The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 24, 1955, Image 6

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November 24
ioy. Pa, Thursday,

Youth To


Let's Make This Thanksgiving
More Than A
Day of Feasting . . .
On this
in this, the greatest nation of the world.

Thanksgiving Day let us be truly
crateful for the great heritage that is ours
We feel it fitting at this lime of the year to
faank you, our customers, for your friend-
¢hip throughout the years.
YOU PHONE 3-4071


Quality For Quality
mM wu BN > A

Venetian Blinds—Window Shades

Heavy Gauge Steel—
cen Background With White Letters
y mee
B. B. IBACH Attend District Rev. and Mrs. Roy Forney rg
139 S. Main St Marhai 3, | Es : ’ Rev. Daniel Hoopert of Swa
t lanheim, Pa | attended an all day meeting at
Phone 53-4616 C f el RD "I oi 7 itara, R Lehman of Richland
the Church of the Brethren at v \ w
! lov levin Zuck of E-town
| on erence Manor on Sunday will hold services at Elizabeth
Youth of the local St. Mark's Mrs. Paris Ober and son, (own Church of the Brethren,
"REDUCED 20 E.U.B: church will be among and Mrs. Howard Bernhard left morning starting
0 | the more than 400 persons Thursday for Goshen, Ind. and 09 o'clock
f R from Lancaster County and returned home Monday Elder Rey. N. LIL. Linebaugh, pastor j
(FUR t neighboring areas to attend the Bernhard returned with them of the Falmouth St. Paul U. B. | §
conference Youth Fellowship after preaching for two weeks (Church, will conduct a evan- |
rN | convention at Annville the Brethren Church at that gelist servic November 27 at ]
ng: day. | blace a
pli 7:30 p. Mm
! Two local youth are among Mrs. Sadi Brooks had a Viembers of the Christ Help
the group of officers. Clair L. Thanksgiving Day Breakfast for crs Bible Class presented an el
| Wagner, East Main Streeet, is he Sunday School Class on eetrie orean to the church,
{ the national president of the Sunday morning with the class e i
| organization. He will be pres-iand Rev. and Mrs. Charl I D SALT ND ]
ent and will participate in the Wolfe and Mr. Kleiner present HRIST) BAZA
/ I 3 3 { i LIVEAD ‘ yu
Ch h N Glosshrerier Evangencal DA Miss ‘Ronnie ‘Jean ur. and Mrs. Relph Mumper Food Sal d Christ
nited Brethren Reese, Delta Street, is secretary i ON 1 8 : ahs
i ( aughter, and Irs "8 ; 1 .
STYLE 62 urc ews Rev. Charles Wolf, Pastor of the conference group Dr Fu ges : er 5 1 Bazaar will be held by the Pri.
‘funk of Neffsville, call on i '}
seme | Sunday Ezra H Ranck. former pastor i . Depa of the Church
BABY'S first SHOES EWS PERTAINING TO ALL, 8:15a m. Morning Worship |; i Pastor Mr. and Mrs. George oq in the Church anne
r. | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School | In Mount Joy. will be one of Tuesday evening : : A anno]
AE IRCHES nw 30 am. $ ay § { exday evening Henry Sti saturda e-!
BRONZED * THE CHURCHES IN MY. JOY| 14.30 am Morning Worship | the speakers for the occasion. Mr. and I R 11 Hal cor a" i
AND THE ENTIRE SUR. ! WwW ednesday | A tour of the campus and ; ai oe ga ag ge Lo et 7 Satu ! 80
wo ROUNDING COMMUNITY 7:30 pa. Midweek: Prayerline: wt Valley 7, 00 sol, Sheat tho Week Shrishnns and. 4p
f sehpard gs o .ebanol ond 4 trite i
| MINIATURE OVAL FRAME ‘ ore ns re ney or RUeYiend at their hunting lode featured
iret int 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir. { College will be part of the Vit LNT j A ®
{ 4 ral Irs. Jam \i pe!
Reg. $12.50 $9 95 Sit. Piensant | ri day's activities. Messages of the nd i N Pe A
p : x ~ i iO am ENO vere HEE [RE ‘OMPANY
sule price . Brethren In Christ Church Church of the Brethren | convention will be delivered by 4 n DE : i Won IS FIRE COMPANY
= oo. “4 3 Yr Yat > : of Mr. anc Virs eorge A XI1.IARY TO H
This Chrictnros will be Jong remem: Pastors: Savill Wolgemuth F lorin, Pa. : several members of the admin 7 of d Georg 1) 2 I [OLD
raf . Moyer Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder | qi: aif ard Ar on Sunday JAZAAR AND FOOD SALE
bered if you give baby's first shoes Sundav Samuel T. Becker. Supt istration staf] and faculty of
{ . a ~ i . peRer. » \ D re pai for / “
beaut fully plated "i metal 9-00 a. m. Sunday School 9:00 DS Bis o DT. Pp the college. The meeting will VIrs. Emma Peifer returned I'l dies a linry of the
Ss gi 10:30 a. m. Worsh'p Service| 10:00 am. Worship Service |be the fenth annual conven- to her home in Harrisburg on | Fir Co. will - hold
ove will be THE bright spot under 4 20 pm, Gospel Team from | Wednesday ; tion of the Youth Fellowship of Sunday after spendin veral B d Food Sale at Ris
gh sp Messiah College, Grantham will 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service la if lat
your Christies ant @ source of be in charg of service di 2 4) ce. East Pennsylvania With relatives Garag Rheems on Sat
joy for years to come ~ : dak 5 Tete - op T > ‘ { Mr. and Mh Paul Martin Sr v3 Tyee ) i383 OXF
Monday I iisville Cl h of 1 of the B. UU. B. Church | ITS. aul sarin Sr. urd Dee. 3, starting at 11:00
a : i ey Landisville re 100 Mr. u art . 1 Il 1}
BAe: styles such 8s Bock. 7:50 p.m. Revival Meeting - | a iene Aran 9% Ou Commission dizens {Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin Ji veloel There will be needle-
ds, ashtrays, desk se Rov. John Rosenbury. evange eT vo : : ‘ithe fa v, le odav to spend worl a { Y binds
sng desk sais any hoy John Rosenbury.’ evange] {| Paul S. Baker, Gen. Supt. sions will be under the lecader- he fomily. left today pend work, doll clothes and all kinds
shoes from $3.50 ist. | 3 : pea the holida and } 1 t ] ]
9:15 am. Church School ship of the chairmen of {1 ays ang No pt wih food. A hicken corn soup
ean | oy So So ie t a n Ye ar : aban ii
. | 10 30 a.m Morning Worship commissions One of the higi Vir. and Mrs. John Schock in Pleas Dring our own contain
) Te Oripinal Church of the Brethren 6:30 p.m. Youth Groups | lights Vis ® mh rginia
o\ i "almouth Pike { 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Ser- [lights of the program will be
| BRON = SHOE Falmouth Pike I g
) ro a nan? 1! Rev. James Doughtry vice. { the Fellowship banquet served U 0
Y Pastor | Wednesday by the women of the host C) S
Sunday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting church and the ok hi or | se ur as sitied Column It Pays
3 Doinst he 9:00 n. Bible School | Ae anc 1e evening will in
B A acess with in 9:00 a.m. Bible Sc ; } elude the eleetion : i alls
er sss 1 thre the 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship | Newtown IE. U. B. Church e the election and installa
va : only 4 2 sieblished Sermon theme “Jesus Most Rov, John Porich. Pastor tion of officers and consecra ~ ng tm 1)
Startling Command, Sunday tion service (; ER
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 9:00 am. Sunday School { * a 1 7
Sermon theme “God Champion! 10:00 am. Worship Service. | t
LAST DAY ind the Devils Tools.” | Speaker, Evangelist Joe Miller ADVENT MUSICAL | Tress vt
TO ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS Wednesday ! 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Ser- IN ST. L ’ :
JONESY i n. Ev: >T. LUKE
NOV. 28 7:30 p.m. Collage prayer vices, Special Music, Soldier S Ditch Digging . Septic Tanks Installed
| BRING SHOES IN TODAY ! the home of Rev. and Mrs. of the Ring Male Quartet, oh | | EPISCOPAL CHURCH ;
Eugene Miller, at Locust » town Ga ) } -ooting radi
L a? Sone 2 SL ti Grove diantow p Gospel Center. The first musical for the Ad- | Field Drain age Foot ings Grading
vis s2rmo Family Life | The p tblic is cordially invit- | held i ig H |
Ta ied to attend these services { vent season held in St. Luke's} aulin And Light
Adam H. Greer St. Luke's Chace Wednesday { Episcopal Church will be held Pertable Aj C 9 oor pis dos i
Leng St. Lu a s PI Vid Church 7:00 pm. Christian Endeavor | on Sunday, Nov. 27 at 4 p. m || ortable Air Compressor—-Concrete Breaking
ou A % oun oy a. 7 : : Aro oy i
3 CE i 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, ! vr Yield] Milla wh { yo |
: De 4124 The Res eH Moyer followed by the monthly meet- Mrs. Russoll Miller of Eliza] Lop Sail and Fill
1car ting of the Council of Adminis-| Pethtown will preside at the
~ . rai Miss Joan 3otz ai 1
: { a.m. Holy Communion. 2aon | 3 San nd ys Joann Belz anc Rock Drilling
9:30 The Church School = Ir. Robert Forney also of Eli i
Classes for all ages. Calvary Bible Church zabethtown will be the guest — — sm ———— ree esi
Morning. Prayer, | Sov. WL. Wilson Jr, Pastor | R.D. 1 ELIZABETHTOWN
unday talon : :
Litany and Sermon. 3:15 am. Sunday Bible ! Selections on the organ will, PHONE 7-1253
4:00 Advent musical program.’ School : { be... Cathedral Prelude and Fu 11-tfe
7:00 pm. Youth Fellowship. Classes for all ages ! gue, Bach; I Call to Thee, Lord i
Tuesday ba 10:30 am Mood ing Worship | Jesus, Bach; The Fifers. d’An 1, =
8:00 I Confirmation in- Sermon by the Pastor rie pe |
m. Confirmation in “The Sword ene he Trowel” dricu; Prologue of Jesus. Tra- I
S 1 ). i i i A . 3
: 1:30 p.m. Heller Rest Home ditional arr. by Clokey; Toccata } i
erasure Ser rvice Meet at the church. | {irom Fifth Symphony, Widor.|{t}i
Mount Joy Mennonite Church | 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer | Miss Belz will as her Ht
) { use as her solos. iti
Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, Fellowship. { Oh, Had 1 Jubal’s Lvr y ‘Hi
Heury Garber, Henry Frank | 7:30 pm. Evening Service - |. = °° Jubais Lyre, Handelniy
Pastors Sermon by the Pastor. , from the Oratorio - Joshua; My/ill|
sunday ‘The Word was God Heart Ever Faithful, J.S. Bach:i}
Sunday School. Tuesday 3 O Divine Redeemer. Gounod { |
Young peoples | 7:30 pm. Women's Work The numbers: bv. My. Tor HN
group ai Marion & Ruth's J F's by Ir. Fornc 3} il |
Vednesd | Wednesday will be, I Walked Today wher: I |
wednesday ~.0 AV sits a "SS y. a : a
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and ay pm Midweek Prayer Jos Wolk d. O'Hara; Thank | |
Prayer Mee ing Ba be to Th e, Handel O Lord
| Thursday Mona fut © rd. 4
Shas TAY i Nloniple Dosa st More iful, Frank i
Trinity Lutheran Church Meeting Light refreshments
Rev, W. L. bhoder, Pas.or - —— served following the ! Hh
: : HT
: The Church of God (and a motion p'cture “Song o [11
a.m. Sunday Schoo) Rev. C. F. Helwig. Pastor the Pacific’ will also b ro tad
am. Morning Worshi i tO be shown
im. morning orsnip. Sunday in the Parish Roon of the Hi
. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School chure The ‘tu i
0 pm. Catechot'cal Class Leder Bowling ay Fy ( 3 wreh., he picture portrays |}!
Meeting in the Parish House. 10:30 a.m Morning Worsh'p oe work ol the Episcopa I
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Church on some of the Islands i
Mt Joy Meuodist Church The Young People in charge in the Pacific LE
George K. Ludwig, Pastor 7! wor Bates Jr. will be the Guest organist for Sunday |
Miss Esther W: 1's rani . % Yo
Boi Mii Walters, Organist dresday De 4 will be M R. L. Fat
6:00 b.m Hi-Gem Class x 7°30 pm. Mid-Week Prayer of organist of the FElimabeth
Christmas Party. Services town Lutheran Church. On the {
Sunday program with her will be Mr Hi}
9:30 am. Sunday School. _ Irinity Evangelical | Edgar Bitting, flutist in the {ll
= Mr Ralph Alleman. S. S. Sup Congregational Church Harrisburg Svmphony Orel Hil
6:13 p.m. Jr. Youth Fellow Rev. Q. A. Deck. Pastor as ¥.
ship Sunday tra and professor at i}
6:30 p.m. Sr. Youth Fellow- 9:15 am. Sunday School. town Collage ‘ |
ship. nis To . 10:20 a.m. Worship The public is cordially invit- {|}
390 pm Worship Service. 7:00 pm. Worship Service. | ed to attend these ser |
Thi 8:45 p.m, Bible Study and 7:00 p.m Junior Christian cS in
11S means a Prayer Fellowship. Endeavor meeting, .
three-way advan- Tuesday Wednesday 1 . i
7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal | 7:30 p.m. Prayermeeting. nstrumentz! Ser rvice !
tage toy : : 2
ge to you— 8:30 pm. Choir rehearsal Tr
. Sad p Tic . Thorsdey ¢ |
cleaner burnin Salunga Methodist Church | 1 F F U B
: 9 George K. Ludwig, Pastor |, * :00 p.m. Junior Choir Re- anned eer |
si steadier heat Mrs. Mary Minnich, Organist |hearsal Ch
2 . ’ | 1
with Sunday | Sr rch Sunda
9:30 a.m. Sunday School | St. Mark's Evangelical United | y
+++ fewer repair Mr. Richard Peifer, S$. S. ' Brethren Church service of instrumental |
bill Supt C. E. Ulrich, Pastor | music will be presented in the |
ills. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, | sunday St. Mark's E.U.B. church Su
: N th Wednesday {9:00 Sunday School day evening. Nov. 97. 7 Sid - >
ni ow with a new Ledies Bible Class Meeting. | 10:15 am. Worship Service. y evenng, Noy. 3%, I his Attractive Si n of
i Hn Tae re ED m. All the members ) ee sak ia
additive that helps The Gardens of God Youll Poli bers of the |
Gol : ' ".3 SAP a outn cllowship who lav in- |
: The Washington Street 7:30 p.m. Musical Service Ym PW play an-| { ©
prevent formation burch Of The Brethren [sponsored by the Youth Fellow- | SUUments will participate in | Beautiful G
. of sludge. Call or Elizabethtown, Pa | ship the service which is sponsored
fi . Nevin H Zuck, Pastor { Wednesday I by the Fellowship
° write us today. Sunday Py p.m. Prayer Service and | Ronald Gotw alt wir 3 >
i y 2 ~ . pe ible Study | x Ve V1 > In
We're alw: 9:30 am Church Schon! thle Study 3. :
e always at #8 adult study theme, “Spread of § =r charge of the service. Robert
. . + ! Reig i
your service! i the Good News.” {DORCAS SOCIETY MEETS | Beisch will have charge of the Q.
10:30 a.m. Morning Worsh'p,! Members of the Dorcas So- devotions Musicians include Onl
dedication of Parents and Chil- ciety of the St. Mark's E. U, B.! Parla Kulp, piano solo; Terry
dren: sermon, “The Power of Church met for their Novem- Stark, trumpet solo: Jean Wol- i
| Negative Thinking’, by Pastor ber meeting at the home of Mr. £¢muth. piano solo; Martha |
Zuck. and Mrs. Kraybill Strickler, Sprecher and Marlene Sinegar. || A Th
6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship. New Haven Street, During the clarinet duet; Barbara Thome. | t e
i 7:30 pm. Evening Worship; business meeting, the group Plano solo; Thomas Meckley.
eT i“ nt . itv” : ari 1
Hollin er 0il Service sermon, “A Faith for Maturity” ceived a letter from the Quincy | baritone solo; James Reisch,
g re by the Pastor, | Home thanking the group for piano solo; Robert Buchenauer iol
~ OR 2 y . i h
FLORIN, PENNA. | Wednesday thru Sunday {their recent contribution of trumpet solo; Donald Eby, pia- | ! OU iy | O
N 3. . ”. Aiea arv LI : " i 2 i 6 y
Phone Mt. Joy 3-3483 7:30 p.m. Missionary-Evan- jellies. The members also de-| No solo; Judy Barrick, accordion |
| gelistic Meetings each evening, cided to
Phone Lancaster 3-3401
er, Missionaries to Africa. "in December.
hold a covered dish solo;
{led by Richard and Ann Burg- | Christmas party at the church, Hornafius, clarinet duet:
and Loretta
Joyce Berrier
nis Schmid, piano solo.

