The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 29, 1955, Image 2

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Lancaster County, Pa.
Larmon D. Smith, Publisher
John E. Schroll,
Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952
Start the New Year off right by buying an appliance from
Ward Bottle Gas. Gas is the nation’s number one cooking

pf East Main Street, Mount Joy.
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fuel, and it saves you money wherever you use it.
> 2 ap | ‘or a
ae 50 per See our large display of gas stoves, water heaters, refrig- MAT
. 163 S.
Advertising rates upon request. | erators, etc. at either our conveniently located branch Telepho
| Entered & 2 stoffi . : ; i Strona
ut The 2 { store, 25 S. State St., Ephrata, or our main office, Ephrata Mon.
| Joy, Pa., as ass { Ties
mail under the Act of March 3, #1, Ward Bottle Gas. i :
| 1879. | [
| Ba |
Member, Pennsylvania News-
paper Publishers’ Association.
The |


so We Come Promptly Fre

Pennsylvania | To Make TV Repairs
7 ST S | 3 . We're as near as your telephone p E
B Y A WISE OWL I tory | dW ae awl respond promptly to
By Mason Dennison, Editor SERVICE your calls for expert repairs
Pennsylvania News Service i | 1 J anywhere, anytime!
Attention! Any persons wish : isi nl ; I
ing to know more about the Harrisburg, - It is genera by Radio TV Service ass
Frankincen al conceded that it is almost any- | &
word | are guess now - and there} ; i HE 16 NM
toy et th Marion Edy . A feo Vi E ]
lo get in touch with Maron many who are guessing THIS TYPICAL ENTRY in an early Pasadena, Calif. PRESENT-DAY FLOATS are products of skilled artists, CAR RADIO SERVIC
Tortie: Even if you don'vwant as to just what the new. yeur Rose Parade is a far cry from lavish floats of today. designers and craftsmen. The metal frame is covered | d Servi —
to know more about it. ask her will bring forth in the way of Some 60 million persons will see the famed pageant with chicken wire, sprayed with plastic “'cocooning, Motoro 8 ~ Sales an ervice
Bout the word remedial fiscal and tax legisla-| on Jan, 2, when NBC telecasts it nationally. then covered with flowers. | : D e
i | tion i STORE HOURS: MON. THRU THURS. 9 TO 6:00
® @ | Pennsylvania's battered, old FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9.7TO 9:00
"and tired 1955 Legislature is a

A West Main Street lad came ©
just about to storm the walls of
home from school and asked a |
om 1 1956 in a carry-over session as
his father if the white man was for the first time in the history
superior to the Indian? The fa- of the Commonwealth the Gen-| : ' PHONE 3-8421 IW. |
ther thought for a minute and eral Assembly runs into it's 29 WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY
In-| second year.

replied. “Well, when the |
dians were running things,! Aside from a token session]
they had no taxes, they had no' this week in which a paltry]
few of the lads scampered into
town briefly for a clean-up of

debts. and the women did all
the work. How can you 1im-
prove on that?”

{ non-controversial legislation
| pending on work calendars the
>. 0 9 1 1955 session sealed the legisla-
tive salt mines until January 16
A local man was shopping at * 8
the reconvening date.
Newcomer's Hardware Store
and asked the clerk if he could Unquestionably the year 1955!
assist him. He wanted to select’ has been a breath-taker-from
a Christmas gift for a wealthy; an inactivity standpoint. In 12
old aunt who is very weak and months accomplishments have

can hardly walk | been virtually nil. id as a 4
apne” pondered for a mom-; Only a few tidbits of what! ONLY FRESH FLOWERS and greenery may be used on ADDED DELIGHT to viewers of the Rose Parade are
ent and said: “I have i!” might be termed major or im- . floats. A single float may cost $20,000 and use 300,- the bevies of beauties, shapely majorettes, smart { Got 56 off 13 200d start with
“How about some floor wax?” | portant legislation have ground 000 flowers — all hand-attached by corps of workers bands and equestrian units. Parade starts at 9:15
os through the legislative mill suc- during the day and night preceding the Parade. a.m,, Pacific Standard Time, and lasts two hours. Ha
. cessfully. Completely lost in the Er aT ie is asa Ea PRY WE

The old-fashioned girl who shuffle and indian screaming
used to say “ask father,” now that has been going on atop [SOCIETY URGES ho ;
id es it on ths, ow oll on heve in BE HARRISBURG CARE | State Promotes Home Accident
Holiday [Hf

he old man is gaining on us.” has been any semblance of al ! . ae il =
| scat and tax. picture ROUND-UP ON HIGHWAYS Prevention Program, Protective CL i Savings! ;
Harrisburg - PNS - Do not
> 3


9.9.9 The sorry but sad fact is that Harrisburg - With 8, % the happiness of the Holi-| 4 11 lar
A sweet young thing from! no matter in what vein an apo-| “token” session this weck ihe It the happiness of the Holi Pyayica For Communities Iceberg Lettuce rr |
Marietta Street breezed into a; logy or explanation is offered 1995 Legislature bowed out of a8 fr rH a iced Hi % 5
local Greenhouse, dashed up to: the inescapable fact is that 1955, prepared to come , back, Winter mony i be Patras Y | Li — . ; None Priced Higher RD
the old chap puttering around, Pennsylvania today is no near.| Peginning. the week of January prevantable accidents an the Nov. The disabilities adding several Fresh Tomatoes cello- 19
a plant and inquired. “Have|er solution of its painful bud-| 16 to face as sorry a reccrd as yy ae Sa a i» Home Accident Prevention times that number to the 1 : carton Et —
vou aby “passion get andjtax problem than it compiled by any contempory omen in Wg Von} Program inaugurated several total casualty toll. To help . None Priced Higher
The old bov looked up inl Wa® a year ago legislative session oy OX ripp eo : nldren; months ago by the State De-! contral this public health | C | fl Fresh—None large 29°
: habe IATL NES A Full sessions ual ame and adults pleaded this week. | yartment of Health is a Problem, a Home Accident al ower Priced Higher head
SUTPTiSe Doggone it!” he ex- Pennsylvania today is opera eSslons © The Society” dedicated. to se paren Sail De sats Ss, jel or
claimed, “you just wait until I ting without a budget and '© an end for the year last i 1¢ Dogs ya ed to Sep “protective device for com- Prevention Program has Stayman Apples Coon 8S bo 39¢
get through prunin’ this lily.” | without a basic tax program week as both houses in some- Vice to the Aan od munities,” but the communi | been inaugural lager the Fresh Carrots Nor prem Risin 25¢
and regardless of what any| What of a surprise move sud- erippied, said it is greatly con ties themselves must be the supervision of the Health Higher bags
e © © cigar-chomping politico on cith.| denly adopted a $561 million cerned over the rising number { “chief actor” in ine role of Department s Environmental Fresh Florida Corn 4 29¢
While visiting a local bar I er sid eof the fence may have compromise school subsidy bill of handicapped PRISONS coming home accident prevention, Safety Bureau, with a full- Fresh Cole Slaw 2 2 25
SaW & Sigh hanging: oh thel io offer by way of explanation | designed to pay off state aid to under vie Bate ot the organiza-| Dr Berwyn F. Mattison ' time coordinator in charge. : pkas C
wail thet read Tre pen land some of hard pressed school districts tion - and I 52 affiliated local! State’ Secretary of Health, Educating the public in Anjou Pears 2 29¢ ;
mightier than the sword be | the most fantastic explanations iroughout the . state months oe Sanne i over the declared this week. home safety Practices Will be Quick- 10-0z. 35°
cause move people have been| and apologies conceivable are| ©v¢ rdue. J HA tol Dr. Mattison revealed for a pant of the pro- | As Frozen Peas 2 pkgs. A
ck with it ‘on bad checks | already beginning to crop up. Where the money to pay the fn pin , Sale ane gan the tivst time that, as part gram’s over-all attack on
The fear is becoming more! Subsidies is coming from is te avoided. | of this community activity, home Strange B t Pies’ iy i 99¢
© oo and more well founded and| Something else - a point which ‘Very tow accidents are not a pian. has been approved; men's src being Wade. i anque Beef or Turkey pigs. R
A Barbara Street man got al Without good reason that: has administration forces wor breventable, commented the whereby hospitals, physi- clude home safety in the Beefburger Steaks Soe 3 $1.00
Merrs trom the those who might be seeking a ried and concerned now that Society. “The hurry and bustle cians, and nursing and con- curriculum of a number of de 3: 29 P
boys at the garages” when he) seat in next airs their subsidy bill unexpectedly of the Holiday season need not| valescent homes will provide universities and colleges, SealdSweet Limea i sons ¢
got his. car back from a regular) would do well gi Passed | necessarily be accompanied by leads concerning home acci- high schools, and elementary Donald Duck Orange Juice 5 69¢
winter check up. He figured a Steer away from any direct As for budget and tax pros painful and serious accidents,! dents. These leads will be! and trade schools. Fantail Shrimp Cavin ohn ~ BB E
tip was in corder but didn’t get, Mention of affiliation with the! Pects for the Keystone State syen fatal ones, if every person used for epidemiological fol- A third phase of ‘the: pro-
anound to it ci = A week of 1955 Legislature. the fog has lifted no more than will remember {0 be careful.” low-ups by health depart- gram consists of training i
he fo! another. card: In many quarters the view it had twelve months ago be The Society warned that ment nurses, sanitarians, and courses in home safety for mn T
“Merry Christmas from the 1S being taken that having been fOr¢ two of the administration’s ¢rowded highways, crowded| case workers, making on- the public health workers COMPARE 111]! 8 PRIC 3
boys at the garage — second|® Member of the 1955 session! 9X Provosals were battered Streets. the risk taken to “beat! the-spot studies of accident themsleves. These courses 1 1 AVR
notice.” is the equivalent to the Kiss of down to defeat in the Repub- the traffic light”, crossing busy! causes and prevenion were commenced several oh a :
political death lican-controlled Senate, j intersections without looking. | The objetcive of ahis full, months ago through the co- lona Bartlett
9 0 Whether this view wil] pre There may or may not be a and traveling at a high rate of time program, he explained, operation of the Butler p iH | 29-0z. 1 00
The only thing that goes as vail in actuaity into next years third tax proposal in the ofting Speed have always brought a-| Th oebjective of this full- County Health Department ear d ves cans u
fr ald veers rao os legislative 73008 15 of Course. a when the lawmakers return to Pout accidents “through which time program, he explained, and will be expanded into . American 2b. 6
the dime that rolls under the TCC! point. It should, for the their desks next month follow- the happiness of the season is it to investigate every home other reas of the Site. Ched 0 Bi Cheese Food loat 69
bed. fact remains that the Genera[ ‘M8 Farm Show week January tempered with sadness.” ang insect’ evary 8 5 orion] dai age, B de ’ G C bu,
Assembly was elected to do a 9-13 |... “In; the’ home 90, every pre home involved. the Home Accident Preven- or ns rayere heese pkg. 29
® oo © job and at the end of a year, In other legis! alive action the caution should be taken to a The gana death toll: inj tion Program = in Salad Dressin oa wi 27° via 45°
Twalve years agp ia Florin It hasn't been done, | Bene deferred action on a void accidents, for such acci- Pennsylvania from home ac- part as an aid to wvarious | g Page jar jar
man quarreled with his wife Cha ‘Who Is responsible for bill to exempt dents have become more numer- cldents Is nearly 2,000, with stake organizations that are Ann Page Mayonnaise pint 29° quart 53
andivalked out of the Houde : is condition is of Joist plans from the FEPC ous each‘ year”. the Society a and temporary | carrying on safety projects. | Who i
Last week he returned. and a question and toa fhe House passed Spokesman warhed. 0 0 0 SN 0 Sultana Stuffed Olives Ly 20s: 59°
when he did so, walked in 2 oh : and un- to rh class) PRE = 4 = RI ROO DODO Oa OO TSO IR IX TRO OS TCS Dixie Fruit Salad pint 39° quart 65°
quite calmly as though nothing and file be of the rank tion, ga eGo a} By Fearne pais 13 famous the As jar jar
unusual had happened. | to ba vict " : destined many industries Spas Oe its vast and ex ne Banquet Boned Chicken ini 33
“And where might you have However a ny x And two consti ti mdi SY Stem. pus Rh Your Best ey i
been?” his wife asked that the le 1 i Fema mendment pro peels ) Sonal = which would: 307 Yukon Beverages iat, 35°
“Outl” eame the reply. awmakers were elect- be. en] bosrals made some i uld: i aE N Y R . Bottle Deposit bottles
3 ed by the pecple to do a job 1eadway as tho House approy-] EXpand provisions of the em- We ew ear eso ution RI Nabisco Ritz Crack 1-1. 32¢
Cobo. simply hasn't been done. Cer- ed a Senate bill authorizing| €r8ency flood damage act to| iu ath ers pkg.
Yp at Bichmun's Chocolate al the polls next year Samual ao of the Legisla- a nol only communities LX Should Be gd Tritzel Pretzels Buz 2(° ib 35°
Factory: “Bog” Metzler wus ar RE Helly important ; fact on ni Bo Senate moved > last August's floods we 5 Bi . Pillebury or Euiiara pkg. Be : 0
guing about Thomas Edison tion 3 IsteiYe svary considens. bill ny I ro erring In Oc in To Use Our Service 8 Isculls Heat 'n' Eat Biscuits cans 25
7 vy 14 5 aus 4 - ay bs 3
When “Red” said Edison was And we might say at this ing Require county school direc- aa R | | ni Bahy Lima Beans Dried vib. 15° i 27° L
the inventor of the first talking point that party strategists arc A package of bills that tors to provide transportation| st egu ar y RIS & . pe, Pie.
machine, “Fat” Heiserman stop- deeply concerned over {his very | would set up strict control over fOr physically or mentally re- ae Ex A P Dried Prunes 15, 3 2
red him, and remarked: “You, thing. For the lawmakers! mining operations moved tatded children in certain in- bX bd F Mi ® ys
are wrong there “Red “God themselves seeking re-election! Successfully through the House Stances; 35 $ 2 ancy ixed Nuts ee 49°
invented the talking machine, it isn't a very pleasant holiday, and headed for the Senate! Authorize delegates or alter he ll Warwick Thin Mi 1b.
Edison only invented the first thought - but by the same tok-| while two bills expanding the N#tes to national. party conven- Je 1C er S in $ hox 39
one that could be shut off. | en the record of the 1955 ses-| Workmen's compensation :.and Hons to submit’ statements: ae Rolls Jane Plies Sandwich pkg. 21°
®e o © | sion isnt a very pleasant| Occupational disease benefits! Amend school bus stop law a . i ie hora of 12
: thought either. | were slapped back in House to include residential districts Ab YOU WE White Brea RR ” Tis. I5 1V2:lb, 22°
3 Happy New Yar ! tri ogo ff inte ascites committees. lin ‘areas in which motorists Sand h B Jane oat Jot te
A WISE OWL! Production of metal and the| In other - legislative - action, a must stop; a PHONE CALL wic read Parker or” 19¢
Lo Kai | mining of high grade soft coal| few bills slipped into the legis- - | Permit the sale of lists ' of All Prices in This Advertisement Effective Through Sat, D
Btivulate your. busiest by ddvirs l are two of Cambria County's before the 1855 3 ear permits issued by = ; ugh Sat, Dec, 31st
in the two most important industries. including - those, Revenue, an Fou ut tu Eu
: a . \ ||
5 > 4 |
fi \ i |