The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 23, 1956, Image 1

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By Royce and Era Crow
Contest Editors
The climax comes this
urday at 11:00 o'clock
Six and one-half weeks of
hard work and anxious uncer-
tainty culminates in the closing
scene promptly at the stroke of
11:00 ‘this Saturday, Feb. 25th
at which time The Bulletin’s
farfamed automobile subscrip-
tion contest officially ends and
the most aggressive contestants
will claim the magnificent priz-
eos offered by this newspaper
headed by that beautiful Chev-
rolet valued at'$2.450.00.
For all of six weeks the
various contestants have been
busily engaged accumulating
their published total and build-
ing reserve votes for final
Participants in the sub-
schiption contest are requir-
ed to call in person at this |
office and verify our count
of their individual vote to-
tal to date with campaign
managers before these fig-
ures are turned over to of- |
ficial contest judges for final |
count — otherwise our fig-
ures, which have been care-
fully checked, shall be con-
sidered corrrect.
count. During this time the
contest has gained fame that is
widespread. It has been hailed
from the start as being the
most liberal, unique and al-
together attractive affair of its
kind ever inaugurated in this
| Mrs.
Subscription Contest Will End
Saturday; Prizes To Be Given
Blue And Gold Banquet
Held For Cub Scouts
One hundred
persons attended the Blue and
Gold banquet of the local Cub
Scouts Wednesday night in the
firehouse. Charlie Maizer, Lan-
caster, performed magic for the
Cubs and their parents. The
Donegal High School Bottlers
presented special music for the
Six Cubs advanced to
rank of Lion. They are Thomas
Meckley, Richard Nornhold
(plus one gold and 2 silver ar-
rows), Gary Holtzman (plus 1
gold and 2 silver arrows), Den-
nis Beamenderfer (plus 1 gold
arrow), David Allen, and Den-
nis Fackler (plus 1 gold and 1
arrow). Richard Sloan
received his Bear award and
George Walters received his
Bear gold arrow, Jackie Mar-
tin and Terry Kreider received
their wolf awards.
Den Mothers and assistants
who received their one-year
pins were Mrs. Myrtle Norn-
hold, Mrs. Dorothy Fontana,
Ruth Brandt, Mrs. Bruce
Brown and Mrs. Ralph Rice.
Cubmaster Ralph Rice was
presented with a gift in appre-
‘ ciation for his successful year’s
work by Bruce Brown, chair-
man of the Cub committee.
Six Cubs are scheduled to
leave the Packs to join the Boy
Scouts in April. They are Tom
Meckley, David Allen, Glenn
| Wittle, Wiliam Wealand and
With the race now in its fin-
al stage, contestants are all
tingle with hopes and ambi-
tions to win first honors, and
now the effort and diligence
shown by each during the past
few days will be crowned by
an avalanche of subscriptions
and accompanying votes that is
sure to bring thousands of fans
to their feet rooting excitingly
for their own particular favorite
Are YOU going to be the one
to finish triumphantly with an
overwhelming number of votes,
or are you going to be self-sa-
tisfied at this stage of the game
and see the efforts of these
many strenuous weeks go to
waste and the choicest awards
of this contest wrestled from
your grasp by some more en-
terprising competitor?
Throughout all history, peo-
ple possessing that faculty of
sensing opportunity when they
see it—and grasping it at the
right moment—seem to acquire
the best things in life while
those undecided and afraid,
stand back and talk about
what they might have done.
The saddest words of tongue
and pen, to quote a classic, are,
“it might have been.”
Determination to win, coup-
led with relentless activity dur-
ing the short remaining time,
can make any one of the vari-
ous leaders a major prize win-
ner, but to relax now is suicid-
al to success.
What is to be done MUST be
done NOW. He who hesitates is
lost. To temporize simply
means letting some rival forge
ahead and ride away in the car
that could have been yours.
The end is but a few hours
away but if you can trust your
own judgent as to your com-
petitors—based on facts and
observation—there is time yet
to stem the tide of defeat and
turn it into sweeping victory.
————————— ® ———
Van's Service Station, West
Main Street, is celebrating the
seventeenth anniversary of the
opening of the establishment.
Robert Vanderslice, owner, is
featuring a special sale |
The Physician On Call |
Dr. John Gates
i John Gates.
The ladies auxiliary of the
local Friendship Fire Company,
served the banquet. The next
Pack meeting will be held in
March. The theme of March will
be “Undersea.”
—— -— ® en
F. And M. Releases
Honored Lists
William F. Tyndall, North
Barbara Street, wgs named to
the Honors List of Franklin &
Marshall College. The Honors
List includes those students
whose averages range from 3.75
to 4, the perfect average.
Named to the Deans List
from Mount Joy were Peter
Nissley and Clair Wagner, both
of East Main Street. Other area
students on the dean’s list are
Nelson C. Denlinger, Manheim
R1 and Jay R. Charles, Landis-
ville. The Dean’s List includes
students who have attained av-
erages from 3 to 3.75. >
——— -@ —
Principal To Attend
NASP Convention
John Hart. assistant principal
of Donegal High, will attend
the National Association of Sec-
ondary Principals convention in
Chicago. Mr. Hart will leave
Friday with five other princip-
als of the county to attend the
convention and will return
home next Thursday. While at-
tending the convention, he will
have the privilege of choosing
informative sessions each day.
March 5, Mr. Hart will serve
on an evaluating committee at
Cumberland Valley Joint High
School near New Cumberland.
——— ®-
Called To Fire
In Marietta
Mount Joy Friendship Fire-
men and the Maytown Fire Co.
were called Wednesday night to
assist the Marietta Pioneer Fire
Company and the Marietta Air
Force Base fire department to
fight the fire of a home in
which resided Mrs. Vivian
Rowell and her son.
The fire of undetermined or-
igin swept through the one-
story home and with the high
winds burned to the ground.
Two dwellings nearby that
were threatened were saved by
| the fire companies.
| the
| er; and Den
Army Sgt. Albert Fachler, r
man a .30 caliber machine gun during a field training exercise in Berlin. The exercise was
recent Infantry Regiment's 2nd Battalion in
Sergeant Fachler, son of Mrs. Albert R Fachler,, 11 Hopewell St, Mount Joy, is a squad leader
in the company. Private Harman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reman G. Harman, Route 1, Stahlstown, |
the company
recently held by the 6th
is a machine gunner in
Lions To Present ‘Minstrels Of 56’
At Donegal High Friday and Saturday
Two Assistants
Hired For
Miss Joanne Dunnich and
Mrs. Marshall Gemberling were
elected as assistant playground
supervisors for the local play-
ground program this summer at
a meeting of the Youth Recrea-
tion committee recently. Miss
Dunnich, of Elizabethtown, is a
graduate of Lock Haven State
Teachers College and is a phy-
sical education director at Don-
egal High School. Mrs. Gember-
ling, of North Barbara St. is a
graduate of Lebanon Valley
College and was playground di
rector in Quarryville.
The to assist
were hired
two directors,
Gemberling and John Day
as previously announced,
two playgrounds will function
within the borough; one at the
borough park and the other on
the local elementary school
grounds. Each will have a di-
rector and an assistant director
The members also discussed
the proposed full-time
tion program for the
but no action was taken at the
meeting. Tuesday, Mar. 6, is the
next meeting of the group.
Charles Fish is chairman of the
committee which is a part of
the Social Welfare Association.
Victor Shank is president of
the association.
i a esi
There will be a Temperance
meeting at the Florin Church
of the Brethren Sunday even-
ing. Feb. 26, at 7:30 P. M. Mr
Weber, Representative of the
Penna. Temperance League,
will be the speaker. Everybody
is invited to attend.
ail 3
Florin Lions To
Entertain Cubs
Next Monday evening, the
Florin Lions Club will hold
Father, Son and Daughter Nite
at their meeting. Guests will
also include the Cub Scouts,
Cubmaster, Lloyde Cooks; as-
sistant Cubmaster, Earl Rhoad:
Alvin Kos-
Mrs. Al
vin Koser, Mrs. Earl
and Mrs. Charles Hill.
Entertainment for the occas-
jon will be furnished by the
Luft Studios, Wernersville, Pa.
which will be a marionette
Rally Day will be observed
in the Florin Glossbrenner E.
U. B. Church Sunday morning,
March 4. A goal of 500 has
been set for the Sunday School
service. The Rev. Charles Wolfe
| will be in charge.
The Mount Joy
Your Home Newspaper—Serving The Heart Of The Garden Spot
ight) of Mount Joy, Pa.
Free Bus Transportation
Is Made Available
strels of
High School Auditorium Friday
and Saturday, Feb. 24 and 25,
dress rehearsal com |
“Min |
the Joy
567 In
8:00 p.m.
Free bus transportation will
pe available for = those who
wish. The bus will leave from
Sloan's Pharmacy at 7:30 p.m.’
will also
pick up passengers at Tyndall's
Store and at the corner of Mar-
ietta Ave. and New Haven St.
The six end men, Grant Mil-
jer, Jay Barnhart, Clayton Au-
both evenings and
ment, Charles Ashenfelter,’
Freeman Naugel and Morrel
Shields plus the interlocutor,
w.1l appear;
Arthur Zerphey, Jr
first on the two-part
Also included in Part I will be
by the “Circle”; a solo
Miller; trombone . splo
by Mr. Barnhart; solo by So
uel S. Harnish; chair dance by
the circle and a ukelele solo by
Mr. Naugle
octetta consisting of
Brown 1II, John
Lloyd Myers, Ralph
Joseph Taylor, Robert Greiner, |
Charles Hershey and Mr. Har-|
nish. will sing. “Bottlers” of
the Donegal High School, Kay
Kauffman, Douglas Fish, Lor-|
by Mr
intermission, an
| eta Hornafius, Gary Zeller and
property committee and Mau-
rice Bailey is in charge of pub-
Harold Krall, Jr.
neth Newcomer
and Ken-
and Pvt.
Dedicated To A Better Community

- a R/
ns cp AARP, bp "
Mount Joy Church Sets Up Mass Care
Center For Civilian Defense Program
0. K. Snyder Jr.
More area residents Named Manager,
eo een 0 ue Batzel Assistant
| spring primary ballots. Herbert
| ‘More Petitions Are
Filed For Primaries
have fil
‘Honor Society
Induction Is
| Friday
Mount Joy’s Trinity Lutheran
| The induction service of the ¢ gmith, Maytown, committee- ‘
f . | Church hs set up Mass Care
| Donegal High School chapter, yan: George H. Raub, Mariet- ;
i . : Center in conjunction with the
i of the National Honor Society {; committeeman and Ruth .
Carl Harmon of Stanistown, | will be’ held in the school audi! veKai / RUHL Civilian Defense program it
wl 4 Fei ot. 230 McKain, Marietta, committee-| was announced this week.
the city’s Grunewald Forest. | tor nm, cl 24, 230 woman for the Lincoln School, [ast autumn, following the
{ p.m. Seniors to be inducted are House district of East Donegal flood disast 3 Pe Avani
Asher Halbleib, Louise Horn- CA Ww ge 00 1 igasier In b ney fy
(U. S. Army Photo) | ing, Julia Loewen, Beverly Township: Paul Hipple, West a call was given x : RT
i . . oy . RE Pe 0
x { Marley, Joyce Martin and Janfes Main St. committeeman and ie adquarte rs in sanca er o
i : ; 3 : the individual churches in the
| Pennell. Junior class inductees Wilma J. Dommel., Donegal
include Mary Ann Felty, Arlene gori county to attend a one-day
{nC UE nary y, Arlene gprings Road, commit‘eewom-| training course in Lancaster.
i Heisey, LeRoy Kaylor, James : J
i ; an; Charles A. Ricedorf, Mrs. Gwendollyn Zarfoss In-
| Shank and Barbara Thome. ! |
{ Present members of the so " Rheems, committeeman for, W.! structed the class; and mem-
| SE ers SO~ 4 a
} who Tie of the So egal Twp. all have dled for] METS who attended the.
ciety had been 1 D ti t : wore then qualified to instruct
o Mr q ror \ o ratic arty ri} 3 3
during i i junior year wi x mocratic party primary. | in their church and c>m-
participate in the program. Three have filed for the Re-| munity.
Lynne Fackler will play the or- Vivian| Mrs. Robert Hoffmaster, rep-
gan processional. The devot ons 4 os hd
and flag salute will be led by West Donegal Street,| resenting the Lutheran Chureh,
Marlene Mumper After the committeewoman; Curvin H.| attended the session. Following
l'singing of “America The Beau- Martin, Mount Joy RI, commit-| this: session, district’: Sessions
A cma : 3 aps ; wy .. | were held throughou he coun-
| tiful” by the audience, Miriam teeman for Springville District gh ! b oe wilh : . rch
i { ty. Six members o he chure
{ Roland will sing a solo. > € X je, chure
publican primary:
Fourth Graders
Present Special
A : | of East Donegal Township and, and two members of : the /B. P.
S h | A bi Miriam Roland, Lyne Pac Maude Buller, Florin, commit-| W. group attended the session
C 00 ssem y ler, Sampho Stephanis, arol teewoman, for Springville Dis-| in Elizabethtown.
| Ginder, Miriam Nell and Peggy ... { re
In observance of George : . | trict. IO. K. Snyder, Jr. was named
+ : | Wolfe will have charge of the i Nie
Washington's birthday, the | : : Additional petitions were manager of the Lutheran
I induction ceremony. Following a
fourth graders of the local el-| : o's "S fled at the county courthouse Church Mass Care Center at
“| the ceremony, Lynne will play | 7 an : se
ementary school under the di- | Monday. Ruth B. Newcomer, | the organizational meet'ng. Wil-
Maytown, filed for committee! liam Batzel was named assistant
an organ solo.
Irene Ibach, | ge
rection of Miss : :
presented a special assembly | Mervin W. Brandt, assistant woman of the Maytown district manager; Mrs. Bruce Brown
program Wednesday afternoon. | county superintendent of East Donegal Township; was named Feeding chief; Mrs.
Donna Corll was the ry schools, will give. the address Frances A. Liggins, Florin, Kenneth Shearer. lodging chef;
{of the afternoon. W. I. Beahm,! 4 ¢ committeewoman for the' Mrs. Robert Rosser, clothing
cer. Recitations were given by! _. : :
Yi ae gg 1 hin : ye ‘
principal of Donegal High, will , =~ J. of Mount Joy chief; Mrs. James Heilig, regis
Patty Alleman and Terry Zink. offer remarks. ‘The rogram
Characters in the play “A Night) DE Program and Donald Eichler, tration chief.
> will close with the recessional o, ; Jord
Florin, filed. for commitieeman At the next meeting Feb. 28,
in the White House” were Barry , 4 organist
| Etsell” Suzanne Knorr, Alvin] : for the lower district of Mount each chief will announce two
Collins, David Darrenkamp,| Following the . ceremony, a Joy Township. These were filed assistants. In that. mapner, the
| tea will be held in the home ec-
Donna Corll and Jane Mumma.| to run on the Democratic prim-. Mass Care Center could be op-
Dennis ‘Goodhart, Michael Gelt-! onomics room for members of apy. erated ‘on three-shift set-up
macher, Charles Zimmerman| society, parents, friends, Republicans who filed Mon- With one person in charge of
and Glenn Wittle gave an ex) 8nd teachers. Mrs, Margaret day were Kenneth A. Gainer! the divisions. A First Aid unit
ercise. j Coleman, wife of the vice prin-| .,.,mitteeman and Christine will also accompany the Center.
Frances Gerberich gave a re-| € Pal and elementary school committeewoman. for Mrs. Robert Hopple and Mrs.
citation which was followed by| teacher, and Mrs. Sadie Brooks, the east ward ‘of the borough; Hoffmaster will take charge of
a play “The George Washing-| School nurse, will preside at Lloyd R. Swarr, Mount Joy RI, this unit? :
ton © Mystery”. Characters of] the tea. for the Newtown According to the local group
this play were Martn Reese, | The receiving line will in- district of Rapho Twp. and Es- the purpose of the church cE
Jon Dillinger, Rebecca Walters, clude the faculty committee for tie M. Swarr, Mount Joy Rl, ters is to feed. cloth, and sleep
Frances Gerberich, Barry Bru-| the National Honor Society, committeewoman for the same persons who need help in time
| baker, Kathleen Billow, Delma Mrs. Margaret Burnight, Rag-' district. of both war disaster and d%o
Eltz, Christian Sherk and Jackie nar Hallgren, Mrs. Naomi Hou- mnt - atural disaster. (The recent
Wallice. Jeffrey Brown, Rich-| seal, Mrs. Betty Lutze, Miss . flood in the state showed an ox
ard Brown and Dennis Good-| Lily Martin, Mrs. Doris Muir, Girl Scout Cockies | ample of how church conftins
hart presented an exercise next and Miss Catharine Zeller, { can help in times of natural
and Darlene Minnich, Karen | chairman. Will Arrive Saturday | disasters.) The groups do not
Rice and Carol Stettler also| ree —¥ - : i ; | stock-pile anything "OE
gave an exercise. | Ambulance Takes Girl Scout covlcles will arrive| few signs mE aa
‘ 0 | in Mount Joy and Florin Sat- :
The Flag Lady was the : fo aT aie oe at the church. Although there
next play with Pamela Toppin,| Three Trips In Weeqg | if are a Rosia oh is a town set-up in Civilian De-
2 he delivery o :
| fense in the borough as well as
David Williams, Thomas Heisey| The local ambulance was

Judy Ni: . will play a med- oy ay okies Saturday and will con- .
1dy | ay 3 ec and Jere Geib as the partici-| called for three trips during ie oss > I = other boroughs, many of the
wy of = songs. as sh, | Depp aa » ¢ e ’S ; : :
— + Zele hl { Robert Reisch| pants. Patty Fisher gave a re-{ the past week. Mondey, Feb. 13 (ok. To date, there is one girl units are inactive
vary eller ane ober else i citation and the entire group| Wis. Paul Fitzieo. Henty: St. a ae: ¢ : is one o i :
will present a “jam session”| 46d the rota Withl wis luke jen1y ®t in the neighborhood who has
and the original skit written by PY cy . hy 2 or awe | Jas take 710. ithe St. Jos Ph old seventy boxes of cookies. Teen Age Dance
Lloyd Kline, Jr f Colur bia the singing of “Snow Is Like Hospital. Mrs. Joseph Germer gp troop has already met quo
a als at Jk The Frosting of a Cake” {was the accompanying nurse i, 1 Gi Is March 2
i e > als 3} ml Ra ” GWT. 3 . . i : tf
opam. Characters of “Weddin’ Snowman”, “Washington and| and drivers were John Myers The re-order si : i A Teen Age Dance will be
gram if q = Adm Lincoln” and the '‘Star Spang-| and Christ Charles. ne reorder sale will be held held in the es a re : :
Bell are Jeanne Gingrich.| 1.4 Banner”. The program was in March at which time persons in the local fire house on
Lloyd Derr, Charles Hershey, oe wil Te Dram Won Saturday, Feb. 18, Mrs. Ab- may order cookies from the Friday, March 2 8.t» 11 p. m.
and Henry Zerphey. | school: aad several | bie Darrenkamp, Columbia Av- girls The informal da:..ce will {eature
Mrs. Paul Gingrich will make] it over Daten 5 | nue, was taken to the St. Jos Cert | Doug Fish combo as music for
; a: Se fies Se Rl ph's spite ivers John . im - i the dancing. Refresl nts i
an appearance as Mammy" | a eph’s Hospital by driver g. Refreshments will
and Darryl Aument will be the NISSLYS HOME Myers and Ray Myers. Mrs. Dixie Bair Earns i be sold at the dance and admis-
DOV. ace ympanying her. Circle FROM WEST INDIES | Robert Hoffmaster was the “First Chair” i sion will be 50 cents.
men are George Brown HI,| r an ; Mrs H ‘Roy Nissly| nurse. The same day the two Miss Dixie Bair. | South Bar I'he affair is, being sponsored
Robert Greider, Joseph Taylor, returned last week "after spend- | drivers and Mrs. Hoffmaster ts my. a .. by ‘the auxiliary to the local
Arthur Sprecher, Lewis Bixler, ing a month’s vacation in Flor-| took Mrs. Sourhammer of West bar Street, gained “frst chair fire company : ie
John Wc idman "Charles Chun- ida, Cuba, Haiti and Dominican Main Street to the Pleasant In the _drst alo saxaphone dy
Cr ort ov alol Republic. They visited the| View Nursing Home. group at the Southern District HR
KO, 1aries ersney, aiph State Fair i : rai Lr at Orchestra Music Festival held PFC. RALPH MYERS
Allo Liovd Myers, St 1 Stat air in the Dominican, — - mak Ee
: eman, i oy VM is PA which covered 125 acres and is! Ch b last weekend. in Shippensburg. HOME FROM SERVICE
arnish, nry Ze y, - ie 4 oi, fe RB: reins a
Ror By 4 po Hoot the largest state fair in the amber of Commerce Dixie is a senior at Donegal _ Pie Ralph Myers, husband of
) ye andis, We! Western World, Plans Projects High School. Barbara Nolt. of Doris Linton Myers, Birchland
ard Sutter, and Maurice Bail-| | : . ? Ave.. and son of Mr. and Mrs
a | mre frre | Pr Hempfield High gained first C : : and . Virs.
ys aS i NEW SHOP OPENS i Plans were ‘made 10 Sponsor in the second alto saxa- harles Myers, Salunga, re-
_ Samu arnish a Morre Sentz’s Children Shop. offici- a Father and Sons banquet at pon. section. turned home Feb. 11 from Al-
Shields are co-chairman for the ally opens Friday, Feb. 24th | the regular meeting of the Mt. ei a | aska, after being discharged
event. Clyde Mumper, Robert The store owned by Mrs Rob-| Chamber of Commerce on DISTRICT GOVERNOR from the army at Fort Sheri-
Schroll, Alvin Bigler and Big- gortz will feature a com.| Monday night. The banquet is SPEAKS TO LIONS CLUB | dan, 111. Ralph enjoyed a delay:
I Muna arg ihe ticket ‘com. plete line of children’s clothes, tentatively planned for April. | Joseph Snook, Kutztown, dis- ed holiday celebration includ-
fmt ee members: Clyde Nissley, and accessories. The snop was| The directors decided to a- trict governor of Region 14-D ing a Christmas tree decora-
EW en Bu, Arthur Sprech- go. owned and operated gain sponsor an essay contest Lions Clubs, was the guest of tions, gifts and a turkey dinner.
tle oy q Deze and Aker Bo by Mrs. Clyde Mumber of Flor- among the seniors at Donegal the local Lions Tuesday Night
rinley are members O ne High School. Wilbur Beahm, at Hostetter’'s. Mr. Snook was
in. i
To Report New Families

{ chairman of the project, will introduced to the g
- group by Ar-
charge of the lighting; Girl! have charge of the subje i istri
| : 1 | > subject thur Greiner, deputy district 1c
| Scouts will act as ushers and choice for the essay. Prizes will governor. His ads to the Who Are to be Visited
Call MJ-3-9763
Jay Barnhart, Jr. will be pian-' be awarded for the best writ- group was “Man Makes The
N ls
ist. i ings. | | Difference”. |