The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 15, 1955, Image 1

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Authority Sets S
"Honor Roll Is
Musical Is [Released At
Next Week ke ‘Donegal High


Pi Ti Ri Te i ib i 0 TA Sh Sa

o . Ti 2 a! Twenty-five Students were the borough, the total amount rectors of the local Social Wel- Mrs. Charles Felty was In-
al of Donegal High School will amed to the first honor roll : = :
ne presented i g Ave-bart os! | name C . received is greater than the fare Association Monday stalled as president of Farm
bres el P dl for the second report period at goal! ing. Victor Shank is president women Society No. 8 at the:
gram next ednesday and | . tie " wiv. Lof :
Thursd: : SPA | Donegal High ‘School. Sixty-two According to Kenneth Gain- Of the monthly meeting of the group
wrsday evening, December) rere placed 1 the “B’ honor . : Mr. Gainor also related one
| were placed or or, chairman of this year's . : Saturday. Also installed by
21 and 22 in the school auditor- i ! 7 story of $3.67 of the total that ¥
; roll. drive, the amount collected in Was A .cifeds ‘was Mrs. Robert Nolt, Lancaster
A ium. Under the direction of | Four girls in the senior high Mount Joy was $6,700. This held oh Birchiand AERC County President, were Mrs. |
A Thomas Wolfgang, vocal musics) | school received all “A's”. They figure is the money which was Gary Holtzman, Thomas Roth, Roy Greider, vice president; |
i al instructor, the program will| § | are Lynn Fackler, senior, Bar- collected from industries, small Goorie Roth and Richard Norn-! : : gs
3 include the Nativity story in| § are ® Salil businesses and door-to-door °C : yO Mrs. John Warfel, recording]
§ music and narration; a Carol | 3 bara Thome, Junior; and San- Canvasses hold staged the affair. Enter- Miss Anna Mae Ev.)
3 Hh i. il 2 tk ales tainment included pitching pen- DY mE on
3 ing dra Koser and Patricia Charles . PPR ing cr pre LAP :
8 sing with the sudience and GERAL TZ | * : : The total contributed was ny game, knocking over match- corresponding secretary; and
5 special Christmas songs by the] D R. SHEETZ | sophomores. Junior high honor, 1990, of the goal set for the boxes with stones and knocking Mrs. Clarence Greider treas- pg N. NISSLY
choruses and small groups. OPENS FUNERAL HOME | roll students are Joan Wenger, {own by the county officials. down a dummy with rags. The urer Ee
Nelson Hess will narrate the] The Sheetz Funeral Home| vi Fie ; : CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY
3 son Clie | will F id D b 16.! Barbara Johnson, Helen Felty, From this amount, one portion boys also sold the traditional Miss Martha Martin Eliza- H. N. Nissly of Mount Joy
A 3 Iativi x S i i wi open Friday, ecember bs : . Te : is aa ’ fan v. kd JO)
A Nativity. The chorus will sing a p ee Pant or Street | Darla Kulp, ninth graders; will be sent to county head- circus food at their event - bethtown. gave a talk on “Paths celebrated his 83rd birthday on
3 Silent Night, Away In a Mang-| BY eg Qe! Jean Wolgemuth, Joan Shaef- quarters for distribution among lemonade and hot dogs. At the % er ‘ 0 } at Miller ne atl
3 er, Hark, the Herald Angels| Openhouse for the home will hi ye ge ? “U9 | the membership agencies and end of the day, they realized a to Bethlehem”; Mrs. W. Scott er. I i a ro _ > 3
A Sing, Joy to the World, Birth-| be from 10 a. m. until 9 p. m.| fer, Linda Kleiner, Harriet ,.. ther portion will be kept profit of $3.67 which they turn- Heisey, led the group in sing-| he ome ot ig nd
4 day of a King, and Gloria in| Friday and Saturday, Decemb-| Hawthorne, Patricia Johnstin, i, Mount Joy for use in its ag- ed in as their contribution to ing Christmas carols and Mrs her family. Mr. and Mrs. §. B
i | or f lS ag- e a X Lary’ "Strayer and Samue
Excelsis Deo. Asher Halbleib or 1 i 17. Jay Lehman, Samuel Grove, encies the United Drive. re W, directed tel Strayer and Samuel
i iQ . ir av TE etz ne > nr) i y My lig ROTVE 3 \ .
will be the soloist for Birthday eral Sheetz, owner of the Patricia Phillips, Joanna Zuch, . ya ad a Rust Mr. Nis ly served as te les
of a King. Joanne Stehman and| NeW home, is a graduate of : . devotions and read a .nd cashier of the Union Na-
: Fred Bernhard will be the solo-| Mount Joy High School, class Carol Garlin and Beverly Van Martin Named ‘Plans Com lete Christmas story t'onal Bank, Mount Joy for 59
J ists in Go Tell It on the Moun-| of 1943; served in the United| Dine, eighth grade; Lorraine P During the business sessions. vears and is on the fifty-year
d tain and Miriam Roland will States Marines during World| Felty, Joanne Martin, id 1 ° the group decided to give | honor roll of the Pennsylvania
1 5 sing O Holy Night. The War II; and received his train-| Deanna Walker, Rachel por tsmen For F orm to the March of Bankers Association. He re-
3 galassies will sing Listen to|ing from the Eckles College of| , = and Barbara Brown, . SEU ts scaled 10. tired from the bank several
i the Lambs. and the Donegalads| Mortuary Science in Philadel d t Dim=s and to donate COOKS 10 yours ago. Before becoming a
A will sing Ye Watchers and Ye phia. Mr. Sheetz served his] seventh grade. resi en aro mg | the Girl Scouts of the Eliza-| banker he taught school in East
on Holy Ones. | apprenticeship under his father| Senior high "B os El d Martin was re elect-| Final pl re made for bethtown Crippled Children’s, Donegal Twp. He is ireasurer
iN y | 3 : . i WOO IME Jas -elecCl-| mal plans were ade 0 > 4
2 : : . DO ne 5 3 5 < oC ; >T, : ¢ : “hrig ng 3 ac < *Ole > |
In the portion of the Secrip-| Ray V3: Shea, Ey Pike | students are Joan Schneider ed president of the Mount Joy: the annual community carol, Hospital for their Christmas ©f the Bachman Shoo ge Bo
» tures taken from Matthew 2-1- iho on Ruth Ann Moyer, Joyce Martin, Sportsmen Association at their; sing of Florin for Christmas party He De > : A fie
u : Mz: pt. . x ! : of ings : g rishe » receiv-
i 11, the quartet will sing Adeste i pe | Joanne Landis, Sampho Steph-| heeting Monday evening. Paul] Eve from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Wire. Paul Erb and Mrs. Char ings 2a one W ne V
A Fidelie: fie, chons will sing | anis, Judy Smith, Miriam Nell, piffenderfer was named first The Rev. Howard Bernhart, . shenk were appointed as a wa i
% Break Forth O Beautous Light, Becky McKain, Louise Horning, vice president; Stephen Sup-!| Florin, will tell the Christmas les Shenk were api ; as =
: a and Ronald Hawthorne, Gerald, Carol Ginder, Susan Fellen- par second vice; Alvin Koser, story. Rev. Bernhart is the delegates to the convention at °
ve 1 p y . rss y He 3
)» 3» Becker and Richard Bowers baum, Miriam Bell, Edwin’ recording secretary; Abram! minister at the Florin Church the state farm show in Harris- aro ing
0 wi be Te Soloists for We Co mission Myers, Peggy Wolfe, Betty Me-| Mumma, financial secretary; of the Brethren. Martin Miller burg. Two x - Tai or
5 I'hree Kings. m Kain, Nelson Hess, David Bom- Gene Leiber, assistant secret-! will lead the audience in carol aged to he Soul iy. > 2 s es a
a The second portion of the berger, Miriam Roland, Freda ,.y. Lloyd Myers, treasurer; singing. 0 ey and Mrs. Clarénce Fel- y
09 Sls ape : i ; : Pennell. 1 ye 0 3 dy.
Program will be 3 Sarl sing Is Named Five Sores poe) ia Abram, Mama and Wiliam Special music will be provid- gy" at the home of Mrs. Ar- :
with the audience participating. Asher Halbleib, seniors; Phyllis) directors for 3 years. oq py the Mount Joy Calvary tl : oo Mt. J R1 i the At ree
Yon A Wp | : y > ing oj oe i. wr Mayer, Mt. Joy , 4
The brass quintet will accomp- Charles Ruhl was appointed Wolge uth, Lina Taney Turkeys were awarded to Radio Quartet of E-town. Mem- meeting was concluded with re-
ay the Singing: During the chairman of the newly created Banice Hess, James apr » Harold Foster, Norman Linton, bers of the quartet are Arthur fr served by the hos- Next Tuesday, Dee. 20, the
third portion of the evening, Shade Tree Commission on an Cynthia Ann Lehman, LeRoy, ,,.. Albert Keller, Harry Miller, first tenor; Martin Mil- testags Wits, Maver. Mrs. Hen- Scouts of the borough will
Joyce Dunkelberger will sing Ordinance of the borough pas- Kaylor, Mary Ann Felty, Jun- Brown. Robert Bixler, George ler, second tenor; Paul Ear- fo W. Musser Mrs Martin Mus- sponsor a Community Christ-
| so he i : . pet ™ Stric rlaig wy . : bj sser, S. IvVld : . © .
When Christmas Morn is Dawn-| sed several years ago. With him| tors: Geri Strickle r, Aglaia Clayton, John Mateer, Harry hart, Jr. first bass; and Martin 4 Nps Curvin Martin. mas Carol Sing at the Commun-
ng; and the junior high chorus on the commision will be War-| Stephanis, Janice Hoffman, Ruth Hendrix, Virgil Pugliesa and R. Moore, second bass. ° ity Christmas Tree, corner of
will sing Jingle Bells. Pianists ren W. Heisey and Johnson S, Krall, Faget I Ba. H. Holmes. The services will be held in Marietta and East Main Streets.
for » » i Marti serman, Jane Sweitzer, Patricia EE : A 3 iis
for, 1 wa be Dolly! Martin. Fan Mary Smith, Joan Gil-| The announcement was made front of the bank. Special Former Latvian From 6:30 to 7:30 p. m., the
sovles a arla Kulp. The ordinance calls for a ' ft Sudo ‘hat 1 pheasants have Christmas treats will be g'ven G rl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brown-
art f {i “again. be al Say oe : 8] pert, Roberi Shireman and Joe Hat 100 cock 1% “ Hr Souls, By De
R 9 four will again be, al commission of three free hold- HORS, Palen Burner an € been purchased by the associa- to all children who attend. Speaks To Flerin ios and Cubs will gather around
Sore see ae par five Will in-| org of the borough who shall 4 TD wR» honor I un tion and will be released Dec. it 4 . the tree for the singing Mrs.
a = Ye Merry Gen-| pa appointed by the Burgess. | students ore. Jacqueline oF ro 19 in the immediate area. . Lions Club Walter Sloan will direct the
Heme, Ie the Halls, Santa, The Commission shall have <r i» aed a Kabbit trapping will begin hristmas carols and Miss Anna Mae Eby,
gy ons to Town, and exclusive control of shade ia sl Judith Helsey. next week. Box traps will be Miss Enna Donuloff, a junior Girl Scout Neighborhood chair-
he il ou A Merry Christ- trees in the borough with au-| Barre Brandt. and Joanne Bis set in the district. If there are C ki S | at Elizabethtown College, Was man, will sive an | address: of
mes y the chorus and Mister thority to plant, remove, main-! a 2. a any persons in the borough who 00 e a € the guest speaker at the Christ welcome
Santa, by the girls trio : ler, ninth grade; Joan Shuman, 8" P ;
a ; | ta'n and ‘protect the shade frees Kathleen Goodall, Joanne Dar wish the association to have mas Party-Ladies Night of the The Rev. Harlan Durfee, pas-
Julia Loewen will play the slong the public highways of Re ron Baker. James the Pox traps their home, I S t d Florin Lions Club Monday n te. tor of the Presbyterian Church,
organ; Judy Naugle, Arlene the borough and with authority ent » > oh n they are asked to contact Ab- S a ur ay Miss Donuloff is originally from ill give the invocation and the
Helsev Stary Zelle Barbare : | Bennett, Mary Ellen Smith, is . i ts i : ,
Jay & el arbara to employ and pay assistants Carol Cu ef and Thomas Mm Mumma or Jacob Sherk Saturday is the day of the Lativia. She fled with her fam- Roy. George Ludwig, pastor of
Thome and Audrey Musser will| necessary for the proper per-| Chunks Ds rade! = ee annual School and Home Asso-| ily from Communism into Po- the local Methodist Church,
play $i plane. Tue girls trio formance of its duties and with| Showalter Fay es HEADS SCHOOL BOARD ciation Christmas cookie sale. land, then to Germany and will offer the benediction
4 includes Mae Keener, Mirian authority to make such regula- : NTs ~harles. Marietta.! The sale is being held i ally to the United States in Following the sing, all the
Roland i i Ce Brown, Sandra Miller, Marian Edward Charles. Marietta, The sale is being held in the
oland and Barbara Thome. tions as shall be approved by, ~ _... : as clo ratte tthe showr he Eli Ame 1948. She was educated in La- Scouts will be treated to hot
The ta : ne Gerlitzki, Sandra Barnhart, and was clecte d president of the showroom of the li Ament Nis
1e quartet, Tom Zimmerman,| Council for the care and pro-| Lind: He den. seventh grade | Donegal Twp. elementary garage, corner of Delta and tvia, Poland, Germany and Mill-| chocolate and cook’es by the
os Ronald Gotwalt, Douglas Fish| tection of shade trees which] «10a seven gre Ven Bd ES ane onry Sitects ville, New Jersey, prior to her local Girl Scout Neighborhood
and : Peasy Brill. whose name was school board of directors, and Henry Streets. ;
anc Ronald Hawthorne. The! regulations shall be effective af- ibid ? ets oh ; Thic te A RA Sa attending the E-town College. in the basement of the Saint
Yom ; : . | missed from the first report Martin S. Musser, Mount Joy, This is the second year for,
program will begin at 8 p. m. ter being published twice in the iY antl wns clecte ioe Side s ¢nle Ce 20 | Miss Donuloff was introduced Mark's E. U. B. Church. James
acl stad | period, was also on the ‘A’ was elected vice president dur- the sale. An additional feature
cach evening. borough newspaper. The Com-| y : ; : . . iale.l ot te vant'c salt wi | to the group by C. Arthur Wol- Spangler is in charge of the
mia Gp ie wi {ski pap honor roll at that time. ing a meeting held at the cle- of this year’s sale will be pies. in (3 ad or ) :
mission shall have the power, ——— ®- —-— mentary school in Maytown The sale will begin at 9:30 gemuth, Irvin Gerber Bad on aking system for ihe
' Christmas P y i supervise the care and trim- . The board announced that it a.m. but contributors are asked iginally been In charge of He occasion
\ art ng of frees the planting and Joycees Entertain plans to collect delinquent per to have their homemade foods Program and Joh How, Des ®
replanting of trees along pub- apita te at the showroom by 9 a. m dent, was in charge o 16 mee
\ Scheduled For I'c highways of the borough in- Janecees To PADI Janes dh ! ing. ’ Stale Elected
J side of the curb lines Jay Snyder led “the group in y
Local Children me mime: fy ores smote 'Holida Part Carol singing and Mrs. John -
Friday. D 93 hus bo iat y y erc an ts toe Hess accompanied on the piano. Fire Co Head
as mah oe the is enn Sho in Tour Thirty-four persons attended Gifts were presented to each . wy
rr voll PP g a joint Christmas party between of the guests. The meeting was Benjamin Staley was elected
: : the local JoyCees and the Lan- held in the Kountry Kitchen, president cf the Fire Company
Joy and surrounding area 1 S d : :
> : | caster JaneCees, Tuesday even- west of Florin. at the meeting of the group on
Sponsore arly by alter| tur y | gas : 2
Sponsored Feary OY he Wale $ a a {ing in the Mt. Joy American ® Tuesdey evening Joseph Wol
Legion ‘the affair will again Plans have been completed Legios home. Mount Joy-Florin Retail coupons will be good in any of RECORD PLAYER IS gemuth was named vice presi
rod = es cE ©! for the third annual Christmas Mrs. J. Bruce Greiner, Delta Merchants will play Santa the following cooperating’ PRESENTED TO SCHOOL nt Forewsod. secre
: y | shopping tour for the residents Streef, spoke on the making of Claus Saturday night with the stores: In view of a’packed house, tary; Omar Grofl treasurer
The children will be treated ,f the Messiah Children’s home| Christmas decorations. One presentation of $1,000 in mer- JM. Booth, Day & Berrier, {he Mount Joy Elementary Rodney Ney, financ al secretary
to OY in the theatre plus Saturday, Dec. 17. The JayCees,| game was played with prizes chandise certificates. Eshleman Bros, Warren H. School students presented their James Staley, assistant; Rey
ly y and an orange by Santa ,csisted by members of the| being awarded to Mrs. Richard pp. prizes will be awarded Greenawalt, Greer’s Jewelry annual Christmas musical. The John H. Lutz, chaplain; Omar
“laus upon leaving the theatre. will escort the child-| Gingrich, Lancaster; and MiSS| + {he Mount Joy grade school. Store. Samuel Heisey, Hess program included songs by all J. Kling. trustee Sylvester
GOLD B rr ren to the borough stores to do Charlotte Feezer, Mt. Joy. Door Program will start at 9 p. m. Food Store, Jack Horner Shoes | the students of the school also Swords, fire chief; Brady Hess
ADGE AWARDED their shopping. rizes, which were decorations . Arie] : = 0 J. B. Hostetter & Son, Kitty included several soloists. Due to assistant; Benjamin Staley,
Albert Williams was named : p with dancing to the music of : 3
. th a b Each child will be given $5. made by Mrs. Greiner, Were ... high school orches- Dress Shoppe, Keener Home llness, two substitutions were chief engineer; Gene Leber
n go ES aes Jags Sh with which to shop. Following, awarded to Mrs. Charles Gra-| tra under the direction of H. Furnishings, Koser's Jewelry | made. James Strickler and Jer- chief chemicalman; James Wit-
foe 2 Sheniaty school safety (ho shopping and an ice cream; ham and Miss Miriam Tyndall. 11 Shields. Roy S. Lehman, Martin’s 5 and ry Williams accompanied Lewis tle, chief hoseman Victor
pe Be ert was chosen (ra, the wrapping of the gifts, During the business meeting, 10c Store, Mateer's Shoe Store | Hart in “We Three Kings”. Brooks, chief of fire police;
2 iy Angles because he in pe done in the firehouse.| the group made plans to assist Coupons will be drawn at 10, Mount Joy Bulletin, Mt. Joy, On behalf of the school, Rodney Ney, James Kirkpat
. Assists a blind man to Cross children may also mail| the Jaycees in the shopping P- mM. after which dancing will Department Store, A. H. Mum-| Charles Heaps, principal, pre- rick, John Wagner, Richard
the street. Ris packages if they wish to do so.| tour Saturday. Gifts were ex-| continue until 11 p. m. Prize ma Hardware, G. C. Murphy sented Mrs. George Broske, di- Sheetz and Svlvester Swords
Residents of the community changed and Christmas refresh- Winners need not be present. co, FH. S Newcomer & Son, rector, with a gift for her work house committee
-— AAAAAAAARAARAMAAMAAAA | and area may help support this| ments were served buffet style The winning numbers will be| Newcomer Motors, Inc. on the project. Arthur Schneid- ~~ Mr. Swords and William Ma
* The Physici On Call | annual project by contributing) to the group. | posted in the windows of par- 1 aster E. Roberts & Son, M | er, president of the School and teer were named to attend the
ysician | donations in containers found] The centerpiece consisted of ticipating stores. | S. Sensenig, Sloan's Pharmacy, Home Association, presented county convention. Two new
Sunday in many of the stores and busi- a miniature Christmas tree First prize will be $100. In'Smith’s General Store, Tyn- Mr. Heaps with a record play- members were accepted into
121 ; | nesses of the borough. | covered with holiday earrings addition there will be ten pri- dall’s Store, Way's Appliances, er for the school as a Christ- the group, Elwood Forewood
Dr. Newton E. Kendig Bernerd Grissinger is chair-' which were presented as favors zes of $50 each, 15 prizes of Woélgemuth, Inc, Zerphey’s Sico mas present from the associa- and Fred Gehman Twenty
: AAR | THAI Of the event, to those attending. $20 and 10 prizes of $10. The Service Station. tion. members attended the meeting.

United Drive Goal Intl Nev
| the Community Chest drive in
The Mount Joy Bulletin
Farm Women ET |
Mount Joy Tops

From the final tabulation of The announcement was made Officers
public at a meeting of the di-
L resuming
ights On Sewers By Jan. 1, 1937
Schedule Opening
Collection System
Bids Jan. 31,1956
January 1, 1957, is the goal
for completion of Mount Joy's
sewer system.
was revealed Tuesday
at the monthly meeting
of the Borough Authority.
Joseph A. Michaels
| was authorized to advertise for
sewage . collection
opened Jan. 31,
bids on the
system to be
Work will
determine the
begin at once to
rock profile a-
of the
long route sewer
sound in-
lines Engineer
plained that this
submitting esti-
give b.dding
formation for
The Authority
purchase of water meters to be
ordered the
installed in industrial
greenhouses, public
schools and for special services.
The meters will be placed as
soon as possible after the me-
ters arrive.
Revelation that more than
$1700 is still due the Authority
for 1955 water service brought
action. It was voted to
notify all delinquent accounts
that bills must be paid by Jan.
31, 1956, or service will be sus-
A resolution also was passed
| calling for a $2.00 charge for
service that is sus-
pended because of delinquency.
A second resolution was passed
| covering part-time water users,
providing for a charge of $5 to
turn and $5 to turn
it off.
water on
A. Fred Rentz
Addresses Rotary
Mount Joy Rotarians Tuesday
heard an interesting talk
on The Pennsylvania Dutch by
A Fred Rentz, professor at
Franklin and Marshall College,
former principal of Me-
High School at Lancas-
Pointing to Lancaster county
as the richest unirrigated county
America, the speaker credit-
ed the farming methods brought
to this country by the Pennsyl-
vania Dutch for the high fertil-
ity of ground
Two hundred . years ago
when these folks came here,
the pointed out, they
raiscd 10 bushels of wheat to
the acre and 40 bushels of corn,
Today Lancaster county acres
yield 40 bushels of wheat and
100 to 120 bushels of corn.
Some Lancaster county
farms are producing more than
700 bushels of potatoes to the
cre, compared to the national
average of 240
The Amish of rotat-
ing crops and continually add-
ing natural fertilizers have
pointed the way for this re-
arkable production record.
Professor Rentz cited as out-
standing the Amish virtues of
mutual helpfulness and self
reliance. He pointed out that
during the depression there
were no Amish on relief, and
that the Amish had never tak-
n any farm subsidies.
Mrs. Evelyn Brubaker, Choe-
olate Ave Florin, won the
Thunderbird which was a-
arded by the local JayCees on
To Report New Families
Who Are to be Visited
Call MJ-3-9763