The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 06, 1955, Image 2

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Thursday. October 6 2 HEAD IN DEATH Local Men Enlist
Also Specialize On
Cas Of ‘45 Stages R.A. GUTSHALL Quality Meats Elestele
| First Reunion te | GENERAL | RAL

— Published every Thyteday at 131 | Harrisburg -PNS- Leading| Sor oes
= East Main Street, Mount Joy. ie : One. V8 wet persons YE FARM
= wT Lancaster County, Pa. | cause of deaths among school Jack Wilbur Wagner, 18, SO] veunion of the class of ‘45 CONTRACTOR | BIRDS J hg WELD.
| Larmon D. Smith, Publisher | children between the ages of 6| of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Wag- | of the former Mount Joy Thy
E John E. Schroll, | 7d 16 - is accidents, of Jehich ner, Florin recs ay entisted in/ School Saturday night at th CEMENT PAVING F & V t bl Automobile and Truck Welding
He Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 | the majority fall into the Hop the U. S. Navy and 1s Tow. Un-| Sutter Hotel, Lititz. CEMENT CURBING ruts ege aples LAWN MOWER SHARPENING’ C
——— | accident category’, a spokes-| dergoing training at the avy | Se |
2.5 : 00 mv : The class members, their guests Io.
a | Subscription Rate, 2 80 per | man for the Pennsylvania De-| Recruit Training Center, Bain- ad i tearhers, Miss Cath- Ro A Too Soy W Idi Sh
Ee | Advertising rates upon request. | partment of Health told Penna. | bridge, Md. Also at Bainbridge Sine G. Zeller and Wr. and : 2 over S e Ing op
- | Entered at the postoffice at| News Service this week is Kenneth Paul Drescher, 17, Mrs 116 W. High St, MAYTOWN pat ar p Delta and ttn Strotia
Eo « |Mount Joy, Pa., as Second. Class At the same time it was not-{ 12 W. Main St., Mount Joy, son| Each of the toate aud Call Marietta 6-9179 i wr. PA Mari errs SEO
= bi joa under’ the Act 0 Bre ed by Deputy Secretary of of Mr. Paul Fred Drescher, | Wo IOS ave Short talks see WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY ' ’ /
hl 1 4 y : lass e rs gave s rt talks. |
. E=—" Member, Pennsylvania News- | Health Dr. C. L Wilbar that samo address, and Samuel Ray Durirz the business meeting
{ | paper Publishers’ Association. { while accidents are tho cause of| Witmer, 18, son of Mr. and the group vot ol 0
| most deaths in this age range,| Mrs. Marlin E. Witmer, Mariet- . oy 2 98
| ek eo “BULLETIN
| Editorially |i" i tw min ADVERTISE IN THE
BY A WIS SE OWL | | mortality of any ten-year age, Upon completion of 9 weeks {or the next even). Dr. Newton
| WATERSHED PROGRAMS span in the entire population. training, 14 days leave will be Kendig was re-elected presi-
If any of you farm folks] EMPHASIZED BY FLOODS Commented the health oftici- given these men prior to their| g..¢. Miss Betsy Bigler, secre- -
have a .good horse for sale, Recent floods that struck Pa. | al regarding the home accident| reporting to their next assign | tary and Mrs. Erma Yeakle,
call Henry Engle’s Hotel and] pave given added emphasis and rate: ment. Formerly, men returned
ask for John (Cappy) Mumma,| to the series of region-| “I notice the attitude of some| to the Training Center after lia
iy teres 8 EC :
i sople, even public health wor-| jeave. but now they report di- -
- - - He'd like to buy one to] a) watershed development | PEOPLE: : of at : . f {| The first iron warship of the ‘ ’ i ——
ride to and from work. (two scheduled last sum-| 18 somewhat of a sense of pect to their next assignment. | rit at : ] i ' You'll Long Remember This October. "a
futility and some apathy to- iin ll comin | United States lies anchored in .
ks » exact). roug » state, ac- : \ ‘
Blocks io be joer BE a wards this problem. Actually oa the mud at Misery Bay at Eric Every Day a Yalue Day During aan
— ording ) e S) dnie : . | | -
who wasn't too! a i” Commerce, one of | accidents constitute the fourth Local Auxiliary
Dyke Garber,
successful in his last two inven-|
tions is working on a new one!
He says he is going to invent]
| leading cause of death for all of
| the population of our state.”
He said that the second lead-
ing caus? of death among Pa.
the sponsoring agencies.
A:P’s 96th
Anniversary Event! |:
WHY Not Send The
Home Paper to Your
Absent Son or Daughter ?
Receives Awards
interest is
and local American Legion


a lawn that will shed once a ‘gratifying - but why must it school children is malignant tu-| Auxiliary of Post 185 .was one 8
week] | always take a tragedy or dis-| oc He pointed out that the Of twelve auxiliaries to be hon- Lie ToC | As 4 N Priced High
; | aster to move the human spirit? | saligrancies. must he ored for reaching : their mem- Tb fs California (None fiege ig 5 :
A little girl on East Main ot Watersheds are no more im- caught early. borship quota during the yeal Ou, Sov! = Vel Pe on Tokay Grapes J 2 19 ; i
was heartbroken when her pet| portant now than they were be-' He listed the third cause of it was announced at the Gavel A i SLL o/s ined ; : i
capary died, and to pacity her,| fore the floods came - the only| death as rheumatic fever de- Bell Party and Installation last LETTER California (None Priced Higher} :
hér father gave her a cigar-box| gifference being that their tre-| claring that while Pennsylvania week at the Manheim legion J | lceber Lettuce large 23c
for a coffin, and assisted in mendous importance has now, has a preventative program in home. ' K ehl Ci g heads :
burying the box in the garden.| peen underscored with untold this field, it is a relative new, Mrs. Gladys Mellinger, SEZ gepier winnamon Solid Slicing ‘(None cis)
“Daady,” whispered the little damage and severe loss of life.| one and not yet fully effective,| Ver, presented the special a- | = =m . F h T t : Cello. 1% *
girl aiter the funeral, “will my | It should serve as an object - el { wards to Mount Joy, Elizabeth-| |sven=se Crisp Crackers res oma 0es: Carton {
3 > > av a ; on | | town, Manheim Township, New yaar | . J
ao A aa | i manage-| AOTORISTS CAUTIONED Holland, Lancaster (780), Den- a 2 39 Fresh Broccoli Large Bunch 25° !
ther. “Why?” | ment programs have long been WINTER JUST AHEAD ver, Quarryville, Marietta, Par z
RF Ene 3 Aad § ic etnies. . 3 fac Hadrisburg -PNS- It may t! adise, Lititz, and Lancaster . PAS oe ‘ A
I was only thinking, mur-| needed in this state in foes he ls ou} Big may i Educator U.S. No. | "A" Size Local 3
mured the youngster, “how mad| they were needed but never be quile winter and it may not| (34). oe ; : : 10-b. bag 23c ; ¢ ¥
St. Peter will be when he op-| materialized of course, shortly] be quite snowing in most sec- Unit Activities were also Bostonian Cookies Potatoes 15.b, bag 50 , 69 2
ens the box and finds it isn't] after they first started denud- tions of the state as yet, but] presented by the Department of * a Fancy Bt fo 39° 5
cigars.” | ing Pennsylvania's forested ar-| the fact remains that winter is Pennsylvania to Mount Joy, El- Be 25¢ Jonathan Apples Bag
| si . | just around the corner - which! izabethtown, Lancaster, Lititz, | Pkg. 1 =
cin eas over a century ago. hele wd Pennsvivania| Paradise, Quarryville, Manheim Your Choice of Chicken, Beef or Turkey
I'told a friend of mine that] Now we are paying the price 1as Prompt yy nun od \ : 8-01 c 5
he should be more careful to|- and a frightful price it is ot Jit a Oe hive : hip a : Now Holland, LaChoy Meatless Banquet Pies: 5 pkgs. 44 a
; is she 4g i | deed. Tak « | i
pull down his shades at night; i tershed protection] for cold weather should = be { Ghop Suey Excelsior Buttered
I told him I saw him Kiss his ithout waters I i! comathing more: thin a hasty Thoughlful Attention 8-02. §
wife last night.” | our reservoirs become shallow | Brash 2 28 3 a er : ; i | 16-0. 33° (HH urger fea S pkgs = 8
He laughed and said th> joke| and filled with silt - silt easily Tl rover : To Every Detail J a Fock - - | can : i i 4
sd the absence of An automobile owner who - Our Finest Quality Quick-Frozen
was on me; He said he wasn't) washed away in the : k| does not thoroughly condition JAMES B. HEILIG hilarious and informative ' 5 10-02 c
: a ate forest cover to soak] § ! 3 lave ror h A&P 2 f 202, i
home last night.” Thee the iiss | his car for winter driving is Funeral Director SEE PAGE 5 | Southern Star eds pkgs.
rachel away is the rich soilf looking for trouble,” a = Stuie — A i. = Pa Brock's Frozen Potatoes
If you tell a man that there| Washed away, is ihe rich s( ! Police spokesmz Bonita Flakes »
ie | in which our crops are grown -| ce spokesman told Penna h F 9 se ¢
are 279,049,540,065 stars in the and as the washing progresses| News Sedvice this week. 6l/5-0z. ¢ rele ries a 2 = ;
universe, he'll undoubtedly be-| a waters] “While every driver know cans i 1 x pkgs &
o 5 ve aging raters J IWS Cc
lieve you — but if a sign says Sg romp Rl is that anti-freeze is necessary; he Nifty Frozen Waffles 3 of 6 35
“Fresh Paint,” that same mio our Seams on must remember that every car \ ’
i i | rivers to make them unnatural = 1at every car a
will go out of his way to make 7° TLC death and| and its equipment require a / Morton S lona Brand
a personal investigation. destruction. thorough check to insure safe Frozen Pies Tomatoes 37 3 oer, 32°
The watershed movement is| driving in the winter months”, Apple, Peach 10! cans. 2 cans
Then there’s the one about portant - So he added. pre eac Open 45 ASP. ..Our Finest Quality
the cross-eyed teacher who had| 0 0 State Police urged that win- é 4 ews op RAGS. A le Sauce 2 4 16-02. 49
no control over her ils. ter’'s safety check » de pp cans
i “KEEP AN EYE ON Boa St 8 a Ne Kakisco A&P ...Our Finest Quality \ \
ALL SMALL FRY.” db ng ° a ane i Ti
My wfe told me she had aj = 1 Si Acting Die first light frost, snowfall or| | . Pinea le Jui e 46-01. 45
terrible dream the other night. | Clement gs uh . Ine S freezing rain, garage and ser-| & Ritz Crackers Pp ¢ i cans !
She said she dreamed that me| rector, Bureau of ig a vice station operators wll be] I-Ib. c Cheddar i
and Perry Como fought over fey made ur appe ol. 0 amo swamped with demands_ for pkg 32 Chees . Mid 45¢ *: Sharp Cc }
her and I won. ho gay a 8 dive Sg service which could have been e
is traffic accidents to children, be-| earlier. an bb c Bia c i
Rot Ops toils her that] ing sponsored ths month thru- Frequent examinations of the Have You Been Visiting ? Herb - Ox A&P Sauer Kraut cans 21 cans 21
ha De ie Le °F CU out the Commonwealth by many | car wera recommended, and : Tomato Soup Ann 102 oz, 31 Wen, B46
many a wife acts like a young| oo councils, civic groups,| whe Wu R ill n 6 Page cans cans
colt—when she looks more like when necessary, repair or re ici ? H vart c :
= old 45! 2 service clubs, automobile clubs,| placement of windshield wip- Had Visitors ? pkg. of Ann Page Salad Dressing Vo 39
JE i and the National Safety Coun-| erg ives. rhaine Viahte kg. 19 . A
Here's another thing to bear| Re i on Sy chains, lights and the 5 12 cubes Sliced Pie Apples Comstock 20-01. 39°
: “« =] . rakes. It was emphasized that i sans
In mind +1} you arn $4,000 2| have ‘a WAY Off “neglect of fafety devises Mi Been Divorced ? : Pasiry Flour >" i 39° we 81° 1
year and your wife earns noth- moving faster than the eye, and a: St Se evices may Lummis y bag i
ing she's : > iE: gil gor 8 well prove to be a fatal mis-| i i
Ing. she's 2 dependent. But if it's hard to keep up with them” { ke Hef B ht A thi ? Family Flour oh 39° 1548. 15°
your wife earns $4,000 a year Sse: ougrn nyining : Peanut Butter bag bag
: 8 B year wir > “Yet the only : .
apd vou oar hing vOu'Te | Mr. Sipe said. tt on ray ae .. Cake Mixes Dromedary White, 19-07. 25°
ga y ou 2arn nothing, you're aj way we can hope to.cut down : » 12.07 37° Yellow or Devil's Food pkg.
: 2 | on traffic casualties which claim P. P. gL Issues Sold Something : ' dar Eva orated Mil White 4 tall cans 13¢
S i a | so many of our children today p House in carrier
“Some o you pedestrians] is to keep ¢ :: > a-' . ¢
oe S p a wary eye for su 2 c box of c
il a owned, den and unpredictable action of Earnings Statement Had a Party ’ Dash 5 Candy Bars 6 for 25 24 bars 85
e streets.” | small fry.” Pro forma consolidated earn- i i Jane Parker 1-Ib. RC 1Y2:lb. HOC
“Yes, and some of you motor-| “Many accidents happen in| ings of Pennsylvania Power & Been To One ? Dog Feod : White Brea Sliced ap loaf 15 loat 22
ists drive around as though you the twinkling of an eye. A Light Company (including earn- y Jane Parker Plain, gf" pkg. Cc
owned {oT Wan : { c Sugar or Cinnamon of 12
ned your cars. child suddenly appears out of ings of th2 former Pennsylvania cans \ All prices in this advertisement effective thru Sat., Oct. 8
a, = id nowhere, there is a screech of Water & Power Company prior| Even a Baby ? at., Uc. 8.
Driving to town one morning, | brakes, and another casualty is to Jun2 1955 restated on the
Tidy Home Del Monte Marcal

a farmer and his wife from out| added to the growing figures. basis it was actually merged on H d T - 1 i Q d ! .
beyond Milton Grove passed a| In 1954 113 pedestrian fatalities June 1, 1955) and its subsidi aa irplets, Quads or Sandwich Bags Stewed Tomatoes Paper Napkins
sniall pond of water. The wife, | occurred in Pennsylvania under| ary, The Scranton Electric Com- k IIb : k
conscious of their frequent the 11 year. age group. | pany, accruing to the common Be n Ii 2 Pkg. 10° 2? ; 39 / pI. 23°
spats and quarrels said, “Pa,| Mr. Sipe remarked that while stock of Pennsylvania Power &| e Jilted : of 25 cans So of 80
look over yonder at that goose| parents, schools, police depart-| Light Company for the twelve) - . .
and gander a-gliding along the ments and the Pennsylvania] Toh da Aug. 31, 1955 Joined a Club or Junket Rennelt ‘3-Little Kittens Marcal
water so nice and peaceful.| State Police are working con-| Were $18,007,147, equivalent to i
Wouldn't it be wonderful if all| stantly for greater child safety| $3.05 per share of common B Powder Cat Food Paper Hankies
people could live so peaceable?”| on streets and highways there] Stock outstanding at such date, een Thrown Out of One | All c All 15-02. ¢ pkgs. c
Pa drove on in| are many problems yot unsolv-| 2% With $16,652,483 ~ Flavors 3 pkgs. 37 Fish cans 65 of 100 2% (
silence. ed. or $2.84 per share on the s: >
Just before 3 A . | pro forms onsoli Semel Had An Accident ? !
2 sunset, the coup-| One of the major problems, F ma consolidated basis F i H de
le passes the same pond onl is coping with the impulses of OF the twelve months ended eiso Marcal Tissue X0
their way home. There, silhou-| children and training them in August 31, 1954 | Got Engaged ? Detergent Shortening
eted by the setting sun, were a| safety precautions from pre- Pro forma consolidated reve-| Assorted rolls im.
goose and gander gliding along| school age thru adsolencence nues for the twelve months { large 5 Colors 28 94: \ Ye, 69
the water. “The only way to tackle this| ded August 31, 1955 were r 3 k gan Sar
y way) : gl 2 Aug L, 195: 4 pkg. .
“Pa,” said the wife, “look at| problem of unpredictable be- $119,364,732, an increase of 7.0 That S News. Please Tell Us So We 1
percent over the

the goose and gander, still real| havior in children, especially pro forma rev-| . ° | i
peaceable. Wouldn't it be won-| in crossing streets, is to urge| for the previous year. Can Print It and Tell Your Friends Instant : All Eight 0 clock
derful if people could live like| that motorists keep a sharp|. Fels Naptha Detergent Coffee \
that?” lookout and drive slowly thru 1st and enlist his cooperation in 10-Ib. pka. $2.45 24 |
“Ma,” said the farmer, “if| school and playground areas. | remembering his own safety 31 Fort 15 3 79 ig 39 > >$2 31 e719
you look a little closer, you'll| especially during the peak] | practices even if a child occas- | & oa. a 3 . bs

notice that ain't the same gan-| hours. of traffic in the morning ionally forgets them.

der!” and afternoon.’ “The + motorist; who always |
“While parents and teachers) expects the unexpected from | I I T Your Mo
2%} unt Joy A&P Stor
The most talked about wom-| are doing their best to teach Children and Who. drives sccord:| The BU E IN | ( a (ais Mela
an is she who leaves the club| children how to protect them.-| SY recognizes the problem |
meetings first. selves from accidents,” he said,| 1S doing his part to save TL P. M.
Mifflin County has a land ar-
ea of only 431
A WISE OWL/| ‘Statistics show we are not do-|
iis ing enough to insure the safety |
of our children. We must de-
pend, therefore on the motor-

square miles.
our children,” Mr. Sipe conclu-
| ded. “That drver will be able |
to avoid an accident
should a
! child forget.” 2

Phone 3-9661
