The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 24, 1955, Image 1

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Union National Purchase Of Ban

School, Home
Group Makes
Holiday Plans
Christmas plans were com- |
pleted by the School and Home|
Association at their meeting on!
Tuesday evening in the elemen-|
tary school auditorium. The,
| F lorin Cubs
Receive Charter
From Lions
Florin Cubs received their
charter at the Pack meeting on
| Tuesday evening in the
ington Elementary School.
Wash- ;
ro |
ben Goodling, representing the
group decided to stage the sec-| 2 lorin oD made the
ond annual cookie sale Satur- | | presentation to the Cubmaster,
day, Dec. . 17. Mrs. .Charles| | Lloyd Cooke. The Lions Club
Shoemaker was named chair-| | sponsors the Cubs. All the com-
man of the committee in charge fg | mittee members and Den Moth-
of details. Her committee will ers were also recognized with]
incude Mrs. Arthur Schneider, | cards. l
Mrs. Joseph Detwiler, Mrs. | KOREA (FHTNC) - Marine Six boys received badges for
James Schatz, Mrs. Aldus Han-| Cpl. William C. Dommel is ser-| completed. Dennis
nan and Mrs. Ashur Beamen-| ving in the stockroom of Head- muth, Douglas Metheny and
derfer, | quarters and Maintenance Lewis Sauter received their Bob
The group decided to pur-| Squadron, Marine Aircraflt| “wards and James Hill
chase a record player as the 12, a unit of the 1st Marine) gp, wagner. and Jeffrey
Christmas present to the school Aircraft Wing here. Koser received their Wolf
and to purchase dixie cups for| Dommel is the son of Mr.| phadges.
ice cream for the children in| and Mrs. William H. Dommel Den 2 under the leadership
their Christmas parties in the| of Donegal Springs Road, Mt.| of Den Mother Mus. Alvin Ko- AUDREY MUSSER
“Before entering the service
in March 1953 he attended Mt.
Joy Boro High School and was
The Gerberich
homerooms. | Joy, ser presented shadow pictures
of the first Thanksgiving during
the program The boys acted
out the pictures. The combined
dens sang “The Bible Tells Me
Twenty-five dollars was vot-|
ed to the community Christmas |
lighting project and $15 was al- |
so voted to the Cub Scouts for| employed by’

craft supplies, Ralph Rice, Cub-! Shoe Co. So” and “America the Beauti-
mast r, gave his report on Cub ul” in keeping with the theme| 1... Florin girls will leave
activities. Miss Edna Charles’ of the month America, Beauti- { the 4-H Nati } CO
first grade received the award F rm Ln d ful. While the boys sang, q;'°f the + vations
for having the most parents] 0 er €s1 ent spotlight was focused on the tion in Chicago Friday through’
present. N “W American flag. their winning a state demon-
Dr. Oscar Davis, Lancaster, | amed 0 ho’ S The next Pack meeting will contest last August at
gave a talk on ringworm of the . yy be had Thesder: pe 27. De- popn State University .
scalp and the polio vaccine. | ‘Wh I A cember's theme is Customs of wd Wiis ,
: . Miss Audrey Musser and
The invocation and benediction 0 n €rica other lands, Mi Arl Hei vill 1
viiss Arlent e1sey w Je fe
were conducted by the Rev. C.| = . :
. Alouise B. Heilig, formerly of
L. Helwig, pastor of the Church, Pp g
mong a group of eight county
Mount Joy, has been named to
Two From Area
of God. Arthur Schneider, pres-| (ha latest “Who's Who in Am- youth and two who
dent, was in charge of the pro-| erica”. Mr. Heilig graduated Nam d T C t will spend one week in Chica-
hn —_—— —— | from Franklin and Marshall] * € 0 Loun y go. The two were the first)
| College in 1931 and is treasur- countians to ever win a state

4-H Club Play
Two local 4-H Club members
are cast in the Lancaster Coun-
| er of the Campbell Soup Com-
home economics demonstration
Landisville, Salmga
To Offer Prizes For
contest; and therefore, are the
He has served as secretary of
the Philadelphia chapter of his| ty 4-H Club play to be present first 10 attend 2 tional eo
Chri D . | college alumni club; served on|ed in the Manheim Twp. High vention on that basis. :
1stmas ecorations the Chester-Delaware district | School auditorium Saturday, Representing Lancaster Coun
Prizes will be awarded for| scholarship committee and | Dec. 10. ty in the state competition the
Christmas decorations in the while working for a public ac- Miss Jeanette Breneman, Mt. girls won first prize in the veg-
Landisville-Salunga area by | counting firm after graduation | Joy R2; and Wayne Miller, Mt. etable demonstration contest.
the Landisville-Salunga Lions| became qualified as a Certified | Joy R1; are the two named The two gave a fifteen-minute
Club and the Landisville-Sal-| Public Accountant. He began | from this area. Other members demonstration on the making
unga Junior Chamber of Com-| his present employment in| in the cast of “That Crazy of a tomato accordion salad.
merce. [ 1941. For the past eight years. Smith Family” are Marian! The entries had to make their
i | A x ye . ’ i liscus the
The prizes will be awarded| N€ has served on the Nether| Kraybill, Manheim R3; John products and disc ug ji
in three categories: most beau-| Providence Township School Stoner, Lancaster R7; Vivian Wie being made during the
tiful, child appeal and Navity| Board. a . Kreider, Quarryville Ri; Clyda/ ju ug. . he c¢ 4
scenes with three prizes in each, Mr- Heilig is married and has| Kreider, Quarryville RI; Janel ers som og
category. The contest is open to two sons, William, 15; and| Risser Holtwood Ri; Nancy} will take te 1rd ore y aya.
all residents in the area 8. The Heiligs reside in| Newcomer, Lititz R2; Troy Miler, Mount Joy RI, and Wal
The lighti sp) } Wallingford, Delaware County. | Schantz, Ephrata RI1; Aaron ter Augsburger. Reinhold S R1,
three or Ing Sip RY ° the His mother, Mrs. W. R. Heilig| Landis, Strasburg R1; Donald for agricultural demonstrations;
travin i i iy or resides in Bangor, Maine. His | Moore, Quarryville Rl; and and a boys quartet composed of
hen I 8 2 Yon wa hy bhoto- brother, James, lives in Mount| Helen Graybill, Manheim R3. Raymond Denlinger, Lancaster
grap a entered n a Na- Joy. Miss Breneman is chairman R4; John Stoner, Lancaster RT,
mg hi nn Lighting Con- mmr ere | of the ticket committee: Isaac Aaron Landis, Strasburg RI;
i ig Ones 22 prizes to- | L- Hershey, Quarryville R1: and Stanley Longenecker. of
$F y a . ai =:
ne o Judging will be Ambulance Takes | property; and Nancy Newcom- ‘Strasburg R1. Miss Ruth Kim-
For eke irsday, December . . | er, posters. bell, county home economics
22nd. Six Trips extensionist will accompany the
The committee includes I "IN on vic Franklin
re ! : 5 Ben-! local Community smibsul- | THANKSGIV ING GIFTS ARE g'rls and Dr. Moon of Fra
Jamin Greider, Richard Jones, PRESENTED AT QUINCY and Marshall College will ac-
Willis Hoffm i . ance took three trips in one day |
tlliam Hoffman, Fred Geiger, Thanksgiving gifts were pre- company the boys,
; . {during the last two weeks.| 4
and day. Risser. Monday, November 7 Mary | S€nted to the residents of the The group will leave from
| David of the Messiah Children’s | Old Folks Home at Quincy on the Lancaster railroad station
fr. d ‘day despite the inclement Friday at 4:00 p. m. and will
Yiome, Mt. Joy Rl, was taken| Saturday desi
They Fly To School lo the Yanicastor General Hos- | weather by members of the lo- return home Thursday, Decem-
! : iar 3 | eal EU.B. church. Although a her 1. The girls’ trip was made
pital by driver Earl Zink. Wed- :
through donations from
special program had been plan- possible
In The Present Age!
nesday, Nov. 9, Clayton Zink, | : : ons ’
The “modern age” of trans- Florin, was taken to the Saint|"€d it was cancelled because of various civic groups. Farm Wo-
portation has hit Donegal high Joseph's Hospital by drivers| the weather but the individual men’s groups and 4-H Club
Having missed the school bus a Marlin Myers and Christ Char-| gifts were transported to the aroups.
{ home by Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hos-
senior girl's father landed her les. Mrs. Cyrus Foreman was|
via plane in the field behind taken to the same hospital the] Ck Auxiliary
the school in time for classes same day by drivers Marlyn ee : 4 F
Monday! Myers and Samuel Dock and .
Miss Joanne Landis's father, Mrs. Garvin was taken the same FIRE CO. AUXILIARY Invited Te Tea
Pharis Landis attempted to! day from the Herr Rest Home NOMINATE OFFICERS A “toy and train tea’ will be
start the family car but was to the Pleasant View Rest Home| Mrs. George Copenhauver held in the Bethany Presbyter-
unsuccessful. He then took her PY drivers Myers and Dock. [and Mrs. Harold Etsell were jan Church, 25 North West
cross-country approximately 2| Thursday, November 10, Mrs. nominated for president of the End Avenue, Lancaster from 8
Wo’ 3 miles to the school with | Bomberger was taken to the | Friendship Fire Company Aux-|to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3.
his plane from the Donegal St. Joseph’s Hospital by drivers at their meeting last The purpose of the tea is to
Airport. Robert Hoffmaster and Mr. Thursday evening. Mrs. Esther provide toys for the children's
ff ee | Dock, Saturday, November 19, Geib was nominated for first ward of the Lancaster General
PAPER DRIVE | Harold Yoder and daughter, of vice president; Mrs. Laura Hoft- Hospital.
Florin Boy Scout troop No, | Elizabethtown R1, were taken master, second vice president; Members of the Mount Joy
83 Will one. of ts 19 the Lancaster Osteopathic Mrs. David Mumper, secretary; branch auxiliary are urged to
monthly paper drives on Satur. | Hospital by drivers Ray Myers Mrs. John Sprout, correspond- attend the affair and are urged
day morning, November 26 {and John Myers. ing secretary; Mrs. Jacob Arndt to take along a new toy. The
? : i Sasori treasurer; and Mrs. Abbie Dar-| children’s ward needs every-
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAANN | GOLD BADGE AWARDED renkamp and Miss Peggy Zim-| thing from a ten cent box of
IL | Mimi O'Connor was awarded merman, chaplain. crayons to a 45 rpm. record
The Physician On Call | the gold badge for the week. The election will be held in| player or a television set.
Sunday | She was elected to wear the December with the installation Persons interested in attend-
. | honored badge because she took in January. A Christmas party ing the affair are agked to con.
Dr. Newton E. Kendig care of a second grader who will also be featured in Decem-| tact Mrs. Eric Olson before De-
| Nad fallen and cut himself. | ber. | cember 1.
| escort Santa
(Bruce Greiner, chairman of the
he Mount Joy Bulletin
At Mayt

Local 4-Hers To Attend
National Club Convention
Santa Claus
To Arrive
Here Sat.
arrive in|
Santa Claus will
Mount Joy via convertible
afternoon, November
School marching band plus the
School marghing band plus the
Cub Scouts
as he arrives at
The Joy
Brownies and Elementary
Brownies and will
Main St.
and the
Arriving at toyland at
the eastern end of the
Starting from East
at 1 Santa
marching will
30 p. m.,
west on Main Street to the
approximately 1:50 p. m, he
will climb the ladder to the
second floor toyland where he
will visit children until Christ-
Children may write letters to
Santa and give them to him as
they visit with him following
the arrival. Gifts will be given
noon by Santa Claus.
Children may talk with San-
ta each Monday, Wednesday
and Friday evenings from 7 to
9 p. m. until Christmas.
This is the fourth year that
Santa will make his appearance
in Mount Joy. The annual ar-|
is made possible by John |
to each child after-
Is Successful
| t
The “Make a Dollar Grow” prices of an- 8treet Railroad bridge. The pro-
; ’ iques s ¢ o Lizzie Snyder : : : :
project of the Mount Joy branch | tiques sold at th : a ject will be a pipe within an-
to the United Auxiliaries of the €State were a “Single Rose” 0 BOARD Rheems. other pipe lr i
Lancaster General Hospital has Cup and saucer, $52: highboy, i nb. TI ar Mora] t] t will g sop > bri
ween considered a oT by $294; cherry dropleaf table, owner of Ux : Martin H Cop Pon [All a0 Ghee ue helige
s and will ot $48; marble top washstand, $28; Canning Company, was clected ; . rr Jying
the members an wi net ap-| $3.95. tau S20. to the board of directors of the of this pipe is completed and
oy $150.80. Monks donghtvay, “$20: hobnail Vase, Pennsylvania Canners Associa- 1s connected with the existing
turned in money ranging from . Hy. Yay “tion at their 41st annual con- Pipes on. either side of the
¢ 8 ie yas made | $310; miniature kettle, $4; iron : nil
gown i $18.00 whi war mde flo; » a. ES Te a Veg. vention in Harrisburg Monday. the renovation of the
rom the original one dollar. By PU t PO Finkle. was als -chairm: pipe system wil be completed.
Soma. of the protects and dishes sold upward to $10 Gable was also co chairman of i €
te roy rt. | anch. the convention program with
o Se Helene of Gen gi ee G. W. Vigen, Kennett Square SECRETARY NEEDED
chicken corn sc staging car ; : :
’ His election was for a shree- The Office of Borough -
parties and some items brought CHANGE IN CLOTHES- Pg Eyl tary will WR Sere
he i S < 44 i 4 py S > 4 ’ nh ~ ry y : : 5 .
to meeting and sold at the “mi-| LINE ART DISPLAY ' CHILDREN SEE VARIETY Jan. 1, 1956. Borough Council
niature bazaar were baby Turkeys and Pilgrims made ASSEMBLY PROGRAM will accept applications for
booties, aprons, wintergardens, by the Kindergarten children Elementary school children Borough Secretary, for those
hankies, baked goods, Christ-| plus Indians made by Mrs. witnessed an assembly program whe cen qualify, up until Dee.
mas decorations, gift trees and Ruth Lueke's second graders Monday presented by the An- 5, 1955.
honey. : are featured on the local ele- trim Company of Philadelphia. Applications are to be sent
Tentative plans were d'scus-| mentary school ‘clothesline art The entire student body saw to William F. Brian, Secretary.
sed to hold a rummage sale. | display”. the show, the Fitzgerald Novel-
The next meeting of the group) Next week Christmas decora- ties, which included a trained oe.
(will be held the third Thursday tions will begin on the display. dog. Punch and Judy show and To Report New Families
in January. Mrs. Eric Olson is
president of the group and Mrs. |
ways and means committee
work in Lancaster county, pre-, : 3
a . ! president of the Union Nation-
sented awards as follows: by
Thursday, Dec. 1, 1955, will| 3 Bank, and Mervin 8. Ar.
Capon club book -- first, Jean yy yu, nold. president of the May¥own
L| Miller; tied for second, Marian be the second annual 8-D Bank
| Hackman and Chris Miller. | Day,” or “Safe Driving Day. : .
Best bird -- first George It's purpose is to demonstrate In making this announce-
| Webb Jr.: second Joan Pa again, that traffic accidents can | ment, both Mr. Musser and Mr.
third Chris Miller 'I be greatly reduced when mo-| Arnold stated that they believe
Seis ; 4 ., , | torists and pedestrians fulfill the combining of the assets of
€arl Dawson of Penn State| {heir moral civic responsibility | both banks will furnish May-
| extension depart- for safety. town and vicinity with im-
a 11 x 1 ing : > ine i
| ment did the judging. It is sponsored by the Presi- proved s rvices including great-
| Mr. Dawson complimented dent's Committee for Traffic] loan facilities and trust de-
{ Rotary for its sponsorship of Safety in with partmemt facilities not now av-
| in the
| vania,
| agricultural
Offered For Adults
of George
shall Gemberling.
order to
future drivers: train them for heir application proposed for
the part that they will play in membership by three participat M-D CAMPAIGNS IN
the country’s traffic safety '"S schools. Donegal’s applica- MARIETTA, MAYTOWN
through a better understanding tion was presented by El'za Campaigns to raise funds to
of safe driving and its related bethtown, Columbia and Man- ,ggist victims of muscular dys-
problems, Driver education will heim Central trophy will be held this week
enable them to develop whole- Prof. Wilbur 'I Jeahm will in Marietta and Maytown.
some attitudes toward safe serve as Vice President for the On Thanksgiving Day the
driving that will make them Conference for he '56 season. fire sirens will sound at 9:30 a.
realize that they are active par- m. signalling a door-to-door
ticipants in the growth of bet- BUCK REPORT URGED canvass which will be conduct-
ter driving. They are learning FOR LOCAL STORIES ed by Boy Scouts of Troop 53.
proper driving skills and how| as in former vears. the BUL At 6:30 pm. Friday the fire
to apply them properly in or-t[ETIN will feature stories of “ren will sound in Marietta,
der that they may enjoy being'dqeer shot bv local hunters. With young people of the chur-
highway users of the nation Readers ean. help with the ches beginning a drive,
—— thoroughness of hess The campaigns are being su-
1 there are any hunters that pervised by Mrs. Calvin Fuhr-
bucks, and readers know Man and Mrs. Dorothy Frey.
proximately seven
Some of the other
Fifth and sixth graders are girl who did shadowgraphs Wh ret
making paper machie Christ- Charles Heaps, principal, has © Are to be Visited
mas balls, styrafoam balls, an- arranged to present {wo more Call MJ-3.9763
| gels and reindeer,
own Is Announced Today
Capon Club Present Employes
Winners Receive Will Operate
Prizes At Rotary Maytown Office

| Mount Joy Rotarians were The purchase of the May-
| host to the 4-H Capon club at | town National Bank by the
| their weekly luncheon Tuesday | Union National Mount Joy
| noon. Bank, subject to the approval
| Arthur Mayer was in charge and permission from the Comp-
troller of the Currency, was an-
nounced today in a joint state-
ment by Martin S. Musser,
| of the program.
Paul Hess, head of Capon club

the Capon club and revealed in-| hrominent national organiza- ailable in Maytown and vieini-
teresting information about tions. ty.
Pennsylvania's poultry industry | » Mav 2 ;
Pon venta $ p ih SY. ‘mvs. Lanesster Automobile] . The Maytown Bank will be
clare speaker: : a nas + Mz i
p | Club is cooperating in the ob- nown as the Maytown Office
Lancaster county has the high- | s servance. Bumper strips calling
est poultry volume in Pennsyl-| attention to S-D D
vania and the second highest distributed
United States. Pennsyl-
with 28 per cent of its
income from poul-
ranks first in the nation in|
production of eggs and
of the Union National Mount
Joy Bank. The present employ-
lees will continue to be in
county. charge at Maytown.
Co The assets of the Union Na-
| tional at present are $6.300,000
Donegal Admitted! the Maytown National,
poultry meat (with the excep- T C f
tion of broilers. and first in 0 on erence
egg dollar volume. ;
radius of Of The Roses
Donegal School
Within a 12-mile
Lancaster there are production
At the annual Conference of
Roses Football Banquet held at
Plans Christmas
facilities for half a million
Columbia, Monday evening,
chicks a week, stated Mr. Daw-
Donegal High School was ad-
mitted to the League. Donegal
Driver Education is the ninth school in the
County to the Conference
will eligible until
1957 ed
ay have been
throughout the

Plans being made to
stage the annual Christmas pro-
gram in the Domegal High
School. Thomas Wolfgang, vo-
cal music director, has announe-
that the program will be
held Wednesday and Thursday
evenings, Dec. 21 and 22, 8:00
in the high school audi-
—— ® ea are
and not be
in 1956,
Junior Varsity games,
play a full Varsity schedule in
1957. In accordance
rules, a
will play
four varsity,
8 games
and four
and will P: Mm.
Education is being of-
adults Thursday ev-
33 {0 9:15 p. m.
fered for
enings from 7:
adults are
under the

junior and senior high
will present the affair
narration and seng. The au-
become eligible for dience will be invited to join in
title a sing and special num-
admission! RETS will be presented by vocal
This class is being offered in arora rn and instrumental’ ensembles.
train out-of-schooll 2 the Conference must have =
class- with league
must five
the Con- ™M
! cl nr
room practice school nus play
driving varsity teams within
ference to
a league carol
A school seeking
‘about it, about how much they
In a sale which lasted ap-°""
hours amidst weigh
Grand- Sl to the
home of
$640. the
‘will be appreciated.
work Mon-
poe line
many points, a
office or to Workmen
he snow Saturday, a
clock sold
dav on the voter
tor Geo
whieh will cross

the remainder of the school.