The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 12, 1956, Image 6

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sermon, “God's Own People”
Church News by Pastor Zuck Sl
6:30 p.m. School of Missions
classes, for adults, youth, and
Message 1 > S
AND THE ENTIRE SUR- Relief” program, by Elder Mil-
ROUNDING COMMUNITY. ton L. Hershey of Manheim.
Newtown E. U. B. Church Mt. Joy Methodist Church
Rev. John Ferich, Pastor George K. Ludwig, Pastor
Sunday Miss Esther Walters, Organist
9:00 am. Sunday School Saturday
6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship.! 8:00 p.m. Young Adult Class
7:00 p.m. Worship Service { Meeting at the Parsonage.
Wednesday Sunday
7:00 p.m. Christian Endeavor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Prayermeeing | Pastor's Class during Sunday
: adios School
: : vi vice
St. Mark's Evangelical United dn am. Worship Servies
Brethren Church A
C. E. Ulrich, Pastor 6:00 p.m. MYF Council meet-
Sunday Ing.
9:00 am. Church School Wednesday Vi
10:15 a.m. Worship Service, 8:00 p.m. WSCS Meeting at
Pioneer Day the home of Mrs. Larmon D
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Smith.
7:30 pm Prayer Columbia Congregation of
and Bible Study. Jehoviah's witnesses
sr EA | Perry and Union Sts
Crossroads Bretnren In Christ Columbia, Pa.
Church Saturday
Paul Z. Hess. Harry L. Brubaker 9:30 a.m. Assembly for house
Pastors {to house witnessing.
Sunday ! 2:00 p.m. Street witnessing
9:15 am. Sunday School in Columbia
Glenn Hostetter, Supt. 7:00 p.m. Street witnessing
10: 30 a.m. Morning Worship in Elizabethtown
by Rev. Andraw Mc- Sunday
9:30 a.m. Assembly for house
January 15 to 29 to house witnessing
Evangelistic Meeting. {3:00 p.m. Public Bible Ad
ee dress
Trinity Evangelical : 4:15 p.m. Watchtower Stud)
Church Tuesday a a
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor 8:00 p.m Public Bible Stud
Sunday jes in the home of John B.
AT iss Wan |Stehman. Rheems and the King-
9:15 a.m. Sunday School ows Taal
10:20 and 7:00 Worship Ser- Freda
vices Seon by the pastor 7:30 p.m. Theocratic Ministry
Wedngsday 5 : School, Instruction and Student
30 p.m. Prayermeeting. talks.
8:30 p.m. Senior Choir ro- 8:30 p.m. Service Meeting,
Hearsal. ‘Experiences from the Circuit
Thursday | Assembly at Lancaster and -dis-
7:00 p.m. Junior Choir Re- course.
- Mt. Pleasant
Brethren In Christ Church
Salunga Methodist Church
George K. Ludwig, Pastor Pastors: Graybill Wolgemuth,
Mrs. Mary Minnich, Organist | C. H. Moyer
Sunday Sunday 2
8:30 a.m. Worship Service 9:00 a. m. Sunday School
9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:30 a. m. Worship Service |
Mr. Richard Peifer, S. S. { 7:00 p.m. Revival Service at
Supt \lanheim
6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship em —
7:30 p.m. Pastor's Class Calvary Bible Church
me | Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor
The Church of God Sunday 3 :
Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor { 9:15 am. Sunday Bible
Sunday choo!
6-80 aw Soh Classes for all ages. :
John Weidman, Supt. 10:30 am. Morning Worship
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship by ES Ara a?
7:30 pm. Evening worship iy Soy Tn i » Prave
7:30 p.m. Missionary Mee ting | } p.m. Pre-Service Praye
= . Fellowsh ip
Thu Tori CHR RB 7:30 p.m. Evening Service
a 00 p.m. Junior Choir Re Message by the Pastor: “Water
hearsal : as into Wine"
7:45 pm. Senior Choir. Tuesday
= 7:30 p.m. Young Adult Class
Landisville Church of God [Meeting at Robert Hoffman's
E. Thomas Tillett, Pastor | Wednesday
+ Paul S. Baker, Gen. Supt. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer
9:15 a.m. Church School Service
10:30 am. Morning Worship 8:00 p.m. Annual Business
6:30 p.m. Youth Groups Meeting.
7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Ser- Friday
vice. { 7:45 p.m. Special Board
Wednesday Meeting in Pastor's Study
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. | ——— rm
Church of the Brethren

New Director Jaycees To Name

Miss Carolyn Sloan, daughter



| THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Pa. Thursday. January 12

| ‘Candidate For Eider Milton L. Hershey off 5. = aod = Mry Walter Sloan, W YEAR
Is Named To Manheim itl be the_opening| of Me. wna Net Water BO § START THE NE
(Outstanding Farmer speaker in the mid-winter) clues of the Hershey Junior § Start the New Year off right by buying an appliance from
Local Bank | 7 A candidate will. be named Sefiool of Missions, in he Pigure Skating Club Sunday. @ ward Bottle Gas. Gas is the nation’s number one cooking
| | for county Outstanding Young Church of the Brethren, Eliza-| Competition was held Saturday fuel, and it saves you money wherever you use it.
Annual stockholders meetings parmer by the local JayCees it! bettown, this coming Sunday and Sunday in the sports arena. | ; 3
were held in the two Mt. Joy was decided at their “meeting evening at 7:30. The Mr. Rev. Approximately forty persons See our large -display of gas stoves, water heaters, refrig-
banks Tuesday morning [ Tuesday evening. A national) Hershey will speak on the de- | from Lancaster County compet- erators, ete. at either our conveniently located branch
Mervin Arnold, Maytown, project of the Junior Chamber velopment of “The Heifers for led in the various classes. store, 25 S. State St. Ephrata, or our main office, Ephrata
was named as an additional di- of Commerce, four farmers are| Relief” program which was _ yr ee IM =1. Ward Bottle Gas.
| rector to the Union National selected from the United States sponsored originally by the ADVERTISEMENT |
Bank stockholders raising the for the honors. These are selec-| Brethren Service Commission. |
number of directors in the bank ted from county winners. The! This service will be the first of GOD VISITS MARIETTA
to twelve. Mr. Arnold was for- units within the county are 5 four week series presenting |
merly a director of the May- naming candidates for the yarious aspects of the work of |
town Bank which was recently county contest. Norman Garber {he Church. “HELP DEFEAT POLIO”
purchased by the Union Nation- is chairman of the project. Other guest speakers in the
al Bank. Other directors re-. (O. K. Snyder, Jr. president, weeks following, include Dr.
ny at the ark an named a committee to begin! Jesse D. Reber, Dr. David M. E VOLUNTARILY!
Nissley, Phares Nissley, Harvey work for the annual Dawn Par- Cory, and Rev. and Mrs. Ira S.
Rettew, W. A. Coventry, Henry ty. Charles Ryman was chosen Petre. Te study classes will con- IV GENEROUSLY!
Koser, Martin S. Musser, Claude chairman; his committee includ-' vene each evening at 6:30, un-
H. Grosh. Alvin Reist, Clarence es George Albert, Jacob Corll,! der the leadership of ths fol-
S. Newcomer, Clyde Hotten-! Gene Eicherly, James Smith, lowing teachers: Younger Chii- {
stein and Carl Krall. Gerald Sheetz, Dr. James Elvin, dren, Marigrace Bucher, Older
At the First National Bank John Miller and Harold Zim-| Children, Anna Mae Showers, |
and Trust Company, directors merman, Jr. Junior High's, Mrs: Saylor, &'he
are Henry Eby, S. Nissley Gin- Paul Stoner. Jr. has been! Young People, Rev. D. Paul a
grich, Dr. E. W. Newcomer, D. named chairman of the Teen Greene, and Adults, Harold S.| : fey
M. Wolgemuth, Amos H. Risser,! Age Rodeo to again be conduct- Martin. The School of Missions fness, Bursitis -
John M. Booth, J. E. Melhorn, ed this spring and Mr. Zimmer- 1S Sponsored annually by the
Paris Hostetter and Musser man was named chairman of Missionary Committee, as an ed- thi vi Neighbor, “drive ih
Wolgemuth. In the reorganiza- the Youth Day in Government ucational project to bring before Marietta where Evangelist I... Ci
tion meeting that followed, Mr. project the members and friends of the|Robie (N. Y. State) former Flying |
Eby was renamed president; Plnhs Were ‘made | Congregation the world-out-|Parson. is conducting Grea: Bible |
Mi Gingrich, vice president; Pin bh fe de Sn Soren reach of the Christian Church. Sv Aan ot lin He 1
Dr. Newcomer, secretary; E. acting as chairman. His com- : . : iy
Bomberger, cashier; Reuben mittee includes Michael Pricio, | . Northaniplon County has been; !
Fellenbaum, 3 assistant cashier Charles Johnson, Richard Ste-| in the forefront of Seonomic ; .
and trust officer and Warren bic and Elwood Rice. Next de velopment and industry ony Pastor Bell says, ih
Bentzel, assistant cashier, trust month will be cof pecially in recent years. - PNS _. Ee
officer and manager of the Flor-| officers. ol
in branch bank. rien ll) }
Joseph T. M. Breneman was if al the church 2s of our community
re-clected teller; Miss Lois Mil-| Takes Age Sa amen? Yon Sant
ler, general teller and ledger, . roll by of Ore. ron h : iif i th |
bookkeeper: Harold Landvater, Seven Trips a ry hy
note teller; James Meminger,! Seven trips were taken by might knou the only Fig ¥
nol teller; Robert! the local community ambulance and - li ;
Kline, teller in the Florin bank:! last week. Sunday, Jan. 1, Mrs. jel FILL AND MAIL YOUR
Mrs. Alex Mitzkavich, proof John Bachman, Donegal Springs .
clerk Mrs. Marlin Eberle! Road, was taken to the St. Jos- | MARCH OF DIMES CARD TODAY!
bookkeeper: Miss Jean eph’s Hospital by drivers John |
asst. bookkeeper; Miss Esther Myers and Christ Charles. 9:15 Sunday Bible School
Kanode, note bookkeeper and Monday. Jan. 2, Mrs. Alice 10:30 Morning Worship - “Helped by Hindrances”
Stenographer Charles Shank. West Main Street, .jas 7:00 Pre-Service Prayer Fellowship i THE LANCASTER COUNTY CHAPTER
on mossinger han from the St. Joseph's 7:30 Evening Service ‘Water Into Wine” FOR INFANTILE PARALYSIS
1¢ re-organization of the! Hospital to Stauffertow 'S y ” tia
Union National Bank was held Joseph Germe a 7:90 Miawedk Prayer Servie Christian C. Rudy PHONE John C. Truxal
Thursday morning. Martin Mus- panying nurse and drivers were Calvary Bible Church Chairman 3-351 Teedsurer :
ser was re-elected president; Mr. Charles and Ray Myers AL < 4 i 20
John Nissley, vice Wednesday, Mrs. C H. stiles. NEW HAVEN STREET AT HENRY | 401 Breneman Bldg. 53 N. Duke Sireety
Henry Koser, vice président, West Main Street, was taken Rev. W. L. Wilson, Jr., Pastor LANCASTER, PA.
Harvey Rettew, vice president, from the Lancaster General Jorth tae word of Life (This Adv. Sponsored By A Civic Minded Firm)
Carl S. Krall, cashier. secretary Hospital to her home on West
and trust officer: D. Victor Main Street. Mrs. Germer was
Shank, assistant cashier, assist-' the nurse and Marilyn Myers
ant secretary and assistant trust @nd Samuel Dock were the am-
lev. Howard Bernhard, Elder A capacity crowd of © 1248
9 Somues I pe rsons attended the final day's
10:00 a.m. Worship Service. | session of the three-day assemb-
7:30 p.m. Worship Service. ly of Jehovah's witnesses, Penn.
Wednesday ; | Circuit No. 4, in Moose Hall,
7:30 p.m. Prayer Service. Lancaster. James W Filson,
district supervisor and featured
) it “hurch |
on Lar Frank |long talked about a 'war to end
Pastors all war’. They have not expect
Sunday | ed too much imply from the
BO “Sermon { wrong source. Armageddon (the
Wednesday Scriptural war) will not mere-
| ly end all war,
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and
Prayer Meeting. all cause of fear.’

st. Luke's Episcopal Church Speaking on the subject,
Mount Joy, Pa “Overcoming the Fears of This
The Rev. Emmert M. ‘Moyer | Generation” Filson continued,
‘ Rector “Since ignorance is well-known
Sunde a.m. Holy Communion. | to be the cause of ‘many of
0:30 a.m. Church School, man’s more common fears, then
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion to erase fear we must embark
and Sermon. Nursery care dur-|,, ; campaign of education to!
ing the 11 a.m. service. | teach us the cause of present-
We St. Mary's Guild day distress and the sure rem-e
meeting. : { dy. This knowledge. is found in
The Washington Street
Church Of The Brethren
Elizabethtown, Pa.
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor
Church School
9:30 a.m.
Adult study theme, “Jesus Calls
for Repentance.’
10:30 a.m.
God's Word, the Bible.”

Morning Worship,
but it will stop
week p.m.) ing and

officer: Norman Sprecher 1c- bulance drivers Wednesday,
sistant cashier: Linneaus Longe- Earl Zink was taken to the St
necker, teller; Lester Hostetter, Joseph’s Hospital by drivers
teller: Mrs Ruth Kraybill John Myers and Mr. Dock
stenographer: Charles Reist Thursday, Mrs. lizzie Flow-
teller: Miss Ruth Shenk. clerk:! €rs, Milton Grove. was taken
| Miss Florence Miller. Teller. 0 the Kemer Nursing Home in
Miss Mary Jane Zimmerman,| Landisville. Mrs. Germer = ac-
bookkeeper: Marian Kline, companied as nurse and driv-
bookkeeper; Joan Kline, book-| €'S were John Myers and Mr
keeper; Charles Heaps. substi-' Doc.
tute clerk and teller and Sam- Saturday, William Laughman
uel Hinkle, messenger was taken to the Lancaster Gen-
° eral Hospital and home again
; . by drivers vi Ka .
Evangelistic Series ert iol Mai i;
At Cross Roads Church Mrs. Harry Warren. : Millers-
The annual Evangelistic meet ville, was taken from her home
ing of the Cross Road Brethren to the Kemer Nursing Home the
In Christ will be held January, Some day by drivers Mr. Kay-
15 to 29 with Rev. Andrew Me- lor and Mr. Williams
Niven as evangelist e PREY
Rev. McNiven of Fenwick | RUMMAGE SALE
Onta rio, Canada has preached BY AUXILIARY GROUP
a a = be
'S. is an and Jan. 13
ing this field, he was pastor -of, and 14 in the former Titus Rutt
the Brethren In Christ Mission] Insurance office, East Main St.
Church, of Blandburg, Pa The sale will be conducted Fri-
The meeting will open at 7:30] day afternoon, Saturday morn-

p. m days and 7:00 Saturday afternoon
Sundays | The sale is being sponsored
® by the local branch of the Un-
STATE POLICE MAKE | ited Auxiliaries to the Laneast-
TWO ARRESTS er General Hospital. Women of
Marlin E. Shradley, Sr., Mt.| the organization are asked to
Joy, was arrested for having no! bring their donated items to
inspection sticker by state po-| the office room Thursday after-
lice during the past week.|noon
Lloyd B. Leed, Salunga, “was - -@ —
arrested for reckless driving. Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends J
What Is A Club? | oO
. i Se
A Club of subscriptions in The Bulletin's' “Everybody
Wins” Prize confest is any group of subscriptions totaling !
$20.00. . I i
| we
For example, 8 yearly subscriptions ‘at the regular
rate of $2.50 would constitute a $20.00 “Club” on which JOB VM UE TORY
50,000 EXTRA votes are given toward winning the big ¥OF RESALE TOMORROW Y
prizes in addition to the reg
individual subscription.
ular schedule of votes on each
Another example,
an even $20.00 and count
tion to the regular
two 5-year subscriptions amount to
50.000 EXTRA votes also in addi-
schedule of votes.
Those who make it their aim to obtain ‘one club a day”
will undoubtedly be among the winners of the biggest and
best prizes.



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