The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 09, 1956, Image 1

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The Mount Joy Bulletin 4
Your Home Newspaper—Serving The Heart Of The Garden Spot Dedicated To A Better Community


Petitions Circulate Opposing Sewer Plant Site
Engineer Gives Favor System
75-Home Development Will Be Constructed On £72: But Don’t Lika
For Sewer Lines
Paul A. Martin 18 Homes Built In 55 Scouts Plan To Observe : Heart Haven or Sewer Proposed Location
Permits were issued to build Horner, Detwiler Ave.; Warren | Borough Authority Engineer Opposition to the proposed
Announces Plans | eighteen new homes within the Funk, South Delta St.; Frank R EM W. ld D Ann al D : The Mount Joy Borough site of the Mount Joy sewage
during 1955. Accord- W. Young, South Market St; ecognition { or. ay u rive Abe Tuesday | treatment plant is spearheaded
Authority met on
this week by the circulation of
ing to Christ Walters, zoning J. L. Swarr, Park Avenue; |
For 24-Acre Plot flicer, permits were issued to George Keener, Columbia Ave; S : Of P 0 F b 7 night of this week at the of- tin
Ie 0 : Ave.: ervice f rayer pens e * | fices of the Gerberich-Payne petitions
ary afius for Je arnhart, + Detwiler =
W. H. and Mary Hornafius Jay Barnhart Detwile The petitions, addressed to
Plans and blueprints have . tt aa ce | : ter
» construction of eight new Donald E. Staley, Park Avenue 3 av. Fe 9 ry Se a ra . mv Shoe Company. After transac
been completed for a new hous- the ¢ st 8 Ne: = Bs d Sunday, Feb. 12, a Boy Scout Mrs. Nevin H. Zuck, busy The annual campaign for | . ness the status Mount Joy Borough Council,
homes in Birchland Avenue. and G. Freeman Naugle, School, Recognition Service will be, : : ing routine business the statu: :
home maker and wife of Dr. funds for operation and main- of the sewer project was Mount Joy Borough Authority
ing development south of the
Donegal Springs Road.
The 24-acre plot has been
The other new homes within Lane. | held in the St. Mark's E. U. B.
the year were George Broske, Last year, the zoning officer! chureh, 10:15 a. m. Dr. Ezra
School Lane; M. O. Raffensber- released twenty permits fori iy Ranck, director of Christian Brethren of Elizabethtown, will
and Mt. Joy Zoning Board of
Adjustment, have not as yet
been presented to any of these
Zuck, pastor of the Church of tenance of Children't Heart thoroughly discussed
Haven, 509 N. Duke St., Lan- The Authority Engineer, Jos-
designed to contain approxi- SE We : es
ar ; BW y i 3 aster, Jot underw: > Michaels, reported on
nately 75 building lots and| ger, Birchland Ave; Charles new homes. Education and former pastor of be guest speaker at the annual “0 got Inaerway Feb- eph A. Micha 1s ef : bodies
Rey. > i MEE. ER _ = | the churcl will deliver th ruary 7, John B. Rengier, Lan- the recent opening of bids for iP
€ church ever € Community World Day of! .ucter attornev in wield . Sewer Jay Gingrich, who is ecircul-
caster attorney, who will serve the construction of the Sewer Jay Gingrich, who is circu
streets. This plot was the form- | | th 1
. : : sermon for the special service. : . we
ol . Amos Mumma Property Local Banks Will Remain Robert Buchena pee will be Prayer Service to be held in| gas campaign chairman, an- Collection System. He reported ating one of the petitions, told
which has its eastern bound- . : i The Chusth of God Friday | nounced. hat Andrew R. Palombo of The Bulletin that an effort is
en : ili D honored when he is presented us ay that /
aries next to the William Dom- Pittsburgh had submitted a low béing made to get as many s'g-
. : *
; ith a “God and Country” me- Feb. 17, 7:30 p. m. All the] g:
mell residence; northern bound- Op 0 F d y Ev g . wl 3 |X : ac ly . natures as ssible ton
Ss en n Il a enim S, dal. Robert passed the require-, churches of the town will join. & bid of $497.954.30 for all the natures as possible from repre

ary, the Donegal Springs Road; . : .| sentatives cit'zens of the com- A
Ys ’| of eke TR . VE sewers lying to the north of the s ¢ Ss cit.zens 0 he com 3
western boundary, the resi- » i 31 ments for the medal which have ,, the special services. The railroad and that C&T Affili-| munity i
dence of Michael Mueller; and ew Jdchne e €gins pr a ume em of hg! Jet Church of God choir will sing ates. Inc., of Collingswood, New| The citizens group has ;
the southern boundry extends . prepatauon. Jr. Ranck will pres) 5 "A Quiet Time es : s itte . brought four attornevs in he
in the direction of thé Mari- Banks in Mount Joy, Florin’ paginning April 13, the four sent the medal and Mrs. Joseph wit, Jesus’. and Mr. David Ho amt g ht Pp ite re They is on 3
etta’ pike and Maytown will begin a new , i remain open Friday Buchenauer, Robert's mother weigman will sing a tenor so- id of Fags Bt tor 9 Newermen villi oi Stort Joh 5
: sche > of banki : | pu : i i a adi 9 ar md {the sewers lying to the south f comer, Willi Storb, 1
Pail A Morin, Jno. Banned pi ©f banking hours AP: evenings from 5 pm. until 8 p. ig De he Ter - . Wd op’ Tyre Time Yo Dray of the railroad. B. R. Krieder Rengier and Merrill Hassell
Ai } rH 13 v 5 . i n order to earn is award, : la i A
the development. Building lots} To 2° esses | T- There will be no banking Hall to do four phkses of a Mrs. Zuck is an assistant & Sons of Manheim submitted The petition stotes that the
are now ready for sale. Front- hours Saturday. J ch three riohths, 'l teacher in the schools of the low bid on the bituminous! 2etitioners favor ww. sage sys- :
age of the lots range from sixty| James Madera Is In adbpting the new policy, Thoms Frank. Lancaster bethtown. A member at large | resurfacing of the sewer tem for Mount Joy but that -
foot fronting to one hundred the First National Bank and field of the WEAR of the Leadership Educational; trenches at $25,720.00 The! they object to the proposed 4
twenty-five feet. Trus any its beanehi >, > y ittee”. is rv N14 vite 198 avatiied i §'te on the gr : at:
"Tr totale : New Leader ; Company, 1s ‘ district of Lancaster County, Commiliice nd iy very much Authority was gratified at the ; groands that;
I'he officials of the company bank in Florin, the Union Na- Wii dive ui | of : interested in the work of the low bids received, there being I. It is within the borough, 3
announced ‘that as lots are sold, . ions and its branch bank oS nite ‘hure > She is ! Er 61 916.45 % 2. The location w . ‘py i
streets: Will be pul} y he Of Florin Scouts tional Bank and 8 ne! “God and Country” require- United Ci urch Wome n. he is 1d fferenc of $51,916.45 be et ocation will hamper :
streets wi e built In the in Maytown, will be giving the also actively engaged in the] tween the Palombo bid and the! the future development of the 3
new development. James Madera was named public more banking hours All the Boy Scouts, Explor work of their growing church.) next highest bidder and a total Southeastern section of the
A continuation of Florin Av- {he new Scoutmaster of the since several of the minor holi- 4 Sami Indian Americans of thei spread of $273.765.45 between Porough.
ers and Cubs will take part in
: : » P : he hig 3. It will effect existing ,
the service. The boys will con- the Palombo bid and the high sting home,
enue from the north side of
i sites adversely.
Donegal Springs Road will be
days will be discontinued. Southwest have prepared the
Florin Boy Scouts Troop 69 at :
service of worship for the The campaign, which is cen-| est bid submitted; the C&T Af-

5 Bret cbs v3} i a reorganization meeting Wed- Some of the days on which duct a processional in the be- : vs. : 3
the first street leading into the Si : A iT ws Ga Iv closed andl of at Eas : World Day of Prayer in 1956. tered around the distribution of! filiates bid was $25,274.00 low- 4. That. better sites are avail-
development nesday night. The reorganiz- the banks formerly close and ginning of the service. Ronald “ ¥.. 3 a! 0 Rie : cl abla
{ ERE a ing took place following the Will now remain open for Schofield will have charge of It'S theme is “One Flock—One Heart Seals, has as its goal this cr than the next highest bid
' ness arc Lincoln's birthday, the salute to the colors and Shepherd”, with the Sheperd’s! year the sum of $30,000, Ren- and there was a total spread 3
reguls eti roop. . . : . a
regular meeting of the troop Washington's birthday, Flag Harold Etsell, Jr. will read the for the symbol of unity| gier announced. He pointed of $154,104.90 between the
Bulletin Contest Benjamin Staley was named Day, Columbus Day and Armis- scripture. .~ and of oneniso in Jesus Christ,! out that the goal has been in- highest bid submitted and the Donegal High
fof and as Christians around the creased this year because of in- C&T bid; there was a difference
: tice Day. This service marks the
| both the Boy Scouts and the tod ofits kind i Mount. Sov nd world are united on this day in| creased costs and heavier patient of $5,180.00 between the low .
ose attle Cubs. Ralph Oberholtzer was Requests had been receive Robert is the: fie, ol re. @ common sarvice of prayer, ‘oad ‘at the Haven. Heart seals paving bid and the next high- rganizes

named chairman of the Boy by bank customers suggesting : |
3 i ; his itt he major change in banking C€lvVe this award = 2 :
: Scout committee; his ‘commitige, the major CAang Ha Charles Buchenauer is Secout- God abundantly blesses our, he county and it is hoped that The Engineer pointed out tra
or op r'izes is Paul Hess, Warren Stehman, hours. Other communities have 3 i oa res se will be good. Many the exceptionally low prices : roup
a similar icv of Fri. master of the Explorer Post 39 gathering together in His Name| "¢SPOnSst :
Lloyd Vogle, Clarence Heagy, adopted a similar policy of Fri- p » county high schools are plan- bid were due, in a large meas
and praise. { will be distributed throughout, est paving bid.
; Sev iS assist: and we are. continually al- i
and Warren Heisey is assistant a continually chal Parents of students in the
By Royce and Era Crow ames Gerber and Christ Zei- day night banking hours. In ir again stage Sir Vale re » accurate inform:
Oye a Janes ‘Gerher. and. 26 yas hone 0 Scoutmaster. Harold Etsll is lenged to commit ourselves to) Ming to again stage Sir Valen, ure, to the accurate informa'ion Doneg: Se :
Contest fers, the, county, Manheim, - Lithg, E. Scout t Ft the building of His Kingdom. Une contests, one of the popular Which the contractors had on onegal High School went on
Like a whirlwind, but all the Man be . Petersburg, Lancaster and one ’ master of the Boy Scout i 3 g A features of rock I atl oximately r€cord favoring the organiza-
Florin Lions sponsor both the y Troop 39 and Ralph Rice is In 1955 the world circle of features of Heart Month. K n all, approximately oy 4
more exciting, with James .. ov 4 Morin. J bank in Columbia operate on AT 3D is : : il 1500 holes were drilled along to of a PT.A. at a meeting
. >| Scouts and Cubs in Florin. Jno. > . | Cubmaster of the Cub Pack 13g Prayer included additional, In the past eight years there’ S were drilied along,
Rutt still holding the lead in Hess is president of the spon-| this system. Familiar communi- 3 i BY of Christ ih 154 hive. Boon a ined ~ a the course of the sewers to de- held in the school last ‘rhures-
: 5 SS 18 : § be : . - S¢ Ss stians : ave en i > ad- PE . ri oh
the top spot in the big “Every-| ino group and Jay Snyder, ties outside the county who countries. The increased offer- missions from the Mc ot Joy termine the depth of the rock. d4Y evening. Eighty-five attend- Xe
bu o's S ay on) ’ . . Ss, > ease ap » Mo Joy : "ve
body Wins” prize subscription] oo otary treasurer. Plans were have a similar policy are Har- Council Seeks ings in the United States am-! area "He noted in passing that de- ©d the meeting. The Rev. E. M
§ ary as : ans gs States am-| are: ssing
Ag “los ate \ : Pr . S ¢ : Move » 0s
contest, the closing date Feb. completed for the re chartering risburg, Lebanon, and Camp : ounted to $467,000 with $43.- —— | Spite the presence of water and io) r lead the invocation and
25 draws near. of the group by Feb. 29. belltown. Bids For New 000 dedicated by Pennsylvan- In the service, Christians, as 5° mains and the services to Hornish was in
Also casting a huge block of _ : fans in 195% : wr i id Is tic a S| private homes only’ in one in- Rev. Howard Bernhard, Flor-
ans 95: indiv als ir >. y »
votes but not quite enough to, Police Car . be Whiposs 10 thelr > stance did the driller hit a ' Wes elected president of the
Let us find it in our hearts lief that prayer is a world pow- . “new group. The Rev
head the list. Joe Wolgemuth,' EDITORIAL: oo : tor aoa co : main or service. He noted rue- grou 4 ev. Leslie
Councilmen went on record to pray that the time may €r for good: as a group, they , VanDine, Marietta, was chosen


Jr., is just a pace behind, close- ; i : oy write: ie strenethe his ? fully that this was at the last 3.
lv followed by Earl W. Myers. ’ . Monday night to advertise for come when there wil Tite 0 strengihen power. hole on the last street drilled V ©© reside: Mrs Elaine
Well up in the running are Jim Let S Iron Out Differences a new police car to replace the be “One Flock, Org Shepherd. As Emerson has said. “More , {phe project. The good record East Donegal Town-
Brown, Joann Brown, Bruce present one used by the bor- The purpose of this day set things are wrought by prayer established was due to the lo- ship, secretary; and Carl Krall,
Myers and Martha Hess, only BY LARMON D. SMITH ough police. The bids will be aside each year is to write all than this world dreams of.” cation of the mains with the Mount Joy, treasurer,
a few votes away from top A group of citizens are circulating a petition in opposi- opened at the next regular Christians in a bond of prayer A cordial welcome is extend- electronic equipment his forces The group will be affiliated
spot, and the next move will tion to location of the proposed sewage treatment plant at the meeting of the group. and in the United States to ed to all people to attend who had used throughout the Boro. with the county, state and na-
be watched with intense in- site selected by the Borough Authority. Charles Heaps, principal of make an offering for interde- feel the need of prayer and fel- ugh ; ; tional PTA. Fifty cents per
' terest by the waiting public. As editor of The Mount Joy Bulletin, which defines its very the local school; and Arthur projects. ' lowship. The Engineer reported that Member will be the dues.
All the other contestants are reason for publication in the slogan “Dedicated to a Better Com- Schneider, president of the — ~~ -- ~~ ~~ daa | he had ‘hed a preliminary eon. A committee was named to ¥
forging ahead at a rapid pace. munity” 1 have long advocated the speedy installation of a sew- School and Home Associa- i I fererice at the offices of the Set up by-laws for the organiza
“Now or never” is the keynote er system as one of the prime needs of the community. tion, asked Council to place i IT'S A "NECK and NECK" RACE in I C! C. Collings Co. Inc. Invest tion. This committee is Mr. ps
for contestants in The Bulletin’s Therefore, 1 cannot help but view with alarm any movement stop signs at the intersection || : ( ment Bankers, of Philadelph a, Harnish Clarence Hollinger,
big subscription contest, now in' that could delay the sewer project. At this point delay would of Columbia Avenue and Pop- I fi Pennsylvania, who have been Clarence Felt Mrs. Edward
its fifth week and scheduled be very costly to the citizens of Mount Joy. Bids already have ']ar Streets for the safety of THE BULLETIN retained by the Authority to Brown, Mrs. Hazel Baker, Wil-
for conclusion on February 25 been taken for the laying of the sewer lines, and these bids are drivers bringing children to the | i market the sewer bonds. At bur Beahm Miss Lily Martin
| when the grand prize, a 1956 quite favorable. If contracts are not awarded within 30 days school. Council turned the mat- | I this conference the entire finan- "0 Rogner Hallgren. The four
t model Chevrolet 4-door Sedan, of the opening of the bids (which was January 31) the bidders ter over to the street committee’ cial picture was explored Using officers and the high school
plus cash awards will be pre- can pull out. Submission of new bids at a later date might 3nd asked that they include I It the established bid prices for PFC pal will form the pro
sented to the winning contest raise the cost to the borough considerably. this intersection in a list of | || the Sewer Collection System Sam committee
(Turn to page 2) However, no matter how zealous one is for a Ren project, necessary signs to be announc- Bhd hn estirvated price. for Bo The next p ing of the new ":
~~ the rights of an individual or group of individuals cannot be ed at the next meeting. i . . treatment plant the total bo group will be held Taursday,
eH ODay 4 13 overlooked. And if there is opposition to the proposed site, George Broske was elected ' Subscription Contest | issue iat will be oe a March 1
there will be no school in the hai oppogiiion mus be deals with Fairly ano squstely. i 10 & three-year form on Contestants Listed Below In Numerically Order With | build: the “Mi, Joy Sewer Sys :
elementary schools of the four Suen OPDOSiion gvidenee: ut the Public heating of the Board o Sustments ond Votes Cast For Publication Up To Date tem will approximate $1,400, To Sh i Off
districts, Mt. ng A the Soni Boa of Ad) on Jan. 10. The Bulletin re- id Bighosty is repped I. | 000.00 This compares favor JU
Vo . 1 '| porte nat opposition tully. 0 a five-year erm oO | THESE 6 CONTESTANTS 2 “IN THE PRIZE MONEY ably with the bond issue of $2.-
Marin py Meum or, I'd like to suggest that Borough Authority members and the Board of Health. a yn ata an ho he Frias Moye { 150,000.00 which was irk Power Sunday
g gh c a | property owners near the proposed site meet together and en- Charles Bennett was asked | James Rutt, 166 New Haven St., Mount Joy 1,994,010 || ized for the recently construct Pennsvivani p
Noy Hold Sessions Monday. Mon- deavor to come to an agreement. This is a COMMUNITY PRO- to check on the possibility of ! Joe M. Wolgemuth, Jr., R. D. 1, Mount Joy 1.807.020 || ed Palnivra sewer sy stern i Light yim oe and ¥
Soy a a hallgy In Sanofi off JECT and is far TOO IMPORTANT to be lost in a legal battle.’ placing no passing lines on the Earl W. Myers, 206 N. Barbara St., Mount Joy 1.527.830 published figures oi. this SVStem that Sunday, Pr
pean S vil i urge that this meeting take place IMMEDIATELY before a section of East Main Street east Jim Brown, 33 W. Donegal St, Mount Joy 1.170.000 reveal that the total cost of the from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 P.M.
ELS Tae, point of no return is reached. ; of the bridge. Joann Brown, 209 E. Main St. Mount Joy 1.031,051 || sewers and force mains was the power will be turned off.
BANKS TO CLOSE .. Mount Joy is a friendly, I want lo see’: Legler Hostetter , Myers, 107 W. Main St., Mount Joy 1,011,000 i $937.360.64; The Sewage Treat- . = f a fire's
Monday, February 13. win! it Sy that way. I have always Jeeves ual aq SOR that the alley south of E. an ment Plant, according to the on aa 0 % a : on » Sunday
pe observed as a legal holiday. # has the will to do so can solve its differences on friendly | Street is again open ne Martha Hess, E. D. 1, Mount Joy ‘ 960,950 | same published figures, with the fo 15 Hn al y
The Union National Mount Joy = p : Wr ... | road . from It py. Gephart, 123 S. Barbara St. Mount Joy 810900 ||| Pumping stations, plumbing, 0 Loo = noon until 3:00 Vv
Bank, First National Bank and orough Authority members and their engineers have given Street. TL Nits. Frances Long, Florin 516.000 heating and ventilating. electri i men of the local :
Trost Company. Florin bank many long and tedious hours to meet the community's sewer The auditor's report was ap- re Se 4 > cal, landscaping and resurfac- riendsnip Fire Company are
and the Maviown Yank will and water needs. The Authority is composed of honest, intelli- proved for 1955 and was order- David Greer, Maytown : 443.000 ing, amounted to $567,470.55: urged fo: for the old fire :
not be open for Birsiness that! 220 individuals who are serving the public and are at the same od advertised. The subject of Charles O. Groff, 32 Old Market St., Mount Joy 371.500 other miscellaneous charges for hell Pris bell will be used lo
day. Yme a port of that pubic. ; borough Was 81 June Way, selunga 336,800 || preliminary expense, right-of- 1. the men . during this
. The owners of the proposed site and the nearby properties gain discussed. James Spangler C.F. Auker, R. D. 2, Mount Joy 255.050 wavs, engineering, legal. under. re -hour period.
) | are intelligent individuals and along with the Test of the citizen- was instructed to have a repre- Me Rolph W. Rice. 45. Ave. Tov. 24a writing, interest, etc, made up
’ The Physician On Cali ry of Mount Joy want an ever better community. sentative from State College PS, ] : Bi a Ave, Mount Joy 244.100 the balance of $360.190.18 bt
Y An intelligent discussion of the Probie at hand could do come to talk with the group on “Go The Limit” for your favorit> — Don’t turn your back Based on the above figures To Report New Families
no harm and might well do much goo | the matter. rT Er and . Slovan le Als the cost o :
Sunday i Time's. a-wasting, Let's pot delay... Lot's get together and). The propery commitive made 20 & ind sw No new soph stants allowed. Only Above oo Se ae Me. Jor Se po Who Are to be Visited
Dr. Newton E. Kendig | | iron out existing differences promptly. Mount Joy needs sewers plans to tour the firehouse to || Pr a Palmyra published Fong : Call MJ-3-9763
AAAAAMAAAMAAAAAMAAAAA, NOW, not at some hazy, distant future. check on necessary renovations. HT sas : (Turn 0 page Wi 0