THE BULLETIN. Mount Joy, Pa. THE BULLETIN Thursday, October 20 2{ Published every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, Mount Joy. OWL LAFES Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 Subscription Rate $2.50 per year by Mail Advertising rates upon request. Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Member, Pennsylvania News- paper Publishers’ Association. Red Cross Sponsors | Training Course | Representatives of church congregations in the Mount Joy | and Elizabethtown area of Lan- BY A WISE OWL | | caster County attended a train- re | ing course concerning the op-' Several years back a Mt Joy | | eration of emergency mass care R.D man’s barn had gone up in centers at the Elizabethtown smoke, and his insurance agent|y.theran Church, East High was trying to explain that he| gt = Elizabethtown, last night couldn't collect cash for it. This training course and oth- “Read the policy,” the ageat In- ers in the courtly are being’ gisted. “All our company | sponsored by the Lancaster Co} gages to do is build you anoth-| | Chapter, American Red Cross.) er barn exactly like the one the Lancaster County Civil that's been destroyed.” | Defense. Taught by Lancaster The farmer, apoplectic with | { County women who have been rage, thundered, “If that’s the| trained and authorized a5 In-' way you do business, cance] the structors, the class began at 7 policy on my wife before it's| | p. m. and continued until 10 p.! too late” a n A friend of mine has a pre- séription for a hangover that he| swears has never failed. “It’s simplicity itself,” he says. “Just squeeze the juice from a quart | In charge of the sessions were Mrs. Robert Hoffmaster of Mt. Joy and Mrs. Wayne Aungst of Elizabethtown, The women’ were authorized as instructors bh? by Mrs. Gweneth Zarfoss, Co-| of "Scoien. ordinator of Emergency Welfare | ‘pa: Service for the State Council of 7, it's ficult to. be- You know, it's difficu \ ams = Tosqli of a Civil Defense, sader of men| ome 8 122 session for { instructors have been a follower of women tru ! | training 1 | at the local Red Cross earlier for so long? oe | this month. One of the fellows at the The training course taught | asked Bill Enck who! church representatives how to| buried with. |operates mass care centers in, “My | churches in the city.and county | in the event of an enemy-caus- isn’t| ed disaster or a natural disast- | er such as a hurricane or flood. fire house he'd like to be “Bill, quickly answered: choice is Marilyn Monro2.” “But Marilyn Monroe dead vet,” pointed out the questionzer. | The church representatives at “] know, was the ! answer.| the Wednesday night session are | now responsible for making em- | ergency mass care center ar- I don’t believe I ever told it|rangements in their own chur- to anyone before, “I met my | ches. For the Wednesday night wife at a travel bureau, She| meeting church leaders had was looking for a vacation and! been asked to appoint a com- I was the last resort. mittee of at least five women | and one man to undergo train- «Neither am 1.” - - - So what? Our pressman, Jerry, was tell-| ing. YOU ARE INVITED TO THE GRAND OPENING new Purina Mill = Harrisburg, Pa. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 Meet These DONALD DANFORTH, President of the Ralston Purina Company, will welcome farm folks from this area. YOU are invited to the grand opening ceremonies of the new Purina Mill just outside Harrisburg, Pennsylyania, on Saturday, October 22. Hank Snow and Minnie Pearl are just two of the top entertainers who will perform. A free ticket for a delicious fried chicken lunch is yours if you will stop by our store and get it. Come early and go through the beautiful new modern mill now ready to manufacture Purina Chows—famous for 62 years and now to be made in Harrisburg to give better service to Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia farmers. Lots of fun, lots of people, a good lunch, and top enter- tainment. Come and bring the family ENE See us for Free Lunch Tickets — Free as long as they last’ « Trip New Mill Fried Chicken Lunch HANK SNOW, favorite bal- lad singer, will entertain with his playing and singing. + Stage Show at Noon Headliners Grinder's Switch. eo Souvenirs for Adults and Kiddies a MOUNT JOY, PA. ing “Bud Berrier” that paper can be used to keep people COMING warm. Bud: “Don’t I know it? The! last report card I took home| kept my father hot for a wee! “See here young fellow,” said! a local township justice of the peace, “I want you to know | yer can’t commit perjury in this here court..” | “But I didn’t lie to you sir,” said th2 defendant. “Yer did too,” cried the JP, “you just this minute told me | va only had one brother and] yer sister here claims she’s got| two.l” - ==» + = No, it wasn't| Herry! | If you think my wife isn't] very domincering, why let me correct you, “She writes her diary a week ahead.” | School Furs A Donegal High jor rushed home from school and told his Dad that he got] his first part in a play. He said: | “I play the part of a man who has been married 20 years’ | His father not to pleased, re-| marked: “Well, my son, that’s] a start. Keep trying and one of these days you'll get a speaking part.” A dear littl old lady from] out west came to visit her son here in town and found a lad of five in sole possession of the house, playing with his toy train. “You don't know me,” said the old lady, “but I'm your grandmother - on your, fathers side.” Without looking! up from his train, the lad re-| plied, “I'll tell you right now: you're on the wrong side.” - - -| How smart can they get” I fellow on Detwiler Avenue said his garden was such a suc- cess this year, that his neigh-| bor’s chickens took first prize at the poultry show.” | While playing golf at Lancas-| fer, some time ago, Officer | Neiss was complaining to his caddy that he thought it was) a terrible course. | "=== VISIT THE "ROCKET_ROOM”: s s AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S ! mmm" NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc. MOUNT JOY, PA. , His face got red when the| caddy said: ‘‘Please sir, we left | the golf course over an hour ago.” A WISE OWL IN THE ALL THE Flow OF FLUID... aLL THE Ge OF GEARS, 'S6 OLDSMOBILES ! -—A BRAND NEW CONCEPT Jetawcav! ; transmissions! you the Jetaway! ; major advancements you can count on in Olds for "56! Oldsmobile’s new smoothest, MINNIE PEARL, star of the Grand Ole Opry, will entertain with gossip from H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc Jai : rocketing vour way in the dazzling new Olds mobiles for 1956! Jetaway! powerfully smooth— . powerfully new, an entirely new w idea in automatic « just one of the many Jetaw av Hydra-Matic will bring most wonderful driving ever! Plus all the getaway and positive power—the econ- omy and dependability that millions of Hydra-Matic owne rs know so we 1. “new Olds idea’ Just wait for another "on its way in the terrific *56 models? Oh. h-h! those ‘56 OLDSMOBILES Coming November 3rd. IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS! R. A.GUTSHALL [Quality Meats Elesteie, GENERAL CONTRACTOR CEMENT PAVING ! CEMENT CURBING No Job Too Small | No Job Too Large 116 W. High St, MAYTOWN Call Marietta 6-9179 31-tfe WEST MAIN ST. ALSO A FULL LINE OF BIRDS in Fruits & Vegetables | RALL'S Meat Market COVerS FEIT oF MOUNT JOY | MT. JOY, PA. Welding Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT | Automobile and Truck Welding | LAWN MOWER SHARPENING ver's Welding Shop Phone 3-5931 —— Soap 3 nts 25° Soap ath Vel Detergent pi lel | Fab Detergent ged Tobe Ad Detergent ve 99° uo 15° Octagon Laundry Soap lar i ei 98 Lava Soap medium si Swan Soap | i gi vied Ajax Cleanser he 26° 27 36° Florient, Aeresol Deodorant 51/-01. fro 8° Crisco Shortening ods 0c Fluffo Shortening ae Angel Soft Tissues Assorted pkg Colors of 400 23 91° Gashmere-Bouquet Cashmere-Bouquet Florida New Crop Thin Skin Oranges ..... Fresh Cauliflower Western Fresh Carrots California Nutritious Golden Banan Oyster Stew Snow Crop Frozen Sliced Strawberries Dry Milk Sol Dissolves instantly in ice water. . calorie liquid for diinking, cookin than most other instants. . .. Be s Ann Page Tip Top All Green Jane Parker Donuts lona String Beans Apricot Nectar Cranberry Sauce dexo Shortening Waldorf Tissue Scot Tissue Eight 0’Clock All Prices in this Advertisement ge ° 32¢ go Lux Liquid Detergent 230 269 Gerher’s Baby Food Strained All oe 10 iars 95¢ Tokay Grapes 9° Delicious Apples wh 229s | Grapefruit turge 5 for 29¢ Our Finest Quality 10-01. A&P Frozen Peas 3 7. 49 Birds Eye Frozen Potatoes : 9-oz. French Fries A Campbells Frozen 1014-01. New! White House INSTANT Sunnyfield Fancy Eon Butter Sold 65° Salad Dressing Asparagus Spears Plain, Sugared or pkg. Cinnamon Sugared Hearts Delight Delight a oe 29 A*P Pineapple Juice 5° Candy Bars 62m ozs 90° Coffee 3 *2.31 , 79° Millions of Families Cheer AP's 96th Anniversary Values! Juicy 250-Size 23 2 se A3e (None Priced Higher) large Cc head {None Priced Higher) I-Ib. pliofilm c bags 1 2 {None Priced Higher) {None Priced Higher) as cans 59- Co 49° ids os 93 Tr . Makes 3 quarts of nutritious, low g or baking. Easy to use . . . costs less ure to try it this week- end, (None Priced Higher) In Ya-lb. 67°c Prints Ib. pint jar 25¢ quart 39- jar 14!/5-02 29 can 19 of 12 15Y2-02 Cc 3 cans 23 46-0z C can 35 A&P'S 1-1b C 3b Cc Own Brand can 21 can 69 3 rolls 23° 3 rolls 32° 2°. 45° Effective Through Saturday, Oct. 22 Lux Flakes 32 Lux Soap § ui 25 Swift's Baby Meals Strained 3l/5-01. c or Chopped jars 45 Fels Naptha Soap Instant Fels 3k wy 45 35 Felso Detergent ois 23° 23 Your Mount Joy A&P Store (East Main St.) OPEN FRIDAY = © ». |