— IN — THE BULLETIN “tverybody Wins COPYRIGHT — LINER SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST DETAILS OF THE FINAL COUNT In order to maintain the strictest secrecy as to the number of votes and subscriptions turned in by each individual contestant during this — the final week of the big “Everybody Wins” prize subscription contest — the race will be brought to an end with a sealed ballot box, which prevents any possibility of favoritism and insures fairness to the minutest degree. pe Monday morning February 20th, the sealed ballot box was placed in the vaults of The First National Bank & Trust Co., of Mount Joy, after which time and at this place, contestants themselves will place their final collections and accumulated “Reserve Votes” in special envelopes provided for this purpose. IMPORTANT NOTICE: All subscriptions placed in sealed ballot box must be accompanied by full amount to cover in th> form of cash. However, personal checks or money orders not to exceed $10.00 will be accepted and votes issued thereon in favor of individual contestants, provided no two checks or money orders are signed by same party. This ruling is made in fairness to all contestants and will be adhered to strictly. AN INVITATION TO CONTEST JUDGES Members of the Advisory Board, announced in the beginning of contest, are requested to be present at The First National Bank & Trust Co., Mount Joy office shortly before closing hour of contest — 11 o'clock Saturday, February 25th — for a few simple instructions before making final count and naming winners. At the strike of 11 o'clock, the contest judges will take charge of sealed box, the seal will be broken, and the contents counted and checked. There will be no waiting or unnecessary formalities, but simply a matter of adding any and all reserve votes and votes due on subscriptions contained in box to the last published vote figures. It will probably require about an hour's time to count findings in box and determine grand vote totals. Winners will be announced immediately by the judges and official vote count will be published in the next issue of The Mount Joy Bulletin. ADVISORY BOARD PERSONNEL FOLLOWS: ELAM BOMBERGER SAMUEL BALSBAUGH JAMES B. HEILIG ROBERT C. HURST JOHN WAY