The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 09, 1956, Image 7

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Vu na ang vn a AR ee LY eg BR a a ea es dap
WB pA a ag i Ra

tomar’ 7 Honor Roll Is
"ALA Plan Ham Card |
Party February 20 Announced At
| A ham card party will be] .
[ held at the post home of the | Donegal High
| local American Legion Monday |
[ night, Feb. 20, it was decided! Six senior high students were
at the Tuesday meeting of the! placed on the first honor roll
American Legion Auxiliary. | for receiving all “A's” “at the
Reports were given on the! High School for the
recent foodless food sale. The! .
{third report period. They are
{ committee expressed its appre- |
| ciation for all those who do-| lina Iwanoski, Barbara Thome
| nated to the project Poppies| Tony Martin, Sandra Koser and
were also discussed at the| patricia Charles, sophomores.
830 Handicapped] Contestants In Bulletin Subscription Drive
Persons Served
Through Society |
Through your contributions to
! THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Pa.
Easter Seals, United Campaign,

special donations and the many
hours of velunteer service, the
Lancaster County Society for
Crippled Children and Adults
was able to give special treat-
ment to 830 handicapped per-
sons in Lancaster city and
county. It is a real pleasure
for me to report on a few of
the many services you offered
to your handicapped neighbors
and friends in 1955. A
Sixty-one (61 clinics were JAMES RUTT JOE 1 , “IVT TM av de ae
held so that the orthopedic sur- | JOE M. WOLGEMUTH, JR EARL W. MYERS JIM BROWN JOANN BROWN
geons, Dr. P. David Nutter and
Dr. Marvin C. Goodman, the
pediatricians, Dr. David B.
Coursin and Dr. Charles H.
Kurtz and the neuro-surgeon,
Dr. John L. Polcyn could ex-
amine, diagnose and prescribe
for any crippled person. Any
patient is eligible for this ser-
vice regardless of age, race,
creed or color, if he is financial-
ly unable to provide this for
himself. Seventeen (17) opera-
tions were performed and 1,074
examinations were made by
these busy specialists. The larg
est single diagnosis being Cere-
bral Palsy, (93 and next, Polio-
myelitis (77). Besides the many
visits to the brace mechanic—
G. Zielke in Florin, Pa., 6 extra
brace clinics wer eheld. In ad- MARTHA HESS KITTY GEPHART MRS. FRANCES LONG
dition to adjustments and re- i eh YL
pairs to braces 47 new ones
were ordered. I
4338 visits were made to the
patients for supervision and
guidance in orthepedic problems
by the orthopedic nurse, Mrs.
Anna Thempson; teaching daily
activities and self-help by the
occupational therapist, Miss Jo-
anne Haines, and reeducating or
strengthening muscles by the
physical therapist, Mrs. Con-
stance Reilly. The greater part
of these visits were made unto
the homes of patients, many of
| meeting. The annual sale of
poppies will be held in May.
Py > : © students were named fo the
| Mrs. Ruth Rineer, president,
first honor roll. They are Rhoda
Hess, Robert Brandt, Sally
| Schroll, Jean Heisey, Helen
Legion Plans Party | Felty, Patricia Brenner, Bar-
Forty one junior high school
was in charge,
| bara Shuman, Darla Kulp.
For Local Scouts | and Chythia Lehman, juniors;
A Valentine Party will be, Nint)y graders: Joan Shuman,
i he Si day ight, Fe v ' : ;
| held iturday night. Feb. 11. Jane Brubaker, David Nissley,
lin the local fire house for al .
| Boy Scocts, Girl Scouts, Brown- Joan Sheaffer, Harriet Haw-
ics and Cubs of the borough by thorne, Karen Baker, Robert
Hopple, Patricia Johnstin, Jay
Lehman, Samuel Grove, James
| Bennett, Patricia Phillips, Carol
Cupper, Joanne Zuch, Carole
Garlin and Beverly VanDine,
( eighth graders.
Linda Sumpman, Carol
Gratch, Barbara Brown, Jean
dancing, games, and refresh- Collen, Marlon Gerlitzki, Rach:
ments: George Halbleib. form el Ann Nolt, Deanna Walker,
| Peggy Brill, Cheryll Brown, Fay
the American Legion Post 185
{ The legionnaires will enter
tain the Scouts to this party in
appreciation of their participa-|
ion in the veteran-sponsored
parades and church visits
The party, scheduled for 6
to 9 p. m. will feature square
Lucas, Joanne Martin, John
Martin, Linda Hayden, David
Johns, William Young, Lor-
raine Felty, seventh graders.
Forty-three students of the
‘Students Named For scvior high school were named
; { to the “B” honor roll. They are
. . {Joan Schneider, Joyce Martin,
: County Chorus | Joanne Landis, Lynn Fackler,
Students of Lancaster county Samvho Stephanis, Miriam Nell.
high schools have been selected Louise Horning, Carol Ginder,
to participate in the Western! Miriam Bell, David Bomberger,
County Chorus at Hempfield Jan Shope, Betty McKain, Emi-
High School, Landisville, Mar. ly Nissley, Peggy Wolfe, Mir-
3 [iam Roland, James Pennell. and
James Zwally, Millersville Asher Halbleib, seniors: James
State Teachers Collage, will Shank. Eunice Hess. Phyllis
direct the chorus and Powell Wolgemuth, Elaine Showater,
Middleton, West Chester State Dorothy Noll, Arlene Heisey,
Teachers’ College, will conduct Nancy Royer, Betty Baugher,
the All-County Orchestra. Host I.¢Roy Kaylor, Glann Hess, jun-
erly of Mount Joy, Harrisburg,
will be the caller for the square
dancing. James Shaeffer is in!
charge of the event.


whom were unable to get to : RTD ‘ i ‘
the Treatment Center a‘ 129 for the event will be Russél® iors; Geri Strickler, Aglaia
East Orange Street, Lancaster Getz, music supervisor in the Stephanis, Janice Hoffman, Rob-
: ; Hempfield School District ert Buchenauer, Janet Sheaffer,
Because of crowded facilities,
Participants from the Dore- Buth Krall, Jane Sweitzer, Pat-
gal High School are Darlene ricia Mumper, Jean Mumma,

the Preschool Cerebral Palsy CHARLES 5 GROFF A rat ee Gerlitzski. Arlene Musser. Mir- Patricia Mihalik, Kav Buse
Center moved from the Burrow- ay al JUNE WAY C. F. AUKER MRS. HELEN BROSEY BERNELL HEISEY i Barbara man, Jon -Beader. Mary Smith,
iS 5 aste " shi | lam [ola , Soprano; ara Hall, Jo i , dary Si A,
= Soh) Lake PE Towle F T | : , Thome, Dixie Bair, second alto; Joan Gilbert and Robort Shire-
. eI i : | } ro der ar irs nor: Man, sopho 08
School District. The same highly To Be Elected NAVY RECRUITING DONEGAL BAND CLUB '4.H CLUB PRESENTS Lancaster County A A Ei re ale con
ae na Eat | | Asher alplelb anc ichar . ur students of
specialized serv i S are avail- To Farm Bureau LOCAL MEN TO TRAIN MEETS AT SCHOOL TROPHYS AT BANQUET Extension Service Bowers. first base Hempfield junior high school were me
able in psychological evaluation IN SAN DIEGO [ By-Laws of the Donegal High Henry Greiner, Manheim R4, High School students are: Dor- t0 the second honor roll. The
and guidance by Dr. S. June Board at Meeting
. : The Navy will fly a group of School band club were : OV- was a s the four Lancaster Plan Ann i { he rs, Julie arnley, Ninth graders are Harry Thom-
Smith, psychoogist; kindergar- Four members will be elect- } p « ool band club were approv- was among the four Lancaster ual Meeting othy Chambers, Julie Harnley, ide ire Harry Thom
local men to San Diego, Calif. ed at the regular meeting of Counky 4-H'ers to be presented The annual meeting of our Stehman, Sylvia Froe- a5. Donald Zeller, Judy Kyle,
ten teaching and guidance by ed to the board of directors of : i we lich and Cor Charles. st Nancy Simmor JoA
Mrs. M. Elizabeth Newton; Lancaster County Farm Bureau [°F Recruit Training as the the group Monday night, in the with a trophy by M. M. Smith, ;. ctor Counts Extension on rr ares oe Ne n Er "Li TL Thoms,
speech by Mrs. C. E. Swezey: at the organization’s 21st an. '‘Swanmasters”, according to school. The canvass of business county agent at a banquet held sociation will “be. held Tred op! no; £ lly pringer, ( : ; \ ler ine Y elty,
hysical and ~upations ‘ : R : . : last Friday at the Armstrong °° lie earl ues- fake, Elizabeth Brubaker, Al- Carolyn Showalter, Edith Wea-
physical and occupational ther- nual meeting on Feb. 15. word received today from Chief es and individuals for dona- . : Ty rani o.oo - a > :
apv bv fn fF : : Cork Company auditorium day evening, Feb. 14 at 6:30 ice Erb, Mary Landis, Joyce V€l Joyce Lois
apy by our staff. «The center is “harles C i x . pan)
y Db) stalt. § Charles C. Burkins, general L. J. Stevens, in charge of the tions toward the uniforms is i P. M. i inl R Berger, Linda M a and El- Fronke Joanne Hart Judi
open Monday through Friday, manager of the c ative | : . Henry was given the trophey In the social Room of the Linda Mumma and & or ar, dud
Le . : ii iy anag 1€ cooperative | Lancaster Navy Recruiting Sta- ncarly complete. Only in the 4 yew hiileltrs y ros First Proshuloris tani ae aine Earhart second soprano; Heisey, Marlene Metzler, Syl-
9:30 am. to 11:30 am. with said the meeting would begin . because he exhibited the re irst Presbyterian Church, 136 es 3
21 children registered. It is a at 10 a. m at the Guernsey tion. borough, the canvass is not serve champion lambs and E. Orange St. Lancaster Carol Neff, Barbara Hackman, * " Viumper, oan Wenger, Dan-
a. ‘iE ue sev i > ’ « TY: NWN TAs « nT > AAT. ory re .
co-operative program of the Breeders Sales Pavilion at The “Swamasters” will be a completed. steer at the state fair last The WIL provide oa Doris op ng, and Judy Eby ie Fitzk 4 Lay rence Wittle, J.
ly} ’ > . 3 > iy : ¢ 3 " mm affair rac . 7 ve vi . irs < Janice ir akKer Lu / ge Sq 7
Crippled Children’s Society, the Ronks. special company of local Navy Souvenior plates of Donegal month. The affair was the an- opportunity for County Exten i hn i aa S ! 1a] i Ci hea
ity . ae a . : : . 20S ‘ abv Beef °° AHL «Xle cille Grofl, Gretchen ug, Syl- timger. Jack'e Mariner, on-
city and county school districts. Burkins said the guest speak- recruits who will train togeth- High School are still available, nual Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef sion Workers to give brief re- via Sellers, Audrey Rice, Jo- ald Sager, Larry Pardde and
Volunteers work hand and would be Kenneth Hood, as- © and will be assigned to the The group is selling them at $2 and Lamb banquet. Enotes of th : Runkel second ato. Mar Donald White : 4
. ri > Te ol ya y ns 2 i: - $ e educat ¢ o- 4 aito; Me v 1
hand with the personnel at the sistant secretary’ of the Ameri- Navy Abiation program, upon cach. Samuel Harnish, presi- . | pro tin Brooks. Robert Ei 4nd E ghth graders are Garv Gi
Center. More volunteers could . . i train “he ras in charge of the meet Y-TEENS CHOOSE STUDENTS 8ram conducted during the 3%. none Wy ang » gah graders are Gary Gill.
A can Farm Bureau Federation, completion of training. The dent, was in charge of the meet Bs Dale Fryberger first tenor: hom. Donald McGarvey. Bruce
be used to help in this work. Chicago. Hood formerly served derive their name ing. Miss Susan Fellenbaum has Year. In addition, there will be Barth Bailey nd RODE Id Dietz. Shetter, Grace Yost Rov
In the Corrective Swimming .. . : od Sagi ie arate Ane i ne Si ° oh chosen: Be 4 = ; cial ee : ef = es” ee Hp CY, ay-
Clad ot ce Bhi bn 2 as an extension agriculture ec- from the worlds first jet se a- nae ’- been hose n a the FC.C. on a short business meeting of the second tenor; Charles Denling- mond Riley Ronald Pennell,
ass, e dren we re given onomist at Penna. State Univer- plane, the Martin ‘Seamaster WCTU MEETING ter Club Council) representa- | Agssoe ation including the el- er, Thomas Miller, Donald For- Maric Ebersole. Evelvn Eben.
regular ‘swimming instructions sity. Immediately after their en- Local W. C. T. U. will meet tive from Donegal High School | ection of an Extension Execu- ney and Kenne th Murray, first shad Emalou Grabl N ’
5 : oS . A 3 : A : ¢ LX 1 Or LX ( - 3 ¢ > » \ a) S Shade A a Ii eo, IND “ww
by Mrs. J. Haines Shertzer. A The nominating committee listment at the Glen L. Martin in the E. U. B. Church on Mon- Y-Teen Club. She will attend tive Committee bass; Samuel Davis and Jam Pennell, Peggy Sload J Wo
An Sn » tee 4 : 2 . . . . res Oc avis and James enhel Ray Sload, J og
physical therapist from the has announced the following Aircraft Company in Baltimore, day Feb. 13 at 7:30 P. M. Dur- the mid-conference. Miss Esther The Rev. James R. Carroll. Goodman cond bass Zuch., Donald Clark Th
he attends ara 3 anim 7 . : : : | ok ! i an, sect ass. cl a ark, Imi
staff attends all the sessions Slate of candidates for. Ge a Md., at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, ing the program a film will be Wolgemuth has been chosen as minister of the Central Pre bv ° Good, Anna Span 4 PA
ans hic S Goi Lied > . * Ha ih 3 - ¢ es rcoa, Anna Spangler, ong
and plans which stroke should rectorships: Feb. 28th, the group, compris- shown and everyone is invited.! the alternate terian Church Buffalo. N. Y Corll. Charles Shaffner. J in
be emphasized to strengthen eel i ; i" 3 — sl : Shar Na Xo Ti k G 0 aries oshatiner, Judith
lag ‘12 Northeastern district — Sam- ing men rom and | will be the guest speaker. The 11CKets (0 n ' Barrick, Joanne Darrenkam
muscles for each child’s handi- SAM Central ~~ Pennsylvania will | Rev. Mr. Carr >
2 Pod uel E. Heisey, Sheridan R1. in- yo Ser arroll is known to Nancy Fellenbaum., Kathleen
cap. This is a co-operative pro. 4 WL, I= hoard anes : ic I vine ; . \ . A
> i p cumbent; and Herbert M. Roy- oar planes for the flight to many Lancaster Countians since Sa e For Lion Goodall, Charlotte Wolgemuth
gram of the YWCA, another oF: Langston’ RS € M. v7 San Diego, California. Re served as pastor at Chestnut Rita B. Johnson. Linda Klei Tr
Red Feather Agency. yan ICR eh Every member of the I Level Prascictep: i : . SH son, anda lieing
Se . Re le Northwestern district — Ab. ) 1ember of the com | Lev I Presbyterian Church for Minstrel Sho Ardis Wolgemuth. Robert Cun-
Seven severely handicapped ner H. Risser, Bainbridge RI pany, according to Chief Stev | a number of years and also was w ningham, Carl Hamlin, Daniel
individuals enjoy weekly -ses incumbent: and Paul M a ile ens, will be assigned to Avia-| {an active 4-H Club Leader in TWO additional end men com- wre 2! Ved M
3 n . a y © MM. be . “a : 3 ut 3, VET)
Sons at the Treatment Center muth, E-town R3 018€- tion, and those qualifying eith-! the Southern part of the Coun- Pete the six stars of the com Sutter and Jean Wolge .
in the Craft class. The main ob- Sten Ne trict H er at the local office. or later! ty. We are fortunate to be ab ing Lions Minstrel Show to be 's Vv oth ade gic me 1
jecti aste strict — O= | wari cin dss Sh : : graders are Caro
jective of the occupational ther will be assured an Aviation le to secure him as guest speak. Dold in the Donegal High pany Donna Charles, Jeanette
ward D. Wagner, Quarryville
R2, incumbent; and James R. er. To add variety to the pro- School auditorium, Friday and Aynley. John \iattera, Kenneth
gram the very popular 4-M Hol. Saturday nights. February 24 gp, baker. C
apist is to offer a recreational
and social program for the
trade school. !
Quotas for the “California arol Goepfrich
ai : Wood, Nottingham R1
class. However, several im the Southwestern district— Mark Bound” group will be fairly stein. Quartet will present sey. 8nd 25. Grant Miller will play Glenn Peifer. Dennis Fuhrms
re whic to Make $ ~— Mar large, and there sl > WO. eral yp Sacl : Shh i 1 1 : ! Jel S uhrman,
. Hess, Lancaster R6. incun : here should be va 1] numbers. Sachmo and Charles Ashenfelt- gangra Barnhart, St nley Kan
which are saleable. Each person bent, and Christian K Neff io ancies for all desiring to This event will start with an © Will be Rasputin vikowski David Smith. co >
FC xe asa ois e nt, : fT, of «rn. : 4 aa ; » ON ry . un s SK1, avi ' aro
1 best so no Millersville RI1. spend the winter in the sun” | veming meal requiring advance Miss Janet Gibbons; a physic- Marley, Sandy Miller. Charles
time limit is set for an article but in case these vacancies fill
. Additional nominations ay
to be finished. If more ations may wy wi + accepte
money 1. made from the floor of the up Shey, Will ‘be accepted on a
reservations: tickets mav be se il education instructor at Don- Cunningham, John Dick James
cured from any member of the egal High School, is teaching Phillips. Anna Rapp. Rebecca

2 Tree We os meeting, served basis. Sen! Executive Committee the chorus to do a chair Richards. Clayton Showalter,
: 3 De expanded. ; ° 3 oF ® re or from this Extension Office. dance” for the event Carole West. David Hess Jere
t is with deep regret we an- GOLD BADGE ROSE SOCIETY Reservation deadline is noon on Tickets are now on sale for Koser., Phyllis Brown Ks -
nounce the resignation of our AW ELECTS OFFICERS Friday, Feb. 10 | the show Adult tickets will Gut<hall Sandra Roberts a
excellent secretary, Patricia ARDED The Elizabethtown Rose So- ® | sell for one dollar and students leen Sond. Renn ‘tl Si a 2 To
Connor. We are however, hap- Both Ronald Eberle and Pat- ciety has elected’ the following ATTENDS SALES SCHOOI tickets, sixty cents. There will Mar 1 a G I
py to announce that she has t¥ Nornhold were awarded the officers: President, Mrs. S. A. John E. Tyndall, local repr. be no resefve seats and the ti Weal oo Sonding “i Dens
been replaced by Miss Frances £0ld badge for the week among Shaeffer; vice president, Ray- sentative of the Redon tle kets will entitle the Tear ey
Mutual Insurance Company, to use them either night of the SCHOOL LOW SIGNS
Nationwide Mutual Fire Insur- show. Members of the local PLACED IN BOROUGH
; : . ance Company and Nationwide club are now selling > k- Sch r 8
Harrisbufg—Fred Waring, famous choral director and tele- [... ationwide > are now selling the tick School, Slow signs are ap-
Cope of Manheim, Pa. the sixth grade patrolmen. They, mond Baum; secretary, Mrs.
Confident in' the work of the+*Will share the badge for the Palmer McNelly; treasurer, A.
Society by special donations of Week because they helped a S. Hoffman.

$3,129.44 enabled us to ish! small child who hs: The ne oting i \ IAS ‘ : :
3 work at the oo Ash the ice. had ‘fallen on held Feb mepting. Will be vision star, will serve as Campaign Chairman for the 1956 Can- Insurance Company at ets pearing in the borough compli-
; : : : Ls cer Crusade to be conducted next April throughout Pennsylvania Florin. Pa. is one of 40 agents - ments of the 7-Up soft drink
wigghout going into the “red.” | Four special merits were The society is planning a bus by the American Cancer Society. who attended the Sales Train- CONFINED TO HOSPITAL company. Lee Holtzman s
rr ee @) eee | so awarded to outstanding pa- trip to the Philadelphia Flower Th's announcement was made in Harrisburg today by James ing School being conducted by Albert Mvers New Haven od tas . ” ig sail
> 5 : Ly AVL) S, INE © l ISO the borough
trolmen. i i : roof M. Brittain, Esq.. Pennsylvania Division President. “Mr. Warin 33 : a %
Er Sony DY Dn re YM am 2 453 x he who served era of the 1955 educational and fund kins Nationwide Insurance of Colum. Street, is confined to the hospit- to remind motorists when
, nie An- contacte OT Cancer Crusade is the first man to serve twice as State Chair- bus, Ohio from January 22 to al following a fall in front of school children are crossing the
finally settling at Honesdale. | derson and Cynthia Tripple. ' reservations. man for the Cancer Crusade,” Mr. Brittain stated. January 27, 1956 (his home Saturday streets.