"YOUR HOME NEWSPAPER YEAR, NO. 29 (SUBSCRIPTIO! | To Take Bids F or Commu Present 0 One Used 486 Times Since Purchase Bids for a new Mount Joy Community Ambulance will be| | opened at a special meeting of the ambulance committee next Wednesday evening, Jan. 11. Members of the local fire com- pany and auxiliery compose the! committee. Earl Zink has been chairman of the ambulance committee. Since his installation | as president of the fire company will take place this evening Ray Myers will take over as chairman of the committee. The bids will rade-in allowances present ambulance. Following a period of fund-| raising projects prior to March of 1951 the ladies auxiliary of] the local company managed to! raise enough money to make the initial purchase of a 1951 Chevrolet ambulance for com- munity use which cost the group over $4,400 at that time. The vehicle was placed in oper-| ation Sunday, March 18, for the first. The first call was received for the next day. Monday, Jos-| eph Bankus of Columbia Ave. was taken to St. Joseph's Hos- pital, by drivers Miller Wolge-! muth and Thomas Brown and | Nurse Mrs. Gerald Arntz. Statistics of its constant use ahave. proved its usefulness! throughout the past four years| and nine months. In that period| of time, the ambulance has been used to average of fwice each week. As of Dee. 31! he vehicle has been called to ake 486 trips. Of these, 76] alls were acknowledged in the emainder of 1951; 88 calls in B52; 123 calls in 1953; 90 calls it 1954 and 109 call 1955. During this time there were] weeks when the ambul- include for the also Mrs. Mary Strckler. Mrs. Franees Engle, left Mrs. Mary Strickler of 208 North Barbara Street will cele- brate her ninety-first birthday next Tuesday, Jan. 10. Mrs. Strickler resides with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Myers. Prior to living on North Bar- Hara Street, Mrs. Strickler the 1:te William Strickler lived on a farm southeast of the bor- ough Mount Joy R1. Mrs. dees some crocheting housework. Until last right in Strickler and light Vv. F. W. Pests To Sponsor Blue Crutch Days City and | are supporting re-elected Jorough Lloyd Myers was president of the local’ Council during a reorganiza- meeting held the cil chambers: Monday evening. i The ting was in charge the burgess, Titus Rutt. Justice the Peace Jarhes Hockenber- ry officiated the loyalty oaths to the three new councilmen who began their four-year terms. Lester Hostetter, James Spangler and Charles J. Ben- nett, Jr.. were sworn into office. Following the election of the pres. dent, Mr. Myers took charge of the meeting. George Groff was elected vice president of the Mrs. George Al- bert, secretary; Glenn Y. For- ney, assistdnt secretary; and Carl Krall, treasurer. Salaries Changed The council group r«¢ Park Ne'ss as chief of police; Michael Good, police officer; Henry Smeltzer, supervisor: Mrs. Frank Young, Sr., receive an tion in coun mec of Ol county VFW posts a nation-wide movement helping raise funds for the 1956 March of ance left its “home” for four or Dimes. Friday - and Saturday, me trips in the 6 and 7 VFW post mem- periéd. Only three times in its history did it remain idle for and members two straight weeks. Two weeks,| will canvass the streets of the one in May of 1953, and one in| city and the county towns giv- December of 1955, the ambul-| ing miniature blue erutches for ance was used seven times each! dimes and dollars. week. Jay F. Ginder, commander of From its beginning, the local VFW post, is in charge has financed the of the local project. The entire Although rceeipts will be turned over to from many| the Lancaster County Chapter of the patients transported,| for Infantile Paralysis Sunday, these donations usually take| January 8, with every partici- care of the laundry bill for the pating Vrw Post The organization has] - been fund-raising| projects since its purchase id pay ths insurance, and the up- kecp of the ambulance which] includes gas, repairs, tires. FIRE COMPANIES FIGHT TOBACCO SHED BLAZE Firemen from Mt. Joy, May: | town, Ironville, Rheems, Mari- | efta, Columbia, and Florin bat-| tled the blazing fire of 2 2 tobacco sheds located southwest of the), borough Saturday afternoon. ! According to the report, an ex-| plosion may have caused the fire to start in one of the sheds. | Sparks from the one shed spread to the second. Both were destroyed to an estimated dam- age of $20.000. They were lo-| cated on the Gerald Hiestand | farm, Marietta RL ys @ etl CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY | Mr. and Mrs. William Bartch, | 206 South Barbara Street, cele- |} brated their silver wedding an- | fiiversary Deeember - 24. The| couple his one daughter, Edna, of Fred Horner, Lancaster. mn in Jan. bers auxiliary group; the commu- dona- | aux- iliary nity project. "ions are reeeived named month. oil, wife RA The Physician On Call | Sunday Left to right, Arthur Schneider; Jack Germer, commander; | and’ | traditional 2 ¢ | Birthday § | “Iall Ball Eoom, Lancaster, | day, | eh | thet the national campaign slo- | | gan | tinued support for | research ta find better eradica-| wk nity ! sylvania Farm vance | he Mount Jov Bulleti MOUNT JOY. PA.. THURSDAY’ JANUARY 5, 1956 HARRISBURG-—PNS -— Next time here 1956 Penn- ad- | indications clearly point- | waek is “big show” in ‘ Harrisburg—the Show-—with | ing to one of the most outstand- ing exhibitions of agricultural I" achievement ever set up. ! year she did a large amount of sewing - that of making fancy organdy half aprons. Mrs. Strickler and her sister, Mrs. Frances Engle of West Ma’n Street have “combined age of 184 ‘years. Mrs. Engle 93 last December. a was New Borough Officials Take Office; | j Flations, Lloyd Myers Is Re-Elected President telephone calls; Arnold, Brick- er and Byer, solicitor; John Sli- ver, Janitor; Christ Walters zoning officer. Allen Schatz was superv sor. A raise in the borough labor- ers was passed. The salaries of these employees was raised 10e¢ hour. assistant per Police Reports Ne'ss reported three ignoring red trafTic for reckless driv- failure to drive on highway, drunken and accidents in- five, Park arrests for signals, two ing; one for right driving, vestigated, side of one; issuing ten enses; two permits street; five per- mts to open the roadway; one to shoot rats; and three violations. Meetings Scheduled The announcement was made that the borough zoning board (Turn to Page 3) Jurgess p.ddlers’ lie occupy the reported {0 ermit marking meter Me yeh of Dimes Campaion Opens ‘In County The 1956 March of the with a goal for roster County $85.000. It will run | month of January and will be | highlighted by the annual Mo- ‘hers’ March on Polio later in ‘he month and closing with the! Infantile Paralysis Ball in the Moose! Fri- February 3. | Christian C. 1apter chairman, Rudy, local] announced is “Polio Isn't Licked Yet!” and efforts will be made to tell | cit'zens 6f the necessity of con- | science and tion methods. Funds must also! be available fcr taking care of | the hundreds of polio patients from the past years as well as| caring for patients in any out-, {bre k this summer and fall AAA AAA AIR. ‘To Report New Families ‘Who Are to be Visited | Dr Newton E. Kendig Santa Claus, George Reigle and Emory Krick at Legion Christ- ‘mas party for community’s children, nected upwards of 600,000 visit- w tness the ! ! £.eials | terest ‘of Men at the Millersville of Dimes & Dollars opened Tuesday in Lan- I Preparations are virtually completed for the door-opening hour of 8 o'clock Monday morn- ing, January 9 when it is ex- ors will begin streaming in to! fantastic agricultur- al exposition. of- that in- Farm Show Commission generally concede never before has so great been shown in advance of a Farm Show which has been | dressed up to be the most color- ful since the first Farm Show! 1917. A sneak preview by a Penn- sylvania News Service reporter] that on the main four- exh’bition floor visitors in shows acre | will find high quality Pennsyl-| vania farm foods on sale by the poultry, potato, ap- and honey , ‘ets asso- | state ple And too—the Farm Show next week will provide greater, parlic ipation by farm youth than over before. The 4-H Clubs, Future Farm- ers and Homemakers each will have 1000 or more members at- tending the show. The three youth organizations, will have members competing in more than a dozen of the more than two-score depart- ments of the show. Future Farmers and Future! Homemakers cach will have special exhibits and each organ-| ization has entered demonstra-| tion teams in contests. Home| improvements will be empha-| (Turn to page 8) Anno) Meeting Of Chamber Is Announced Monday evening, January 9, will mark the night of the an- nual meeting of the Mount Joy Chamber of Commerce. The af- fair will be held at the Hostet- | ter Banquet Hall at 6:45 p.m. | James Heilig, president, will be in charge of the program. Dr. Clyde Stein will be the guest speaker. Dr. Stein is Dean Teachers College. During the business meeting five new directors will be elect- ed. The terms of those expiring are Adam Greer, James Heilig, Robert Hurst, George Keener and Walter Sloan. These are not eligible for re-election for one year according to the by-laws. Ambulance State Farm Show To Open Monday Calls In Year land the loss in the | pile | field, windshield Old Lenduark Is State, stone building. men | - ee CP Tes Cw yi CL Pt Wa pS A pri hates ih at CR NI ANS FR AEE PTY Spe ars md - $2.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE -y pri ptr Lh N DRIVE TO OPEN TUESD. “Everybody Wins’ Contest Open To Firemen Answer All In Trade Area Thirty-Five rE | = 4 | The “opportumity of a life- time” is a saying that could be truthfully applied to the extra- ordinary prizes offered to citi- zens of Mount Joy and the sur- rounding Trade Area in the “Everybody Wins" prize contest being sponsored by The Bulle- tin. | Heralded as the most exciting and also, for the contestants, the most profitable, sales con- test ever to be used for circu- lation promotion, the program ' offers prizes totaling $5000, all of which will be awarded to enterprising men and women of this area on Saturday, Febru- ary 25. Topped by a luxurious 1956 | Chevrolet 4-door sedan, total | value of $2450.00, as grand | capital award the array ‘of | prizes includes second of $750 ~ and FOUR BIG CASH BONUS . | AWARDS. In addition there | will be a veritable shower of money in the form of weekly pay checks for all who actively vart'®pate in this short six and one-half week contest. All res- idents of our trade area are in- vited to take part in the con- | test by obtaining new and re- | renewal subscriptions to The Bulletin. Complete details cov- | ering prize awards, cash com- | missions, ete, are outlined in the opening announcement on pages 4 and 5 of this issue. No Losers In Contest This is truely an “Everybody ins” contest with a cash com- mission of 20 per cent ($1.00 ut of every $5.00 collected) being paid at the ‘end of each Thirty-five calls were answer- ed by the Mount Joy Friendship! Fire Company during 1955 Ray | a Myers, of ; these, 16 calls were in the bor- ough. The fire ough was $7,185.00 The number i 8 1954 was 44; ROYCE CROW borough was fire chief announced. loss in the bor- of calls made in $11,303. The calls answered were one to foundry, one; grass, nine; false automobiles, 3; a houses, eleven; alarms, one; dump, one; of rubbish, four: wheat | one: born, one; tractor, 1: daragos, one; tobacco shed, one. | The company traveled 145] miles in responding to the alls The men laid 4,550 feet of 2% ‘nch hose; 1700 feet of inch| hose; 2,850 feet of 3/4 inch hose. | The trucks used 625 gallons of rasoline. Of the 35 calls during the year, the company had an average of 29 men responding to ‘ach call. ERA CROW We consider ourselves fortu-| 1ate in securing the personal services of Royce and Era Crow| [ mietured above, to conduct our! | “Everybody Wins” subscription | w Lauds Town drive. The Crows are extremely | For Pink Tickets and work day and Another mid-western state night in peak times during the ewspaper released an rive to obtain maximum re- newspag : sults. | i i ek to ALL who actively par- on the local pink parking tick-| sults in ev ethical manner. rte et project. An article appeared : 3 8 Appears The contest is-neither a “lye- in the Beaumont Enterprize * . ev re arbre? “ i paper in Texas which ate: Special Prizes . drawing” ner .a; something real-| rpe v v To Early Starters “Here’s a town where joy for nothing” affair it is ly runs wild when it comes to, strictly business. proposition parking t'ckets. City council] Just to “start the ball roll- - the object being to further decreed that policemen must| ing” so to speak, and as a little xvand the growing list of. sub- lip a nickel into the meter for| added for prompt ribers to The Bulletin in a six the overparked motorist and the of who and one-half Weeks’ Contest. leave pink notice under the, want to make the most of every The drive for subscriptions wiper. All the mo-| opportunity in The Bulletin’s Will not be a long drawn out do return the rybody Wins” prize, Affair but will extend over a burgess with five campaign, this| hort period of just $'x and award prizes Texan Paper article ry a incentive ac-| tion on part those a has is ig “Ev to cents to to the ward torist notice spb _cription off dollar twenty weeks, For this rea- to ag- Son it is ALL IMPORTANT to mak-| enter at the ‘earliest possible during moment! x contest, ter- The first step toward immed- night, Janu-| iate benefits and ultimate suc- ary 14th. cess is to clip the Entry Blank These special prizes are in and Free Vote Coupon appear- dition to the regular 20 per cent ing in the lower right hand cor- weekly and ner of the official contest an- awarded at nhouncement on on the inside contest, but to! page of this issue. minimum of, Then by using that “Early collections Effort” coupon appearing on the pany, the ston} mill located on! ° kl nan for ‘one a {good ONLY during East Main Street has been sold.| hese prizes {these wh tof contest) Which The property will be removed “inners will receive in return is worth 100,000 premium votes 1 check for $45 of their tor prompt action when accom- $100 in new renewal the all, you Ty small requirement and, a one rewspaper will $25 cash “early fine. In the last few articles and letters regrived from out-of-state news- vapers and motorists offering Congratulations J the Borough Jressive starters” ng the showing iirst week the minating Saturday months, many have been best of to commission, pavable to be the faith najor h prizes of good end To Be Removed | According to an announce- ment made by.the SICO Com- a $100 in subsecr ption ry to qualify special . i : out site in the near fu-! R’'chard - Nissley, Lan- is the purchaser of the from the ture. J. disville, panied by first sub- obtain either sav renéwal— ou’ off te= s'ly obtainable. {a flying start wilh a really sub- The n, too, there's another ex-| stantial number of votes toward fra sp-eial $25 bonus winning one or more of the wward on top of the above men- big prizes offered. fioned sp=cial prizes and eash Here's a word of advice to I I first and very ub eriptions) wh'eh, after scription or new or re Once used as the home of the Feist Seed Company, the build-! ing has not been in use for the! past eleven years, cash Miss Susan Fellenbaum, loft, were crowned Emerald Queen and Princess, respectfully, | commissions for extra effort and those who want to make the during your most of this unusual opportun- easily obtain- ity: Although the contest does (Turn to Page .,3) nnusual results first week-—also (Turn to page 8) Early Effort Coupon 100,000 PREMIUM VOTES Mr. Miss Address... abit sta This Coupon wil count : for 100, 000 Premiom volts when returned to the “Everybody Wins” Prize Con. test Department with the first subscription obtain—new or renewal-—thus giving you a flying start in the race, (Good Only During First Week of Contest) and Miss Diane Reese, right, at Donegal High School recently.