The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 17, 1955, Image 4

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    LL ————————————_


ohia r, N 26. Incl |
You can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably ol "wil he shopping ao | NOTICE | Tmo, New “4-Pius” Picture Quality
. ts re are (1) 100% automatic gain control for con
| delay for settlement to the under= | For Auctioneers p
Through the { same, will present them iro] rear “Syne: stabilizer
T Al S | sane DORIS J F
WAN ) 120 S. Market St., | Be Sure and Call or Quincy
eC — TO SPONSOR BUS TRIP ing “Cinerama Holiday.” For THE BULLETIN, Moust joy. Pa a
| The Ladies Bible Class and reservations! Thursday, November 17 4
| A S S | Evangelical Cong. Church willf call 3-4693
. | sponsor a bus trip to Philadel- | “

brightness; (4) 33% extra contrast,
| ‘Sai
that kills interference jitters; (3) 7% extra
Mount Joy, Penna.

= i EE TTT Administratrix c.t.a. G K. WAGNER | Members of the Women's So-
SEWING MACHINE William R. Howard, . ciety of World Service of the A
FOF R S A L E Sales & Service Attorney id Phone 7-3745 &t. Mark's EU B. Church 2 New Balanced Sever:
rm === | New & Used Sewing Machines Nw : de hi fin nn
Cs 'R/ 3 ese Thanksgiving gifts | 1 . . [ boards
Type iters, Add. Mach’s., Cash "rR AFC ST —~ ADMINIST RATOR NOTICE will present 'T
Rots, wa Vriters, Safes, WAY'S APPLIANCES Estate of Lizzie N. Snyder, | WM. J. WAGNER | to the old folks at the Quincy | Fidelity Sound [ Lots «
New & Used. J. M. Engle, 411 East 48 W. Main Street decd. je of Mount Joy Bor- | Phone 7-3488 Home for the Aged Saturday] Re-creates in your home the entire in. wi
High St, E-town. 2h. 14J. Pl » MOUNT JOY 3-3622 ough, Pa. : A REIN TS { f d sent out by TV -— 2
Bo : one Mount J | Letters testamentary of said, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Nov. 19. range = Su hear the "highs"
AUTOMOBILE PARTS for Sale, 1] | estate having been granted bd M : For the fourth year, the wo-| and “lows” that mean rich, L
Sadi 1 pe a \ & ons in- lany years experience. ap TET tas
also sell stove Ww . Guy D. are an He AT Y | gifts for » red | ; i
Sm 5573. 40- th | HELP WANTED make immediate payment and week. None too small or too tie 4 on 1 th hundred, cise balance of amplifier, speaker ted GI
Spittler, Phone it. Joy 3-55 wan { those having claims or demands | big. No matter what it is, give | guests at the home. Mrs. Frank | and cabinet. and 1
Alto saxophone Reasonable. | FEMALE | against the same will present us a call 43-10c | Germer is chairman of the pro-| :
Phone 3-5973. 46-1¢ | __ ___ | them without delay for settle- | jeet and has announced that | S
ee et eect nn i E — | ment to the undersigned i the -wifte ‘will consist of fresh. be ma
SALE: New and used Repairs |salary position with financial | MO 0 H 2 o \X 7 5 | rui , canc ies and home-mac e “ 1" Auctic
for all makes of sewing mach- | organization. Job security and | Mount Joy, Pa. e p an tec cookies each to be presented in| NEW HIGH- AND- EASY TUN-
ines. J. V. Binkley, 111 N. Mar- | advancement opportunity. All | Administrator c.t.a. : WE : individual cardboard “buckets’.! ING— High Speed UHF Tuning
ket St., Elizabethfown, Penna.| modern office employee benefit | | Arnold, Bricker & ., YOUNG MAN The gifts will be assembled Fri- L Cost S—
Phone 7-1450. 29-tfc | program. For oS Spon nt call | Beyer, Attorneys. 45-6c¢ OR ld a > at New ow Los
- | Elizabethtown 7-1155 or Colum- Pty | Coa io, il | evening. :
For Spencer supports, bras, |bia 4-2197. 39-tfc | | . EXECUTRIX NOTICE SA YOUNG LADY Il The members and other mem- Three new kinds of High Speed UHF Tuning
A clive ot is. BAvth B. | eee | Estate of Ralph L. Myers, Bf hare of Ha risen . —each lets you dial standing up! Each lets
and slips call Mrs. Ed) [late of East Hempfield Town- FOR || bers of the congregation will Y 1 ds!
Brubaker, Florin. Phone Mount | Women to mode L display. and | 3 od i A travel to Quincy Saturday. In-| you cover 70 UHF channels in 22 seconds
Joy 3-4949. 7-tfc !sell costume jewelry. Guaran- deceasec. : OO fio W | i cy hb Each at the lowest price in RCA Victor
—— | teed salary $20 for 3 evenings, | a $d trice OTK || cluded on the program will be history!
step atin. Vo Ear) pe on «>. | estate having been granted to i rE Aine nc] i
Duo Therm Oil Heater. Platin-|$40 for 5 evenings. Janet Scot- | 5% . ° : x the showing of slides by Lester
ium color. Cheap. Phone Mt. ten, 197 Orlon St., New Hol- | he 201 persons | ne Interesting Work Hostetter |
Joy 3-4441 41-tfc land, Pa. Phone New Holland | 23) a 1 ® Good Pay
. = meres GAB 45-3¢ | make immediate payment and 5 i { enemas {ff ees :
Grimes Delicious, and Stayman | : having clans Growing Organization Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. : *
Apples. Jos. B. Hostetler. Ph. { Mother's helper, five days a | them without delay for settle- INQUIRE AT Fri
3-4649 Mt. Joy 38-tfc | week, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p. m. he lersigned. resid {
J | Must like len Mt. Lig to The resid- Mt B 1] i D d 1 {
: Mus € . {ing in Salunga, Pa [ e 7 >
Craftsman piston pype air com- | y "a e407 16.16 °F 3 Sr IL Joy \iccin i
pressor, complete with 14 H.P. Oy ogy | NC I. MYERS PHONE 106] e P en ab e| :
Motor, 1 qt. spray gun, slightly | atunga, a, PE
1 : YO | Clarence C. Newcomer,

used $35. General Electric iron- i) : La
er on stand, like new, $30. Gib- HELP WANTED | Attorney 46-6¢ Gas Service |
son tenor banjo with case $30. MALE
Phone Mt. Joy 3-6636. 41-tfc
Roy M. Ressler
Two boy's overcoats, one brown
one blue, size 36; cheap; one
PHONE 5-5301

E. A. Olson, Seiler Printing
Company. Rear of Market St.

Singer Sewing machine button-
holer with extra set of size
discs. Call 3-6302 or «« ntact

3 218 East Donegal Street 42-tfe Mount Joy 5 g Jn nm 45-tc |
Hand saws filed and Set. Also | Woman for cleaning, 1'% days | WM. K. RESSLER
circular saws. Automatic mach- {per week, Phone 3-3601 Mount | FLORIN, PA.
ines. Phone Mt. Joy 3-5313.|Joy 45- tic | MT. JOY 3-5731
Oscar Breneman, 42 << Yr ar 7 a {
Avenue, Mt. Joy 17-tfe a | Young Mz an So pl ben) | New and Used Gas Ranges |
— iin salary positio 4 OR tfn | . tab
Muscovy ducks and geese. Live | organization. Job security and 26-tfc The Big Change in Television by RCA
or dressed. Mrs. Wilbur Miller, | excellent advancement oppor- | es Victor is here! It’s a completely new
Phone: Mt. Joy 3-3737 44-tfc | tunities. All modern employee 5 viewpoint in TV with big changes in
if —%_———— | benefit program, For appoint- | Elmer G. Strickler Ti SFr and: value
Heywood-W rake fie Md Bab v ment call Elizabethtown 7-1185! Rizabethtowh. Pa Phone 7-571 styling, performance and value.
riage. Like new, Phone Mt. Joy or Columbia 4-2197. 45-1fc. Re Hy ka. 9
3.603 : 44-tfe | thi here
3-6034, after 4 p. m fo a “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE Any ng We ey y Show Jou ore
35 RATS KILLED with 1 Ib.| | YOU NEED UNDER MY can only un a ne big dl ere ce
Star Safety Pkg. Safe - Sure | REAL ESTATE the Big Change in TV makes. You've
- Guaranteed. J. B. Hostetter & | For Sale or Rent COMPLETE got to see what we're so excited
Sons and Red Top Grain 5 Em EE oF . : es
Feed. 45-10p | = | Family Security about. Come in today see all of
2 et : |FOR SALE: 6-room house in RCA Victor's exciting new 21-inch yo
RESERVE YOUR CHRISTMAS | Marietta. All conveniences. Call | . 3 mg : 5
GIFT CAMERA NOW. Some | Marietta 6.2355. ‘49.50 Fire - - Auto - - Life television masterpieces. When you {
models wil be scarce later on.| ——— | z do, you'll understand why every
See the new 3-D Graphic $66.- FOR SALE: 6-room house in | Accident & Health > Sk re pe 1 RCA Vic r
50. New De Jur Movie Camera | Marietta. All conveniences. 4-car Hospitalization year more people buy RCA Victor
$54.95. Color slide cameras | garage and workhouse, Call than any other television.
224.9: Brownies $3.25 amera | Marietta 6-2355. 43-5¢ . :
$2495: 0 ies Ne ro Gamer hilem oD A demonstration of the best known methods of hair and scalp AND MORTGAGE TSUBA ut ii
Shon. PO Middletown. FOR RENT — 3 room apart- | treatments to be given to the citizens of our city id
PROD, ear 2 Mh. fale 45.30 |ment. Apply Mr. Gilchrist, c/o | ? I
= G. C. Murphy Co 45-tfe | Wh t I Y R F Bald | i
Man's Benrus wrist watch with FOR ERENT: First floor | a $ our €ason or ness. CORN - FED | RCA Victor 2l-inch Lowest |
guarantes, Cheap. Also hep|FOR RENT: Firs foo; | ALL MERRILL CLIENTS IN THE VICINITY OF COLUMBIA, | priced RCA Victor console with new “4-Plus" |
lighter, tie-pin and cuff set. |p 0 Sv 3 5708. 46-1p | PENNSYLVANIA, ARE INVITED TO APPEAR AT THE CO Picture Quality. New “High-Side” Tuning. :
Stretchy band, Call Mount Joy | Ry P| LUMBIAN HOTEL, ON SUNDAY ONLY, NOVEMBER 20, 12 Mchoguny grained fish, Welah of lined Bae
3-6302 or can be seen at 218 | NOON UNTIL 9 P. M, THESE PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL, RE ook grained finish, exire. Medel 211435... WE
Two new mud-grin tires, size Mid D: Eo, 4
ono. IS Y oho grip Beas Yo | | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oc- | Only those we think we can
3.5457 yr 46-1p Open Daily 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. | tober 21—In an interview here | help are accepted for treatment. RCA Victor 2l-inch Hanson. Strikingly 4
— "7" | No Down Payment for G. 1. |today, R. Blaine Dixon, inter- Those who are accepted for | styled —modestly priced. New "4-Plus" Pic
Fresh dressed muscovy V. A or F. H. A. 25 yr. Mtg. national hair and scalp consul- | Merill Home Treatment are giv- ture Quality. Mahogany grained finish. Brass 3 a
nry Brubaker, Mt. Joy RI. | | tant and Director of Merrill | en this guarantee, “If you are finished legs, extra. Model 2176125. lk ¥

» Mount Joy 3-3764. 46- le | | Hair & Scalp Consultants, said: | not completely satisfied at the
i arrose oie | 3 BEDROOM “There are many different scalp [end of thirty days, your money
FULL BASEMENT | conditions that may cause men | will be returned.” This is only

Toulese gt
mond N. ¥ R1 and women to lose their hair. | becausz most people are skepti-
Phone Mount J yy 3-5 46-1c| Spring Garden & Locust Sts. | Using common sense, a person cal of claims that hair can grow
ER — remem a AT a) | must realize no one tonic or so |on balding heads. Usually when
Savage 300 deer rifle, take ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. called cure-all can correct all a person avails himself of the . . . .
down model with sling. Fired PHONE 17-2701 | these different conditions,” he | Merrill treatment, his skeptic Come in today—see the Big Change in TV by RCA Victor! 1
less than 12 times, like new. 43-5¢ | explained. ism. disappears.
$90. Phone C. B. Myers 3-4523. | | READ WHAT A FEW OF THE No Cure-All Dressed or Tive weight

Ig leg | MEMBERS OF THE AMERI-| “We have no cure-all for slick, BROAD-BREASTED
+ D. 2 A.

Oil burner and br
Phone Mount Joy

H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc.
{ FIED CLIENTS HAVE SAID | hair follicle of the scalp i$ still


TURKEYS - Live or dressed. —= | ABOUT THEIR HOME TREAT- | producing hair. Merrill's users | R- D. 2 MOUNT JOY, P:
Call Dave L. Hess, Jr eed | ANTIQUES : Wil pay high| MENT IN THEIR UNSOLICI- | have grown hair. We have PHONE 3.9036 MOUNT JOY, PA.
Joy 3-5359 46-6tc | prices for antiques of any des- TED REPORTS; THERE ARE many reports testifying that af- 43-tfe |
bi - | cription. Mr. Hart, 151 N. Char- | MANY MORE IN OUR FILES: [ter using our home treatment, |
Teeter-chair; hand SWeeper, | lotte St, Manheim, Pa. Phone | hair has grown very much | weak fuzz has developed into
aqua ballerina fown, size 13, 15-2163. 2-24-t | you can see new hair all over healthy mature hair, Proper - : «0 -
Worn one time; UHF inside an- = my scalp. The new hair looks use of this home treatment may utton (li /S eé/e
nna Eyer i good ie Ej Yively and much better. I am bring about a healthy scalp 4 -
dition. one Mt. Joy 3-418 | well pleased with my hair, it condition which will help the
45-2c MISCELLANEOUS | looks so much better and much | body to produce new hair. If
1 Girl's Grey and blue Coat, 2 | thicker and 1 thank you so pore I um mal, a heal
size 12; 1 South Bend Kitchen | JA AY O.. KULP GENCY | much. oak Sean SORA) 2) m 3 20
2: iti { . NULL LINGUA C. Burkett stored, and the hair may grow
Range. both in good condition. | NAT “ATED ID | norntally Gea as noture i —
Call Mount Joy 3-9573. 46-tfc | IS NCW CATED I Dothan, Alabama oi oe 1 Rga i as atire or
NON “I am quite well pleased with ere 118: ONS ning S
ANOTHER DAY-TIME DAIRY | At 1023 Cumberland Street |the success I have had as far PiXon wants to be certain every a
CATTLE SALE at RUMSEYS' | PHONE 3.0898 tas I have gone, which was the Man and woman knows. If a
of Westfield - Tues. afternoon, |cjaim forms and premiums may | three months course, and I am apbcars at the temple / T
Nov. 22-1 P. M. W had al in inne hs : : 4 Or a spot begins to show up on :
No : be paid to resident agent convinced that with continued he. crow f 1 head. ANGEE is \ 4d ises
good-sized sale last wee ck with WALLACE D. ZERPHEY |massaging and non-alcoholic | the crown of the head, there 1s ee ee 28 «
a lot 1-stz pis ‘ | ; something wrong and it should
a lot of down-state customers. 1130 E. Main St. Ph. 3-9651 | shampoo I will be able to take une. 8 Count
Your dairy cattle exchange 35-fc | care of my scalp without furth- | be given immediate attention. . SE ——— ;
dairies already consigned. pis | er treatment, I have learned ie Examination :
more of those close and fresh | WIAD ite a lot aring for .| In addition to reexamining i
ones. Sale i n our | MADAME MARIA ja £5 lol bout caring for my | present clients, the Merrill | t
nes. Sale to be held in our new B: der and Advisor -on all | scalp.
Ge | ye hand a I 5 method of home treatment will \ 3 Day i
Quonset barn. Treats and {Eon ems of life, such as Love, 2. Langton | he demonstrated to others who ’ \ I
yr prize tickets to all atte Irriage. : pe alle Jalla, fash. {=F ’ snd Tun Si? ra i
door prize tickets { 1 i nd Marriage, and Business. Open Walla Walla, Wash | are interested. The examination gC
You ma win your : - 7 | “Since beginni rat : 3 >
0 nay | daily, 10 a. m. 9 p. m. 207 W. | “Since beginning my treatment | jg very thorough and highly } Rang
Turke I 16- Ie | Or ange St., Lancaster, Pa. | my hair is softer, more manage- | technical. It requires 20 to 30
™ = 2-4 & ay it is reaking . : m . : - : |
Used Moore & Bengal combina ® 42-4p | able, and it is hot breaking or | minutes. The Consultant makes |
tions, excellent condition, youl coming out Ji arly so much. 1}, charge for this examination
choice $40 Used Serval refrig-| WANTED Ride to center : of | notice a general appearance of | 3nd no appointment is neces-
: > Lancaster 7:45 a. m. Call 36934 | new hair all over my scalp. l|sary. After examining the per-

erator, ideal for hunting camp,

only $35. Also other used gas after 6 p. m, 16-2¢c jam very pleased with the | so) he is told the required
appliances for sale. Ward Bot- | mmm my treament, P. Br | length of treatment and how
tle Gas, 25 S. State St., Ephra- Ry Ea much it will cost. Regular | N
ta. Par 2 16 le! LEGAL NOTICES Alva, Oklahoma | reports are made to the Merrill eau S
Guaranteed | firm in Oklahoma City to check | Dough
1941 Plymouth. Radio, heater, © - AEC Not everyone edn be helped by [the ‘progress of ‘the home treat- |
spotlight, good tires Reason- | ADVIMSIEA BRIX | the Merrill «Home | Treatment, | ment. [ DESIGNED FOR THE SUPER: HIGHWAY» AGE ~ Coppe
able. Phone 0 Joy 3-3462| [Estate of Howard T. ; ; ;
Bhle. Prine Moun oy 46 ae deceased, late of Mount Joy | Sa HOW'S YOUR HAIR lets, ¢
fi d | Letters of Administration of | VAN METER AT THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL IN COLUMBIA,
| said estate having been granted to | PA. ON SUNDAY ONLY. NOVEMBER 20, 12 NOON UNTIL
Try (lassi 18 | the undersigned, all persons indebt- | 9:00 P. M. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED. THE EXAMINATIONS Delta and Henry Streets Mount Joy, Pa.
od thereto are requested to make | ARE PRIVATE AND OPEN TO MEN AND WOMEN, YOU DO A
for Yo resSu 1S immediate payment, and those hav- | NOT NEED AN APPOINTMENT AND YOU WILL NOT BE | ~ Phone 3.8271 ~
Jing claims or demands against the ’/ EMBARRASSED OR OBLIGATED IN ANY WAY. C5