FERRO RR ARE TZ 7 0 EE IIE KLARA = Just a cheery little holiday note to wish ‘you a Yuletide festive as the or arr REEL LEE as bright and ornaments on your Christmas iree. 4 H. ROY NISSLY INSURANCE AGENCY, Florin, Pa. Inc. REYNE ANE EE TEL IL IL ALITTLE LED UE EEL May the spirit of Christmas enter your home in all its shining glory, and spread its glow measure all the joys of the . and in the year ahead enjoy good cheer and good fortune. season good health, WALTER S. EBERSOLE POST NO. 185 AMERICAN LEGION Mount Joy, Pa. KEENER'’S LIL IL TL UL TL TL CE TE EL TEE IETS IEE UIE HIER IE BBR BR XE RBBB BIE RRL REE RRR TER RBI LTE RT cL ol 2d LTT TET TE WEILL EEE AL TEU TET IEEE dep. \ { 5 TON TO J 0 PP TO SR TRAC Fh TR 0 TS Ph TRAN TUE EE TUR J Tt Tt TR Tt TH I DUR TN Pe Th TR Tt Te 6 TN SR TTA TS TU A 0 TRS AS TR TR TN DT 0 PBN JR TR 1 TU 0 J TR 0 TR TU 0 5 TR JO 5 TR Vs UR TU 8 TU RA TR UG TR RS HX TS TR TR TR TU PT 5 TU RR TR TT TR TR RR through many a day and month to come May your heart be light with laughter and warm { with friendship and love May you experience in fullest A sleighload of cherry wish- es to all of our friends and neighbors. May the holiday season bring to you and yours a heaping measure of good health, good cheer and happiness. FORRY TEXACO STATION R. D. 2, Mount Joy. Pa. Once the Yuletide brings joy to the world. In again the spirit of the season, we send you a sleighful of our sincere best wishes for your Holiday happiness A. HL. MUMMA HARDWARE Florin, Pa. As cherry and bright as a Christmas candle is our Yuletide wish for you and vours. May the holiday seca son be all aglow with a deep and abiding happiness for vou all. N. G. MYERS & SON Rheems, Pa. To all our friends - and pa trons, our wishes for a Christmas season that really rings the bell in every way May its happiness brighten all the days ahead DAY Main St. & BERRIER Mount Joy 8 May the spirit of peace and good will of this joyous Christ- mas season abide with you and yours now and always. FURNITURE Mount Joy. Pa. Along presents, into your home and into your heart the peace of enduring good will ROBERT E. with his gaily may priceless and contentment May the Christ whose birthday brating, find heart this Insurance For Every Mount Joy, Pa. decked Santa bring gifls of happiness and ENGLISH BROS. Beverage Distributor Elizabethtown, Pa. May a time of family and GAGER’S TAVERN Florin, Pa. room in Holiday Season the Gift of God is and enduring happiness. eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans | Let Christmas joy be un 6:23. | confined! And may the hap HOFFMAN Need vour holiday gaiety and excite- * ment . . . and a time, too, of Gr > : Just an old fashioned wish! J C / 2s quict contentment, warm ; oo to our many fine friends for with the blessings of home, |a holiday season that is many of Christmas, Yuletide gifts find priceless treasures of health, Among your we are cele- | those may you surely vour and a deep friendship, love WASHINGTON HOUSE West Main Street, piness and good cheer of the | Yuletide be green in holi ever Mount Joy. Pa. memories of this | day season JAKE CORLL - Theatre Apts. To the many friends, whose patronage has made this past year such a good one for us, we send best our very Christmas wishes. APPLIANCES Landisville, Pa. JACK’S R. D. 1, Manheim = Merry Christmas Age-old, spirit of is the May it heart yet ever-new Christmas shine brightly in your now and always J. C. SNAVELY & SONS, Inc. Landisville, Pa. Holiday season be cheerful with happiness | bright'n simply good and friends. | overflowing fellowship, health { LONG'S SUNOCO SERVICE STATION Florin, Pa. joy, HESS FOOD STORE We're singing out with a message of good cheer and merriest Holiday greetings, Complete One Stop Food Service to all our friends and pa trons who helped make our vear so successful SICO SERVICE ZERPHEY’S 18 Mount Joy Street Here's wishing measure dreams come meaning of Christmas Let us seek with all our hearts . of friendships strengthened . hopes renewed : : for Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men May the true. May the happiness of the Day prove . 3 y bi = spirit of the first Christmas reign throughout the land, and to a New Year richly blessed with the best : : ; may this joyous season herald the coming of greater the things of life prelude KEENER Crista Chrastings that Christmas will jovs deeply shared with those near and dear . Maytown, Pa. STATION bring you a MEMORIALS Best wishes, friends and pa trons, ior a happy holiday. May the gift of joy be yours, And you want- this festive season. may you find just what under the in the coming REIST’S CONCRETE BLOCKS R. D. 2, Mount Joy, Pa ed, both tree and year Mount Joy. Pa. (i Here's wishing vou all the best of the Yuletide and here's hoping Santa will joy good cheer to last all year! CARRIGER’S PAINT & BODY SHOP Pa. season, bring you enough and WEG NET RE PETE RENAE IE PEPE Te IEP NTE MEF Me Fe To ToT PE Fi Fa Fa TE FATE FEF NE EE SS FATE NT Te Te TT Te WY TI Th TT TE Te NR RE I NE RE RR NN RR EN EN NEE EE ENE NEE 2 Rheems, bountiful At this joyous season, let us reverently remember the true season's Grevtings Shining across the happiness and contentment for all years, the | Christmas Star renews our hope and faith in Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men. May the Star light CLOSED ON CHRISTMAS the way to happiness for vou OPEN MONDAY MUMPER’S CHILDREN SHOP Mount Joy | KOUNTRY KITCHEN