The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 19, 1956, Image 1

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Meet Your Opportunity

Half Way: |
Ride Home In Your New Chevrolet
Tuesday, Jan. 24, is the date
for the next meeting of the lo-
| cal School and Home Associa-
tion meeting in the grade
school. The program will in-
clude a health film, a talk about
the school students’
policy plan, and a reading
Mrs. Joseph Detwiler.
Teachers will be in their
homerooms for visits from the
parents from 7 to 7:30 p. m.|
The program will begin in the
P.T.A. To Be
Discussed For
Donegal High
‘Everybody’ Wins
Circulation Drive
Off To Good Start
Royce and Era Crow,
Contest Editors
1f an opportunity were pre-
sented whereby you could own
a new Chevrolet sedan worth
exactly $2450.00 without cost
on your part during the next
five weeks, would you seize
that opportunity and make the|
most of it?
Or, if you were offered $750.
cash for a little spare time dur- |
ing the next five weeks with
the positive assurance of being
liberally compensated for every
result obtained — would you
stand back, hesitate and be un-
decided? At first, no doubt you
would entertain the thought
that ‘surely it is not real; 1 Plans for organizing a Parent]
never could get so much, so Teacher Association at the Don
casily and so quickly.” But, egal High School will be dis- |
while thinking all these things, | cussed Tuesday, Jan. 24, 7:30
it indeed. thinking at all, you'd pb. m. in the Auditorium of the |
let someone else, more alert and| school.
aggressive, step in and beat you Prior to the announcement of
to it! | the meeting a group of parents
from the districts met with the
county council of PTA’s to dis-
cuss the organization. The group
called upon Samuel Harnish to,
Now the reason for the
above statement is that
this newspaper is offering
just such opportunities to
wide-awaks, energetic men serve as chairman for the open-
ond women, as well as to session next Tuesday. Mr. Har-
the more ambitious young nish is, at the present time,
this president of the Parents Band
people, residing in
area, when it invites you Club which is composed of par-
to enter its big “Every- ponte from the four districts.
body Wins” prize sub- | Mrs. Signey Brenner, presi-|
scription contest. It is just dent of the Lancaster County
starting and you most cer- Council of Parent Teacher As-
tainly can profit mightily | sociitions, will discuss the val-
through spare time effort | ue of such an organization for
during the next few weeks. | the school.
Volumes could be written on parents of students enrolled
the subject of “Our Opportuni- i; {he Donegal High School are
ties.” It is one of the queerest urged to attend this open ses-
elements that enter into this jon next weck.
complex existence of ours which $s
is called life. Opportunity
means everything, or it means
nothing, depending upon how Joycees Make
it is met and handled by differ- .
ent individuals. Pp t Pl
One person's failure to recog- rojec ans
nize it when it comes their Local JoyCees accepted an
way, for example proves to be to attend a party of
another’s success. the Lancaster JaneCees at the
Some of us sometimes (ph Mansion, Lancaster, on
wonder why some people Wednesday, Feb. 15, at their
seem to get ahead in this regular meeting Tuesday night.
world, and alas, far too
made tenta-
often we lament our lack
The group also
Shs | tive plans to sponsor a card
of opportunities. Some- | :
. : party at the local firehouse In
times we make the flimsy | |
‘ | February. Mrs. John Landis
excuse that we're too busy | :
"will be chairman of the com-
to take part in a proposi-
ittee ¢ i o assisted
tion of this kind. Truly. mittee and will be assiste hy
we recognize that every- | rs, Harold Zimmerman, Jr.
body's busy these days. and Mrs. Sally Smith
but according to the writ- | M-s. Paul Stoner was named!
er's observation it is the | chairman of the JoyCees com-'
2} : i mittee to work on plans for the
ial isn nay | May Dawn Party. Her commit-
ly win the biggest prize. | tee includes Mrs. Chas. Drace,
Dame Fortune is now knock-| Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Mrs. Grace
ing at your door. She is liter- Weber. JoyCees were also re-
ally pounding upon it with both minded of the Jaycees food sale,
fists to awaken you to the op- | Jan. 28. One new family wus
portunities existing in this big reported as having moved into
“Everybody Wins” subscription the borough and will be visited
contest to utilize whatever spare by the “Welcome to Mt. Joy”
time you will have toward committee.
winning prizes worth thousands Mrs. Warren Hayman, presi-
of dollars. Greet this opportun- dent, was in charge of the
ity now before it becomes too meeting held at the home of
late and make the most of it. | Mrs. Zimmerman. Mrs. Drace
| was co-hostess.
— ®
Twelve students of the junior)
class of Donegal High School!
On the front page of the
paper is shown the stand-
ing of the contestants. As
will be observed, no one
contestant has a “Walk-
away’ for that beautiful
1956 Chevrolet, neither is
there a single contestant have already reached a '‘40-|
listed too far behind that word per minute average” in!
a mere handful of sub- | YPIng.
scriptions would jump | Bernita Baughman heads the
list with 54 words per minute.
' Others are Lina Iwanowski, 50;
them right into the lead of
the standings.
(Turn to page 3)
ip. m.
| bers.
i an Church,
| recently
| Lancaster
| the senior
| Southern
Caryl Williams, 47; Arlene Hei- |
New Officers
Installed For
Mrs. Warren Foley was in- Kitty Gephart 23 South Barbara St., Mount Joy, Pa.
stalled as the new chairman of Martha Hess R. D. 1, Mount Joy, Pa.
the Mount Joy-Florin Girl! Mrs. Frances M. Long Florin, Pa.
! Scout Neighborhood at the din-||| Bruce C. Myers 107 W. Main St, Mount Joy, Pa.
ner meeting of the group Mon-| Farl W. Meyers 206 N. Barbara St., Mount Joy, Pa.
day night in the basement of] James Rutt 166 New Haven St, Mount Joy, Pa.
the local Trinity Lutheran|| Joe M. Wolgemuth R. D. 2, Mount Joy, Pa.
for troop committee mem-
Mrs. R. H. Thome was
named cookie chairman for the
neighborhood. The group
to donate $25.00 to each of the
local senior Scouts chosen to
| attend the national round-up.]
{ The girls are Miss Barbara]
Thome and Miss Nancy “Diller.
In observance of Girl Scout
week, the troops will attend
the church service in the local
Presbyterian Church in a group
March 11. The next meeting
will be held in the-Presoyteri-
Monday, March 5.
Forty-five attended the
dinner meeting.
iw —
Kathlene Gruber was award-
ed the
mong the elementary school pz-
trolmen because she took an-
other patrolman’s post when he
was not on duty.
A new system of merits was]
established for good deeds a-
mong the group. For the first
week, Judy Nissley and Brenda
Baughman were given merits
for their good deeds in the line,
of safety patrol duty.
Two local county men who
enlisted in the U. S.
Air Force are Frank Fitzgerald,
Jr., nineteen, 116 Cooper Ave.,
Landisville, a graduate of
Hempfield Joint High School;
and Robert Winfield Messer-
smith, eighteen, Florin. The
men will take their basic
training at Lackland.
rs ®
Miss Julia Loewen, a mem- |
ber of the senior class of Done-
gal High School, was recently
selected as the winner of the
social studies essay contest.
Following a tour of the Lan-
caster County courthouse in
which was made by
class, each wrote an
essay about the tour. Miss Loe-
| wen composed the best essay
| describing the tour and the,
benefits derived from it.
Miss Dixie Baer, S. Barbara
Street, has been accepted by the
District Orchestra
Festival committee. Miss Baer,
gold badge this week a-'
during recent years. i
‘I'he Mount Joy
Your Home Newspaper—Serving The Heart Of The Garden

First Standing of Contestants |

Subscription Contest
The fcllowing contestants. listed alphabetically,
have secured four or more $20.00 “clubs”.
32 West Donegal St.,
209 East Main St.,
some of whom
Jim Brown
Joann Brown
Mount Joy, Pa
Mount Joy, Pa.

Carpenter Is Named
President Of Mount
‘Joy Mutual
PTA Formed
For New Elm
wert Tree School
named Mount
Joy Mutual Insurance Company
Henry G. Carpenter
president of the
Parents and teachers of the
at the annual meeting Monday! Elm Tree Elementary
Af { School, located in Rapho Twp.
John M. Bomberger was re- east of the borough, have form-
named vice president; David ed a Parents Teacers Associa-
Landis, Elizabethtown, secre- tion. The organizational meet-
tary-treasurer; Clyde Nissley,| ing was held Monday evening,
Marietta Avenue; vice president. January 16, in the school. Mrs.
and. assistant secretary; doh; John Hershey was chairman for
I Myers. Denver, assistant the opening session. Robert
treasurer; H. W. Helms, Mari- Eshleman, supervising princip-
eita Avenue, controller; Mrs. of the Manheim Elementary |
H. W. Helms, vice president Schools. was also present.
and assistant secretary; Paul E.
Hollinger, Elizabethtown R. D. John Hershey was elected as
and W. H. Hornafius, Jr. Eli- the president of the new group;
zabethtown, both assistant seec- John Getz, first vice president;
retories. Peter Sawadsky, second vice
-— president; Mrs. Arthur Hostet-
ter, secretary; and Mrs. Isaac
Lions See Slides Metzler, treasurer. Mrs. Hostet-
ter will head the publicity
: committee with Lloyd Swarr
Of Covered Bridges "and Lester Gehman. Mrs. War-
Colored slides of covered ren Heisey, principal of the
County school, will be in charge of the
Rhoads, a program committee and will be
bridges of
were shown by
member of the Ephrata Lions assisted by Jack Moss, Mrs
Club at the Tuesday night meet-' John Mellinger, Mr. Getz and;
ing of the Mount Joy Lions Mr. Sawadsky.
Club at Hostetter's. Mr. Rhoads piye meetings per school year
45 slides of bridges! je been planned by the group
1953. Lewis These meetings will be held the
Was {hird Mondcy of October, Nov-!
ember, January, March andj
One new member, Robert April. As a PTA organization]
Greider, Mt. Joy Rl, was ac- they will become affiliated with
"cepted into the organization at the national PTA group.
still in existence in
Bixler, first vice president,
in charge of the program.
Tuesday’s meeting. John Weid- The next meeting will be
man, president, was in charge aq Monday, March _19, 7:30 p.
of the the all-purpose room of
meeting. m. in
-— - —-— » — -—
Paul Kistler, director of pub- et
lic relations for the New York
Wire Cloth Co! of York, ad - Mothers March
Club at its weekly luncheon ‘Next Thursday
dressed the Mount Joy Rotary
meeting Tuesday
the school. Teachers will be in
their homerooms for consulta-'
tion with the parents from 7:00
Mr. Kistler spoke on labor-| Next Thursday, Jan 26, is the|
management relations and the! date for the Mothers March of
development of fringe benefits! Polio in all the towns and rur-!
al sections of Lancaster County.
mrss Locally, the Mothers March
will begin at 7:00 p.m. Mrs.
Ronald Tawthorne was given, to- house drive.
Warren Funk, East Main Street,
| will be in charge of the house-
Volunteers are
soy, 47; Patricia Drace, 45: who will represent Donegal a rating of “superior” in ig’ needed to canvass the borough
a Thelma Snavely, 44; Phyllis High School, will play alto sax- try-out preceeding the district in the climax to the March of
The Physician On Call Wolgemuth, 43; Mary Ellen aphone in the concert. band concert held last weekend Dimes and Dollars project.
Sunday Hummel, 43; Martha Ruhl, 42; The event will be staged at in Middletown. Ronald was the Mrs. Elmer Forwood heads
> | Jeffrey Brian, 41; Dolores the Shippensburg Area Joint representative in the concert! the preject in Florin which is
\ Dr. Newton E. Kendig | Frantz. 40; and Theresa Shu-| School in Shippensburg Febru-from the Donegal High School. being planned for the same
| | TEN, 40. ary 16, 17 and 18. He played the bass drum. night.
| performance and
Dedicated To A Better Community

Zoning Board Says Property Must Be
Obtained Before Ruling Is Given
Farmers Co-Op
Plans Annual
Banquet Meet
of the
| operative
| Thursday evening,
6:45 p.m. at the
vilion Following dinner
Farmers’ Co
Mount Joy
will be
Cael. lee Clyde Semen) The following contest listed alphabetically, some of whom || iness session will be held. Two
was insta e as vice president; have sccured a $20.00 “club” of subscriptions but not as many as directors will be elected for 3-
| Mrs. Martin Ney, secretary; four “clubs. :
Miss Elsie Favre Sasa ya ‘year terms. Simeon Horton,
A —— ee nen C : R. D. 2, Mount Joy, Pa. | | manager of the co-op, will give
1 Ing na Mae boy: | rs. Jas. David Greer Zoints Maytown, Pa. [la report of the year’s activities.
| Spangler and Mrs. Eric Olson, | Charles C. Groff, 32 Old Market St., Mount Joy, Pa. ||| The Rev. J. Paul Kehm, of
troop consultants; and Mrs. Jas. Bernell Heisey 107 Poplar Street. Mount Joy, Pa. || Fleetwood, will be the guest
Roberts, troop organizer, Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Rice 45 Columbia Ave., Mount Joy, Pa i speaker. Music will be furnish-
ser was the install- Charles D. Waltz 15 Lumber St, Mount Joy, Pa. || ed by the 4-H Holstein quartet.
Ing ao Hist ; : aii | Abner Risser, je.
Following the linner Miss! The following contesting. listed alphabetically, some of whom i: : :
o owing the dmnner 155/11 have made subscription reports but not as much as a $20.00 “club” H ident, will be in charge « the
Marilyn Hauser, Executive Di-| . x © |i} meeting
: ro. ? - : [I Gerald F. Becker, R. D. 2. Mount Joy. Pa. || B.
rector of county Girl Scouts, : ; : 2 Nn | The reorganization of the of-
: ir i ow {It Abram Bradley : R. D. 1, Mount Joy, Pa i 4)
showed slides taken in Sweden| Mrs. Helen Rrosey R D2 yo Lith H ficers will be conducted at the
vo i le ; 4 a
last summer when she visited ooo or way : D. 2, Mount Joy, fa, I! first board meeting following
1 . ' ay Ss 07 { 5
there as an exchange camper. || | Twin ? 8 oy i She Salunga, Pa. || the banquet.
| The exchange was made pos : ane igh #Doneasl St. Mount Joy. Pa, il ®
Joe Vl the Juliette Low ! Next week's issue will show voile sandings of contestants in LEBANON VALLEY
ellowship. {Il ligures. !
The announcement was made | . | GLEE CLUB TO
that a training course will be! SING HERE
held in the Lutheran Church L ai mr a teat tei | The Lebanon Valley College
February 4, 10 a. m. until 3:00] | Glee Club consisting of forty
| voices will present
in the Donegal High School au-
ditorium Saturday evening,
February 4. 8:00 p.m. The glee
club will be accompanied in
i the singing of and clas-
| sical music by a
Dr. J. M. Thurmond will di-
rect the program which is being
the Florin Gloss-
B. Church.
sponsored by
brenner E. U.
Since the announcement was
made that the Red Top Mill
has been sold and that the new
owner plans to make only flour
in the future, the Mill has
| transferred all their feed ac-
counts. All the feed formulae
have been given to the Hiestand
Company of Salunga.
Two Chosen For
Trips To Europe
Two men from the area have
been named winners of the sec-
ond special annual Management!
Award which provides Hamil
ton Watch Company manage-
ment personnel with a two-
week all-expense paid trip to
Albert J. Kleiner, Florin, and
Edward A. Myers, Landisville,
are the two who will make the
trip in April. The two were
chosen from their experience
with the company, their past
to the organization as well as
their interest in the potential
for self-development and in-
responsibilities. While
in Switzerland they are sched-
uled to visit Basel, Switzerland
Fair and visit the Swiss watch
Mr. Kleiner foreman of
the balance staff and train sec-
tions and Mr. Myers is a senior
process engineer.
is a
-® . -
Ragner Hallgren, guidance
councilor, was the guest speak-
er at the Maytown Elementaty
School P T.A. meeting Monday
evening, Mr. Hallgren spoke on
“Guidance at Donegal”.
te -
With recent increas-s of
newsprint costs The Bulletn
thi= week announces a raise
to 7c on its single copy price.
The yearly subscripton
price remains at $2.50.
for the
: {
members and their wives, a bus-
a program
A Home Club
included in the club sched-
at the Donegal High School
Tells Authority
* Make Purchase
Before Decision
Mount Joy Zoning Board of
Adjustment has made the fol-
96 girls is being lowing ruling on the granting
the of a variance for location of
the proposed sewage disposal
Mr. Samuel H. Miller
being sponsored for girls Mt. Joy Borough Authority
terested in nursing as a career, Mount Joy, Pa.
| it is designed for girls in their Subject: Requ=st for Zon-
homes. The club meets ev- ing Exception on propns-
Thursday in the school. ed location for Mt. Joy
° Sewerage Treatment
: Nursing
and is being sponsored by Mrs.
school nurse, and
Mt. Joy.
club of
nursing needs of
home, procedures of
and the care of patients.
. 3 Plant.
| | Dear Mr. Miller:
F Orin Firemen The Mount Joy Borough “Zon-
ing Board of Adjustment has
been advised by Borough Solic-
itor, Harris C. Arnold, that the
Board does not have authority
to grant exception on the sub-
ject request until such time as
Plan Three |
Three carnivals will be held the party requesting exception
during the 1956 summer season has obtained possession of the
it was decided by the Florin property in question.
Fire Company at their recent The Zoning Board of Adjust-
meeting. The group planned ment, pursuant to Section IX
the three for Saturday, June of the Zoning Ordinance, has
| 16: Saturday, July 14: and on authority to direct the issuance
Saturday, August 4. of a permit for the construction
Benjamin Staley was instal-' or conduct of a public or quasi-
led as the new president of the public building in “A” or *“B”
company. Joseph Wolgemuth Residence Districts. A Borough
wos installed as vice president; Authority Sewerage Treatment
Elwood Forewood, secretary; Plant is a quasi-public building.
Omar Groff, treasurer; Rodney The following suggestion is
Ney, financial secretary; James offerzd for your consideration:
Staley, assistant; Rev. John H. That the Mount Joy Borough
Lutz, chaplain; Omar J. Kling, acquire the property
trustee; Sylvester Swords, fire for the proposed Sewerage
chief: Brady Hess, assistant; Treatment Plant with said ac-
Mr. Staley. chief engineer; Gene duisition and purchase of prop-
Leber, chief chemicalman; Jas. ©rty subject to a provision that
Wittle, chief hoseman: Victor the Zoning Board of Adjust-
Brooks. chief of fire police: Mr. ment will direct the issuance of
Ney, James Kirkpatrick, John that permit for construction of
| Wagner, Richard Shectz and the said plant.
Mr. Swords, house committee, Very truly yours,
. Lester Mumma, Chairman
Winners Named
Fa Sh Next Wednesday, January 25,
F m m Ww a scrip drive will be held in
ro ar 0 Florin by the Boy Scouts of
Additional winners from the Florin and Mount Joy who are
local arca were named over the planning to attend Philmont
weekend at the Pennsylvania Ranch, New Mexico, this suin-
Farm Show in Harrisburg | mer
Residents of Florin are asked
Henry Greiner, Manheim R4, ha ;
won second for his Aberdeen- vo. lave scrap ready for the
Ancus steer entry of 950 Ibs.; drive which will begin at 4:00
Henry also won the first prize py
in the light weight class of 4-H
ot to End Men
cars es re iy Named Fer Liens
VO! int th di
= ahi ily in te meds Chub Minstrels
in the Hampshire sheep division The |
: Yaris 1e veek re By
of 4-H Club classes; Jane Grei- : QF mn February
; x 1as be>n chosen as . re tor
ner, Manheim, second in South- tr i Be iy en iy the time for
1e a § y Nineties
downs sheep; and Henry. frst [1S] 198 lols lub Minstrel
in class 210 Henry's pen of Show. Revived after a five-year
lambs was named reserve grand absence, the show will feature
hampion end men and a chorus
Two nd men ve be n nam-
Jane Greiner won seeond M od which’ are charneters fromm
a 1 {og =
the Lamb Fitting ntest of 4 iho previous shows Freeman
H Clubs. Howard H. Singer Naugle will take “on his: old
1 > y 1404 2
Manhecim R1, won fog 1 I" the role. of Sassafras the
2g p Jantan kk entries; :
Leghorn Bantam Cock first end man of the show and
He also won second in the Le8- yy noprell Shields will do his
horn Bantam Hen division; first of Artie, the
in the Cockerels; second and second ¢nd man.
third in the Pullets; second in .
the Old Trios; first and second
in the Young Trios; first in the BULLETIN WILL BE
old English Game Spangled ONE DAY EARLIER
Hen: first in the cockerel: first NEXT WEEK
land second in the Pullets; first Next week the Mount Joy
in the Young Trio; fourth in Bulletin will go to press one
the Black Tailer Japanese Ban- day earlier and will be deliver-
tam Cockerel; fourth in the od one day earlier. This is be-
Pullet. ing done since next week is
Henry Greiner also won first Sales Day .in Mount Joy. Per-
in the Aneus lightweight leass, sons contributing advertising
and news articles must have
2340 to 1000 pounds.
Two local businesses purchas- office by Tuesday
them in the
ed two of the 125 4-H baby AAA
beeves exhibited at the farm
show Friday afternoon. Krall's To Report New Families
Met Market
and Hess’ Store Who Are to be Visited
were the purchasers. A total of
$40,089.06 was paid for the 125
Call MJ-3.9763