The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 02, 1956, Image 1

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    he Mount. ov Bulletin
Your Home Newspaper—Servin The Heart Of The Garden Spot Dedicated To A Better Community
Mount Joy Boy, Purchase Will Production
Heart Patient, Capacity By 300,000 Pairs Annually §
For Top Places In Subscription Drive
J Becomes Scout Another milestone in the to live with his sister, Mrs.
growth of Mount Joy's largest William Hemperly, who en-
By Royce and Era Crow vy 3
Contest Editors Ti S f d ; ; : ao J Sy
M neral and concerted wo uperuoise Cae 4 ¥ Mi Jerry Allman, 11-year-old industry was reached this week couraged him to obtain a coun-
3 '¢ genera ¢ > “ere he 4 3 x Mr S R& 3 . - 1 :
or he taken place during A ET son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ( with the purchase by Gerber-' try school education, after
ac as lake ace 3 3 : 3 * Yi oti 245 7 or 3 5 1
hon . 7 ds i he big Playgrounds re ; : ki: 3 ; (Alleman, 345 W. Donegal St, ich-Payne Shoe Company of the which he became a teacher at
a I : i Mount Joy isn, the sort of boy |, 1, plant and all equipment the age of 17. In the spring
“Evervbody Wins” prize sub- i : ; 5 Lt oto Be ground, plant and a quipme age 7 esp
ipti n contest than any other Planned Here oa : ; % $ 3 t who will let a trip to the hos- of the Lancaster Shoe Company, after school terms, he took
Cr ) 'S It ao > ga | is i Mr Oro 4 jc a ing
pers it the. Toe began M tJ in 1 t a i : ptial interfere with his scouting = ¢ prio bethtown. short normal courses at Leban-
filme since >. race began, | Moun yy will have two su- : ; . Jeo. : 4 4 nal :
i s almost leis activities, J de Spite ine The transaction was complet-| On Valley College, and at 21
And, with honors almost hervised playgrounds this sum- fact that he is a patient at od "on Tuesday. Was one of nine applicants for
i Heart Haven, in Lanacster, has Payne will take over the Eliza- 8 Permanent teachers’ certifi-
| bethtown operation on Mar. 1, | cate which he obtained, leading
! tthe class.
“Acquisition of the Lancaster
On Dec. 18, 1890, he married
Action Increases As Contestants Vie
equally divided between several mer. The decision was made at AT J pe ol
contestants for leadership in the a meeting of the Youth Activi- Td 3 i TR py ! 4 advanced from Cub Scout stat-
race the : battle royal now in tv Committee. of the Social 3 vo : : 4% | us to that of Boy Scout.
eYldenee is -utitaelmg, area wie Welfare Association Wednes- | The transition was accom gq, Company property not
attention day night. Formrly, the super- a : a 3 : | plished in a ceremony held at | 0 ives us additional pro- Mary El'zabeth Early, who is
Hundreds of thousands of yisod playground was held at! . 3 : Se 3 : : | Heart Haven, 509 N. Duke St. facilities long needed Still living in Harrisburg.
votes were cast by the various yp. borough park under the di- 3S bit § i : ; He | Lancaster, with his scout lead- After teaching for six years,
contestants. First one, then of three directors. 8 \ : CE AR : i ters making a special trip to the! 4 0s but also makes avail- I S. Gerberich decided to en-
other would hold sway for su-| phic year the borough park : | institution to perform the cere- ,, 1. (, us a large number of ter business and accepted a
premacy. battles were fought, again be used as one play- Clyde Postion as traveling salesman
‘for the J. Landis Shoe Co., of
Palmyra. He traveled for them
won and lost, and the race wax. ground and the elementary
ed fast and furious. school grounds will be used as
So closely arrayed are present ti wo r : yi a Voy’ ‘mynd Hs av rive . : ; | for five years, doing also small
. y ie second. This move was , a potient at Heart Haven since Gerberich-Payne has 300¢ em-| years, g also sma
nT i Here's a Mount Joy lad who graduated from Cub Scouts to the Boy Scouts t) hl | : a! : i
leaders, in fact, it depends large-| 5 sp ace : . Ye fo PETE ram. DEOL Is 1e Boy deouts even though- he ¢ then it ap- : | Thera are JODbiNg business a
le individ I tors bE made by the group to accomo- .o o patient at Heart Haven, a Lancaster institutition for the care of rhemutic fever and rheu | October 12. And when it ap | ployes in Mount Joy. There are! ! a 2 : s at his home,
upon Incivicual . date the children who have to matic heart disease. Here is shown Harold Etsell (right) scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 39, as | pear d that Jerry would remain approximately 200 at the Eliza- Which led him to decide it was
contestants and enstinted sup- cross the main street in order he adjusted a Scout neckerchiof for Gerald Wayne Alleman. 11-year-old Mount Joy youth who | for a time at the Lancaster in- bethtown plant. In a statement] better to be in business for him-
port of loyal friends during the get to the playground. i 2 parent 3 oar Haven, 309 N Pike Bt La ease: Carne, oF Jerry as he ig oun, grad situation, which is a home for posted at the Lancaster Shoe| If then working for others.
balance of this week—while the Gv | nate m Cub Pack 136 of Mount Joy to Boy Scout Troop 39 in the ceremony. Also participat- | She : lane 3 . Pa : ; Sriivip .
MAXIMUM number of votes are John Day and Marshall Gem ing in the ec remony was Cubmaster Ralph Ree, (second from left.) Looking on are Mrs. Lloyd the care of youngsters with Company, Frank N Payne, Owned Ephrata Store
ME vt a berling have been named co- E. Hawk, (left) director of Heart Haven: twin brothers of the new Boy Scout, Ronald and | rheumatic fever and rheumatic president, said: He purchased a shoe and hat
issued on subscriptions—as to supervisors for the two play- Donald Alleman, former Heart Haven patieits, ad Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Alleman. 345 W. Don- | heart disease, arrangements “The management of the store at Ephrata, built up the
who will ultimately be the win- grounds. The playgrounds will egal St. Mount Joy, parents of Gerald (Curtesy Intelligencer Journal) | were made to hold the advance- company is pleased to announce business, sold it and purchased
or ope ‘ 3 : ! : 3
her. of he grand prises be in cpsration eighi Weeks bes; |e nt ceremony at Heart Haven. that the Gerberich-Payne Shoe another at Steelton, where he
Action Spells Success ginning June 25 and closing on So it was, the other night that' Company will take over this increased the business and er-
Jerry graduated from the Cubs plant and equipment on Mar. 1, ected a building. He sold out
The crucial test is now at Aueust 17. A five-day week has
hand for potential grand een planned for the program. LOW 1 S or oun Joy ewer Ines : to the Boy Scouts. Watching the| 1956 and purchased an exclusive
: i will not be in- shee store in Trenton, N. J.,
winners! And this Saturday :
ay > Applications To Be I ceremony were Jerry's fellow Production
patients, his dad and mother, terrupted and fine shoemaking the second largest in the city.
might well, to a considerable ex-
oe tell the story. The mat- Received By Group | nt ? : : : :
Cres ; Written applications will be bis twin brothers, Ronald and Will be continued Long having wished to be-
fer of 'succest lies entirely I the i i [ Feb. 10 0 an 1 S e i Donald, both of whom also “The management feels the come a shoe manufacturer, Mr.
{ : AR Gerberich, with A. S. Kreider
received on or before
hands of contestants themselves. ; ;
> for assistant playground super- | were patients at Heart Haven, opportunity for steady employ
We can help you only by telling i — » rile a YE
e can help yb) 8! visors for the summer program. Laying of Mount Joy's sewer| some years ago. ment is greatly improved of Annville and ral ofthers,
! Production Increase Expected | organized the Kreider Shihe Co.
to meet the demand for our
| mony, skilled workers,” stated
Jerry's full name is Gerald gE. Gerberich
| Wayne Alleman and he has been Three Hundred Employes Here
you how.
) : : This position is open to women p © lines will cost in the neighber.! The short, simple ceremony
4 Vote urchas e x. T. Keller Not To Ralph, Rice, Now producing 565,000 pairs and built a factory at Middle
Now is the time, unquestion who Fave Fad. .4 | tuctedt 4
vho have hac WO years o ¢ . Ll was conducted by
ably to secure an unsurmount- ) : haod of $850,000 if the Borough! : rai OW rin RIA an
oh yor rv oh now is the irl Jn aly and \phvsienl Of Ambulance Seek Re Election ‘Authority awards contract yn| Cubmaster of CubPack 136, to of GeePees, Gerberich Boys tows, “which ‘he ‘manny } :
able reserve vote: ris > pS . - hority awards contracts « sg liz Jie 's shoe yt 81 >
time to make reasonably cer- education or a certificate of : which Jerry belonged,” and Shoes and Big Boys shod 8, the growth necess was 5 00
tain of the prize Ye u most de- qualification from the county . K. T. Keller, board chairman the basis of lowest bids opene 8 Frond Etsell, Scoutmaster of Mount Joy company with the of an addition, an
¢ 3 ; supervisor of schools. I or Community of Chrysler Corporation an-. 1 oo night at the fire Troop 39, of which he is now, acquisition of the Elizabethtown C( id ny was merg. 5 16 55
\ ’ | ave facilities for eral factories and jo . :
The ¢ icants sho ive i "> house i \ 7 company will hav
Not to do so means that you I'he applic ints sh uld live in To replace the present com- nounced last Thursday that he house. | a me mb r ddie Flory, den notes Tair: Bes es in. which Mr. Kn
vd Mount Joy or in the immediate ito: ACH : en : Sixteen companies submitted] chief of the Pack, who had #nother 200, pairs ‘a year... qs 10.00
Will have to redouble your et vicinity. Two persons will munity ambulance, the ambul- will not seek re-election to that ned t ttend hi 1f Gerberich-Payne shoes rec erested. Mr. Gerbe
1 ( ors S J > . anne : a ras cP a) S,
emi nin ance committee composed of! office al the next directors’ bids concerning various phases | a Att in elected to the board of
hoi § C 2 spital ¢ <
for each playground. members of the Friendship Fire meeting April 17 of the proposed installation
Applicants may write their Company and Auxiliary met Mr. Keller was seventy last Jerry reecived his necker-
letters to the Youth Activity Tuesday night and voted to pur-| November 27 and has held the ©f lines north of the Pennsyl-| chief, signifying him as a Boy
ania railroad, were as follows: Scout, and best wishes from his
tions NOW might be the very Committ £ tl Social Wel
ws . {| Comn &e oO 1¢ Socla Vel- i 5 i
nes ede “clinch” at» ‘hase sw Cadillac ambul S ‘eo 1950 when Vvank . TY :
ok need d to olinch that fare Association. “Post Office chase a new Cadillac umbul- 1 chairmanship since 1 ; 1 rr Welcomotl. into the Stont berich-Payne Shee Company is @ brief rest. But in the fall of
beautitul new Chevrolet worth; gp. “40 Mount. You anes, he relinquished the presidency Andrew R. Palombo, Pitts top hy, Ficoll: 3 en ted monument to the opportuni- 1919, he became active again
swactly ory anit: td JO) 3. dav. March 3. a Cadillac 8 ie ~ «Troop by Etsell. Jerry repeated ° : : ;
exactly $2,450.00 grand capital om or Saturday, March 3, a Cadillac in. favor of = Lester L. Colbert. burgh. $497,954.30, D. & ( hg Pa Ch en 9 ties afforded by the American organizing with Frank Payne of
prize; they could hardly help une rector. Also ambulanee, similar to the one He i od that he will con- Spinosa Company, Allentown,! | ° a : vac 3 way of life. Harrisburg, his own company,
but win one of the other major Discussed which will be purchased, will e announces #9 : * ra 9,870.75; C. & T. Affiliat fos'ament, Ui. 8. fag and Scout B rn in Fast Hanover town- the Gerberich-Payne Shoe om
i t iri? $f ates, : : 0 Las ayne >
Also discussed at the commit- be on display for the residents tinue mn a consultive capacity $03 dt % to handbook, which he will be ie J 2. 1870, E. S. Ger- pany, building the Mount Joy
Mon Mr. Keller, who was born in Inc, N. J., studying for the next few weeks SUP Jan. =, 14/0, &. = x pan 18 Mot Joy
his 467.15; Kirk Construction Co. lat Heart Haven herich was orphaned at the age factory which started to manu-
ognized among the leaders
the industry, are sold in all the ors and served as secreta,
the: corporation
forts during the remainder of
the race to make up for lost op
portunity Just a good big
bunch of “full limit”, subserip-
| attend
18 states and Cuba
Founded in the
ES. Gerberich, the Ger- the Kreider company and took YO
Jids for Schedule I, laying
fall of 1919, In 1918, he sold his interest in
prizes of big bonus awards.
Enter Personal Pride tee meeting was the possibility to inspect. The following
The striking feature of the of hiring a full-time recreation- day. a solicitation will begin inj Mount Joy and completed : La ry of nine when his father
schooling in the local schools Lemoyne, $583,856.57, James wae told that the theme } ot] ving di 1 wher
1s Mmolher 1aving © yen
past few days is the personal al director for Mount Joy. Mem. the borough for the purchase of 1
: : . : . . : "rt i¢ a ive career in Julian, Inc, Elsmere, Del., ,¢ , la is
pride that is becoming so notice- : (Turn to page 2) the new vehicle began his automotive aren i” SOUR T7040. Constr, of the Scout program i yp, we only two. Left in the It hus been a story of contin.
able. One contestant declared| =r — =o — er ptt ee 1910 as an 03 a pla > er 4% ete $612 533 ward for God and My Country,” wre of strangers, he learned Uous growth since In 1920
making automobile axles. r. tu o., Harris 3, $612,533. Reha en str y | ;
I gt and that reverence and loyalty early that it took a good days Were were 2) employes; today
that to accept defeat would be YI: G HD Construct] C
and Mrs. Keller, the former 11; G - D. Construction Co., qa j "ta arts of a Scout's 3 95 p
md Mrs elle « are important parts of a Scout's work to make a living. there are 300. In 1925 an office
a lasting disappointment and saat . . :
She doesn’t want, thet to happen Contestants Are Hitting Their Stride In Adelaide Taylor of Wilkinsburg, Bloomfield, N. J. $632455.70; Jite Jory plans to work on Tenchir of line ouilding was. erected: apdiiin
to her. Another says he owes | {are the parents of two sons, Globe Construction Co., Upper his tenderfoot requirements at Aver several vears, he went 1928 another wing to the fac-
i Richard Darby, $757,463.50; A. Shuttle pa, Haven where he is re-' tory :
died, foclure shoes in October, 1920.
Continuovs Growth
it to his friends who have re | Robert and
‘ wher 77
sponded so promptly and whole- THE BULLETIN Te eS o. Ine, Dresher, $771,719. ceiving treatment for rheumatic FIRE COMPANY I'he second generation became
heartedly thus far to put forth fever. Etsell will visit him active in the Mount Jov oc
: : ay s ord : active e mnt Joy com-
his best c¢fforts here after and ‘Maytown Bank bs Bids for Schadye II, laying from time to time to sce how 8 CALLED Friendship = Fire Pany in 1920, when Clyde "E
to call upon every resource from | Hoes wi Of the: Pomeylvania vie is doing on his Scout work.| Company 3 s called to t ; Ge b rich, the eldest s in ) ined
: x . i ad, were: npar as calle ( Ye ‘rear; WE uae dl i £5 Of JOINS
now on until the finish—just | gg Inc., $327 Jerry was a member of Cub of {he Hostetter Hardware Store the organization
three weeks from this Saturday ransfer S 245.90: J hy 0 A i gi “ Pack 136 for about a year. He 3:40 p. m. Tuesday. -A pas After graduating from Gettys
at 11 o'clock—so that every-, aol), JONNSON bros. was about ready to begin his a : ; : .. burg college in 1913 >’ tO
4 : ! b burg, $352,519.30; D. and C. begin his. gerhy called in a fire alarm be g college in 1913, he wrk -
» 15 + 5 ae Je , i
thing possible will have been Su scription Contest | t d Spinosa Co.. $358.246.75: Lehigh scout work when he beeame ill. Jioying a fire had developed ed for a time in the severa de
omp e € 41 Now that he is a member of a pear where the Gantz proverty partments of The A. S. Kn r
done, AND NOTHING LEFT ati 1 D s
UNDONE, to better his chance, A shining new 1956 Chevrolet four-door sedan, valuod Foundations, Ine, résher, troop, he has an added incen- A 3 ye yal Later he vie
altogether at $2,450.00, to be awarded as grand capital The officers of the Union Na- $366.330.64; Globe Construction pe fe aes Sed Incen- onee stood. The fire wus a pile Company. Later he was ta
tive for wanting to go home! rubbish being burned by i'to the office, which he manag
to win, 4
. prize to participant in contest obtaining most points on ional M t Joy Bank an- Co, $373,507.50; Kirk Cons . .
Still another contestant ex- subscriptions to this newspaper. Contestants listed below onal d an : Oe to be-| ti $385 231.01: hile soon. He is a sixth grade stu- the €d until 192( esigning to
presses herself in this matter; in numerical order with votes cast for publication up to || nounee that mn ir bY. the I 3. Dass sy = de
“I. wart’ and need that. new date: . ing granted permission ll de onstruction Co., $360,541.65; tary school and has been con was elected a membar iol: the
ize Chevrolet f 4 Comptroller of the Currency Alcone Utilities Inc., Verona ., °. . Yo a ei : :
priz vrole for my very he id LR [ hice the of NJ. 3: J tinuing his education while a board of directors and seer
own; and with the continued || THESE 6 CONTESTANTS ARE “IN THE PRIZE MONEY || bo Dupes te Ee bo y Bom a i: patient at Heart Haven where WF. GOOFED! tary
support of my friends, I BE-' iby : . | Maytown INauone >i lan, >, ala. 040.90, Lr, Mrs. Haw . A There comes a fime in Yoh 1 tothe a
LIEVE 1 CAN WIN.” Others James Rutt, 166 New Haven St, Mount Joy 1.148.500 cember, they also received per- Construction Co., Pittsburgh, whl Haws, ag he Tg very’ ediior's Te wher he'd Grant D h, the see-
31 : retin : en a EVE 4 : Ag i 9 *S have in rE h ond son, graduated from Mer-
too are just as determined to Joe M. Yolgemuih, Jr, B.D 7, Mount Joy 1.005.500 nission ast Wess w a a TR D. Construc- 45 doing his homework, just as like to crawl into a hele and cersburg Academy and Gettys-
finish victorious and are setting || Earl W. Myers, 206 N. Barbara St., Mount Joy 993,900 a Mayans Alene on Co. $430,301.50 his mother might, if he were Pull it in ofter him. burg College and the Eastman
appropriate words to action! || Jim Brown. 33 W. Donegal St., Mount Joy 891,000 ||“ bate sible lace. hg Schedule I, repav- at nome Thet tme come to The p00 College. Having a
So, on the basis of personal a awn. 208 FE in G ‘or 2 he actual transfer took place ing of trenches, were: : ce Ll Se . Bulletin editor last Wednes- : a xe
pride SAE a Joann Brown, 209 E. Maly at, Mount Joy | | Wednesday, Feb. 1, 6:00 p. m B. R. Krider & Son, Manheim. i One of the five children of day after the woek's paper knowledge of shoemaking, he
their individual ability to cp. Bruce C. Myers, 107 W. Main St., Mount Joy 885,000 The new office opened for busi- $25720; Basore Construction’ the Allemans, he collects nap- was printed and he was re- became connected with the Ger-
ii 3 ness today, Thursday, Feb. 2nd, Co, $30.900: J. Miller Eshle- kins as a hobby and has about berich-Payne Shoe Company,
ure highest honors, the race : 1 600 of them some from foreign laxing in an easy chair per subsequently being elected to
is being waged zestfully. || THESE CONTESTANTS ARE STRIVING FOR “PLACE |!8:00 am. It is under the super- man, Landisville, $33,200; D. M.| . using the week's efforts. | dof dant
Shielding lustre on the see-| IN THE MONEY” | vision of John H. Hoffman, Jr. Stoltzfus, Talmage, $38, 200: | countries and others collected; Bara! Thot's when it hit. the board of directors, ait) 4s.
tional spirit that is manifesting land Gerald Lindemuth, present James Julian, Inec., $46,600; G.! ta birthday parties | Per Comita Stays at $10.00. sisting mn, the management
itself, this mighty factor is the Martha Hess, KR. D. 1, Mount Joy £27,650 [| employees of the bank. H. D. Construction Co., His twin brothers, who will That's the way the headline The third generation is now
bulwark behi Haas 709,500 [| In addition to the facilities Action on the bids must be! be eight next month, are hop- d. And t d i amiive I the company. Clyde Be
chind the various con- ; : : read. nd then down in the Gerberich Jr. son of Cly
tenders for high honors and at- David Greer, Maytown 367,000 offered by the Maytown Nation- taken within 30 days. jig to “follow in’: their big story it read that the per con- Jr, Son Of Hae BE
tendant awards. Charles O. Groff, 32 Old Market St., Mount Joy 322500 1 al Bank, the new office will of-| Bids for the sewage treatment, Prother’s footsteps and join Cub tq tax weld remeoin at $8. and Richard Qers
In short, each section repre | ; a | fer increased loan advantages plant are scheduled to be open-| | Pack 136 next April. A sister, So-0-0! The story had been perich. Son of Grant D Ger.
(Turn to page T) June Way, Salunga 267.800 |i! including personal and install- ed on Feb. 28. | Patricia, ten, is a Brownie but, aceuratelv but the berich, both hold executive pos-
C. F. Auker, R. D. 2 Mount Joy 258.050 |i! ment loans and complete trust wh rem tsp, (ff mere nt mn | another sister, four-year-old oditor had banged out the fons
Mrs. Ralph W. Rice, 45 Columba Ave, Mount Joy 248.100 facilities AWARDED GOLD BADGE is still too young to be wrong head.
. Rs 7 ; : " thinking about joining the Girl
The Ph sician Melvin Heffley, Jr, R. D. 1 Mount Joy 118.000 The combined assets of the Sally Ulrich was voted to] Mount Joy's per cap'ta tax
Y On Call | { two banks is approximately $7,- wear the gold badge of the lo-| Scouts. | will remain at $8 for another To Report New Families
| 500.000.00 which does n cal le s Hes av hi as care
Sunday WINNERS NEVER QUIT, QUITTERS NEVER WIN! Mey vii i So er a id EI RE has cared) year, so dort be alarmed Who Are to be Visited
Dr. John Gat be ng fo p: r the week. Sally was patients since 1950, is, over the headline.
. ates | $1,650,000.00 and corporate named because she helped alcondueting a fund-raising cam-! Sorry, for the error. Call MJ-3-9763
| .
WN _\|| trusteeships of $500,000.00. small bov who ted fallen, | (Turn to page 5) | Larmon D. Smith
al | '
workmen. The services of
nt at the Mount Joy Elemen- fire company were not used. comz to Mount Joy, whete he

Kitty Gephart, 123 S. Barbara St., Mount Joy