OWL | THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. P6.[ Lancaster High School, served three years SCHOOL CONTRIBUTING | TO MARCH OF DIMES Mortuary Record | : roa 15 Atl! i i Thursday, January 19 2 Following the ceremony, a in the U. S. Navy, and is em- Thoughtful Allention ff; - | reception will be held in the ployed by Sears Roebuck Co, Donegal High School is again To Every Detail | od MEMORIALS - : THE BULLETIN t 11 | Ge neral Sutter Hotel, L tite. | Lancaster. M. ROY DIETE R A bi pi to the annual JAMES B. HEILIG | = : Lancaster County, Pa. | King St. Lancaste re i LORIN Hun ymel St., died This year, as previously, Done-| y : ££ Larmon* D. Smith, Publisher | The bride-elect is employed at 11:50 Tuesday in the Harris- | gal H righ School will take a | : m= — John E. Schroll, | as secretary by Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eshel- purg Hospital following a long co! lection at a home R d OL ~ | Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 | Cork Co. Mr. Lambert is a pro-| ;nan of Emigsville called on illness | game, the game January 4 resn, oaste r = Vote | duction engineer at the Radio| My and Mrs. Geo. Mumper, Sr. orn in Mount Joy, he was a The opponent w ill be Columbia Sub tion Rate $2.50 per ) collect = 4 | ubserip iw ar by Mail Corporation of America, Lan-| gn Thursday. son of the late Philip J. and High . School and the collec ait ALL ORK GUARANTEED = == Advertising rates upon request. | caster branch Mr. and Mrs. Landis Hess Kathryn Mooney Dieter. He re | will be taken during the ha — = Entered at the postoftice at ——— Lahr A hey 4 oe y Harris! . the past 40| of the varsity game, ; == Moor Joy, Pa., as second-class a NEAN visited Mr. and Mrs, James E. tod in H ne Ure oe pas anes il - Free Estimates -— FF mail under the Act of March 3, | BUCH ESHELMAN Wagner at Havertown on Sun- years. He was a member of the 3 i | I ik 1879. | The marriage of Miss Belly dav. Messiah Lutheran Church and| Stimulate your businessby a ver- | | line 1 Member, Pennsylvania News- } Jeanne Buch, daughter of Mrs Mr Rebecca Reno of Mari- Co. D. 8th Regiment, Veterans sing in the Bulletin. p [ WM. J. POWERS — paper Publishers Association. | Della D. Buch. N. Mulberry St. : ) oc: 0 Eel At Hic wits Lecos Dieter | assinge I's foce V | TT | | he Te te. Ba". Hae) ra is spepding some Witl) died gloat ‘two years ago Mrs, Lottie G. Fortenbaughi | 121 W. BAINBRIDGE ST. | Q » late Mr. oy > uc Bais 4 no on 1a nhlepel. QlCQ abot WO years c« . | ox %y N | ENGAGEMENTS oa ec He Henry Eshelman ack pum Mrs. Sara Schlegel irviving are four sisters, | Miss Elizabeth M. Dieter, Mrs. 16 N. Market St., Mount Joy ELIZABETHTOWN : a SN nd: Mr Charles mich sere sens, | Avthur N.. Hershey and Murs. wie’ PHONE E-TOWN 7-1415 sO O { I: i S c : 4.3 14 foward 3 S$ CON- Sr ! AMTaw v Tre o an- dl 2 Gad BY A WISE OWL |RUHL-BRETZ Ruhl! Eshelman, 59 Marietta St, Mt. Eid Howard Bernhard is eon- goorge Mumper last week. | Morion W. Tweed, all of Lan-|.. Nr ond Mis. Harr peal J took 1 Sunday at two ducting a series of meetings at Mr. Harry Keener returned caster, and two brothers, Paul SE . bia. an- Joy, took place ay & ress om ig arn re I ae 2 Of afl the low down dirty oe Ste a. ote o'clock at the home of Justice Wiley Ford, Va. to his home last week, after R., Sunbury, and Philip S., of x 1( e gageme Mr : “wi S rh Ata OCA & yi ancaster. tricks 1 ever heard of, this one J an Barbara, to Rus- of the Peace, George A. Shenck, Mr. and Mr: Irvin Bishop spending several months Ww ith Lanc istet teat weet really was it ji ag oo Nv Landisville. celebrated their 33rd Wedding his son-in-law and daughter, Funeral services will be held Teany Wes Ren in bs rant sell w. Bretz, Jr, ison of ey The couple will reside at 124 Anniversary on Wednesday 18 Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Reynolds Saturday afternoon at the Or- fs} Week Officer Moe arn es. Bugsell ion . Main St. Landisville. Mr. Amos Shelley and daugh- and family at New Orleans, La.! ville Kimmel Funeral Home} : J ; : I J into an East Ward restaurant Water St. Florine iss Buln oF The bride a graduate of Mec-! ter of Ephrata called on the Mrs. Viola Bricker and Miss Harrisburg, with the Rev. Ditch Digging — Septic Tanks Insta e ‘for a bite to eat. He was no employed at Olmsted Air Force CT ) ga ‘ i Sins er. Vir Say J Marvy Hamilton visited their liam Van Horn Davies, his pas- ; : ; : ‘ sooner seated when he was of-] Base, Middletown. Her fiance is Co High ne y a SQ I Nive. Annie Wagner at tor, officiating. Interment will Field Drainage — Footings Grading : ¢ a 708 Kavistta' Air Tare] €0 (28 A Secretary oy rnu J shelley ) Jy 1a) aunt, 1 8S, 2 I¢ : 5. - ad fered a sandwich by ohe of Hie 4 Marion Alz Pons Ulrich, Landisville. Mr. Eshel-| Rev. John Weaver of Blos- St. Joseph Hospital on Wednes- be in the Rolling Green Ceme- Hauling — And Light Jobs other customers sitting near, Station, Marietta. No date has = es A : led NT. and Mrs. Hcy tery. him. Thanking the gentleman,| been set for the wedding. man, a graduate of Mount Joy som Hill visited Mr. anc 4 : : i Portable Air Compressor— Concrete Breaking Park proceeded to season it to, s liking — but when! ‘ he lifted the top layer of bread he noticed it had been already seasoned - - - For in it was a « mouse, covered with catsup and + mustard. East ward woman was wri- ting to her congratulating * him on his engagement. “Your ‘ father and I rejoice in your happiness, my boy,” she wrote. “It has long been our dearest . wish that you should marry; some good woman. A good wo- man is Heaven's most precious “ gift to man. She brings out all ‘that is good in him, and helps] to suppress the evil.” Then there was a short post-| seript in a different handwrit- ing: “Your mother has gone for a stamp. Stay single, darn| * fool.” A son, you A North Barbara Street wife was defending her bank with-, drawals. “You're the one who gets reckless and extravagant,” she told her husband. ‘Reckless and the husband said. tell me, when did a useless purchase?’ The wife smiled. * extravagant” “You just I ever ‘Why, there's jer make ii MENTZER Mr. and Mount Joy, gagement Roberta E., Jr, Harry E. Miss Fre Mount ployed in Supply Co. Her West served fia mn ! eluding a He Raub Supr ea. Mr. Beverly, son of Earhart, Miss Wi M high school graduate, ior at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Ill. Mr. Earhart has been in partnership with his father in the poultry business since his graduation from Mt.! Joy High School. ! The wedding will take place 1 June. son Joy Lampeter is also and Mrs. Genoa City, engagement to Mt. —FRANK Mrs. announce of their Harry Frank, the daughter, to Harry E. Mentz- Mr. and Mrs. Mentzer, Lampeter. ink, a graduate High School, is em-| the office of Raub en- WHEN WATER FREEZES SO DC FARM PROFITS! of of graduate of High School! S. Army, in- of duty in Kor-! employed nce, ad the U. tour by ly Co. CARHART Fred Wis., announce of their Paul r. and Windau, the daughter, Earhart, Jr. Mrs. Paul K. Joy R2. | ndau, a Genoa City is a sen- that fire xtinguisher oul We ddina | a ° . > » . a ad eddings I'here’s no faster way of freezing your winter-time farm have never used it once.” Se income than icy or frozen water for your flock and stock. MISS BIGLER TO WED . . 1 ff 1 - di 1 P © oo R. A. LAMBERT JANUARY 28 Production will suffer almost immediately. Protect your There ic a very “bashful. TH marviage of Miss Betsy water supply and protect your profits with these inexpensive ; ari1 | Bigler, daughter be. Mr! a : - country boy from out near Mil- ga of > one precautions : ton: Grove. The folks rs. Alvih.bigle DAV. VE . . Knew of his shyness. and they| St+ Mount Joy, to Richard A (1) Frost-proot all exposed water pipes with electric got interested when they found Lambert, 826 Jone Ave Ly heating cable. out he had fallen in love with! €aster, son of Mr. an irs : : : a local beauty. Last Wednesday ATihur J. Lamvert, 15 Wey. (2) Use electric water warmers in poultry houses. night he called: on her, one} MOUS Si, >aco ang, wi S 10 x Q ‘ cere smart character stood outside {ake place Jan. 28 at 10 a. m. Use electrically heated water bowls or tank de-icers the: door: to: listen. in St. gies Catholic Church for all outdoor stock waterers. He heard along silence... The The ev. Hubert McGuire ‘ . . 5 . J - - Ca pga iE Teneo Ie Will officiate at the double. Ting The electric way is easy! automatic! and inexpensive! ota WY on pravete. Fhally rt Ask your PP&L farm representative or your electric equip- is 1e bride-elect will be at- . as ae Dep Eee ment dealer for costs and other details today. pa he said, “how! y Mrs. John . over, : would vou like to oe Ee her sister, and Miss Joan Frey, with our folks?” both of Lancaster William W. Hardy, Bird-in- 4 9. Hand, will serve as best man ; Ushers will be John H. Boyer Recently 1ew cashier at a 3 ret od Ti So ns and John Markowski, both of PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIG “HT COMPANY ing her final training for the - job. “Now,” said the manager,! “what do you do when someone forgets his change?” “That's easy,” the girl said. “I rap on the window with a dollar bill.’ ® ® o A local doctor shook his head sadly. “Listen, J - - - ,” He said “this is very serious. either got to give up whiskey, or you'll lose your eyesight.” There was a silence while the You've patient digested the news. Fin- ally he spoke. “Well, Doe,” he said, I'm an old man now, and I've been! thinking I'v seen just about) everything.” / ® © o | A Mount Joy Street wife asked her husband when he first knew he loved Her. The gent pondered awhile. Finally he said: hen I be-! gan to get mad a people said you were brafinless and] ugly.” / eo o | f I know a guy who plays the! vinboll machines Go often he's the only man is the . neighbor | hood with a fi le-bound thumb. - 3 WISE OWL il Cd + wm ¥ = ; picked to pace Indianapolis’ 500’ Come In Now! Get Our Special January Deal! ELI AMENT Delta and Henry Streets MOUNT JOY, PA. 1 \ a NAL Ton, Top Soil and Fill Rock Drilling ‘ ELIZABETHTOWN PHONE 7-1256 11-tfc Compare Our FOOD STORE Prices! - : DE To BiB ~~") Wid-Winkor “5% MAINE MWid-W, i “A” Size ( | POTATO SALE! These are ideal winler-keeping potatoes of a Sime when we believe it J is to the odvantage of our gestontn buy a 25- or 50-pound bog. ob ge pgs 2b ge ob 5] 49 C AAA ee ae Se Ae AANA NNN dozen 29¢ » 43° 29s Florida Oranges Frosh Mushrooms Large Seedless Grapefruit Non Priced None Priced Higher 4 for Emperor Grapes "Gc. 2 wm 206 Fresh Cole Slaw “en. 696 Excelsior Frozen Becfburger Steaks 3 i: *1.00 Birds Eye Frozen Potatoes oi French Fries a Old South Frozen Orange Juice Snow Crop Frozen An Old Favorite Back in Stock 6-01. cans Sliced Strawberries 2 i 49° M&M's Candies Cone os 25¢ Ketchup rinse. oo 18° vg, 108 46-02, dle Cans 6 Jars 85¢ Van Camp’s Tenderoni A & P Pineapple Juice Chopped Baby Foo Heinz, Gerber or Beechnut Libby's Sweet Peas 2. 3c Fruit Salad Sars container 996 conan 696 3 for St 83 10¢ Hershey Chocolate oii". Amen Heat & Eat Biscuits Borden's 70 or Ballard Skippy Peanut Butter oa 33¢ Hunt's Stewed Tomatoes 2 "ii. 38¢ Armour Pressed Ham oe 4 Aan Page Peanut Butter to, “or 37¢ Richardson Mints A" on™ a 25¢ 35¢ Heart's Delight “yon - '3 Rolls 9a Waldorf Tissue Scotties or Kleenex Tissuas un 230 Eight O'Clock Coffee ‘2.9 |. T&c White Bread “fax [Be iat 22¢ Jane Parker Cracked Wheat Bread Jane Parker Pie Mince or Blackberry in 49% Special Price! Pia All Prices in This Advertisement Eftective Througli Sat., Jan. 21 i (Ge Your A&P Store In Mount Joy Is Open Friday Night Until 9 P.M. i : sha LEA Fgh Eh 3 Ta we be TE Re wn re