m.
St. Mark’s Evangelical United
Brethren Church
C. E. Ulrich, Pastor
Union Evangelistic Services |
each night at 7:30.
Prayer Meeting.

Friday - “Lord is It I?” Zion Lutheran Church
Saturday - “Backstage” { Landisville, Pa.
Rev. Robert O. Hess, Evang. [Sunday
Sunday | 8:15 & 10:45 Morning Wor-
8:30 o.m. Prayer Service ship, until after Easter.
9:00 a.m. Decision Day.
10:15 a.m. “What is Your
Life?” Rev. Hess.
6:00 p.m. YF Executive
7:30 p.m. Closing Union Ey-!
angelistic Service. Sermon by
Landisville Church of God
E. Thomas Tillett, Pastor
Paul S. Baker, Gen. Supt.
9:15 am. Church School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship |
6:30 p.m. Youth Groups
7:30 p.n. Evangelistic Ser-
Dean K. R. Maurer, School of vice.
Theology. Myerstown. | Wednesday
Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting.
7:30 p.m. Prayer service and
Bible Study. Church of the Brethren
Florin, Pa.
| Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder
| Samuel T. Becker, Supt.
9:00 a.m. Bible School.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev, W. L. Koder, Pastor
Sunday |
9:30 a.m. Sunday School | 10:00 am. Worship Service.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.| 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship |
6:00 p.m. Junior Catechetical | Wednesday

Class. 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service.
Wednesday { rem
7:30 p.m. Mid-Week Lenten | The Washington Street
Service. | Church Of The Brethren
Thursday Elizabethtown, Pa.
7:00 p.m. Catechetical Class! Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor
| Sunday
9:30 a.m. Church School
[Adult study theme, “Jesus Fac-
in the Parish House.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
les The City.”
Mount Joy, Pa. 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship,
The Rev. Emmert M. Moyer Sermon, “When A Man Comes
"The third Sunday {To Himself”, by Pastor Zuck.
in Lent. | 7:30 p.n. Evening Worship;
Sunday, March 4th Corbiraic Prayer Clinic continues, with a
c 7:30 am. Men's Corporate |message on “When We Have
|Prayed”, by The Pastor.
8:00 a.m. Breakfast and

Meng of the Men's Club. | Methodist Church
Classes for all ates. = : | George K. Ludwig, Pastor
11:00 a. m. Holy Communioh | Meg Day Minnich, Organist
and Sermon. Sermon topic: al : .
“ IScopaliane : 9:30 a.m. Sunday School.
why Episcopalians Worship | 5 era Peasy, oS.
) ; Supt.
7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer, 10:30 :
Sermon by the Rev. Paul R. Wedne Pov
Long of Marietta. adies Class Meet
8:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour l. 8:00 p.m. Ladies Class Meet-
and motion picture, ng.
Shi foros: of | Thursday
Pisces of Silver”, 7:30 Men's Meeting at 7:30
3 Tan « (Bm. at the Church. Mr. Charles
%:30,.9 aan. Holy Com IM. Pike of ‘Coatesville will be
7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer the guest speaker.
Sermon by the Rev. Canor He-
ber W. Becker, of St. John's
Church, Lancaster.
Worship Service.

Mt. Joy Methodist Church
| George K. Ludwig, Pastor
| Miss Esther Walters, Organist
| Sunday
Church of the Brethren
8:3C a.m. Worship Service.
Falmouth Pike
Rev. James Daughty, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School.
Sunday . 6:15 p.m. Youth Fellowship. *
Pre-Service Prayer
/| The picture tells the story of
Made thanked the Lions for the ev-
“How!|-ent and for sponsoring Scout-
ling in Florin. He introduded
Judgment” “Salvation
| Plain”, “Coming Again”,
Can I Have Faith”, “The Soul's
red music, at the Conoy Breth-
ren in Christ Church, on the
Bainbridge Road, three miles
irom Elizabethtown on March

In : na’ z “ his “staff, Earl Rhoads, first as- ¥
| Renaissance”, and “How You his Staff, 5 he a a Rest as-"4, ‘1936 at 7 o'clock P. M. Em BIG (HM) FIELD
| Can Get Rich Quick”. sistant Cubmaster; Earl Brighi rson Fry.’ director
i MY Sl bill, second assistan Alvin] Sire. Dry Corn Cobs, for steer feed
{ 8 . Koser, secretary-treasurer; Mi
| Lenten Services Earl Rhoades, Den Mother; K [ IEG~- or ground for Litter.
i. Luke's Church Richard Heisey, Den Father: &®
At S 1 of | Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Koser, Den 2 ~ J. A. KEENER
{ The Rev. Pau joi | Mother and Father; and Mr. EAST MAIN STREET
| St. John’s Sl % cy and Mrs, Charles Hill, Den MOUNT JOY
| Marietta, 1 Le er Su Mother and Father. The Lion | PHONE 3-5359
| preacher a ie ou or] Cub committee consisting of 8-1c
| Sunday evening, ar, 4, 8 Ralph Oberholtzer, Reuben :
| vice beginning at 7 p. m. Dur-|
| ing the fellowship hour follow-|
ing the evening service a mo-
| tion picture will be shown en-
| titled “Thirty Pieces of Silver”
Goodling and Benjamin Staley,
was also introductd.
The three presented
skits; a dramatization,
rop2 trick and health skit. As a
{ finale, the Cubs formed a circle
and gave a grand “howl” {to
the Lion Club president, John
how Judas bargains with the
chief priests for thirty pieces of

silver to point out Jesus to 4 .
ess. Mr. Goodling presented 1 §
| ne mn, Seo the Den Mothers with their cer- £99 30 5 Chev. Vy. 84- Door
{ The public is invited to these (jfcates. S d
. Vo
| services. The ~ entertainment for tht edan

evening was supplied by the
Trinity Church 1954 Pontiac 4-Door
€SS was
Luft Studios of Wernersville, a
Radio & Healer, Hyd.
[Dons Lenten | charge of the meeting.
| marionette show. Mr.
Series March 6-9 1953 Ford V-8 2-Door
Trinity Evangelical Congre-| Calvary Fellowship Radio 3 fisater
| gational Church will follow up Dinner Marrh 1 ‘1952 Olds 98 4-dr Sedan
1gelistic Services|
| the Union Evangel The Men's dinner meeting of
| conducted all this week at St.| |
> I 11 be
| Mark's E. U. B. Church ith 10° Calvary Fe flows ip will be 1952 Chev. Club Coupe
eld at Hostetter Banquet Hall, Powerglide, R & H
| Thursday, Mar
1951 Chev. 4-dr. Sedan
| Lenten services at the local |}
. The U. S. direc-
Glide, R & H


Mount Joy, on
(1 at 6:30 p. m
{tor of HCJB, the Rev.
Clark, and Bill and Bob
wiler and their
er mother will 1950 Studebaker 4- &r. |
| church, Tuesday thru Friday,
| March 6-9. The Pastor, Rev. Q.| DS
| A. Deck, announces the follow-| Det.. Power
ing schdule of speakers:
Tuesday, Rev. S. D. Thomp-|
son, Millersville, Pa.
333s =H
Donegal |
| High School will participate in|
on -l > 3 treo x | > TAN 3 yn us t
Seventy-five persons attend that really counts — thus en- | the Western County chorus 0
ed the Father-Son Daughter ... i a Ibe held at Hempfield High
: ions Clubl abling us to render even great- Sel Shiurday March 3. 8
night of the Florin Lions Ub| services to both readers and| S¢ 100, § aturday, a 5 5
Monday. Special guests of the] p. m. They are Audrey Musser, |}
and Miriam |
ir lee 5 arbara |
62 and their leaders. the upbuilding of this vast fer- | Roland, sopranos | Barbaral
During the program Jay Sny-| {ia area. Thome and Dixie Bair, altos; |
Fred Bernhard, tenor; Asher
a ah 4
vo ww wills BB oni on wpm
_THE BULLETIN, ‘Mount Joy. Pa Thursday, March 1

and life loses its lustre, you'll find an unfailing
Friend in our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Your discovery
of Him will mean the dawn of @ new life for you.
Visit our church this Sunday.
""He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have
the light of life." John 8:12

9:15 Sunday Bible School
10:30 Morning Worship - “Lights in a Dark World”
7:00 Pre-Service Prayer Fellowship
7:30 Evening Service - “Living Water”
Wednesday - 7:30 Midweek Prayer Service.
Calvary Bible Church
Rev. W. L. Wilson, Jr., Pastor
“Holding forth the word of life”

eer attire

Church of God Introduced by Clarence Hollin- | indeed greatful and indebted. | County orchestra. They are
: i . | For the trust implied by ad-| Gary Zeler. snare drum: Ron-
| ger, chairman of the program : ful ary Zeler, snare drum; Ron-|
Plans Revival pres vancing your subscription one ald Hawthorne, bass drum;
clarinet; |
second clari-|

Sissies is:

Way's Appliances
PHONE 3-3622


SIZE 32 30

v : Dinner reservations can be : :
Wednesday, Rev. R. S. Wil- trom J. Herbert Bru- Champion Sheer 60 gauge, 15 denier DELICIOUS
| son, Myerstown, Pa. poker of Mt. Jov. Radio. .Henter, OD. nylon from top to toe
| i ry J. 3 ee see rns ff cad . Full fashioned with rein- LASSIE SHORTBREAD
| Bes sic s E. C. Church, May-/ | MARRIAGE LICENSES 1952 Ford V-8 34-ton forced. heels and: Hoes: /
aa Vernon B. Shenk, Manheim : "ig i no
| Friday, Rev. K. M. Weaver, Ag Mtv E. Col 2 double tops. All the new COOKIES
| Kinderhook, E. C. Church, of nT ALY Pick- -up | fall shades that will look
| Columbia, Pa. 8 bv io ; ice with v * autumn i
Earl Eugene Shenk, Eliza- 50 nice with your a fi
| The public is invited to at-! r Hite i
z tfits. 9 to 10's. :
| tend these inspirational ser- | bethtown Ri, and Darlene Loy- 1949 Chrysler Windso nih 0 4 Cc Ib 2[45¢
Boa Hershey, Manheim R4. Radio and Heater sare
| vices. uw
| im ff it mt Smith, Manheim, ;
| and Eliza Jane Flory, Mount
gine aCe. oF he Meth-/| J. Richard Baker Nauman, of os EG Se ines KEEP A SUPPLY ON HAND SPECIAL
wi old a rum- vie -482 pen Eve
| | Manheim R4, and Joan Pyle Phone
mage sale April 13 from 9 a.m. Ge nt, _Elizabetiriown. MOUNT JOY. PA. EXTENSION CORD SETS Work
{| to 9 p.m. in the social room of| : : Handkerchiefs
the church. or bl b
i or blue andana
9 foot 3 7
| King's Daughters

each hankies in 17V/;-
inch size.

‘Bible Class Meets

| "The Kings Daughters Bible MANUFACTURERS
| class of the Church of God S.S. CLOSE . OUT
met at the home of Mrs. Ray-
mond Cover, Market Street on|
Thursday evening, Feb. 23 with| Assorted
10 members present after a
short business session the meet- Toiletries
| ing was closed with sentence :
| prayers with the following 1 19
1 C
members of the class: | an) Y 1 Nice Clean Automobiles
Mrs. Helwig, Mrs. Lillie Sau-| |B Some Rea! iV ia ib Bliss Tox

Women's Sizes 32 to 38
A wonderful
cool summer blouses at an
assortment of
unbelievably low price!
There are cotton broad-
effect fabrics in many, many
colors, trims and styles!
picolays, and linen


ders, Mrs. Kate Barnhart, Mrs. 8 1953 CHEV. 2 DOOR | 1852 FORD 2-DOOCR
Christ Charles, Mrs. Blanche 14,000 Miles (8 cyl.
¢ $ 5. Eli tlzer, Mrs B tiful Assortment
BE A Ee 1953 FORD 2DOOR 1950 DESOTO 4DOOR Salil Sesame
2 ten to Fordomatic
Mrs. Ellen Lindemuth, Miss FL TED
Wilma Eaton and Mrs. Ray Co- | 1953 FORD 2-DOOR TRUCKS u
, hostess. 6 cyl. '
Se 1952 FORD Sona 1950 CHEVROLET Boudoir Shades
Wednesday .
7:30 p.m. Mid-Week Lenten 8 cyl 1 TON PLATFORM
Service. Choir rehearsal follow- [fi : | 47 -
ing the Service. | fed? FW. 0. 3 :
8:00 p.m. Hi-Gen Class ®
Meeting at the Fackler’s.
LES SERVICE Open Fri.-Sat.
A NE Nl Nid PB S A wo 2 is ts
FINE PRINTING § |# Night Till

Cat (his pewspapen shop,

14-16 W. MAIN ST