The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 26, 1956, Image 1

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The Mount
Your Home Newspaper—orving The Heart Of The Garden Spot
Dedicated To A Better Community

Contestants Are Off In A Bunch
In Bulletin’s Subsc
Grand Prize Car
Now On Display
along on the
and with
of enthusiasm
stamp of public
ready placed upon it, this
“Everybody Wins” prize
scription contest is rapidly
suming big proportions.
We welcome the ever-grow-
ing number of new subscriptions
now being added to our lists,
and also thank the many regu-
lar readers who are taking ad-
vantage of the money saving
opportunity to renew their sub-
scriptions at the special reduced
rates now in effect.
The ernest, hard-working con-
testants, without exception, are
meeting with gratifying success
on every hand in their quest for
subscriptions (the point issued
on each - prepaid order, of
course, means the winning votes
them) and this newspaper
appreciates the whole-hearted
response shown by the people of
this to the subscription
encouragement thus ex-
tended to the fine participants
for prizes spells SUCCESS in
large capital letters for this lo-
cal enterprise, and by the same |
token will enable us to serve,
befter in every way the general
interest of this entire commun-
Pay Checks Awarded Weekly
And it is our pleasure each |
week to issue substantial com-
mission checks to the various
contestants in the race for in-
dividual results. Obtained, and
in due course the most aggres-
sive ones will reap their great-
est reward the form of rich
prizes and the big cash bonus
awards, all in accordance with
the extremely liberal offer out-
lined in the opening announce-
ment of the contes.
So far, he race
markably close between several
contestants and, therefore much
depends upon the RESULTS ob-
tained this and next week—
while it is still possible to get
the BIG ‘first period” votes on
the Therefore
our those who!
really to put
forth efforts
Contestants, you're off at the
post now and the race is grow-
ing hot! Your courage and
ability have been demonstrated.
Can you finish as strong as you
started, with the best talent
and keenest within this area
pitted against you?
against you?
If we are any judge of peo-
ple—and we believe we qualify
-—the unusual type ‘of people
who are competing in this race
are anything but quitters. Sure-
ly the winner of such major
prizes will be entitled to ad-
miration for defeating such a
field and, by the same token,
highest commendations will cer-
tainly be due those who don't
give up, but flght to the finish.
Be Among The Leaders
As in all other championship
affairs, potential winners of the
biggest and best prizes will
most assuredly “pull” more
public support and the “top
notchers” when published
standing of contestants is made
up in next week’s issue, rather
than being one of the trailers
(Tur to page 2)
has been re-|
advice to
want to win

The Physician On Call
Dr. Newton E. Kendig
altogether at $2,450.00, to be
prize to participant in
in numerical order with
Joe M. Wolgemuth Jr, Rt. 1,
Mrs. Helen Brosey,
Rt. 2,
Carol Anderson,

First List of Contestants
Numerical Order
PP a)

Subscription Contest |
A shining new 1956 Chevrolet four-door sedan, valued |
subscriptions to this newspaper.
Charles O. Groff, 32 Old Market St., Mt. Joy
Rt. 2, Mount Joy
Mount Joy
The World Is Full of Starters But |
It's The Finishers That Count!
grand capital
obtaining most points on
Contestants listed below
cast for publication up to
awarded as

Mount Joy

118,000 |!

Mount Joy - Florin Youth Council
Will Sponsor Community Service
The Mount Joy-Florin Youth
Council is sponsoring a Com-
munity Service at 7:30 P. M.
Sunday evening, Feb. 5, in the
Evangelical U. B. Church, Mt.
Joy. The theme will be “Our
Citizenship Under Christ.” All
are invited to attend. After the
service there will be a social
period for the youth of the par-
ticipating communities.
The year 1956 marks the
thirteenth annual observance of
Youth Week, Jan. 29 thru Feb.
5, as sponsored by the United
Christian Youth Movement.
Through the 1956 theme “Our
Ciiizenship Under Christ,” ev-
eryone is challenged to discov-
er his responsibilities as a
Christian citizen.
The purpose of Youth Week
1. To strengthen the unity of
Christian youth across the coun-
12. To develop in youth the
awareness of their responsibili-
ties to the church.
3. To explore Christian con-
cepts of citizenship as they re-
late to all phases of life,
4. To relate the Christian
gospel to the major issues in
our nation and world today.
The local Youth Council has
suggested that on the first Sun-
day of Youth Week the young
people take part in denomina-
tional services. The Community
Service on the last Sunday of,
Youth Week will have interde-!
nominational cooperation. Thru!
these two ways the Youth
Council wishes to encourage
and promote a successful Youth
Week. There can be a success-|
Xe VY Hepp 4

Week only if
for the
ful Youth
turns out
one church
services and cooperates.
The Youth Council would ap-
preciate if the public would
take special notice of the Youth
Week displays in many of the
windows of the merchants in
the communities.
Three new members were ta-
into the Florin Lions Club
day night at the Clearview Din-
er. The new Ab-
ram Musser, Dr. Hugh Coleman
Rhoads. Abram Sum- |
their regular meeting Mon-
members are
and Earl
ner, international counselor, was,
802,000 | |
Jay Ginder, West Main St.
has resigned his position as
commander of the local Veter-
ans of Foreign Wars Post 5752.
The resignation was accepted at
the Monday night meeting of
the group at the VFW posthome
to other
with regrets sinee Ginder
resigned due obliga-
A new commander will be
named at
( meeting of the group. The
for a spring smoker.
fis x:
Lloyd Kline
Writes Skit
‘For Minstrels
An original skit written by
James Rutt, 166 New Haven St., Mount Joy 780,000 ||| vt : av
| Lloyd Kline, Jr., Columbia will
Earl W. Myers. 206 N. Barbara St., Mount Joy 707,900 we included in the coming Mt. |
Joan Brown, 209 E. Main St.,, Mount Joy 628,000 | Joy Lions Minstrel Show. Mr.
Jim Brown, 32 West Donegal St., Mount Joy 600,000 Kline formerly resided in Mt.|
Martha Hess, Rt. 1, Mount Joy 573,300 Joy several years ago. He wrote
Bruce C. Myer, 107 W. Main St., Mount Joy 560,000 | | the skit, wrote the music and
Kitty Gephart, 123 S. Barbara St., Mount Joy 558,100 | | the words to the songs in his
Mrs. Frances M. Long, Florin 419.000 | | Skit “Weddin’ Bell”. The local
David Greer, Maytown |] Show WIL ve she ong!
a inal showing for his original
June Way, Salunga 241.800 | works.
Mrs. Ralph W. Rice, 45 Columbia Ave., M.t Joy 235.000 The ‘skit includes four char:
| acters; three men and one wo-
{| man. The story centers around Mothers’ March on
a storekeeper who has two sons,
the one stays home and the oth-
er goes to the “city.”
Florin Cubs
Given Awards
At Pack Meet
“Pirates” was the theme of
Tuesday night Pack meeting of
the Florin Cub Scouts. Den 3,
with Den Mother Mrs. Charles
Hill, presented the skits for the
meeting which was held in the
Washington School.
Williams was awarded
his' wolf badge and one gold
arrow; Donald Forry, wolf
badge; James Hill, silver arrow
and Jeffrey Koser, silver arrow.
Den 2 with Den Mother Mrs.
Alvin Koser was awarded the
Den flag for the month for
having the most parents pres-
ent at the meeting. The group
decided to attend church as a
group Feb. 12 at the Glossbren-
ner E.U.B. Church.
Lloyd Cooke, Cubmaster, was
in charge of the meeting. Nex
month’s theme will center a-
round the birthday month call-
ed the “Blue and Gold” month.
“w a
i Hollinger,
P.T.A. Formation
Is Favored For
Donegal High
Parents and teachers favored
at an op-
a parent-teacher group
Donegal High School
en discussion
at the high school. Samuel Har-
nish was chairman for the eve-
Foy as : i i |
the next regular ning’s discussion at which time |
the group set Thursday, Feb.
group also made tentative plans as the night for the organiza-
tional meeting.
A committee was appointed
to take care of the details for
the meeting. This committee in-
Harnish, Clarence
Charles Felty, Mrs.
Edward Brown, Mrs. Hazel Ba-
ker, Wilbur Beahm, Miss Lily
cludes Mr.
Martin and Ragner Hallgren.
All parents of Donegal High
School students are urged to at-
tend this organizational meet-
| ing next Thursday at the school.
The group will meet in the au-
ditorium at 8 p. m.
Mothers’ March
Is Thursday |
January 26, is the
Polio thru-
out the county. Residents will
hear their door bells ring be-
tween 7 and 9 p. m. in the
towns of the area.
Under the direction of Mrs.
in Mount Joy,
Mothers and other helpers are
lined up and ready for the
drive Thursday night. In Florin
Warren Funk
Mrs. Elmer Forwood is: in
charge; Landisville, Mrs. Cleon
Kahler; Maytown, Mrs. Benja-
min Boltz; Salunga, Mrs. Edgar
The drive will climax the
month of the March of Dimes
and Dollars throughout the na-
B.P.W. To Sporsor
Smell Business Clinic
The Business and Profession-
al Women's club of the Pennsyl-
vania Federation will sponsor a
Small Business Clinic at the
Harrisburger Hotel, Harrisburg,
next Saturday, February 4th.
The clinic is being held to ane
such as advice
swer questions
of experts concerning
finances: ideas on how to make
meeting Tuesday | |

Booth’s Store
Day & Berrier
Carl B. Drohan
'|| Eshleman Brothers
Adam H. Greer
Hess’ Food Stores

Jack Horner Shoes
{| 1. B. Hostetter & Sons
| Keener's Home Furnishings
Koser’'s Jewelry
Kitty Dress Shoppe
Roy S. Lehman
Martin's 5 & 10c Store
W. A. Mateer Shoe Store
H. S. Meckey & Sons
Mount Joy Bulletin
|| Mount Joy Deparment Store
| A. H. Mumma Hardware
G. C. Murphy Co.
H. S. Newcomer & Son .
Lester E. Roberts & Son
M. S. Sensenig
Stehman's IGA Store
Sloan's Pharmacy
Wolgemuth, Inc.
Way's Appliances

Mount Joy Tile & Linoleum Co.
Zerphey's Sico Service Station

Mount Joy - Florin Merchants
Plan Sales Days This Weekend
Mr. and Mrs. William Shear-
er, rear 318 North Barbara St.
will celebrate their fifty-sev-
enth wedding anniversary Mon-
day, Janf{ 30. Mr. and Mrs.
Shearer were married in Ellots-
burg, Perry County. Mrs. She-
arer was the former Clara
The couple moved to Mt. Joy
from Sporting Hill {fourteen
years ago. They have four liv-
ing children; Samuel, Hummels-
town: James, Union Deposit;
Rose, Baughmanville, Grace.
Manheim. Mrs. Shearer former-
ly was employed as a state road
workman prior to a recent op-
A family dinner will be held
their their
their home
He:s' Food Store has begun
another phase of renovation in
Sunday in honor by
children at
First Increase
irst I
Page 10 M J
Page 10 Y
rage 12 | IN Several Years
Page 14 According to the prososed
Page 13 | budget for 1956 of the local
Borough Council, the per capita
Page 15 tax will remain the same as
Page 10 {last year, $8.00; but the millage
Fage 15 will be increased from 10 to 12
Page 9 |i! nis is the first time that the
Page 9 proposed budget has included
Page 17 | an increase in the mills for the
past several years. This increase
Page 17 will provide funds for the pur-
Page 17 chase of a new police automo-
Page 15 | | bile, several repairs to the local
i | fire house which also include a
Page 16 ||. heating system; increases
Page 11 [lin salary for the chief of police,
Page 10 | | patrolman, assisaant supervisor,
| and laborers; improvements to
Page 14 | ee existing streets; and build-
Page 14 || ing new streets.
Page 9 i The year’s budget includes a
| total estimated expenditures for
Page 9 general operating funds of $62.-
Page 11 (|| 870.00.
Page 12 Hl The chief of police salary will
|| be increased from $2900 to
Page 12 tH $3120: the patrolman’s, {rom
Page 14 to $2880; the assistant
Pages 9 10, 18 {| supervisor's from $1.15 per
hour to $1.35 per hour; and the
Page 11 | laborers, from $1.15 to $1.20
= ee per hour.
Committees Announced
Lloyd Myers, council presi-
dent, appointed his committees
for 1956 and 1957. Lester G.
Hostetter was named commis-
sioner of the finance committiee
Mount Joy - Florin Retail | with James Spangler and Geo.
Merchants this weekend will go Groff. William Dommell will
all out to offer unsurpassed head the light committee with
Sale Devs. valdes Mr. Hostetter and Charles Ben-
ig oy nett, Jr. George Groff was
The three-day bargain jubi- named commissioner of the
lee opens Thursday morning property committee with Mr.
and will continue until Satur-' Dommell and Mr. Spangler.
day night Mr. Myers heads the street
; committee with Mr. Spangler
In cooperation with the Mer- and Mr. I
chants The Bulletin appears Mr. Hostetter and B. Titus
one day early this week and is Rutt are in charge of the coal
being distributed to more than and heat funds; Mr. Bennett, 4
5.000 homes in the area chairman of the ordinance com-
: mittee; Mr 0 ¥ ic
For shopp rs convenlence . Dommell. public
safetv: and Mr. Spangler, pub-
there appears in the front page lic relations.
today a directory of Sales Days
public interest Insurance Explained
"“ At School And Home
Hertzler, Lancaster,
Prompted by
in their past sales
merchants have
limit to offer quality
dise at the lowest possible pric- was the guest speaker at the
es. Tuesday night meeting of the
The Mount Joy-Florin busi- local School and Home Associa-
tion. He discussed the school
ness distriet is rapidly becom-
ing known as the most conveni- Students’ insurance plan and al-
ent place to shop in the entire 90 conducted a question and an-
more money; information on the East Main Sireet store. Up- i i
row 10 tke. advantage of lll 2 the completion of the two- area. There are ample parking SW¢ period on the Subjeet :
: Cli week renovation, the store will facilities, and every effort has During the business meeting
meome tax exemptions; legal include a self-service section of been made to make shoppers conducted by Arthur Schneider,
advice about entering the busi- 0g eats. feel welcome president, Mrs. Charles Shoe-
ness world; accounting sugges- maker gave a final report on
tions: and, the solution to the and pie
the Christmas cookie
present at the meeting. The NEW OFFICERS wage and hour problem. : THIS IS WAY TO PILE UP VOTES sale held prior to the holidays.
program, which was in charge’ Mrs. Georg? Copenhauver Registration for clinic will Ralph Rice gave a report on
of Jay Snyder, included Hie} wus installed as president of the begin 00 hi ag i Here's an example how easily and quickly votes pile up Cub Scouting nd announced
showing of the film, “Octupus| local Friendship Fire Company continue until 4:00 pm. The in The Balletin’s big “Everybody Wins” prize subscripton con- that the “Blue and Gold” ban-
registration fee is $3.00. quet for the Cubs and their
of Wiring” by a representative,
of the Pennsylvania Power and
Light Company. John Hess,
president, was in charge of the!
Shoots Coypu
Says Game Protector Ralph |
H. Shank, Schuylkill County |
“A hunter who wishes to re- |
main anonymous recently
shewed one of my deputies
Mason Spancake, an animal
he shot thinking it was a
wood chuck. This animal wa
approximately twice the size
of the average size wood
chuck, had a round and al-
most hairless tail and web-
bed hind feet. It was iden-
tified as being a nutria, or
coypu, an animal imported by
some fur farmers in the
state. It was shot while it
sat in a field, eating clover
as a woodchuck does.”
Auxiliary at their meeting last
Thursday. Mrs. Esther Geib
was installed as first vice presi-
dent: Mrs. Laura Hoffmaster,
second vice; Mrs. David Mump-
secretary; Mrs. Jno. Sprout,
secretary; Mrs.
treasurer; and
Jacob Arndt,
| Mrs. Viola Kauffman, chaplain. gal High School
Donald Eberle won the gold
| safety patrolmen of the
| elementary school. Ronald was
voted to wear the badge be-
| cause he managed to hold back
| the small
| other patrolmen

See Inside Pages How
To Gain A Million Votes
in the “Everybody Wins”
Subscription Contest.

Oe ini
Donegal High School is again
contributing to the annual
“March of Dimes” collection.
This year, as previously, Done-
will take a
collection at a home basketball
game, the game January 27th.
The opponent will be Columbia
| badge for the week among the High School and the collection |
will be taken during the half
of the varsity game.
HD ier
A card party has been plan-!
ned by the JoyCees to be held
in the firehouse Friday evening,
Feb. 24. Both pinochle and
bridge will be played and two
prizes per table will be award-
ed. Mrs. John Landis heads the
committee in charge of arrange-
ments with Mrs. Harold Zim-
merman, Jr, Mrs. Sally Smith
and Mrs. Thomas O'Connor.

| test now getting underway.
Twert'y--five thousand votes are issued on each “full I'm” Parents will be held Feb. 22 in
5-year subzcription for only $10.00 during the contest provid- the firehouse.
ing same is received at the contest while the MAXIMUM num-
ber cf votes are allowed.
raincoats and
purchased by
Jast 20 such subscriptions now would entitle any con- sociation for the Safety Patrol
to 507,000 regular votes; and as 50,000 extra votes are Members were on display. The
issued on ecch and every $20.00 “club”, that many subscrip- fifth grade of Mrs. Dorothy
tions would const'ite exactly ten “clubs” on which 500,000 Johnson won the award for
extra votes are given. having the most parents pres-
Therefore, a mere matter of 20 such subscriptions NOW ©"
would add up to exactly 1,000,000 votes altogether—a num- : §
ber sufficient to “bridge any gap” now existing between to- ATER MAIN HI
day's leadors and those farther down the line—and quite Residents in the New Haven
enovijh to place even last on the list well up in the running Street area were without bor.
for major prizes to be awarded Feb. 25th. Just four weeks water Monday following
from this Saturday. the puncture of a water main.
Mr. and Mrs. Reader, this message is addressed to you: The main was hit through
Woeuldn’t you like to be one of a small group of 20 “full workmen making a survey of
lim'y” subscribers to help your favorite contestant pile up a the depth of rock. in the pre.
million votes or more toward winning the prize of his or her plans.
Your added “bit” right now may be just the encourage
ment needed to help some desarving contestant "go over the
top” in a BIG WAY!
The way fo gain a friend is to be one! Seize this unusual
opportunity—at actual dollars
win the lasting gratitude of a
To Report New Families
Who Are to be Visited
Call MJ-3.9763
and cents savings to you—io