The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 26, 1956, Image 2

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va y w eR
{ THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa.| tls A I Delicious Rome Beauty, Jon-
Oo W/ L L A F F S| . Thursday, January 26 tayman pple athan apples ranked next in or-
| THE BULLETIN der for total production in|
Published every Thursday at 11 | Leads All Others Pennsylvania. A; Fb RT ER Tar re CERI ARE
Bast Main Street, Mout Joy. | HARRISBURG—PNS The Reviewing the season, the de-|
Lancaster Co 7, Pa, { . . . | 1
| Lari D. Smith, Publisher | all-purpose Stayman variety of partment noted that there was| oi a
Jol ES ae J apples once more led all others pu fairly good set of fruit on] Ed -
ohn chroll, | in Pennsylvania production dur-! most varieties with favorable! i
> 9 ( oy | ‘ § avors ) 5
Editor and Publisher, 1¢ 01-1952 2] ing the past year, the State De "spring weather in most fruit Ih
Subscription Rate $2.50 per | partment of Agriculture said|areas of tho state, followed by 3
year by Mail . this week dry conditions later in the sum- ae ps
Advertising rates upon request. | i
Entered at the postoffice at | Considered excellent for eat- mer. . . be HW |
Boge! Du no glass ing fresh, for cooking and bak Late rains and a fairly good A
mail under the Act of March : ; . ‘ : ty
" | ing, the Stayvman has been the fall season helped improve pros-| ve ’ .
1879. Wi
Member, Pennsylvania News- leading apple for many years, pects We ve never seen SO many enthusiastic buyers be
paper Publishers’ Association. in the Keystone State | Production of Stayman apples, Ey who came !
P Second in production last year during the year amounted to] Hs in our history! .. WE mean those J i 41
ras the York Imperial, lar, approximately 20 or cent of ph pe T
“Ever body’ Wins Was 9 n peria popula pp oxima ely : per cen Jo ik to A & P during the past we eek. when I
10 to y ie Gn I
BY A WISE OWL with apple canners | the total output of all varieties. id 1 bi
Fro ge 1 Eid {2
(From page 1) | we cut so many low prices so much lower. -
: - who merely hope for Call Mt, Joy 3-4339
Who has the Indian head ) to have the BULLER S BEAUTY SALON cen iy Prop. | : Sn because you loved those low, | ow prices...
., | but don’t seem
pennies? The other day Allie : 9 Bes Main Street Florin, Pa
/ / arry t the
Myers’ Mother asked him to pay} Now to carry oul ne Special Caryl Richards new Softy Cold Wave for the
yt © | mandates of ambition «
her Christmas club at the bank id || New Soft Look : $7.00 5
with $2.00 worth of pennies| Participants realize that the New Toni's given $6.00. Other permanents $5.00 up 4
which she had wrapped into! | big prize tremendously valu- | he
money rolls Allie did this able and extremely hard to get | 4
Sometime later, Newcomer's lies practically within their i
store needed some change and] either to be forfeited to OLIVER S A GER & SON 3
when one of the fellows opened | 388YessIve competitors during * hb F
. : | the short remaining time of the
one of the rolls of pennies, he the ma g tim th

| contest. i
was amazed to find that it con- : i Gh . A
tained Indian head cents. a nat E'S RESULTS, Ditch Digging -_ Septic Tanks Installed | iy ‘After all...lower prices are are the one sure way to | f 200
Field Drainage — Footings — Grading fo cut your total food bill. And, when it comes
bank to see if there were any- | Hauling - And Light Jobs th 3 A P t i
3 Sef M mers | o lower prices, you can count on Ask to . . .
mole avaliable, There: Were '| Portable Air Compressor— Concrete Breaking i t p y
more available and the bank S I ti 4 li #2
clerks informed him that those; diva ea ing | Top Soil and Fill
that were placed in the bank
by Mr. Myers earlier in the Meetings in Big | Rock Drilling
A guy 1 ply Donegal Fourth And Final Week. 2d PHONE 7-1256 he

Now, Allie saves Indian heads that .
: iat coun st.
and seeing these, went to the A mos

Street was always courteous to
women. Once he outshone him-
self. Yesterday he was talking)
to some friends and happened
to mention that he had never)
seen an ugly woman. A East
Ward woman passing by heard
him, and stopped him. ‘‘Look;
at me,” she told him, "and
then say you've never seen an

Your A&P Store In Mount Joy
| ENJOY 012 | Is Open Friday Night
DRIVING 7 J Until 9 P.M,

ugly woman.”
“Madam,” said my friend, “like
the rest of your sex, you are
an angel fallen from the skies.
It was not your fault that you

So great has been the Movement |
.. of God during the past three weeks,
happened to land on your face *|during the Bible Salvation-Healing |
Meeiings, under the direction of Ev- |

Iceberg Lettuce

® x 3 :
angelist L. C. Robie of Union! .
In case you're inerested: a Springs. B. ¥. i te Maneng oar! NEW Maine Po atoes Asm :
JT 3 Sa ©“ anatha), Assembly of God Church, | = None i i "A" Size &
freind is a guy who has the of which Rev. E. S. Bell is the Pas- | SUPER FLEX large 19° Priced . Ibs Seedlos 3.
same enemies you have tor; that by popular expression. i heads Higher Winesap Apples 2 : 29¢ Grapefruit 64-70 size 4 25¢
became necessary to continue thru- Chick Beef 8 -
e © o cut his fourth week, 'hru January 29 i. roc Ban uet Frozen Pies icken, Bee 5 .01Z.
inclusive 9 0 or Turkey pkgs.
Did you know that Frank To pass the church during service
Shreve, proprietor of ‘‘Shreves and see the dong Kes of Sa tells
Inn” on Old Market and Man- 8 Dye SREY aun le he Sean
heim Streets, used to be a in answer to prayer in the souls and
“farmer”, truck farmer, that is, bodies; would convince all that
several years back, when he “Something of a very unusual char
lived near Mountville? ager > token place in this fine
The story goes, that Frank By means of powerful,
would plant corn one year, and A. System: chimes ring out over the
City for some fifteen minutes before
instead of plowing the stalks >
each Service. ET A E
down, he would plant tomatoes th. Audience was hell spell G o O°
the next year. in the same field bound the other nie when the Evan-
Temple Oranges | Snow Crop Strawberries wes 49°
oo O° vented | map Peas 2% 205: 33c Orange Juice 24 5 ‘i 6%
: Lima Beans 5h. 2 oo 45¢ French Fries toc 2° 27¢
A &P has reduced OF ER 600 Grocery Prices Since Oct. 1st.
Hunts Tomato Caisup 2 vo 33° Wesson or Mazola Gil 31° iu. 60°
Sunsweet Prune Juice i 31° V.8 Vegefable Cockiail Juice ‘Ci 35°
: » i fi 18-07. i in uar
Grapefruit Juice a on 28 Hellmanns Mayonnaise 39° 61°
: : el Monte or 02.
Fruit Cocktail Dela can 35 Applberry Sauce 2 ove 29°
A*P Pineapple Juice 2 4 A) go. AEC Hb RE
Mii an 81 Hershey Cocoa 3
Whitehouse Apple Butter wr 20 MaM’s Candy Goated Clocolste 631. 9

the corn stalks were left stand- gelist. known to multitudes as the T OS pss
3 2 1 3 & Fa
ing and use hem for the toma- Hlying Parson. told of his miraclous
: hi men landing in a tree wih his Gos-
to stakes! — | pel Ship.
His neighbor's field was weed-' A couple ROBIE-SHOTS, “When
less, and one season the birds God goes to work on a man he
starts on the inside with ihe heart |
¥: ., ,, and gives him new and clean ones: |
BE but Frank didn’t while man tries o rebuild from the

ate all ‘the peas he had grown
Plain or Peanut bag
Nabisco Premium Crackers Ih 5 Dleomargaring 9 ti GE

lose a single pea — -— — the outside 5d it doasn't work, or get |
dso a a ne t id
bigs ode Sod ume form Svan wow ue) GEO. W. LEAMAN | Keebler Salfines Hh og I he 3am
Be es : {nree nites: Friday, 7:30, “The Man Aa Moh Nutle Oleomar ariiie 2 31
derstand h we ) sh ) 0 A 1-lb. Cc 2:1b. Cc g kgs.
sig why he went into thelgar oot more than He asked. Sat. | 208 E. MAIN ST. Kraft Velveeta Pe 43 bb 82 Mh. It
10tel business. " G ASC's” .30 | ; To 5 . : 2 Kh
Hg Toe Unione Tok me Mouse sor Del Monte Peaches "iy: “32° hor Blas aig Sa 3
urge 0 come early lor a seat ereso a our vor "og fo EL
Up at Chets a guy from EL A Holiday Assortment Toil |i 39° svi {70 5 3°
hs Te ie Soft Weve Tissue 5A) flow us RAR x
’ 0) apn “0%.
over with the check he smiled Cut Rite Waxed Paper Ret. 23° Vermont Mai "smn AH hottle 3
and said: “Gee, I'm sorry, but
I just haven't got any money
to pay for this meal.”
“Barb” said that’s okay. We
will just write your name on
the wall, and you can pay the
next time you come in
The gent protested: He said
Ken-L-Ration Dog Food 6 Lk 8i° Cake Mixes White, Yellow or Devils Food pke.
. 07. 1b, C
Scott Tissue 3 ois 39¢ Mother's Qats Be JY 30
But We Can Predict Cheerios Gereals "w 22° Florient Aerosol Deodorant ~~ 59°
ian roe aC
NO DELAY If fou Bring Your | Hershey Chocolate oo. 3 Jane Parker Pie oo U5. 39
; tae 1 cer Plain «1b. C
Niblets Gorn yous we 31° Vienna Bread 19

*NO OTHER INSTANT COFFEE Minute Maid Orange Juice 5 89°
GIVES YOU MORE GOOD CUPS i 3 Orchard Queen 11-02, 6
SE Maraschino Cherries Sie Sine "i 29
OR YOUR MONEY BACK! All prices in this advertisement effective through Sat., Jan. 28
in si?


use as replacements. This unbeatable com-
honoring the grave of a buddy bination assures better work, quickly and
he saw a Chinaman come along economically done.
with ¢ J Ff roas ' :
with a bowl of roast pork. Mont delay; let's make a service date
Hey, Mae,” he said. “When's this week!
your friend comnig out to eat
the pork?”
The Chinaman put the bowl
down. carefully bef he ans- -
wered : RAL fs Sir a 24 Quality dd eld H. S. Newcomer & Son
this, and one day as he was

“Everybody who comes in will | Tr i
sto 1b." i fractor in for Cervic2 Now dexo Shortening 1-1b. 2 3b. 11
can can
But “Barb assured him that | 3 French Style 15"2+01, i fn regular
no one would see it. She said: ; Predicting the future is not among our Lord Moit S Beans String ae 2 ao 3 Dial Soap b= size cakes 23
Your overcoat will be hanging talents. But wa can predict two things: If | Van Gamp’s ‘Tenderoni 6-01, 10° : Buy 2 bath size cakes af regu- ;
over it. you pring your John Deere Tractor or ! pkg. Dial Soap I re regular 3 cake 33
I other equipment in for service now, you'll Saran Wrap 25 th 28° site cake at no extra cost, comb It's
> 9. | avoid the last-minute service rush . . . uss ; roll
i : Ritter’s Cals Plain or Tabasco 12-02. 19° . t ELD
In China, you're supposed to you'll be all set for trouble-free operation. | ih bottle Angel Soft Tissues RkE.o 23 re
bring food and drink to the | Furthermore, you can be sure of expert 3 vo wish
grave of your friend, instead of | work on every job. Qur skilled mechanics . it ye NEW), /4 T:
7 1 . i y el
flowers as we do. During the | are trained in John Deere servicing Angel Soft Facial Tissues, "i," 23°
Korean war, « local soldier out | methods; they have proper working equip- : i Love he 15° ®NO OTHER INSTANT COFFEE will
there was much amused by I ment and genuine John Deere parts to youl GIVES YOU FRESHER FLAVOR! 6-02

comes out to smell the and Genuine Incorporated . |
owers.”’ i 2 re pd | i»
| .