GET JING % Innings 39-tfe Bs a RX DODO DOOR ae’ i. LEAL ALA a = CCIE we PALA, ata = ama’ COCO DOO LOCOROCO DO DO DOU IX DO DOU IRI XX] ~~ wu ne er -— eee ee! IS YOUR 78 E. MAIN ST. M( ou Phone 3-4071 YOUR CLEANER Clothes Eicherlys DUNT JOY We Call ia fF YOU GWN_ YOUR HOME 0) here’s a bank service that you can use to advantage + SAKA ‘When your home needs repairs, addi- tions, improvements of any kind, apply ct our bank for a Home Improvement Locn. Rates are low; terms convenient! UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY OF MOUNT JOY Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation AMPLE FREE PARKING SPACE Here's Why. Folks ! Very soon King's will kel Sireet (the former Everything reduced items. WORK SHOES AS LOW AS $367 ALL SHOES REDUCED Utility Blankets IDEAL FOR CARS, FOOT- BALL GAMES, ETC. $50 Just A Few Of The Many Values Central store two and a half times larger and better equipped to belter serve you . them to pack it and move it. except BANK move to their new- ly remodeled home at 19 and 21 South Mar- House) — a A major close out of our pre~ent stock is neceseary — We know it is less costly to sell at any price Fair Trade LARGE 18” Fast Color - Red or Blue Bandanna Kerchiefs 1 Pc each i bers of the State Senate will be screwed up enough courage White Tee NYLON The Pennsylvania By MASON DENISON Pennsylvania News Service Harrisburg As the of winter begin to whip battle-scarred Capitol sending many a squirrel legislator scampering for it is becoming fairly obvious that neither of the two are pleased by what the blustery winds are blowing. winds across Hill — and cover For the squirrel it means a hasty picking of nuts and thing else that might prove use- ful in staving off the onslaughts of the pending battle with the elements For the elements trying to find nut which to munch—literally that i in preparation for his battle next year in the Legislature The fight 1956 unquestion- ably will be a bitter and hectic affair. All of the 210 members of the State House of Represen- tatives will have their seats up for auction. Half of the 50 any- it means some on is pending his seat over in in the same shaky boat. What makes next year’s {us- sl2 such a hectic ‘affair stems: from the fact that the current 1955 session of the Legislature — headed for a record-br saking done little to return marathon - has enhance the chances of of many a lawmaker. In the main tain as to just what the reaction to the current session is among the folks back home - the peo-| ple who either put them in or out of office in the first place. A few of the bolder this column has found out, have 10) run gentle tests of sentiment a- mong the home folks and most cases the results have them somewhat ken. many are uncer- souls, in loft ashen and sha- Oddly enough this reaction is limited to either Republi-, or Democrats - it having been found present in both cas- es not cans | But also oddly enough none Story: Hectic Legislative Session Points To Rough Election place a finger, or a foot, on the exact of this political bristling of the scalp, cause The general concensus among those this column talked to however sz2ems to center a- round the point that the Legis- lature just done anything exceptionally constructive in the hasn't ten months it has been in ses- sion. And interestingly, many feel that the folks back home are not too concerned over the length of the session— the phy- sical length of time being un- important if they would only accomplish something construc- tive. If this is the case — and we would personally like to believe it is - then it reflects a growing change among the electorate of the state whole, a change from the old idea of zipping in and out of Harrisburg hurriedly and slam-banging through legis- as a "lation with equal dispatch. Contemporary problems fac- ing lar-plus governmental operation Pennsylvania's today are too complex and all- encompassing to be the quick treatment given Adequate study and t'me for is now a law- of legislation for Pennsylvania's however at the same time in l2ngthy sessions there should some accomplish- ments, of which to date there have bezn very little ®- review must makers he = ie re- HIGH MAGAZINE main, tied up in knots as disa- SALESMEN NAMED | greament persists over budget Mildred Frank was the stu-| requests - all this notwith- dent who sold the most maga- standing the fact that the new | zine subscriptions during the 1955-57 biennium is now nearly subs § g vecont annual campaign at Don- Frank sold subscriptions amounting to egal High School. Miss $97.70. John Martin was second, Pat- sy Secachrist, third and Marie ed the list of subjects on which Ebersole. fourth. Other high neéw legislation can be intro-| were Patricia Charles,| duced, although a few new a- salesmen James Rutt, Carol Ginder, Shar-| long With some feel that they have been able tol James Hecht. SALE REG. 98¢ SHIRTS REINFORCED SHRINK NECK RESISTANT NOW 73 JACKETS ron Baker, Kenneth Wittle and been tossed into the legislative | hopper. Among thee are those | that would: Amend the Soft Drink Law REG. $22.50 MENS LIGHT WEIGHT LEATHER RED OR now S99 BLUE NAINSOOK | UNION SUITS $43 $150 and $2.00 TIES 99 98¢ OFFICIAL WHITE Gym Shorts 58¢ BE SURE TO SEE IT BARGAIN TABLE WITH ITEMS THAT WERE SOLD UP TO $3.50 77¢ EVERYTHING EXCEPT FAIR TRADE ITEMS REDUCED A 44 South Market St. MENS FRUIT OF THE LOOM WHITE HANKIES 6 IN PACK - REG. $1.00 PACK. NOW 6’jc pk. NGS ELIZABETHTOWN, MEN'S BOYS’ WEAR BN’ 16 E. Main St, THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Pa! 7 billion-dol- | 8 Haven, Lancaster, recently. hype Thursday, October 20 LEGISLATIVE ROUND-UP Harrisburg -PNS- vania's lawmakers are in recess Pennsyl- once again this week but not until after the Hocse of Repre- sentatives staggered through sessions last week extending into Saturday. The Senate met | and went home the early part of the week [ As customary little was ac- complished of any outstanding note, The Senate wrangled and | hassled over a subsidy bill for Pennsylvania's dollar-dry school | districts - upped the amount or- | iginally set up by the adminis-| | tration, sent it back to the House for concurrence where it went to conference’ committee] in a snit and wrangle. the | mains as far away from a S0- | lution as it was ten months ago| avhen the lawmakers first gath-| | ered for the 1955 session. Taxwise Legislature re-| Budgetwise agreement be- | tween administration and anti-| | administration "forces is as far | | apart as ever (Length-of-session-wise all | | are generally agrzed that the | i stalemate could drag over into | | 1956.) 1. | The Houge last w2ek had be-| | fore it another bill that would provide for Pennsylvania to pay | a tax on the amount of federal] they pay. Highly | insofar as consti-| the of a con- | than | income tax | questionable tutionality is as is concerned, more vehicle measure stitutionality test anything else. | State aid subsidies to hospit- | als, homes and universities | | five months old with sub- sidy payments for the biennium having been made as yet. On the new-bill front, law- "makers have virtually exhaust- no old ideas have to require display cards to bear the seal of approval of the De partment of Agriculture along with a statement that the drink is harmless; Create © a completely new class of liquor licensees to be known as '‘retail distributor li censees’’; Extend the time for school employes to apply for certain retirement credits following military service; Establish a State Department of Recreation in Pennsylvania State Government; | Prohibit the op=2ration of mo- tor vehicles in which internal parts of mufflers have been re moved; Increase registration fees for motor vehicles and some truck trailers and tractors; Authorize the appointment of depositories for funds by the county treasurer | # ADMITTED TO CHILDREN'S HEART HAVEN Jerry Alleman, son of and Mrs. Ralph Alleman, | admitted to the Childrens Heart county | Mr. was VALERIE 17 Jewels unbreakable mainspring expansion bracelet $4250 17 jewels shock resistant unbreakable lifetime mainspring | fuxury expansion band $4250 | | i Koser’ | Phone 3-5404 Mt. Joy, Pa. s Jewelry Store | | | | | { | I | | | | AY’S APPLIANGES brings you G.E’s NEW LIGHTWEIGHT TV THE MOST USEFUL TV EVER! Model 147007 Goes where you go! INDOORS, OUTDOORS, ALL AROUND THE HOUSE! A CTUALLY is one-third smaller than any other TV of its type. Take it on trips. From room to room. Out on the terrace. Anywhere there's an outlet. Features rugged built-to-travel cabinet, built-in antenna. Dynapower speaker, 2-way interference protection. In cordovan finish, Model 14T007. The two-tone series with a new car look. Center handle is aluminum. Available in terra cotta & ivory (Model 14T009) or gray & ivory (Model 14T008) . .. one low price for 14-inch TV! Model $ i ¥ 147008 iy We will give one year's FREE SERVICE on any T-V Set purchased in our store FREE oc vere Set on Any Television CPE, a" v bi 4 A Wp i A J SPE WHILE THEY LAST GE 21" This beautiful television set is a €.* U.H.F.-V.H.F. console model wit A h %u3 casters for easy moving. real our ol¢ bargain. With 3 SERVICE AT ITS BEST! We have the best Equipped Shep in this area backed by our more than 25 years experience in electronics WE REPAIR ALL MAKES WAY’'S APPLIANCES “WHERE YOU GET FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE” 48 W. MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA.