The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 24, 1955, Image 4

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few seconds by a small heaier, is certainly wonderful

x i a ses SS | THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday. November 24 ~~ 4 ; : |
C L A ) - - DD “NEWTOWN ! : ; a ; Mortuary Record See our large stock of gas heaters. A room, heated in a |
“The Christ for Newtown own and
You can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably | Community Evangelistic Ser-
vices are still in process with
T'} : .
[hrough the Joe Miller of Harrisburg as the
Evangelist and Rev. Geo, Buh-
W A N T A DS ler of Lancaster as the song |
ge { 4 leader and will close on Sun-
Albert R. Haines, seventy-
six, N. Market St., Florin, died || the early morning chill. The more gas you use, the
Sunday at 7:45 p. m. at his
as, Ephrata.
home after an illness of several] lower the rate. Ward Bottle G P Fe
He was a shoemaker by trade
good. Be comfortable and use bottle gas to get rid of

day evening, Nov. 27th. 4
pur zeman | TY : : IP TA, PA.
am Special music each night, and was employed by the Lan- | EPHRA 40-tfe A
FOR SALE SEWING MAC HINE Thursday night, Mt. Calvary |caster Shoe Co. at Elizabeth-|
i : : Sales & Service | Male Quartet, E-town; Friday town for a number of years, |
New & Used Sewing Machines

Born in Chiques, a son of the
night, Donegal Gospel 4 Male
late John and Emma Reiden- |


k of December Wwalo APL Quartet; Saturday night, Male
ce 3 orders now. Ralph 48 W. Main Street Quartet of Ruhl’'s E. U. Breth- bach Haines, he was a member | i
tt, Mount Joy Rl Pl one Phone MOUNT JOY 3-3622 ren Church. of St. Mark's Evangelical Unit-| 5 g. iT s | FACT
72 7-2p : Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. El- ed Brethren Church, Mount | Sh

Surviving are his wife Ida
: [
Ellen McGarvey Haines, one TH BODY
wood Kuhns were, Mr. and
| Mrs. Alber SS |
HELP WANTED rs Albert Enblerth, Blossom |
Hill, Mr. George Irvin, Wash-
FEMALE | ington Boro, Rev. John Ferich.
UTOMOBILE PARTS for Sale, | E-town College.

son, Joseph M. Haines, Brick-
erville; a sister, Mrs. Myrtle | DOES NOT REST.


buy ght cars, 410 kinds of oy on Baby sitter. Ave a week. | “nl. Donald Kuhns is home | Hartia, Marietta: and these half- | THE MIND
nd De Phone Mt. Jou 3-5573. 40-4 | Phone 3-5806 47-1c | On a 30 day leave before going | 3 brothers and half-sisters: Ger- |
Spitter, one NL dian —————— | to Fort Carson, Colo. where he Sh ¥ a trude, wife of Anthony Keuf- |
Used Bengal combination, $45.1C ASHER TYPIST, Permanent will be with the 101st Repl. ing DELIVER SEALS 5 To TE GOVERNOR hold, Columbia; Mrs. Mary |
i Moore ination. $40. | salary position with financial | oq. ¢ mw The 195 hristmas Seal Sale was opened by Governor George argie ires ~~
ol dition. Used Ser- | organization. Job security, and] Re nt Division: 5 M. Leader at the Capitol when Deborah and Christopher Hut- Beles. lacs: May. | HELL REST
! refi or, ideal for hunt- | advancement opportunity.’ All| eV. an rs. R. H. Arndt chins, six year old twins from York County, made the sale to © aymon uby, and | FOR A LONG
g can only $35. Also other modern office employee benefit | Visited Saturday afternoon with | the Executive. Representing the figures on the twin 1955 Seals, | Arthur H Haines, all of Mariet- TIME 7
ed gas appliances for sale. |program For appointment call | Maria Hoffman and household, | the twins are the children of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hutchins, [ta; and John Haines, Anniston, | .
Ward Bottle Gas, 25 S State | Elizabethtown 7-1155 or Colum- | 4¢ Mount Joy RD. York, R.D. 1. Also participating were Colonel Henry U. Shoe-| Aja.
it. Ephrata. tan Le bia 4-2197. 39-tfe Visitors of Mr. . | maker, chairman of the State Seal Sale Sponsoring Committee, | ral sebvices wep
Slope 2 r. and Mrs. | otired publisher. historian and reserve officer, standing behind eral services were held in
Robert Frank were, Mr. and|the children; and Dr. J. T. Millington, director of Preventive |the Nissley Funeral Home this
Mrs. Russell Herr, Mt, Joy and | Services in the State Health Department. Governor Leader, who | afternoon with interment in the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank Jr. |is Honorary Chairman of the Pennsylvania Christmas Seal Sale | Camp Hill Cemetery. Florin.
"| Sponsoring Committee, expressed the hope that ‘citizens every- : oi
SEWING MACIIINES FOR model, display, and
SALE: New and used Repairs } = welry. Guaran-
for all makes of sewing mach- salar 20 for 3 evenings,
nes 7. Binkley 1 N. Mar- | $40 ic 1¢s. Janet Scot- . :
ines. J. V. Binkley, 111 N. Mar- |$40 for 5 evenings. Janet Scot-| 1. bia RD.




: 1 A : tr ACL: —
ket St, Elizabethtown, Penna. |ten, 197 Orlon St., New Hol- i where will realize the importance of Christmas Seals in fighting : : 3
Phone 17-1450. 29-tfc |land, Pa. Phone New Holland | Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Or-| the deadly disease, TB.” Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.
rr mre 40453, 45-3c | istus Wittle were Mr. Charles | = ;
; For Spencer supports, bras, Wittle, Columbia RD, and Mr.| Rev. and Mrs, R. H. Arndt]|q. i PEST CONTROL
fng, Slips so wig Bay BE. mm == Joseph Wittle and daughter, of were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Six Clinics Held N
DS. nad Fi: BT bE Columbia RD. Weidmz Bloomsburg and Mr. [
Joy 3-4949. 7-tfc HELP WANTE eidman, Bloomsburg . |
-— : NTED Mrs. Edna Kuhns wishes to|and Mrs. Eli Smeltzer, Mt. Joy. During October | ALL WORK GUARANTEED SEE P ROOF B ELCW
Farberware 8-cup electric per- | thank Rev. John Ferich for his isitors of Mr. and Mrs. Har-| i
cqlator, sugar and creamer, MALE kindness duri or i 5S Visitors ot v Gi The Lancagter County Socie- F 1 Most women will admit an extension telephone
like new. 68 W. Donegal Street. | sem et eas ls Ss during her illness. ry Weaver were Mrs, Ray Gib-| tv for Crippled Children and] — Tree Estimates — :
17-1c ted Saturday evening visitors of| ple and daughter Donna Rae Adaits Wg 129. E Qrange St is wonderful anywhere in the house. But in the
—_— SEE amin Experienced painters wanted. to ’ : . 190, | Ne isa sing its praises.
uo The rm oil Heater. Platin- [Phone Elizabethtown 7-6798. | of Columbia RD., Miss Kathryn Lancaster, saw 20 new patients| WM J POWERS { kitchen... that s where they really sing “4 5
Pre color. Cheap. Phone Mt 47--1c NOTICE | Weaver, Lancaster, Mr. and|'in October representing 10 dif « Jo No more hurried dashes in the midst of pre-
Joy 3-4441. Cd | -tic — Mrs. Albert Myers and daughter | qarent diagnoses. There were § 121° W. BAINBRIDGE ST. paring dinner . . . no more leaving children near
Totlese sale. Rav. | =m | . Joanne. clinics held with the orthopedic| ELIZABETHTOWN a hot stove while you run to another room . . .
ond 'N. Marcin EY. | REAL ESTATE | For Auctioneers Mr. Oscar Spayd and Mr. El- surgeons examining, making PHONE E-TOWN 7-1415 no more wasted steps or wasted time.
Pl hone Mount Joy 3-5358. 46-tfc | For Sale or Rent mer Spayd, Lititz RD, visited diagnosis and then giving re-| . | You'll find the cost low and the satisfaction
Grimes Delicious, and Stayman | === Be Sure and Call Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmer. Sompmendstions for the nurse, Dr.H.C.Killheffer enduring. Call our business office for full informa- id
Apples. Jos. B. Hostetler. Ph RE | Edith Erb and Mrs. Betty| and therapists to follow. 88 pa-| . i ; is ici SoH rie "
Sania 1 ane 1 ot : | tion on this kitchen convenience today.
3-4649 Mt. Joy. | Apartment, four rooms & bath, | G. K WAGNER | Brosey and daughter Linda vis- tients were seen in the clinics. Optometrist
Beautiful black seal skin coat, |first floor heat, hot water and | Phone 7- Hed Mrs. Otillia Erb, Laneasi- 1 operation was performed. | MANHEIM |
ize. 16, excellent condition. | 5 Ee nas Lo 70745 er, and Mrs. Isaac Earhart who| 233 visits were . made to the 163 S. Charlotte st. PROOF OF Sa
$40. Pho a Se dee —=| WM. J. WAGNER is the proud mother of a baby| homes in the city and county| 5.2042 | EXERCISING THE BODY DOES NOT REST THE MIND
Joy hk fe FOR SALE 6-room house in | to 7.3488 girl, Mary Lynne at the Lan-| by the staf of the Crippled] Men. 4 edness. 9-5:30 | When the body gets tired, the mind does not rest. To ex-
Complete Lionel {rai very | Mari 2 All convenience ool one /- caster General hospital. Children Society in giving ex-| Yess Fly S25 7:9: M; | ercise after hours of mental labor is simply to add one fa-
good condition Locomotive, | Marietta 6-2355 a-oC | NAV TET ei. ore : alge A bette A ELIZABETHTOWN || tigue to another. Physical labor is not a restoration after
BC 0 hi 55 ea Siri pug | ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Sunday dinner guests of Rev.| ercises to patients afflicted with 2nd Floor Clauss || mental fatigue. 1. - “How to Form a Mind” - Dr. Toulouse, As o
ft. “O” track. automutic. arn. owe: nouse in) Marv vase cr jad: Mrs. R. H. Arndt. were} cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis, Phone 7.4163 | A French Physician. 2. - Sir James Crichton Browne, M. appr
yn 8 { Marietta. All conveniences. 4-car | years of experience. | | y i : . a + " | AN A rete Lb : :
uncoupler, electric RH switch, and workhouse Call | We can handle 12 sales every | Evangelist Joe Miller, Harris-| muscular dystrophy, multiple] NI ahs Sat. 1d D., F.R.S., speaking at a meeting of the British Child-Study move
pipes terminal, | Marietta 6-2355. : 43-5¢ | yesh None too small or too | burg, and Rev. John F. Ferich| sclerosis, cerebral accidents, : — —— | London 1 ye. Sh aay Behar
practically new 110-wati multi- | { big. No matter what it is, give ge : S *b, M. D., M.S. Lec > a-Study Soc. ge.
control transformer. Price $40. FOR RENT - 3 room apart- | us a call. : iH “43°10 of Bown College. 29 foot don, Jan. 26, 1911. 4. - "Popular Fallacies? A. S. E. Ack-
rain set up for demonstration. |ment. Apply Mr. Gilchrist, c/o | Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fauents who were convalese- R A. GUTSHALL { ermann,
Telephone Mount Joy 3-4291 on |G. C. Murphy Co. 45-tfc | | Fogie were, Mr. and Mrs. Har-| ing from operations and those| |
or after Saturday, Nov. Bw SER Toor rr} vey Barton, Columbia, Mr. and wearing es ang bree.
iat ment, four rooms and bath. | He p \X/ anted Mrs. Cliff Morrison and family,| ©S San as often as Coin GENERAL |
Craftsman piston pype air com- | Phone Mount Joy 3-5798. 46-1p | Mount Joy. sary. visits were made {tc |
an 1 a ite Wim MLB. YOUNG MAN Mrs. Minnie Geltmacher and fs Treatment Center, or a to- CONTRACTOR |
used $35. General Electric iron < ARA PLE HOME | OR | son Ray, Kinderhook, visited a 0 ; ysis, es ; CESENT: PAVING Man
er on stand, like new, $30. Gib- | MA ALVA YOUNG LADY [ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geltmacher The Corrective Swimming CEMENT C tre pac
son tenor banjo w $30. | Datle Ba LT and family. Class opened in October at the MENT CURBING A Saw
Phone Mt Joy 3-¢ Jen 2 9 A. 1 o FOR Visitors of Mr Norman Bro-| YMCA with 7 children regist- No Job Too Small ous
TTT — Tr. No Down Payme nt for G. L “ro, 3 | = a, oe ne + he . :s | No Job Too Large oub
Two boy’s overcoats, one brown I vA or F. H. A. 25 yr. Mig, | Office Work sey were Mr. and Mrs. William | ered. Mrs. Elva Shertzer is in els, 1
one blue, size 36; cheap; one Lh TNE ae a A | Smith. Mount Jov RD and the| charge assisted by Mrs. Con-| 116 W. High St., MAYTOWN
Singer Sewing chine ton- | | = te of « o 1 , TE ThE 'S,
i — ha oh 25 atton 3 BEDROOM 3 erasing Work Rev. John F. Ferich. Sane Rely: the RR Call Marietta 6-9179 at ae
fisas 01 20) | 00 a | Mrs. Loreen Witmer and|© 1e stall. 1e class meets 21 -tfe he
Biss Call oy Ha re FULL BASEMENT : Sint Jhildren. vis 7 Mrs | each Friday from 3 to 4 1 i / Sr
218 East Doneg eet. 42-tfc ® Growing Organization ||| children visited Mr. and Mrs. : p. m. K.P
= in Spring Garden & Locust Sts. | : | John Kauffman, Ironville. 14 children are registered at CORN - FED | ity (
hs ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. | INQUIRE AT | Mr. and Mrs. Oreville Kelly | the Pre-school Cerebral Palsy | Pou
¢ ] Jo 3-5313 SHONE 7.97 : and family of Colonial Park,| Center which meets Monday i URKE & | e a ews , E
. WY PHONE 7-2701 y > 3 ! . es, B
Oscar Bren man, 42 Columbia | i 43-5¢ | Mt. Joy Bulletin Harrisburg, visited Mr. and | through Friday at the George 5 er T
Avenue, gal Mi 17 Vic —— | PHONE 3-9661 Mrs. Edw. Isler and family, | Ross School at N. Queen & Ross Chai
Muscovy ducks and geese. I Visitors during the week at! Sts. Volunteers gave approxi- % Side)
gr. dressed. Mrs. Wilb | | The Arndt Home were Mr. and! mately 94 hours. of service by
Phone Mt. oY rr WANTED TO BUY | LEGAL NOTICES Mrs. Richard Shearer, Mr. and driving and assisting the kin hii

ea [ Mrs. Lloyd Weidman and son, | dergarten teacher and therapists





H ywood y i 1d § Hav Y B egw 2
Hage LAS new, Pho | SWTIQDES: Cio high ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE | David, E-town, Miss Fay Eshel-| at the Center. Mrs. John L | § & e You Been Visiting ? 4
3-6034, atter rép m | acon Mr as 151 N Y ors | Estate of Howard T. Brown, | man, Honerstown, Miss Carol | Hartman, Jr. has charge of the| | Had Visitors ?
35 RATS KILLE vith 1 1b. |lotte St., Manheim, Pa. Phone | Jecensed, pe of Mount Joy | Smith, Mt. Joy, Mr. and Mrs | volunteer drivers and Mrs. Wil- 2
Star Safety Pkg Safe - Sure | 5-¢ : 2.94.11 | ugh, ra. en | . 71 hi > e | lig . ne a -
op Cm 5-2163. 2-24-17 of Administration of | Donald Wilson and children, of liam Poorbaugh has charge of Been Divorced ?
Sons and Red Top Grain & | | said estate having been granted to | Gordonville and Mrs. Willis| the volunteers who assist at| | :
: ry 10p | ER RR =~ | the undersigned, all persons indebt- | Reiley, Lancaster. the Center RTE | Bought Anythi 2 R
— ET MA. ART | ed thereto are requested to make | visitors of Mr. : ie. Ge OVE aster 1g :
rn YoU Ee ARTI MISCELLANEOUS Bai nny iho STB wn i " To 1h and Mis Geo, On October 21st, the Easter g
a aun VOW. Some | | ing claims or demands against the | oore and family were Mr, and Seal volunteers again started on] i Sold Somethin 2
models wil be scarce later on. | TAY VID 2 { same, will present them without | Mrs. John Moore, Ironville, and | their busy schedule. Mrs. Wil-| Dressed or live weight 91 S
See the new 3-D Graphic $68. ia 7. | delay for settlement to the under | Mrs. Nora Halter, Kinderhook.| liam C. Johnstone, Jr. has been! BROAD-BREASTED a :
8. Yew oo Jur Camera | Co | signed DORIS V. BROWN Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.| contacting interested pe Had a Party C
DE. HD. siiae d ra el . ’ | rar, p
BIT proj side eres a son en J 129 S. Market St.. | Howard Gamber were Mr. and| for volunteer service in this| "EUGENE S. KREIDER at Ne
Sets 55.05 Vir Rr AM 1 2% So ST et Mount Joy, Penna. | Mrs. Salem Gamber and daugh-| project. Mrs. Titus Brubaker|p D MOUNT JOY PA Been To One :
Shop, Rear P. O. Middletown . Ep Administratrix c.t.a. | ter, Columbia RD, Mrs. Ada] has met with several gr gin} 2 :
ow heh YH. | Claim forms and premiums may | William R. Howard ve. : Severa’ groups in PHONE 3.9036 2
45-3 be paid to resident agent a1-6¢ | | Blough and daughter Nellie, Mr. | the Society office explaining id 43-tfe Evena Baby :
Man’s Benrus wrist watch ith | WALLACE D. ZERPHEY | and Mrs. Ammon Blough, Leb-| and outlining the work. ~The, as
Hare Cy hes 130 E. Main St. Ph. 3-9651 a p 4 i oad : i
ro A Er I mn cio a i at mind Had Triplets, Quads or
lighter, #io-phr or 0h uff tp — — 4 or WD ye | £ s of Mr. and Mrs. Ab-| compiling a mailing list. Some)
Boa ena, Le te i” Jo VIADAME MARIA a. Pa. of 1 0) OI! ram Gamber were, Mr. and] of this work is done' in the Blended { Been Jilted ?
E. Donegal St rT 4Beic Rose E ang I oy Letters testamentary of said | Mes Sohn Sham: oz. Joy. homes of the volunteers as well = be Ti |
~~ | problems of lle, such as Love, | agtate having been granted to |and Mrs alem Gamber and| as in the Society office, 129 E. ro ed .
TURKEYS - Live or dressed Tiape, and Business. Open | the undersigned, all persons in- | daughter, Columbia. Orange St., Lancaster. 33's hrs. VE Joined a Club or
Call Dave L. Hess, Jr. Mount , 20 a.m. - 9 p. m. 207 W. | thereto are requested 10| visitors. of Mr. and Mrs.| were given this tl conta
Joy 3-5359 46-6tc | Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. | make immediate payment and an i > ore given is mono. Got Engaged ? tire 5
1 Girl's Grey and blue Coat | 47-4p | | those having claims or demands | Diausice Mm Rain! The Society was. host to. nu for a
4 Girls Grey anc DA NTE, Bh hm {against the same will present | Moore and Mrs. Ida Eisenberg-! merous organizations who, thru {
ize 12: ; Ben W ANTED: Ride to center of | : > ot 0, Vi
fis 12; I South Bend K che Bg stor 7:45 GT o “er 36034 | them without delay for settle- |er were Mr. and Mrs. Jay| the Community Chest, arrang.' Been Thrown Out of One :
Range, both in good condition. [lan r >) a. m. Call ab | ment to the undersigned |
Call Mount Joy 3-9573 dois aft 6:p. am, 46-2c UNION NATIONAL | Sherk and daughter Mary Ar-| ed to see the therapists and pa-| SUSQUEHANNA-GLEN LYON ;
ee eee | Tmt | MOUNT JOY BANK | lene, Mrs. Harry Beamenderfer,| tients in their daily routine «f ANTHRACITE Had An Accident ? plop:
ph 137 - } wl ; { Mount Joy, Pa. | Ella Sherk, Mt. Joy, Mrs. Ray| exercises : !
| Lancaster from Mount Joy or | od Jin Ys & y Finest fuel money can buy, prod- ir
_CARD in OF THANKS | Elizabethtown. Leaving any- | Arnold pri cla. | Gibble and daughter Donna (fo pee i | uct of three of Pennsylvania's inet ith j
fa eee Gy after 7 aa, returning at | & 1= a. | Rae, Columbia RD, Miss Kath- ——— most famous anthracite mines. ! i 4 J : oo
I wish to thank everyone who 9 p.m. Five days a week. Phone Beyer, Atiornoys. iii ryn Weaver, Lancaster, Mrs THARS Goip= | High I Heine in That 5 News. Please Tell Us So We Vs
sent me cards, flowers and gifts | E-town 7-4387. 47-1p | EXECUTRIX NOTICE En Iver A + LD 330 YSTY easy ro man Suite:
Yes { una Givens and son Robert aes and bank. suite;
while I was co ed 1 1e | { state z . Myers Wh : 3 Thos
as Son Ne io ) a | i i Late ate ei Myers, { Mr. Walk, Middletown, = Mrs. IN THEM M THAR ; You jibe fener RA Can Print It and Tell Your Friends Whiz
oo abs oD L { A N oe © © | JT; Sov + op-quality Susquehanna-Glen | amps
EE SEE] RANE Er ship, deceased. John Mellinger and daughter, | Lyoncoal. It's trade-marked for { ca,
Tr Naccified a LEAL Leuers Josiamentary on sad | Diane, Mt. Joy RD. your protection with the familiar er an
MATOR COMD AD estate having been grante 0 | Visi : p ig Rt Jittle red - and - yellow *‘Lion’s | SE x
ry v Vers hi the undersigned, all persons in- | ine John Cross Head” disks in every ton. Order | & So
k Su Its HAS OPENING | debted thereto, are requested to | man were Wm. Rynier, |* asupply today. hii i
for quic fe i | : > | make immediate payment and | Missgs. Kathleen” and Helen! Ry- | ¢ {APPROVED © | ang 4
Farmers with good farmer con- | those having: claims or‘demands ‘nicer. and’ Mrs. Ben Eisenberger \ 3
CFL ~ | tacts to take orders for a well- | against the same willipresent | f G when
JUST stablished company for 1956 | them without delay for settle- | 0 ap. Ah aan . | e )
——e dzlivery. Give good directions | ment to the undersigned, redid. | Mrs. Betty Brosey visited - 7 S. H. Hiestand & Co. J
| as to where you live. ing in Salunga, Pa, | recently with Mrs. Paris Grub- SALUNGA. PA ! |
Write Box 59, | FLORENCE 1. MYERS | er, Mt. Joy RD. A Fo | MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9661
Ridin alunga, Pa. we Fol | Phone Landisville 3221 | He
NEW OXFORD, PA. Clarence C. Newcomer, vo ° j jenn
Attorney 46-6c' Patronize Bulletin Advert! ers, MOUNT JOY 3-5803 | A alte
‘ —— Anal
: -
a sa nx