The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 22, 1955, Image 7

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2 7

there will be a vocal trio by {HE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, P¢ Thursday. December
Misses Patsy Mumper, Barbara! RRR TIE
Becker Hart,
® ;
selection number by (he ing a6 ines

and Joan and a
Beginning with a 15-minute
recital at Trinity E. C

| organ bined Senior and Junior choirs

Church, at 6:45 Sunday night, In a combined service at
: | special instrumental and vocal 9:15 a.m. the pupils of the RENTALS — SALES
Y | numbers will feature’ the pro- Sunday School will render al NEW REBUILT — USED
| gram; Miss Mildred Way will progr: onsisting f recita-
ie | 3 program consisting ¢ recita
_— | preside at the organ and there tions, exercises and special mu J. M. ENGLE
as | will be also Christmas Films, sical numbers. Gifts will be 411 CAST HIGH ST., ELIZABETHTOWN PH. 7-4721
me \ 184 3 Ba | entitled, “The Little Lost Ang- presented to the children who \ Typewriters, Cash Registers, Check Writers, Recorders,
r RR SR Se : Sh {el with narration by John are enrolled in the school. Rev. | Files, Safes, Desks, Stecl Shelving, Intercom. Systems, Etc. !
Dennis Day (left), Barbara Cook, who 1s singing lead of the Broadway Hart. Among: other numbers Q. A. Deck, is the pastor.
musical hit, “Plain and Fancy,” and Dave Garroway liead the all-star cast Sl
a the musical spectacular “Babes in Toyland,” which the Oldsmobile
Di {erica Wilt yen on Christmas Eve (Sat. Dec. 24) on
os NBL rom 9 to 10:30 pm. (EST). Wally Cox, Jack E. Leonard,
os Bambi Linn, Rad Alexander and the Bill and Cora Baird puppets are also
23 starred in this Max Licbman production.
pa 2 !
i 1 The Lancaster County Christ- AT ST. MARK’'S CHURCH |
§ Chu rch News Crossroads Cv In Christ ian Endeavor Union will hold A Christmas evening Candle-|
i Paul Z. Hess, Harry. L. Brupaker Hs last Roller Skating party of light service will be held in|
NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL Pastors 1955 on Dic. 26 at the Rocky’ Saint Mark's EUB Church; on
604 THE CHURCHES IN M1. JOY Sunday Springs Roller Skating Rink. Sunday evening att 7:30 p. m.
9:15 a.m. Sunday School Skating with music will begi 2 sentati ili
AND THE ENTIRE SUR- Donald Engle, Supt. ! egin Representative families and]
ROUNDING COMMUNITY. 10:30 am. Moming oor 7:30 pm | couples. will take part 1 the,
ame i ae “Our Gifts”, Rev. Paul Z.|° During the course oi the ev- scvvice, the choir will render
Newtown E. U. B. Church Hess. all skating will be stop- several appropriate anthems, |
Rev. John Ferich, Pastor Wednesday |ped for about ten minutes for Christmas scripture read by a
Sunday ar. seed) | : p.m. Prayer Meeting. |a devotional period. The Christ- family group, and carols will be!
En eT er i 0 | TE lian Endeavor Society from the sung by the congregation. We!
10:00 a.m. Worship Service.
7:30 p.m. Christmas Program oh. ny Church Leacock Presbyterian Church, urge the families to sit togeth-
Mice BD hes Cray Paradise, will have charge of er in family groups.
- First Presbyterian Church Saturday 2 the devotions. Everyone is invited to attend |
ae Mount Joy, Penna. cn p.m. Candlelight Tre first skating party of '56 this service.
= Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor “hristmas Eve Service by the|is scheduled for Jan. 23 | There i s individual!
« i | Youth Fellowship. Everyone in- all 4 | ere wl be individual
5 Sunday @ me { candlelighting service near the
G 10:30 p.m. Westminster Fel-| {ited to atiend. Ch . | close. : i
Jowsiip Corals: ich School 8:30 a.m. Christmas Worship| ristmas Week | TTI» |
10:45 or. Moros BC Mh School (From page 2) | WATCH NIGHT SERVICE|
083 Sermon: “The Christ.” Special | Tuesday ’ : taught by Mrs. Esther Beahm, AT CROSSROADS
=== bY uno and Senior 8:00 p.m. Official Board gave an adaption of Fred War The *“Tiding Of Joy” staff |
= pe. Meeting. {ing’s “Twas the Night Before will participate in a watch |
SS _ ——— Christmas”. Vocal soloist was night service at the Cross Roads |
St. Maries United | Salunga Methodist Church |Mary Ann Brubaker and speak- Brethren In Christ Church, on
corp A. | eorge K. Ludwig, Pastor |:ng parts by Carol Sprout, Lin- Saturday, Dec. 31, 10 to 12 p ee $ s .
C. E. Ulrich, Pastor | ™ ar ined Se 0 ng by (aro. Lin a2 : ? pr 2 » S 97°
chia ik | Mrs. Mary Minnich, Organist | Goodling, Gay Heisey, ™ Asked, “What do you think of your electric egg washer and egg grader?
v 10 hm wile by the | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. Pearl Hess, John Farmer, Nich Rev. Wesley P. Martin, pas- | Thi P 1 . 4 °
i gd owship "No Room | Mr. Richard Peifer, S. S. alas Lewis, Audrey Ginder, and tor of the Akron United Zion | 18 ou iryman says:
3 2 ae an 4 Witte gh of | Supt. I Bonald Forry Church and radio pastor of
531 i anned Goods, ete. will be giv-| 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. | ot 2 “Tidings of Joy’, 1310KC, will] ! 9 3 . '
en for community distribution. | : HY *| The fourth grade students _ = ver md 1 ld QC l ‘ J 2”.
LE commenily i re ns speak on the subject, “Taking I couldn’t gel along without them!
All invited. Mount Joy Mennonite Church | » a playlet “The Shoem: Inventory”. The Akron Ladies’|
= sunday | Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess gaye a pay gt 3 Shoemak. Octette, his associates in the)
. 9:00 a.m. Church School | Henry Garber, Henry Frank | FS Christmas”, with the fol- 0. "will be singing Dey : : . .
E 10:15 am. Chrimas Worship |, Pastors lowing students participating: | = yp 0 ine groups inelud- | Poultryman Charles Henninger, Millersburg saving he estimates at better than 200 man-
service. Theme - ‘Glad Tidings’. | sunday Ronald Eess, Suzann Eshleman . : 8 i 3 3 ‘ 2 PQ 1
7:30 p.m. Congregational 0:00 am. Sunday School. Richard Hite hoi gr ing the Gospel Light Chorus R. D. sends between 50 and 60 crates of eggs to hours a month, the equivalent of another
a hs | 7:00 ™. HE id \ ¢ y, 3 avi innate | isle ; os . .
Candlelight service. pm. Young People’s |giocy Heisey, Ronald Wagner, i wl J market week in and week out! Naturally then, hired hand!
ednesda 5. : fi . : Frey, director of] . : .
J 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service. Wednesday Walter Johnson, Darl Nentwig, (|... «you of Living” | efficient, economical, labor-saving poultry han- x .
and Bible Study! 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Jeffrey Koser, Carole Mumma, the “Joy of Living” broadcast, | ir Te LP P y Let Reddy Kilowatt do your washing and
; fay | Prayer Decling. EE Ae oh, Station WLBR, 1270 KC., will| dling’s mighty important to him. So, when he “ily Susie .
haron Reese, Martha Forwood, [oo i init ] ; grading. Asin so many other jobs, he saves you
ON Trinity Evangelical St. Luli’ 1 1 cl Richard Sloan, Dennis Wolge- This Dror S10 I od rates his egg washer and egg grader as equip- work and money builds profits nd makes it
g Congregational Church . Luke’s Eplscopa wrch muth, Barry Miller, Ronald > Bas 0 senvice! ’ 1 1 ap X
| i, un, ’ f Christian fellowshi ean ment y r his : >
i rr Q. A. Deck, Pastor The Joy, Pe Moyer Sentz, Marilyn Wenger, Karen re Chpistiog fellowship Bi he couldn’t do without, you know his possible for your farm to produce more—more
; { Sunday rE met Mi. Ying, Gerald Kirkpdirick NC Closing hours of 1935 as} opinion is based on dollar and cents experience! ofitably. So don’t delav. See vour electrical
! 9:15 a.m. ‘Sunddy School and a 3 i people from various yrofitably. So don’t delay. See your electrica
Church Combined. Serv, Christmas Eve., Holy Com- |Connie Hoffman, Ida May Rose s churches) : > :
i hure 0 3 Se res $ - an, c a) Se- I Sith ina 5 : : pp 3:
body Broa HTS; the | ‘11 p.m. wall. Jontuta Sarum, Ahmed 20S ih ir voices together in| Mr. Henninger has found that it takes one farm equipment dealer or your PP&L Farm
2 Pr 3 : § | Sunday ' 5 h, = song and praise. ] 1
— Selon). pan. by Spee. 200 am. Holy Commurion. Shetter, Kathy Sload, Lois pe J man an average of three hours a day... a Representative today!
ON WL A a fe ol fim | 9:30 am. Church School, Rosewall, and Richard Heiscy.
entitled “Little Lost Angel’. |, 11:00 am. Holy CommunionjA reading was also given bY, gong SERVICE :
Narration by Mr. John G. Hart. 700" no. St. Stent 'Suzann Eshleman entitled “Jest a La = P 1 2 P » NY I. 3 I C
P t Communion. ephen, Holy|'Fore Christmas.” | Gantz’s Srv ys enns Y vania owel € 1 1 t «0m P an y
es 7:30 p.m. Prayermeeting. i Toesday : Following the progr: al oes lle on = I rere ee — -
3130 pra Senor Chol rs sday : program a Nop. OF go TTT
1481 iis 50 pan. Senior Choir re | 9 am. Holy Communion, St. turkey dinner was served to oy i Syehing Dee. 25th.
rend [John the Evangelist. all the students | evening, followed |
Thursday : Wednesday Ther oh " | by a short talk by Harold For-
B 70 p.m. Junior Choir Re- | 7:00 & 9 p.m. Holy Commur- tinos DS re 5 ae favo wood. Song leader, Paul Burk
ION carsal. | jon. )S le hy ~Aarolyn Sloan anc holder
18] rrr | Communion. Donald Zielke, Friday the de- rm = er |
Glossbrenmer Evangelical {Holy Insocents, votions will be led by Charles set up in the auditorium. The
United Brethren Church En Theobald and Thomas Long, decorations for the tree were
ov. Charles W actor i . i
gps). Chatter Wolf, Pastor The Church of God followed by carol singing. | made by all the students of the|
3 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor On Friday, a huge tree was school.
Candlelicht i Christmas Eve Services, § {of > rire
TS andlelight Service | 9. Saturday in charge of the
Sunday Young People. J i
; 9:30 a.m. Sunday School | Sunday Pa atk Ro ma 9 5
; for all ages. | 9:30 a.m. Sunday Sc ge i: [818 <8 0)
RIN 5 10:30 a.m. Divine Worship | Lester Sine Sava : a i ig 1 f
AL No evening bible study. 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. Your heart may be dark and discouraged this )
> Tuesday { No Evening Services this Chri season. but Jesus Christ is able to .
N 7:30 pm. Ladies’ Aid Meet. | Susday. Christmas season, bu Jesus Christ is able to fill it 7
! ing. | Wednesday with light and joy. He came ta blot out your failures
Wednesday | Seas Dm Mid-Week Prayer and sins and 1 ke all things new. “ Though your 1k f
n 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. | > ‘ I 9] ! He as SHI"
i : 4 B, sins be as arlet, tiey shall be as white as snow ~~
I'hursday | spill mR Al)
5 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir Re- | West Green Tree dics lal
1162 hearsal. | Church of the Brethren 9:15 Sunday Bible School shi s Pr
SS 7:30 p.m. Scnior Choir Re- |. Abram N. Eshelman, Elder RY 3a Chijimay Piogrim
hearsal. | Sunday Sund 10:30 Morning Worship - “God Sent Forth His Son.”
Saturday, Dec. 31 145 a.m. Sunday School at 7:00 Pre-Service Praver Fellowshi
11:00 p.m. New Year's Eve Rheems and Green Tree. 7.3 rah % Prayer
Service, Holy Communion. le 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 130 Evening Sc “The Lamb of God”
ems reen Tree, Wednesday - 7:30 Midweek Praver Service
Givin mone Chath | PNG. evoriaz savice. ) 7:30 Midweek Prayer Service.
Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor | 3: 1 . Y Ty 9
TL Mt. Picasant Calvary Bible Church T : / : tl l ‘ fe 5 . SAJ I R 2212 /
)351 9:15 am. Sunday Bible | , Brethren In Christ Church NEW HAVEN STREET AT HENRY wo l al Mare Jor uv. vi ail wing .
School. i Pastors: Graybill Wolgemuth, Rev. W ey hs 4 ’ rr ———— °
Christmas Program. C. H. Moyer « ; ev. W. L. Wilson, Jr, Pastor
aa 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | Sunday . Holding forth the word of life”
= brine Pastor 9:00 a. m. Sunday School y . . >
: “God Sent Forth His Son” | 10:30 a. m. Worship Service| —— The first and most important thing passing. Its special Ball-Race steer-
7:00 pra. Pre-Service Praver | Thursday LL VLA VL AN 0 OI 0 eT LUNIA 8 Ue ON 0 0h 0 00 8 ON Ne AION SAN eV | is you — the driver. The courtesy, ing—oversize brakes with Anti-Dive
Pi vice Prayer | 7:00 1. Christ's is a FETS SoS Seema Tote Eo uel . : init
Fellowship. i :00 p.m. Christ's Crusaders. THEE Se SSeS ee Ses ly | care, and common sense you show control-bring easier, surer driving.
7:30 p.m. Evening Service - | Wednesday [30% LE i T Ini i
ON Sermon by the Pastor | 7:30 pan. Prayer Meeting dbs: 20 | count more than anything else. The Unisteel construction and safety
The Tom or Coat —— ne RI si ra : . latches of its Fisher Body—
706 ea of ton {Trinity Lutheran Church Fy Se Phe second thing is the cor eel ps hl Wi a
Nang ; ov oy a [2 2h All cars are safer today. That's I OS
= 3:50 p.m. Midweek Prayer | Sumy; W. L. Koder, Pastor a YOUR CLEANER R14 hE ape Safe, apo ibs comes from advanced suspension
Service 0% a ) accidents :
5 pic i ST a : os { tter balance — sweeping
= er mn { 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve [sty : Abe | in relation to the number of miles nd better balance — ihe Seepilg
rn | Candle-Light Service. 3s IS YOUR ue hci : Cet LL EY panoramic windshield — all these
Church of the Brethren | 9:30 am. Sunday School Aa 2th passenger cars are driven. The fig- things add to your safety
; Florin, Pa. {10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Ak: ure’s down sharply. a is oo
> | E I
ding tev, Howard Bernhard, Elder | Tuesday He | . a Chivislot Ras alvave mad fot Seat belts with or without shoul-
amucl T. Becker, Supt. 7:30 p.m. Special Church | | C t B t i 0 | -hevrolet has always made Sally ga... harness? Instrument panel pad-
9:00 a.m. Bible School. [Council Meeting in the | ~ Oo es es rien Abe | a major consideration, introducing iro? ns iH tn : e i
1000 Sn Wert service, Parish/gih rd ane such tedtures os the allstod ding? Of course, they're available
Wednesday fi Ri rd { ony : oa fi 1d os a cl at extra cost. As your Chevrolet
a 7:30 pam. Prayer Service. |p. dicville Church of God BE 5 ra 9 the a es iy dealer, we'll be glad to show you the
- = E. Thomas Tillett, Pastor Ale ai rolet is the safest one ever built. many safety features of the 56
The Washington Street | Paul S. Baker, Gen. Supt. |i ab | Its lively new power means safer Chevrolet,
G Church Of The Brethren | 9:15 am. Church School (80% Ae
G Elizabethtown, Pa. i 10:30 am, Morning Worship alte, 8
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor | :30 p.m. Youth Groups av |
rk Sunday 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Ser- ee AHL IR I A Re ie EA AL MOR Rie SOIR 04 ROL A i i RS a Da ln =
{ 9:30 a.m. Church School |vice. i 78 E. MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY |
adult study theme, “Songs of Wednesday athe
fhe Saviors Birth.” { 7:30 pm. Prayer Meeting. ks |
WN \ 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, | — 7 | \ N rm 3
three Choirs, and the Christmas | Bradford County was named ‘ou Phone 3-4071 We Call J vi 1 1 2 Inc Mount Joy Pa
message by Pastor Zuck. {after the famous Ri " ’ :
| 2:50 pan. Worn William Bradford, a member of gis al | PHONE 3-4821
gypt.” + George ashington’s cabinet. | ses; STON TN ATEN TINT a TANTS ITA TIN STAR Teh TIN Ce ik -
