The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 06, 1955, Image 10

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Ee Thursday, October 6 I S estore
BULLER'S BEAUTY SALON Call Mt, Joy 3-4339 SIMON P. NISSLEY THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Po The Pennsy vania tory: See our large stock of gas heaters.
Main Street Florin, Pa Maude Buller, Prop. | MARY G. NISSLEY — :
OT SPRCIMS FUNERAL DIRECTORS CHIROPRACTORS | . n-Controlle enate | To have a room heated in a few seconds by a small
$5. Cold Waves & Machineless i $4.50 || 1 lula R p - t i : ‘
$8.00 Cold Waves & Machineless ................. $6.50 ont Joy. Pi, | ATTEND CONVENTION epubiica heater certainly is wonderiul good,
$10.00 Cold Waves & Machineless . ... $8.50 | Local Chiropractors will at- i ill. Th Xe
a 221 4 dle gas to get rid of chill. The
- — — — —— - ee | tond the 10th Annual. Convens Keeps spite In Session | So for comfort use botlle g g
" tion and Educationnl Sympos-. MTR an Ta more gas you use. the more you save.
Py RN va - I'VE BEEN UP \ | | ium of the Penna. Chiropractic By MASON DENISON
A 4 by A TREE EVER Society in Philadelphia, Penn- Pennsylvania News Service LORIN MAN FINED | WARD BOTTLE GAS
DOG DAZE ces ON the Taro: 7 SINCE THAT MUTT | Oct. 7. 5.9. They Harrisourg = ' Last week oF Phares Fitzpatrick, Florin, Hiding
STARTED ON | are Drs. A. W. Leonard, and C. awkward hassle between the| charged with drunkenness and | 4 HLA, 40-tfc
| H. Stites, Mt. Joy. They will House and Senate over wheth- { disorderly conduct at 6 p. mi
IA HY WASN'T be among approximately 600 er the House of Representatives | Saturday by Columbia Borough
vy THE oy Yan Chiropractors from throughout should be permitted to recess| police following a disturbance
N RED ROSE "SEEING-EYE" | the State of Pennsylvania who until early December while | in the market house, paid $10
MAKES CAT DOG? are expected to attend. [the august gentlemen of the up-| fine and costs at a hearing be-
1 1 ro dice 4 a ogee ran-
CHAGIN' EASY! ar | Convention speakers will in- per chamber remained in Ses-{ fore Jusiice of the Peace Gran
fine vy | clude Dr. W. A. Quigley, Direc-| sion—has far more to it than/ cis E. Gaus.
Seas una J ¥ tor of Mental Health, "Palmer, meets the eye. | oT fits ric
“2 | School of Chiropractic, Daven- When you come right down | FOOD AND RUMMAGE SALE
port, Iowa; Dr. R. N. Kissinger, to it there actually is little rea-| The Altar and Rosary Society
Roentgenolist, National College son why the House should not of the Assumption of the B. V.
| of Chropractic, Chicago, Illinois| have been permitted to go M. of Mount Joy will hold a
THEY MEAN BR Le | and Dr. L. J. Steinbach, Vice- home. Practically all of it's| rummage and food oe 0
{ “A Doe's LiFe? EGGS - = BY Fly ON = | president, Lincoln College of important legislative matters and 8 at the Florin Hal 2
BA THEY EAT GOOD | ACKLY! “lo YOUR EAR! . MY | Chiropractic, Indianapolis, Ind.|have been cleared up and some | a.m. Chicken corn soup wi e
| : 20 7774 MASTER | Among the issues expected to| 300-plus House passed bills are sold to take out.
SAVES be brought up for convention] NOW elngged up in Senate wind-| hs
cE oo! [ action will be whether Chiro- Pipes awaiting action by the 1 : I - |
IS | practors will to be included in| chamber. fa
lan the Federal Socicl Security However it isn't as simple ii pee
Mr! | Program, ratification of a that. inistroti i of 2 1 Ra
: a shange in the By-law of the] Democratic administration | 0- HE : ; RNA ; ;
DAY LONG WHEN 1 | : SCOR CALE te -dht ot AY IR
A 7 Lon veh 52 | Society in electing its District] forces control the ‘Hous that | VA ie. |
FORGET, RED RED ROSE! RED ROSE KEEPS MY | Directors, and the expansion of id when they can keep and Re . a 3 SE
0s $8 ~ COAT JUST PERFECT | its Public Relations plan. in line. On the other hand Re .
AND PROTEINS YANEED FOR SHOW BUSINESS! | Climaxing the State Society's Publicans have toenail- thn don FOR TOUR EVENING WEAR
7? Cs | Conventi ¥ : i op trol of the Senate—a combina- | aq THE
By ROW UP TOUGH vEP! AN’ I SIMPLY | Convention will be a dinner] ; To ; AT
aN AN Hugky! 5 Sn | dance in Philadelphia marking| tion emingve Alon any- | FUEL OIL HOME HEATER a Ae EXHIBIT WE ARE SHOWING
cs . 3 x thing | rotherly ve 5
7 ~ 7 REAL. BEEF | the end of Spinal Hygiene Week ting Sout 1 I y 9 House| WITH EXCLUSIVE ELECTRIC Al d Ski ;
ES 4 FLAVOR! which is being observed by the] Consequently when Sea ; . by : Sweaters an irts
1" Chiropractic Profession from Democrats proposed a recess SEE Lighter In the row Fall colors and styles.
Oct. 1 to Oct. % for the lower chamber — one | 1 -
ion house can't be out of sight of | tons
1 the other for more than three | HB 3 LY i 9
2{ THERE! I "We dd days without other’s consent — BR Va
Z ROW JUST DROWNED 8 ngs Republicans in control of the | Washable Slacks & oA )
2 a pen OF THOSE TWO Senate craftily slanted their; @ 47
EXTRA BONE-BUILDIN FLEAS THAT GOT i a at es ji ‘uci de. .
CALCIUM, THAT'S WHY 1 RAISE ALL LOST ON YOU i) STAUFFER — DOHNER eyes and allowed at first ass oolen Sweaters
“hin ON RED ROSE! LAST MONTH! The marriage of Miss Ellen[how that might just be pos- WV


Stauffer, daughter of Mr. and sible.
Mrs. Elam H. Stauffer, Mount, Well, when the showdown
Jov R2. to Victor F. Dohner, came last week on the question
son of Mrs. Paul J. Branugard,—formally, that is - Republi-
Conestoga R1. and the late Mc-/cans had somehow seen the
| Lester Dohner, took place Sat-|light, or at least a light of
a some sort, and announced that
S Rose

urday evening at 6 p. m. in 4
candlelight service in the just couldn't go along]
in Church of the Brethren. The| With any such shenanigans. No,
they wouldn't excuse the
$5698 io $1098
Register at our store for prizes to
awarded at Exhibit.
Rev. Henry Becker officiated
Following a wedding trip, the, House.
couple will reside on a farm at At that point some of the
RED TOP GRAIN & FEED CO. Inc. 81, Somgeratie re tue

® Gag : Te
R. O. HELLWIG, MGR. Clinton County has more than was Defiant Rouse Le —. ’ >»
7 tri st ; > rt S. Readinger that in the
0 9791 70 industrial establishments i Sil Niger 1m in Platinum nish,
MOUNT JOY, PENNA Phone 3-9 ssa within its borders. - PNS |teeth-gnashing spree that en-| We Have A Large Selection

Savi —_— HE NE NV Wren A | sued, had he had a set of store 'On ” $1 000 Down
teeth in his mouth instead of
his ows. chances are good ay @ EXCLUSIVE DUAL CHAMBER BURNEF
the membership would hav
[been showered with bits of por ® AUTOMATIC POWER-AIR BLOWER
Needless to say between the © WAIST-HIGH CONTROL DIAL
sly grins of Republicans and the
cloudy glares of Democrats, the] @ WASTE STOPPER AND HUMIDIFIER
| Legislative atmosphere last |
week, and this week too for Call, ( 3.5601
{that matter, has been anything]
| but rigorating. ( {
| De as ps ruckus over 0 my uv
SIZES 1. TO 3 - 3 TO 6X - 7 TO 14




Actually it looks like a
crats were somewhat unwitting-
ly caught in a political mouse-|
trap. This is why:
In the local elections this
fall and the important = State-|
National elections next year]
Republican stalwarts can point
with pride to the fact that they |
insisted that the Legislature]
stay in session to attend to it's!
business - while Democrats!
wanted to go home.
At the moment this point
|may seem somewhat
tant. what with all the seeming- |
ly good and plausible reasons
Democrats have to offer for
their recessing plan - but the
fact remains, tragically enough
perhaps, that when the chips
are down a year hence the el-
ectorate has the ugly habit of]
ignoring excuses or reasons, the
main point of concern revolving
only around the act or action
that actually took place.
It is typical though of the
constant juggling for position
that occurs day in and day out
here in the State Capital -
This Attractive Sign of Heavy Gauge Steel — teeth-gnashing and wailing not-

Beautiful Green Background With White Letters ESTATES SETTLED WHEN YOU BUY CO AL
tates settled in Lancaster Coun-
ty through Orphans Court last \ 7 heat-— thrifty heat—safe heat. Thousands of
Friday, three are of local in. Get blue coal ‘American families rely on this high-grade
1 ; terest. A total of $127.50 was anthracite for real heating economy with far
received from the estate of Miss “es and be less waste— far less attention to the furnace.
Alice N. Strickler, Mt. Jov R1 . Remember, don't be color-blind when you
by the Women’s : Soct oe : Don't just order coal... insist on ‘blue coal’! buy coal. Get ‘blue coal,’ the anthracite that's
p ClO or - yo: ie) .
? nly ‘blue coal’ is so good, it’s trade- ) all-fired good, it’s tinted blue. Cz ay!
| Christian Service of the Salunga Foz onl) £¢ lue. Call us today!
marked blue for your protection. This famous /
At The Methodist Church. Miss Strick- fuel is deep: -mined Ho the choicest mines in I i
ler died October 15, 1954 :at the “.“¢. the‘heart of Pennsylvahia.' Carefully’ graded \ ue 7. CO :
age of eighty. The total value and inspected from start to finish, ‘blue coal’ ; / ;
[of the Strickler estate was | gives you the clear full flame that means better AMERICA’S FINEST HARD COAL )
| Arthur D. Garber, Mount Joy
| Township, $26,286.81: and E.
| Lowell Sumpman, Mount Joy, PHONE Nz dor vem
| $1,173.41. Salada SOUTH MARKET STREET _ he mgt sain mt waver ad 2k 2 PENNA,

ci he Aaa She. aA A ost AA rn am pm,